Asmongold Reacts to Uldir Boss Guides the Day Before the Raid Releases

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come back to fat boss TV today we're looking at the first boss you'll be fighting next expansion which is talaq so being the first boss of in order you're probably expecting talaq to be an easy in an uninvolved encounter like we've seen with other first bosses ah I guess it's not lightly different a three-phase encounter is all about maximizing space within the room before you become overrun with blood patches whilst you dodged one show abilities so let's jump straight into the encounter from the start and we'll show you all the way through this is the most important ability to counter in this phase is the plasma discharge on a timer three players in the raid will get a debuff and after three seconds they'll begin to deal ticking damage to anyone within their circle animation around them whilst they begin to drop four blood patches these patches still large taking damage to anyone who stood within them and they never go away now as the encounter room at this point is a same rig and the patches are rather large we found it important to have a patches as stacked as possible on the left hand side of the room whilst testing you could actually stack new patches on top of old ones but it did require large spot healing so it's probably not a good idea for live now although these parents lost rather they can be cleared away every single time the boss reaches a hundred percent energy at this point he'll begin to cast consciously under our current tank after this long cast who charge towards the tank and slam the ground leaving his weapon behind not only does this clear nearby patches bear also deals large drop-off damage to anyone within 30 yards pretty much one-shotting anyone who's too close every time this ability was cast we had our tanks stand within the patches and move away as the boss charges meanwhile the stockade moved slightly from the charge location to reduce or if you're far enough you can completely remove the drop-off damage so basically what happens to Sur buddies on the same page is that there are circles that you get and you need to run out of the raid and then the boss will charge onto the tank and if the charge is on the circles that these spawns the circles that's what happens after he's done this ability and walk back to the raid at some point he will go and retrieve his weapon before he reaches a hundred percent energy again when he charges over to do this this would do damage to anyone in his path as well as knocking them back before then just returning to the tank ok the raid mainly male players need to watch out there charge because it does do a large amount of damage and you can be knocked back into more blood pools which might finish you off okay the only other ability to keep an eye out for is sanguine static the boss will cost this on a player and then send out lines of blood towards them and if you're hit by these you're knocked back this hits pretty hard but it's the knock back that is the biggest problem as again you could potentially land in blood and it could kill you off this ability is however pretty I saw a wave like wake a flame on aggramar we had the fixated player move to the side of the raid so that the majority of the raid didn't even need to move sanguine static can however target players with the plasma discharge so you just don't stand behind the red ship so whilst they're out dropping their patches everywhere they could also be hit by the lines it's not really much you can do about this just spot hill those players just in case they're knocked back into patches they've just dropped but that's it for this phase after you've dealt with those abilities and got the bus to 60% he'll move into the middle of the room and begin to take 99% less damage oh [ __ ] also speed blood across the middle of the room so as he transitions make sure you're not stood there at this point you'll then realize that you're actually on an elevator as you begin to slowly descend into the rest of the instance during this phase you have two different especially badass volatile droplets will fixate on random players within your raid and explode whenever they come into contact with any player at all by stacking in this phase it causes all the ads just to funnel in a straight line towards the raid this makes it incredibly easy for one of your tanks to simply soak them and remove them from the fire the coalesced Bloods however are the most important these guys must be picked up by the tank and while they're alive they'll consistently spawn blood storms these works similar to the plasma discharge patches so you just kill them slowly move the ads around the platform making sure they maximize the area that the raid has to play in meanwhile DPS need to nuke the EDS down before it becomes too overwhelming and you run out of space while stuff so here's what's happening here you've got the the coal west ads that you need to just like damage down is melee right and you're like rotating around and then these ads run towards a random player and then the tank stands in front of it and absorbs the explosion whenever this mob hits its closest target so it's the exact same as the Beth - like ads that would spawn in fire lands of course being stacked so the volatile droplets can be effectively soaked away from the raid by another tank once the elevator has finally reached the bottom the boss will become active again and knock everyone off the elevator at the exact same time any pools that are left in the elevator area will despawn and also half the time kill off any ads that are left over we're not sure exactly what Blizzard are gonna do for this for life if the ads are going to die to this stump or not because on half our temps they just didn't but if you do transition with the ads it's so important that you kill them first because dealing with the boss in this last phase with all of this mechanics as well as having to move all these ads around the room just to make sure that the puddles are in the right place is definitely a bit chaotic makes the ads first and then you can swap to the boss to begin the phase the fight now goes back to phase 1 but you have a much larger room to work it ok we decided to place the plasma discharge patches behind the raid from this point onwards and slowly rotated the boss around the outside of the room as for the cudgel of Gore charge on the tank we pretty much ignored the patches unless they were easy to get to and just made sure the boss was always more than 30 yards away from the raid we spent a good five minutes in this last phase multiple times and still was not even close to running out of room that's so long the only difference in this final area is that the volatile drops will continue to spawn around the edges of the room again we just have a single tank go item grains gonna get up anyone can is it really that lethal but that's all it is for this last phase is almost identical to Phase one except you have a much bigger room and you have to soak a couple of little ads every now and that's not hard a lot leave some feedback what do we think of this encounter so first bosses are very important you've got to find a balance in making the fight relatively easy so like new people can come in and still experience the raid but you've also got to set a good tone for the rest of the instance and we think they've actually done a particularly good job here the majority of first bosses are primarily static and require you just to deal with basic mechanics like think of knife Endre scope iran or maybe to a lesser extent grants about breaker as well but it's was having multiple phases and an elevator ride between two rooms that's just so fantastic it looks amazing I'll tell you that the first room itself is like a perfect size you guys do you guys care about the feedback or do you want to just go right to the what do you call it right to the next boss okay nobody cares about that yeah okay so here's basically the way that I see it right so he spawns at the beginning in the flight we'll just look at what happens as he spawns you have to get these debuffs you take him out of the raid it's pretty simple the guide was made before where were we before a huge mechanics were added wait what okay well then what's the most recent guy I'm confused the beam isn't there wait what beam is there a better guide that I can use old your guide talaq let me see if this works six days ago oh well maybe I should just use these yeah I mean let's see what this one is hi I'm hazel and this is a guide to the italic grade bossa nova on a normal and heroical T this is the first boss of the first rate of BFA he's a Titan construct that's supposed to be guarding this place and keeping the scary stuff in that's clearly going great some first bosses are a bit of a gimme and this is not one of them the key phase one is space management which is a fancy way to say put your goo with the other goo keep it all together ploughing and discharge will target several people with these dark red circles and they've got about four seconds to get out before they start dropping blood pools have a designated side of the room to put those in keep them as tight together as possible and if you have a big defensive cooldown and consider using it to run your discharge right on top of the existing blood just show that at your own risk though this stuff hurts ok leave the direction and cast sanguine static which fires out these blood waves those do damage a pack if they get you which is therefore embarrassing if it kicks you into a blood pool that's very different look or is the big tank mechanic although it's also kind of in every one mechanic don't skip ahead yet you'll put this arrow over one of the tanks and after four and a half seconds charge their location and smash down his weapon that clears all blood storms in 18 yards so the tank should run it into a filled part of the room to clear space smart it also does massive raid damage that drops off with distance so if you're not the tank you want means far from that as you can get that's the blood drop location and then a safe zone to stack during control on the opposite side make this easy to coordinate twenty seconds or so after dropping his weapon regret his decision and use retrieve cudgel the boss charges to the location of his weapon at doing big damage and knock back to anyone in his way don't be in his way at 60% don't drop one this is officially an elevator okay you can fall off the edges and I don't recommend it during this part telega is powered down at taking 99% courage and having a little break he won't attack so don't worry about him for a bit old your defensive beams will crisscross the elevator shaft look down around the edge of the platform and you'll see them coming they'll pass through the platform as you descend and they're devastating if you get hit so check where they are and be somewhere safe but it gets trickier when you factor in the main elevator mechanic which is a fun set of new ads coalesced blessed are their blood patches under them as they move a tank should wake them up and slowly drag them around the border of the platform while everybody nukes them down healing and ad positioning is way easier in this phase of everyone stacks up so form a tight group near the edge of the platform keep an eye on incoming beams and move together volatile droplets will fixate a player and