August 24, 2021 Back To School Prayer Meeting

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hallelujah that you provide men and women of god jesus apply that godly wisdom oh god to those who are in charge of education those who are in charge of our schools hallelujah [Applause] you almighty god hallelujah their feet will be touring you jesus hallelujah glory to your name almighty god lead and direct for what you're keeping hallelujah hallelujah thank our administrators our teachers our counselors and everybody that is affected our church leaders that need our support teachers like me we have to reach out yes hallelujah mighty god hallelujah be born thank you jesus we give you some stuff we practice god yes lord amen hallelujah thank you i will make the darkness like diseases before me what is wrong i'll make it right before thee all the battles i will fight them for thee [Music] and the place i'll bring them [Music] i will make the darkness light before thee what is wrong i'll make them right before thee all thy battles i will fight them for thee [Music] and the [Music] at this time i am going to i accidentally shake shaykh to pray i see brother danielle he's supposed to leave out short testimony with us and then just before our minister comes on we're going to ask sister sheikwan to just you know say um a shopper for our our students uh brother daniel i'm gonna ask you please open your mic right now unfortunately my brother daniel is unable to share his um um he's unable to go on video he is the best doesn't permit him but he's here tonight and he's going to be sharing his testimony and his journey over the past year um during this time be with us for the daniel go right ahead praise the lord thank you blessings everyone i'm going to come out and say it straight i did not enjoy the transfer to online learning it was a very harsh thing for me that's i learned better when i'm seeing somebody teaching me and not over the screen but like in front of me where i'm able to kind of feel their presence if that makes sense and it's for me allows me to be able to ask questions a bit easier so the immediate switch over to online learning was not the easiest thing for me but by the grace of god i was able to do my best and it at some point in time the internet would trip out and i was completely frustrated because i'm sitting in class and i completely i'm trying to understand what it's just like and then the internet drops and then i'm like here okay so i just missed five minutes of that and i have no way to ask for it because it will inconvenience others and this is just going to make it harder for me when exams come around so it wasn't the best of situations but by the grace of god i got through it i only failed one course which i say that as a blessing given the circumstances of immediately switching so i tell it as a blessing and amen that one course the lord still provided for me a scholarship to go into my final year bless god i i honestly i was really worried about it my mom was kind of worried about it because i feel of course it's the first time i'm feeling our course but by the grace i got i still got the scholarship so i'm really thankful for that he has kept me through this year and i know he will continue keeping me through this final there so i just want to thank him for his blessings and his continued grace towards me glory hallelujah [Music] awesome awesome praise the name of jesus sister shaquan are you ready can you open your mic go ahead praise god all right let's pray mighty god we glorify your great name lord jesus we thank you for your love and your mercy god you are an amazing god hallelujah we thank you lord jesus that you care so much about us god you care about lord jesus the little things god you care about the big things mighty god you care about us as students lord jesus so right now god even as i put lord jesus the students before you lord god hallelujah lord jesus those that are on this prayer meeting those that are not mighty god's students all over jamaica almighty god lord jesus have put us in your hands even though god i asked jesus that you'd help us god to be focused hallelujah lord jesus you know when the classes lord jesus are on and you know there might be distractions oh god at home lord jesus and around us i pray god that you'd help us to oh god be focused lord jesus mighty god i pray that you help us to manage our time lord jesus mighty god that when oh god you know we have assignments when we have lord jesus things to prepare for classes god that you'd help us lord jesus to be disciplined enough mighty god to do the work lord jesus even though we're not oh god in the physical environment oh god or necessarily able to share on our face to face lord jesus lord jesus space mighty god i pray hallelujah lord jesus that you would help us lord god hallelujah just to listen to god and to understand lord jesus to be lord jesus confident enough for god to say something oh god when we don't understand what's going on in the class lord jesus help us oh god to reach out to lord god the teacher lord jesus to reach out to oh god uh one of our peers mighty god lord jesus that we can get through the material lord jesus i pray hallelujah against anxiety lord god hallelujah i pray that you would help us lord jesus oh god to know that you are right there with us oh god in the middle lord jesus of whatever it is that we are facing mighty god i pray that you'd help us lord jesus oh god you know when the stress comes down oh god when we we feel the pressure of the exams when we feel the pressure oh god of all the assignments that we have to do oh god i pray that you will help us lord jesus to know that you are right there almighty god that you would lord jesus just help us to even take a step back to breathe hallelujah until lord jesus you know whisper our prayer god and to know that you would lord jesus help our spirit