NTR Explained

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if you're new to the class my name is Professor Lando today we're going to learn about a specific thing NTR Blake do you know what NTR is no idea Professor so NTR formal definition coming from a reputable Source Urban Dictionary it's a shorthand version of the word can you read that for me Blake uh nto rare Neto Neto so this is a Japanese word let's break it down phonetically so n uh referring to sleep as in sleeping with someone in an affair AKA cheating it's not good professor it's not good well hold on to referring to a noun describing having something stolen or robbed based on that what do you think NTR means what is this lesson going to be about okay so you said NE to sleep right you said to cheat n refers to sleep in the context of to sleep with someone yes and then terrari uhhuh is stolen or robbed so basically it's saying that you're sleeping with somebody but then you got robbed at the same time so you're sleeping think about this this so this is something is taking place here M so maybe your heart is getting stolen because you're getting cheated on NTR netor what is it in a story mainly referred to in the context of adult animated explicit media AKA hentai or doin the Manga version of course NTR is a what it is a genre where the the story's protagonist has his or her lover partake in an affair or is stolen by another person or group of people a lover that cheats on their partner so you're saying it's a it's a genre of like a kind of anime where somebody cheats on their partner and people actually enjoy reading this they like seeing people get cheated on see you're already honing in on the exact thing I said yes it's like a little niche is it it's like people that like to see other people get cheated on it's like that's a thing that turns them on yes it's it's it's okay you yes you're on the right track and that is what Blake that's called something that's sick as [ __ ] dude what that is not good what's happening here what's the word what is the word uh it's a thing people say it all the time kind of a bad word but it it happens what is this person you call this person a a degenerate uh uh think about what you just said what's happening here what's the scenario BL so someone's getting cheated on it's a genre they like it because it's a weird Niche so they're trying to enjoy get pleasure out of this for some weird reason and this person you call this person up we'll get there Blake we'll get there I'm not there I'm not there so there's a focus on dark depressing sad often rage inducing resolutions atmosphere plot the contents of NTR um again yes it's to see some sort of Affair happen and it it's supposed to be dark depressing you said this is some what some sick [ __ ] some sick [ __ ] depressing I yeah I don't like this I don't I the fact that people are even invol and like like this I I'm I can't I don't know and that's why we're learning about this today class because this is actually quite popular Blake would you believe this I yes they're here look look in the chat they're all here right now here they're here so yes you know the thing is it's it's dark depressing so there's sort of a contradictory thing happening here if it's sad if it makes you angry if it's dark depressing why do people like NTR why would it be popular that's what we're going to talk about here and that's the key thing here is the contradictory phenomenon much like with in our previous lecture girl failures ntr's description would seemingly be something you would consider not popular detestable as Blake put it some sick [ __ ] but despite this it continues to be a Mainstay in animated Japanese adult media do you have any ideas Blake of why they like it mhm I'm thinking it's because it's like uh it's like it's it's the people don't normally do it so it's like you know it's not new to them right uh so it's like very sharp astute reasoning yes different you know people like to go against the curve but me I like to just stay with the Curve man you know and not get cheated on and not get cheated on exactly do my heart couldn't take do I couldn't take it Professor you're a sweet boy place I know hello students thank you so much for watching my name is Professor Lando I am the educator here at the esteemed ligma University I make YouTube videos on a myriad of topics on every discipline imaginable you may know me for my groundbreaking research on mils what makes them so milfy or perhaps for answering the question Pokémon is it okay to [ __ ] them or most notably for my work on Fanboys I wanted to take a moment to announce the official launch of my patreon page which if you don't know patreon is a third-party crowdfunding website where viewers fans or students can support and directly fund the content being made by their favorite creators the aim of this patreon is to give students a way to directly fund and support the content videos and projects that I'm creating as well as to give me more freedom in the things that I say and what I do as well as the peace of mind to explore those things the way I'd like to as a content creator whose main platform is YouTube I often find myself navigating the landscape that is YouTube's algorithm one example that I can give you that this patreon page aims to alleviate is that often times I find myself with ideas that I think would be entertaining or insightful or I might be just simply interested in but often times these ideas take a back seat to content that is quite frankly more clickable more potential to be viral uh basically more potential to survive in the YouTube Advertiser landscape I am offering additional content and rewards that are exclusive to this patreon page depending on the tier that you choose to support at these rewards include a myriad of things such as behind the scenes looks into what I'm doing such as Vlogs and updates uh art that I might make as well as work in progress shots of what I'm doing at the time videos that are otherwise unavailable to the public such as old live streams of mine or perhaps videos that for some reason or another are unavailable on YouTube and additionally a shout out for students on every video that they help produce thank you again thank you so much for watching and for checking out the patreon page uh for your consideration thanks for uh watching my videos here at ligma University um your support means the world to me uh I hope to be deserving of your amazing support by doing my best and uh hope to earn it through my Creative Expressions and Endeavors online thank you so much the Mainstay characters actors in This genre that is NTR number one would be the protagonist who would be the protagonist in an NTR protagonist means they're the good guy correct