3/4" Flux Core Welding with Back Gouge

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everyone welcome to walk calm I'm in Cub today I want to show you guys what I used to do basically was a module got sat inside the ground and cement went poured on top of it so today we're going to be showing up today I'm going to be showing you a partial joint penetration it's gonna be a single V groove on cover and still play 836 three-quarter inch steel plate total angle is going to be 60 degrees beveled 30 degrees on one side and 30 on the other side we're gonna be doing an oxy fuel cut that with bevel on an automation system the second thing we're gonna be doing a flux core well with it Oh 45 is gonna be the root and then we're gonna step it up to 116 so we get done real quick and move on that's going to be on at isaw of 205 we're gonna be doing that on then final is we're gonna be flipping it over and Jason's gonna be doing a back out because the reason we're doing a back ouch because it's gonna be shut all away we're gonna ever get penetration so redbeard's gonna back out jack then he's gonna flux core that out with oh 52 or 116 so let's get to it first we're gonna be basically prepping the plate with a torch oxy-fuel we're gonna be setting the torch at 30 degrees so that's how they get sixty degrees including angle 30 and 30 right here then we're gonna weld it up with flux core so I'm just gonna run up 45 for the first couple passes then I'm gonna step up to one sixteenth so I go bow it up weld it out pretty quickly then we're gonna flip over the plate and we're gonna do au groove back out like this says back out right here and here's your back out you can take a grinder carbon arc Goucher with the plasma today we're gonna be showing you how to deal with a carbon arc automation system so uh that's how we're going to do it then we would weld it up with a flux core and that's it guys so let's go ahead I'll show you how to prep out the material with oxy fuel so we're gonna be running a Ranger 225 that's gonna be powering ESOP to 85 over there never start a generator up with a cord plugged in because uh something could be on there and when you start it it's not gonna have enough power to start the machine and could eventually burn up the motor so first thing always makes it is unplug check your oil and check your gas next pull this out start it let it warm up you'll hear it calm down a little bit this is when I let it warm up I'll go get myself ready go get my tools out I want like that motor warm up because it might be negative thirty degrees out the reason you want to warm up because that viscosity of that oil is so today you want to send it up so it gets everything lubricated really good so let it warm up when you come back if you want to run on high I do always leave it on high idle so I'm flipping a high idle 100 on my equipment start off not like have a little delay to it and I plug this always stuff in and we're going to be riding off of all morning all right let's get to it all right we're cutting three quarter inch metal on the oxy filled tip I choose at tip number two I know tip number two is good to one inch because when we're cutting at an angle thirty degrees will that piece of that metals gonna get longer because we're cutting it so you do a 1 it's only good for 3/4 inch and I'm going to be bigger than 3/4 inch so my pressures are going to be 35 to 40 on your number 2 tip on offs of fuel then your acetylene is between 4 to 6 psi on the Victor ortíz and Victor's off the fuel tip so we're going to go ahead and jump into this show you show you how to cut this foot the most important step is plug your fame in and have a mixture you're cool and not staying overheated or nothing so my travel speed set to 14 so I'm going to go ahead and light this we're I'm gonna put my gloves on first see how it gaps out right there so like back I closed my sewing down a little bit great work so I know that's my max on my tip then I opened my oxygen up now go to a neutral flame then I then I do my Austin's yet see how it got not do so anymore so you want to grab your oxygen and just that all right there relax it that's it all right we're going to bring it to the edge of the metal right here all right so I like my distance on my tones to the base metal so I'm good I'm going to leave it just like that so we're going to look right here very closely we want to wait and let that meadow warm up a little bit we want to get cherry orange it's almost there then we're going to go ahead and hit this oxygen jet the main thing is make sure you're looking down here you're going all the way through make sure you've got sparks coming down the bottom and make sure you're not touching right here your tones are not touching that place make sure there's no gas a lot towards right here nothing got you got something to protecting the cement make sure your cords are not in that stuff right here once it starts moving you got paid tense of that stuff you can see that moisture coming out of the plate see it right here we could have a wick did some dry passes with this lit to warm up the plate get all that moisture out it will even cut a little bit better all right I'm just setting this on here and we want to look through and make sure there's no gap and tighten this up and we