Sunday Morning Live (1st Service) - August 29, 2021

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center saint catherine jamaica west indies [Music] [Applause] [Music] all of my words receive my worship all of my words [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and i will not be silent hallelujah [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] receive [Music] here is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will do not decide [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh my words [Music] [Music] of your lord [Music] of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is my worst [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] this is my worst is [Music] is words [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] glory to god [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] my love for [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my love for you [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] in the [Music] spirit my love for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] true lord i love you [Music] [Music] in your presence is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] every day [Music] [Music] what are you [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] somebody worship [Music] hallelujah [Music] see jesus oh god oh god you see when you enter into the presence of the lord he's like he wants to come out of his presence he's like you want to remain in his presence because in his presence there is fullness of joy hallelujah all your troubles all your sorrows hallelujah are abated when you enter into the presence of god because he dwells in the praises of his people glory to god thank you jesus we gather into your house this morning to worship you jesus here is our worship all of our worship receive our worship o god hallelujah because we will not be silent we will always worship you glory to god hallelujah let me first greet praise god our bishop bishop dr delphi davies first lady minister president davis praise god you wonderful saints praise god musicians hallelujah our viewing audience this morning i agree to wealth in the matchless name of jesus and so we will turn to our redemption this morning and we'll be singing from praise god congregational hymn 377 what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning on the everlasting as we blend our voices and sing to the glory and honor of god this morning what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning on the everlasting arms [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] what am i doing [Applause] oh is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] is oh me [Music] i assure you he won't let you go hallelujah i assure you he won't abandon you hallelujah he wrapped us in his arms glory to god hallelujah and safely little songs as we bow for prayer this morning hey jesus oh god our god how excellent is thy name in all the earth oh jesus hallelujah you are excellent jesus you are excellent oh god there is none like you there is none to be compared this morning and so father we enter upon this brand new week the first day of the week divine god and as we come into your house this morning for worship great god few in numbers but oh god almighty we know hallelujah with we o god with us and you o god we are the majority and so this morning we know your presence is already here and i know god almighty will show up this morning oh god almighty in a way lord jesus christ that will baffle our minds oh god almighty i pray this morning almighty god that you will strengthen our hearts the fainted hearts this morning god the wounded hearts this morning oh god those lord jesus christ that are captivated oh god almighty with sicknesses and diseases this morning those that are lying down in a hospital bed this morning almighty god i can't even move oh god a muscle great god many are on ventilators this morning many are even lying down on a hospital floor this morning almighty god because of circumstances god that is mitigating our militating against us almighty god we are great god almighty that you will oh god give them strength this morning oh god help them lord jesus christ to hope you have hope in your divine god lord jesus because we know you sit high and you look glow and so god this morning i pray find god that you will minister to every circumstances minister lord jesus christ to every heart broken minister lord jesus christ to every oppressed and depressed ones this morning in the name of jesus right around the world this morning almighty god many lord jesus christ are confused oh god knowing not what to do but lord we're here this morning to reassure somebody divine god that their lord god can only cast their cares upon you god because you care and god we know you have not brought us this far to leave us great god because when we are in the fire god even in the very fire you will show up great god almighty just like the three hebrew boys divine god we will not bow divine god even if their lord jesus christ heated the fire sometimes hotter glory to god the church of the living god will not bow in the name of jesus because we know divine god you are the sheep supreme god oh glory to god and you are the fourth man divine god and you will step in over fire this morning hey koreaba in the name of jesus i pray divine god for the doctors and the nurses this morning oh god some are calling in sick lord jesus christ because of the pressure great god almighty because of god of the intensity o god almighty of the disease great god that is upon us the pandemic divine god glory to god we put it into your hands let it come to a heart let it come to a heart in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i pray divine god that you will lord god show up lord god almighty as you show up for shadrach meshach and abednego this morning oh glory to god i pray divine god that you will lord jesus visit every home o god this morning i pray lord jesus christ that you will speak peace oh god this morning to some tempest this morning i pray almighty god that you will lord god show up for some people lord jesus christ that are hungry this morning glory to god this morning i pray lord jesus that you will show up for some people lord god that lord jesus christ are confused help them lord god to realize that you still sit on your throne and so this morning god i rebuke every plan of the enemy yes i rebuke every plan of the enemy every plan of the adversary who raise up against the children of children of god in the name of jesus i said your camp this morning in the name of jesus hallelujah we confuse you this morning [Music] about in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we pull down your strongholds this morning in the name of jesus and so father god i pray that you will breathe your holy breath upon us in the name of jesus glory to god this morning and we know we will not leave here as we came in jesus name hallelujah we will not leave here the same we came in jesus name oh glory to god strengthen our hearts this morning send a rhema word to our hearts thus said god we need to hear this morning almighty god our word lord jesus christ to reassure our word lord jesus christ to strengthen our word lord jesus christ to give us another pep in our steps in the name of jesus and so father we cast everything at your feet