Aussie Coin Pusher EP 54

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[Music] g'day jason from isaac coin pusher here so um this is the game that i was talking about with the silver half dollars or 50 cent pieces up on top shelf i don't know look nice beautiful all right so i have uh 500 right here so um 100 coins there's about five hundred dollars in the bottom deck so even if i don't get anything from the top and i really really hope i do but if i don't i'm hoping to get my money back it's gonna be tight [Music] that is what gambling is all about taking risks [Music] [Music] oh hell so i've done it again um as i was flat idiot as i was pulling them out i'm thinking oh man i did so good whoa but then yeah and then i realized oh okay yeah i actually had uh 500 dollars not 250. so yeah definitely don't think we lost any yeah i'm just not used to playing with this amount [Music] hey oh no oh i stuffed it look at the left hand side top tray [Music] ah no don't put any more in it all right i've really got to stay away from that [Music] [Applause] look i nearly got two of them i just slid straight back [Music] oh [Music] oh that's a bit of a pain in the butt [Music] oh it's so close so close i nearly got that off there's two of them pretty close to the edge so i'm just gonna wait for the pendulum to hit the middle again just pound the middle part they've slid back on i got one coin left [Music] [Music] anymore all right let's go tell it up see what we got [Music] okay 20 bucks that's a start pop that up there somewhere coins yeah we're doing really really good on coins there's like 140 coins in there [Applause] as you can see that has not cleared itself [Music] boy [Music] oh don't put any more [Music] [Music] uh looks like i gotta go again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh i forgot [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Laughter] doesn't matter we've got to get dave anyway [Music] so [Music] oops forgot again [Music] alright that was all oh wow so i've completely stuffed up the top i'm gonna have to go and get in this that way any of that's gonna clear on its own so um and then i'll tell you everything up we're back in a minute all right um i've got to be really really careful um there's 65 bucks just there so basically what happened was i started walking he was talking to his missus up at the bar um and i was walking up to him and rose saw me obviously walking over and she was looking at me and dave turns around and goes chase really again i said mate three times so he comes over and looks at it he's shaking his head he's gone i'm not gonna say exactly what he said um but yeah it was uh it's pretty funny it goes right every time i got to come clean this machine out he said from now on i i i have to buy him a beer of his choice now i know the bourbons are seven bucks so all he is you could say to be right i want a bourbon it's going to cost me seven bucks to clean this machine out so [Music] i mean i could have very easily said to him that's just part of the service you know you got to clean the machine out it's just what it is but hey i'm all in for the fun so if it cost me seven bucks for them to clean the machine out then so i just need to be a bit more careful so two coins from now on [Music] oh no i just dropped three oh one got stuck up there that was lucky [Music] well there goes 30 bucks [Applause] [Music] oh there's one right in there about come off [Music] now i'm actually just going to wait until it hits all the way to the left i'm just going to smash it hope i don't block it up they're all stuck at the top [Music] well drift is now gone back down again [Music] so i'm going to blame the machine on that one oh [Music] [Music] oh it's all fallen down there [Music] i can't keep track of it [Music] oh that 50's about to go oh yeah oh yeah what a bloody ripper game there's my last coin oh thank you all right let's tell you it up see what we got bloody machine oh look out now i'm gonna drop everything 160 bucks so 160 puts a nice big hole in the deficit i'll tell you that [Applause] all right it's going to take me a little while to sort this out [Applause] okay coins yeah we're doing really really good on coins eh it's got to be 150 coins in there easily probably more okay i wanna i'm gonna target mostly to the left right now [Music] oh there's a coin coin towards the right about to come off i'm gonna see if i can get rid of that off did it come off oh yeah [Music] oh there's one early in the middle about to come off [Music] another 100 bucks [Music] i'm trying to be so careful not to double stack i'm just not putting them in the right place i mean to get them all jammed up i don't want to get the machine jammed up again i really don't i just can't put them in fast enough not as fast as i want to put them in [Music] oh [Music] come on coming out if i don't stick another coin on top of that there's a good chance that'll free itself but hey good luck with that [Music] so [Music] oh that was lucky i nearly did it nearly stuffed it all up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh no now i've gone and done it [Music] [Music] [Music] i reckon i can get some of those 50s off on the left-hand side if that wasn't all blocked up [Music] all right that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got 150 bucks [Music] okay so let me tell you what's what's happening right now um coins yeah probably still about 150 coins there so i just walked over to dave and he just looked at me i said look mate i said i don't know what you've done to the machine um i said but whatever you've done to it i said you must have lowered that thing down i said because coins are just getting stuck in there fast and he asked me he said well why are you putting your coins in so fast i says the only way to get stuff off the