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oh them nails look at that don't let them see your mustache because they'll try to rip your lip off dude omar i don't want my lip being ripped off oh my what are you doing dude um so they don't like mustaches i mean i don't technically have they'll cover that thing man cover that thing all right this is what happens when you put i don't know there's like eight ten youtube channels this week do you think i'm okay no you're not gonna be okay there's so many youtube channels here right now this is gonna be crazy z-dog you got brought your brought all your girlfriends didn't you hey mr deville good to see you buddy what you eating what you snacking on can i have some can i have some no okay i'll leave you alone turtle race someone that loves turtles that's racing a turtle turtle race turtle turtle turtle turtle versus jeremy i think he wants to wrestle you instead i'm about to crop this thing yeah they don't get that are those giant tortoises they get the size of like a vw and they are so cool this one's only two years ability to create let me get somebody here just a little bit that's so cute [Music] what's his name it's time to get a manicure yes you do who supplies you with food he's a mouthy employee i swear to god what you think because minimum wage is going to 15 an hour you own me ricky ricky ricky ricky ricky oh chick-fil-a i scared him though guys you guys know i was scared i saw his dinner last night there's no way you're gonna lift oh my god they gave me so much heartburn that's going straight in the trash guys i'm sorry no to the pigs you don't ever like oh yeah the pigs shout out beauty and beast um really good pigs guys just really about their business honestly like yeah they get your leftovers they get everything kiki do you love me george you think i can touch a gator yeah oh there's tebow right there oh yeah i see him robbie tebow's over here this monster holy cow tebow's so huge tebow is so huge what are you gonna do with tebow he's right there oh he's gonna go in there's too many of us in here okay hold some of us back yeah there goes tebow here oh my goodness he's so big i dare you i dare me jeremy dare you to get in the water jeremy what if the one crocodile kills me when i jump in this water you think i could touch a gator i i dare you to touch again dare me okay here it goes guapo dared me guapo dared me look at that look at that look at that oh my god i touched it yes watch your back watch your back what are you thinking what are you two up to now guapo guapo says i'm not man enough to go in the water i'm not saying that i did not say you were thinking it i was thinking yes he said i'm not man enough to go in the water are you gonna go in the water he said i'm not man enough to go in the water oh it's getting serious he said i'm not man and if there's one thing he's taking his white anklets off just a whole lot of man guapo dared me jared me how's the water feel [Laughter] don't do that to me don't do that to me where's my where's my phone guapo guapo what are those guapa where are they at guapo where are they at uh [Music] no no it's what the hails you know what the heels this is that's the last guy that got in here right there okay guys okay guys okay guys okay guys guys we're inside of a croc swamp right now and i don't even know how many dude they're literally picking up bones from the floor i'm freaking out right now dude dude dude okay i'm here it's okay are those human bones about your size i don't know if i'm even that big [Applause] he didn't think i had obviously we can't see what's inside the water right at any moment i can be taken inside this water are you going in omar robbie's going to laugh at me and so just take your shoes off scared of like like [Music] [Laughter] there wasn't much to miss it was very little nonsense is this happening right now are we really in the swamp it wasn't a big deal [Laughter] oh omar's got dad jokes and dad puns too oh my gosh guys i'm stepping on bones i'm literally stepping on better you than me love all right omar come on no i'm good bro i'll put you on my shoulder okay i'm not i'm not scared i'm scared of a mom you think there's any like parasites in here here here drop the camera get over here on my shoulder so you can say you were in here come on pick you up again he's saying keep your shoes on he'll put you on your shoulder with your shoes on you're gonna give me a piggyback yeah have you been eating whatever you think lots of tacos lots of tacos it was tacos i have a bad back this may have been a bad idea guys it takes a lot to scare omar and i'm pretty sure he's scared right now this is the all-time piggybacks across the pond i pay 30 for this dude i'm giving you the discount 20. okay friends all right who's next for a piggyback guys me and what the hell's made it out alive and let's just like not talk about this like ever again okay all right guapo you're getting initiated here okay chapel i guess i'm doing this this is what we did to jeremy they're picking on me man no no i've done it i've done it if if you want to work with alligators and crocodiles you have to learn the basics how to care for them and everything and you're going to become one with the crocodiles what are you doing over there becoming one with the meat yeah i mean we have the maid you're going all arby's on me right now that's what he's thinking about that's all that's all that's on his mind guys i don't i'm lucky to be alive right now so pretty much whatever happens is just happening so well you're working so there's a bucket you're going to need that tonight here's a bucket you're going to need that knife definitely zoe you want to dump this for him oh initiation never smelled so like raw meat that's some raw meat [Music] it's uh this is all pork you're gonna take small pieces like this and you're going to fill up these three buckets with it any bigger pieces you're going to leave in here now this is just fat so you can actually cut through that wait wait that's that's mine from earlier that's mine mindfulness earlier i was cutting the fat earlier and the liver over there just unwrap it and cut it in he's got to trim the fat in there you remember when i did this [Music] yeah little pieces you know take that and just yes to get serious if you remember the last time i was in the cayman pond they tried to attack me when i had they went after them sexy shoes of beers and guapo they both dude no lie i cut this up jeremy no yeah he cut that meat up no he came in about to cut him up that's a lot of meat that's a lot of meat the first time i heard that here we go we're going into the cayman pond do we know how many caimans are in this pond uh oh that was close guapo he was coming after you and i'm not scared of them robby i'm not scared i would be buried here should be you should be very scared how big do the cayman get robbie uh these guys these are adults there's uh three different four different species of cayman in here there's uh spectacle cayman there's yukari cayman the big big one was in cari they get about eight nine feet the specs only get four to six feet um there's broad snaps and there's dwarfs where a lot of