and we ask for your glory oh god to be upon us in a special way this morning we pray and so father we look to you and we give you all the glory and we give you all the honor oh glory to god somebody lift your hands somebody lift your hands lift up those hands and shout glory shout glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] gloria god is in the house this morning hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus our scripture scripture lesson will be taken this morning from revelation chapter 3 praise god verse 14 to 22 hallelujah glory to god i will read and you will follow in your bibles praise god verse 14. and this is what's a message to the las to la ordisia church hallelujah and onto and on to the angel of the church of the la of la odisian's right these things saith the amen the faithful and true weakness the beginning of the creation of god i know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot i would the word cold or hot so then because the word lukewarm and neither cold nor hot i will spill thee out of my mouth because thou says i am rich and increase with goods and have need of nothing and know is not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked i counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou me may be rich and the white raid raiment that thou mays be clothed and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint their eyes with eye self that thou may and see as many as i love i rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and repent behold i stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door i will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me to him that overcometh will i grant to sit with me in my throne even as i also overcame and am set down with thy my father in his throne verse 22 he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit said on to the churches he that hath an ear to hear let him hear what the spirit said unto the churches this is the word of god praise the name of jesus hallelujah glory to god let the church say amen glory to god hallelujah you may have your seats in the presence of the lord hallelujah at this time our aquarium our choir ministry will be coming to us from the echoes of faith praise the name of jesus please be in the spirit as the queen you know in this christian life we go through a lot of things second corinthians 4 verse 8 and 9 it tells us that we have trouble on every side but we are not distressed because we have got jesus we go through so many things such as troubles such as trials such as persecution do i have a witness this morning hallelujah but we've got jesus jesus i may be persecuted but i've got jesus i may be passed down sometimes but i've got jesus jesus i may be my mighty but i've got jesus i may be persecuted but i've got jesus sometimes i'm cast down but i've got jesus sometimes i have to cry but i've got jesus i may get worried but i've got jesus sometimes i'm hungry but i've got jesus i may become naked but i've got jesus [Applause] jesus and the quiet center tell you this morning we've got jesus hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but i've got jesus and you can't take him away yes [Applause] you can jesus take him away [Music] i've [Applause] [Music] but in all [Music] jesus oh yes and you can't take him away but [Music] satan took [Music] with many a sorrows [Music] [Applause] [Music] this one [Music] [Applause] and you could yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may kill [Music] [Music] and you can [Music] [Music] away your brother [Applause] andy away your friend pierced your heart with many of sorrows broke your spirit with [Music] [Music] oh i've got jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lay down [Music] take him away [Applause] [Applause] [Music] me take it away [Music] [Music] take him away [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you can [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you can [Music] are you glad about that assurance this morning we have got jesus and tell me who can take him away from us this morning he wrapped us in his arms so tight hallelujah so they'll have to come to take us out of the hands of jesus safe in the hands of jesus glory to god i want to thank the choir for that wonderful rendition this morning mine is a task to do the welcome this morning and i want to say a pleasant good morning praise god to one and all this morning let me take this precious moment to welcome each and every one to the pfmi ministry i am humbled through the grace of god to stand before you this morning to our bishop praise god and founder bishop dr delford davis first lady minister dr petrova davis senior assistant pastor reverend isilda noteman and all the ministerial staff also to our viewers and our browsers hope you all had a fantastic week so glad you have chosen to worship with us this morning it is another wonderful day that the lord has given us once more to worship and fellowship together we trust that this service will be an encouragement and blessing to you whatever you need this morning you can receive songwriter said father i stretch my hands to thee no other help i know if thou should draw thyself from me then whether shall i go so jesus christ is your refuge this morning he is your strength he is your rock and you can hide within that rock this morning once again we thank you for tuning in this morning to our broadcast please put your hands together and make our browsers our viewers welcome this morning in jesus name praise god at this time there will be praise expression we'll be singing two choruses i'm gonna ask the praise team to come at this time as we roll the old chariot along this morning come on rejoice in the lord this morning [Applause] we gonna he's on the road oh is [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] oh is [Laughter] [Music] hallelujah glory to god down here we have a lot of potholes lord jesus glory to god all kind of obstacles in our way but we'll be stepping on gold we'll be stepping on gold soon and very soon it won't be long church i said it won't be long hallelujah hallelujah jesus is waiting to step down hallelujah to call his children home hallelujah i want to be with him hallelujah when the saints go marching in thank you jesus hallelujah as we'll be having another selection from the voices of inspiration please make them welcome be blessed in jesus name jesus jesus [Music] be assured this morning that he's always there blessed be the name of jesus thank [Music] [Music] [Applause] to conquer my soul [Music] but i heard the voice of my savior telling me still decide on he promised never to leave me never to leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] breakers dashing [Music] still [Music] never to leave me never to leave [Music] three [Music] [Music] that my savior stands between [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yes he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] he died [Music] [Applause] it is [Music] his road oh yes jesus promised he promised never to leave me never to leave [Music] [Music] glory seated upon his throat oh yes jesus promised not he promised but to leave me never to leave us up [Music] he promised [Music] [Music] no no no no no [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] never to leave [Music] promises [Music] jesus [Music] jesus