mighty god i pray god particularly for the younger students lord jesus for those that oh god are preparing for pep lord jesus even those in in grades one and two and three and so on mighty god lord jesus who might oh god just have a hard time focusing lord jesus and their parents might not have the time hallelujah to sit with them oh god to go through the material lord jesus be there with them mighty god hallelujah help them lord jesus in their own way to understand what's happening almighty god lord jesus said don't have to fall behind lord jesus hallelujah help us even for those of us that have time almighty god to be kind enough oh god to reach out lord jesus and to share in the knowledge to help somebody to understand oh god lord jesus to know that we're all in this together mighty god i pray that you just help us as students mighty god help us to be disciplined god help us to lord jesus to be forward thinking lord jesus and god just to do our very best even in this time i pray lord jesus that you'd help us oh god even though we have school almighty god lord jesus to remember to set apart that time for you hallelujah because lord jesus your work oh god is what is most important oh god and lord jesus but only what's done for christ will last lord jesus even god in the midst of the pressure help us oh god to set aside hallelujah that time just for you mighty god and help us to remember that we cannot do this without you hallelujah pray lord jesus that you would cause us oh god to hallelujah to finish this year god victorious lord jesus to have a testimony hallelujah on our lips oh god so that we can say lord jesus that truly you have brought us through hallelujah that we hallelujah can say yes amen lord jesus that you have brought us to this year god be thank you so much for your love for your mercy and your grace in jesus name i pray amen thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you in [Music] [Music] [Music] i just want to leave our shortest money as a parent who have had to make some adjustments some serious adjustment during discovery time uh when it all started i it it it was rather difficult to manage because i had to go to work um sometimes cj was alone at home and i am worried at work i'm trying to leave to reach to work as early as six o'clock thank god i had um a manager that you know was empathetic to the situation so i reached to work six o'clock in an effort to try to leave work early so that by the time maybe she get restless and so on you know i'll be back sometimes i'll drive with her and you know it became very complicated i started realizing some difference in her she wasn't responding to me the same way um we were having little issues and little arguments and so on and you know it became so serious when i heard my child say to me now sidre i mean every child gives their own share of trouble but honestly is not a child that i have to everyday be talking talking with she she's relatively very obedient and i don't have much problem and when i see it reach that stage and every single day we are at it and one day she just birthed us and she said mommy don't you see i'm depressed and you know i knew that something was i said oh my god i was so i was so broken because i know that something was different and i could not understand what it was and then we went through um to the summer we were fine during the summer but you know then again situations sometimes don't really like you know school like that anyway so you know and then um when september came now and things turned when i heard that they were going to have the mix mode so sometimes um at school and sometimes um online i said okay we can work with that i don't mind that because it was very stressful too with a plan that they had for me to leave work to pick her up by 2 30 and it it was just so complicated and then sometimes i work outside of paris so i work in saint elizabeth portland and all of those other person so there's no way at all i could comprehend to pick her up at 2 30. anyways when i heard the mix what i said lord you will make a way you will work it out and um when it came down to september and i realized what was happening i think there was the second wave i believe um what was happening it would have been straight online and i and i referenced to what had happened the term before and i said god i cannot afford to go through this again and i know that this is not gonna work for my child and then i was left with the decision to just teach her myself i'm like geez she's pep five there are grades that she's supposed to examine that she's supposed to do that is going to affect her grade six together and i got very scared and i i was talking to my husband when i said what what what is it we're going to do and i said dre i am so scared but i know what i saw and i know that that is not gonna work and and and so um i took on teaching her working school work going to work full-time you know it was it was complicated but thank god thank god right now i wouldn't have mind her returning to school and she insists that she wants to stay to mommy school is mommy school she wants she don't want to return to school um she and and and to be honest i have gotten a bit more out of my own child because i i have gotten the opportunity to just to teach her some other some other things some you know things around the home you know um she's preparing our own breakfast you know uh make sure your bed is spread you know help to tie to the bathroom and i know outside of that i wouldn't have been able to but the time that was given to me and that interaction that personal interaction that i have it has helped make her even much more responsible and i give god time i give god thanks for that and i just want to tell parents i mean if the lord directs you to do something just go ahead if he tells you that's what he's supposed to do just go ahead and trust that he will take care