10+ EPIC Sniper Build Tips & Tricks | Best Loadout for Automatons in Helldivers 2

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this sniper sickle jetpack combination is absolutely ruthless when playing against filthy oil selling automatons with some wellplayed shots it can make short work of Hulks Striders and perhaps most importantly Devastators as we discuss this load out I will break down exactly how you can set yourself up to be your teammate Savior and point man in a variety of situations get the all whilst being able to position yourself offensively and defensively with arguably of the most underrated strategems in the game so without any further Ado let's get into it your role with this build is very simple neutralize any heavy threats as an absolute priority preferably when they are as far away from you and your team as possible the antim rifle or AMR as it is affectionately known is our main focus in this load out it can dispose of any automaton unit highly effectively if you know where you need to aim Striders need a wellplayed shot to the leg joint to send them crashing to the ground don't bother wasting your time aiming at the front panel or trying to shoot the top of the bot's head the AMR is ineffective in this if you are good at hitting the leg joint you can easily take out groups of these swiftly this is all well and good but where this weapon truly shines is when handling the most scary opposition in the automaton Arsenal equip this weapon and you become an instant Nemesis to Hulks and your team will love you for it two shots to the red eyee slot and this weapon will destroy a Hulk now that is easier said than done especially depending on which angle you're firing from at the eye or how quickly the Hulk is traveling so if the Hulk is running you'll have a much harder time as the eye moves around a lot so to alleviate this issue there are a number of choices here using stung grenades when the Hulk is close enough is a great way to line up some simple easy shots this is of course not always possible so instead you can also shoot the Hulk's legs it takes around five or six shots with the AMR and this heavily reduces its mobility and not only makes matters easier for you when you're shooting at the Hulk it also takes that fair Factor away from your teammates as well you can also use this same approach with the Hulk weapon if you want to remove that ridiculously scary and annoying flamethrower out of the equation when fighting them I personally just shoot at the eye and have spent a lot of time practicing getting better at this and I think it is probably the most efficient approach to handle hulks overall the AMR also makes incredibly short work of all three types of Devastator if you can Land Two wellplayed Shots on the weak spot so the head and the backpack on the machine gun wielding ones this makes absolute mince me of them this weapon is an S tier choice in automaton missions don't get it mistaken the rate of fire and the frequency in which you can deal with Devastators makes you invaluable to your team an absolute savior if you will and we haven't even started discussing strategems or other aspects of this build coming up shortly gunships can be dealt with in five to six shots on the engine and whilst there are better weapons out there to handle them more effici efficiently I'm looking at you LZ Cannon I do feel that having the ability to deal with them from very far away is a humongous bonus that you should not sleep on especially when there are a few of them on the battlefield in terms of weak spots on mortars anti-air cannons tanks the AMR can take care of them in around 5 to seven hits making this weapon again absolutely fantastic for pushing automaton armor and when combining this with the maneuverability we're going to cover later in this video you're probably starting to see why the AMR is such a great pick for Bots particularly after the recent patch and the upgrade to the damage now if that already wasn't enough perhaps one of the most exciting things about this weapon is that it can take on the newest addition to the bot Army the factory Strider and folks this does serious work against this enemy let me tell you provided you can get close enough to see its underc Carriage you can take these down surprisingly quickly first up two wellplayed shots on each of the front Gatling turrets will be enough to take those down and this tends to be the main threat when pushing them followed up by stun locking any devastate as it has dropped with our grenade of choice which is of course the stun grenade which will allow us in part to get close enough with the AMR to completely empty the magazine into it the footage that you're watching now is me bringing down a factory Strider after it's already taken a bit of damage however with that being said I put around a MAG and a half into one the other day and then followed that up with an air strike before jet packing away very cool and this brought one down from full health you could also try and shoot the eye at the front but this really is not as efficient as this technique that I've just explained next up the sickle and this is the ultimate pairing to go with the AMR in my opinion this is absolutely gamechanging when paired with the AMR for a number of reasons the sickle excels at ripping through lighter enemies and can even contribute to dealing with Devastators and weak spots on the back of hulks because it's a heat based weapon you can play the sickle without spending a single reload if you manage this mechanic efficiently makes a very fluid play style in which you can swap between the AMR and the sickle based on what you have in front of you just rip through a group of Striders and Devastators with the rifle and now you're scratching your head cuz you're out of ammo and need to clear a group of regular Bots absolutely no problem just switch to the sickle and watch them fold switch back reload the rifle rinse repeat this pattern this weapon performs incredibly well in those situations that require you to push outposts with a lot of lighter enemies in there pick off the Heavies and then push in using the sickle in the jetpack complement this further by using the revolver which feels like it further extends the swashbuckling approach you can take with this build and perhaps most importantly it looks really cool when you whip out the pistol and nail a group without missing a shot the jump pack which is the icing on the cake for this build again excels against automatons and I would say it excels in any situation including bugs to be honest folks I feel like the jetpack is really slept on and I see a lot of people now just starting to wake up to this and to be fair that's me included it allows us to assault mission objectives aggressively or stealthily we can ignore walls and get to consoles to turn off Jammers or find angles to push into AA and motor in placements it's absolutely fantastic when paired with the AMR because it allows us to set up offensively and defensively for incoming waves of enemies I find that players slightly away from the main unit and setting up flanking positions allows you to get into places that make it incredibly useful to neutralize Columns of heavy armored enemies and create a sort of Crossfire situation that completely melts your opposition it's also fantastic when retreating or when you find