promises that you'll never leave us hallelujah he promises that he will forgive us all glory to god there is no way our jesus he's always here oh glory to the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah he promised he promised he promised hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well praise the lord he promised never to leave me he'll never leave any of us oh no not by the wayside oh no not in egypt he's going to take us through all the way to the promised land let my voice stood out of minister miller in welcoming everybody to this morning's worship our first worship expression for this morning again we meet at 9 30 a.m so please tune in everywhere and be blessed got some great information notices to give you i'll do so the end of this service but in order to allow the preacher is 45 minutes i'm gonna introduce him at this time this service closes at nine o'clock as you know but just to say come wednesday we will meet for one fasting session nine o'clock am to one o'clock p.m one session for first wednesday so warriors please bear that in mind and i'll tell you about what will be happening on tuesday the 31st an island-wide move of the holy spirit so stay tuned we've got a very interesting well many interesting audiences out there i was just browsing on facebook and youtube a while ago and dear god you you people not easy lord have mercy let's give our viewers a begun please come on if i tell you we have an audience out there know that park the national arena you wouldn't believe me but yeah an audience that parked the national arena so the 14 16 of us in this house we have a massive audience out there facebook youtube instagram pfm family television amen over 30 000 people are out there viewing this at this time isn't god wonderful isn't god amazing i thank god for everybody thank you for the ministers dr petrova wonderful woman of god minister note man in her absence and of course all of the ministers god bless you and we are happy to be god's servants to you well last week being youth sunday three gentlemen should have ministered because we had planned for three services we had to scale down a little we had two uh one of them ministered high ministered in the first these three gentlemen are persons who work with the youth ministry minister michael mirage minister leondo spencer and exotica up leon gordon day three would have ministered in last week so this week we are going to have minister leander spencer the coordinator of the youth ministries he is going to be ministering the word of god no stranger to this platform anymore he's almost becoming a regular preacher my goodness is that something he was away so could not have shared the word overseas so i'm delighted to be inviting minister lamar leondo spencer who happens to be my daughter's husband first daughter first of many daughters see some more daughters here too will you make him welcome as he share the word of god with us this morning god bless you sir so [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah but from where you are raise your hand and give thanks to god almighty hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father we bless your name father we bless your name father we bless your name oh father we thank you we thank you for thank you god we thank you for everything that you have done everything that you continue to do almighty god go on wherever you are with your ear and my voice go ahead and worship god send the praise takes his presence oh hallelujah we thank you god we thank you we thank you god let us pray father thank you for your love your word your peace and your joy father i come before you almighty god i pray almighty god that you pour the spirit of the prophet upon your almighty god father i pray almighty god for a double portion this morning almighty god father i pray that your night my mind oh my god he'll make a focus on your voice oh lord anoint my lips your god that i may speak your word clearly almighty god and anoint our years and our heart and we may hear and understand and do what your word says father in the name of jesus i pray amen amen i want to bring greetings to a bishop bishop dr davis his wife minister davis minister i still don't know man in our present in our absence sorry all the other ministers uh musicians and everyone who are here i bring greetings to you in the name of jesus christ this morning i talked with the word of god and we're coming from as you read before revelations chapter 3 from verses 14 to 22. and i want to use for a theme or a topic only spiritual medicine can give spiritual healing only spiritual medicine can give spiritual healing i'm going to ask the prior mothers who are here and who are listening to just pray for me even more now than you have ever i'm standing in this capacity that the lord may speak and have his way let us quickly go back over the word revelations chapter 3 from 14 to 22 to the church in laodicea to the angel of the church in love yesterday these are the words of the amen the faithful and true witness the ruler of god's creation i know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot i wish you were either one or the other so because you are lukewarm need a heart nor cold i'm about to spit you out of my mouth you say i am rich i have acquired wealth and do not need a thing but you do not realize that you are wretched pitiful poor blind and naked i can't see you to buy from me gold refined in the fire so that you can become rich and white clothes to wear so you can cover your shameful nakedness and serve to put on your eyes so you can see those whom i have loved i rebuke and discipline so be earnest and repent here am i i stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door i will come in and eat with that person and they with me to the one who is victorious i'll give the right to sit with me on my throne just as i was victorious and sat down with my father on his throne whoever has ears let him hear what the spirit says to the churches before i go any further i'm going to request i'm a question i'm gonna ask him for prayer for my father uh next week he has a very important doctor visit and i pray that everything will go according to plan i also ask you to pray for my wife who is not feeling 100 percent this morning and i had to leave luke with her but bless god for her amen the book of revelation is a interesting book and i became more familiar with the book through my when i had a paper to write and i was going through and asking trying to asking god to die with me what part to take and i was saying it to my wife i'm not sure which one of these books that i should you know write the paper on and she said why not write it in the book of revelation do that question and i must tell you i have not regretted it because the things i've learned about the book of revelation i did not know before and i don't think i would have learned it otherwise one of the things that have learned is that in the early christian days the book of revelation was one of the most widely used books it was one of the most translated it was one of the most distributed books meaning everywhere and anywhere christianity went when no other book was used the book of revelation was used it was translated in many different languages from the greek and this tells us it gives us an idea how important a book it is it was evil more widely used