Asmongold Plays Hollow Knight | FULL VOD

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are you sure I don't know we could do things in Chinese that could be like an extra level of a hard mode right because like well I actually I know it wouldn't be because I don't read anything in the game anyway so if it's in Chinese it wouldn't make a difference cuz I'd never look at it to begin with [ __ ] okay I guess we'll do English anyway that way at least the chat knows what's going on the game saves dot data automatically at certain points please do not turn off the software while this symbol is displayed okay extras what's extras credits details details okay mini saw I don't know what any of this is let's go options game audio video let's look a game language backer credits show achievements um let's just go back that's not really a big deal video resolution okay very fast full screen yes vsync do I turn this on or off [Music] it goes off okay all right I'll turn it off all right particle effects let's put this on high Oh normal okay that's it blur quality improve reduced to improve performance okay so I don't need that framerate cap okay we'll do that screen scale brightness recently okay back okay guys there have been many games that I played this is one of the first ones that I'm going to play again on stream could be difficult it could be hard I don't know what it's gonna be like it all should be a platformer let's just get right into it let's go blow off okay yeah let me turn the blower off blur quality I'll put it on wait I can't turn it off yeah it's poor qualities on high so the blur happens no matter what it's just the house eerie how serious it is yeah I'll put it on I'll put it on high and we'll see what it is okay I don't know what the board even really does so we'll just get through this and we'll start it I'll get it done [Music] new game [Music] adjust the slider until the frames touch the screen okay it's done all right good adjust the brightness to your desired oval we're just gonna go at a hundred percent might as well let me take it all the way down to uh yeah this is great isn't it yeah that's perfect okay I may take it back up to a hundred I don't actually want to that okay all right one hundred percent and wilds beyond they speak your name with reverence and regret for none could tame our savage Souls yet you did that you the challenge meant under pales to watch you talk we changed basic instincts were redeemed a world you gave to bug and beasts as they had never dreamed true [Music] [Applause] it's noise off what that's it you're just gonna blow ball us okay here we go [Music] [Music] this is like a cross between The Nightmare Before Christmas and Dark Souls all right I move wait whoa it's we're already starting oh wow okay so I can all right so I jump so the longer I hold a it makes me jump longer or shorter I can do a little bit of that why doesn't do anything and B doesn't do anything it seems okay so I can cut down grass and I can cut that down too I can cut up down forwards backwards my left and my right triggers don't do anything all right okay oh I have to hit them twice okay easy game look at that see I never get hit what's this interact what is this inspect higher beings these words are for you alone your great strength marks you amongst us focus your soul and you shall achieve feats of which others can only dream collect soul by striking enemies once enough soul is collected hold be to focus soul and heal so I'm a [ __ ] vampire let me see I can do this we go down here and kill this [ __ ] okay so that I guess that so I that's money oh okay so these things are money's okay got it okay that was not as good can I take fall damage let me see if I can take fall damage that was a thump usually thump still usually like if somebody falls from something and they thump on the ground that's not a positive okay let's keep going all right so we figured that out wait I got hit twice man come on that's too many times okay I know you guys make make fun of me for how bad I am at Dark Souls and witcher and how you know how much i don't think i grew up playing games like this this is what I'm good at they're not gonna hit buy them now okay good got him yeah this is these are the types of games I'm good at okay I don't like how each attack take I said attack twice wait blue is that like a shield I'll assume that it is one two all right got him nice that's a [ __ ] okay good let's look around here let's break through that Oh oh [ __ ] I could have got that [ __ ] those are spiky boys I see that Super Mario World it wasn't that long ago for me I said to go I said to go was there anything down here oh there is I don't know if I want to go all the way over there dude seems like a mistake okay let's go down let's go up here okay oh alright and oh this is where I was at before I don't think I can go all the way down there and get that thing though okay what is this expect higher beings these words are okay I'll just keep beyond this point you in our land of King and creature beyond this point you enter our land of Canaan creator step across this threshold and obey our laws bear witness to the last and only civilization the eternal Kingdom oh okay maybe I shouldn't have done that okay so I just make progress through here right dirt mouth the fading town who's this hello there traveller I'm afraid there's only me left to offer welcome our towns falling quite quite quiet you see the other residents they've all disappeared headed down well one by one into the caverns below used to be there was a great Kingdom beneath our town it's long felt to ruin yet it still draws folks from its depths wealth glory enlightenment that darkness seems to promise all things I'm sure you to seek your dreams down there well watch out it's a sickly air that fills this place creatures turn mad and travelers are robbed of their memories perhaps dreams aren't such great things after all can I kill him you know okay can I go in that house no so I guess I just oh no I got rid of my blue things okay whatever I guess the rest thing inspect witnesses for all your mapping supplies we will be opening soon okay Oh forgotten crossroads okay okay so I go this way let me try this way all righty this is like this is kind of precise the way I need [Music] oh the camera the cameras in the wrong spot let me just look right now oh yeah yeah it looks like it kind of is let me just move this this is the way I have it set up and we just move both of these up okay here we go okay how about that that should be better yeah two husbands I know it's just in case the camera dies that that's better right let me just shrink it a tiny bit I'll take it's like right here y'all - it's right right there and then right here okay yeah I think this is better yeah okay this is good go [ __ ] is this [Laughter] how's he doing can I interact with some or anything I'm confused okay I'm not gonna put at the top right I think that like cameras look better and everything on the top left or like on the left of the screen so I'll keep it there I think that should be better though I don't see ya I'm just gonna leave this area make some progress okay so I just have to go down here right I feel like it's kind of a mistake just coming down here all on my own though okay oh there's some okay I can go up here let me see what this is over here alrighty you see the other cam wait what oh yeah you do okay my bad on that let me see if I can fix that just real quick there okay that's better sorry about that guys we're good okay oh it's a new guy that's it on three times come on man the [ __ ] is up I'm gonna go get that it's a second there's no way [Music] there's gonna be like a way for me to jump or something there's no way I can make that jump oh yeah it's just it's not even close okay let me go this way one two three okay whoa what wait what I've hit him four oh I have hit him from behind okay I see cuz he's got he's got a hard head so you've got to hit him from behind whoa [ __ ] man okay we've gotta focus [ __ ] all right good that almost hit me I don't know how it didn't hit me actually okay good all right he's ring that means he's been activated got him I don't want to fall down there yet oh [ __ ] oh I forgot I can attack from the top I'm not used to that okay these are all my coins I'm not sure what I spend these on yet let's go up here we'll take the high road okay wait what's over here for somebody check over here Oh another pokey boy wait oh I can use the environment to kill the mobs damn okay [ __ ] yeah all right okay maybe I have to go in there I'm