of you because i'm a living testimony that he has taken care of me i didn't know how i didn't know how i mean yes i had some experience teaching but i only taught high school and i only taught science and i was never ever a very good language person and i had to take on everything social studies not me you know and you know thank god she went through and i don't think she is any worse off than she was and she was able to fit in and do the the um some other exams that the the ministry had and she fit in very well so i really give god thanks for that and this time i take the opportunity to introduce our our guest um for today our minister minister jeremy mcgregor pastor philanthropist counselor preacher teacher father bishop a man who is very caring thoughtful helpful motivating uh just to name a few of the attributes he is a trained counselor and he has been very instrumental in developing the minds of young people or teenagers he has been very instrumental in assisting and helping and in grooming our young people his extensive delivery in guidance and counseling spans professional organization government agencies schools and churches it is his willingness to serve mankind that makes him a great humanitarian and as such qualifies as our keynote speaker today a man of god not just an educated man but an educated man of god in our midst this evening to address us to speak with us to speak to our spirit to speak to our souls to speak to our minds and right now help me welcome open your mind and you know you know just give some you know clap in in instance giving to god because he has brought these people in our lives pastor jeremy we want to tell you we appreciate you and go right ahead sir thank you for being with us thank you praise the lord everybody yes i am just having this a little challenge can you all see my face yes we can sir all right let's roll it up a little bit more just bring it up a little bit more we're seeing half of your face no how this one looks no not as good not as good [Music] i can't believe this is the way i set my zoom every night how does it look now off of your face i'll push it out a little bit further oh yes perfect perfect perfect bless praise god thank you amen thank you you've been an awesome moderator i agreed um let me agreed um bishop dale in his absence and also the team of workers and the persons who are working behind the scene who put this um program together i know i can great sister um marsha i bless god for everybody i'm really good bless you god bless you i'm actually here bishop you are there yes yeah a call came in and interrupted me a while ago my sincere apologies that's all right bishop you are hard working you're a hard-working person praise be together no brethren as we are in this back to school um modality i am i am feeling and also discerning that this level of uncertainty and as i heard the moderator i'm speaking i just want to put this out there before i i missed it i missed the point for most of us who have children going into primary well primary primary school and high school you just be careful that you don't that you don't get excited and buy a uniform do not do that the child may just need one uniform in case this school october just to go back for two and three days and brethren bear in mind even if school opened face to face it will not be everyday your child going to school so you know you don't you do you do not need five uniforms and they will prob blows and they cocky pants and shirt none of that if the children go back to school in october it will be half of the class two or three days for the week so you don't want to do that and also careful of how you buy the books i i bought about five textbooks for my daughter and out of the five textbooks you only use one so four was at home for the entire um platform teaching and learning just sitting down so um um parents be very very sensible and use use some wisdom then we and then afterwards we may end the end of um having platform this online teaching for the rest of the year nobody knows that school is going to reopen in october that is just that's just a plan nobody knows because if this virus continues if this virus continues to be like that he can't walk back because we are going to be in in in in problems um also um parents as i'm i am about to i'm addressing parents students and all other stakeholders somebody might need to be muted right as we are addressing all type of stakeholders just remember yeah i'm just trying to look and see whose mic is open just fine it was muted this show once they open i'll mute them thank you thank you and then sometimes we have to take our time with each other because sometimes not everybody we will get used to this type of platform business this is something sometimes personal car open and they don't even realize thank you very much my sister right but when i was saying to you be you have to be very cautious we don't know what ma'am the only thing i can tell you that brethren is that the lord that we know who rules tomorrow and is the same god that will take us through so we don't need to worry our children our children shall be all right they shall be all right because the lord will keep them and the lord will sustain them and also experience our fears and anxiety must be subsided because the lord will take care of us now colleagues and parents i encourage you this afternoon ways in which you can help your children there are ways in which all of us can help our children and it doesn't mean that we have to have a university degree it doesn't mean you have to have your masters be on your name one of the ways in which we can help our children is just to be there for them physically and emotionally there are some needs that our children will bring to us example i would suggest to your parents do not do like what i did get the cheap device them and after six weeks of school device their mushroom