Femboys Explained

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what are we talking about today femboys colloquially might be called thembology i think technically speaking is femboyology again colloquially as them boys with an eye in terms of pronunciation i think we are talking about them boys as as most of our definitions do coming from wikipedia fanboy is a slang term for a young male who displays traditionally feminine characteristics so a male who displays traditionally right feminine characteristics a little bit of history the word fanboy emerges by at least the 90s the 1990s and beginning as a sort of derogatory term for a man who didn't adhere to here's the word again traditional standards of masculinity being a slang shortening of the word feminine right right here and boy obviously coming from the fact that they are male it does seem that uh especially in internet culture uh that femme boy the term femme boy has emerged as sort of a positive term uh appealing to a range of individuals who might be attracted to a mix of feminine and masculine traits uh perhaps even prompting a genre of of internet media in recent times uh the platform pornhub has even introduced the term femboy as a searchable category on its website and that happened in 2013 and uh and since then the the the search interest for the term has dramatically increased so you know again we're going back to the idea of of uh the origins of femboy being you know uh wikipedia states derogatory and then becoming more and more you could say perhaps is uh dare i say co-opted i would like to make the comparison to like the word weeaboo weeb starting as a something a little derogatory but being being used sometimes tongue-in-cheek but definitely becoming a sort of positive um term that you know i do think it's it's not wrong of me to say that someone that uh we would think fits in this category of fanboy would refer to themselves as a femme boy fanboy the term right as i just said it came to be adopted as a self-descriptor a descriptor for guys who tend toward presenting feminine a scale of femininity some more than others some less for non-sexual right these persons adopt femininity as a form of everyday expression gender expression right right donning a conventionally traditionally feminine aesthetic by wearing it could be arranged right it can include all of the following or one um wearing makeup feminine clothing dresses thigh highs panties garner belts and chokers being a fanboy you know it doesn't necessarily tie to any sexual orientation very often the question is is it gay complicated answer i know you want a yes or no answer and it's simply it cannot be done to to to tackle the question are fanboys gay very common question um a little uninformed and you know a little ignorant if you ask me but i'm not here to judge i'm here to to teach in quantum mechanics stro dinger's cat is a thought experiment that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition strode dinger's cat literally a cat in this thought experiment um is encased in this in this box right and there's a flask of poison right here and a radioactive source placed in a sea again in a sealed box if an internal monitor in this case a geiger counter detects radioactivity um as in a single atom decaying the flask right here is shattered releasing the noxious poison which in turn kills the cat the copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while the cat is simultaneously both alive or dead the thought experiment is that once you look into the box you can see that the cat is either going to be alive or dead when you literally open the box you can't see it both be alive and dead it's either going to be alive or dead but before you observe it to be before you open the box to look inside and and see it it's either alive or dead until you confirm it stroll dinger's cat or another aka stro dinger's fanboy gay and not gay at the same time it doesn't feel right to say it's strictly gay but it's definitely not straight this harkens back to the definition of gender expression being you know feminine as a guy the world is not black and white binaries we work in shades of grey or shades of gay moving on any questions about that i i think i'm being pretty straightforward about this being a femme boy dressing effeminate again can be a sort of gender expression role it doesn't always have to be sexual however oh maybe a little misguided to completely ignore that side of things so you know we're gonna be talking about uh and you know this is a subject that i'm uh very familiar with in fact uh our groundbreaking research on this subject is what got me my initial platform here at liquid university we're gonna be talking about the [ __ ] why is it so submissive and readable you know we talk about the bursi we talked about submissive and breedable in that the intersection the union rather is bussy but we don't we never answered the question why the [ __ ] on the surface level one might consider a male's entrance to be the exact opposite of breedable when compared to the conventional woman's [ __ ] or wussy as i call it um but that is the exact reason why the [ __ ] is so desirable i think it has to do with subversion the fact that the male entrance is not supposed to be bread makes it that much more desirable like a cookie jar that your mom left out you can only have one after dinner don't go near that cookie jar you know don't go hey hey get out of my get away from my [ __ ] um again a woman's [ __ ] a wussy is uh traditionally biologically meant to be bred but to breed another male to dominate another male i mean what is more masculine than that i can't think of anything more masculine than making another male submit their [ __ ] to you the ultimate act of masculinity in fact the ultimate act of heterosexuality if i've ever seen it fight or flight you're in the wild hunting for you know that [ __ ] in the jungle it's about who is the apex predator who is the apex [ __ ] blaster in the wild eat or get eaten a little bit of history not sure how you pronounce this kochak kosek what is the kochec the kochec plural being kochekler in turkish was typically a very handsome young male unfortunately perhaps a slave a raucous or a dancer who usually cross-dressed in feminine attire and was employed as an entertainer we don't have any pictures of course pictures didn't exist back then by imagine something like this kochek before starting their performance uh these turkish dancers these co-checks male dancers would dance among the spectators to rile them up to get them more excited and this is this really speaks to how house you know we talk about why the [ __ ] this is why the competition to garner the attention of these co-checks by people sitting in the audience often caused so much commotion and in altercations fights men in the audience would go wild they would literally fight each other they'd break their glasses they would shout kill each other yes you heard me men in turkey would kill each other for the [ __ ] history if we don't learn from it we're doomed to repeat ourselves and it seems like we are repeating in full force the femme boys have existed for a very long time and this seems to be encoded in our dna yes because we see the remnants of the kochik still today what does this remind you of right here uh i i don't i don't think it's a rhetorical because i think you know uh the remnants of the culture still today that is link gerudo link yes from the breath of the wild another example could be lilac cookie from cookie run kingdom these are artifacts and the reason why we like it so much is because again it's in the blood of our ancestors i think we would