not sure let's go maybe this way first before I before I go in there all right let's go inside yeah I forgot the heel okay we're good okay temple of the black egg oh this is the thing that I saw oh I have to talk to him hold there how do I really need another traveler on these forgotten roads you're a short one but you've a strong look about you I'm quarrel I have something of an exception for uncharted places this ancient kingdom holds many fascinating mysteries and one of the most intriguing of them is standing right before us a great stone egg lying in the corpse of an ancient kingdom and this egg is it warm it certainly gives off a unique air can it be opened there are strange marks all over it I do so love a mystery and who knows what other Marvel's lie even deeper below us all right so that there's nothing else really for me to do here I can't kill him I've got to leave this area yes okay let's go back to where I was just going to I don't know if this area is like all like interconnected or what or if I'm actually going the right way or not okay that thing's dead oh oh so I just left the area okay so I this is the graveyard I guess inspect a stone door with a simple lock okay well I don't have a simple key so it looks like I'm not gonna be able to get through there let's go back down to the bottom yeah we're gonna go down here [ __ ] it okay let's go let's go right this time I had to get this timing down I'm not ready for this timing yet okay let's go this way who's this why I was just that okay it is where I was just at our I'm trying to get like my bearings straight of like where I need to go okay so I was right there so I need to go to the bottom right okay talk to him again alright I'll talk to him again my motto for so long I felt drawn here so many tales full of wonders and horrors no longer could I resist I just had to see it for myself and what a time I chose to arrive this dead world has sprung to life the creatures were riled up in the earth rumbles the air is thick I wonder what I could have brought this all about gone to persevere in this run the old nail alone won't be just enough though that's no problem only one has to look around plenty have come before us and most have met their grisly end many more equipped than I and you I'm sure they wouldn't mind if a fellow Explorer were to reveal relieve them of their tools it's a kindness really the dead shouldn't be burdened with such things go did she pass the time above what a gloomy little place and such Majesty hidden right beneath I suppose that's why they were all headed down here who could resist such possibilities give me the key truly a marvel truly a marvel hmm truly a marvel hmm truly a marvel okay kill them I don't think I can I can try to attack them but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way he's invincible he can't be killed okay let's look around look well I think our so the five fifth and something I appreciate okay so I've already killed these guys right I can't get up there and I've been this way maybe I need to go this way over here I don't think I've gone to slay before ok ok ok Jesus Christ how do I get around them let me heal ok ok ok ok ok ok did I beat him oh I got a caterpillar ok now what oh I break it out okay I was easy got it beat the game [ __ ] yeah all right well let's go back down here okay I don't think I've been here either yeah I have it Oh bury my mother Palin's site burning my father with his eyes shut tight burying my sister's two by two and then when you're done let's bury me - Wow that's morbid ha ha do you know that one it's one of my favorites we can sing something else if you like you'll start singing and join in I bet you have a beautiful singing voice ha ha ha what are you doing down here for I came to get wealthy just to look around you these mines are still bursting with riches there's plenty for everyone just drag a pic and join in bury the night with a broken nail bury the priest something with a crown I can't remember the rest ha ha maybe I'll just hum it ok all right so maybe if I get a mining pic or something oh okay oh my god what if I go in the middle area yeah what if I go in I don't know what the [ __ ] that did but whatever okay let's go back up to the top I don't know what even it is okay okay let's go over here first all right this is obviously gonna collapse can I break this no okay so I don't know what the [ __ ] cuz if I attack it nothing happens okay whatever yeah I guess I'm not gonna be able to break that down let's go back over this way okay all right so we're all right I'll go back up this way and I'll come back where I came cuz it seems like this is just like this one area okay let's go down this way is there a reason why I destroy those around am I just doing it for no reason what if I go below I I didn't need to do that actually okay that was a mistake okay okay so I can't even do anything down there right this is like all locked off all right let's go back up okay let's go this way [ __ ] you win some you lose some boys I forgot that it would knock me back I messed that up this is a boss right it certainly looks like a boss room okay nevermind alright let's go this way wait is this this place yeah okay oh I can go up there nice I'll get one of those things I think hitting him from from the for the top or yeah attacking him from the top is better okay let me get that coin right there too alrighty so I don't think I can get let me see if I can get to the caterpillar I'm like 90% sure I can yeah yeah this is the same place there's no [ __ ] way I'm gonna get over there absolutely no [ __ ] way first start to press menu wait what's menu options yeah I don't think you can go to I don't think I can see a map yeah okay okay can i slide on the wall and jump off of it no okay let me go all the way down here just hold there come down next forward these beautiful old ruins don't mind me I have a fondness for exploring myself getting lost and finding your way again is a pleasure like no other we're exquisitely lucky you and I I'm a cartographer by trade and I'm working on mapping this area right now would you like to buy a copy of my work so far yeah yeah that sounds really good okay left bumper to view a map of the area okay that's great cool not gonna be a useful thing but what alone-alone won't show you where you area if you're not in the area of the heads or directions if you're not if you've not the head of four directions I suggest purchasing a compass for my wife Silda okay she's just now opening our new map shop in dirt now selling all sorts of useful things to Wanderers like yourself she'll even sell some of my old maps from time to time I pop back to see her whenever I finished mapping area she's always so excited to see me mmm well that's good shucks doc okay he's introducing himself okay my name is corn fur and I've always loved exploring the world whenever I was first hatched I wandered off immediately leaving my brothers and sisters and my poor mother behind that's why as soon as I could I moved to dirt mouth with my wife a huge unending Kingdom to explore right on our doorstep who could resist anyway I'll let you return to your trials with a little luck we'll meet again be safe and farewell [Music] right let's get going all right we'll go this way yeah look at the math okay so where am I [Music] what the [ __ ] oh I don't think I can kill this okay let me go across this guy how do I even get up there there's just no way dude there's no [ __ ] way I can make that jump maybe I have to jump on top of them hop over that I don't know man like let me see what happens if I jump on it okay let's keep going all right so you're not able to do that attack down oh really okay let me try that but how the [ __ ] oh I see okay got it okay never mind all right I figured it out now I'm not even gonna go back and get those okay guys okay all right I'm playing like [ __ ] let's focus up here no more mistakes let's go down this way okay going make some progress okay wait what oh they turn into little mobs all right I'll break out this caterpillar I guess so now I'm right here okay and I go in the water probably not it seems like it's gonna burn me yep okay um wait wait where am I now well I'm in the same spot okay never mind I thought that wait got some different area okay so I can't do that let me keep going this way I have to go back around let me figure out how the hell we get around here yeah this is the exploring in this game is like really kind of interesting okay let's go this way oh wow [ __ ] yeah I've got a bunch of money now great okay gotta me good