you have to invest and get and buy a good device for your children i know it's going to cost something but you know make sense everyone will get a cheap one and after you after you have the after you charge for a few hours you burn up and then it stop work it frees up all of these experience we have to be here as a support if whatever device our children need for the platform teaching and learning we have to get them a good device it may it will cause start packets but one thing we can do not keeping so much again so all of the fancy bow tie and big hats and forces shows that whatever i can put on will know because all equals that we have from 2017 right back to 2019 can we go to church we don't need on your closed nose save up all our yeah and buy good device for your children um and also be there for them in terms of being there for them sometimes you and i cannot or we don't we may not have the knowledge the uh the moderator said she only usually teach a little science but when her daughter came and when her daughter was um i told her no she just had to be there and and ensure that she is knowledgeable so parents one thing we can do we don't have to have the degree or the masters if we're not qualified that era but we can ask for help we can ask for help experts around us and trusted persons in the church who will help us um to target some amount of um of information for children sometimes not um parents we can help them to do the working out of the aftermath for me the other day i could not help my child to work out um uh multiplying off i think it was additional fraction milliliter primary school oh no i mean go back in a great tree class with the fractions and so they have to ask my colleague help you know with a fraction business and when he talked when he when in fact when she taught me the fraction out of me and i could i came home and helped my daughter my my my son at that time so that's all we have to be um and parents we do not have all the necessary skills in terms of in personal but we can ask once you find yourself in a situation where you don't know your back is against the wall you you must also you must seek out help for our children it's not embarrassing to ask for help it is not it's not so if you think it's embarrassment take that low self-esteem attitude off throw it away and ask for help your church and other churches have more than enough qualified people in there that you can ask for help in terms of your children and people that are going to kill them face to say no they won't tell you no it's not actually a beginning one toes no no you just want some help for your children is there anybody in agreement with me can say amen amen all right i hear you i hear you i hear you um also parents i'm i'm glad you said they did all the other stakeholders in a while because of my my pointers down um parents what we can do to is um learn the social media platforms learn it too in your little own time learning learn it as somebody said the embarrassment is when you fail to uh to talk yourself for your children that would be the embarrassment when you fail to get help for your training when i remember when i was going to school i pronounced my nailed to the school work when i was doing combinations for me and my mother would ask for help you have to go next door you have your friend and parents so parents really actually there's no embarrassment in asking for him one of the things that as i said to your parents including pour me on my head as much as i'm a guidance counselor and slash teacher all of these things somebody platform they may fear i'm just learning them also so so um parents learn these zooms some of your queries say you know what i learned zumba culture shakib and zoom in one comment prayer meeting learn this whole bridge and learn it for for spiritual development and learn it for your family learn it for your children learn um the google meets and the google classroom i am not learning the google me it's very good because my my interest was just zoom zoom zoom zooming no me if i learn the next three the next two because what will happen what will i know is that society has moved away a lot from face to face so may i tell you whether if you think you're in tough call um parents if you think you're tough stop saying that and learn zoom google meets and google classroom do not tell yourself so you can manage you have to manage this 21st century are in nothing is impossible when it comes down to learning we have to know it you you've got to learn it learn it like a little liquor by liquor by the payment i couldn't understand zoom but after a while i i get it i get the the full of the the um full um knowledge of it work with change work with change another work with change work with change the world is changing everything about church changing or evangelize everything or we even worship to everything about you don't notice now we have no control of of oh how many days we are in church and how long we can't stay in church for is that change is a change uh as i see somebody saying something in the group that colleagues we ought to understand the only thing in life doesn't change is the word of god god remain constant because he's the same yesterday today and forever but all of these social media platform you just have to learn them you have to learn them um before i even go any further i did not remember to greet my supervisor who is a member of this church um this is um this is a tamika mccree i bless god for her i report her to the ministry of of of education so i have to i have to acknowledge my my boss basically praise god um do not brethren and colleagues parents do not take our children word for it in terms of saying when you come from work and they are at home because all of us suffer from that we're we are at work most days and our children are at home and you come home you're getting the homework yes you