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I will see the man of God Pastor Mark marine hallelujah let's just take a moment and give Jesus Christ who is the King of Kings the Lord of lords hallelujah the reason why we're here today and I know that you have been here all day praying and praising and worshiping but may I tell you that God wants to take you to another dimension in him there's yet another place that God wants to take you in him and so this afternoon if your attitude is like mine as the deer panteth for the water so does my soul long for the yoga if you want more of Jesus with no music at all I just want you to take your hands that clap them and just for these praises in the atmosphere yeah let the voices of Zion be heard let the voices of God's people be heard hallelujah that's it clapping with power hey clapping with authority oh Jesus mm hallelujah just another day you kept us just another day you've watched over us it's an honor to be in your house it's a privilege to be in your house come on you got a clap and open up your mouth at the same time oh Jesus oh Jesus glory glory glory glory glory my soul davia glory glory glory glory my soul seeks of Lygia glory glory glory glory only you can do with Jesus glory glory glory glory you give my spirit strength Laurie glory glory glory you prop me up in the dark times glory glory glory glory when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than high for thou has been a shelter for us and a strong power from the enemy Jesus oh Jesus G Jesus Jesus yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord all of my life I'll tell you yes every day I wake up I'll tell you yes all day long I'll tell you yes come what may I tell you yes yes slow heart when I don't understand I'll tell you yes when I can't see the way I'll tell you yes you did it for me before and you'll do it again max all said yes my soul says yes oh just clap those hands in open your mouth you give Him praise yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord hallelujah I want to give honor and deference but before I do I want you to look at someone and tell them do you know how nervous the kingdom of darkness is on a weekday with all of us in one place on one Accord tell a neighbor you don't have nothing to worry about your prayers have already been answered [Music] Jesus hallelujah I want to give honor and deference but I need you to look at somebody tell me you are a power source tell them you're not waiting on God to answer your prayers your prayers have already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have knowing two dividers in here and the power of God is present to deliver you are a power source connection flows through you we're gonna give honor but with no music because it is a prayer day I want everybody to put your hand on your belly and cry oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus Oh Cory Anna namaha is yet a travel adapter also coterie of abortion anonymous eeeh hey there's the other travail that I feel resting in your bellies put your hand back on your stomach one more time and cry oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus [Music] doughboys taking us back the old time way hey he's taking us back the old time way yes yes oh yes Lord yes Lord if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways God says then will I hear from heaven and I'll forgive their sins and I'll heal their land you gotta know what name to call on you gotta know what name to call on you gotta know what name to call on one more time crying oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus [Music] there's no God like our God he is faithful and able to deliver he is faithful and able to heal truly today before we go hallelujah we are going to give honor and deference I'm determined to do that but I want you to just grab somebody's hand until a neighbor I know you've been going through some things I know you've been under pressure I know you felt like what's going on but tell them there's a word from the Lord in the house today tell them it may be tight but if you praise him he'll take you through the squeeze [Applause] where you allow God to take you through the squeeze I want to take a moment and celebrate you the people of God it is a blessing with all that the pilgrim churches and the pilgrim Assemblies has endured over the past couple of weeks that you still find the strength the courage and the endurance to carry on prayer day what a blessing prayer doesn't just change things prayer changes everything I'd like to give honor to Archbishop Hudson to his cabinet the Board of Bishops of the pilgrim Assemblies Church a wonderful man of God Bishop George shorts I love you so much it's a surprise honor and a privilege to see pastor Sandra Riley from Chicago Illinois and the list goes on a great man of God prophet even our Jordan just all of God's people but I'm especially excited today I want to acknowledge what a great woman what a strong woman what a powerful woman to carry on power is really not what we think it is power is the ability to wait when it looked like it's nothing to wait for power is the ability to hold on and it looked like it's nothing to hold on to and so I want to celebrate a servant of God very few people know how to follow instructions to the tea now one us today to take a moment and celebrate Pastor grow god bless you god bless you I am blessed to have my dad here with me on today all the way from Hamden Connecticut he made great strides to get here today I want you to give my dad Bishop Frankie Carmichael a great big hand amen you may have your seats in the presence of the Lord I don't want to belabor you long but it was laid on me to release this word to you in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 and verse 24 the Book of Isaiah chapter 65 and verse 24 I'm a lover of Prayer I believe in the power of prayer