MYSTERY BAG On TOWER Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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Oh how's my flick of the wrist I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready it got my lucky drawers I'm ready to play George take me off the bench put me in coach look at that hey if anybody knows how to push that's that's proof that I know how to push right there the proof is in the drawers all right come on no no I have a lucky bag and you notice that size matters here this is the biggest lucky bag I've ever seen coz today is my day [Music] that's right $25 in my hand in a giant bag because size matters all right George you got hoodie on how do you think lucky sock feels right now fits rate but more importantly lucky drawers all right teach me there's a giant Tower I'm just gonna start going down oh oh I start to the left the whole point is to get more quarters aka more ammo you don't want to go straight for I already did so they say when I play I drops new friends yeah so I got to wait for the tree to extend all right and then yeah I'm dropping dropping it like it's hot already but they all right why am I going to the left because the whole point is to get more quarters so that you can have more ammo to come back and blasts that tower but what if I just blast the tower right from the get-go I feel like you'd be throwing all the way your quarters and you would get nothing that's a good drop right you don't want the house to win Oh how's my flick of the wrist look at the wrist is on point tell me how much liver the liver I didn't touch it you were right you were right you were right what the hell's happened you might as well just drop the mic now cuz everything's about to fall where'd all the money come from I didn't touch I didn't touch the white Alec does three-pointed surprise i only put three quarters over there get a good pushing you got to be kidding me I only put three quarters over there before you told me go to the other side remember science is always on our side no it's up to the left things on the right wing nothing to do with that at all science had nothing to do with that do you believe in science what how many hundreds of you see that looks like 303 that looks like two more Oh black box just flip oh my gosh and you have a golden ticket which means who's got the flick of the wrist which the witness is a question who's got the flick of the wrist professor Hale no professor and allowed down rice get it baby get it get it get it get it great golden ticket means you win the prize that's off to the right yeah that's a it's ready to take a leap of faith the $20 bomb you gotta admit I'm a pretty good student I'm the professor swapping it I put three quarters over there before you told me to go to those to the lab and bones they were done it was done yes you can just call me in the quarter job it's like the lumberjack but I do have a quarter this word is recorded a minute what the mystery we're going over there afterwards we're going over there no you need to go get another buy in they said wait Tom done with these quarters so maybe you can go get another buy it I'm gonna be the money was for here 20 20 it just dropped the $20 boxes drop yeah baby and that's how you drop it not bad grasshopper not bad I'm getting that mystery bag okay I'm almost more [Applause] let's go get up another buy in on the other side you go get the buy-in and then I work out all of us here look at that nice shiny quarter I've got a $20 box of full box I got $100 box full box something's in there and then two $100 bills as well save the day no buy use but gonna go after the mystery banging go against my problems we both have a buy-in okay so we're both good not really crowded today that's okay so instead of playing to the left I'm gonna play to the right Street the mystery bag I'll tell you what let's bounce back and forth let's do a little deal anything like a surf let's do a little deal a deal yeah what kind of deal who can win the more money [Music] mystery bag is mine hey just drive no mystery bag is mine you can you can win money but mystery bag is mine deal deal it's only fair coz it came from your playing field yeah but it's on your playing field or I would have won it already so we have two playing fields now it's Wednesday we're here most of the day yesterday Nord you off so many times we were able to record a couple wins but we had a bunch of losses after that as you called it a day and then George made me come back today we have yet to show any losses but the strain of embarrassing who would why would anybody watch a loss yeah although they keep saying they would watch the loss I don't know I think we should take a pause once you get a certain loss I'm not even worth playing yeah you're far away at that point you just walk away you gotta know when to hold them you gotta know when to pull them well did you know you gotta know when to walk away and [Music] oh you're moving it you're moving it look at you playing playing to the right like I'm watching like my paws you finally went right a Potter this guy's like otters oh good finally play another right I think we both both have taught each other a little