ooze towards them which should be towards the stack if everyone is grouped when they touch any player they'll pop and disappear doing some damage in a five-yard knock back the off tank ahead should run forward yes good boy before it reaches that you're getting off the elevator that you're at least five yards clear of other players all right edge to avoid kicking yourself or your friends to their deaths the elevator phase is by far the most difficult part of this fight so if you can get through that you're doing great when the elevators are a stretch down you can jump off the last bit yourself to avoid getting stunned right here at the bottom the boss wakes up and you enter the final phase they only just phase one but with more space and the fixate ads from the elevator will continue to spawn keep in mind that you can stun them and that the damage from running into them is honestly fine as long as you're topped off in health and not bursting them near stack the players aside from that keep your hat on and group up the blood avoid the cudgel of gore and you've got yourself a dead boss this fight is mechanically identical between normal and her which should make this a reasonable fight for normal guilds and pugs to farm on heroic for loot once your rate I learned how to manage the blood pools the biggest thing will be the DPS check of killing ads quickly so that is talent in older thanks for watching if this video helped you out please consider leaving me a like check out my channel for more rate guides and other wow stuff and have a wonderful wonderful day but that's good we have the the squirrel in there all day you know just keep it exciting so this is obviously basically throws the hammer he gets the hammer you don't need to be near the hammer you're dead and then he gets the all the way down and then he does the balls he don't get hit by those unless you do get hit by those which is okay just make sure you don't get knocked off and there's the other guys you got to kill those then you come back he does the same thing with more balls so this is a pretty easy fight okay obviously there's like a couple of skill things that are gonna be quite required in terms of like positioning him it's like a triangle with like the boss the hammer and then the raid but besides that it seems like it's gonna be pretty simple pretty straightforward pretty easy what's the next boss yeah yeah these are these guys are really good mother okay mother well that's convenient because that's the next video hi I'm hazel and this is a guide to the mother raid boss and earlier on normal and her activity I actually thought mother was like a placeholder name because it sounded so [ __ ] stupid turns out it's not guilty as far as I can tell she's not the mother of anything in particular that's just her name this is a unique fight that's going to be an absolute mess in unorganized pugs but easy enough once you've got a group with a plan the room is split into three parts when mother is active in a chamber it builds energy on its little boss for him here and when back caps she lights up the chamber but cleansing purge that does basically lethal damage and you should not be there anymore oh you got three chambers so okay - this fight is getting the most out of each one without overstaying your welcome more on that in a bit the boss herself will cast sanitizing strike which is the big tank mechanic that's a heavy frontal cone attack that stack the body buff making sanitizing strikes hurt more only the tank should be in front of her and assuming they can't avoid it tanks will walk to swap after a couple of stacks I'd say to aim for a swap on two to three stacks and get your best number from them it's good that Blizzard likes to use new mechanics they're purifying flame will spawn under most players doing a three yard explosion and leaving behind some temporary fire you've got time to move so scooch out of that as soon as it's boys damage void wind tunnel is a strong push back that will drag everyone in the chamber towards either the left or right wall that wall gets loaded up with fire so you need to run against the pushback unless you wanted a bad well the direction of the wind tunnel alternates back and forth after one ends stand on the half of the room that you were just getting pushed towards and you'll be prepared for the next one so it alternates okay they're separated by defense grids and there's three things to know about these one they break line of sight for both healers and DPS AoE spells were able to clip through on beta but that may or may not work on life it probably will - when you walk through you trigger a burst of rate damage to everyone that rate damage is pretty serious so you cannot just run everyone through at once obviously you need the whole raid through before the countdown finishes and nukes them but it needs to be done a few players at a time 3 every time someone goes through a remnant of corruption adds spawns in the chamber they just entered those spam click Russian which is interrupted and puts it a raid wide dot if it gets off due to those ads you want to send through players with frequent interrupts first basically melee because the wall breaks line of sight it's a good idea to send at least one healer in pretty early to babysit those guys so fairly early on start sending people through in set groups of two or maybe three try to time that for when healers aren't busy fighting winds or dodging fire once you're through put all of your damage and interrupts into the ads the tank and their healers and you last through with the boss and they have to be out before the energy bar caps and triggers cleansing purge when everyone's in the second chamber you do it all again and start trickling people into the third when mother walks into the second room she activates the older defensive b-boy those are a set of light bars that slide through the room doing all [ __ ] if you get hit there will be a missing one and you pass through at that point do not share the other bars you will only fit in the open space of the missing beat but badass slay it's not happening in the final chamber deployed energy causes her to take 100 percent more damage that's a great top left with your cooldowns and it's a good reason to not linger in earlier chambers if you can safely move ahead at this point just keep doing mechanics and finish her off before she lights up the last chamber Blanc talaq mothers mechanics are the same going from normal to heroic the worst part of this fight is just figuring out the pass-through order and making sure everyone knows when they go it should be a piece of cake in a guilt raid and a royal pain in the butt in pugs have fun okay so that is mother in all dear thanks for watching if this video also you like for me check out my channel for more raid guides and other wow stuff and have a wonderful wonderful day but see after alternative through all three of the different areas and then there are these ads that spawn I actually don't understand entirely how these ads are supposed to work Defense Grid passing through a Defense Grid and folks damage additionally embodiment of contamination is summoned after three seconds yeah that's the only thing that's little bit confusing to me but everything else I think is pretty much simple and I think that I'll understand it as soon as I see it it's just like I think I need to kind of see it and the beams dude I really like these beams man these beams are [ __ ] funny let me see if I can show you guys what they do here we go and watch the first time that her raid goes into it it's actually really funny to into the third when mother walks into the second room she activates the old ear defensive beam her frames we're gonna ready for his watch again and start trickling people into the third the second room she activates the old ear defense those are light bars that slide through the room at doing the awful damage so you can obviously blink through it and probably leap through it too if it's every 0.2 seconds but maybe not it depends on if you're lucky or not so you want to make sure that you do just go through the little circle there it's just this is an example of something that's just like siege craft or black views on mythic back in siege of Orgrimmar so this is also a pretty easy mechanic to as long as you kind of are used to the mechanics like after you've played the game for a long time you start to see the same mechanics resurface over and over and over okay the next one is the next one fetid devourer because that's what it shows right here fetid devourer okay all right let's go the next one third room is a rotating beam yeah well that's probably gonna be easy to deal with and she also takes more damage in the third room too so that should be easy to there beams that come from above you got to watch out for those I mean I think that's something that you can kind of figure out on the first try I say you see it it's like okay [ __ ] I didn't move out of it hi I'm hazel and this is a guide to the fetid devourer raid boss an old Iran normal and heroic difficulty this little guy was made from the discarded remains of lethal experiments performed on Lowa Titans are mean like they didn't specifically stitch it together but they made the pieces the main tank mechanic here is thrashing tear and tear herbal thrash basically every fourth melee hit he does have got some punch to it the thrashing terror buff will stack up to three before he does the terrible trash so you know when it's coming and can use some mitigation Oh running out of mitigation to use then it's time to show off your tank while you recharge okay loader is miasma is a dot that heal is an ion it does kind of wimpy damage over 18 seconds then evolves into a putrid paroxysm which is shorter but much nastier neither of those can be dispelled so just heal through it if it's on you consider using a defensive cooldown to help with the end of it 100 energy the fetid devourer will do a rotting regurgitation that's a cone attack that will knock you back and probably smells awful if you stay pretty close to the boss it's easy to sidestep and avoid it okay room has these alcoves along both sides now and then a random pair of those will become active waste disposals pour down sludge that will give you malodorous miasma if it gets you that's stacks by the way would you extra don't want there's a warning when the waste disposals open so just run out of the L codes when that happens if you have raid timers from an addon like DBM but that will let you plan ahead lose your duty to a waste disposal finishes it leaves behind a corruption call all those cast enticing edges and need to be killed before they finish the cast we only ever saw - so send melee to the close one and range should prioritize the far one smart if the enticing essence cast gets off the boss will stop over use consumed corruption to eat them and heal up at 50% health the boss in rages with fetid frenzy he does 25% more damage but takes 50% more which kind of sucks for him save your time or / whatever for 50% er later and tanks will need to be even more careful with a terrible thrash on Nirmal that's it on Herick he gets a new ability called shockwave stomp that one's unavoidable it does rate damage and knocks everybody way back if you position yourself between the boss and a side wall for that you'll get stopped by the wall instead of being punted all the way to the last expansion on heroic difficulty there