Explaining Waifus and Husbandos

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class welcome my name is professor lando in today's lecture we will be going over waifus and husbandos what is a waifu what is a husbando from urban dictionary a waifu is used to refer to a fictional girl or woman usually they say usually i want to say predominantly a girl or woman fictional in anime manga or video games that you are attracted to and that you would even marry and a husbando is uh the same thing but you know the male version what's the appeal of a waifu 2d versus 3d where do we start off a rejection of the 3d 3d being real women and men now it's actually interesting because nowadays three this is not actually quite uh not exactly correct anymore technology is advanced to where we have 3d fictional why foods what a time to be alive you ever see ready player one the the oasis 3d fictional waifus are becoming a thing but again you know we talked about the mainstream understanding the the colloquial um the word on the streets we refer to 3d as like the real reality we talk about waifus and husbandos serving as sort of a surrogate for uh perhaps you know in the very extreme end like a lack of actual perhaps a longing for an actual relationship and on the other end just you know casually like this is a character i like and it's sort of like an inside joke or rather a sort of tongue-in-cheek way to just say very plainly like i just really like this character we talk about anime tropes tropes in anime waifus husbandos not necessarily a trope but very tied into things like tsunderes snaggle teeth when the screen freezes at the end of the episode and becomes all washed out like they do that at the end the killer killed a lot of old-school animes the good the protagonist has like an evil side uh oh nine tails naruto um holo ichigo uh the reason i bring up tropes is that waifus and husbandos there's a very clear distinction that that is that is not a harem we don't lump them in with harems what is a harem in the anime sense there's a genre of light novels manga anime originating in japan in the 1970s but exploding the late uh 1980s and 90s with dating simulator games focusing on what do you call it polyandrus polyamorous relationships relationships involving multiple people mainly the protagonist and multiple waifus or husbandos right where the protagonist is surrounded by three or more love interests i think people get it twisted there there's a certain viewpoint you have to maintain pure versus impure a lot of people claim to have waifus a lot of people claim to have a husband though and they have very high standards for their waifu or husbando um and i i feel like there's a bit of a double standard happening here because how can you expect your waifu or husbando to be loyal if you yourself are not you are partaking in fantasies of a harem you're watching uh you know you're watching naruto and going oh oh [ __ ] he's not just looking like a little snack and then and then what you turn on um you know you watch some bleach and you're like oh yoruichi is looking pretty good human form ain't bad either impure how can you hold your waifu to a standard that you cannot meet yourself you cannot have more than one waifu be true to the waifu be true to your husbando let's talk more about like what is the waifu for people who are not quite understanding perhaps a surrogate for some sort of relationship or rather lack of a relationship that you have using a wife or husbando as a pseudo surrogate you know i think there's some people who truly think and they criticize like waifus and husbands like this is some sick stuff these people are unhealthy this is bad for society it needs to be said that a lot of this is tongue-in-cheek but that being said it's sort of like how you remember when people said yolo and people made fun of other people who said yolo and they started to say yolo ironically and then you kind of like you keep saying it and then you kind of can't stop saying it and then it becomes like not no longer like an ironic thing anymore a modern version would be sheesh you know it's kind of like oh haha it's like ironic you say it ironically you're like sheesh and then like a few sheeshes later you're kind of just talking to someone you go sheesh and you're like oh you're kind of doing it on purpose or not on purpose but you're kind of doing it like not ironically anymore i think the same thing applies with the concept of waifu and husbando i was asked who's my waifu and i was going to say el stafo i've not found a jar a an adequate sized jar for this one quite yet but let's say you have waifus on this side and husbandos on this side i think what we could say what do you find here a stoffel is a stall fussy and you know i am partly serious like i really like a sofa that if you ask me who's your wife who i would say a stuffer but it's like not really like i don't have an actual mentally like i don't sit there and talk and i tr i don't truly think i have some sort of like connection that being said there are some people that maybe take it too far you know i think i have a scientifically proven method to help cure you the some model sensory system is a part of the sensory nervous system that is associated with the sense of touch temperature pain your ability to sense physical sensation so that's the first concept second concept postier there's a large and nearly ubiquitous family of mono monocotilidonius flowering plants known as grasses so what you can do is you can apply both of these concepts to help cure yourself and you can touch the grass where would you say this is located the species is often found outside of your home primarily so this does require you to leave your dwelling and go outside to touch the grass you know you could just simply say oh this is my waifu or this is my husbando because you know i just mentally that i just know it to be true it's in my mind like that is my husbando but in practice there can be a little a little more uh tangible more practical way of um showing your affection for your waifu or husbando uh through the use of two artifacts first artifact being a daki makara otherwise known as a body pillow specifically