Attempting Skyrim's Dumbest "Quests"

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[Music] it's no secret that I enjoy completing or rather attempting to complete stupid challenges and objectives in my favorite open World Games however coming up with ideas can be hard so I asked you and the audience for some of your ideas for ridiculous quests like Sweet Roll delivery prison tourism and robust interior design I took my favorite ideas from this list threw them all onto an incredibly High effort PowerPoint presentation and compiled each stupid Adventure into one video first Quest on the board so the first Quest was written and I think it was the highest upvoted idea that was in the thread it was one of the earlier comments too so they had that Advantage Skyrim is such a harsh place people are very tough and they care not for beauty why can't everything be at least slightly nice how about collecting every single type of miscellaneous Decor item such as vases baskets chandeliers and put them in I'd say the ugliest location of them all the abandoned Shack the one from the Dark Brotherhood questline essentially what I want to do is collect a ton of decoration items basic baskets candles flowers whatever the hell we can find that's pretty that's what we want to focus on we want to focus on nice things that will decorate a house whether we steal them or buy them I guess we'll start our character we're going to use the same character for every single one of these quests and if I'm gonna go interior design I need to think fancy I need to think prim and proper IRS listen I'm tired painting and um yes anybody ever remember Extreme Makeover house Edition home Edition [Applause] here we go [Music] Extreme Makeover home Edition yeah we're going with Ty Pennington maybe my references are getting a bit Niche these days but if you didn't know Ty Pennington was the heart and soul patch of American Family television in the early 2000s now the way the show worked is you've got of course champion of design and frosted tips Ty Pennington meeting a family that's really sweet and easy to root for with a pretty sad backstory after gathering information on the family Ty and Friends turn on creative mode for a bit and the episode is capped off with the iconic reveal And the emotions and it's honestly pretty wholesome TV since we don't have a lot of information on our clients they weren't very forthcoming during interviews whatever the problem we can talk about it like civilized folk please oh please I don't want to die I just need to play Skyrim normally and keep an eye out for any and all things that might be used to spruce up this place ow God really okay that's gonna need some work this whole place is disgusting it needs so much work this is not the way of the interior designer why are we killing things a bucket basket we got some baskets we need some storage wine oh let's get some books mixed unit tactics right I feel like that's important to have a nice house you need to have books that you don't plan on reading oh a kettle that could be really good too oh wait I'm supposed to kill you she really thought she was back into that fight okay definitely gonna take the Skyrim book that way anybody who visits our abandoned Shack will know that we're a Skyrim fan only Camilla shared my affections dude what uh I don't even know you 've never met this this is why over the years I've started to understand sven's position of just like [ __ ] this Fame doll guy he just walks around town talking to every single other person I'm in the middle of my work I'm trapping some logs I'm enjoying it I'm doing hard labor and he's up in my ear hole Camilla Camilla Valerius I'm like dude ah dude get out of my ear biography of Baron Zaya we could oh yes we could have our guests feel educated and smart by having the entire collection of Baron Zaya at their disposal [ __ ] I can't afford the Third Edition I've never really achieved anything in this game instead of doing a really insane in-game achievement that's never been done before we're on our way to just decorate the inside of our house it's so dumb good [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was about the coolest thing I've almost ever done once I'd gotten through Bleak Falls Barrow and made use of my newfound wealth to stockpile some more decorations I set out to the site in question to practice my design skills wow look at this place this is not great the lighting is bad the weather is poor I mean there's a giant murder stain on the front door let's at least try to use this shovel to block some of these ugly cobwebs oh right yeah all right stack it here roughly sure yeah that works nice there we go there we go no stop rolling the other way [Music] logs come on come on oh and in the world championship of firewood stacking Ty Pennington comes in clutch that looks nice it looks like an actual pile of wood one more log it needs to oh you [ __ ] you if I'm gonna kill you no enough I loaded my save why'd they explode why oh yeah I mean that's an upgrade okay it's getting there stay right there stay put okay we're starting to add things little by little it's getting better worker Tusk seems like a decent bucket item no no admire what really didn't all change let's quick load this is the moment of truth load our save and hope that nothing [ __ ] itself foreign why come on [Music] I am Ty Pennington the number one interior designer in Skyrim get the [ __ ] out of my way perfect plenty of booze good decoration everybody loves booze [Music] now I look like a okay get rid of those arrows it's barbaric