than the gospels imagine that it's more widely used than the pauline epistles the people of that day could not get enough of the book unfortunately and those are my words unfortunately through a time we have lost in a sense the impact of the book because we really read it as we should and we really understand it even as we should and of all the books in the script are in the text in the bible the book of revelation is the only one that promises us a blessing when we read it and when or when we hear it this is how important this book is but for whatever reason through a time we have not kept that connection and i encourage you that you read it try to understand it and i think the main reason that we have separated from this book is that this book the literary device or the type of writing used in this book is different from most if not all the other books in the bible the only other book that compares to this book is the book of daniel right and the type of writing is referred to as the apocalyptic type of writing right hence why this book at times is referred to as the book of the apocalypse right and i'm going somewhere and we it should be interesting to see what the lord has to say and the thing about the book of revelation is that it uses a lot of imagery a lot of symbols right and that that's native to the apocalyptic writing so unless you understand the imagery or unless you understand the symbolism then more than likely you will miss most of if not all of the messages that the book has to offer and hence we will not get the value um that we should from the book one of the things that i recognize from the book that is that it is not only eschatological me are prophetic meaning speaking of the end time it also is christological meaning that it speaks about christ and i cannot tell you that it speaks about christ in more detail than many of the other books and not only was it christological but it was also pastoral and pastoral in the sense that it teaches us a lot of lessons about the church and how the church should run and how the church should operate and we pray by the holy spirit of god that we will learn one of those pastoral messages today i want to make an observation here also is that the description of christ in chapter one let me read it i turned around to see from verse 12. i turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me and when i turned i saw several golden lampstands and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest the hair on his head was white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were like blazing fire his feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters in his right hand hand he held seven stars and coming out of his mouth was a sharp double egg sword his face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance one of the key things and i need to lay this foundation so you understand me later one of the key things you have to understand here is that the author the writer was not trying to give a physical description of christ per se even though it might sound like that but what he was trying to do was to try to communicate through imagery to the readers the characteristics of christ and what you will notice is this when the messages came to the churches that were sent to the churches the writer or part of the message actually contained a description of christ amen i'll prove it to you and this is because of this i believe that it's not only a physical description that the author was aiming for because these persons would not have seen christ before so describing christ physically is of no significance of any values to them and i remember the text in deuteronomy where god said to israel when i appeared to you in the wilderness i did not appear to you in any form so i don't want you to have a form in your head when you're worshipping me when you're giving me prayers when you're talking to me i don't want to have a form in your head of who i am because that is not the main thing because what is critical to the understanding of christ and of god is that god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth while i understand the psychological and emotional and other alleys of identifying with your god whether it's a black man or a white man it doesn't matter whether god is black or whether god is white it doesn't matter the nature of the historical jesus is complexion or the level of men and in the skin what is important that he is god he is the christ he is the son of god and this is what jesus is and this is because from this background i don't believe that the writer was trying to our his main aim was to give a physical description of christ i'm bringing us with some steps through some scriptures the message to the church in ephesus found in revelation 2 verse 1 the description of christ was the seven golden lampstands plus he held the seven stars we find this in revelation 1 12-13 and verse 16. i remember we just mentioned that to the church in smyrna revelation chapter 2 verse 8 8-9 the description of christ was i am the first and the last i am the living one i was dead and now look i'm alive and we got that family revelation 1 17-18 to the church in praganum revelation 2 12 the description of christ was out of his mouth is a sharp doubly-edged sword we're going somewhere revelation 1 verse 16 to the church in tayatera in revelation 2 18 we see his eyes were like blazing fire his feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace and that came from revelation 1 14 to 15. to the church insidis revelation 3 verse 1 the description of jesus was in his right hand he held seven stars revelation 1 16 and 20. and to the church in philadelphia revelation 3 7 he wrote he holds the keys to death and haves revelation 1 18 and to the church that we are looking at today the church in laodicea revelation 3 14 it says jesus christ the faithful witness the faithful witness and going back to the text in revelation 3 14 even though this was not in the original description one of the description of jesus is that he is the amen he took the title of being the amen and this is significant because we know when we pray when we give thanks to god we say amen to confirm what is said or what is prayed and what jesus was saying is that the church of the church is like this says that what i'm about to say to you is the amen it is confirmed there is no sideways sidestepping what i'm about to say to you amen another title that we see for the church in life that jesus shared with the church in ladashia is that he is the true and faithful witness in other words you have heard about god you have a view about god but i am the one the faithful one the true witness that can tell you about god not only and the amen means whatever i say is shown is confirmed but i am the one who knows god i am the faithful witness so he's confirming the words before he even said it and then the next identifier he uses that the firstborn of creation the firstborn of creation meaning that i are the beginning of creation meaning i was there from the beginning there is no other standard to go by as a church as a christian than me jesus christ so the three things we see that jesus said that i am the amen meaning that whatever i say is established and so i am the true and faithful witness i am the one who saw god not only seeing him but i i was there from the beginning