I have to go back to English school it's been a while so so protagonist would probably be the the husband or the wife that gets cheated on right the guy that's you know yes the protagonist is the one who is cheated on this one's pretty straightforward the next character we have is the lover and who would this be the person doing the cheating mhm mhm um and there's in this scenario there's a very clear obvious third party the antagonist which of course you uh could stand to reason would be who Blake in the scenario the antagonist uh so there's the person that's getting cheated on right that's a protagonist and then there's the two people so there's the lover and then the the lover gets with the person that's trying to uh ruin everything which is the antagonist yes yes the person who the lover cheats on with yeah very curious that you have such a good understanding of the scenario Blake you know first of all this scenario there is a word for this do you know this word I'm thinking of um no this guy's a cuck right that's what this is this guy's getting cucked yeah yeah I've heard that I've heard that before I did so in but that term is a very Normy cultural term we're going to borrow words here much like the word um Charisma right root word kis Miato meaning of great Vigor and but we're talking about anime Japanese media hentai doans uh but to borrow from their culture this person the person who the lover is having an affair with is often called The Bull which I want to make a clear stance here and say very curious that time and time again students we find ourselves referring to things in a primal animalistic sense whenever we get the chance despite how often we denounce furry culture seems like maybe we're not too far from it dude I got a I got a question yes Blake so the protagonist is he okay with all of this happening does he just go with the flow or does he fight back that's my biggest thing no the generally speaking the protagonist is not going to like it MH but that's where the enjoyment comes from really it's that they it's that this is an awful situation they're watching their lover in a romance with another or perhaps more than one other yeah and it's gut-wrenching and you should hate it you kind of like it okay I'm I'm kind of starting to see that okay we we we we'll hold off uh I think you know maybe it's a little hard to grasp here for the students and and for Blake um I myself am a visual learner I'm an artist so let's let's dra draw a diagram here yeah if you're in this room this is think of this as a generic hotel room layout M top down view yeah where would you most like to be uh in this room definitely right there in the middle of the bed right there exactly so in the NTR genre and this is also borrowing from Normie culture in a little bit where do you think you would not want to be in this scenario uh like just sitting in general I mean the chair corner is Tiny a lot of crossrobics the thing in uh the normal culture Normy culture here this is where the protagonist is sitting this is the cuck chair as it's most commonly referred to have you ever heard that never not not in my life this chair right here this chair is a specific thing and it always shows up sometimes it's a hotel chair sometimes it's just a office chair off to the side but there is always a chair off to the side where the protagonist will sit so the first school of thinking I would describe as the school of loss School of weakness the school of cuckle tre I would describe why would people like NTR well it's the most basic form of reasoning it's it's a fetish they like it they like the of having their lover be with another or groups of others it's just the most Baseline like they're they're just into it in the most sickest form of it in St contrast to the first school of thought we have uh one of power one of if you can think of yourself as the protagonist here that's kind of not enjoyable but might I pause it to you students what if you were in the place of the antagonist think about it that way in this Fantasy Realm they like to imagine themselves like yes I have stolen your lover me and my boys about to make this look like a pack of raccoons got into this Auntie Anne's pretzel overnight oh yeah yes sir this is this is what what I imagine other people um would Place themselves in as a sort of Third Realm of reasoning for why people like NTR the receiver so that's the guy that plays catch you throw him the ball and they catch it the lover it's interesting that you automatically assumed you in your your go-to hypothetical scenario as a male yeah yeah Sports you know receiver yeah but yes the receiver like to imagine themselves or at least have a secondhand sort of second degree form of enjoyment by imagining that they would like to be the person getting [ __ ] regardless of which role you assume in this hypothetical scenario it comes from a place of angst I think that is the key thing here with NTR and its appeal to hypothetical peoples uh it's the shock value the enjoyment of NTR as a genre it's it's the depressing nature of the scenario how how shocking it is that attracts the reader not necessarily the specific act itself in its particularities of this scenario of this affair these people use this fiction as a means of Escape in the same way that maybe we enjoy I know I do we enjoy horror or violent gory content as as as a means of like a shocking means of Escape it's not that the readers really want to get cucked mostly or want this scenario to happen even in reality but it's in this fictional realm it's simply a stimulating scenario to witness it's the fact that it's not right that makes it attractive so what what do you think about this place well dude it blows my mind that anyone would ever want to be a protagonist I think that is the worst rule of all time I don't think I I like to me that would diminish my soul if I was the protagonist watching somebody else get with my lover but then then you can be the guy that has the power so you can be the guy that takes so if there was or the the girl or the girl or the girl which honestly the way you were saying that that probably sounds like the best role I did not say that the way the way you sounded like it I did not say that the power the power guy is the guy that gets to grab and take and who doesn't like to grab and take right but at the end of the day Professor that's Savage this is this is this is you're an animal you ever heard of the the word home wrecker a person that comes in and destroys a relationship doing your homework this is literally the same exact thing of someone being home record but the protagonist I guess wouldn't necessarily like it so I to me a home recer is what that's a very that's another term from uh Normie culture you're