How to takeoff and land a Cirrus SR22

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all right we are now in the cockpit and this is the primary flight display here your airspeed is right here it's flak because there's no speed we're not moving altitude is right here and we'll be climbing up to 1,000 feet for today's training purposes we'll just be in the traffic pattern for landing so this is your stick right here and you've got your electric trim we use the electric trim follow might just look at my thumb we're going to click forward three clicks so click click click his nose down go ahead and try that bit and then click back three clicks perfect all right and so we'll get it for takeoff setting right there we also have left and right go ahead and give it a click to the left and left one to the right all right and so we're going to use that it's using four instead of a trim wheel it's an electric trim and that will help us fly the aircraft you want to have a nice light touch so you don't want to you know grip it real hard a lot of times you can just fly with two or three fingers as long as it's trimmed properly okay we have the throttle right here we have the throttle quadrant right here for takeoff will be going to max power just imagine a raw egg in front of the throttle we don't want to jam it forward and crack the egg it's just a nice smooth transition all the way to full power we have our engine instruments right here this is our RPM gauge and I'll be monitoring pressures temperatures and so forth we also have a moving map display and for today's purposes we're just going to stay in the traffic pattern once again a nice close look here we're about fifty feet above sea level at the moment that's a reminder window this is our vertical speed indicator for today's purposes we're not going to be needing that when we take off we'll be at 70 knots you'll be pulling back on the stick about a half an inch why don't you practice that right now just pull back about a half an inch right about there that's perfect that will get us up to just about ten degrees of pitch if you hear me say the words push push just kind of push forward we want to keep that yellow triangle just below the 10 degree bar okay at for cruise power later we'll be going at 60% and for traffic pattern purposes we'll be going to 25% the nice thing about the Cirrus is we can use the rule of thumb of 25% for approaches and not really have to touch the throttle so a nice calm winds like we have today that's what we'll be doing and a lot of you have never spoken to air traffic control before and it's not dating whatsoever we have a cue card that we're going to be using for that and it's this little black button this PPT push-to-talk button and we'll be using that the red button is to disconnect the autopilot so we're not going to be using the autopilot today okay so we're going to come up here and go ahead and we're on ground frequency and go ahead and call ground up Brown this is serious seven seven nine Lima Bravo on the east ramp for runway to their sense of none we brought my tear holes for own way to echo Roger hold short runway to an echo here seven seven nine minutes NEMA Bravo all right other aircraft Ontario will be taxing along the yellow line and again I'll be doing the tax thank you very to clear land but those who like to taxi and detect it before it's just a light toe brakes brakes at the very top of the rudder pedals and we taxi at a kind of a jogging pace so we're just going to add a little bit of power retract the flaps at 500 feet at 500 feet you're going to hear me say caps and flaps and what that means is caps is the parachute system is now active which is the red are above us and then flaps will be retracted and those will dip a little bit and you'll just adjust the trim one click back to kind of keep it nice and level we'll be climbing up to a thousand feet we're going to flip to tower frequency and looks like we have good timing so go ahead and mount our the sister is seven seven nine Lima Bravo ready to take off they're suddenly problem with three different six front way to add echoes lipstick off in a red clothes type runway two cleared for takeoff seven seven nine Lima Bravo all right very good one hand on the throttle here we're going to get lined up in the runway the mixture is rich takeoff settings are ready and complete and we do have one guy in on approach so ugly okay yeah start applying full power power no aircraft doesn't need a whole lot of right rudder so all the way for it keep it gone far as it'll go okay airspeed is alive we're waiting for 70 knots okay ii haven't yet pullback half an inch on stick there you go and very nice yeah just under 10 degrees 5 degrees is beautiful that's great all right now we'll be staying at the pattern and we'll be turning our crosswind 500 feet captain flaps go ahead and we can put the flaps up just flick it up and nose down a little bit there you go good very nice all right okay yeah just adds just a little bit of power so that when it will first load turn it all right we're going to go ahead and put in half laps rate clicks forward on your trim entry for the spheres turning a half mile right base runway to 8-under before I how are you can turn face any time if you want this night let's get our full flaps in early so full flaps three clicks forward and start your base 13 base I'm sorry turn left cross the runways traffic quarter mile north of the house metal foot sound Orange Coast Guard Dolphin helicopter and a cirrus on a half mile ride base runway two left turn we got you don't Venus I look for the Sirius and I just all right four six five seven eight I did we're gonna aim for those two white stripes looking good now a lot of folks say well how do I know I'm aiming at the right striker just imagine a machine gun on the nose of the aircraft and you're shooting those stripes that I know you're aiming properly all right speed looks good we're tiny bit fast so just bring back and powered about 20% there you go a little bit on the high side looking good nice directly down the runway the winds are calm there you go good neighbor the contractor probably report the Coast Guard has you back and verify I did 910 all right and let's go power to idle good just hold that attitude all right now start pulling on the nose po po po po po po po po po po po po po po po po po po that's it little bit more there you go right there hold it right there hold it right there there you go that's what I'm looking for all right so now what we want to do B is a 85 on short final 80 over the fence looking good aiming for the white stripes nicely down the center line and the flare folks is just a nice smooth motion just a few degrees above the horizon I want that nose just a couple degrees of the rest all right and bring the power all the way back your runaway 329th right now there you go watch out our mobile run pull pull pull hold it right there and pull pull pull right there Oh pop Oh pop Oh there you go ho po po po okay very good
Channel: In the Left Seat
Views: 116,944
Rating: 4.8538814 out of 5
Keywords: Maui Flight Academy, Cirrus SR22, Flight Instruction on takeoff and landing, cirrus flight training, laurence balter, Laurence Balter Maui, Flight School Maui, Aircraft Rental Maui, private pilot ground school, IFR ground school, Instrument Rating, Cirrus Aircraft, How to fly a plane, How to takeoff, How to land a plane, csip, cirrus aircraft, best flight school, online ground school, learn to fly online, how to be a pilot, pilot career, Private Pilot License
Id: cuWGPiX6eJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2016
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