of creation now listen to me know laodicea listen to the words that i have to say to you because there's no going around it there is no taking away from it as a matter of fact the text in the book of religion said what we add to the prophecy will add to what i have to say or who takes away from what i have to say normally and i can tell the truth that i agonized over this world i agonized over this word but thanks be to god that i have a good example for many years you know a pastor who says what has to be said and leave the rest to god and i aim by the help of god's holy spirit to do the same this morning one of the first messages one of the first what problems that the ladies and church had at godhead with the ladies is that they did not know that they were not in the will of god they did not know that they were not in the will of god as far as they were concerned everything was okay because they said i am rich i have need for nothing at all because what they did and unfortunately when i look at the church today generally speaking it is not it is not far from this where we associate material position and we create material position with being in the will of god so the church in audacia they had money so much so be sure that when the earthquake in 1860 came out somewhere in that time and the city was ruined flattened they did not take any money from the government to rebuild be rebuilt out of their own pocket not only that is that they had a thriving manufacturing business they had a thriving agricultural business and they also had a thriving medical business they provided medical medicine for eyes so you can see and because of that because everything was good in life they never thought for one moment that everything that not everything was right with god and often time in today's world and and and and and i struggle with this oftentimes today is where we create life standing with spirituality with being right in god if we are making good finances god is blessing me everything is fine if i'm in good health god is blessing me therefore everything is in fine if my children are going to go to school god is blessing us everything is fine if i'm in a good job making good money and i'm known [Music] everything is fine but what god was saying to them and what had happened to them is that they became so dependent on what they had they no longer saw the need for god and i know and not for one minute i'm saying that we as christians should not have material possession that's not what i'm saying i would love to have it we should have it but it's a fine line at times for some people that the moment they start to see the blessing the closer they get to the material position is the further they get away from god [Music] how many times has god blessed us in the church those of us who came from nothing and it is the church that helped is it the church that guided us it's the church that builds us up but as soon as we start to work as soon as we get exposed to other things than other people and as soon as we start to experience life in its fullest and we can take a trip and we can drive a car where we can shop [Music] the less we talk about god and one sunday turn to two sunday and one sabbath turned to two sabbaths in terms of missing church i no longer have time for choir rehearsal because i have to go hang with my friends no longer have time for the sunday school because now i have to prepare for work tomorrow no longer have time to give or to tide the talent the gifting that god give it to the church because i no longer need god nourish people [Music] god said to the ladashian church you think you are rich you think you are well off but you are wretched you're poor you're pitiful you're naked you have nothing and what you notice here is that the very things that they think that they were strung him jesus because they had money so they thought they were rich and god was saying you were poor they thought they could see because they would heal people with eye problems and god say you are blind they had a thriving manufacturing business so they thought they were clothed and god said you were naked the very thing that you put our confidence in the very thing that we think we are securing god is saying you have nothing you are nothing you're spiritually bankrupt you're naked you're poor to the church in laodicea only spiritual blessing only spiritual medicine can give spiritual healing jesus prayer mother just swear to have to pray for me you have to pray for me the second thing i want to point out here is that they were not fulfilling their purpose as a church they were not fulfilling their purpose at your church and and this and this and this this one chopping me this one chopping me and i prayed many times i spent many much time praying about this part because i believe the lord showed me something and i was like it can't make her because i don't make no sense you don't make much sense but then i kept praying because i had an issue years ago many many years ago bishop you might remember it i don't know and because i issue i tell god that when you're talking to me don't just talk to me in my heart of the ear but show me from the scripture so i can be 100 sure and from that time i've been like that and maybe that's why god has brought me along this line in terms of studying the scriptures because that's the confirmation for me and one of the things that you i want to notice here is that god said to them i wish you were either hot or cold and remember i told you that the book of revelation is field of imagery and once you see certain things then certain things should come to your mind and one thing is that the church nowadays you have two cities close to it colossal we read the book of colossians and another city herrera something i remember the name was 10 miles away but that but the city of colossa had cold water springs cold water for those who are in the medical field you know cold water some medicinal purposes i hope i call the word correctly you know some healing um um attributes and just like cold water hot water also had that another type of healing attribute also right and we found hot water in the city of herrera police right and when that water will come down off the hill it will lose some of the heat and it becomes lukewarm and the problem is that with the water being lukewarm it's not hot enough for its medicinal purposes so god was saying that i wish you're in the heart because hot water heals i wish you were cold because you seated with they knew that the cold water refreshes but you need a hot not cold you're not doing any other thing that you should be doing as a church but you are lukewarm and when you said to them that you're a lukewarm they would have known what he's talking about because they had lukewarm water going down in the in the pool coming off the hill couldn't do anything worse it was filled with minerals sediments and when you drink it if you didn't know you have to spit it out of your mouth hence why i said i vomit you i'll vomit you out so the church was not reprimanded because they did not have any spirituality it's not that they did not know jesus and his holy spirit it's not that they did not know the scriptures but their problem was that that they were not beneficial to anybody the presence of the world this is where the presence of the water signified that the spirit was