top tray uh i said you need to go fast to get them off the top tray you know you need to double stack sometimes triple stake even quadruple stack if you really need to get them off and i said whatever you've done i said you've changed something i said but it's not a good change i suggest maybe taking a look at the machine and maybe fixing that issue i said leave it for now i said it's not a big problem to me uh i said but probably in the next 10 or 15 minutes can you come over and have a look so that's what he's gonna do um he did apologize he he said he just loves tinkering with things now i can totally understand that because i love pulling things apart too the problem is i never know how to put them back together again i got a lawn mower that's in about 30 000 bits so in about 15 or so minutes hopefully it's going to come back around clear that for me whether he's gonna fix it or not i don't know i've got no idea what he's gonna do but anyway that's um that's where we're at right now so [Music] so [Music] heaps of coins [Music] so we've got 240 plus that silver that there's the silver salt keep an eye on him [Applause] [Music] you know what um if i break even basically break even with one silver then that is so worth it to me that would just make my day [Music] oh bugger well i suppose if i'm going to stuff it up i might do a good job of it [Music] [Music] aha really out of all the places that could have fallen oh yeah he's got to come back and fix whatever he's done this is start to really annoy me this is ridiculous i'm not happy with this yeah i can't play this um i'm gonna hold on to these all i'm doing is just shoving them up there um so i'm gonna go and grab him he can come back um clear this out again hopefully i'm gonna i'm actually gonna ask him to fix it so uh because i just don't want to play this machine when it's like this um i'll be back in a minute okay so that's what i'm left with still i haven't put these in the machine yet um so dave came and cleared this out and he basically lifted that whole thing up and it took him like two seconds so so that back thing there you can see it it's been raised up quite a fair bit too so he must have lowered that down a long way so um anyway he didn't realize that i put in so many coins so fast to get the stuff off the top so he knows now so i've got no idea how this is going to play all i can do is just throw them in and find out [Music] [Music] yeah it seems to be okay all right well that was all my coins so let's [Music] thank you let's tell you let's see what we got all right so coins yeah we're still doing really good on coins so there's got to be 150 160 coins there [Music] all right so i'll do one more layer of smashing the top and if i don't get them off well then i'll just concentrate on the bottom part [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's getting close i like the idea of the coins covering up those um those half dollars like that that's going to make it harder for him to slip around the place [Music] [Music] so [Music] i just gotta get my timing right and that was all totally wrong [Music] oh that was a nice one [Music] [Music] that was my last coin and the hundred just went over all right let's tell it up see what i've got okay i've got another hundred bucks yeah coins yeah i've probably got a hundred coins i reckon i lost 50 coins then uh i'm going to give up on the top so the last thing i want to do is lose all my coins so i am going to empty the top i'm going to get that a bit more emptier so forgive me for if this is a little bit boring for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god i missed that one say hello three coins all together all right i'm gonna go tally it up who was yelling at me to stop hey i did not see it go over um wow um i'm gonna have to have a look at that on my loop now to see if i've damaged it i guess coins would have landed on it yeah what a beautiful um coin yep about 80 coins so we're going the wrong way all right let's keep going [Music] all i need is one good push and all three of those coins will come off i reckon i've got to get it in the right spot [Music] [Music] so [Music] nice oh i thought that was gonna push it off all right i'm gonna quit on the top it's costing me two million coins [Music] [Music] [Applause] so last coin all right let's tally it up so what we got [Music] okay um i'm gonna stop doing that for sure i know i'm doing the wrong thing i just can't help myself shiny things all right i'm gonna totally block out the top shelf concentrate only on bottom shelf get some coins back [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] maybe that's the trick maybe just don't care about it unless they come off they come off look at this [Music] that was my last coin [Music] all right let's take it up see what we got [Music] oh we did good yeah we did good um it's probably 75 coins there so [Music] [Music] [Music] so who right now is actually yelling at their screen and probably losing their voice getting telling me to stop double stacking them [Music] it's trust me it's not deliberate i'm not deliberately doing it sometimes i seem to be really good at avoiding it but then other times it doesn't matter what i do i'm sort of dropping one queen in at a time which i don't want to do that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] okay i totally deserved that so this game has simply had no tactics whatsoever uh there's probably 35 coins there but that's okay um yeah as i said i totally deserved it so i went into this game thinking um i'll get off all the bottom stuff and i'll probably get off two or three of the top staff and you know everything is going to be sweet well no it doesn't work like that you've got to have some sort of a plan going into a game and constantly thinking about that plan and that plan