Astolfo Explained

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all right students settle down settle down take a seat I'm your instructor Professor Lando and welcome to class what are we learning about today ostalo has gripped the internet as the quintessential Fanboy mascot in the midst of the Fanboy cultural Renaissance in recent years but who exactly was a stalo well in today's lesson we'll be taking a look at the history and science behind the man under the skir but before that I want to talk about today's class's sponsor World of Warships a freet to-play game available on PC and consoles where you command a massive naval fleet featuring some of history's most iconic War vessels and unlock new ships as you prepare to dominate The Seas as a student here in my class I know you love doing your assignments studying for your exams and dealing with your Stern but attractive instructors well lucky for you you can continue the school spirit with World of Warships collaboration with the popular anime series High School Fleet study for your grades and 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importantly you see him depicted in his iconic androgynous one might say girly form in the media it stated that a stalo dresses like this simply because he likes cute things in terms of Personality aalo here is often portrayed as having a lacad isical and somewhat straightforward personality often following his heart and doing as he pleases and uh perhaps not exactly an airhead but definitely bordering on being a little awkward at times and if you didn't know I'll provide some context for this series that that popularized image of a stalo comes from that series like I said is fate Grand order or simply the Fate series and more often than not this series takes historical figures people from history and turns them translates them into anime characters characters such as King Arthur are turned into cute blonde anime girls D Vinci is a mil and Alexander the Great is a little twink but the reason for this lesson is that most of us are more familiar with the anime character the portrayal of stalo that fate gives us so who exactly was aalo let's start with the basics here the name aalo originates from a Germanic name Heist excuse my pronunciation with the part Heist meaning fuest and a referring to Rod or spear so I'm not kidding when I say this that ao's name is furious Rod angry rod rod Furious Rod so the meat of it is the question that we're asking is who was the real estalo well it all starts in France the matter of France to be exact which refers to a body of stories and legends about the history of France so again this body of French stories this period of French stories is referred to as the matter of France and there are three matters for first one being French second the matter of Britain which contains stories about King Arthur and his company and the last matter is the matter of Rome which refers to ancient and Greek mythology such as Zeus and the Greek gods so I think most of you students are familiar when I talk about the matter of Britain being about King Arthur in the round table Lancelot you're familiar with this uh the matter of Rome being about Zeus the Greek gods you're familiar with that as well but what is the matter of France about Charlamagne otherwise known as Charles the great was the king of the Franks and eventually came to be known as the first emperor of Western Europe after the infamous fall of Rome and in the stories Charlamagne had these paladins 12 legendary Knights that were called the 12 peers there are a myriad of stories in the matter of France but we're going to be taking a look at one in particular this one Orlando Furioso or the frenzy of Orlando so in taking a look at the epic poem known as Orlando Furioso I'm not going to be reading you every excerpt that uh features a stalo but I'm going to be taking a look at the details the little traits and uh compare them with the popularized image of a stalo and see what uh comparisons we can draw and the significance of that so why don't we start with some surface level traits a stalo wrote a horse and uh excuse my pronunciation his horse's name was Robbie cono and this wasn't a normal horse know it was a supernatural horse made of fire and wind in his journey there's a part where he rides a hippogriff and if you're familiar with the Fate franchise aalo is depicted with a hippogriff which is a winged horse born of a mare and a Griffin and again coming from the source material here it says that aalo wears the Spurs of St George and what do we have here yes in fact the modern aalo has Spurs uh going forward aalo also has a magic Lance which unseats all those it strikes going further aafo is given a magic horn that renders all hearers helpless with Terror and Noel uses it against the various enemies in this journey and again what do we have here and in fact AEL does carry a sort of battle horn in the Fate depiction and lastly I I believe in the outlining of the devices of these characters aalo is in possession of a magic book of counter spell and so already I'm quite surprised by the uh sort of accuracies or Inspirations that the popularized modern anime of stalle draws from The Source material Spurs of St George the magic