finish other school work yes parents no matter all the people they see advanced and the fire speak it on run on the church and ruin the end you have to do your background check go on the platform yourself because there's always work on the google meets classroom there's always work on the google meets appearance visually take wordpress on my daughter 13 year old and until the truth every time i come home being a guy that's concerned i could not stay home every day i have to go on the road go to home vista whatever i may ask her you know what mark yes yes daddy you finished the project yes daddy everything i yes daddy about me nobody says on the device here tiki tucker wanna play tick tock and depending user and private but guess what me afterwards you know why look here if look because you have to tell him to look here your money not going in vienna you can't spend more money in vienna i said look here tell me i don't know tell me today what you want we can't stop you from your school we can't tell you because the laptop that you ought to know with this platform in your learning ensure that you are in the parents group with your children at your children's school ensure that you're in the parents group and most teachers will send authentic notification that homework was given i'm working on the platform because our children know tick tock is for them to you know tic tac is up and this funny tablet you know it's up on the on the laptop you know where they go on the tick tock and they learn everything else apart from the school world because they and sometimes call it appearance venus in mind the children they will have the phone like this or the tablet in their hand and and they're on this school work but when you step off they come out fighting watch cartoon they come up fight anger and watch cartoon i watch vid um video games and all of these things and as you come back in the room in the living room then they switch back over to the school world yes they beat them and use their brown with experience and let me tell you something called appearance i've been a preferred girl pretty damn you know but you have never get the motor poverty they pretty fierce now go get them out of poverty and have to get up with education we have to value our we every time you have to get the girls then they put it in the top the girls they need a tag they see you i'll start the boy them up and they boy them like i'm mad like after they finally wipe them every day or something you have a remedy you know you have to motivate them because they will get very lazy and take them a bit more i know and they don't put enough you know them schoolwork we have to be near constantly beat it in our children i mean i mean physically meeting i know something having a touch of one and two and then still but we have to ensure that we we use encouragement on our children use this this this this um strategy and techniques encourage our children encourage them to set up good education and use their own mothers in the church may they know what's around us they may want to seek the old mothers are out there in the world but we have to tell them whether the church person find any idea because parenting is difficult but we can do it parenting skills is difficult to display but we can do it another thing in our breakthrough that we have to do is um you have to be there sometimes you have to stop what y'all do something i feel like i'm with them across the bed sometimes someone on the table i will win sleep i'll lick you you have to get up and walk and go drink some water and come back physically you have to be dear you have to be there and while they are studying and when i see that you have to do um periods depending on the level of maturity and the age group don't over bear them with it with the um the housework don't burn them down they might feel all sorry because i'm not a foolish parent i'm not a foolish pastor the children cannot be in the house and there's no shorts for them to do they must have empty rubbish fun and can wipe on the oats they can wash and play them they can clean up a but all of these things they can't wash the bathroom sometimes so our children must have shores because you can't feed them and close them and they don't know anything else because you ever drop the man dead i left them am i talking to somebody amen amen amen amen amen some people in our church they're frightened for them quickly they don't make them not in our house not even enough to choose them not even for cleaning shoes looking at loving our children and care for them but we can't frighten them they have to do something in our house my message may you get up earlier morning time and understand that and come home how are you coming back to place in your kitchen the bathroom untidy they see them place your left your sleepers i see you come on come see it because guess what your friend people are not telling they must have some amount of responsibility in the house we have to do it secondly parents ways in which we can afford children online is to do a follow-up say no said to them say well look here last week you got 55 at the end of the month and parents in case you know every single school every single school give tests either every six weeks or every month or every topic on every topic some school get tests every three weeks they must be they must be tested they must be a praise basically they don't get them tests but they usually use a head on us and thinking that hey hold on here this he said there is a liar tonight you know this is my prayer spot and every time i said this zoom it not working all tonight but the devil is defeated in the name of jesus oh my god no version can you see my face yes sir yes thank you very much as i was saying follow up with our children follow them upset remind him that last time the the mass grade was 40 and this term you don't wanna fart now your house this up