no I look like I get rid of the sword it's covered in blood now I look like a very eloquent and well-established interior designer I can't believe we've been able to do this whole thing without committing a single crime what are you doing in here stay where you are the mother will deal with you is someone there what was that okay you can't hit me with the full Echo okay okay this is all right this is all right this is all right ma'am I am an established interior designer and I have come on a surprise visit you're actually on a reality TV show and we are here to pimp out your temple now I know you're not really ready for slow and steady wins the race no didn't see me all right what Ty Pennington does during filming sessions of Extreme Makeover home Edition he he's out robbing from religious communities to put stuff in people's houses we were really inspired by your love of the fake goddess to Bella so we went out to a temple and stole a statue Direct ly from them anyway you get the gist I played Skyrim pretty normally for a few hours kept an eye out for cool things I liked and with all my really hard training remodeling the outside of the house I was able to start taking a look at the interior of course in Extreme Makeover tradition I had to make sure to punch a grandmother before setting off to the house in question incredibly well I'm very happy to be on set I can't wait to get started Grill odd the kind was by All rights a dark brotherhood contract a kill that you stole a kill you must repay you want me to repay killing somebody by doing intense interior decorating I'm in sign me up okay we have our three residents here very excited to see their home transformed how are you we only have a couple of shelves it looks like you've already taken care of some of the preliminary decorating Astrid must have been tough work because you seem to have spilled your own blood everywhere by cutting your hands while handling this heavy machinery let's just start with the dinner table [Music] how far Woody how you guys liking this [Music] oh oh my God we did it we did it we did it we did it look at all this lighting it's gonna be beautiful in here okay let's try and get the torch pop right there oh look at the lighting look you can eat you can see each individual cluster of Gunk that is formed on the ground [Music] this is like playing with really uncooperative Legos [Music] like if you had a Lego set that instead of instructions that just made fun of you the whole time as you did it that's what this is like hear you talking out there please let me go I'm sorry that's too damn funny please please let me off of your show we can use the meat pie as like the centerpiece should fit perfectly in this bowl perfectly in this bowl perfectly in this bowl we gotta turn it a little bit more come on oh you son of a plate [Music] I mean that is a feast you guys and your kids are gonna love this [Music] shut up the anticipation all right let's give them dinner make sure that they can have a nice family meal at the end of the day right did I just balance that potato on top of the stem of the carrot I'm leaving that I mean that's just impeccable design only Ty Pennington can get away with something like that things off of me no you guys know how the show works you don't get to take off your blindfolds until the bus moves and you can see everything all right that's how the show works [Music] yes okay floating potato very nice got a lot of things set up over there come on dibby if I push in right here the Bella I've heard you have a magnetic presence but not like this [Music] oh [Music] it looks so good it looks so good no Mr flute don't nope I'm quick load oh no no no oh no oh no no [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] this is uh the second Quest that was submitted I really enjoyed this one I hope it's not too hard I hope we can actually complete it I think we should be able to they said a snack for parthenax but I thought that naming it a snacks for parthenax was you know it's it's got that whole rhyming thing going on physically carry a Sweet Roll from the gates of Whiterun outside your inventory all the way up to parthenics without ever letting it go so you can attack enemies or heal on legendary difficulty I think right down here right there I don't know if you can see it I can't really draw a line on my screen I'm just pointing my finger at it that'll be our starting point and then our ending point if we get to the oh God here we go I'm getting another contract CBS is renewing our series I'm gonna have to remodel more homes oh God we're off we left it shouldn't be too bad crap I forgot yeah legendary this is gonna be really hard this is gonna be tough what all right well I guess we lost one life I don't know if I want to count that as one of my three lives I'm supposed to only have three chances at this okay it was right about here where it disappeared still going still alive evening officer how are you so right up here there should be a wolf encounter yeah there he is there's the wolf and we sneak past maybe we could get a little Shifty with it and instead take the mountain here this might be a safer route this looks like a dungeon yeah okay maybe there's an enemy spawn oh yeah there's an enemy spawn right here officer help I need to make a dessert delivery oh God the wolf's on me okay let's jump get up here okay Bandit's gonna fight the wolf It's gotta keep an eye out for snipers why is the Bandit struggling with that wolf very good decent progress so far [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we gotta get uh