the [ __ ] is this oh [ __ ] he can shoot me okay and you go this way I get wait well now there's two of them alright avoiding him [ __ ] man I'm playing so bad right now okay okay so so I just have to kill those two guys and I'm fine okay this is good alrighty let's keep looking around and I walked through here yes a can I rest here okay all right let's go down this way got'em what is this oh this is just like more money I feel like I have too much money because the math was only like 30 bucks maybe uh maybe I'll be able to spend it later on okay all right now we're getting to be getting a little bit more difficult here okay should I go for that I'm gonna go for that got it [ __ ] that was a mistake let's keep going okay [ __ ] got him got him okay good all right perfect so okay I just did that for nothing got it um let's go let's go below first oh I can't get up there Jesus Christ got it I guess we'll go this way the only way we really can go and it says to go up what the [ __ ] okay I'll rest here I guess what does this say inspect a tool machine with the symbol of a stag insert Geo oh I guess that's the currency what do you guys think should I do it I think I should [Music] while they do it let's go okay oh it's a beetle reading so don't want to spend the ancients I heard the ringing of a station bell that code down the stag ways and called me to you I've grown stiff and tired over these many years and I forgotten much but the sound of the Bell can always call me back these stag ways stretched the depths of hollow nest if you want to travel them hail me from the platform I will take you to where you need to go okay heard these highways and crossroads close with life there are these paths that I first carry passengers through whenever I was young those travelers are long gone yet I still remain now it seems it's just you and I and the furtive creatures scratching and squirming all around us eager to travel the sad ways just hop upon that platform give me the signal and we'll be long on our way okay I don't even know where to go here let me see what happens if I take the path over there and okay have I been here before let me see if I have or not okay what the [ __ ] oh wait oh this is the guy okay well at least I've opened up this area that's good and that way I can kind of like get back to where I was that okay let's go back to your and I'll go back to the area alright I figured it out Travel okay let's go back to there figured it out go to the shop okay let me go to the shop I use the second Chapel back over there let's go let's see what the shop has for us okay this is this a shop here no oh wait no this is an end okay let me go back over here Oh what's open it has glasses the show another come to buy a map have you it's really my husband you should be dealing with that what a surprise he's headed down now he'll pop back occasionally and delivered the new map snowstorm but I do wish he'd spend a little bit more time up here I've not much interest in retail myself now let's see what with piers for me to sell okay the compass a quill you'll need this if you want to update your map with new or areas as you explore it's essential for anyone serious about mapping the bench pen cocoon pen okay that's not a big deal vendor pen stag way pen okay let's get the let's get the quill I think the quill is a good idea wait you guys say the compass or the quill what do you think oh my hair is messed up okay um get the compass all right I'll get the compass okay act equipped with charm activated powerful abilities to equip a charm open the charms menu while resting at a bench okay so there's a bench out here I can go look at that all right wait oh Sh I didn't read that wait okay so I rest uh what do i what do i click oh okay okay here we go equipped all right so I'm equipping that right there okay so the compass is equipped perfect let's go we'll enter back and we'll see what the compass can do for us all right let's travel we'll go back over there look at the map okay just a second I'll look at the map right now oh wow okay well let me see where this is gonna take me afterwards all right let's travel back to the Forgotten crossroads okay by the pool right now either okay okay now open up the map again and see where this shows me okay so I guess that means I have to go this way right because this is the area that was a okay yeah this area is new okay [ __ ] Jesus Christ these mobs are hard just kidding just kidding easy [ __ ] game all right Oh I probably shouldn't have destroyed that right seems like a mistake okay this guy and then he spawns the two guys right yeah all right let me look this here okay I'm just gonna avoid these [ __ ] mobs these guys are annoying okay inspect a door with an open slot goddamn boys okay keep going okay so I can't destroy that so now what do I do oh okay oh okay it's a boss how the [ __ ] do I avoid that what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ wait guys I win okay Wow ah okay I gotta watch out for these mobs drop it okay good all right let's keep moving okay pointing that guy these guys are kind of [ __ ] I shouldn't have got hit by then that was dumb let me heal up real quick okay that was a pretty easy boss to beat okay what's this here inter wield your nail like a club how much deeper do we have to go who are you this old village were strange dream - led me down here if you hadn't found me I don't think that I would have ever woken I'm sly usually I live an uneventful life up in dirt mouth the air in these ruins doesn't agree with me so I best be getting back if you return above come and see me I'm probably the friendliest face left there I can thank you properly for your good deed okay so I guess I have to go back up to the top and see him okay let me kill this here okay good [ __ ] maybe I shouldn't have killed him because that would have helped me jump I'm not really sure okay um maybe it's over this way okay yeah I don't think I've been here before wait yeah I have okay no I have I don't even know if I've been here or not oh that's one of the slowly things let me go get that I don't know what that really does for me though I'm not sure let me go back over this way but then wait if I go up there then this is kind of confusing okay let's go back up this way so I went from here and that's where the birds were at and I went over here and this is where the boss was that I opened that up okay and then I went over to here and there's like there's no way I can get over to that area it's just impossible okay knead the quill yeah I think I do I don't have that right now because I don't have enough coins to get it yet okay got him I don't go back up here maybe this will be the right way to go I'm just not sure okay wait no I think I was here before a door that opens yeah yeah I was here before and I'll go back over this way okay at least now I can get the quill let me go back up and I'll get that and hopefully that'll help me like do the map and everything [ __ ] it's a good thing this game doesn't have fall damage yeah that's more than enough for me to get the quill got it okay alright we're good let's get back up to the top and we'll see if we can get this quill and maybe that'll oh okay nice go get back wait look there were a lot of Mario maker levels like this and I could never figure them the [ __ ] out so I'm not even gonna try and do this okay let's kill this okay good and do I have to do this what does that do let's go up top okay let's go this way instead let me actually let me go this way cuz I didn't want to get attacked there oh I have to go up here okay got it let's look around this way okay all right let's go this way instead okay good I can't go in there can i oh I can oh right it's this guy okay I don't even need to worry about that right now alright now I'll go back up and we can buy the quill hopefully that'll help let's hook up in here ah bop another hey I'll buy the quill and this will help me like to where I actually know where the [ __ ] I'm going cuz like right now I've just been completely [ __ ] lost the whole time oh so the compass tells me where I am I think that's the issue that I was running into is I didn't have I didn't know that okay let's go back over here and this will help me explore better yeah I didn't realize that okay right so let me see if I can look on the map now okay so it should be if I have the quill I should be able to explore past this right or at least below me here yeah okay so if I go this way the quotient should show me where I'm going now I'm pretty sure okay um let me look over here oh did I go this way