corpuscle adds also heal for 1% every other second while casting enticing essence that's not very much you probably wouldn't have noticed and it doesn't really matter but now you know so that is a shame devourer in your prioritizing if this video helped you out please consider leaving me a like check out my channel for more raid guides and other wow stuff and have a wonderful wonderful day bye so let's look at how this guy is supposed to work yeah can we can we time out the the cringe kids man it's really kind of annoying anyway well let's see basically he doesn't want to tank damage and on top of that what else does he do he does a cone you have to move out of it pretty simple and then also you need to move out of the circles that he does and then kill the ads that seems pretty simple - this is I would assume the traditional tank and spank fight that damage matters a lot I also I've noticed this with two bosses now three bosses really if you include talaq it feels like Blizzard isn't is there trying to get players in the mindset of not using heroism at the beginning of a pull I don't know but that's kind of what it seems like to me what is the next boss is it Ziva cause is that it aesthetically which is the best boss an old dear well we'll see whenever all of them are done okay for cause okay hi I'm hazel and this is a guide to the deck boss Herald of in south raid boss in earlier on normal and Herick difficulty this is a three-phase fight with a lot going on and I could easily see this becoming a roadblock in progression for some guilds Titan spark is random damage to the Titan disks will zap out on to a few people at a time there's no dodging or avoiding that so healers will just need to deal might at the void is a combo of moves at here the projection of C'thun oh oh I see okay so healers will just need to deal might add the void is a combo of moves unleashing his current tank it's basically a shatter in a void lash sandwich void lash starts it which reduces healing taken by half okay he follows it with a shatter which increases physical damage taken and then seals it off with a second voice which will make the tank immune to healing if they took the whole combo either a use big cooldowns in tank swap right manner on the do the tank swap in the middle of the void large sandwich so that nobody has to eat both slices of void bread all right that's a pretty big frontal cone so nobody accepts the active tank should be anywhere oh okay that's bad energy the boss uses surging darkness that's basically a series of shadowed nuts that you need to get out of shadow pretty quick and do devastating damage if you get caught so stay on your toes are done it's easier to dodge if you're in the o-ring zone seems those doughnuts aren't quite as thick Oh so far happen through the whole fight event phase one will officially start protectability this is protectors of the endless access then we'll take a fini chain lightning kind of deal if anybody is within 10 days yards of the target when it goes off it'll leap to them and each leap it makes does more damage Oh out of the group and everybody so good sila food war at spawn in this phase and those guys ignore thread under people and shop them with their jagged mandible bleed anyone with a silicon French and bring it on to the boss so that people can clean more friend at 65% the boss entered phase two no more eye beam or self and warriors to deal with now but you'll still have shadow donuts and boy laughing you got these attacker before lunchtime don't judge me this phase gets new ads with the nerubian void weavers those spam cast void volt which you can't interrupt and you really should they can be stunned as well as kicked so use what you have to prevent the boy both while you kill them roiling deceit is a dot that goes on to rent I understand that you guys are physically uncomfortable whenever anybody makes an offhand joke that doesn't reference some sort of three levels of removal twitch meme that happened four years ago I get it I understand you think that you're better than this I see you you have been acknowledged in players spawning an ominous cloud when it expires if you get the dot run away from the group to drop the cloud somewhere out of the way do be careful of shadow Donuts while you're out there clouds stick around and if anybody touches them they spawn guardian of Yahoo run ads those ads will do damage at 108 why are they died and they're completely avoidable so just don't touch the cool old gods in the same fight moves into Phase three or so I'm told by the dungeon journal since none of my rate testing groups made it that far void Weaver's and cloud dots will stop shadow donuts and void lash sandwiches will continue and one big new thing to deal with oh okay ramps up the random damage from Titan spark in this phase which isn't the big new thing okay I'd be the orb of corruption from the sounds of it it falls from the sky and needs to be intercepted by a player to prevent big raid damage that player gets 100 percent health damage and healing for some amount of time and at the end of it their mind controlled with will of the corruptor while mine control to the Castaic hiccup ol fear called psionic blast that needs to be interrupted on normal difficult I love how Blizzard so you know I'm finished a significant break those MCS with damage so stunned see see and damage your friends out on heroic the mind control lasts until death and triggers an eight-yard a we fear called void well when they do die hopefully by the time it gets to that you've nearly killed the boss because otherwise it's going to get really messy other changes to the fight on her ik the jagged mandible from the Scylla third warrior adds in phase 1 will reduce movement speed by 50% making it a bit slower to grip them up and the nerubian void Weaver's from phase 2 game shadowfied which means they cannot be gripped or otherwise moved and then as X falls in older thanks for watching if this video helped you out please consider leaving it a like check out my channel for more raid guides and other wow stuff and have a wonderful wonderful day bye so what I think is funny about this is it Blizzard so let's look at what he does so this has the Mannoroth attack ok the Titan sparkers was just random damage let's see the frontal Konya this is basically just Mannoroth and surging darkness is the circles that's exactly the same as protectors of the endless the eye beam is the same as c'thun and earned hasta these ads there's tons of different bosses that have these ads on them it's - even really to think of one specific we the caster adds I think I mean there's a million fights that have that - I can't think of one specifically ominous clouds let's see oh yeah you need to run out with that pretty simple and let's see what are the oh yeah these are all copy pastas and Phase three this is new that this this thing right here is pretty much new here so what happens is I believe I kids like circle and powered AoE it what becomes empowered and then you have to run out and run back in more quickly which I do think is kind of interesting it's a new iteration on a on an old mechanic which is good right it's definitely good and then we'll of the corruptor is the exact same the exact same mechanic because you would have in what's-his-name Cho gall in Cho gone was the exact same thing and as soon as you got mind-controlled you do more damage but if you died you know obviously you know you'd be hostile to everybody so this is pretty much the same thing Grim Batol yeah there's multiple ones but uh yeah it's just kind of funny to see that c'thun it oh my god that is C'thun in the background what the [ __ ] yo that guy just saw that I didn't even notice that oh my god he's just chilling back there yokes are on also that guy's an [ __ ] nobody likes him okay let's go the next one hi I'm vet this is the next one right uh mister a weird mouthy boy yeah give her a ye yeah yeah I'll link actually yeah let me do this right now this is her channel right here and you guys can go subscribe to her channel and like all of her videos everybody go subscribe to her Channel she's obviously put a lot of work into these videos and that are actually pretty good so make sure to do that okay alright next one is Vectis people and this is a guide to the Vectis trade boss an old iran normal and heroic difficulty lore wise this is basically what you get when you mix a sandal or expression blood flag with the blood of Ga'Hoole it grows teas not everyone will end up diseased in this encounter and the best that you can do is just try to old diseas'd someone evenly the tank mechanic here is evolving affliction which is a stacking dot that you'll want to tank swap for start with swapping on two or three stacks and used to do more back on beta but not everything makes it to live honestly a bit of a sleeper fight for tanks Omega vector is which one is a panic of this encounter it's a 10 second disease that jumps on a new host when it expires and there's no getting rid of it distance doesn't work immunities don't work death doesn't work I don't know if anybody tried her thing out but it probably doesn't get rid of it when Omega vector expires it leaves behind a permanent stack of lingering affection which makes you more vulnerable to nature damage multiple stacks of vector go out at the start of the fight and it only gets worse from there since you can't get rid of it the key is to spread it out evenly there's going to be a variety of ways to coordinate that but the basic principles are moving away from the group if you have high stacks of infection and staying clear of vector victims if you currently have vector yourself you don't want to be getting multiple stacks of that otherwise stay pretty closely grouped to help out with healing and offer yourself out of the host so that's bouncing around and stacking up lingering infection on everybody that is the boss contagion which is a raid wide pulse of nature damage you'll barely notice it early on but as lingering infection piles up early and eventually taking major damage ok factus will target a player with just eight and that's good it'll stun them do some a wee pulsing and Tony plague amalgam ad if you get targeted get a bit of space from the group while you can once you're stunned if everybody else's job to move away if they're still within five yards you don't have to go far the plague amalgam will repeatedly cast immunosuppression which is a raid wide healing absorb that sucks especially wow great damage going around so everyone needs to switch and kill the ad ASA that's badass that's no the boss turns into a puddle and we're into Phase two all right you cannot damage the boss in this phase so like the power should go into avoiding damage liquify would be the boss puddle and he's going to gloop across the room with some pretty good speed getting tagged by that gives you extra stacks of lingering infection so do your best to dodge heal set up in a spot and use blood geyser which spits like your players those also give you infection they hit you and it's important to dodge them so you just don't get up by the look at that idiot kid rings on the ground Wow have to be soaked or else they spawn more plague amalgam ads okay only one person needs to get in each one and it does a nice chunk of damage knocking mr. healthy if ads do spawn they should be taken down immediately but I have faith that as 2018 World of Warcraft Raiders we all know how