really much the most view to go by thirty percent veteran you affiliate then we know that the children that we're dealing with you know you have to understand the spirit of work behind them do you know i know they are intelligent and they are smart you can't forget to be language members and then get a lower grade hour one grade at the year and please i have a call it out oh god because they're smart you're afraid call it oh thanks you're not you're not in for that oh are you telling me to look here man you work too hard or succeed in your life you have to tell them that secondly or even in fact um when it comes down to our children experience one of the ways in which we can help them on this platform is our support of other parents who you talk to and parents when other parents come to us and talk to us more than picnic nobody sure never show up saying my daughter not that i might so not gonna come to ear example i saw my colleague here on the on the zoo if i'm talking to the sister i'm johnny palmer we don't want to have a content mr lad i know sofia pretty idiot one should come give me a suggestion so that will use the chance to show up some of you didn't realize they are sure for other appearance indirectly when other friends come to you which is a particular topic or a subject and that will come to talk to you about we just want some suggestion and tell us how we can work it because there are some ears i'm not verb writing i'm not a nice person i'm not a man's person so therefore no michael and my epidemic but me officially said the class i held them in a month so that somebody can be there for them because we definitely can't eliminate that error right so parents we just have to be dear physically emotionally over there emotionally and sure ensure appearance that your your hug your children then when you're coming from work before you start a quarrel no matter all the us dotty before you start quarrel virtually probably not picking them hook them up i'm gonna put me and kiss them some of you have some boys and the boy is our administrators and caregivers and teachers lord god colleagues remember the world and jamaican society now giving all right we're wrong for everything quickly pass pick the field we get the blame if somebody stops smutty a teacher falls if speedy it's called school a teacher first if people now learn a teacher nobody said thank god for their hard work and teaching them if one teacher make a mistake can be transparent earlier all i will get is so colleagues while i was preparing my presentation tonight the only thing i could tell you is fight fight on teachers fight on colleagues fight on caregivers because guess what zoom teaching i'm oh god thank you lord i may have cleared this up tonight you know that a lot of people experienced on this platform a lot of you think because teachers are at home teaching the work is easier on us no it's it's it is it is 100 bit more difficult to teach on the zoom platform on the on the google me google castle it is harder for us we don't like it it's difficult it is hard holy for work and the documentation holy pastor fully politically fully fully political so we don't like it we don't love it some um parents sometimes some of you have it wrong to feed so the past teachers they almost teach then are the easiest things now we know it's hard the only thing is on it the only thing easy is that we don't have to paint on twelve fear and the gas money to go an hour but he had the money going at the utility bill cmw and we have children at home water gold electricity to go internet building everything food no talk about the food last cover of bread gone up now jesus have mercy macron sardine egg and bread sausage not to mention the france some of you are frank sandler's coffee now the oats every near and conflict so everything got up everything it's difficult it is difficult it is difficult it is it is it is harder for teachers our finances mashup when i when when it is um it is hard but teachers admin caregivers we have to fight on no but the only person defend us in this time is the word of god only god alone defend us everybody at us everybody everybody if we have to support look at the other day can i tell you something when i realized and um some of you don't even know whether barnett's um ancient that oh she's my co-worker some of the students there they do not even come on the platform and when they come they put they come in for five minutes and then they disappear so sometimes my head with some time for months i don't see some people come across i don't see something at all but yet still they sign in that they come for the first five five minutes of the class but when you're ready to teach they have [Music] disappeared so parents um my i joined partnership with my neighbors my most of my neighbors are government workers so we'll be at home i'm working and some will be at um at their workplaces so guess what happening whenever i am going to school to do um home visit my neighbor who is a teacher come over my house when shia got home when she got teach because she agreed and according to her school and she's going every now and again we got supervised so guess what we have to use some of us paranoid i was i'm a paranoid parent you know no final winner the kind of kind of but i come to realize i come to realize somebody is a paranoid body that's okay so my we we have to be part of that because of what some of us have gone through in life basically some of us have gone through different types of abuse and we don't want that for children but i can tell you we have to ensure that while we're at home parents and i'm very big on it i i i don't like to get upset with my apostle experience whenever i go to different schools to address issues and they are wanting in the balance parents once you're at home our children must be secured if you live in a community like mine where this gate