I've been here though yeah I've wait oh yeah yeah it's this place and I yeah I can't even get it out in there but it doesn't show with the quill maybe it's the UH I'm not sure okay let's keep looking around you still have to go to a binge okay oops okay oh this is new I don't know where the [ __ ] to go man I really have no idea you need a bench yeah I guess so is that yeah I'm just I'm so lost in this game okay got him let's keep okay okay let's look around here wait how does the house able to hit him before but not now [ __ ] it seems like this game like it just takes so long to do anything in this game it's just like running around randomly like i-i've I thought it'd be like more or like linear than this and so I'm just getting lost so I don't know where the hell to go I just I'm just so [ __ ] lost like where I'm supposed to go here okay I don't think I've gone this way at least oh yeah yeah okay this is a new area inspect the pilgrims way travelers of howl nest descend through the verdant wilds and fungal groves to a city at the kingdom's heart there all wishes should be granted all truths reveal okay I don't I don't know what I can do this guy dude okay yeah I can't [ __ ] do anything okay let's go down here that instead I don't think I can get through that door go up to the top maybe we'll see maybe down here yeah maybe I have to go this way I don't remember going here wait oh yeah yeah I do maybe I go this way instead oh I think there's like a boss up here right because that's like the indication let me check you know I've been here before okay now is here too right and yeah I was there hi and I already went this way let me try and go down here maybe this is where I need to go oh yeah okay this is a new area whoo okay that's money at least [ __ ] yeah all right got him let's keep going middle of the map dude I have no [ __ ] idea where I'm supposed to go okay let me open this up middle of the map so I go to the middle area okay yeah let's just I got to go all the way around the benches bottom part well why I don't need okay yeah let's go this way then if that's what you guys say I should go towards the bench should be in the middle so it should be this way all right so okay I still need to keep moving forward easy okay that's good that's real good okay so I need to go to the top then yeah easy game clearly okay I guess this I think this is where the bench is at so let me check over here wait what doesn't wait why why why why what did I do wrong why okay I'm stupid shouldn't got hit by that okay okay so yeah it's hable exactly so I need to go this way because I don't remember fighting that guy unless it's the same guy that I fought before wait no this is new okay this is actually alright oh all right we're good making progress okay why does it have the the skull here is this like a boss or maybe it is okay let's look around I'll heal up so I can fight these guys how did I how did I get hit by him what the [ __ ] okay whatever it doesn't matter [ __ ] okay all right here we go here's some [ __ ] action finally oh [ __ ] okay that's a shock wave all right anyone does like one mechanic this is a joke okay never mind alright that's wait the Oh Oh what okay all right here we go okay focusing right now focusing right now okay and that doesn't do the shockwaves [ __ ] okay good all right focusing focusing focusing hard shockwave right there and now he's not walking down now those things are coming down okay focusing now focusing now moving out of that [ __ ] why did I do that okay now his head comes out again I've been hit good everything's fine well okay alright good avoid perfect avoid [ __ ] why do i I always am hey that was so stupid to me that was so dumb I shouldn't have done that should never have done hit my boss so [ __ ] easy I'm getting hit by him okay got him pointing alright can you have that can i that what okay what all right got him all right pop the head off pop the head off pop the head off pop the head off pop the head off let's go dive Jesus Christ come on man give me a [ __ ] break okay [Applause] okay the city crest Wow that's money holy [ __ ] that's money Wow okay let me look around here nothing else really going around here okay so if I hit that nothing happens oh oh I was already over there okay now now I see where to go okay where I am all right perfect for some reason I thought I had already done that boss I guess not okay let's go this way now we're actually making some [ __ ] progress fighting some bosses maybe I shouldn't have destroyed the lanterns [ __ ] it all right we'll go there sorry if I missed you or you're feeling lost why not pop in our store and purchase a map for this area what do you mean a map for this area where I already go back oh yeah yeah my bad not bad my bad I told I forgot about the upstairs area okay destroy these little scarecrows or whatever the hell they are okay in sir yeah no no no I know who is that creeping out of the darkness my you're looking grim the strange empty face and a wicked looking weapon sounding important has run you down to the halt rest corpse but I won't ask what perhaps the reason you found me is because you need help say no more friend I'm going to give you a gift the nasty little spell of my own creation that's just perfect for a little one like you oh ho ho what are you vengeful spirit tap beat oh wow oh so I can use my souls to do damage to okay well [ __ ] yeah there we go alrighty I can't really do much over there so I'm not gonna worry about that oh wait wait what oh man okay well I so warn you about the power of the spell is watching you over your slap but you seem to have slipped away myself now that we're awake time wondering whether you do me a small favor not as a repayment of my gift of course simply because we're dudes friends you see a horrid giant beast has made its home in the heart of this temple such disrespect I would be quite grateful if you were to venture deeper in and slay it for me it's a hardly creature but with your new power you're more than match for it good luck with this small favor my friend okay so it looks like I have to destroy the binge folder okay well actually only see how this works destroying died oh I see so if I have full lives okay so okay I understand now so I can use it to either heal or do damage so I want to play aggressively until I start taking damage and then I can stop using that ability Oh like right now okay that yeah that's about just about right okay I'll heal up this is actually a really interesting like combat system okay let's break that okay that was a mistake [Music] okay okay this gives me the soul so I really need to worry about that right now I probably shouldn't just like randomly hit those right very good [ __ ] I didn't mean to go off the edge there okay that was my fault so I'm going to assume that the boss is a big one of these guys that's [ __ ] dude there's no way I got hit by that total [ __ ] [ __ ] oh these gives me extra lives okay that's good oh so I just did all that for the powerup okay who gives it [ __ ] let's go back over this way what I can't use it anymore Oh Oh I have to hit these to hit him okay I'm dumb I shouldn't got hit by that okay whoa hi some getting hit by so many moms oh I did it I was easy okay soul catcher okay that's good continue what does this do used by shamans to draw more soul from the world around them I don't really think I need that okay there it is dude okay so it's done then you've slain the beast the poor thing it must been terrified of you you used to be quite docile but the rancid air in these caverns filled it with some ancient rage still you did what you had to be done you have my gratitude of course we both know you wouldn't have made it through without the spell of mine that's absolutely true the gate between us is opened I'm sure you're gonna move on farewell and have faith whatever you're seeking it will find you okay let me rest the bench Oh map updated oh wow Wow okay so I guess I need to go over to the should I go left or right I go left okay let's go to the left okay six four [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we've got to go around here it's actually crazy to me like one thing that's it's just like really weird never I play these other games it's crazy how I can be good at every game you know what I mean cuz like you think about it right and like you see like you see me play this game I one shot every boss never die I don't even know what happens if you die I have no idea cuz I don't die so I can somebody be good at every single game they play to me that's crazy I mean like I could