to so brings by now no I love that he uncut 'old and we're back to phase one oh that's the whole fat truth the mechanics are exactly the same on heroic as they are on normal but because this fight is such a gear check it's probably still going to be a tough one early on so it's gonna be Joe earlier thanks for watching if this video helped you out please consider helping me out with a thumbs up check out my channel for more rate guides and other web stuff and have a wonderful wonderful day bye was a good one was a good one alright that white tomorrow no that one's gonna be easy so basically here's what he does so this boss is called HIV and he puts HIV and AIDS on every single player and he puts ferocious aids on the tanks so they can't really deal with his aids quite as often and then he puts the circle on people that you need to move out of and then there's the very very bad ad this is that's what same as the bad ad the plague amalgam and you just need to kill him so he can make everybody so they can't heal and then he goes he turns into a giant puddle of period blood that shoots out discharge at different members of the raid so as you can see here he's doing these different lines and you need to make sure that you don't get hit by those so as you can see there we go that you saw that right there that's what happens so watch mr. priest here that's a mistake you don't do that my period blood I it just it felt like the right thing to say and the boss is kind of you know the bosses I don't know I think it would make sense let me see the next one what's the next boss here it is Zul reborn does she have the guide for Zul reborn I'm pretty sure she doesn't and so we'll have to go back to fat boss mother is of cries okay so no not Zulu just Zul okay let's see where are we at talak all right let me just minimize this here hold your guide all right full playlist 8 videos and we have Zulu rule okay today we finish our boss coverage of all deer with the sauce in the instance which is all reborn yes this two phase encounter feels like a real step up over the previous five bosses in the instance and it appears to be the first fight where a particular class is almost required phase 1 is an ad management phase and face to as a burn phase we need to pull the boss off before you run out of platform to work with of all of these boss previews let's jump straight into phase 1 so in this phase will primarily cause shadow barrage this deals damage to a random player in your raid it's unavoidable and therefore just needs to be out hill throughout the entire snipe barrage it's bearish bar how do they say it again straight into phase 1 so sue in this phase would primarily cause shadow barrage bears most damage to a random player in your raid it's unavoidable and therefore just needs to be out hill throughout the entire phase so we'll however still melee hits you will need his hang to pick him up more impactful is the pause of darkness one of these pools will be up almost constantly throughout the fight oh streaming large taking damage to the entire raid until they D spawn however if a player stands within it the raid damage will be prevented and instead the single player will take small bursty damage every two seconds oh and ibly throughout the encounter space we deemed it unviable to assign players to them instead just had any players nearby go and soak them all right lost dimension in souls toolkit is dark revelation this 10 second debuff causes large raid wide damage when it expires it does however drop off of distance okay as soon as a player receives the debuff they'll want to move as far away from the raid as possible right up against the edges on top of the raid wide damage you'll also have 5 million of Zord spawn from the debuff player these actual fixate and chase down a round and player and causes all players within five yards of their target to be feared for 12 seconds though it can be dispelled by shamans you can tell whether who kill the ads by removing they're bound by shadow buff this is a large absorption shield so you can just DPS it until it's removed but it is a magical debuff so you can just master spell it which will instantly kill all five of the ads on her absolutely revelation debuffs at the exact same time so we simply counter that just by having two priests you can also individually dispel the ads with things like purge which isn't ideal but keep in mind the new arcane Turin works she could come up with some sort of rotation if you wanted next to talk about is the body I'll just have to be open somehow which is the ads great from the pool you'll have all three different types of ads you'll have a crusher a blood hexer and for crog's frontal cone so it must be tanked facing away from other players but most importantly it must be tanked away or at least moved away from other mobs before it reaches full energy as it will cast thrumming poles buffing all mobs including zoo if there have been 30 yards with a 50% damage increase for 40 seconds oh sure although of course it is no concern that the guy is away from all other mobs before he does reach for energy if any mobs are nearby do happen to get the buff and they're very close to dying anyway it's not too big of a ceiling cleaver down will increase your energy so moving on to blood hexes these also need to be tanked away from zoar because of their congealed blood when cast a single occur ad will spawn directly underneath the Blood hexa and will start travelling towards all and if they reach him they'll just heal him for a large amount now the ICCA's can be stunned to knock back and gripped so you want to make the most of that whilst you cleave them down pretty simple the only other ability you'll notice directly on the pool is there blood shard casts this steals a burst of damage to the lowest health raid member potentially also if it's not interrupted so that's crazy interrupts are solid on these mobs just like in any random deaths last I mentioned oh I Prague's these guys simply melee hit so it's best to have these under seal and just passively cleave them down it is important however that you do not ignore these mobs because one they heal themselves for 200 percent of that is your multi dotting and cleaving on them isn't strong enough to kill them they'll just never die but more importantly they do gain energy over a long period of time and at a hundred percent they will explode and deal massive pulsing damage to the raid over 10 seconds 61,000 so it's a waiting room which if one of those gets for how it works across the face so as you've already seen if you've been keeping a keen eye on the footage we decided to tank the crusher and the blood heck's are away from Zoo on one tank moving them away 10 seconds or so after the pool just before the crusher gains 100 percent energy what's the other would tank zoo and the crog's in the middle of the room DPS just focused down the blood hexer then the crusher while smoky dot has slowly bring down the dogs and this works great but from this point onwards the ads will now spawn in different but set orders in more than one instance you'll actually have two blood hexes up at the same time now the issue with these guys which we haven't already mentioned is that they do in fact have an aura if two blood hexes are within 20 yards of each other they will heal all enemies for 10% of their maximum health every two seconds resulting in most cases of wipe if it heals the boss having two of them is problematic because the tank result cannot have a blood hexxus add they spawn what's the tank away from zoar can't have two of them simultaneously because of the heel Lawren and this can be fixed in two ways one which isn't ideal is three tanking the fight or the second option is just to use CC blood hexes technically could be crowd controlled for the entire fight you can use things like polymorphs hunter's traps all those sort of things there's a cc one of them whilst you're killing the other they're only breaking CC on the second one and killing off once the previous one okay meanwhile the tanks are out this phase just need to be [ __ ] are are picking up the crushers and the crog's which is difficult to do until you learn all the different spawn locations and just get used to the flow and the timings of the encounter we actually spent a large amount of phase one so we can't give you the exact order and the exact spawn locations or go into absolutely massive detail but do expect that coming from our live guide later on this year once the expansion is actually here device for now at least would just be the hexes first then the crushers and then just make sure you always have this constant multi dot and cleave on top of the dogs just to make sure they die eventually before they reach 100% energy and when you manage to deal with all those ads and you've got the boss down to 40% health you'll transition into Phase two now from this point onward you'll no longer have any ad spawn but you could still have some ads from phase one so it's probably best that you finish those guys off nice and quickly and also as you transition the boss will knock you back so don't be too close towards the edge otherwise yeah everyone will laugh for you now you hold the pool of dark oak but all other mechanics is like that okay start off let's talk about Death Wish because this thing is amazing now this debuff is applied to two players just like dark revelation and the moment the debuff is applied to you you'll lose complete control of your character and you'll begin to walk towards the nearest edge of the platform and once you reach the edge you will jump off and you will just die Oh the debuff fortunately is dispelled when when it is dispelled it will do raid wide damage and spawn millisecond focus like the dark revelation spell in phase one so it's important that you only disappears once they are near the edge now as both players will need to be dispelled almost simultaneously you'll probably want to use healing cooldowns for each set of death which debuff just so you can survive that initial burst you can however delay dispelling between each diba by simply life gripping one of the DEF wish debuff is back towards the raid this will give your healers an extra 5 seconds or so just to top up the group now as the debuff will immediately send you to the nearest edge it is vital that your pre-positioned ready to go into a good direction and this is mainly important because of the boss cleave the boss in this face steals more melee damage but more importantly it has rupturing blood this frontal cone applies a stacking dot that lasts 20 seconds if you get the def wish debuff whilst under the boss you could potentially get hit by the cleave if you're just sent walking through him not good now the dot itself isn't too bad the problem is is that when it expires it spawns a giant ruptured blood pool those are absolutely gigantic and apply a stacking dot to anyone within them now whilst testing we found that you could actually easily stack the pose giving lots of room for people to deal with other mccanna that's easy our guess is they'll actually somehow prevent you from doing this online probably it's safe to say that you'll probably want to slowly populate the edges of the platform or that guy just want off the edge we do not know exactly I say that number will be good how but looking at the numbers it'll probably be around the 5 to 6 mark ok now on top of the tank dot and the pools left behind the