originating in japan during the late 90s and early 2000s dakimakura began to intertwine with otaku culture anime uh leading to the production of pillow covers so you have usually these these they're called body pillows because they are the length of a body you could say this is the body pillow this is like your bed but there the body pillow has a sleeve you know like a normal pillow has a pillow case you you you put the large pillow case over the body pillow and on this is printed on it is your waifu or husbando and it's usually double-sided because there's two sides to a pillow usually again there's some that are fully nude on both sides some are fully clothed on both sides one side could be clothed safe for work and the other side could be more lewd the the concept the appeal of a body pillow it's been a hard day hard day's work come home take off the tie tired no one there to give you warmth to tell you you know good job today welcome home you come home to a dark cold empty apartment you're too tired to cook yourself up something and you're too tired to stop by somewhere on the way so you just heat up your stovers microwave meal time for bed you didn't have any time for yourself you just worked a full day and you're about to go to bed just to wake up to do the same thing over again turn off the lights you lay it down but you can turn over in your bed and what's next to you looking back at you your your body pillow your docky makura loving eyes of your waifu or husbando looks back at you and that that that's the appeal of the uh docky macro i have an example so what are we talking about exactly you know some people are visual learners so this this is a body pillow this is you know on on one side is a printed image of a husbando in this case this is okurikata from from uh token rambu sword boys as it's colloquially called you see it's a it's called a body pillow because it's body length and body a body is printed on it one side kind of lewd kind of showing off the little tummy the kind of like the v-bones you would call it um but you know like i said you come home after a hard night you can you know you kind of you go ah you know work sucks life sucks no family or friends but i can come back to you okutikata so that's one way to show your affection for your waifu or husbando an eta bag literally meaning painful bag is a handbag or backpack or other kind of bag covered in badges buttons figurines and other merchandise pertaining to anime and manga fandom in japan eeda bags are a popular piece of apparel among female anime and manga fans what we have here this is an example of an eat a bag you can see what i meant this is a bag covered in badges buttons figurines or other merchandise pertaining to the definition says anime or manga fandom specifically we're talking about waifus and husbandos so in this case this is cecile from uttapri and you can see what we talk about how do you show your affection for your husbando this is all this one character and not only is it just this one character um this particular you know when this was excavated they'd have to do a little more forensics to see but whatever twisted sick unwell individual used to own this bag went the extra length to only include official merch even the bag itself is an official piece of merchandise specific for this character let's say you're out and about i'm crossing the street like this crossing the street and someone goes oh is that an ita bag and i'm like why yes it is i'm glad you noticed my official cecile from uttapri it's a bat they're like ah must be your husband though correct indubitably sir you go to a convention you meet with other people they will have their own eta bags and they showed off to each other with their own personal husbando you know it's like that scene an american psycho where they show each other the business cards let's see paul allen's eat a bag like oh my god the inner monologue look at the color it matches the brand of the character that's dolfo it's a bag my god is that a signature board from the actual voice actor right it's like that allegory of a cave i mean this allegory a group of people are described um as living chained to the wall of a cave all their lives they're chained to the wall of this cave facing the wall a blank wall they watch shadows you know imagine they're they're facing the wall like this they have no other choice and they've been like this for their entire lives and on the wall shadows are projected onto the wall you know using light whether it's fire or something images are projected onto like this it would be like this they're watching the shadows right the shadows to these people are their reality that is reality to them because that's all they know but you as we know those shadows are are not accurate representations of the world but these people chain to the wall that's all they know this is the allegory of the cave people who go out into the real world and see what it is truly they come back and the people that are chained up uh facing the wall they reject those people because they you know they say you're insane you are going to you're speaking nonsense you're you're going to ruin i i can't cope you're going to ruin my reality and they reject the true reality thanos once said reality is often disappointing thanos also said reality can be whatever i want very applicable to the concept of waifus and husbandos in fact that's what thanos should have done with a snap of my fingers half the population turns into a stalfo this is the allegory of a weeb wife is in husbandos you all your life that's all you know and it's it's better to accept the the the fiction that you've been presented with it's easier to cope than having to just over here yonder is is reality here but like thanos said reality is often disappointing but now now reality can be whatever i want this is us this is you and this is just whatever waifu you could say it's allegory of the weeb [Music] you
Channel: Professor Lando
Views: 585,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, waifu, husbando, professor lando, explained
Id: Wf8pwl6XN28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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