never expect that to happen but here we are poppin off doing great the literal God at work I you know what guys why don't we just make this a deathless run I mean there's no reason not to I mean I'm just good at the game [ __ ] [ __ ] ass get my dick okay [ __ ] - god I'm so [ __ ] bad at this game wow I'm [ __ ] garbage okay yeah I [ __ ] suck dick at this game dude okay let me heal up real quick all right it's the second ok now we're making progress okay looking around exploring so now we're in the forest we're not really the forest but the area of the forest things god I'm so [ __ ] bad at this game dude [ __ ] God at this game didn't see that [ __ ] I didn't know that was gonna happen those birds are afraid of me oh let me go down this way all right wait for that guy to explode oh so they die on their own okay so I don't even need to finish the job got it Thanks it's boring over here look at these hops will get these hops the best hops how was it okay Wow let me heal myself up right now that way I have the souls to keep going forward okay so every you don't have a map for this area okay well it's a good thing that I have a perfect memory and I never forget where I've gone before so we won't need to worry about the map okay let's rest right here good okay that great I destroyed that I'm a [ __ ] bandar list it's great is that what you call a band it's just a vandal right not a bandulus wait look [Music] let's look around over here come on god [ __ ] damn it man okay oh it's a special thing nice give me the special rock okay good good good good good good [ __ ] oh okay good where's the next box I'm ready for the next boss guys like honestly like this game's not even a challenge to me unless it's like two bosses at the same time I got the thing is like I wonder like right now like my biggest question about this game is like am I'm better at this game or Dark Souls right because it's really hard like cuz once you get so good at a game it's hard really to tell I think honestly like the skill levels are about equal alright cuz you just can't get higher than you know like perfect oh they got him see that that's what a good player would do all right let's look around I destroy that just because I want to I can't go up there are you high or sarcastic I did beat the first boss first dry I mean like [Music] how do I go down is it this one was it like weighted see I knew that guy I didn't know that pretty I mean it's a simple mechanic I mean any good player could easily see okay that's not good let's go around this way all right we have to get the Buzzard [ __ ] okay see they have to they have to trick me in order to get me dude isn't this a contrast from the crossroads such human lively place the roads twist and turn in the most wonderful ways I've done my best to chart the area ahead though I must admit some of the area's inhabitants have proved quite a nuisance purchase a map of course would have purchased a map you dumb [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] like what do you think I'm gonna do always see what LTSs say to me okay chuckling kidding peace I ran into another traveler as I made my way down here I tried to call out to her as she dashed past but she barely even glanced in my direction not an appreciator of maps like you and I obviously okay so that's the girl that's gonna be my wife hi in the game I'm gonna make her marry me I'm not gonna I'm gonna ask her with consent to marry me oh okay that's good and I'll hit this that way I can get back up here good [Music] watch this little guy I was trying to go back and forth that's probably a game mechanics mistake there why I died but that's okay let's look up here hit that I don't know what that does yet I'll just hit it I can't really see it being a good idea to not hit it oh this is a boss room here 100% boss room 104 hunter like me do you feel the urge inside to stalk to kill to understand then take it my journal away to you at first the text may seem difficult to discern but a learned hunter will come to understand its words venture the depths of this land that slay its beasts prove yourself worthy to bear the mark of hunter [Music] defeat enemies and add new entry to the journal and decipher the hunters notes okay you may have overcome a few creatures but you were only just beginning don't delay descend into the belly of this world and hunt down the life you find wait so I'm supposed to kill everything that's alive I thought I was the good guy this is like being in World War two and realizing you're a Nazi this is [ __ ] bad what if we're the baddies you know I'm not supposed to go up am i no I'm not I go back down yeah so we just have to go lower and lower and lower okay that was my ball okay yeah I should've got hit by that the guy took me by surprise thank God those are my healing rocks I need those a lot okay so I think I should go this way yeah I'm gonna go towards this thing and it's on the map here like the weird it looks like a big one [Music] oh that's a beefy boy I don't know if I can fight him [Music] those who stray from the white kingsroad so soon face the law of the of the earth okay so you have to I'm not even gonna say that okay I'd have to avoid these how often do they do that attack okay their eyes turn red before they do the attack easy to avoid easy to know okay let's go down here we'll hit the special draw here in a second got him there we go I'll read chapter one second I [ __ ] up okay perfect yeah you guys messed me up like the only reason I took the damage was cuz of you I would have never taken that damage on my own okay so all right we're making progress you know what this reminds me of okay I know what he's gonna do here come on man really I know I know your tricks fool me once you can't even do that so I don't get fooled there we go we got him he always comes from the opposite direction okay he I guess he heard that I don't even know why I'm trying to kill these mobs seems like a waste of time but since I'm only one hit away from killing this guy I might as well got him there we go okay oh what's that wait how the hell will I get over and do get to that is there some sort of like a dashing ability I mean there must be I got you [ __ ] she's getting away that guy almost did the attack through his eyes turned red and I killed him right there perfect kill good job boys around them respectively a toll machine with the symbol of a bench and Sergio yeah obviously oh oh it made the door so I can use the bench okay that's good all right let me look at the map now so you guys think I should go to the the big area right I want to go there and see what that has for me oh okay that guy was like a bomb or something oh I can hit him through the wall that's like I'm playing Cub gee it's great okay let's that was [ __ ] everybody knows that was [ __ ] should have never gotten hit there okay let's start this up one two I'm gonna make sure that I'm going the right way yes I am okay so I'll go left or I'll go right just for a second to see what this area is [ __ ] okay he does a double attack okay so he lets his guard down after the second attack I need to get a round up [ __ ] okay all right focusing [ __ ] I'm gonna dumb dad oh [ __ ] man okay I played that so badly I really don't like I'm so used to cuphead being able to like reset positions on the map because I could just like glide past them I'm really not used to doing it on this game then like it's actually like it's actually it's a real learning curve to be honest um let's go back down let's go to the right okay I want to practice fighting that guy again because I need to predict like whenever he does like the double swing versus a single swing okay this okay this should be it [Music] I have to go around I see I go from from there I can't point out on the screen right but I have to go around I'm like 90% sure I've got to go around I'll use the 200 IQ I don't know [ __ ] now I have to fight this guy again [Music] look I'm so bad that's too that's right he's afraid dude he's afraid of it I get better dude see once I know their tricks I can't get tricked let's keep going let's go here we got ourselves the buzzer okay buzzers down good okay I kind of want to go back and ink this map but I don't think that's a good idea okay got that guy down excellent progress excellent skill okay [ __ ] bad at this game dude how am I so bad at this [ __ ] I mean God is gonna make sure [Music] Wow bad idea bro you better give me something good [Music] do it see what happens what I'm so bad I'm so bad like what am i doing what am i doing right now okay just a second all right