gotta be 30 degrees so be 90 100 120 so that's 30 degrees away from 90 so 120 so we're good that came out perfect good clean-cut we don't have no gouges in this this is a good example of a perfect cut not to brag but we're not overheating our metal if you see it here on the top partner is no overheating like it was the edge of the top of the plate we'll just roll over and it'd be melted a little bit we weren't running too slow we want to have a massive amount of dross in here or anything semion camera guys gonna let this plate off we're gonna put this plate and put it over here on these angles then when we just throw our other plate up here cut the same thing then we'll go ahead and clean up with a grinder so you see here there's a little gap right here it's about a quarter-inch so there's a couple reason that happens well metal moves all the time and sometimes you can't clamp stuff down it's tough it's gonna bow on you stuff is going get move on you the track moved on me when I was cutting in the middle it came it moved a little bit but I'm gonna show you how to fix it the remedy so this is normal it will happen to you so I'm going to show you how to fix it hey Halpert come here I've got a job for you yeah what's up what's up boss guess what it's your time to shine buddy this again so you want to basically bring each end back or touching you want to bring them back and grind them grind them back a little bit grind this one back eighth inch grind that one back eighth inch if you want to you could jump on that side and do the same thing then we just keep checking it until I'll get about eighth inch away then I'll just keep checking and we're gonna just keep trying it over and over see how it reduced it already but a little bit so if you were not good at it yeah you basically mark so we're touching right here for sure and we're getting tight right here so we're gonna back this grind up to about right here we're gonna continue grinding this out right here all right so let's go ahead and pack with that put another five more minutes then we're good alright I'm just walking up to this machine okay I pray amorous I'm running Oh forty five seven thirty wire so that's flux core what 7525 so I'm gonna set my bolts at about twenty five point five so I'm gonna go ahead and set my bolts might tweak it up and down a little bit probably tweak it up more up than my wire feed speed I like to run about 275 to 300 well keep it around 280 for now everything else I like so we're gonna go ahead and back the machine and make sure our gas is hooked up right so let's go ahead and take a look all right I've got a little quick disconnect here these are nice because we're always changing gas on the shop so okay go over here and find out which ones Megan takes oh that one's big push this in there block this one down alright I'm gonna turn our gas on turn it on all the way there's a double seat here you've gotta open it all the way and I run about 45 CFH so you want to pull the trigger or hit your purge button and watch your regular to go up to cfh actually these new ones are nice so you just stay here and actually just go like this oh you gotta put that on better than that keep on rollin alright let's do this again we're gonna set this at 45 CFR gases right argon 75 and a covered you outside 25 because that's what the recommendation is for this wire alright we're going to tack it here on this side when we walk down or attack it we're gonna flip it over and then we're gonna get our clamps and start pulling her together and get that three sixteenths quarter inch gap out don't look down here we're looking right here see how we got this gap ac closed up so we're going to we're gonna put probably attack right here and put a little party another attack right here so I'm gonna put a big fat tax right here let that cool down a little bit for you release your clamp alright not to bore you guys I'm gonna go ahead and just do this all the way down then I'll show you guys the after so we got the gap out guys I didn't leave no mistakes out or nothing I hide nothing off-camera this is how you fit a piece of metal together and get your mistakes out so I like to leave everything on camera so you guys can see it and learn from my mistakes all right so our next step is before we call the inspector over when you get rid of that spatter BB's and everything and feather our taxon if you have a crack tack or broken tack got grind that tack out completely before you call your inspector over I like switching over to this then will it's a pipeline or wire because it's I can get in here pretty good and get these babies off so it's all looking good we're almost ill last up guys where I go inside hook up with Jason he's drawn up the strong backs if you don't know the strong backs are stick around and we're gonna show you Jason just cut these throwing backs out Jason Redbeard tell the audience were strong back so essentially what a strong back is it's a piece of material we cut it out almost them to a like a horseshoe type fashion and what that allows us to do is we're gonna weld this to the backside of that weld so it doesn't turn into a banana while we're welding it so obviously if we have longer sheets longer sections we wouldn't have to put strong backs in there list since we're replicating a