there he was there lies um souls were being saved so to speak church was being added to they might have been doing some social programs in terms of giving away free free um eye medicine they may be clothing the homeless if there were any they were feeding they were doing all these social intervention things but i've heard i remember bishop david said this many years ago many many years ago that the primary purpose of the church is not for social activities the primary role of the church is to spiritually uplift people and the problem was with this church was that they were neither providing refreshment for the spiritual weary nor healing for the spiritually sick they had the spirit but their use of the spirit was only for themselves god will you bless me with this car lord will you bless me with this job oh i have this gift i have that gift i have disability data it was for themselves and jesus was saying is that you need a heart not a coal because you're not providing refreshment for the spiritually weary and you're not providing healing for the spiritual sick and one thing you will know and if you have been in church long enough you will know that it is one thing for people to come to christ but until we as a church address the issues that these persons are failing emotionally within themselves then it's only a matter of time that they'll go back to where they're coming from so the world does not stop when they come to christ and for the church in lauradessia this was what their problem was because once persons entered into the church it was fine because everything was taken care of the holes the car all the external things and while god is not saying the church should not participate or help in this type of things but it should not be at the expense of your primary task spiritual healing for the sick and spiritual refreshing for the weary and only it is only spiritual medicine can bring spiritual healing and i know that man is a tribe being where he has he's a spirit protects our soul and lives in our body and at times some of the things that affect us physically so many times some of the things that affect us uh emotionally our soul impacts the spirit things like divorce things like abuse things like hurt and our spirit become broken and all you know his spirit is broken because whenever certain time things come up you will be in the same way all the time regardless of how happy you you have certain triggers and i say this to people and research has shown it a lot of time and you know i used to mention that i work with the youths a lot of time when they see the youth doing certain things and i said it before on this platform they are acting out because of what has happened to them and no program that we plan no counseling that we do although i do caution has its place but for those who are spiritually hurt damaged sick it is going to require spiritual medicine to bring them back spiritual medicine and what is happening in today's world we are being led our genre settings like a church where we hear that the church is not doing enough how the church is not doing what it's supposed to do but the world should not dictate what the church should or should not do and for those who are who limit us or bar us then holy expect us to do what we're supposed to do [Music] you want us to help we help but for us to help we need access because only spiritual medicine can bring spiritual healing crimes and a rampant spiritual medicine is needed promiscuous lifestyle is on a rampant spiritual medicine is needed poverty is rampant spiritual medicine a lot of people are hurting [Music] spiritual medicine is needed and god said to the church come by from me come take from me gold refining the fire so that you can truly be rich come take from me white robe to cover your nakedness even though you think you are secure and come and get from me i solve so you can really see in the spiritual realm and understand spiritual things because ladies and gentlemen virtue and church certain things are spiritually discerned jews said that in the church then you had men who are leading the church but to spiritual instinct natural instinct they do not have the spirit and unfortunately for some of us that still is true where we have persons who come under the umbrella of the church but only thing they have is natural instinct only thing they have is the natural training and if you know me you know i support training but training by itself [Music] can't get the job done training by itself can i get the job done we need the spirit of god as only spiritual medicine can give us spiritual healing and we have a lot of people in church who need spiritual healing because somebody's mouth was let loose on them and it hurt them emotionally so much that it affects their spirit that they no longer can serve or willing to serve because they find more peace out there than in here because when they are in here they are confronted are reminded of that hurt but i say the lord is calling you back will you not take some of that spiritual medicine for some of us as soon as we reach 18 we live out of our parents house and not only we live out of our appearance or we live from out of the church because you are the relationship that we have with our parents you need spiritual medicine and no job is going to give you that satisfaction that release no friend okay how small your circle is going to give you that release no amount of an idea say work outside of church where there's good deeds you're helping others is going to heal the wound and one thing i've learned while i was studying theology is that they say a large majority of the 90 of people who go into helping profession are people who need help themselves so when you see people like that it is a normally a sign that they need help and they're helping others because they hope in helping others they'll get the delivered and i'm saying to you only spiritual can give you spiritual healing young boy younger no amount of tattoo that you put on to hide the pain can give you the spiritual healing that you need young boy younger no more of relationship no amount of parting that you need you you you you partaking he's going to give you the healing you need because your only spiritual medicine can give spiritual healing so it's too full the church thought they were good the church thought everything was okay because they have everything that this world had to offer but the amen the faithful and true witness the one who was there from the beginning of creation was saying no you are naked you are pitiful you are poor and you need help come buy her from me and if if it is money you think you have come to me and you will get wealth if it is a great relationship you think you have outside of christ come to me and i show you what a great relationship is if it is your purpose that you are looking for there is no greater purpose than the purpose of god you are neither hot nor cool you are need of providing spiritual healing for the sick our refreshing for the spiritually weary key thing that i notice here bishop and everyone else is this god was talking to the church but he was outside of the church god was talking to the church and they felt that everything was okay but jesus said i am knocking at the door i want to come in i am not in there you're doing your own thing open the door i am willing i want to despite