will probably change 10 or 20 times during a game so uh yeah i've just been looking at those silvers at the top that way that's not worth losing all my money over so i'm gonna start concentrating just doing my best [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay that was my last coin i think that 20 just went over all right let's tally it up see what we got [Music] okay 20 coins 20 bucks [Music] oh oh bugger go go oh it's not over yet there's still a lot of coins hanging over it's only gonna take one well-placed coin to get half of that off that helps two coins [Music] that's about to go oh sorry is that one all right let's tally it up okay did a little bit better i reckon there's probably 30 30 coins oh i did not drop one [Applause] good thing you guys didn't see that [Music] thank you i swear the arm the armchair tactic that'll work take a while but it'll work [Music] [Music] [Music] go go [Music] sweet that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up see what we got so i don't know why you panic four hey it's 45 coins roughly [Music] [Music] thank you oh yeah [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] so [Music] that's going okay let's tell you it up see what we got [Music] uh 70 coins hey i told you not to panic little faith and plus you know mr mr butts here and myself you know we're good mates he's not going to let me down [Music] so [Applause] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep the momentum going that was my last coin all right let's go see what we've got [Music] all right about 85 coins so we're doing all right [Music] i can't believe you're losing faith in me like that [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Music] oh yeah that was about 30 coins [Music] very nice [Music] come on let's make this thing last coin [Music] all right let's tally it up see what we got about 130 coins i reckon 120 130 coins so by getting down to 20 coins you know that was all planned uh i just wanted to see how good i was to get back up to there again yeah and if you believe that [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] so the left-hand side just does not want to budge so i'm going to attempt to use skill stop on this attempt i use that word loosely oh queen got stuck up there come on thank you [Applause] try that again [Applause] [Applause] so oh that's not good i'm just going to move it move the pendulum oh thank you bonus all right let's give this a go look at me it's at the same spot [Music] come on you're supposed to be over in the left a bit more let's move a little bit more try this [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh that's yep that's enough of that i think you know when it starts taking your breath away you need to stop okay i've got one more coin left that'll do exactly what i wanted all right let's go tally it up ah i did it again i didn't even see it go over uh i don't know if it was towards the start or towards the back i've got no idea so um yeah hopefully he's okay anyway he can go there with his mate i'm just going to put that through once more and i'm going to see where i'm at if that 120 is no closer to the edge i'm simply just going to leave it there i have a very good reason for that [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i've got one coin left hit it on the right hand side [Applause] okay that 120 that's not even moving at all so um i'm gonna go tell you what i've got down there and make a decision okay so i've got about 100 coins left so it's pretty much what i started with if i actually flapped it all off so i'm just going to put it through once more honestly if i can't knock these chunks off keep watching that [Music] well if i knock a couple of those big chunks off early i'll just stop [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was my last coin okay i'm gonna go tally it up and see what i'm doing okay i've got about 75 coins so what i've decided to do there's a lot hanging over the edge here i've all but given up 120 it's just not budging at all so i'm just going to wait until i get a nice big fall and then i'm going to stop [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was a nice ball now i should be stopping right now [Music] and now i can stop oh yeah i'm happy to stop now all right but keeping these guys i'm going to add them in with the other ones i'll tell you everything up and i'll get back to you all right so i did all right not too bad at all um so that's uh some of it not all of it don't forget about my two little babies here oh yeah should not be touching um yeah absolutely brilliant get out of the light um wow good condition too very good condition let me pop those up there okay so the telly goes i've got 140 in chips i've got 375 in notes i ended up with 86 coins um so that is 258 add all that together that's like 773 minus the 500 bucks that i that i paid to play it so my total profit for this game was 273 dollars plus those two silvers um yeah unbelievable i mean i'm very very happy with that that's just um you know plus you know i had an absolute blast on this side i blast on the other side um yeah i hate happy times all right so i'm going to actually go and um swap all this over and yeah i'll be back in a second okay uh 220 bucks um 53 bucks into the tin uh happy to do it so i mean i kept the 20 because i'm actually got to stop off at the servo again well once i needed petrol again um but i thought hey my mister deserves some more flowers so why not um so that's exactly what the 20 bucks is for so that's what i'm going to do um so if you like what you see give me a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,757
Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Id: V8a9vpFEr0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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