death wish debuff and the pool of darkness to soak you'll notice that the raid has a stacking dot now the boss will apply these at the start of the phase and you'll gain more of these if you decided to go and stand in the ruptured blood pools oh the amount of stacks you gain is actually based on how quickly did phase one is to do phase one nice and quickly before this is all overwhelming feel ok too but then again that's actually hardly gonna be using things like bloodlust there instead because you really want to start the race before the whole [ __ ] platform is covered in goo ok that's kind of the encounter what do we think before we talk about Phase two we should probably talk about phase 1 the ads initially seem very overwhelming yeah I think we spent a good five pools or so just learning and where the ads are spawning and so the ads right here one thing I really like about this fight here is it all the ads that you're dealing with they're basically the same mechanics that you see in under odd right because like the the crog's pretty much do the same thing right I mean not really the same thing but there's there's basically nailing knobs and also Kings rests excuse me Kings rest that's actually the one that I meant is saying Kings rest and like the small abs are exactly the same as Kings rest this guy is the same as under rod and I like how players learn the mechanics in the dungeons and then they deal with the enhanced mechanics in the raids I think that's a very good way for you know Blizzard to train players to know how to do things right LOL far everyone have these same abilities well LFR is gonna be like alright imagine this boss but there's no ads and nobody dies and he just and he just dies right so like you pull him and he dies done that's it that's a little far it's just that easy and if you don't do that you get a determination buff so you can do it next time a lot of the time it can be hard to quickly drag him away so something goes wrong normally actually I do want to see the feedback on this because this I think is gonna be the first hard fight for us so I want to make sure and and see what problems they've run into and that way I kind of know what to expect this is normal or mythic this is I'm assuming normal but I don't know gain more of these if you decided to go and stand in the ruptured blood pools now the amount of sex you gain is actually based on how quickly did face on the I and what ad should I really be killing yeah cuz you really want to maximize the amount of time that you can keep these ads stacked up ideally as close to the boss as possible so everyone can cleave it down but then you got to be careful the blood echoes you got to be careful of the giant buff that the crushers give ya and because the boss is so difficult to actually position because he kind of stands in place and cast quite a lot at the time it can be hard to quickly drag him away so something goes wrong normally too so these things right here are where the crog's are gonna spawn so it actually does tell you ahead of time where they do spawn which is a very good thing who actually position because he kind of stands in place you know I spire their timing can be hard to quickly drag him away so something goes wrong normally it's shown for you to be constantly pre-planning but once you got that in your head and you know okay these ads have to be here at this timing I'm asked to take this bus it's really not too difficult to do yeah maybe I should take this why we definitely could have improved on stacking up those ads as an example although you do want the blood Hex's to be away from the boss they can actually be quite close because the ICCA's although that they move it like normal so one hack sirs in the front or the other one gets CC from them or slow in theory like when you do have the two blood hexes at once you might even be able to bring one underneath the boss and have one just stood out there with the yeah this is because as long as it's possibly as long as you quickly then they pull that one in front of that we're good boss Mon timers you know exactly when the ICCA's gonna spawn so you can say why are they pointing out on it you're gonna be doing this stun exactly when it spawns one thing they do I think need to add is that when you transition into phase 2 the boss very quickly starts doing its frontal clave and yes people generally speaking in phase want to kind of just surround you here this because you want to come here they're four quarters of the room the boss would normally end up being towards the middle of the room anyway no fuck-ups boys should be a little bit of grace period before he starts doing his clave I think even if it's just five seconds or so because we had so many pools when we got into Phase two where you know Oh suddenly three or four Mele just have that DDR because they weren't pre positioned properly and maybe that's fine for mythic I think for something like a row you need to be a little bit more considering the knock back has included yeah as you transition it's a little bit maybe unfair that they don't give you like I don't 3d a pro play you know make you sidestep arcane torrent Allen Gaddy yeah face to is very very interesting the whole idea of having these giant areas of denial in the room because what you need to be thinking constantly is that you do not want the Deathwish players to be running through the pools on the ground you don't want that because you know they're just gonna get an absolute ton of the permanent stacking dot on them do you got to find a position for the entire Raiders standing where the closest edge is going to be a clear pathway also needs to be quite a long path so it's gonna be really interesting to see exactly where guilds decide to tank the boss and how they're gonna be placing these pools because otherwise you know people gonna get a ton of stacks and I can imagine it going very wrong very fast and additionally that's okay there's a Santa raised the fact that does go on to players and if your raid is stacked both those people could have run in the same direction yeah so when you dispel one is gonna instantly do damage the a blonde who's already taking damage yeah and then you gonna spell him and it's gonna kill both of them probably you know like we showed with the footage using that live grip to bring that person back so you don't dispel them both at the same time really does carry that situation but how many life grips are you gonna have what's you will need to learn it now though yeah that's true but you are going to everybody strategy where you are completely stacked you're going to need some sort of level of light using external zon those people as they move out yeah or even just a bit luck and hope that someone that's you know positioned on the opposite side it gets in well just suicide up don't worry about it guys directions but needs a lot of coordination I'll be easy grease with the dispels so yeah it's a it's a bit of a crazy last phase and a mythic this encounter is crazy in phase one ads will just reincarnate unless they have a debuff on them and the buff only lasts 10 seconds and once it ends it jumps to a new ad yeah there's kind of a little bit like golfing done mythic yeah oh wow like scenario style ads constantly mythic who's gonna be hell yeah it's gonna be pretty rough so we're looking forward to that 100 much guys have you enjoyed this little preview than dude that's insane of course as we already said so you have to kill the ads in order and we will touch up more on that means you have to get to that point and if you'd like to see any of the other boss that means that you're not able to like just see see one of the blood heck sirs I'm assuming because it's gonna alternate through them as well and I don't know if you'd have time to just like keep all them CC that are there that would that would be actually insane so that Zuul zoo is uh I would assume probably the first hard boss all the other ones before this seemed pretty simple but I feel like Zulu is probably going to be the step up with yeah yeah we'd say so we'll probably to stuff up and this guy right here mythrax mythrax is the one that used like he did the beam in the the cinematic like I don't think I can show that well I'll show you real quick just so you guys can see who we'd be fighting okay mythrax cinematic check this out okay so that's the boss right there okay he's pretty big pretty dangerous very big very dangerous okay and then does this right watch just a second right here [Music] fool lonely you reign over your empire 300 [ __ ] right there congratulations your majesty the kingdom is ours that dudes like [ __ ] so that's the boss okay as you can see he's really big and let's see how big he's gonna be in-game hello and welcome back to fat boss TV today we're looking at the penultimate boss in oh dear which is mythrax the unravel heroes we weigh in beggar so this encounter rotates between young Rises every 25 got nerfed man look how small he is now whatever it's fine okay let's start ascent health until the boss is finally killed the main disabilities as possible primarily because of the annihilation stacks time you hit by a spell you'll gain a different amount of stacks depending on what ability hit you oh each stack reduces your maximum health pool by 1% the majority of spas you can avoid however some you cannot Oh rages eventually you'll die simply to having too small of a health pool oh my god however can be removed one by one using the existence fragments every time you gain annihilation stacks fragments were spawn around you typically for half the amount of statue gained CV was to gain eight stacks remaining in ability you'll spawn four or so fragments each fragment while we were testing removed only a single stack but the dungeon journal was updated recently and it does suggest that they're playing with the idea of removing two stacks for life anyway with all of that explained let's jump into Phase one and see what we need to do now there is two different abilities for the tanks to watch out for essence [ __ ] is a 30-yard cone that deals a large amount of damage apply 16 annihilation stacks and apply 60 and prevent you from spawning any fragments for 15 seconds oh so you have to sell a disability isn't cost frequently enough to stack on a single tank you still do have to tank scepter SWAT yeah there it is because we found the tanks need to go and remove their annihilation stacks I'll sit every I yes by running around the room and collecting fragments at the resin bond you could technically solar tank this fight that it would require you to run all over the room to collect orbs your bad force the boss to move about all over the place which isn't particularly good for DPS okay they have however since the first test changed the debuff to be 25 seconds long rather than 15 seconds long this will definitely force you to to tank the boss if they keep the timer's the same okay the other ability for the tanks is man if claw which for some reason isn't listed in the dungeon journal this is just a course that deals a [ __ ] ton of damage to the tank and as a result it is a good idea to have a cooldown up but each time this ability comes in however providing the tanks do a good enough job at keeping their own violation stacks as low as possible this ability didn't seem to be too much of an issue but the rate to deal with is three abilities first off its oblivion sphere these orbs spawn and random players