everything that has happened and i want to hear me regardless of what you have been through regardless of what you have done you can come back and i'm a living testimony of that god those who know me know me and god is faithful and if you're looking for an example see one here i'm not trying to profess that i'm perfect but from where i'm coming from to this point god has been good and i'm saying to you that god is knocking at the door he wants to come in and stop with you he wants to come in and be with you he wants to heal you so i invite you for wherever you are hearing my voice only spiritual medicine can give spiritual healing and when you think that you are hot or you think that you are cold i think that everything is fine with it because of what you have materially and the truth is that so for some people that's all they can talk about because that's all they have that's all they can talk about that's all they have and that's all they seek what god is saying if any man thirst any man first come unto me let him come unto me jesus is calling jesus is knocking will you not answer please father thank you for your love for thank you for your appreciation father thank you for your word for your word shall not return unto your voice but accomplish what you sent out to do prospering to a sin father thank you almighty god for your anointing oh god to help me deliver this word of god father even though lord those who have heard the word almighty god and are crying unto you know a lot i pray that you'll fulfill your word for yourself no word shall return unto your voice pour on to them or guide the spiritual medicine so they can have their spiritual healing father we give you thanks jesus [Music] god blessed the day [Music] he didn't throw the clay away [Music] but over and over [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] worshiping [Music] oh my god [Applause] and over [Music] into [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] what a mighty god [Music] of is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] everybody lift your hand where you are come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] airport forever [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] only spiritual medicine [Music] can give us spiritual healing no substitute there are no options i am the living bread saith the lord i am the living water heat of me and be filled and be satisfied drink of me and your thirst will be quenched oh glory to god no option no substitute only spiritual medicine can give us spiritual healing we're going to pray again jeremiah asked is there no bomb in gilead is there no physician there why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered why are so many backsliders still out there why are so many lukewarm people [Music] in the church why are they not fired up when john the baptist says he who comes after me is mightier than i i'm not worthy to lose his shoes he baptizes with the holy ghost and with fire when jesus says if any man believe john 7 37 out of his belly shall flow where is the fire where is the water the hot fire the cold water that provides medicinal values and properties spiritually speaking only spiritual medicine can bring us spiritual healing but thank god there is a bomb in gilead there is a resident physician in the house and it doesn't matter what the circumstances of your life are today this physician can make you whole one touch the elm of his garment can make you whole oh my god almighty a moment spent in his presence can make you whole oh thank you jesus saints of god wherever you are this morning christian people from all denominations across all countries and parishes districts and provinces towns districts and villages continent wherever you are let us fall before god in prayer right now oh gracious god we thank you for the word spoken we thank you for the release of the holy spirit upon the world that has made them quick and powerful and we thank you not even now they are penetrating the hearts of your people and right now there are those who are contemplating their way back to where they rightfully belong in the name of jesus christ i pray that you will pour fresh liquid fire upon your people in the name of jesus i pray that the coldness and the deadness and the dryness will disappear as the spirit of god make is descent upon the body of christ in this hour in the name of jesus we pray that those who are lame will be healed we pray that those who are lazy will be fired up in their spirit we pray for those who are becoming lukewarm oh god that you will amen turn the heat up in their fire in the name of jesus and let them reach boiling point one more time in the name of jesus we pray for those who are wounded lord god that you pour in the oil and the wine and there are many wounded soldiers o god many wounded warriors oh god but i know that you can touch them and make them whole it is not your will than any should perish but that all should be restored and walk with you in the light of your word it is the enemy's mission to steal to kill and to destroy and whomever he finds in his path he will do just that but in the name of jesus christ we seal the body with the blood this morning we release the blood of jesus christ upon the body of christ we release the pillar of cloud for each day we release a pillar of fire for each night we release the sword of the spirit against the adversary in the name of jesus arise for your people this morning let god arise and let the enemies be scattered and you lying devil you diabolical spirit who has been deceiving god's people in the name of jesus we curse you this morning we bind and rebuke in the name of jesus and we release even the captives that you have held bound right now set them free lord in the name of jesus have you not said to us when we go through waters fires of flood you will be there lord some are experiencing the proverbial water fire and flood right now all kinds of flood-like situation fiery-type situation amen water-like but god you are able to see them through rescue the perishing this morning rescue the perishing lord rescue the perishing ones turn them from darkness to light from the power of satan to the power of god we speak it for you now in the name of jesus and lord we pray that as you provide spiritual healing spiritual refreshing for the body salvation for the loss we pray that you provide physical healing amen for the physical man every sickness every disease every infirmity from hell we curse it from it to toes in the name of jesus christ we command it to leave the body of the people of god my brother my sister i speak your healing in the name of jesus i speak your deliverance for by his tribes we are healed so i pray you out of that sickness right now i pray you out of that sorrowful situation right now i pray you out of your diseases in the name of jesus i pray you out of all infirmity and i set you up on a path of recovery this morning in the name of jesus lord we thank you for having heard our prayers and we thank you that even now the holy spirit is releasing in the body of christ that healing property that we need in the name of jesus thank you for hearing us thank you for setting men and women free thank you for saving your loss thank you for reclaiming the backsliders and thank you for anointing the body of christ with a fresh anointing today uh spiritual