people are staying back right now with your face your mirror your face right now oh look at that look at that big one right there here comes the big one that's a yukari my face is literally just saying please don't eat me simple as that and my face is saying eat me bring it on get out and put it in there yeah we're currently feeding all of this meat to cayman crop you guys just got the example and um pretty much the lay down from robbie so guys check this out i almost got bit already and we didn't get on film check it out here comes the broadcast right there that broad spout just went under yeah i see three oh right here's your car right there oh dang they're popping up right now all right take one more bucket that hooks another bra take one more bucket yeah one more bucket right here right left right here on the other side these a lot of them like um a friend of mine used to breed the cars i got some though those from him now this one's a rescue someone bought it in the pet trade kept it in an aquarium and with no light on it so he just used a regular light bulb and that doesn't give off vitamin d now if you look at his teeth they're all crazy looking because lack of vitamin d made his teeth grow like that but now he's outside he's in the sun and he's doing he's doing he's doing a lot better than what he's doing right yeah and he actually starts growing they'll never come totally back because the sockets are turned from the lack of vitamin d so he's a unique one yeah there's a couple there's one more female in here that's like him too so he's like kind of sizing us up right now kind of like he's not chewing she's just holding the meat and watching what we're doing look at him he's flooding the meat guys yeah look at this look at this z dog with the fat toss and there is a giant gator fearless is what she is he's coming in the water now look at how big this one is wow that one's bigger come on crazy crazy wow these ones are these are the mean ones guys these are these are so big oh we should go check robbie ain't the only the only beast trying to de-pants guapo here at the ranch look today many there are right now one two three four five six seven eight nine oh they saw one eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty one [Music] how close we can get to cyprus during hunting season cyprus oh my god we'll literally have a trailer with just 3 500 to 6 000 pounds of scrap look at this where do you find them our butchers get it give us it look how big look how big cyprus is look how big no cypress pay for your meal guys this is crazy they'll buy your meal dude they know how much you buy your guys's meal i'm sorry i've done a lot of crazy stuff right now i gotta say yeah yeah look at that that's crazy [Music] oh then wash your feet robbie nope oh this is the one you won't go in huh this one will mess you up look at that see how quick that was oh wow look at that dude he can charge at us at any time right now z-dog got a little robbie all right you think he'll let me hold him all right all right george here you go there you go george i'm coming you gotta hurry because a little robbie gets a little okay come on buddy oh my goodness this way i'm this way hi little robbie boy hi buddy my boy i don't have any treats for you but you could sniff me that tail pure muscle he just feels like solid that's one long tail yeah but what does what's the wallaby look like he looks like you really okay apparently we're twinning look at this we're twinning smile smile robbie identical you're like the same animal can't even tell the difference that's that's how we roll you want you want to kiss him on camera but i can't get a kiss on camera i see how it is right now you just pick him up this is little robbie he jumps in my arms really we're tight tight we tight like that do you know what you know what little robbie's favorite youtube channel is oh my gosh tv what was your guess what was your guest i'm gonna say that is incorrect okay okay it's probably get swamped it probably is get swamped then what the hell's then oh my gosh tv yes little robbie blink twice if it's what the hell's little robin blinking he's not playing twitch move your ears a bit storage legends oh he just moved his tail and boom and there he goes omar is your spirit animal isn't he oh my god dusted everybody could you imagine those like ginormous kangaroos oh my god like a life-sized one you mean you mean a livestock oh we should little boxing gloves for little robbie all right omar this is what you have to do you have to get down on your hands and knees and crawl towards little robbie i don't know i'm kind of scared he won't bite you you do it he's like attention overload right now he's getting so much attention [Laughter] i missed it i missed him pushing you and bullying you around i just told him okay okay okay miko nine that's cool [Music] he gonna get you he's boxing me he wants to take on j paul jake paul you got a match right here my friend that's a good he said i'll outlast him okay going nowhere there's mr deville i was looking all over for you omar missy mrs deville is here check out mr deville come here i want to see him beat you up get him little robbie get quapo [Laughter] it's just a love bite get them little robbie get them guapo versus swamp guys this guy's quality guys this guy can box jake paul i think you have something in i think you have some competition he just came right at you get him little robbie not me get him want some you want something you want something oh oh my god that's [Laughter] he's trying to jack you for your gold chain he's gonna jack you for your gold chain he's like give me that bling give me all that bling get him robbie get him [Music] he's either trying to jack you for your gold chain or your air pods one of the two take my hair out [Laughter] you feel me okay okay okay i'm good i'm good get them oh man robbie got me look at that i'm bleeding i'm literally he cut you little robbie little robbie why'd you do that for what did you do that for buddy look at that look at that you see the bite marks oh my goodness she drew blood right there little robbie look at that he look at that are you okay i don't know do you see yeah you see right now look that's the top teeth that's the bottom you got yours so good did you see that you see the marks do you see those yeah little robbie he doesn't care he's like whatever man bobby your wallaby bit me who do you think taught him oh my goodness i'm going home uh-oh what's going on what's wrong i can't help it i just taste so good everything wants a bite george come on it's time to go there's something in my pocket oh you have a stowaway what should we name them uh how about ally i like ally ally gator look at that we got a real gator and i'm already teaching him to drive driver take us to dinner please let's do this my baby friend forever we won't ever let that end no never you are here for me and i am here for you that's what best friends do [Music] that's what best friends do you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 44,642
Rating: 4.9012465 out of 5
Id: FlypQp7TsaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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