focusing up right now [Music] there's one just focusing right now okay I don't need to worry about getting hit so I don't get hits on my own I'll get hits on my own we play it slow we play it right all right there's the bird who I am sucking so much dick right now yes I'm like a dick vacuum cleaner this is awful okay come on [Music] garlic so much good at this game dude is crazy Wow press bean so I wanted to but I was like I was doing a very bad job with the timing and I didn't want to oh all right I forgot how about you just what do you think they're doing you dare to come between me and my prey it's a habit of yours to scurry about getting it away and causing bother no this cur I am soaked the mighty a night of the great renown crossed me again and you'll find out why they call my weapon life injured that's right [ __ ] keep that in mind I can't even attack him let's go this way all right I'm sorry I focus focusing I'm gonna kill this mob these are a bit annoying but it's okay wow what a disaster okay let me heal myself up good I hit him once that's fine if this game reminds me a lot of Legend of Zelda where's E oh oh oh so he can only he can only charge you if he's far enough away okay the great children walked from the dream unto these lands here we now shall wait patient and call for them to return [Music] I want to get the shortcut because I know there [Music] no wait see what happens that second attack on me is my fault I need to always prepare for the second tip I just prepare for the first attack we got ourselves a caterpillar thank God we saved the cour pillar guys we beat the game so where is the area that I came down to there it is dude okay we made the progress see I figured that [ __ ] out so [ __ ] fast okay another one really I thought I could attack him from the top I don't know if I have to actually kill these guys [Music] oh man just just do the attack you know you want to okay they finally use be you happy why do that I didn't want to use be because [ __ ] that's a lot of money so I'm not used to like I always be thinking it like my my power I don't know why did that was stupid and make sure I'm getting enough points to I can pull heal after this okay as you can see the literal God is at work all right there we go whoa okay so I can't go this way let me heal myself before I go to this next area Oh oh is this it wait no no this isn't it is it okay this is a completely oh this is why I was that all right I just already ended myself yeah I just wanted myself that was that was my fault okay let's go down below here okay come at me one more come at me good god right there just that easy I've gotta go and I buy those other map things too after this okay should I look down here I'm just gonna go to the boss come no closer ghosts I've seen you creeping through the undergrowth stalking me this old kingdom a terrible thing to wakens I can smell it in the air I know what you are I know what you try to do I can't allow it whoa whoa okay alright it's a fighter [Music] it's my partner oh oh wow okay [Music] [Music] I'm getting I'm getting overconfident right now yeah Jesus Christ okay so I have to wait for that Neil all right focusing now wow that was so stupid I'm so bad at this game I can't quite get a HELOC okay what did I do that for let's go back all the way up there I'm gonna try to skip as many of these moms they can that was not good I can't believe I died to that boss that [ __ ] was easy to like I just started playing like [ __ ] for no [ __ ] reason dude wait everything was going fine and I just like throw it away for no [ __ ] reason okay let's just go I'm not gonna wear that let's just go back okay I think it's go this way right there's a topper bottom it's bottom I have to jump over this okay here it is all right no mistakes this time guys no mistakes let's get it done this gives me my weight oh I have to kill my own ghost okay I got it all right let's get him down no mistakes [Music] [Music] all right focusing now is that that [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] focusing focusing focusing now focusing now focusing now I'm trash I'm trash I'm trash contrasted I'm trash whoa got him okay I can't do that done got him I'm trash I'm trash why'd I do that got him [ __ ] what up what up the little God do it there it is boys there it is boys moth winged cloak - - Oh would it seek to break the seals they cannot be undone they must be undone let it sleep little shadow return return to your darkness allow us our peace is this another boss okay that was a bad dream does why do anything can I change my key bindings uh yeah I can not yet it will okay oh I'm just alright I'm gonna let me see options controller dream nail let me remap the controllers okay - I'm gonna make this why and then this can be right trigger okay I just because I'm used to I I did - in cup head well because I'm used to it because I'm used to dashing with with this and I'll muscle memory - that's why I mean like you guys dumb like yeah of course okay I'm dumb apparently of course what was I thinking of course I should do that all right um watch this literal God okay super Sam speed run by the way wake of don't dude now why I could have just left him I'm so done wait what I'm just gonna heal her welcome dude let me look at the map okay so there's not really much I need to do over here I need to go back around and go back below okay back close where I the where I need to go hello bear it seems like we both tread far from the path you can hardly do so see oh hi Louise lettuce is such a luffa collection why the place two buildings are destined for him worship although it's idols cleared and long-forgotten doubles equally for well at moment's respite okay so I I didn't really read that okay um soul catcher I don't think I really want that because that's something I'd really just used for bosses okay let's keep making our way back over here [Music] [Music] Wow so what was the point of this oh that was the point of it okay you got it let's get making progress okay let's go down below okay let's go this way maybe oh okay I got the heel right here perfect let's see so this is just purely a oh this is a thing okay okay I didn't mean to hit that there we go yes obviously do that got it I could have put both okay let me see if I can [Music] okay I don't think that hitman it doesn't even matter do cuz I could just heal through every single we're already playing this like Dark Souls I just tank the damage it ain't [ __ ] okay so I'll go to the bottom yeah let's go to the bottom and try that easy game people say go back like Jesus Christ all righty I'll go down here I guess I saw that man I saw those such a mistake got him am I really gonna need all these coins later on I feel like I've got too much money okay the hell is this okay so you don't go near that that'll kill you all right let's go this way [Music] yeah I don't think this is gonna work yes not yet I just not okay let's go back over there alright where do I need to go now okay so when we look at the map one more time so I need to go up to the top here yeah it must be up at the top because I've explored everywhere else yeah okay so it's not down below it's up at the top I'm just making sure I'm going the right way okay so obviously I suck dick at this game got him perfect [Music] go to the shop well let me let me try to get a little bit farther okay and see actually can I just go to the shop real quick maybe I could just do that I don't think it would take that long right alright let's go we have to call ourselves a cab mouth is like the the entry area right I need to go up here right and this is where I go to the shop yes dude oh it's the guy you there while you're talking about in the shadows yes your eyes do not deceive you I am Zoet the mighty a night of great renowned tremble before me when all your hiding your dingy little village I ventured into the dark pit below us and slew a great beast it has sharp mandibles and atrocious manners yes yes all glory to me but I don't have time for your adulation I must rest and prepare for my next journey down so this guy's a [ __ ] [ __ ] I should just buy them all right the other shop go to the new shop okay well let me go to the new shop is it this one here oh yeah this is the same I know we meet again how do you like my cosy store Jill now chard okay I don't know if I need that vessel fragment I don't really quite rare simple key oh okay stalwart shell what should I buy rancid egg man all these things it sounds like they suck the lantern I can't afford the lantern so that's not gonna be possible I should