yourself in a pinch and you need to zip away quickly just Retreat from the threat and reposition to increase your survivability tenfold and then once you get into this mindset of always being able to create as much space between yourself and the Bots as possible you'll start to notice that not only your life expectancy dramatically increases but so too does your impact on the game the more you can see the further away from danger you are the more you can deal with and the more active you can be get set up on elevated areas when you're about to do a large or important push and if you find yourself being overwhelmed by incoming Firepower lay down this drastically increases your survivability again and your ability to get your shots away I'll go over some further jetpack tips further to the end of the video in the general play style section before I jump into the stratum choices it would be hugely appreciated if you could drop the video a like and smash a subscribe button it feeds the algorithm and it really helps me out but my strategy choice is I'm going to keep this very simple folks I choose to use the orbital air burst I think this is incredibly underrated against bots and you might be scratching your head thinking why are you picking the orbital air burst over other choices well it makes incredibly short work of packs of Devastators and Striders and turns a frightening presence into a lone whimpering Hulk which you can quickly deal with with some well-placed AMR shots or following it up with our next stratum of choice the eagle air strike this air strike gives us the capability to deal with tanks and hulks along with contributing to destroying Cannon turrets Fabricators and such like I find that using this strategy combination in unison with stun grenades really allows you to lean into the shock and all style of gameplay that this load out is so effective at providing against bots you can of course swap these out for things like orbital laser and 500 kg bomb those more meta cookie cutter picks but I just find having the air burst in the air strike is much more suited to the highly mobile and Punchy play style other aspects of this setup provide and I'll be honest again folks I'm getting a little bit bored of playing the same things which is why this load out is a little bit different from the usual ones that you're seeing I'm trying to look at loadouts in a bit more of a fresh way moving forwards I also want to point out the Merit of taking an orbital and an eagle and using them side by side having that eagle and that orbital working in tandem together can make some really deadly combinations if you have an orbital that's on a 2-minute cool down like air burst you can rely on that being there every single two minutes all too often I find myself with a double eagle setup or a triple Eagle setup finding myself not able to use the ones that I want to use because I haven't sent them for a rearm and I haven't used the other ones yet to send it off for a rearm if I've already used one you can probably see where I'm going here folks it just makes the play style feel that little bit more fluid and you are reliably able to call on that airburst every 2 minutes and once you've used all your air strikes they're back with the stratums out of the way here is a quick breakdown of some general play style tips which I find particularly useful to keep in mind while smashing oil swilling filthy Bots your roll within this build is very simple focus on eliminating heavy armored threats quickly and efficiently to diminish the threat posed to your squadmates avoid opening on groups and try to position yourself in a way that allows you to rip into enemies watch your squad mates take the aggro this is of course Very idealistic and it will not always happen but it's a good thing to strive for I find that the more I play this build the better I get at judging if I can handle a group on my own or not and if the answer is yes then go for it wipe out a group it's only going to help the battle in in the long run but just be careful you can get caught flat footed if you bite off more than you can chew if you're attacking fortifications get a vantage point use that jetp pack that you've taken get up on something high and knock out any heavy threats before they have a chance to get to you this makes pushing heavy fortification so much easier and thinning out the threat makes life easier for everyone you know those AA and motar in placements well they're your responsibility you see them make the call out and move in as quickly as possible and make sure you ask for backup the same goes for gunship factories use the jetpack to your advantage again here folks get in drop the hell bomb get out decisive and devastating action is what the jetpack allows for so make sure you are using it and don't leave those gunship factories up folks they are a nightmare on the topic of jetpacks use it defensively as much as you can always be thinking and scanning for places you can reposition to be safe and effective it is worth mentioning that the armor you wear impacts the overall efficiency in terms of the distance the jump pack can cover essentially the faster your top running speed is the further you can travel I tend to find myself using light armor for this reason but that is just personal preference the choice here is totally yours also make sure that you get Savvy when you use the jetpack it can get you killed if you are careless for example don't use the jetpack charge to get into an aggressive position that could potentially require Retreat rather walk to that position then use the jetpack to remove yourself from the dangerous situation if it's required folks also finally on the jetpack look for little rocks and things like that that will give you a little bit more elevation it just gives you that little bit of an edge and that could be the difference between making a jump onto a high cliff or failing and being useless get comfortable with switching between the AMR sickle and revolver when you are jumping use the opportunity when you're in the air or just before it to make the decision based on what you see in front of you try to see the revolver as an extension to your sickle ammo don't let the sickle overheat and switch to the revolver to finish the job it'll be cool enough to use again once you've emptied the revolver if you think I've missed any pointers that would be helpful I'd love to hear them so please do sound off in the comments below and if you're looking for a breakdown of tips and tricks for Sentry turrets this next video has got you covered take care of yourselves keep having fun and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: PhaseShifter
Views: 34,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 amr build, helldivers 2 amr, helldivers 2 sniper build, helldivers 2 best sniper loadout, helldivers 2 sniper, helldivers 2 anti material rifle, helldivers 2 best loadout, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 best stratagems, flamethrower helldivers 2, helldivers 2 best automaton loadout, helldivers 2 hulk weakness, helldivers 2 hulk trophy, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 beginners guide, helldivers 2 jetpack, helldivers 2 build, helldivers 2 loadout
Id: CGUsq_SXgpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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