and for us they even spawned on the tanks these orbital ads of them instantly as they spawn whilst charmed you take a small amount of ticking damage but also gained one stack of annihilation per tick killing the need to kill those immediate effects from players ok whoever knocked charmed players away from the orbs which will completely remove the child effect we decided to have why made including the Mele spread more than five yards apart that's all played only two people were hit by the orbs charm and oh my god hating knockbacks to get those people out Wow and up is the imminent ruin this debuff is a player who players and it deals ticking down to over 12 seconds whilst also progressively slowing that target once the debuff expires it will deal drop-off damage to all players within 45 yards and it will also apply four stacks of annihilation to anyone within 12 yards so the key to this C buff is just to react as fast as you can and get far away from the raid we had each debuff player run to opposite sides of the room and this seemed to work well yeah lastly in phase one the raid needs to watch out for the obliteration wave that's right this ability is cast towards a random player Darren when the cast is finished a large wave will fire off in that direction although the wave deals very little damage it does apply eight annihilation stacks now ideally you want to avoid this however if the raid has been good with the imminent ruin debuffs and if you've killed the spheres off quick enough there isn't always going to be enough fragments for your tanks to use we opted to have certain players get hit by this wave oh wow under the fight we even have large amounts of the raid get hit so we spawned an absolute thank-you for tank so I thanks to use so they could consistently have their annihilation stack slow is something that you do however need to find a balance for because if you have too much of extremely high stacks of annihilation okay issues during phase 2 so once you've got sauce to stab to dine and health they'll move into the middle of the room and begin to take my given percent less damage Janina anyone that moves too close to the boss will be knock-back the moment the face begins the boss will cast souls iyx awakening the spawns oblivion spheres and also deals damage the entire raid also giving five stacks of annihilation from this point onwards he'll cast two different abilities throughout the phase visions of madness will spawn ads on top of five random players these are simply just spam cast mind Flay this deals a huge amount of damage and also slows their target is listed as an interruptible spell in the dungeon journal we found out that only while testing yoga no yes what to these ads immediately nothing I didn't have much health and they then do a lot of damage the other ability to watch out for is the obliteration being this ruiner type beam didn't work while we were testing but it is listed as a deadly ability all the beams we've seen in the past that no doubt when this one is working it will probably one-shot you right now it does however have the so it's gonna kill the Ravens fears in the dungeon journal so perhaps it's supposed to spawn orbs and players that are hit we don't really know one thing to definitely watch out for this beam is that the cost time of it is particularly short so you don't have too much time to react and providing you keep a close eye on the boss where it shouldn't be too difficult to dodge didn't even kill a boss mods now the last thing I talk about in this phase is the two Nawrocki destroyers these guys hit the tanks extremely hard and also have an essence sheer they also had an interrupter warfare but this has since been removed from the dungeon journal and been replaced by a void volley a course that just deals damage to the entire raid in the dungeon journal is also listed that they take 80% less damage of their tank too close to each other but that wasn't active for us so we could just stack them up and cleave them down as you want to spread the ads apart so the critical mass 80% damage reduction isn't active you want to out heal the volley whilst she also interrupts and stunned the mind Flay visions whilst dodging the beam that will probably one shot you go after so long in this phase the boss will reactivate and the fight will go back into phase one you want to make sure that all the ads are dead before you transition back into phase one or you're probably gonna have quite a big mess to deal with from this point on our raid damage will begin to feel more spiky on players as people start to gain more annihilation stacks especially if you save the majority of the fragments of the tanks we found that anything over say fifty to sixty stature this is pretty much meant that that player was very close to dying going into phase - when the boss does his initial burst and looking at the changes they made to the ads or the introduction of the void volley it's probably gonna be even worse so it's gonna be interesting to see exactly how you need to manage those annihilation stacks and what the highest amount you can have before you just flat-out die during phase two but that's the encounter Oh what do we think more encounters are coming much faster than we thought this boss was tested less than a week ago of the date of this video being made and they've already made significant changes in the dungeon journal so it's hard to kind of give solid feedback as they've already decided to redesign certain aspects of the boss but we can however for the fun of it just talk about our time with the boss so phase 1 is pretty relaxed once you've got the hang of it but it can go wrong really really fast and the main reason for that is just the orbs like they have a fair amount of health so as a result you're kind of forced to rely on knock backs to save the players from being charmed and getting a fair amount of sex that's fine when you've got like a large raid sizes where you had especially if you've got a [ __ ] ton of knock backs for my druids and whatever but we can definitely see this being an issue if you've got a smaller raid size so hopefully it's tuned in such a way that maybe only one orb spawns or maybe just make it so the orbs have very little health so they there's gonna be like a threshold where if you have like 12 people one spawns if you have the routine to spawn that's probably what's gonna happen that's what happens every single [ __ ] time this seems pretty simple so basically he starts out and this ball management thing we're probably gonna wipe on this boss me to say that right now I probably gonna wipe on this guy cuz people are not gonna know how to manage their balls so you just separate the adds kill the adds interrupt the adds and get the balls especially if your tank will three tank it just to make sure that if cases a tank dies we have an extra backup tank and that's the sheared that he does doesn't really matter even where you move on you have to knock people out of the ball if somebody in chat said if you knock somebody out of the balls and it does massive damage they fixed that I don't know if that's true or not but I guess we'll find out you just kill them either way it's not a big deal yeah yeah yeah yeah three tank well three tank works right that's why I do it is that it works okay let's go the next one alright this is the last one the big dick himself go hoon hello guys I'm what the big dick himself all right I'll come back to fabless TV today we're covering the final boss in all dear which is gone yes this massive slug has three phases and whilst areas were only able to see two of them we held back making this video expecting more testing to be done perhaps even just a normal mode test it doesn't appear that's on the horizon any time soon now this of course is footage from the BFA beta meaning the ball will get out mouth dude white on the horizon anytime soon now this of course is footage from the BFA well get that dude holy [ __ ] so it looks like Cahoon is like a gigantic demonic undead or not undead an old God uncircumcised [ __ ] that's basically what he is okay beta means the boss could change before hitting live servers and chances are they will in some small way the damage especially in phase two felt super over tuned and it did prevent us from getting much further into the fight we will however discuss the last phase and give you our thoughts on how it will play out later in the video as well as our feedback all the way let's talk about the encounter is there so the fight space consists of this large arena area where primarily you'll be dealing with ads during phase one and the boss from phase 2 onwards oh it's in the bottom left and right-hand side room however there are ramps that will grant you access to paths that head towards a structure at the top of the room this is carpet bytes within the structure during phase 1 and is only released once the rate has deposited 3 power matrixes into it the power matrix originally spawns on the left hand side and will alternate with the right when you pick that you'll become gradually slow to the point where you're routed you can use your extra action button to throw it to a new player if they do not catch it by standing in the landing zone hill instead despawn you'll have to wait for a new one to splash is it really bad it's important part of the structure at the top of the path as soon as possible to trigger phase 2 okay now when you pick up the matrix it will also apply a debuff that prevents you from picking up again for 5 minutes however it doesn't prevent you from catching it so for the first player to enroll okay up has to be different each time however the people helping move it down the path and eventually pressing could be the same every single time now as the slower pied by the power matrix tax very quickly and cannot be removed or negated until the gay cuddly girl along the paths you can fire it towards each other to safely deposit here we use majors at first using look at that warrior watch this so you throw it at the wall that's the slower part by the power matrix thanks very quickly he takes the game and cannot be removed or negated and he does the first charge who you thrown it you'll need a couple of Duras he's gonna do a second charge towards each other some for our clip and he turns it in right there dude what a literal guard man holy [ __ ] he deposit it we usually use just using double blinks and that worked kind of well however they're not the best by any means Warriors using warlock gateway double charge and leap could so by a path and deposit it before even being rooted more I'll do the exact same thing with G torpedo and transcendence again with a gateway and demon hunters could also do the job using leaps and dashes we found that having a single player do the job is definitely a better option than a group of players doing it and it would definitely be a massive factoring compositions especially for mythic the main reason being on mythic both sides need to be done at the exact same time and also be deposited within a small timeframe of each other Oh notice these paths are coated insists they slow and do damage to any players within their animation the slow can be countered by using effects like blessing of freedom however dealing damage to these cysts will also reduce the ground effect size allowing people to get through without being slowed at all however if you are a warrior a monk or a demon hunter these cysts