rocks in their way let's just keep confusing their pathing on this set of rocks not good Mr Bunny defend me maybe we can get up here I can't jump moving too quickly I gotta jump over the hill the thing oh [ __ ] I dropped it trying to move too quickly damn it all right round two we can do this I don't want it to become dark out it did it again you little [ __ ] oh God really The Hired thugs they're taking me I already hate this Quest I probably should have given myself more than three more than three tries here we go we got some momentum we got some progress now there's gonna be a bandit encounter here but I don't think they turn hostile until I fight the first person that first person might try and initiate Us in conversation and that could Force us to drop the Sweet Roll run away oh no she's coming she's closing in run from conversation avoid at all costs social interaction avoided nice down bad looking at the Sweet Roll [Music] um I I think I might just walk around with this guy for a little bit I'm on my way to Windhelm to join up with the Stormcloaks yeah yeah cool cool I'm gonna walk with you for a little bit we found a friend you're not interested in the perfect golden brown crust of this pastry I want nothing to do with you but I will use you as a sacrifice careful with that what yeah I know it's my job I'm being as careful as I can we got some contacts on the opposite side of the bridge it's a wolf spawn okay he's turning away he's going towards the shore detected bad okay I want to say following this rip oh [ __ ] okay saber cat he's gonna go for that fox but that's gonna bring the saber cat really close to detecting us ooh stuck between a rock and a sweet roll run Mr Fox he's fighting Upstream to get away oh God the stream's gonna bring is the stream really gonna bring the saber cat down at me don't see me don't see me wash away wash away don't get stuck on those Rocks Don't you oh my God this is the worst possible outcome ever Mother Nature you're supposed to help me not me knock me looks like he's afraid of the water he's very timid I can't believe the game just weaponized the river against me that's a steep fall kind of hold on oh that was a lot of movement careful carefully turn oh God you don't really man oh God oh God oh God oh God what the [ __ ] was that go go go run little buddy actually wait I need to be faster than him so he gets killed first I cannot believe we made it to iverstead no got something I'm supposed to deliver your hands be allowed that is ridiculous all right I call a mulligan and I say I get a checkpoint right here I'm getting a checkpoint right here all right I'm changing the rules okay all right one wolf clear now the bear is gonna be a different story oh my God the bear is here please don't kill everybody in town I'll feel kind of bad if everyone in this town dies for a [ __ ] sweet roll hurry can one of you die figure it out you fall down ah thank God finally somebody in town helped out maybe we can take advantage hey good luck to you guys I gotta get going on my delivery though Incredible use of distraction by Ty Pennington the master of deception deceit and of course fancy remodeling uh there's gonna be a few more anime spawns though on our way up here it's gonna get tough shoot okay okay we can do this turn around the corner nice we just have to use these rocks to awkwardly [ __ ] up their pathing Mr goat can you fight ow okay our first actual hit the hunters right down the road though we just got to get within aggro range okay we're going for it turn turn turn don't go too quickly reverse reverse okay we're gonna get hit here or not I'm insane come on Ty take them through the trees hit this rock go go save me defend me go yourself for The Elder rolls Frost troll okay it's gonna be on top of the mountain it's going to run around the mountain or just jump straight down yeah it's gonna jump straight down it's gonna walk around does it see us yet it does it's gonna turn around and chase us let's pass him around the mountain this way you may oh [ __ ] he has a clean shot at us relax relax relax cut it up this way hopefully he's not taking a smart angle of pursuit come on we can outrun him throw some rocks in his way you got this tie okay so we made it to high rothgar okay sir I'm sorry I'm bringing Contraband through your Fortress it's a very important Mission I have fingers crossed that this actually works and that using the shout doesn't Blast away my sweet roll [Music] okay what would the shout have worked or would it have launched the sweet roll off the mountain and we would have failed regardless oh my God it would have worked [Music] the Dragonborn has always had fertility problems and envied all those happy mothers and fathers he's hatched a plan to get revenge while also getting the child he's always wanted he just needs to murder the parents of some kid without seeing them then adopt that child so I took some creative liberties with this prompt there are one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen orphanable children so objective one we have to obtain a player home we actually don't have a home Ty Pennington Extreme Makeover home Edition doesn't have his own house next objective is to Orphan every possible child in game so we have to kill 15 sets of parents the first objective is Made Easy via the anniversary add-on that just gives you this mysterious isolated Wizards Tower in the swamp oh this is going to be a great place to raise my family no better place to set and forget your future children there's plenty of things to keep them company here oh my gosh