you're getting in touch with your roots yeah the ugly bastard this is a common character that although not exclusive to the NTR genre is a very popular character archetype Blake what do you surmise the ugly bastard is just a big thick ugly disgusting person doesn't shower you know that's the thing I think of wow you you you just you really got that you really you really knew what an ugly bastard was so this is a common archetype of an ugly bastard often very large uh overweight very old older um often visualized as balding unkempt like you said dirty unkept and not not only physically but what you see outwardly is an indicator of what's inside they're gross they're gluttonous they're greedy and most importantly horny do you find that attractive uh do you think people would find this attractive that is the ugliest bastard I've ever seen hence the name ugly bastard yeah much like girl failures and yes I'm taking the step to compare girl failures to ugly bastards why is a character that's purposely unattractive a popular thing why do you think Blake uh it just makes the story like even worse cuz if like if you see somebody like getting somebody that's like uglier than you it just makes it even worse right so the fact that it just yeah wow Blake has a very good grasp on the NTR genre I got to say well yes very similar to the inks the appeal of NTR the draw of the ugly bastard is in fact the taboo um to be defiled by by someone that is beneath you is sort of a rush uh so I'm told and it it's it's so wrong but that's what makes it so right Blake what does that say uh mind break mind break do you know what mind break is it's where you break your mind it's where you get mind blown sub genre a tag do you remember what a tag is when we talk about dojin yeah it's like the category right I'm so proud of you Blake how far you've come this is a tag uh that is found it's found a consistent place in Japanese adult media and is often quoted referred to joked on uh by uh consumers by viewers by people online and what is it exactly well it's a genre in explicit adult Works where the uh the person receiving the action has their mind broken obviously so through the act of intercourse imagine that it is so pleasurable that their minds literally break they go insane often becoming nonsensical in their desire to perform quitus with another they they get uh have you ever heard the phrase like stupid uh no have not have you ever never mind the lead character reaches a level of ecstasy so overwhelming that their minds are unable to process and hold on to reasons so again controversially so um this genre as well as NTR it's rooted in this like foundational um loss of sense it's just oh you shouldn't be into it oh my gosh I'm oh I'm getting [ __ ] dummy I'm one key indication of the Mind break is a a topic we've gone over before but I don't think we talked at length about it it's the uh Blake you're familiar with this of course Blake what is this that's an AA now what is the de Blake calm down what is an AA can you explain it to these new students here in the classroom so an AA is like uh it's a unedible face you make during intercourse so that's what they like to call the the o face yes it's a sort of uh it's an emote you guys know you know like you're playing fortnite like emotes it's pretty much Blake you got an emote uh dude I got the the floss dude that's you know the the old school OG that's my em yes it's like an emote uh you know you're playing a game and you know you kill someone you emote on them that's sort of like the hent version of flossing is the AA it's a key indication of mind break they're kind of uh Associated here um and again we've gone over this in a previous lecture but I think it's relevant here so bringing it up it's a facial expression used in Japanese explicit adult media to convey it conveys intense physical pleasure note that it's only the receiver of the Intercourse that performs AA you wouldn't be giving it you wouldn't be on top and you wouldn't go uh you know that that's not it's it's you're receiving it and that that's only marketly a a submissive roll that you would take it's composed of tongue out eyes rolling into you're you're it's so your your mind's breaking it's so pleasurable that your eyes roll to the back of your head tongue's out and uh it can be coupled optional here it's like when you're picking out a it's like when you're building when you go to build a bear do you want to put a little bow tie on it do you do you get the bigger one or a small it's sort of like that it's an optional uh part of the AAL double piece sign uh in practice an AA uh in this hypothetical situation I'm a visual learner so um tongue out eyes rolling into the back of the head let's let's role play here a little bit students it's good to get some hands-on experience um imagine I I'm going to opt for the double PE sign I think it's it's it's it's sort of a matter of taste some people like it some people don't some people make some oh it reminds me of um winon Churchill when he goes like this to the you know and it's like ah but I like it so this is this would be my heck out wow pretty good let's see yours uh okay imagine yeah okay imagine yourself your your mind's getting broken okay so you say it's more of like an oace right uh peace sign optional optional but I like the PE sign I think the peace sign is see I like the peace sign too peace sign's really good let's see if I can get maybe an O going you know like a stop h i dude that felt good with these subjects there is a clear separation of fiction and reality which has been an ongoing discussion um much similar to the one that often comes up about violence in video games uh but where do we draw the line I play Gears of War and I have a chain some cutting is that really indicative of what I seek in real life what I intend to do in real life most people would say no no and the question is uh again where do we draw the line like if I want to imagine myself getting stolen by a group of ugly bastards right and you know in front of my childhood lover to the point where you know my my mind my mind snaps because uh you my basic sensibilities are are being rendered useless because I'm just going dummy and uh you know maybe maybe that's where we draw the line I don't know I'm just going to say that in explaining this scenario NTR this phenomenon in explaining why I think we can conclude that it's it's what's so wrong that makes it feel right absolutely right [Music] [Applause] okay
Channel: Professor Lando
Views: 557,851
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Id: 2QbOxeI3L8o
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Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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