something some in the coin pusher you think so yeah the point pitching line yes there's so many different techniques [Music] come on give me my history bag I want to know what's in my mystery bag did you know you're still in the game we get back with all my size you're gonna see Moneyball any type of money all right I'm down to fourth quarter down to four quarters she almost have maybe 34 city that ain't boom that's dome says now I'm oh I'm going against everything you thought [Music] the money is on the right a hundreds are on the right I think I'll be all right well now that you've gotten quarters yeah you can go wherever you want wait what wait wait what it's not always stay to the left excuse me the hole how much did you just go the whole time just so you can get quarters to knock the tower down and now you have a ton of quarters which means you can go anywhere I love that I wish I had a quarter for every time ever how about a dollar [Music] Oh mr. Singh and help me I'd have one dollar one one Bella I'm throwing for the money I'm beating George I'm finally gonna win look at that pretty good I'm written for you I go to cheerleader I'm always your cheerleader even when we are competing one since always you're just old and senile and forgetting did I ever tell you about the time when I was a wee little lad growing up in the farm field the farm fields as my mom's rifle Ohio and I have little kiddie pools filled with snakes and turtles main intervals and reptiles these creatures in the farm fields and then my mom came home he's like Jeremy Jerry get the minivan I was like mom I did not want to be seen she said there's a turtle oh I didn't even be the big boy and she said I was drawn I just got it okay I'm going for the hundred dollars mom said mom said there's a journal I just drove past it on the way home I'm thinking like a little peanut total world I get a little minivan with moms we go a couple miles down the road around the corner and there's this old farm pile this old farm pond they just started excavating they were putting in a golf course so hole 18 was gonna be right in my backyard and for the hundreds mom pulls up in the middle of this road is something that I could only describe it looks like a dinosaur I had never seen anything so prehistoric in all my life it was a turtle bigger than me and I got a pretty serious dad bod was it real it was 1% really probably a 150 year old snapping turtles Oh which at that time as a teenager I had no idea of snapping Pearl's had the force literally rip your arms off so like an idiot mom it's not mom being the idiot me being the idiot mom takes me over there and I tell her back it up back it up I'll just pick it up got it got it I got it I'll put it in the back of the minivan some mom's backs the minivan up neither one of us knowing what damage a snapping turtle can do I get behind the snapping turtle that is in the middle of the road that has probably been years and years and years in this time I get behind it the thing is huge huge I could have ridden this thing and it would have dwarfism to grab it and all of the sudden all of the sudden this huge neck oh that's exactly what happened I slept the devil into the sky this huge neck came out and almost got my right arm and almost snapped my arm literally impounded that is one I figured out snapping turtles are you know I have no idea their their head can come out so far and there they literally could take your arm off so you have to grab them by the tail so they can't reach you but if you grab by the shell the torso to take your arm off so at that point when I almost lost my arm I went and I got a huge branch about a three-inch diameter branch and I tried to get the snapping turtles actually to chomp on to it so I can drag it out of the road and save it it snapped the branch you're not listening are you let George know I'm trying to win money and tell you about my near-death my near-death experience three inches it snapped it in now at that point I decided it wasn't worth losing an arm and I would just let the prehistoric dinosaur come on I got plenty to work with I'm getting them yeah almost lost my arms snapping turtle and literally almost within an inch got my arms I was so much you I wouldn't even be able to put the wrist right now I'd be putting these quarters in with my medal be the one come on give it a hundred in a hundred [Music] so good way to letter we're back can't believe I've never claimed by here I'm sure you have a ton of stories that you've never told me yeah girl you are 42 years did I ever tell you about the time that I almost that one of the buddies that I was caving with and we're at the bottomless pit in the cave he almost fell down and I'm not gonna take you to the bottomless pit I'm gonna take you there isn't gonna take me caving I like the breathe thank you there's plenty of air down there who do you whether you never know what the Hills will happen with you and theirs we're in a wet cave and we were in as a group in a wet day and John was on the edge of the bottomless abyss and he was [Music] it could be much or right to give money on websites I'm firing come on [Music] so John was on the edge of the bottomless