Rulers Who Were Actually Good — History Hijinks

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History can be hard, right? Lots of timelines and  players to keep track of, and discussions of the   interplay between political, economic, cultural,  and military factors can easily become mystifying   to the point of incoherence. Imagine the surprise  of European farmers who learned that a disruption   to tourism in the Holy Land means they have to  pay higher taxes to fund a transcontinental war.   It’s a little tricky sometimes! This is why  historians aiming to both lighten the vibe   and slim down the amount of narrative knives to  juggle may gravitate towards singular narratives   about famous figures: rulers, generals, and  other such go-getters. This is often known as   Great Man History — But it is stupid, and I  hate it, because not only is it insultingly   reductive and so slavishly rote that it still  somehow manages to be boring, but it tends to   blindly-glorify characters that, more often than  not, are assholes. So let’s try something else:   we’ll ditch the arbitrary concept of “Greatness”  and give praise where it’s actually due by   discussing two Good rulers in history: King  Cyrus of Persia and Sultan Saladin of Egypt.   Two noble, genuinely virtuous people who, in a  statistical anomaly, are not profoundly awful   after three minutes of cursory research. Of  course, this is not to say they are blameless,   they’re monarchs who conquered stuff, their  literal job description involves killing thousands   of people to acquire land, and the simple act  of ruling necessitates countless choices big and   small that negatively affect someone or other.  My point here is to look at how someone in an   innately-perilous moral position can nonetheless  demonstrate a commitment to virtue. So, to have   a little fun with pure-biography in such a way  that won’t make me furious, Let’s do some History. Now let’s rewind to the 500s BC and meet our first  protagonist in Persia. Well, politically, this   whole stretch was under the Median Empire, just  east of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in Mesopotamia.   According to legend, the Median king Astyages was  feeling antsy about a dream that prophesied his   overthrow at the small, adorably stubby hands of  his as-of-yet-unborn grandson. But despite orders   for his daughter to kill the child, the itty bitty  Cyrus survived in secret for 10 years before being   discovered by Astyages. Although the King had  been pretty set on his course a decade earlier,   this time he was content to let Cyrus just  kinda go home to Persia and exist. In 559,   Cyrus inherited Kingship of Persia from his  father, but they were still subordinate to Media,   so in 553 he revolted against his grandfather  Astyages and, improbably, won, conquering Media   in 550 and creating the Achaemenid Persian  empire, named after a distant ancestor.  From there, Cyrus zoomed, swooping west into  Anatolia to conquer the Kingdom of Lydia,   pushing east toward the Hindu Kush mountains,  and then finally into Mesopotamia to topple the   empire of Babylon in 539. 14 years after telling  his grandfather to scram, Cyrus had an objectively   insane amount of territory, with somewhere on the  order of 50 million people spread over dozens of   cultures. Cyrus was managing Greeks, Phoenicians,  Semites, Mesopotamians, Medians, Persians,   Bactrians, Parthians, and Indians. And those are  all pretty wide descriptors! Listing off all the   ethnicities and subcultures of the Achaemenid  Persian Empire would leave me here all day,   so you might expect someone in Cyrus’ position to  tell all of those people “gross, too complicated,   no, no rights for you. Act more Persian, speak  my language, and also pay more taxes”, because   that’s precisely what the Babylonian empire had  done. The capital city was rich beyond belief   because it was drenched in tax revenue and loaded  with treasures from all over the empire, like   statues of local gods, which, according to many of  these cultures, were the actual gods themselves.  And Cyrus was aware that this was not the nicest  way to treat one’s subjects. When the Persian   armies marched on Babylon, Cyrus claimed that  the great god Bel had deserted Babylon because   of their greed and cruelty, switching his divine  favor onto the Persians. Now let’s just take a   second to appreciate that Cyrus fundamentally  works on the same moral framework as China’s   Mandate of Heaven. It’s obviously not the same  thing, but it’s clearly a similar thought process,   and it definitely informs our reading of his  benevolence. So now that Cyrus was in charge of,   well, functionally everything, he made some  changes, like sending divine statues back to   what he called “The places that make them happy”  which is just so adorably sweet. He also allowed   people to go back to their happy places, which  is corroborated by a little source known as   The Bible. Because after Israel was conquered by  Babylon, the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed and   most Jews were deported to Mesopotamia. Cyrus  undid all that, allowing Jews to return home,   and even sponsoring the construction of a  new temple to replace the first one. Many   Jews were content to stay in big city Babylon,  but the migration back to the Levant had a huge   cultural and theological impact on Judaism as a  whole. The books of Isaiah and Ezra describe how   nice it is to be treated like people despite  their difference in religion and ethnicity,   but if we had more sources from around the empire,  I’m sure we’d have lots of stories like this,   as official records indicate multiple  repatriation and reconstruction programs.  But all this pan-imperial benevolence  wasn’t just for warm fuzzy feelings,   because Cyrus was extremely pragmatic. He  recognized where Media and Babylon failed,   and knew that the disparate parts of the  empire would be happy if they could practice   their customs in peace, and if the economic  infrastructure of the empire brought wealth   into the provinces rather than just yanking  it out as taxes. So Cyrus and his successors   worked to connect the empire and facilitate  trade by building roads, issuing coins,   and standardizing weights & measures. After  completing his conquests, Cyrus led with kindness,   and backed it up with actions that would  directly ensure the long-term stability and   well-being of the Persian state. Man, it’s  amazing what happens when you actually Try. Our next subject won’t move us very far, but  we will timeskip about 1600 years ahead, which   lands us in the Holy Land during the Crusades,  so I’m already not having fun. Politically,   this corner of the world was, whoooof, crowded,  with Crusader states hugging the Levantine coast,   and a smattering of small Muslim vassal  states sandwiched between the Egyptian   Fatimid Caliphate and the Seljuk Sultanate.  