I got big rock that my son can play with now it's a long list of children who we need to save from the shackles of Parental OverWatch so time to get to work yeah I'm just gonna walk into your home if you don't mind let me just investigate ah hello potential child but we can't get caught by the child if the child sees us killing their father in Cold Blood don't burn anything down now yeah wait nude oh no huh wait wait it's I promise it's not what it looks like I love this game this is the greatest game of all time looks like snailing is all alone let's just check canoe's position he seems to be doing every child's favorite hobby in Skyrim staring at bread oh don't stop go back to staring at the wall are you playing hide and seek uh you need to leave [ __ ] up kid if you know what's good for you I think they do teleport to the orphanage which is going to be hysterical if we orphan 15 children and they all end up here canoed I'm sorry buddy hey look it was just a business transaction here's my plan shoot [Music] then we go invisibility stop you don't understand I'm doing this for the child's own good okay way better plan right here by the door [Music] Samwell Juventus Runa oh look at knude he looks like he's just hanging out and having fun Minette yay midnight you made it you going to adopt one of us maybe someday if you're lucky we'll spin the wheel of adoption oh Give Me A Reason kid give me a reason right now does every single loading screen have to you know try to coerce me into adopting children we'll get there knud Safari Minette they're all in here okay we're good we're good it was just bugged out a little bit but all the children are loading up the orphanage there we go he is about to learn that his father is newly deceased I'm gonna make such a good father sorry kid you can now reasonably expect her as the murderer boom she just chopped her husband with an ax what a psychopath can you believe this woman monsters come and eat you um that's no way to talk to your potential future father we can make this look like a tragic work accident [Music] oh my gosh it's really getting populated in here now they're gonna start running out of room up on the floorboard you're gonna have back problems to fear which means you can't raise a child properly I really hope the husband doesn't get home that would be bad timing awful person in game LOL yes okay he's going home this is the moment we're about to witness history you of all people get out of all people what is that supposed to mean oh no by the gods this can't be happening oh it is what will you do about it oh my God he's just gonna go to bed Grace to leave me alone I'll be your best friend I uh I don't think you're gonna have any more issues with this girl sometimes she's got her own problems to figure out remember what you said to me Lemco do yourself a favor and don't have children they're good for nothing at all you brought this on yourself oh my gosh they have a goat watching out don't wake e relax [Music] no go back to bed go back to bed please no don't open your eyes okay all right let's just try this [Music] there's no way I can get away from it unless I kill here and I'm able to sneak around and go downstairs like what if we just do that and go down this way [Music] I think I got away with it oh man I'm cornered you officer no no this Blood covered dagger nah I was uh um I I was um uh oh my gosh look at her haran has no off button she's right back to work my husband died okay I'll fill in his shoes I got this we may not have as much to offer as white run or solitude but we'll do what we can to make her stay a pleasant one Ah that's very true honey excellent work Manning the bar I'm gonna head downstairs to go check on our daughter make sure she's all right honey are you hungry oh [Music] mama can we talk you know about Papa of course sweetie what did you like to know I don't know what do you look like he had your soft face and that silly grin you get when you've done surprise it's your new dad with the inventory at the orphanage successfully restocked I now had the most powerful ability in all of Skyrim options pick one of the others I'll be fine all right fine you're eliminated goodbye Francois you don't want to be my child fine leave it's not too bad here but hey I still miss my parents whoa whoa okay is this where they throw you they ran out of room they had to start throwing you into the backyard oh this is terrifying now it was a tough choice because Skyrim's children are all really unique and super diverse but I went with canoed because he only needs bread to be entertained and brave because she can hold her own as a bully oh you're already home it's everything I could have hoped for all right what's going on what are you doing what what do you do is it this is my favorite hobby too I love watching the stairs all right Quest complete kids I'm leaving you alone in the tower for the next few months I won't be back for a while but when I do I'll be way stronger and way richer [Music] foreign [Music] by Chand great again thank you to everybody who did suggest ideas on that Community post blown away at all the responses the Thieves Guild wants someone to write a book of nothing but reviews for Skyrim's jails to know which is the best to stay in if you get caught your quest is to get thrown in every jail break out and collect at least three souvenirs of each to prove you've really learned to appreciate the atmosphere and then at the end of The Experience after we go to every single jail we will tearless them based on the experience that we had at the jail while we're