Twinks, Femboys, Otters, and Bears Explained

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what we're going to talk about today twinks [Music] twinks twinks hunks him bows what are these things what are the differences what are the applications and we're going to find out today so when we talk about a twink okay well very much a masculine body type we're talking hairless generally hairless pretty much smooth there's a spectrum of how feminine is it how masculine it is it I think the misconception with twinks is there's been a new word added to the vocabulary which is femboy but with the twink and over here let's draw a bear oh what is there very large not like bodybuilder style we're talking we're talking thick we're talking thick and hairy okay what do you think about when you think of a Bear the animal man just the animal the and bears are what they're vicious you know what do they look like uh they're very hairy very large very thick so on the on the scale bears are you saying them are like the most masculine or overtly masculine overtly not chiseled because you know there are bodybuilder types with like skinny waist broad shoulders but we're talking about aggressively big strong Lumberjack ask but with the addition of femboys [Music] with the addition of femboys into the discussion it kind of switches things up because I would not necessarily say that a femboy can't look like a twink right and it's it's sort of same thing with bears uh with a twink I think it's much more physical it's a much more physical description right and within this spectrum um there's a lot of physicality going on but when it comes to femboys and bears there's sort of a spiritual aspect to it the old scale was a little too limited with the addition of femboys in recent times we're able to push the femininity of the body type but at the same time a fanboy can still be a twink even I think a fanboy can even reach past the twink territory into bear territory there's a certain amount of Fitness Associated here too you see bears are very strong but if you are closer to twink territory doesn't mean you're not strong too there is something you know what auto mode is ah no no no no idea what is an otter uh an animal that's in the in the ocean that makes funny noises when you think of an otter you think of water you think of sleekness agility ability to swim otter mode refers to like a swimmer's body not so smooth and soft like a twink but not so big as a bear I would put otter mode in between here closer closer to twinkage think of a twink slightly more toned twink [Music] so here we have four body types here on the Spectrum as you know we have here twinks Bears fit Skelly mode okay and then right here would be auto mode so again just really briefly these are the body types you know we think of stuff like femboy which is more of a Essence a state of being when we're thinking purely physical I think we need a good frame of reference so here we have twinks and bears like we talked about and here we have bodybuilders right Athletics there's a range in between bears and twinks overall generally I would say these are the fit body types and over here we have Skelly mode this is the asmond golds of the world are right here femme boys could be anywhere in like this Zone through this range I think is like the most attractive range purely physical right because here you're still very much masculine very fit but still if you notice look look at the range for Fanboys you're still in Fanboy territory The Best of Both Worlds you can have your cake and eat it too [Music] we here this is the professor Lando chart of twonkology okay here on this side we have hunk twink Femme boy bear what are we talking about let's define it firsthand femboy we're talking about estofo we're talking about KIRO from One S we're talking about Felix you know we're talking about feminine boys very much still male twink much more masculine than a femme boy perhaps twinks and Fanboys have a crossover there's an argument to be made there's an argument to be made that femboys and twinks cross over but not all twinks are femboys not all twinks are consider themselves Fanboys right and again twinks being smooth younger prettier males but not necessarily fanboys hunks very much masculine very much you know your standard build you know what you think is a stereotypical masculine built male a bear on the far end of the spectrum opposite of a fanboy aggressively overtly masculine big belly strong muscles built for labor you're talking about Lumberjack just a thick thick masculine hairy as well let's just pick some random people and put them on here so a Starfall here okay very much feminine but not not pure 100 feminine I'm kind of feeling like right here ish right maybe are we far twinkle oh actually maybe here because if we go here we're kind of leaning more towards bear and hunkich right so maybe right here I'm feeling okay we have a Starfall okay let's let's add some more characters what do you think where do you think I would go Blake on that scale come up here not not too slender you know again it's it's two aspects spiritual and physical because what if I what's middle is Middle like everything like do I have a little bit of everything if I'm in here in the middle maybe yeah you're pure perfectly balanced well I'm probably just like right I'm kind of leaning here as well very slightly leaning towards bear hunk but more like hunk right oh slightly more hunky slightly more hunk so it closer to hog yeah Blake is right here because I'm not I'm not really that slender you know so I it's got to be he's got to be I'd be I I might even push you a little bit further actually yeah yeah well what did you say hunk was like your standard frat boy yeah come on you know yeah yeah okay like right here let's see okay what about your professor dude professor professor Orlando what are you take a seat Blake yes sir fairly hairless when I want to be no facial hair no chest hair just am I am I very listen am I perfectly balanced because that's a very important Benchmark bookmark okay if you're saying I'm perfectly balanced that's a large statement because if I'm perfectly balanced then that's you're going to be what other things are compared to in my Blake's mirror oh am I like right here dude yeah yeah I think that's the answer dude Abraham Lincoln tall wanky right tall lanky kind of got a little twink body yeah but he's hairy he's got a thick beard that's true you know he's kind of he's he's got large he was he was a wrestler they're like he's more twink so maybe like here Doc is shaking his head they're saying yes doc what do you think oh you think he's you think Abraham Lincoln oh Abraham Lincoln's way more bare though because he's got a big fear he's so hairy uh okay let's do two presidents Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt Teddy Roosevelt so then Abraham Lincoln so now we have something to compare Abraham Lincoln to If Teddy Roosevelt's here if Abraham Lincoln is less of a twink than Professor Lando it has to be on this side of the spectrum but he also is more of a bear than Blake so it has to be above this asymptote here Teddy Roosevelt Abraham Lincoln is less of a bear than Teddy Roosevelt so we're saying that he could be in this entire Zone but we're saying that he is more of a twink than he is a hunk so that means that Abraham Lincoln is in this zone right here so the doc says that he is more of a twink than he is a bear if that's true Abraham Lincoln let's do link from The Legend of Zelda more of a hunk than a stalfo but less of a hunk than Professor Lando more of a fanboy than Professor Lando but not as much of a femboy as a starfo now we need something in the bottom left quadrant man who is hunk and Fanboy see this could be this is almost a paradoxical Zone because a femboy hunk that's a twink a nosuke from Demon Slayer oh dude I could see that yeah I could see that he leans definitely probably more towards the hunk side right than femboy ice or mice in those case here where is germa is germa more hunk or twink wait Fanboy bear do we have equilibrium true Center okay we we have a reference point now germa is our reference point we're having trouble filling this is there a bear twink what's a bear twink what the heck is a bear twink Waluigi oh well that's because Waluigi I guess if there's slender with facial hair they're they're an ape lincoln-esque type of character you know I would think maybe like here the Beast Titan slender tall insanely tall and lanky but with a big beer belly and he's hairy oh my gosh we did it dude where where do you think our boy goth would go Dr Hawk is say more bear than femboy yeah but more twink than hunk I'd say right here that's our boy doc so let's make a heat map this is our heat map the Survivor bias of twink if you look at this things tend to be very much centered as all things are a sort of normal distribution of twinkage seems like we have a strong uh tendency to go towards the middle but slightly more towards bombology however when it comes to extremes you have much more things often being extremes of hunkish and barrage and very few things are hunk and femboy and very few things are bear and twinks because that makes sense because if you look at hunk then boys and bears and twinks this is sort of a contradictory Zone the upper right quadrant and the lower left quadrant I think we conclude that I don't know [Music]
Channel: Professor Lando
Views: 1,546,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9xBwLq8BLnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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