save for the lantern is that what you guys are saying alright I'll save for the lantern I don't really need any of these abilities anyway or any of these things anyway look I'm already making really good progress to begin with okay this music is so sad alright we'll go back to green path we'll keep making progress listen guys I know everybody's got their own advice I know everybody wants me to play the game their way I get it I understand I'm gonna play the game this way okay like I get people are like really passionate about like the way I play that's great thanks but I'm gonna do it this way I'm not gonna fight that big sucker again I don't need to [Music] okay all right I want to at least get to the new areas oh okay this is the new area here all right now we're making progress wait oh [ __ ] I've gotta go all the way around get this guy real quick oh this is what this is what the guy was that no it's not okay got him wait for a second okay this is the new area I don't want to deal with that guy so I need 1800 for the lantern so I've got to save up for a while for that okay yeah I might as well just like try to make a little bit of money here and fully explore this area [ __ ] that was almost bad I'm so glad I have this - now like the - is just so amazing okay let's go here let's go there [ __ ] should be one more let me heal up Wow how am I doing this wrong so much okay let me go back yeah I'm really playing badly here I just want to recover to an extent I'm gonna move out and heal it's an odd way of recovering yeah I just man I'm really I'm really not doing this too well huh okay let me see if I can get him here sorry that was that was kinda scuffed up me coulda done that a lot better okay expect Balder she'll the [ __ ] is on protects its bearer with a hard shell while focusing soul the shell was not indestructible and will shatter if it takes oh so this is so I can feel in combat okay that seems really good except for this like the [ __ ] okay maybe I wasn't really supposed to go here oh oh I was supposed to do this okay I gotta wait no but I was here we're lost again I can't go that way I've already been this way [Music] yeah I don't know where the hell I'm supposed to go here doctor yeah let me look at the map again [Music] okay I see you I see you I need to go that that area that that's open right there [Music] okay actually I mean we get some help on this stuff I'm getting really good at fighting these guys right dude it's afraid see that okay dude all right let me heal up it's actually good because I needed these anyway let me double check all right so there's an entrance on this side okay it must be right about there [Music] all right we've made progress she said I was gonna try and just kill him okay all right we got the birds here we're not supposed to kill the birds why do I keep getting hit by those so it's right the easiest things to avoid got him all right now we get our coins [ __ ] okay let's look around here geez man I'm playing so bad right now might as well just full heel okay so this area I've already been to right yeah okay I've been to this part before so it must be blowing this area here okay [ __ ] got him got him easy all right looking around I think I need to go this way I mean I'm just like trying to explore as I go I actually have no idea what I'm supposed to go here okay these are dead easy game why didn't I hit that guy be clear huh whatever I want to get to another boss man maybe it's down here Oh watch out your chest okay good yeah this is I'm not sure where the [ __ ] to go here writing yeah it's just like it's weird for me to play a game like this because it reminds me so much about the games I used to play when I was a kid you know like all the wait what the [ __ ] oh oh this guy spawned on top of me I can see that like all I Secret of Mana like Legend of Zelda like all these other like platformer games I played all the [ __ ] I was really into it I guess I'll kill this and see what's down here good oh I'll go to the right first I think going to the right is the best idea [Music] yeah he's eldest another one oh I have to go all the way up there myself ok I [Music] see so I have to do that I have to do like this gauntlet [Music] [Music] respect thorns of agony what the hell is this okay senses the pain of its baron lashes on the world around him when taking damage sprout thorny vines that damage your bite one that's not gonna I'm not gonna need that because I don't take damage okay um it seems like it was just for that one item so I can just go all the way back now yeah I'm not too important after that okay man okay I'm a disaster where do I need to go guys I don't want to be lost down right oh oh oh right down here okay this here [Music] left-right of up bot what does this mean first map top left oh so I have to go to the other map bottom right oh I go to the bottom okay I'll go to the bottom right I didn't get this one before wait what the [ __ ] I didn't get hit by that what a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I'm acting him twice alright this is where I need to go I'm actually keel up real quick got him I feel like the bosses in this game are really good [Music] oh okay it's weird how like whenever you die to like one of these things it doesn't [Music] why need to do that okay and we look again alright so I've got to go back up to the top got'em perfect gameplay as usual I feel like I just wasted my time doing that it was like a literally zero research for me to go over there and hit that thing okay all right let's keep going over here [Music] this is it isn't it no this is what he said before I missed the exit wait really oh okay I see it now all right thank you I don't know where we're at what I was thinking okay perfect okay I'll go with the right I guess Oh perfect there we go alright looks like have explored every other area and okay there's four three areas that I think is four over here all right let's go equip the cloak wait no I think you can only have two things equipped at a time avoid that okay okay I'll go this way first I guess [Music] idiot got'em [Music] not dead actually why would I even kill that who cares let me just check over here first okay okay so let's see okay you need the lantern right okay yeah yeah all right I just I won't go over there right now anyway I'll hit him just to heal perfect I'll go somewhere else yeah I'm sure you can do without the lantern but yeah with the lantern seems like gonna be a lot easier [ __ ] actually you know what [ __ ] this guy I'm gonna deal with them okay um I shouldn't have destroyed the sign huh knife updated that's great all right so where the hell am i wait what oh okay let's go this way make sure I don't die here [Music] alright I'm gonna focus right [Music] so I don't hit the big boys do not hit the big boys do not hit the big boys [Music] heal up again I did hit the little boys [Music] we're good help me heal up right here I'll just heal up again we're fine heal up again what guys were doing great nothing is wrong everything is great oh how old their dearie I was about to close up shop and run till you came along I provide a banking service if you're interested losing one's chioce is a terrible thing so it's much more likely if you carry it on yourself my vault is much more secure and all my time as a banker I've never watched a single geo open an account oh yeah I'm gonna open an account just you Geo ok oh yeah I'm gonna deposit all my [ __ ] man okay yeah there's no way I'm gonna like now I wish Dark Souls had something like this I could just put my souls in the bank it'd be great okay oh go ahead on that that's why you sent bugs - was he kind of impressive one building such grand structures so far into these wilds seems the dangerous creatures about haven't made yet their way here it's the perfect place for a quick rest what I don't know about this being a rest or not I have no idea about that okay okay we've got a long boy come in search some treats have you I've chanced upon a unique little fungus growing right above us I've only found it in the station the taste is just divine like the hub okay so he's not going anywhere all right let me talk to him one more time yeah yeah feel free to stop any time though I do like the quietness station okay why would I come back here this guy's don't do anything welcome signor this guy okay Oh perfect okay um oh [ __ ] I don't have the money now damn okay I'll keep that in mind I can't use that right now that's too bad I forgot about oh [ __ ] okay I got scammed exactly okay so I can't go that way that's it okay Wow easy game