I'm standing here today as a product of effectual fervent prayer that many years ago when I was told by a doctor that I would graduate from high school crippled because of a rare bone disease I had a great-aunt that wasn't very educated she was a mother in our church she slept with a bottle of oil by her bed and every time the pain would get intense she would anoint me with oil and she would speak that I wouldn't be crippled I wouldn't be in a wheelchair I wouldn't be on a walker but that I would walk freely and do God's will 30 years later and plus no Walker no wheelchair no crutches no cane because of a woman who knew how to moan and groan and lay hands on somebody and snatch the infirmity out of my bones today while you're sitting in prayer day Satan's got to loosen and he's got to let it go I just want you to look at some on top it's not an option dumb Satan's got to loosen and he's got to let it go tell him while we're sitting in here today the Prince of Persia has received the message to loose the action and let it go I need about 30 people to just shout it's already done come on shout it with power it's already done doesn't matter my already done it your already done may not be the exact same thing but all that matters is that it gets done you might need your body heal it's already done you might want your family save it's already done you might want your finances release it's already done you might just be praying lord have mercy on America it's already done you may be praying for the body of Christ saying get your bride ready for your return it's already done I was led to bring this scripture to you today because you have to pray like it's already done you can't pray I hope you do it I think you do it I wish you'll do it maybe you'll do it you gotta pray father in Jesus name I thank you that according to your word anything I ask in your name you promise to do it for me and the scripture simply says this and it shall come to pass that before they call I will answer and while they are yet speaking I will hear and it shall come to pass that before they call I will answer so the truth of the matter is you should have come in today hopping jumping skipping leaping twirling dancing running because God says before you ever even opened your mouth I read your heart it said request granted so the body of Christ must understand that though we don't like to talk about it a lot there is a devil loose the devil that's loose doesn't like order doesn't like structure doesn't like peace and as people of Prayer you must learn how to lean with it rock with it be okay when God changes plans with circumstances and situations in your life so excited to get to prayer day because I love being with people they just want to take time and talk to God so I was packed the night before ready to go as I was getting ready to leave up a house alert started hitting the phone that all the flights was cancer so no it's it's sunny here it's 90 some degrees there's nothing wrong that there's nothing going on why they can't swing my flights and so I called a good friend of mine and they said look it's not in Virginia it's a storm that's over the ocean and it's headed to New York and it's supposed to be severe thunderstorms and severe lightning and all of that it's really supposed to be bad and so they're being proactive and they're canceling flights I said well look I got to get to New York for prayer day and I mean I we could drive it it's last-minute should I tell you what if you can get to the airport I stay in agreement with you that God's gonna make a way for you to get to New York both of my American flights or canceled I got to the new to the airport in Richmond and all you saw on the board was cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel and I walked up doesn't what can we do should I get a rental car cuz I call someone she said you know mark you're not gonna believe this Delta has one flight that's still saying it's going to depart for New York City LaGuardia I said do you really think that it's going to go she said well we have no other choice but to believe because on the board is still saying on-time my god can you look at a neighborhood of your blessing is still on time your miracle is still on time your breakthrough is still on time your deliverance is still on time stop looking at everything out sits on the board and just believe the report of the Lord and so we get through TSS and what do you think they said it's still saying on time I said well you all this is a little hard for me to understand because United has canceled into Newark America's American has canceled into JFK it's canceled into LaGuardia why in the world would they let Delta take off and she simply looked at me she said well for one thing that's our hub and for the next thing she said this aircraft is a little bit bigger than Americans and your 90s so all I need you to do is just keep agreeing with me that this flight is going to take off for New York City look warrior she's of all I need you to do is just keep on binding up delays and cancelations keep on binding up distractions she said then I need you to leave Earth and go in the spirit realm and start talking to the atmosphere the hemisphere the stratosphere I need you to just keep on speaking and so she gave me my seat to get on boarding pass to get on the plane she said when you get off keep on buying it keep on loosen loose a safe flight lose some on-time departure lose that you all will not get in a holding pattern my god I couldn't speak to pilgrim Assemblies today in the anointing of God I need every person that can clap your hands and say we rebuke the holding pattern in the mighty name of Jesus so we got on that plane and it wasn't a whole lot of us that was on there and people are whispering they say do you think we're gonna make it I don't know that they're already posting things people were