Our protagonist Salah ad-Din was born Yusuf   Ibn Ayyub in Northern Mesopotamia, where he was  educated in language, theology, Islamic political   and military history, and science. But Medieval  Muslim scholarship was almost always fantastic,   so this really shouldn’t be surprising. There  was, however, no substitute for experience,   and as a young adult Saladin accompanied  his uncle on a campaign to Egypt, where   some clever politics, a victory in battle, and  maybe assassinating the Fatimid vizier resulted   in Saladin becoming Vizier of Egypt, and thanks  to the fortuitous deaths of a couple caliphs,   Saladin ruled his new Ayyubid Sultanate by 1174. And boy could he have done a heck of a lot worse   than Egypt. Throughout history, the place  has been well-supplied, interconnected,   and extremely rich. So it made a wonderful  base of operations from which to go pester   the crusaders. While he was swooping  around the levant and up to Syria,   Saladin’s main focus stayed on the Christian  kingdoms along the coast. He obviously had a   religious motivation in taking Jerusalem, but this  typically theological rivalry had one especially   irritating antagonist by the name of Raynald  of Châtillon. From the Sultan’s perspective,   Raynald’s singular goal in life was to give  Saladin a heart attack from raw stress,   by breaking every treaty he possibly could, and  killing innocent pilgrims basically for funsies.   Raynald unambiguously sucked, and even Christian  sources at the time openly wished for Saladin   to get him. In 1183 he did get close, when he  besieged Raynald’s castle at Kerak. But Saladin   heard Raynald’s stepson and Princess Isabella of  Jerusalem had been married in the castle earlier   that day, and were spending the evening in one  of the towers, so he ordered his army to continue   the siege, but be mindful so as not to disturb  the tower. The castle was too well-defended so   Saladin withdrew a few days later, but this  still shows Saladin’s chivalry and his good   sense of humor. Just because he was at war  didn’t mean he’s going to be a jerk about it.  But Saladin wouldn’t have to wait for long  to get that weaselly Raynald, or Jerusalem,   for that matter. In 1187, Saladin besieged  the city of Tiberias and baited a crusader   army to ride out from Acre; in the middle  of the summer, across a very long road with   only one water spring. When Saladin subsequently  ambushed the army at the Horns of Hattin, it was   already Game Over. Most of the army was killed  or captured, including the King of Jerusalem   and Monsieur Raynald. The King was cool, so  Saladin treated him with the utmost courtesy, but   Raynald was beyond negotiation, so Saladin scolded  him for his awful behavior before grabbing a sword   and killing him himself. After that, the king was  ransomed and sent peacefully home. Although, home   is a stretch, because Saladin took advantage of  the Crusaders’ sudden lack of an army to conquer   Jerusalem and almost all of the Holy Land. And  in contrast to the Crusader’s massacre of 1099,   Saladin took Jerusalem with far less violence and  vandalism, ransoming most Christians in the city   and letting several thousand just go free. This of  course prompted a third Crusade, pitting Saladin   against England’s King Richard the Lionheart, but  this contest was far more chivalrous. Although   Richard executed thousands of Muslim captives in  Acre, he was still infinitely better than Raynald.   When Richard lost a horse and fell ill at the  battle of Arsuf, Saladin, who lost that battle,   gifted two horses from his royal stables and sent  his royal physician to treat the English King.   The war soon ended in a treaty that restricted  Crusader kingdoms to the coast, and recognized   the capture of Jerusalem, but Saladin offered to  allow Christian pilgrims to still visit the city.   So it’s not hard to see why even sources from  his adversaries had a deep respect for the man. Both within and beyond their respective  empires, Cyrus and Saladin are well-deserving   of their reputations. Their political and  military accomplishments were plenty already,   but it takes a really special figure for even  their enemies praise their underlying character.   Generals who fought against Saladin wrote him  letters of apology, and then even the Greek   writer Xenophon cited Cyrus as the ideal king. To  a degree, both of these figures got caught on the   other side of an arbitrary East vs West conflict,  which is why us “westerners” don’t know them as   well as we arguably should, but despite the unkind  bias of various Greek and Crusader historians   against Persians and Muslims respectively,  the reputations of these two have clearly   transcended cultural boundaries, as models of what  it means to use power for good, mostly for good,   about as good as a monarch can use their power  for, all things considered. And heck, maybe recent   history is just getting to me, but I uh, I dunno,  feel like we can maybe learn a bit from that. Thank you so much for watching! As someone who  has very strong opinions about the way monarchs   are discussed in history, this was a very fun way  to talk about cool characters that we can actually   look up to in some key ways. Luckily, history  does have a handful of actually good rulers,   so I’m looking forward to covering  some more in future videos. As always,   thank you patrons for supporting the work that  we do, and I’ll see you in the next video.
Channel: Overly Sarcastic Productions
Views: 1,003,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, Summary, OSP, Overly Sarcastic Productions, Analysis, Literary Analysis, Myths, Legends, Classics, Literature, Stories, Storytelling, History, Mythology, Saladin, Salah ad-Din, Salah al-din, Cyrus, Persia, Crusade, Holy Land, Jerusalem, Raynald, Muslim, Islam, Media, Persian, Achaemenid, Empire, Ruler, Monarch, King, Great, Good, Actually, Historical, Egypt, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Sultanate
Id: DJ3-c-sg1uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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