be wrong to talk about fanboys without at least mentioning the word trap i do not like this word but to not talk about this word in discussion with them boys it's just ignoring the obvious i don't like this word the implication of the word trap implies this like secretive like almost malicious like undercover like you're tricking people right deceitful like you're tricking them or you're you're trapping them right and so you know the origins of the word i think were referring to like an anime um a boy that is that is effeminate that looks like a girl right sometimes more attractive in the girl not to be confused with a trap as in the ghetto you know where people are stuck in a cycle of selling drugs and hustling to survive and therefore trapped and unable to leave and make a better life for themselves no that's that's the trap we're talking about traps i think originally it was supposed to stay you know in terms of fictional realm right but i don't know who co-opted this word started to apply it to real people that's when we start to get into this territory of again i don't like this this pretext of like we're trapping people i really don't like this use of the word and why i think this is very outdated right like first and foremost it's being used like with malicious intent it's being used as a like a derogatory term right first and foremost but there's a secondary aspect that i think we aren't even acknowledging which is that it's like fundamentally flawed and wrong to equate the word trap with with a femboy or to equate the idea of a trap of the fanboy why because i'm not being fooled i'm actively seeking out the dick and the [ __ ] i'm not being fooled my intention is first and foremost that these are men that they have dick at this point it's just again forget the forget the derogatory usage of it it's just simply not right it's counterintuitive to the modern appreciation um the modern um usage of people being fem boys because i you know i think if you're if you're a male and you want to be a femme boy i don't think that it's not right to for you to feel like you need to pretend to not be male i think the point of of of fembology of femboyology is that it can be a sort of empowering feeling you can be a fanboy and not be afraid to say that i can be effeminate and a male i'm not i'm not trapping anyone i'm not fooling anyone that's not my intention and if you're seeking it out in that term that's just we're not about that why do i feel strongly about this because i myself have engaged the practice and i guess this comes to my next point uh the next question is i get you know the question is i'm talking about femme boys we're lecturing about fanboys professor lando are you a fanboy i will be providing you some uh contextual media uh for reference so um in in my research in them biology i uh was in the field some anthropological work as a femme boy this is me um practicing the art of fembology in the field right some people they join red cross and they go across the seas to help impoverished nations impoverished communities uh some people do missionary work for the church some people um enlist uh in the military put their lives on the line i dressed up as a stalfo uh and an anime convention to classify someone as a femme boy is there a ratio of of time spent dressing up feminine wearing makeup doing feminine things versus being you know masculine or just being you know themselves as in male um that seems like gatekeeping to me and that doesn't seem right is every once in a while enough to be a fanboy you want to say that you can just be a fanboy no matter how much but however if you're going if if you're trying to lose weight and every day you eat mcdonald's and one day out of the month you eat a salad doesn't mean you're dieting you know what i mean do i have to constantly shave my body to be a fanboy every day do i even need to do it at all i don't know saying it out loud i want to say no once a femme boy always a fanboy much like the marines i think a femboy lecture would not be really complete without some mention of popular references and then pop culture aka femme boys uh as you can see here i have um ample uh artifacts of uh a certain character named astofo from fate grand order i gotta make sure not to draw this too quickly to as to avoid rousing suspicion astofo writer of black i really like the software as a character but i would hate to boil down a stalfo to simply being the gateway drug of bem boyz i do think that you know we need to acknowledge our stopo as is is sort of that is the marijuana of femme boys the gateway fanboy let's throw up some examples hideri from blend s i recently started playing this game benti from gentian impact cloud from final fantasy vii sasha from animal crossing to talk about the fact that fanboys come in all different shapes and sizes we we talked about like do i need to be shaven every day do i have to be you know this traditional fanboy look all the time i want to say no well i think i think that's the right answer uh you know we are all connoisseurs of fem boys uh i imagine sort of like a fancy masquerade right like some european we're all wearing suits and ties and we have swirly mustaches classical music is playing you know yes indubitably i've come here uh to the uh welcome everyone to the monthly gathering of us femme boy connor stores uh my name is uh sore uh sir uh uh maxwell worthington the second and uh uh president of our here chapter of the femboy connoisseurship and uh and i do like to enjoy my fanboys to be a certain way and you know i have my preference and you know you know how it is for me personally enjoy my femme boys to be a little more masculine so this is going to be controversial you know some characters in anime their build and voice are basically just a girl aka hirari from blendes which is fine you know to be a fanboy there's a spectrum but to me these these these characters are just fem boy in name for all extensive purposes in their media they're simply another female character why even make them a fanboy it almost seems like pandering at that point or something there's where's the boy again there are some men out there that are very feminine very female feminine presenting that's fine but i'm just saying that in terms of being a fanboy don't be so worried about being uber feminine cloud is a perfect example of my ideal fanboy maybe because i relate to the character more physically mentally i think that's part of it uh maybe sort of projecting myself onto the character cloud is very um you could even say built very very masculine compared to characters like hirari and venti link very much fits into this category you know not like masculine as like huge honking macho like huge characters you know to see characters like cloud wearing the dress cross-dressing getting [ __ ] down in the bathroom of the honey bee inn in final fantasy there's something more relatable to me there um i would like to cap this lecture by simply saying that i believe the taint is the male version of cleavage where where the mound you know you talk about purple mountain majesty you know this sort of mound um the the great american dream rather where the taint meets the top of the balls that is like a golden zone and much like where the thighs meet the thigh high um i do think that is sort of like the male version of cleavage and now i'm thinking about it i might just be gay [Music] you
Channel: Professor Lando
Views: 2,024,102
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Id: yR-rmVV5K2s
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Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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