texting did you make it I said I didn't make it yet but I'm going to get there they said well I'm looking online and they're saying that there's bad storms I'm looking at the Doppler and for everything they told me negative I told them something positive I said I I'm going to get there you know from assemblies there is a demon that has spoken that said it's done it's finished it's over but I need you to grab hands and the Holy Ghost and jump on your feet yeah we're going to make it we're going to get there it's gonna get us there by any means necessary [Applause] please take your seats just talking to you for a moment before we pray so we get on the plane and people are looking there yeah they're wanting drinks and they're getting nervous and they're talking to people and their phones there I'm not really sure what this flight is going to do and then when they had the nerve to get loud and said we don't know because everything else is canceled here's the position I took if they could complain out loud then I can pray out loud so every time I heard sand I said we're not sure I said cold I'm icy key other than my son that about hiya we're really not sure because they cancel all the flights into Newark I said father in Jesus name I think of it this flight will land safely in LaGuardia with no delays god I give you praise I give you glory I give you honor another person said if this doesn't work I don't get me a rental cos they're called I shot Kiki on doable SIA in Jesus name I called them to their words God if for no other reason you know I've gotta get the prayer day I need you to do something unusual I'm not dealing with the doubt of everybody else on the flight I want you to just take the faith of one man and let this flight take off all of a sudden the captain comes on ladies and gentlemen we're waiting for the last bit of paperwork it's some bad weather that's brewing in New York but it's not over the city yet it's over the water and it's moving pretty slow so we just hope and pray that we'll get out of here in time so we can make it to LaGuardia I said now if the captain got enough sense to say I hope and pray and the ticket agent got enough sense to say hope and pray then the passenger got enough sense to say hope there's so Hutson got enough since let's say we go make it past the cruel can say we go make it some shorts can say we go make it proper Jordy can say we're going to make it then I need you to grab hands and your we're bar to make a where two or three of you are gathered together in my name touching and agree on any one thing the Father in heaven shall do it for you so says ladies and gentlemen please buckle up put on your seat belts this plane is getting ready to back up and we're headed for the runway prophetess Bay's I love you headed for the runway in hope that we're going to make it to New York City LaGuardia it looks good right now and I kept saying Jesus Jesus there were planes coming in but no planes going out I said God you wouldn't bring me to it unless you gonna take me through it zoomy yama telling everybody about how bad to go through is but if I can stop you for one moment and get you to producer praise and the go through I need to look at somebody I'm going through it's not so bad the good thing about going through is it means you're not stuck you're still moving maybe not at the pace you want to but you're not stuck I need every person in here that's been going through something give it praise right now because you're closer to coming out speaking we're going in hey Chloe [Music] [Music] so we get on the runway and he says we're just waiting for clearance and if we get the clearance we're going to take off and I kept on saying Jesus Jesus Jesus oh Jesus way make a miracle worker provider or Jesus next things that ladies and gentlemen the captain has been prepared we are getting ready to take off for New York City LaGuardia and all of a sudden I stop that plane speed up and we lift it up off of the ground I lifted my hands in the air right on the plane I said God I give you praise because even when it looks bad even when everything around us is Bing when your word is on something when your hand is on something that can stop apartments and the plan of God and tell pilgrim I believe God allowed me to get here today to bring you this word get ready for takeoff anybody that don't wanna go that's been left behind for you some of you might say well this is a rough day our patreon is gold and we gotta have Brad day without him but I need you to look at somebody - all day don't be fooled by a feeling and feeling like a fool tell them the body that we knew as Archbishop Roy may be gone home to be with the Lord but prayers he pray is still in the Saints [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and the first part of 2018 hit me twice in less than a week but I learned something that God can take you through it we get so connected to the flesh that we forget it's a spiritual thing Rory brah each and every one of you if you see me when I go up I was going to cry elevation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow let me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah the shadow the king is [Music] I say let's open yes yes yes so after about 58 minutes in the air the pilot comes on says ladies and gentlemen we're in our initial descent to New York LaGuardia Airport ladies and gentlemen I'd like to say you are lucky because we're probably the last flight that will make it in for today well I said ladies and gentlemen you are blessed see when you want to deal with luck you go to the store and get you a box of Lucky Charms but when God does something that you know nobody else could do [Music] [Music] then you got a no hey hallelujah that the favor of the father is upon you and as much as you might ask the question pilgrim you still got the victory you still got the victory and that