is coming that's a different thing but even so somebody's eyes have to be watching out at your yard so we are begging appearance watch out for the children and secure them secure because the willing view is going on i just said to my principal yesterday i don't know i'm going to cope with it in doing in doing the counseling for this time because the abuse is more than what my liquor brother jeremy managed the abuse and the rejection some parents know are we not talking about church period some parents i feel in a tree and for relationship to keep the money going and the family especially our ladies they are at a disadvantage our men have to be juggling juggling and struggling so only issue is going to come out you know you see it's in this generation we are not going to feel the effects of yet upon our children until another few years and it's going to be difficult but parents of each of still called us um admin and all of us who work with children ensure that our own children are secure our own children are looked after let me tell you something parents i'm not talking about real things on because you know attraction we will not degree and our masters we are talking as regular jamaican parents and sure in other words if you know of the fussy food and the different type of conflicts at a different type of whatever make sure yourself foreign [Music] [Music] said dumpling left bunny stove and apart arise because sometimes when the third week at the moment come you know what's tomorrow they would tell me caramel come and sometimes the second week we don't have it like that so you have to provide you have to give them what you can you have to give them what you can so flour and put some caramel in at the flower too so they call me you can't keep so so they come and make me make it jumping more heavy i'm putting more stability now they don't need to put calming in at a dumpling and if i don't put on water and sometime when they run out when you run out you're kind of dumping us um don't be on starfish are you making a selfish grave along with really but tomato and seasoning and make it work so monitors to shoot up yesterday somehow we do stoch is what is what will work for our children all right if they when ongoing them there we have goity when um all right so my colleagues admin and teachers fight that's all i can tell you tonight fight the odds are against us but with christ in the vessel the lord will not let us down the lord will not let us down the children on this zoom children is that from god's spoon and do not mess with enough gospel for five 55 yeah uncle jeremy and the last thing the last thing i will tell you the last thing i must tell you um students whenever you go back to school face to face with a one day or two day may may not be this term it may not be the second term even if it's the last month that's what happened during this school year even if it's june once you go to school not drink funnel by the cup not drink from nobody drinking cup and i'm going on about a lunch kit and eat all their food now eat don't take the fruit from a bad yard eat anything one appearance given in our lunch kit eat that because we are living on time now where they prove within our people us in our people kitchen so we don't want to take care of any type of disease and and you affect your family members and most of what affect your own health these are unprecedented time and we've got to purchase children do not think we miserable experience but we have to protect you know because the lord has given us as as our you are your children you are a blessing and inheritance of the lord our legacy so therefore we have to protect you faith chapter children feature parents leaders and admin let us continue to do our best in supporting our children and the good role models and not only that be a good support system for our children anything you don't know appearance anything running on our federal nursing fears are spotted i'll let people think you know food food and stupid nobody with them nobody bothered them athletic want you that's not important what people think about you now is not important what people think about you know is not important you are seeking help for your children have a blessed evening the lord bless you and keep you and i did end all other god over my time i did enjoy the conversation i did enjoy this presentation with you so the lord god of even breathe upon you in jesus inside you god bless you sister johnny gramma jameson anointed woman of god god bless you madam god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you thank you pastor daily we'll talk no problem god bless you man good good okay thank you so very much bishop jeremy um i don't know if anybody had any questions i was asked to just a few minutes brother jeremy if anybody has any questions yeah man they can't ask if you have a question could you just go ahead and indicate okay do you ever question are they coming to you are you seeing them no i'm not seeing any in the chat um and i'm not seeing any raised hands so i guess we're all good brother jeremy i must say thank you so much it was you have a question for pastor jeremy pastor jeremy it was real it was practical and um i i i i don't think i could have asked for anything more it's just real and i love that about that bishop thank you so very much and as we're closing out uh bishop daily is in and we just want to ask bishop garfield daily to just lead us out in prayer just uh pray for everyone the situation and also to a word of blessing a blessing on bishop jeremy thank you so much sir for coming bless you all right thank you thank you sister grizzle and let me express on behalf of all of us our gratitude our thanks to you bishop mcgregor really appreciate the time you have been so open and ready to come to be with us and to share with us and we really appreciate it i thank you for the information shared i thank