pit in a wet cave there's water in it so he was throwing rocks down so he was throwing rocks down in the bottom of it so what you do is you throw rocks time to see how far down it is and nobody knows nobody's been down at the bottom and in any cage there's all kinds of names like that like I want to take you to the devil's pitch so John started screaming and I was on wet mud too so if I would have my so John started screaming he was slipping towards the edge of the bottomless pit I swung my arm back towards John with his open mouth his open mouth was screaming and my fingers ripped his bottom dog my right hand saved him literally by the skin of the teeth I saved him from falling into the bottomless pit to this day John still messages me I owe you my life by the way I just kicked your butt on this that's looking pretty good $300 I got the golden ticket for the droids yeah and the Bitcoin check that out check that out George there ain't no hope for you on this one oh and Elvis is singing well did I tell you I got two hundred and eighteen dollars and 75 cents in quarters - yeah try and beat that Oh Oh back out of George why we were pulling or while I was playing one of the other Benjamin jumped he went I think you should have saved Benny like I saved on John I want to hear your duck the story do you have one the only near-death story that I have which is which explains why I don't know how to swim as an adult or I'm not a strong swimmer as an adult I should say is at the age two or three my dad would just throw us in the deep end in the lake and that's how that was his technique to have a swim and needless to say I almost had three near death drowning oweme oweme three three three three strikes and I was done look like I'm not doing this anymore I wasn't meant to be a fish $500 chip both fell at the same time amazing I love those all I want I want my I want my mystery bag that you can keep you can keep the cash and you can keep the chip [Music] mister how about you get my mystery bag so I can see what's in it all right knocking some hundreds around she's got to get the quarters to fall to get it to go down the chute actually straddling the edge so nobody tries to come back and take it we already have our 500 buy-in on both machine so there they are our machine for reserved or else so nobody can actually take them but it's just easier to resist rattle and they know right away well for Wednesday this is nice yesterday was busy today [Music] we go backwards a little bit I see all things like you're all name I hear [Music] like story time with George once upon a time there was a little Egypt I already know that's a little I went off the deep end and then was when my dad was trying to teach me to swim 3/4 well you just got some quarters on your hundred dollars oh your $500 chip went all the way down it's time to shoot and get some quarters on the hundreds let's pool and she got one of the hundred rifles the $50 check and she still has to get that one to push down right there I gotta know what's in lucky bag but until then what are you doing it's my turn you're sure I can't believe you're cheating wait I was just so anxious to get lucky back for you you know it might be not the first time you called me the cash box which is the $20 you don't know if it's a full box or half that we don't know we don't know in its hurt it's hard to tell from the change we won't know until it drops above the drop it like it's hot Drizzy drop you think there's anything in it probably there is some that one but I really want to know the mystery why put the mystery bag on top our it's like it's almost like two casinos messing with or no because yesterday no because yesterday we won [Music] he threw his stuff I don't think he actually meant to hit George with his coffee but the cotton I think he meant to throw it at the Machine and it hit me and said well he's got bad name with this cuff and this for the flick of his wrist needs a little too neat [Music] we're getting little ripple wave you're so close to getting it you just need like three amazing pushes and then [Music] [Music] all right here we go oh I thought that for sure wow you're clogging up the machine I got about the cure [Music] we don't talk one way to watch [Music] here we're going to more pretty pushes oh man I want to know what's in the bags [Music] then it goes towards your soul but you insisted on getting the bag I just insisted on getting us or know what's in it but if there's nothing in it I see what you're doing bending the rules a little like usually do when they want those holes are made because of Mitch rules are I've never never had a rule created because of me which I am proud to say oh really cuz I don't know about these rules we talked about everybody know the rules that $20 right now cheering maybe Kerry will help give me a piece [Music] come on here it is here it is here it is here we go yeah got it got it and I still have all this let's look at that amazing to 4450 nice okay and check this out check this out George you got that all right this definitely has something in it and so does the hundred dollar box I'm going to open this one now and we got a buck 75 inside 40 bucks all