become pretty much irrelevant whilst up on this platform you do take unavoidable taking damage it doesn't deal too much damage but it just reinforces the idea of getting it done as soon as possible but that's it for the platforms drop the matrix into the top of the path three times and phase two will start pretty easy Vernie to cover what's going on down in the arena below so the reason this phase is just chilling close to where the matrixes are being deposited during this time he'll constantly heal himself so it's absolutely pointless damaging him to watch out for is his explosive corruption the boss will apply this debuff pretty frequently to a random player and when I see buff times out five seconds later that player will leave a patch on the ground and fire orbs in all directions if a player stands and the Patra is hit by one of these orbs they'll then get the explosive corruption so if the first guy to get the explosive corruption drops it in the middle of the raid it's gonna get bad fast of half of your raid suddenly getting the debuff and spawning patches and observer seconds later okay we did okay yes to get the explosive corruption debuff as far away from the raid as possible ideally against the wall just to give us much reaction times bosses and say to dodge the orbs now aside from the debuff the boss would be spawning three different types of ads okay like spreader tendrils spam cast decaying eruption this interruptible car steals and nasty bursar damage to the raid once the tendrils run out of energy they'll burrow to another location in the room okay we typically just interrupted these guys and nuke them down first okay co peon terrors cost an interrupted mind Flay this deals damage over 15 seconds for a random player and it can get pretty nasty we did our best to keep these guys after us just phase one you guys down and as for the last and this is the dark young these guys need to be tanked as they have a large physical damage hit but also importantly they have to be positioned correctly because of the dark bargain this ability is cast everytime the dark young reach 100% energy it'll buff all mobs and players have in the circle around them with increased healing and damage done by 25% for 30 seconds and it also increases the damage you take by 25% by placing the document.all trolls it simply allows the DPS circle okay as they'll be taking additional damn that's badass even deliberately saved the dark young so the buff could be reused on new sets of tendrils as we've opened this buffs so highly you do however need to be careful because if you go for another stack of the debuff when dark bug and it's cast you will become mind-controlled and the raid will have to kill you off so you can only have one stack of dark bargain at any given time that's it for phase one you just need to here's how they're gonna handle that with LFR they're just gonna make it to where he dies in three seconds so we never even cast it twice simple problems solved keep on top of the ads interrupt all their casts make use of the dark bargain meanwhile the guys on the upper platforms need to deposit three of the power matrixes into the row origination drive once that's done a really janae ssin blast will happen this deals huge damage to all mobs and players every five seconds 25 seconds and this will also stun and apply a hundred percent damage taken increase to all of the mobs including the boss when he's active oh wow this point that you want to stack up use some healing cooldowns to counteract the damage and begin to kill off any remaining mobs a little while from the blast itself should finish them off pretty quickly that's a lot of them will then reveal himself and it's at this point where it kind of fell to pieces the boss absolutely destroys the tanks of corrupting bite oh serious stuff the increase of the damage on his melee attacks and it only resets when a new tank Torn's while testing we found if this buff was to go above five stacks the tanks would get absolutely destroyed without cooldowns three games three tanks to try and keep the stack as low as possible idea as well as resorting to kiting the boss when cooldowns were spent holy is extremely unlikely you'll need to do this on live servers but what's that you'll need to taunt we simply don't know right now a solid guess would probably be anywhere between four and six stacks to add to the extreme damage the tanks are gaining from the bite is also the wave of corruption this wave is sent directly from the boss all across the room Oh is moderate damage that splashes five yards from every single player so everyone must remain spread to prevent people from getting combo'd additionally it will also apply a dot and this dot stacks after the wave has been sent out twice a random player in your raid will be hit by blood feast this is a 10 second debuff that routes the target before the debuff times out a third wave will go across the room it's at this point after the third wave everyone will then want to go and snack on the rooted player when the debuff times out everyone within the targeting circle will have their dot removed however an ad will now spawn that has five percent damage and health increase but each player that stood within the circle to remove their debuff oh that is a complete pain as it constantly deals raid wide damage as well as interrupts this is complicated each time you cast mind-numbing holy [ __ ] you've got to move this guy down as fast as you possibly can and whilst all of this is going on you'll still have explosive corruption to deal with as such they need people running the power matrix orbs we believe that the idea is that when the ad spawns from the blue/white you should be looking at having your third power matrix deposited very soon so you can trigger it immediately so that the app and the boss which are now stun for 25 seconds can just be stunned as you stack and use it you have to do that too we didn't get to see that but looking at as it should line up that way of your fast on the platforms and you won't until you get the bosses around 25% health and that's when phase 3 begins they're looking at the dungeon journal this does seem to be a burn phase the real rigea nation drives will no longer be active so you don't refined the platforms anymore and then the ceiling will begin to climb look how it's variance is your massive fall-off damage you just probably want to run away from those okay additionally malignant growths will spawn around the room dealing seemingly lethal damage to anyone within 8 yards resuming always be a bunch of basically bad zones move out those bad boys sigh the raid also needs to turn away from the boss in a yogg-saron style fashion days of Kahuna's cast otherwise you are going to be feared for 6 seconds aside from that the boss will continue to destroy the tank through corrupting pretty simple and the raid will continue to need to move away with the explosive corruption debuffs worst of all is that the wave of corruption still exists that the ability to drop your stacks via blood feast doesn't anymore hence why it's a burn phase you've got to kill the boss before the putrid blood dot stacks from the wave become unhealable that's it what a fight yeah so let's talk feedback I think it's a great boss wow it's just a massive shot of sir do you know do you need to actually see those by age 3 mechanics I thought there the power matrix in phase 1 and phase 2 is an awesome idea but it does definitely cater for some classes over others and it might be an issue for some guilty particularly good classes for it and that's going to be more prevalent or mythic where both sides of course need to be done simultaneously I'm not looking forward something yeah as for the whole five minute debuff you get of course encourages a rotation so everyone does the job but it's a bit odd that someone can have the debuff but still catch the oil yeah so you can use the same person every single time but simply have a new person each time pick up the orb and throw it to that designated person to go and run it down to the that's also the fact that that's even possible isn't clear at all we have no yeah it was only after like reviewing the footage that we realized that that actually happened at one point and also we spoke to a couple of friends and they were like oh yeah we were doing that all the time yeah well we have like a whole group of people on the left-hand side like three and another set of people did it on the right side and then a new set of people did it on the left so that's already 9 people involved yeah when really you could just have one side one side one monk on the other and then to send a unique person each time to throw the orb and get it going so that might actually be a better way of doing it though just because a single raid sizes if you do have a smaller rates I say you only have 10 people and you need at least two people per orb someone's gonna have to do it twice because otherwise you're not gonna have enough of these drives to go through because it looks like you're gonna probably want to use it two or three times at least during phase 2 the drive mechanic so no I can't worry because you know the but they could definitely improve like how that's portrayed to people like we had no idea I've been reading the dungeon journals since it came out and I kind of get rain trade what oh do it do I have these wait a second oh my god do I have this one what oh I see bolts thank you so much oh my god thank you thank you thank you I see boats wow oh my god thank you thank you thank you man your uncle BF a pet dealer here well I really appreciate that man thank you so much oh my god Wow I can't expect from it that's that's all tips awful it really doesn't look that you can't see it could also be a bug it could be a bug as we were doing it is actually intended we don't know but moving on to just talking about phase one I think the pacing of the ass was pretty good I think they actually got that right there was a small moment right at the start where you get your very first dark young and you can just kill him off and then you have to wait like five seconds before I had spawn but then we realized it's actually better to leave that dark young alive for the bath dark bargain as soon as the next set of ads spawn you can instantly make it so they take 25 percent more damage Mars that was kind of cool and but apart from that I think the pacing whether the ad spawning was actually pretty good of course phase 2 was over tuned as hell yeah not sobering I've no idea why even got to testing in that sort of step by the way I have no [ __ ] idea why that's happening I really don't know why that's happening I don't know if it's my III drill I have no idea no clue sound card well I that's the thing I I don't I don't know I don't know it'll be embarrassing actually go yeah ah potentially although extremely unlikely it might not be over tuned I would yeah well this whole hide upstairs strap yeah so we did have the idea of putting the entire raid - the tanks and the majority of the healers to actually stay off on the upper platforms during phase 2 which means the boss is taking absolutely no damage at all and then that entire group of people can just run the power matrixes and once they've done 3 they can then drop down because the boss is standard not doing any abilities and you can just nuke him yeah because while you're upstairs you you don't get hit by the wave the wave doesn't hit you