How To Fix Skyrim and The Best Mod Ever Made

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well Bethesda seems to have updated Skyrim yet again however I have some good news for you if you're frustrated with this recent update it turns out modding can be saved after all in this video I'm going to be giving you all a solution to fix your mod lists for good I'm sure many of you have heard that Bethesda has recently been ramping up their paid mod scheme again I mentioned it in a recent video and listen I know many of you are mad but think about it from their perspective they need the cash flow to pay developers to create a paid store for Fallout 4 money doesn't grow on trees okay scarm has only been producing a constant stream of sales for over 10 years and remember they are owned by Microsoft now after all there's not exactly a lot of money to go around I heard they're only sustaining Todd on beans ah and by the way last video where I complained about paid mods and said that Microsoft was the second largest company in the world correction they just became the the largest company in the world and you know what I was pretty disgusted by some of those comments I saw in that video too guys Microsoft just became the largest company in the world and what do you want them to lose their place or something what you don't want to give them more money for a game you already paid for kind of selfish well I guess it's nice to know we are all pretty much on the same page here that brings me to wanting to introduce you all to what is the best mod ever made for Skyrim trust me this is all related so to recap Bethesda keeps updating their microtransaction store and it keeps breaking mod lists that people have grown to love and have left many mods totally unusable for lots of players back in 2019 after dealing with this enough times over many people found a solution myself included it turns out you can prevent any of this from happening by disabling updates on Steam unfortunately I saw many people in the comments of mine last video about Bethesda totally unaware of this probably because they recently got into Skyrim for the first time and have therefore had their mod lists completely break in the last month so that is why I felt the need to make this video by the way to disable updates on Steam just go to your steam Library find the relevant version of Skyrim you are playing and rightclick it and go to properties then within the properties window go to the update tab then choose only update when I launch the game this way the game won't update unless you launch it from Steam so if you do this remember only to launch the game from skse disabling steam updates can help prevent the problem but can exactly fix the problem in other words many people are left wishing they can go back in time and prevent their game from updating so their mods still work or be able to revert to an older version to be able to really seriously get into modding Skyrim this is where the best mod ever comes in the best Skyrim mod ever made isn't an ENB it isn't an immersion mod it isn't a combat mod and it isn't even rert get him rert shovel him yeah the best Skyrim mod ever made is The Unofficial Skyrim special edition downgrade Patcher this is the most heroic mod ever made for Skyrim for most people the process of reverting to an older version of Skyrim is very involved and requires you to do a lot of typing in the steam console however this mod gives people a very streamlined way to revert to an older version of the game the mod author has also been continually updating the mod and seems to plan to keep on doing that the truth is a lot of mods are not fine-tuned to the anniversary edition and are more suited to run on the special edition specifically version 1.5.9 7 this is the version of Skyrim that I have been running on for years and what most of my more recent mod lists are running on also this mod let you download an application that can revert your game back to a version before the anniversary edition tragically there is a big catch since Bethesda can continually updates the game many people have run into problems with this mod as of recent part of the issue is probably because the downgrade Patcher is based currently on downgrading from version 1.6.1 130 to 1.5.9 7 luckily for the people in the circumstance of running version 1.6.1 170 user Papa Brando has posted a manual solution in the comments of the mod page however after the update just the other day user dizzy b2u posted a more updated solution and yes unfortunately it does involve using the steam console but I can walk you through it keep in mind if you're watching this after another update by bethesa double check the post section of the mod page to make sure you're getting the right downgrade code also word of warning some people do experience instability in their saves after going through this process but others don't if you want to know what version of Skyrim you were running you can see it in the Skyrim menu right here so make sure to double check that before you go through this process so for now we're going to open the steam console to do that you press the Windows key and the letter R then drop in this address hit enter and you should see the console I mean it is a video you can pause if you'd like I will give you the number sequences for both downgrading from two different versions so first assuming you want to downgrade from version 1.6.1 17 to 1.6.1 130 into the steam console type these commands I will include these commands in a pinned comment below the video if you don't want to just type them from on screen type all of these commands into the console one by one and hit enter after typing in each command since each command involves downloading a ton of Skyrim's files it may take a while to complete depending on the speed of your internet feel free to pause the screen as you like once they're fully downloaded you should be good to go and for people who want to downgrade to 1.6.1 170 or 1.6.1 130 to 1.6.6 40 just like the last one type all of these commands into the console one by one and hit enter after typing in each command wait for all of the files to each download completely once your files are fully downloaded you should see three messages in the console that say download complete now highlight the file address up to where you can see I did on screen after the app number sequence now C copy it then open your file explorer and paste the address into the address bar and hit enter you will be redirected to three folders each of these folders contain different files that you need to drag and drop into your Skyrim directory doing this will replace much of Skyrim's game files to the older version of the game don't forget you need to drag and drop all the files from all three folders you can see the location of where I'm dropping them here on screen right now now after you've dropped in all the files from the three folders you can now return to the mod page to fully downgrade your game to the Special Edition version obviously make sure that you choose the right version of the launcher for your version of the game just download the launcher and run it and you should be good to go and there you go hopefully your Skyrim is downgraded for technical support I definitely recommend asking questions in the post tab of the mod page since I am definitely no technical expert I just wanted to share the solution with all of you and even if that doesn't work and you're willing to go through the whole rigoro of using the steam console there is one last way to be able to play the good old version of Skyrim special edition Gog has a special edition version of Skyrim for sale that has no DRM at all it can be played completely independently from Steam and you can even play it offline meaning auto updates are not possible and you get to play Skyrim completely Frozen in time without any technical knowhow necessary if all else fails and you truly can't live without playing Skyrim acquiring this this version of the game may be your best bet although I completely understand if people don't want to give Bethesda more money very important note just remember for all of these methods you will need to make sure that when you download mods from the Nexus or when you download skse that you pick the version of the mod that is for your version of the game to ensure the mod actually works again you can double check your version of Skyrim in the games menu located right here and as an added tip to seriously prevent the game from ever updating not NE NE if you're using the Gog version even if you have auto updates disabled on Steam go to your steam apps folder and find the app manifest 48983 file and set it to read only in the properties this way the game truly cannot be updated by steam whether steam wants to do it or not and hopefully after all of that you can keep playing and enjoying Skyrim it is totally ridiculous that Bethesda just keeps re-releasing Skyrim and adding very minimal improvements and ultimately just using it as a way to keep charging close to full price for this old goddamn game and forcing in microtransactions it is disappointing to see them alienate their Community like this considering how much joy this game brings us what no come back damn it get down here cowards oh no damn they're Nimble will prevail oh he's so discouraged he can't stop walking around in a circle they've gotten into his head oh God no he's going mad I'm going to have to put him down
Channel: Koubitz
Views: 35,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, mods, how to downgrade skyrim, how to downgrade skyrim anniversary, how to downgrade to skyrim special edition, skyrim 1.5.97, skyrim update, skyrim update breaks mods, skyrim update skse, breaks mods, broken mods, skyrim special edition, skyrim anniversary edition, modding, paid mods, bethesda, bethesda paid mods, skyrim downgrade guide, skyrim anniversary to special edition guide, how to downgrade skyrim to 1.5.97, gaming drama, funny, koubitz, creation club, update, fix, se
Id: vuxFWE51uZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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