Rare and Forbidden Furries Explained

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students if you're new to class my name is Professor Lando and today we're learning about FAS it's kind of in the name Persona plus fur Linguistics what exactly is a Persona well I'll tell you this comes from Wikipedia a Persona is a personally disclaimed Persona resembling an anthropomorphic animal do you know what anthropomorphic is Blake what does that mean I have no idea uh anthropomorphic sounds something brutal sounds like maybe animals that eat other animals some of them do anthropomorphic anthro meaning man peramorphic change to change so basically it's saying animals given qualities of humans of man namely being upright usually on two legs having some sort of hands you know usually animals are on the ground like this on all fours hunched over you know they they have a animal brain run on animal instincts they lack having a human brain so when we say anthropomorph eyes they're upright have arms hands and they can think they they are human they have human traits they they have intelligence they can talk interesting so all right Blake do you know who these characters are right here uh I need I need help these are characters from ex asteris the newly released realtime ter based hybrid 3D RPG game where players can delve into the world of a Lindo and embark on a wondrous Interstellar Adventure players will take on the role of the main characters of X asteris Yan V and manganes tasked with unraveling the secrets of the long-lost Alish civilization and to reveal the truth behind the astrorad this alien planet in ex asteris players can create teams of up to three characters with different character and skill combinations players can also use obscurin Maneuvers to Parry or Dodge enemy attacks and this right here is one of the coolest things about ex Asis because basically what this means is that unlike traditional turn-based games you able to make moves to dodge and Parry your enemy's attacks during their turn as well as combo moves with your allies and additionally to celebrate the launch of EX asteris grifflin invites its Community to join when the land meets the Stars a special ex asteris Ark Knights crossover event full of fun surprises and exclusive in-game Cosmetics for players head over to the official event page to link account and get the crossover attire and AR Knight doctors can get theirs at the same event page as well right students you can check out ex Asis on the Apple and Google Play Store by clicking the link in the description let me know what you think and thank you again to ex asteris for sponsoring today's lecture a Persona is a personally disclaimed Persona resembling an anthropomorphic animal adopted by a member of the furry fandom personas can provide numerous roles for the Creator whether it be idealized versions of their adopter fleshed out roleplay characters Andor digital mascot so that was a very all-encompassing definition so Blake based on what I just said what do you think that meant what is a Persona got to be just a person right that likes to just dress up maybe as their favorite animal and you know they maybe wear suits and then they walk on all four legs if they want to they might bark they might bite uh hopefully something something around that area so you're you have basically the mainstream Normie uh understanding of furries and personas you imagine them putting on the costume and I guess you implied they role play to some degree as as a thing but you know that is that is the surface level description of what furries might be doing not all of them but what what is at its core the Persona when you see someone wearing the costume let's say a dog well what what is that really what are they projecting what are they sending out to the public what are they showing everyone what at its core is this depiction that you are seeing that is what we're getting into today that is a Persona Blake what are those letters that's Orange County Professor no OC C OC stands for original character yes sir very good very good Blake come on baby OC original character very basic First Steps here in understanding what a Persona is so original character is often tied to Media fandoms could possibly be completely original this is a character that people within the community artists or perhaps you can commission an artist to draw something for you or you can sketch something out yourself you as an individual in the fandom mostly create your own character that would fit generally in that media's Universe for the example of Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog you know what that is that's Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog one of my favorite Medias Sonic is a character within Sonic the Hedgehog the IP of Sonic the Hedgehog but let's say I am an individual who likes Sonic the Hedgehog and I have a desire to explore the media in a more personable way so for me I might create a original character a character that is not canonical within the universe of Sonic the Hedgehog but my own character that I put into the universe why don't we do this in practice Blake let's you and I create an original character an OC Sonic OC right now as a live demonstration so um what do you know about Sonic so I know Sonic he's quick he's fast he's blue he's got a buddy named Tails very good personality I like his personality a lot you know a lot about Sonic uh yeah dude I've learned a lot from you man that's your that's your guy you know is my guy we talk about him quite a bit we need an animal in Sonic there's Tails mhm is a fox yeah uh Knuckles is an Akida kind of like an armadillo kind of like a hedgehog I don't really know there's Rouge the Bat oh Big the cat Sally Acorn I think she's a squirrel of some kind do that do they have a bunny though is there a bun one of the most popular types of furries are hybrids I'm I'm talking about furas that are maybe like it's somewhere between a wolf and a dog it's like a wolfy creature not strictly a wolf not strictly a dog or maybe like something that is akin to a cat and a fox any sort of mix maybe Dragon and Wolf like you can get crazy more diverse mixtures Dragon shark kind of scaly shark and dog wolf dog shark I've seen wolf shark like there so I think wolves and hybrids