much wider area we want to keep it from curling over so as you start welding on that piece it's going to want it the heats gonna want to or the materials going to want to follow the heat so it's gonna just gonna start rolling up you know especially when you start putting multi passes in there well these on the backside I figure every couple of foot we have four of them that should keep it from curling up so awesome it's good tack moaner [Music] so I'm running oh four or five we're getting it all set up and basically doing a dry run all the way down I pulled measurements here that got me pretty close but the dry run and keeping your wire and build a joint it's gonna be the best way so I'm doing a little side-to-side pause on the side of the bevel for about one second and we're just gonna do like a little like a little weave like a z weave and just keep running back and forth all the way to a to the end of the joint then we're going to jump up to one sixteenth we want that big wire to get done fast we want to be spinning all day on this joint so let's go ahead and get it done [Applause] [Music] all right let's see how it turned out so we're gonna go ahead and just water will this alright so we got this first pass then we're gonna switch over to 1/16 so we get moving moving faster so 730 select arc 75 25 still the same stuff we're just gonna up our votes and up our amps because we're running a bigger sized wire so hopefully we get one more pass in to flush flush then another pass will give us two eighth or less and that's what we want and so let's go ahead and do the change out all right we got the wire finally switched over to 1/16 we kind of messed around a little bit it went from light to dark you notice so let's get going all right let's go in way old [Applause] we're out here welding a little bit here's the crew over that there's everybody right there doing a little automation welding [Music] it's purring like kitten it's doing good really good purr and good all right I think I'm gonna use the restroom guys go make me some coffee every morning 6:00 a.m. just like forth they always do buy one get whiz it half off on your coffees it's watching itself it's all good I told camera guy earlier is like man we need put Redbeard this side facing like this side so we could see the scene and everything so we want that good looking guy over there facing you know I mean it's got the YouTube I know hey that's a good-looking wart right there man that's a good-looking guy [Applause] nothing nice it'd be you guys will see the results after this is done perfect I just had to speed it up a little bit because we went from that low spot we remember that little spot we did that transition so how to speed it up a little bit because it's flushing out a little bit that's it good easy money [Music] what job okay let's try and scare you guys that's it that's what you call a golden norm right there alright that's our last fill pass we're ready for the cab we're gonna chip it off call the inspector over he's go look at this look at it with a flashlight then we'll go ahead and do the last pass hi Mike looks good for about a 16 inch below the surface so we should go throw one more pass on there wasn't a big gap all right let's cap this baby out camera guys been waiting all day [Music] [Applause] she's so pretty back here look at that snake feel [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're going to check this out so let's see what this bad boy looks like oh my god that is one sexy man that is one sexy we'll all right I said on my part JC's is going to take over he's going to flip over the plate he's going to show you how to remove the strong backs then he's gonna back out and show you guys back ouch it was joining two carbons a half-inch and that's it then he's gonna weld it up and that's it on my part he's gonna close it out and I'll turn you over to the master Jason Becker [Music] [Music] alright guys it's day two so Mike welded everything out last night we're gonna go ahead this over knock the dogs off and get this thing put up or prepped and set up to run carbonara gouging so we're actually gonna use a mechanized or automated art gouging process we're gonna use some 5/8 carbon and we're gonna use this DC 1000 because we're gonna be hitting about a thousand to 1100 amps so just go ahead get this thing flipped over and get it set up hey cameraman come on in here so you guys can actually see the penetration that we got in here okay so what we're gonna do is it's not a hundred percent all the way through we've got it in some spots but just not others so we're gonna go ahead that's what we're gonna take that back ouch and we're just gonna clean that down to sound metal to where we've got a good even profile and it'll be able to fill this up and then when we do the cutting edge we'll be able to actually show you the weld profile on the inside and and where the two welds are gonna overlap from one side of the other all right so we got everything set up we're gonna go ahead and get ready to run that before we get into that I kind of wanted to show you how these exactly work this is called jointed carbon electrodes so jointed meaning I can actually stack these so as the as the machine is going down the track I can stack additional pieces and just continue on