you for the usual jovial and yet very insightful and deep thoughts shared really appreciates and we say god bless you lady mcgregor the entire family yes they're a part of us and we really appreciate what you're doing over your side of the vineyard we say god bless you all please convey our greetings to the entire family all right god bless you um sister grizzle um a great moderating and how you controlled and organized the program the lord bless you those that planets planned it with you i appreciate also sister kerry and barrett the sunday school superintendent over the years have continued with this tradition of praying for our youngsters as they go back to school and you know injecting new ideas into the program we appreciate you and the entire sunday school theme team sorry and of course all our youngsters back-to-schoolers the parents who are a part of the preparation for them going back to school in this season it's mainly online but it is still in the classroom via this medium we appreciate you all we pray that god's hand will be upon you all as we close i really want to ask us no just to borrow heads and let us pray in jesus name father we come before your great and your awesome presence one more time we thank you mighty god that you overload or young people to get together in this fashion one more year we thank you that you have allowed the parents to get together in this fashion one more year we thank you mighty god for the organizers of this back to school prayer meeting the program that has been put together we thank you mighty god for the presenter that came tonight and so ably blessed our hearts and provided and presented down to earth things that we ought to be looking out for and gearing ourselves up for as we look out for the well-being of our children god you have been good to us you have been gracious to us we bless your great name father in heaven and thank you for remembering and considering the little ones and and the big ones the bigger ones the parents the teachers the counselors we thank you great god and we present everyone right now i pray especially for youngsters who are in this pandemic right now and it has interrupted the school norm many have fallen by the wayside because of the type of learning experience that they are engaged in right now and they have not been able to give up their best it has interrupted their flow mighty god we ask you to intervene we ask you to help them so that as they continue on lord they will become acclimatized and they will get into the groove of things and give off their best the presenter said it earlier on that education is key to emerging from poverty and i pray that you will help every one of these youngsters to take their education seriously protect their minds from the distractions oh god that is on the social platform protect their minds guard their hearts i pray mighty god from the thing that will interrupt and will negatively influence them we cannot remove the things around us we cannot stop the things from happening but we know that through your help by your power divine we can safeguard our hearts and i pray that you will energize the mighty god i pray the name of the lord jesus christ i pray for wisdom for the parents god just impart your knowledge and your wisdom into their hearts and into their minds so that they can teach their children the right way especially in these days we present the entire group here online right now those that did not get the chance to come that are a part of our local assembly those that are not a part of the assembly but they are youngsters going back to school gearing up online i present our children to you great god hold them in the halls of your hands and let your will your perfect will be accomplished in their lives have your own way we pray thank you for this session one more time and in the way that only you alone can permeate the atmosphere signed every child almighty god and minister to them as only you alone can in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we thank you great god for this evening as we close as we depart we ask for your blessings we ask for your guidance we ask for your direction we pray that you will navigate our steps we pray that you will superintend our lives and let everything that we do we do to glorify the great god of heaven we thank you we bless you we honor you we adore you we give you thanks dismiss us with your blessings right now in jesus name in jesus name amen and amen praise god amen amen thank you jesus i want to thank you all for coming out thank you bishop thank you ministers i think i saw uh minister andrew martin uh thank you sister barrett for being here thank you sister melomi clark and all the children and parents sister marsha who also assist um organize sister marsha who organized um and play a critical role in this evenings session we want to thank you so much for being here and god richly bless you have a lovely evening and continue praying for your children continue praying for your careers continue praying for your leaders even our church leaders sunday school counselors continue praying in jesus name god bless you all in jesus name amen did you have an announcement that you want us to go ahead and make that for the youngsters on the trip oh yes you could go ahead or yes man that will be fine all right just to let our youngsters know the date that we had planned for september 4th that trip is currently postponed and you will get further information where that is concerned [Music] all right god bless you
Channel: Faith Chapel of Faith Apostolic Ministries
Views: 834
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Chapel, Gospel, Good, preaching, anointing, Holy, Ghost, Ministry, bible, study, ignite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 33sec (3873 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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