in jail we have a standard prison design nothing nothing really stands out about it in terms of you know being there it feels like jail looks like jail caught bed that's not bad it does come with a little bit of a down comforter there's a dead body in here but I was sitting here with clothes why is he naked why are they in there what's the story behind that how did this prisoner end up both dead and naked at the same time but the built-in can be minions exit for thieves I think is a great addition but I have to say big negative the actual space where you exit is just right in the guard Barracks what I'm thinking right now if I'm gonna like give it a grade if I'm gonna score it out of 10 the jail itself 5.7 fairly average ease of access exit foreign infrastructure oh the bed is bad that's bad it's a pile of [ __ ] hay at least in Whiterun you get a cot but look at the other amenities we have in here though we have a [ __ ] bucket [ __ ] buckets of positive we have a piss basket really bad bed I think the quality of bed can take huge points off the secret exit is a one-time yes you're right secret exit is one time use don't be mad at me chat four nine Solitude jail is a four nine ice front you're in Sydney mine now not a great start here but you know what not very often does a jail in this country offer you a sense of community we can jump down figure out what the vibe is maybe talk to people hey what are you in for oh nice well I murdered the parents of 14 different orphans what do you what did you do what are you in for nothing I'm innocent I did nothing wrong they come in here once a week to clean out the bodies corpse removal service I'm just gonna say old heads like you know in the prison movie whenever the main character goes to prison there's always an old head in the jail who kind of shows them the ropes and explains thing explains things to them wisdom sharing in prison and having you know an old guy you can kind of just connect with and trust a little bit that's huge right away I think sitting to mine is off to a pretty big lead we have a functioning prison economy bottles of moon sugar prisoners smuggle the stuff in only currency we have down here no beds only one or one guy got something to say yeah how do you have this nice cushy little place this just confirms that there is an active prison economy here and literacy yes they have a reading program no easy exit route prison riots are a plus all right come on you don't want to hand over your drugs hey no magic no double teams I'm getting jumped all right everybody let's just calm down now you're not Reviving him you put him back in jail he was probably happy to you know meet his fate open concept well you know it's that's such a dumb thing it's more of open concept just say there's nothing there just say it's empty and now for a final score All Things Considered I think the sense of community and having actual just people to talk to in the prison elevates it eight three okay first impressions are actually much more positive than I would have thought here we have a broom and a bucket we have a basket and another bucket so two possible [ __ ] buckets the bed roll I think is underrated it's not nearly as good as the cot if it was raised it would probably be the best bed possible we even have a chandelier of goat horns infrastructure looks really strong and stable certainly got a cozy aesthetic fine woodwork real sturdy sturdy I think is the right word I'm looking for only one guard hey not fair not fair you gotta open the door incredibly easy Escape I hear someone okay there's a guard sleeping right there might as well just run for it oh wait he's not a guard he doesn't care all the guys are sleeping who are you I'm the best warrior in morphall wow crap I stopped on really I gotta unlock this door Banner crimes against Skyrim I mean it's it's really easy that that should be an easy one for them to beds not bad they're they're okay I mean they're passable it is a bit small I don't want to be all positive here it's a bit small kind of by the books nothing really special about it either way I'm going final score is sitting to mine is an 8-3 and Solitude is a four nine this might be a little high but I'm gonna give mortal a 7-1 I'm gonna go 7-1 I'm just simping for the yarl there maybe I am okay maybe I'm leaving yarl ID garage ravencrone a good review on her jail because I like her because I have a crush on her is that what you want me to say because she's got an Essence about her that is commanding and confident and cool sexy so if Morthal is a 7-1 this is already a downgrade the betting situation is similar I'll give it that for having passable beds but look at what we had in northol and what they've taken away from us cobwebs no [ __ ] bucket the chandelier has been replaced with sconces I mean sconces there's nothing inherently wrong with the sconce love a nice sconce always been a sconce fan I love the sconce but the chandelier is sort of like the Pokemon evolution of the torch scones good reading third era year 63. however I'm gonna put a little second note under this one and the autumn can't read that word the book is hard to read convenient Patrol route that brings the guard to stand right in front of your door so that they can have the key stolen from them that's nice easy Escape Route underneath that second point to kind of cancel out the good from that oh my Lord okay so the Escape is problematic here competent guard strategy so the overall score of Dawn star we gave marthal a 7-1 this absolutely cannot be higher than mortal 5.8 5.8 is the final score