horn um not depicted here but in the game he does in fact carry a lance and rides a hippogriff um there I don't believe there's a magic book or his horse made of fire wind but overall very striking similarities okay let's go over uh very succinctly uh the adventures in AAL Fall's Journey mainly he defeats kante excuse my pronunciation there which is a giant the Giant kante and what he does is with his magic horn blows it Knocking the giant back into the net and a stalo parades this giant around having captured him a stalo defeats the thief named Aro and it's not just any old Thief this thief has the power of regeneration as in if you cut off his arm it will grow back so aalo cuts his head off grabs it runs away while being chased by ao's headless body and as it turns out to uh defeat AO and to stop his regenerative Powers you have to remove his hair so aalo plucks off all of his hair and kills him and lastly he finds Orlando's lost wits Orlando being one of the principal warriors uh in this story and the way he does it is he rides his hippogriff on a search flies up a mountain meets St John who tells him that Orlando's wits are on where you guessed it the moon and so aao rides the prophet Elijah's flaming Chariot to the Moon to get Orlando's lost wits and so those were kind of the three main stories most interesting stories that may or may not be the ones highlighted on Wikipedia but also the ones that stuck out to me in this story Orlando Furioso and again I I want to mention that AAL does appear in other stories in the matter of France so we've talked about the who of a stao but let's talk about the why I want to narrow in on why a stao is so popular and why he's become such an icon for Fanboys um besides the fact that he's a little cutie I think the main reason is related to his personality and the cultural phenomena of Fanboys being normalized perhaps the realization in recent years I said earlier that aalo looks the way he does simply because he likes cute things and I think this simple trait is why he is Fanboy Prime he is the Optimus Prime a fboys and it's not because of some lore thing where he was raised as a girl that you often see in animes and ironically enough it's not even a romantically gratifying thing either for a stalo he just wants to be a little cutie and I think that energy resonates with the countless people mostly men that yearn to be a little cutie I think we want to be a little gir at times just like a stalo and don't get me wrong I've gotten my nails done I've worn a skirt once or twice or some amount of times and it's not like I'm saying men aren't allowed to do these things or some kind of deeper Grand statement about gender like that I think it's simple I think it's just we envy and idealize how simple it is for a sto he's cute he likes cute things and he's got a big fat heart so basically I'm making the assertion that most of the st's popularity stems from a sort of projection we want to see ourselves in his shoes or should I say skirt you might refer to this as a sort of movement the femboy movement and any great movement needs a leader George Washington right place right time we needed a figurehead to Champion the movement and a stal will prove to be the exact character we needed much like George Washington was in the formation of the United States of America in ao's case I don't mean to cast a shadow on other Hallmark characters during the rise of thology characters such as Bridget link Felix they all played their part much like the culmination of events and people leading up to the Declaration of Independence in American history Benjamin Franklin John Hancock Samuel Adams I think each was an important figure on its own but there was only one first president of the United States of America that is George Washington and aalo had had the perfect mix of androgyny and Punchy attitude to be the first president of femology so that's pretty much my lesson on the who what when where and why of a stalo so let's do a little bit of a summary as with most things it starts with the fall of the Roman Empire which eventually led to Charlamagne rising to power as the first emperor of Western Europe which then led to the collection of stories known as the matter of France which contains the character aafo being one of the paladins under Charlamagne and in tandem with this timeline we have the creation of the civilization known as Japan which eventually led to the creation of you guessed it anime and underneath anime the creation of the series that we went over known as fate Grand order and in an amazing cross-pollination of culture and history we have the creation of a stalo in fate Grand order from the estalo Duke aalo in the matter of France the Paladin underneath Charlamagne and we're not done yet Perhaps the most important aspect is the popularization of fboys in conjunction with a stal the character originating from the fall of the Roman Empire to where we are today which is this cutie right [Music] here [Music]
Channel: Professor Lando
Views: 280,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astolfo, Femboy, Fate, Grand grand order, Anime, Explained
Id: b8igRbWMbCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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