one after another so it's a continuous feeding process so as long as you have enough track and rods you can just keep running this right down the seam I mean here we're only using the 8 foot stick but if you had 20 30 feet you had to go you wouldn't have any problem doing that he just the operators just gonna continuously stack these in here so we'll go ahead fire everything up and just a smart gouging we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna run about 850 amps probable bit hot maybe a little bit higher we're gonna be using the DC 1000 again so thanks again two ready arc for hooking us up with this this piece of equipment as well as a generator to run it so let's go ahead we'll fire everything up and we'll get to it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we got the groove all gouged out the next thing I want to do is I'm gonna break everything down get it out of my way I'm gonna take and clean up all the dross that's on here and then I want to go to the grinder I'm plugging use a pipe liner because I can use that on the edge let me use the the Wyler pipe liner and just clean that groove out I want to clean up any carbon deposits because if I weld over it as is you know even after I clean it up a little bit without a grinder I'm gonna get hard little bones in that area so anytime you do carbon art settings you want to make sure to clean it up with a grinder get rid of the carbon deposits before you well because hard brittle zones is something we don't want in our material so we'll go ahead and get this cleaned up and set up the bug oh and then we'll go ahead weld it out all right so we set the Machine up on the pendant we actually set the depth for eight inch because uh you know when Michael Risley wallet out of his knife edge we didn't have to penetrate too far into it to get to the the previous weld so we're back down to sound metal I just want to see how accurate that piece of equipment is so I'm right at 1/8 it's just the the our care folk said that it's accurate within 20 thousands of an inch so that's pretty damn close for Senator they thinks we got just what we were looking for I got the surface cleaned up now what I'm going to do is just go through and clean out the root just a little bit not to get deeper penetration into it but to just clean out the carbon deposits that are in there as well as I had a misfire back here due to operator error I'm going to clean that up and just kind of match that depth same thing at the the front you know I've never run this system before so it's kind of a learning curve for me but I mean aside from the two hiccups I had there it ran pretty clean ran pretty true it's very simple to operate so I'm gonna go ahead and clean that stuff up real quick all right so for this we're going to use the the 1/16 diameter select arc 730 wire running about three hundred and fourteen inches a minute 25 27 and a half bolt and we're gonna try and do this in about two passes alright so under the hood it looked like it laid in there pretty well let's go ahead and take the slag off and see we got underneath you know that pythons are illegal in Florida alright she looks good let's see if she'll dance so bum flush but less than 8 so I'm about 16th of an inch so lay it in there nice and smooth good weld overall we're gonna go ahead and cut a section of it out do a cutting edge and then show you the results [Music] all right so as you can see this is the original V right here and then here's the where the gouging occurred and here's the final pass sorry here's the final pass of that cap so you can actually see the two different bead profiles we got 100% weld penetration in here under present joint penetration looks to me that the were off just a little bit from our centerline but overall we got full penetration through the joint everything is solid we do have a small slag inclusion right here in this area but if I was to whip out the codebook I would say that would be within specs for this small area right here you're allowed a little bit of tolerance in that so overall that's pretty much how the process is performed doing a back out with carbon arc on an automated system anyway and then following that up with a automated weld track all right guys so hopefully you were able to learn a little bit about the automated carbon arc gouging process as well as doing different types of bevels on joints and still coming up with a complete joint penetration in the end learn a little bit for some of you that haven't seen it before about how the the process works to do a cut and etch hope you guys enjoyed the video hope you learn something along the way remember if you guys have a video request something you're having problems with go ahead and drop it down in the comment section or hit us up on the website weld comm imagine that appreciate you guys watching don't forget to Like and subscribe and until next time make it well better than your last
Channel: Weld.com
Views: 923,511
Rating: 4.7685595 out of 5
Keywords: flux core welding, welding, weld.com, mig monday, tig time, how to weld, learn how to weld, flux core, welddotcom, welding and fabrication, welding education, Welding resources
Id: UfhCpo2Zbe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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