okay let's look around here got'em okay this guy's obviously like some kind of like a [ __ ] suicide bomber or something like that wait oh oh I got hit by the explosion okay all right we're good night out there now if I fall down okay what's this how long that see you let me see what that is get the [ __ ] out of here dude okay let me heal myself real quick [Music] it's pointed you let me see oh [ __ ] okay knees okay last boss looked about what Owen Wilson got him got him easy game hey what the [ __ ] okay we're good I'm not sure if I'm doing this right or not okay I know I wasn't doing that right okay so that was a waste of time let me just heal myself here it's the next boss soon I hope so okay [Music] I'm actually making some money here okay I don't the map in this area either it sucks do it see what happens [ __ ] okay easy dude what was that what was that okay this is where's this charm not oh I got another one oh [ __ ] yeah I don't even know which one I should use now okay let's keep going there just like you yeah it's about right okay okay oh I have a rest okay perfect so now I can put I'll use I'm gonna use that one there yeah let's go with that all right what does he want trying to sneak past me I can still do quick though IG Oh give me Geo you can see something nice pay to see something nice leg eater what is he gonna suck my dick like what is this let me show you take a look do you want them if you really want them I'll trade them for more geo wait what's up on Mars you heard the sound okay this gives me more go5 till spring it'll make you lookin stronger your enemies and everyone else will fear you last okay all right great so I guess maybe I can find those I think I need the lantern more though yeah I just got yeah yeah I just got scammed I really don't know what I was thinking I have no idea I was thinking like why would I why would I run at him like that no [ __ ] reason okay easy game I don't have to kill too many of those would be a waste of time okay so wait did I did I already go here I think I did yeah I'm pretty sure I did okay so I guess I'll go back down the neck down is usually [ __ ] down is usually the way that you're supposed down is not always the way that you're supposed to go okay and I already went there I'm a heel real quick okay yeah I just oh maybe it's this way [ __ ] I don't know how I got hit by that easy easy easy I fought this guy before though right yeah I did I'm pretty sure at least maybe I'm just getting lost as usual yeah I went over here I do that I don't think where am i oh I'm here okay the second I got to heal for some reason I hit the wrong button okay yeah that was really bad do I go in there no okay I can't go up there so I have to go this way okay wait no I was here too [ __ ] man like I'm lost [Music] okay maybe it's down here yeah maybe it's down here I need to go down here yes this is the map guy yes okay all right yes I will purchase a map of this area thank God Highjump what this I can't easy okay oh I didn't mean to do that that was a mistake got him okay that could okay their bodies explode all right so I've got to pay attention to that well then how do I but how maybe there's like a door I have to open let's try that no I'm not sure yeah I did just by mouth you're right okay so [Music] so I can't open the door I feel all the way around oh there's a boss okay let me go to the boss just making sure I'm going the right way here oh it's up at the top okay all right I'm gonna get to this [ __ ] oh I have to go this way I see [ __ ] [ __ ] Owen Wilson beating my ass dude what a world to live in [Music] alright I'll go up here oh you know what I probably should open the gate I just thought of that probably a good idea okay so yeah let's go this way here yeah this seems to be the right way to go oh oh that hits me too geez these guys are hard to kill okay um yeah I need to go this way got it I was going a little bit too fast [Music] okay let's keep going one two one more there we go got him alright and this is so the boss should be right below us here avoiding bad [Music] we're gonna find this [ __ ] boss this looks like a boss right here oh the tiny second design creature you've got the look of an adventure we have so much in common searching for dangerous places I well you're on the right track along that critter warned me of a tribe down deeper warrior sorts so she says and I'm itching for some serious combat no konima okay alright so there's gonna be some combat there great oh I see [Music] easy easy okay so you should be over this way I sure hope that's not part of the boss mechanics oh nice okay I can save some time there got him there there there there there she is there she is let's get her forgot okay let's look around here okay this is the way to go yeah that's our waifu right there he rinse the pilgrims way proceed onward and share its glory yeah I don't think I'm gonna make it that far dude okay let's go back around [Music] yeah okay it's not gonna happen okay how about down here that did not hit me dude that was stuck [ __ ] okay [Music] I'm not really sure where I'm supposed to go here oh maybe it's around here oh maybe I come up from the bottom that's what it could be why would it where's everyone here oh who knows [ __ ] that was hard [ __ ] man okay alright now I figured it out kill this Oh what are the come on man may you find swift death upon our claws well that's not nice okay well [ __ ] killing him good alright I gotta go down here [ __ ] man I'm really good at [ __ ] I'm so good I'm so good at this game dude it's crazy every [ __ ] time I get hit all right okay I just want it I want to get oh cool oh yes okay we're good thank [ __ ] god all right can I go this way no I can okay what's this - master oh that's me okay what is this what does this do for me the bear will be able to - more often as well as - down where it's perfectly those who want to move around quickly as possible okay yeah I'm definitely gonna use that [ __ ] yeah that sounds really good good yeah I don't know if I'm gonna use it or not like actually you know what I miss oh yeah break this now looks like I have to go around [Music] [Music] let me use the - masters back okay oops what cannot use it oh it costs two of them I see okay so I guess I'll use the the thorns then yeah the ones seem to be better overall being a - master is very expensive imagine being this bad at killing praying mantises this is embarrassing okay I'm gonna kill that thing - okay God easy game go back and find equip it a few more times I think that I've figured out that I don't I can't use it okay so this area I've already all explored yeah come on come on my there we go okay I made it up I made it up good enough come here I was already there okay I just have to go this way right okay yeah I'll just go this way [ __ ] this oh I see mantas village oh [ __ ] man okay got him go back yeah oh I can't now I'm stuck right [Music] [ __ ] I don't know why I'm so bad it's happened before or just play through it it'll be fine everything's gonna be fine I'll just get right through these guys oh wait no I thought this was a different place alright I'm gonna call it a day guys it's pretty clear to me that people don't like watching this game it's obvious people don't like watching the game yeah I'm gonna call today obviously people don't watch it I don't want to like kill my channel and lose a ton of viewers because people don't like the game it seems very clear to me 11:12 gave us do probably half of those people are AFK I can guarantee it yeah well the other like you know like I don't know like 5 to like 10,000 people that laughs like obviously do them and I don't want to do something that's just gonna be disliked by a lot of people and people just sit here and complain and I don't know who's gonna take a break yeah it's very clear people don't care about the game might play another time probably not we'll see what happens but anyway guys thanks all for watching I do really appreciate you guys supporting and watching the game though it seemed fun to me and it's disappointing more people don't like watching it but uh it doesn't seem like it's very good stream content anyway guys thank you very much for watching until next time peace
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 68,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, hollow knight, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat
Id: pBAVmQchu1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 59sec (9419 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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