medicine is being poured in the body and spiritual healing shall be had father we thank you and we praise you in jesus name let the saints of god in all places begin to give god praise and glory give god praise and glory give god praise and glory worship the king of heaven hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord spiritual medicine give us spiritual healing for i am here by the way [Music] i am [Music] [Music] can we sing it one more time i am here i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] oh praise the lord god bless you be seated those who are with me here thank you i want to thank god for the words spoken by minister leander spencer may the lord continue to use him for his glory and for his honor want to thank all of you for sharing this first worship expression and we encourage and invite you to join us at 9 30 when we will once again be engaged spiritually right from this century to your home into your hearts uh 7 30 p.m this evening we continue with a powerful message could be recorded could be life speaking anything to happen we'll see what happens on all of these platforms except the television of course time of refreshing continues mondays through fridays 1pm and all of these platforms and we thank the lord for all of you faithful dedicated viewers and supporters however on tuesday the 31st will be a very special day across the nation as the church of the living god its leaders come together for a day of national prayer and fasting there you see it on the on the screen and on your device national day prayer and fasting for the nation tuesday 31st 10 a.m through 2 p.m and of course you see the theme that will guide the day's activities all of the seven seven church groups the leaders thereof are part of this great gathering and it will be on all our media platforms so on tuesday time of refreshing will be subsumed into this service so bear that in mind jamaica association of full gospel churches jamaica pentecostal union apostolic jamaica council of churches independent churches of jamaica church of god in jamaica seventh-day adventist jamaica evangelical alliance all seven church groups their leaders are part of this planning bishop honorable costa spitkin reverend dr peter garth chair of the gaugc and pastors from all of these communities and others so we ask you to participate at home and abroad you can view and all our platform power of faith will be the uh the center from which all of this comes love 101 will be carrying it also another so you'll hear much more about it so please participate in the ways that you can national day of prayer for the nation oh my goodness these are the last days and prayer prayer and much more prayer i did say wednesday we will have one session for our first wednesdays when this fast nine o'clock a.m all right and we want to see those of you who are appointed to be here please be here and of course view us on the networks very special sessions have been going on under the auspices of the prayer department here at power faith ministries 12 midnight 3 a.m 6 a.m 9 00 a.m 12 noon 3 p.m 6 p.m on these hours please take a little time out to pray and to seek the lord i want to thank evangelist jennifer rowe and evangelist marcia justice foster arranging these sessions and last night well friday nights was all night for a meeting via the social media dear god what a time [Music] lift your hand and say set us free o lord that we may worship thee one more time set us free oh lord that we may worship thee amen we need the body of christ to come back together again we need that so down with covet brother and sister ashborne yeah brother and sister ashburn celebrating 56 years of wedding bliss we celebrate you we congratulate you and we pray for you stand with me dr petrov you have any word you want to pass on all right let her say a word and then i'll close in prayer praise god praise god jesus said come unto me only that labor and heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke and learn of me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light only spiritual medicine can give spiritual healing to god be the glory this morning hallelujah i just want to bring some special greetings from some special persons here will not hear overseas who continue to be a blessing to the ministry praise god and to our to us also as individuals praise god i want to bring special greetings from missionary gloria murray and we thank you ma'am for what you have done for the distribution center also to sister taylor mcdonald thank you god bless you we want to say thanks also to sister panzi henry sister anne-marie edwards god richly bless you exotic charmaine mendes missionary you land warren bahir sister laurel henry we give god thanks for you sister cheryl marsh we continue to pray for you and your dear daughter evangelist janet brown who is still overseas missionary novelette parish sister sylvani and family daughter of sister missionary lou edwards also from sister julian blake and her daughter sister shoshone and their family members god bless you sister judy douglas in canada deaconess pamela lewis in the bronx deaconessiome nelson and her husband brother owen nelson who are here with us in jamaica thank you ma'am for being such an outstanding warrior in the work of the lord and the blessings you have been to my family and i over the many years god bless you exotic simone ahar we give god thanks for you also and also esquire sofia safir folks the blessings you have been in sponsoring a child and have been doing so for the past three years along with deaconess new menel so she also sponsors a child god richly bless you and the ministry continue to serve the cause of christ as we do care packages once per month praise god and we go into the communities and serve the shootings we also do a distribution center here at the power of faith we are open every tuesday and friday where people come from all around the communities and receive blessing from the distribution center the power of faith ministry continue to strive to serve the cause of christ to be a holistic ministry catering for both bodies soul and spirit god richly bless you and if you are sick this morning in whatever state our condition only spiritual medicine hallelujah can give you that spiritual healing that you need god bless you again praise god us stand please father we thank you for all the things said and done this morning for your glory and for your honor thank you for all the vessels that you have used oh god in this service continue to bless us all we pray in jesus name amen what do we say before we close the service i am healthy prosperous wise and strong i am god's anointed i shall live long i have my abundant life in jesus christ god shall perfect that which concerns me and no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper in jesus name amen grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and forevermore and everybody say only spiritual medicine thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at for more information stay tuned and be blessed you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
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Id: 54DMTHmu37k
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Length: 134min 3sec (8043 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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