comes a point when Satan has been bothering you real bad you fought your victory I'm not gonna walk around acting like I'm still in a cave God has snatched me out of this thing and so once we landed i took my phone i started texting everybody I made it I made it I made it I made him and then they started texting me back saying but now is storming in Virginia I said well one thing about God he got me out of a Ginga before the storm hit here and he got me to New York before the storm hit here so either way he blessed me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to a place where days like this our main ingredients for living second chronicles twenty six and five send them as long as they sought the Lord the Lord made them to prosper you can't do nothing with a person that has a prayer life you might not like them you may have your own opinion of them but when they got a relationship with God he'll step over what they feel and let his kingdom come and then its will be done oh just grab somebody's head into the neighbor people may have the power to make other people not like you [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] so all evening people can ask me how you doing I said better than ever before so why would you say that come into some money something I said well that's happening too I said but I want to tell you something when God mix the elements of the earth be still until you could get to the other side that's enough to praise your life [Laughter] [Music] Oh pilgrim a pilgrim Oh pilgrim a pilgrim when you can't see your way through you got to pray your way through and then let me tell you this if you want to see it through you gotta pray it through there's no such thing I hope you I'm a little tired it's been a lot of time all day in church I tell him listen when we wasn't saved we danced we bug eat got high smoke weed raised hell day and night night and day now we get over in church you know they gotta have some wisdom it's a lot on the body but it was in this church that I learned a song called my soul bless the Lord [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah my time is coming to an end but that scripture blesses me so many when the 10 is out of the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt I'm the Lord your God who brought you out of bondage open your mouth wide and I'm gonna fill your mouth some of you have spoken tongues before but there is another dimension of tongues that wants to come to you God wants to give you new artillery father dad submissive I praise God before another wave my hand I know how to say hallelujah but God said I want you to praise me until you get lost in it did you forget about who you're standing next to what you got you [Music] [Laughter] thank you lord thank you thank you so here's what the Bible says the Bible says this let everything that hath breath praise ye the Lord then this was gonna be easy take your hand put it up to your mouth blow on your hand I don't care whether it's hot breath cold breath bad breath if you felt a breath when you blew on your hand that's a sign you ought to give him praise the organ is good the drums is good but those are only enhancements to the service God gave us a trumpet and he taught us to blow ye the trumpet in Zion I know you've been here all day but I'm gonna ask you real quick everybody that's breathing just jump on your feet and just a hollering and yelling praises to the king of ping [Laughter] [Applause] yeah keep coloring it out keep hammering it out wash and anonymity and another hire yeah BOSU Coonan a banshee under the verb oh ho yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it that's it keep hollering it out oh yeah little bit more power little bit more intensity put all of you inside of it put all of you inside of it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hallelujah come on I'm ready to go home just start clapping your hands and praising oh Jesus my time my time is up but when I was a little boy my brother's gotta play spades they're not put all kind of card games I never got it but there's one game I did learn how to play I declare war and tonight all those of you are today that the enemy's been fighting I want you to flip the script and I want you to declare [Laughter] [Music] did Jesus name hey yes or pick the target the name of Jesus [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh yes oh yes yes Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I got a lien thank you for this time but I want you to look at some item neighbor i'ma praise my way all the way to the finish line good tell them I realize something I got the victory tell them in case you want to know what victory is is what looks like a defeated situation with a black god in the middle of it if you got the victory I want you to just crazy all over this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah shut up hallelujah oh there's an anointing in this place there's a presence in this house can another animal shudder oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god the answers already [Music] [Music] my my my my my my my my oh god that's the mantle that's the mantle that rest in this house oh yeah the bow shot that's the present and the mantel that rest in this house come on with those hands and give him another praise yeah yeah yeah yeah unethical or we in here can inaudible Shatner like yeah yeah [Music] heaven bless em out of your belly shall flow rivers living water snake god bless em oh you got the victory
Channel: Kingdom Minded Ministries with Pastor J.K. Rodgers
Views: 34,408
Rating: 4.80339 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jimmie K. Rodgers, minjimmierodgers elderjkrodgers pastorjkr, MARK VEREEN
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 11sec (3491 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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