I am awarding Don Stargell it's worse than marthal in almost every way thinking back on it retroactively okay this might be controversial I'm I'm bumping up Whiterun to a 6-3 because the inclusion of an actual bed in the Whiterun jail is starting to build up the White Run jail stock [Music] hold up hold up hold up hold up that is not what it's called untouchable badass name you can't touch it the chill is way too cool I mean this is unlivable unhinged you do not want to be in this jail the walls are ice insane aesthetic downright miserable awful sleep points for having a bed roll but the bed roll is on top of iron bars zero opportunities for friendship isolated and sad but hold on it's a nice easy Escape though you open it you leave no evidence chest trial by combat easy Escape it's Merit bait it is a merit-based prison if you are thrown into the chill if you can escape you're free to go and all things considered people aren't gonna like this one I am giving the chill an 8.8 final score placing it higher than send to mine for number one overall a woe for three seven oh man what a cookie cutter layout but it has a rug and a table sconce it's got bread a bucket again decent but not bad but hey at least they didn't sprinkle around hay and pretend that it does something here same layout as Morthal and Dawn star but it does have a werewolf come to gawk at the monster precisely that is the only reason I'm here free exit uh this again this is my lived experience how I experience these jails that was a joke oh now let's see what the Escape ride is like here staircase isn't filled with guards gonna be a guard right there but I mean screw it we're home for nosh what no way oh my gosh it's gonna come for the upset that easy we're out they really don't give a [ __ ] that's so easy when you talk about the Woodland tribunal of Dawnstar Falkreath and Morthal right they were sort of we'll call them Woodland laid out prisons they're all three kind of on that Woodland preset Dawnstar was a 5'8 mortal a 7-1 Morthal is not higher than a 7-1 but I think it's lower than Falkreath 7-1 claims seven one morethal you drop down to a six eight and Dawn star falls from five eight to five six it was an upset that I did not see coming [Music] oh whoa hey yo hold on a damn second stunning chandeliers woodwork stable I mean even the brick looks sort of clean Stone it's more Stone than it is Brick look we have decoration on the wall pure wolf skin flayed out a bed standing off the ground I mean granted it is made of hay we have a pillow here very few negatives spacious Vibes it's got everything every other prison has and more it really does uh this one's easy and I barely even have to think about it final score 9-1 rifton is the best Riften is the best jail and it's gonna win by a long shot [Music] hello hello uh whoa whoa whoa we got 30 foot tall ceilings a fireplace and Escape Route extra wood for burning booze food we have a bed that's risen I mean fairly clean Stone this isn't just put together shoddily I mean this is really good work there's a lot of love and care we have a chair if we just want to you know chill out and sit I didn't have a fireplace in Riften I didn't have booze in Riften I didn't get it the other people did rug here rug there two rugs didn't have a rug and Riften I don't think look bones everybody remembers bones it was a really popular show granted we only have the first two seasons but let's see what this Escape Route looks like this is not a part of the Escape Route is this not the most beautiful Prison Escape Route ever it's gorgeous they made Halo infinite's map before Halo infinite was even concepted concepted [ __ ] how do I just use words that don't exist that was a funny comparison and I just fumbled it at the goal line I do that [ __ ] all the time there's a giant friggin rewards chest this is the only jail that pays you to be a part of it cozy thank you kind sir top tier bed easy Escape Route uh this is easy this is an automatic one final score it's no contest this is by far the best this is the only s tier on the entire list the best prison in Skyrim by far at a 9.5 Raven Rock the bulwark it's the only one that's gonna make it into the S tier by far the only one Whiterun might actually see some upward momentum I think it's got some Mobility to climb the ranks a tad uh the chill I think the chill has to fall into the highest level of a tier or did we give Riften a higher score yeah we give we gave Riften a higher score than the chill I feel like sitting to mine is significant enough to where it should be the star player and whatever tier it's in oh my God I got it I got it here's how the list is gonna go we're gonna give sin to mind beat here on its own white running seat here it belongs in C tier the three cookie cutters and honestly they're hard they're hard to tell about apart even from this angle the Falkreath number one of the cookie cutters morethol number two of the cookie cutters Dawn star number three of the cookie cutters in D tier as well below all the cookie cutters is Solitude and then an F tier bam we got wind home [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Joov
Views: 972,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, joov, skyrim challenge, skyrim challenges, skyrim joov, joov mods, jood funny challenge, funny gaming challenges, funny skyrim quests, elder scrolls, gaming, commentary, comedy, can you play skyrim joov, joov cant leave, joov skyrim funny, skyrim quests
Id: mBx3n4bX1h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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