kind of um compete Blake what things are scaly uh we're talking about like reptiles maybe some snakes alligators there's a big one lizards big big likes gold likes gold dragon there we go Dragon there we go Dragon these nuts on your face gotcha so we're here we have a very basic interpretation of what a scal might look like so when we talk about persona's one large category a very seemingly perhaps you would think oh maybe this like doesn't really make sense like reptiles lizards that doesn't seem like something that people would generally find fodness for so I'm a big fan of scales because of that sort of deconomy between them we have here a popular depiction of not exactly a persona but an anthropological reptile scaly but what about when they shed you know their skin it's going to get everywhere who's cleaning that I'm not cleaning that are you cleaning that up you mean like the lizard the scales when they shed I think see I think that might be a cathartic experience for the two of you imagine you know it's very difficult you see these animals in the wild like snakes having to like rub up us to get their old shed skin off but but you could help them and maybe that that's sort of a bonding experience wow you know you can get it there and just like what does that say Blake I'm Aven Aven something like this this might be an example of like a bird for Sona Aven I feel maybe perhaps a little less common I don't think I see this one being as popular as I see wolves dogs even scales uh I'm not I'm not a big bird guy yeah you know I could see why wolf and dog are the most popular but birds it's it's it's hard for me to get I love the fact that they fly you know the fact that they can just poop anywhere even on you know your car or your head at the KNE be but um yeah not not a big bird guy birds lay eggs do you change your mind now ah this one's pretty straightforward Blake uh insects bugs as they would like to say yes yes u i see a lot of words being thrown out I've seen exos as an exoskeleton a buggy buggies maybe I've seen a lot of words thrown out I'm not really sure um a key example I think one example being a moth I see moths as a very popular form of an insect Persona um what we would call exactly a buggy a bug essentially not as prevalent as wolves scales I mean I think I see the avens way more than I see insects and when I do I feel it's mostly moths but it's cute at the same time I think maybe there's something to do about the contrast of how maybe generally insects you know mandles and like maybe they're kind of gross usually usually but there's there's a charm in that sort of contrast and bringing it into a more cute depiction into a more digestible uh uh depiction so moving on I know there's there's a myriad of other uh specific Persona categories I want to talk about one that we glossed over in the previous discussion about personas and that that is one on protogen um most of this information is coming from Know Your Meme part organic part machine key features they are generally anthropomorphic in nature maybe resembling something akin to a mixture of a Raptor Dragon like um cyborg robotic creature let me draw you a depiction of maybe a generic protogen you might see okay so this is a very particular very specific uh species of persona and it is called the protogen and again it is generally depicted as a sort of almost Raptor like silhouette kind of a mix between maybe something you see like a wolf and or maybe a scaly the key thing here are the very obvious characteristics of it being part organic and part machine perhaps mainly machine have you ever seen RoboCop no do you know who RoboCop is have you ever thought so I think a lot of us have seen something like this kind of reminds me of like a digimon maybe but a protogen pay attention again this comes from Know Your Meme the primagen I this is all new to me I had no idea about any of this there is a Persona referred to as the primagen not protogen the primagen which is the precursor to the protogen it is a closed species invented by the Fur Affinity user known as malice Ru closed species what does this mean nobody else besides the Creator is supposedly technically allowed to make variants of this species they created this and they said anyone who makes and draws their own protogen is not official it doesn't count it's illegal you can only Commission protogen from the source code purchase them via an auction or something reportedly their auctions of protogen personas can go as high as $11,200 dude wow illegal protogen as in like I'm just a random uh person out there and I create one I draw one oh they're technically illegal it's supposedly looked down upon the Creator does not want these to exist of course people are obviously going to go and do it it's time to make your persona oh baby pick a species so uh I'm a cat guys so let's let's let's stick with cats yeah I like the cats let's just go with it let's make it a uh an orange cat okay you want to be an orange cat yeah they just got the best Vibes they they eat a lot you know love to eat yeah yeah got it got it you know might be a little you know might be a little bit on the bigger side but that's okay what are they wearing what do they look like beyond that uh so you know give them a top like a fedora I want him to look classy it's got great Vibes you know we got to make sure the Vibes are amazing yeah got the Vibes Vibes double on The Vibes double on The Vibes vedora jumpsuit trim claw can we give it like let's let's give it two tails two tails two tails let's change it up you know okay sure give it like a cane maybe if you we have a sort of large cat Fedora suit a cane two tails a monacle likes to eat a lot he said Blake what is the name of your persona uh we're going to we're going to name him Sparky that was uh an old nickname for me when I was growing up I used to uh play with the electrical cords for some reason and I was a kid all right so my parents would call me Sparky there we have it that is Blake's Persona Sparky my Persona oh yeah let's get into it so my Persona is a [Laughter] protogen [Music]
Channel: Professor Lando
Views: 202,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n44kdba8auU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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