right I'm hoping better for the hundred dollars but before we get to the hundred dollar box let's save that mystery bag come on George [Music] [Music] that was a weak push like Elvis's knees [Music] we really want to know what's in the mystery bag there's there's no way it's just nothing I'll get it and it fell from that Tower why would they put it on that Tower you still got one two three you got $2,100 of the pouch the casino chips in there oh right now the goal is just to get the mystery bag did you run out of stories growing up so not true my parents they never let me spend the night at a friend's house did you have to go to the school dances no Andy there was I where you love to go to the movies no no neither was I were you allowed to go to church yeah that's the only place I was allowed to go where you love to go to any school punches me either were you allowed to go to anything outside of the home or the church either again I lived a sheltered life so all of your stories come from when you were actually allowed to leave the house I was already a month I mean I can tell stories about when my kid puked on me that's pretty awesome the projectile vomiting stories I don't think anyone will want to hear that waking up every hour on the hour for the first 10 months when he was born did I ever tell you that tell you the story about when I when I hiked up to the priest on the 80 the Appalachian Trail okay so I was doing a week out on the 18th which is the Appalachian Trail and I was in an area everything is named dislike in caves when you hear me say the bottomless pit or Devil's pinched everything everywhere was there outdoors anything so there's this area on the mountaintop called the priest and you look out over everything nice and if you want to see the Sun Rise you go to the priest first thing in the morning oh we better pull we better pull [Music] all right let's see what your gun I like it a challenge so I got up early to actually hike up to the priest with some other people some friends I was out camping with so you get up before the Sun definitely comes up you hike up to the top of the mountain to the priest and that particular day it was so that day it was extremely foggy so you're that high up in the mountains you're actually in the clouds and I got lost in the clouds and I saw this figure in the clouds right so if you see a figure in the clouds and your walk what was the first thing you would do closer what's the first thing you do I would blink like three times to make sure I'm pink or hitch remember this is like butt crack of dawn you're in the clouds I see a figure okay and so I asked I said hey do you know where the mountaintop is do you know where the priest is and I've heard mumbo jumbo and I could say I could see the picture but I couldn't actually tell what was going on and so I I didn't really hear anything discernible so I walk closer and I started hearing like weird noises so then your concerns like what's going on and I remember little light all right and destroyed $17.75 still in it just like I'm still in the stories okay so I'm hearing all these noises and I get closer and closer I hear Wilder noises I get closer and closer I can see barely anything except for the figure and I get closer and I get closer and all of the sudden there I am up on the mountaintop with an Asian dude with his pants pulled down to his ankles he was screaming in a foreign language stay away because I'm Lupin he was doing the coin push on a log when you're on the Appalachians so he was I'm going are you okay you know it's the free stuff here and he was trying to keep me away from the mountaintop Center he was creating the mountaintop to a muffin I don't know but it was one of the funniest things in the world I ever show you pictures with a sunrise from the priest pull some of those out what you would think that to go number two you would find it's the woods you have to go in the woods you just can't rob a thousand thousand get my bag get my bag get my bag come on get my bag I wasn't even thinking of obvious thing in the world oh here comes just like the dude up on the mountaintop pushing he was so close screaming come on oh man you only have how many quarters whoa oh come on funniest thing in the world that ever happened to me hiking was coming up on that dude in the my mystery bag all right I want to see my mystery bag yeah yeah open it open it come on open it I got pretty oh not you Oh 200 what is it what is it oh that is a estes susan b anthony it looks like uncirculated nice alright who's that count towards I get that you gonna keep playing or you're gonna cash out there in no way she's passionate now I still got $100 bucks we've got to find out what's in it that's my hundred dollar box right there alright show it to me and is it it is another shiny gold quarter for the collection who do you think won mean for you I have a feeling if it is you're going back for more money [Music]
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Views: 331,768
Rating: 4.9014802 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: FcrU0b5xHR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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