upstairs they'll have to hop fix that there's no way that's intentional because they are going to be Gil to have everyone up there and they have a really good timer for the wave and you look just lost it everybody runs up there in I think that's more like down and that just means don't bring Mellie to the fight those sort of things who I think are gonna be a big deal no I don't like that even if he was to go like a perfect calm it's still gonna make the Emre John the fight of that is the intended strategy they're all waves in phase 3 and boy this is a and don't actually have access to the paths at the top she was going to get hit by the way yeah so unless the waves in phase 3 they decide to make them do Follis damage or come in for less frequently yeah I don't think that's gonna be the intended strategy cheering phase 2 and also we should probably mention which we haven't mentioned yet the bosses model it's so good it looks like me when I've just got out of shower let's discuss is a very cool-looking boss it's actually pretty terrifying on the whole room like kind of it's very well you know it does feel like a mouse or a cave and you call the cysts upstairs and yeah it's just a generally really nice looking and room a little bit don't you see if they ever test this out this boss it's very difficult to comment further on the encounter really until we sort of see a more polished and well tuned version yeah which we hope they do before the FA is released in August so I guess that kind of dispels any concerns that Cahoon is gonna be another repeat of xavius holy [ __ ] okay let me see what the closest closest fight is all right Boyka hoon boss who cared anybody care about a boss model preview like what why would anybody look at that let me see you go hoon is a what oh my God look at these look at this title man Kahuna's Oh what we just click mate yeah that's crazy okay is there any other goon heroic best oh wow this is 18 they say okay pieces [ __ ] kick we have some mumbling and then someone that fits them okay nobody gives a [ __ ] alright so then they're gonna pull the boss so they've got the two ads here pretty far and they've got the big boy so these are the ones that you interrupt and then there's the big boy they're alternating him back and forth so they're gonna say it they better not I'm gonna be mad I'm gonna report them to twitch if they do there's a four percent attempts eyes there really let me see Cahoon I'm not seeing it anywhere here where's the goon four percent attempt I mean 18 percent is pretty good anyway so I think it should be fine okay getting that Tyra things and drop them away so they're fighting this guy so we pretty much know what happens in phase phase one you sure so we'll go over to phase two all right this is the beefy boy there he is so there's explosive corruption people need to move out with that there's a debuff and not that's the debuff step number two that he's got right there let's go someplace too deep okay so then they're all gonna stack up soon to clear that debuff it's really funny okay now they're all gonna stack up and then this is where the ad spawns so this should clear all the staff and then the ad is like super buff though so far actually and then they kill the ad okay at the next is who's next actually ok thanks can be deku deku so just basically it without orc we've done that on go home that's what I was gonna do - ok ok they go booked yeah pride you do next let's go next one scores skull and you know what skull is supposed to be that's just fun so we don't I have no idea where these guys are you from I don't know that's fine oh oh that's the power matrix just don't loose the ball if I see don't lose the ball groups up here it's the second ball so there's two stacks and you cleanse then you have the ad it's in that order that's how it works I'll take it a cure okay I probably don't stack upstairs so personal most of this is remember he's in the AoE I think this is wherever you burning down this almost like visiting them and damaging him and killing him are you sure he's gonna spawn that's it it's a probably on scar yeah okay let me just don't miss a pick it okay so I can't really get that for her instead I can do in 24 yeah you'll probably the next time Pluto that's the rotation we have read oh no okay I'll read the donation real quick okay and then we'll go back to my buddies a big family is getting married it would be amazing if you would look into the camera and say dear Jesper and Tracy I wish you a lifetime beloved happiness sincere oh your boy Aspen goal there's no air improvise something okay dear [ __ ] dear it's hard for me to remember the line oh yeah it's one wide alright I was never like alright alright dear Jesper and chasey I wish you a lifetime of happiness from your boy as my gold there you go hopefully that was worth the four dollars men we're good why not dear [ __ ] well thanks man appreciate the other bids okay Jason this is the expel corruption and that's the the buff there okay and then he runs out and that's the thing that makes the balls Odin balls look at that idiot oh he almost got hit okay nevermind power matrix is available so then as soon as the power matrixes are available that's whenever they send that group to go do the power matrix real quick oh no no oh this guy's gonna go get it okay cool was it gonna hit okay - predicate all right all you didn't get the recent okay yeah it's a team stop okay so this guy's running you two should just expose the corruption where so that's not what he's supposed to get right now steeped I think okay so he gets the ball five stacks he's waiting there with the ball I don't know why he's not attacking the ads but it's okay I guess it doesn't really matter so they're not even trying to kill the the corruption thing so he grabs it and he does I think cheetah he disengages so we can get closer just like randomly running I think they I don't think they planned this out very well he gets that bubble he's running in as fast as he can the gay I don't think they have to gate up though that's the thing no joy to mitigate the amount of that's what they're doing you win some you lose some mimimi mimimi okay okay now what this is where this is where the real constant starts keep out arrest this guy come on did battle rise the hunter so we can see what the hell's going on okay so that's the next firm phase right there okay so that's it's gonna be team cap iron skull okay they're excited right oh okay there is nice oh they're deep tire real gun they much the five years nearly subs thank you okay for something on the ground run [ __ ] far away from it okay yeah it's like everywhere so close so this is where everything falls apart because it's an 18% attempt so watch what happens oh so he takes reduced damage is this supposed to like break the roof okay oh oh that's between oh oh my god Wow that's strange holy [ __ ] this is like Bracken spoor and what you need to do is you wait for the because some of them get bigger faster than other ones so you wait for the ones that are like on the on the right to pop and then you go from the right to the left or from the left to the right so watch watch sure here's how it works so they spawn okay so you've got those right there and those are gonna explode before these explode so these explodes then you go over to the other side and then you don't get it by the other ones it's actually pretty subsetting but holy [ __ ] this boss is insane and also so you have to face away from the boss never does gaze of Cahoon so there's like three different mechanics you have to deal with all while at the same time avoiding mushrooms this is [ __ ] ridiculous who knows what mythical beam let me see if they have any of their mythic like versions of these fights I don't know if they even do did they do mythic testing at all gyoon rain test okay that's an hour video I don't want to watch that that takes forever yes no wait what there's no way they did no mythic grade testing um mythic all dear oh here we go here we go mythical do rate testing yeah yeah this is omitted Zuul I don't even wanna look at that okay mythic mother bye stanky gaming so I gotta do a bit of last-minute raid testing and got to check out old ear on mythic difficulty so this is a hard one percent random pug that I joined us a tank last minute just picked up the group fine I saw something was up and joined this group so the coordination isn't as good as I would like it yeah he was an opposed to be expected but we managed to see a bit of the fight at least okay not as much as I would have liked but yes on the raid I like that so yeah mother TM on missing so my first impression of this fight is Oh God the coordination this'll be fun so they fight consists of free rooms I'm going to get across to each room with a few people at a time what's the mythic mechanic someone crosses the gate to blue gate you can see everyone takes damage and an ad spawns yeah the ad needs to be tanked interrupted and I'm in show you killed okay if you do not interrupt it it will cause a wipe everyone gets a dot takes a shit-ton it out oh wow they die unless you get some mad healing go holy [ __ ] so the first thing you're gonna notice when you oh my god is her tank mechanics you've gotta burn those [ __ ] down fast it's just a frontal cone Wow move out of even if you're tanking it's as soon as she starts casting you just damn dude she's done casting sanitizing strikes she's gonna start spoiling there's 25 people in the group so let's count them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 fire all over the floor and well just move out of it so when the fire spawns we move through the gate to the second room and as soon as we move through the blue gate everyone starts taking a wee damage and for spirit spawn okay these are the aggregates will turn into the ads we stun them interrupt them and kill them and as we're killing these for our simple can actually see them start casting clinging corruption baby son the ability we need to interrupt me stun maybe is it up to what a cast off everyone gets a nasty dot and everybody dies just gets decimated from it wow so you really need to kill those ads and keep him interrupted and here we have the winds going off in the second room so while we're killing the ads we get blown from one side to the other and she spawns a couple of beams for the safe all hard CC works that's easy to not get you just kill him cooked oh so we tried a couple that's the mythic version deal with the damage when you holy [ __ ] one of them was just popping a spirit link to cover both sides so okay we could just throw more members fro that's smart now the tuning on the actual damage you take what's really smart gate was quite low with like spirit link up so I'm assuming you could send maybe like eight people over with spirit link and aura mastery or something so those ads die really fast and fight people over this boss seems easy it's only the second boss let's be honest hi so I'm assuming they'll tune dad up otherwise you're just gonna stack defensives and just throw half the raid for just go twenty paladin's bobble and run it's a good idea this is where the target part of the twenty paladin's not difficult because no matter how much you try to coordinate a full-on pug it's gonna be difficult in these raids yeah that right they don't know a damn thing because just when I'd you know stress test a bit and see some of the mechanics and see what everyone feels so the Pug part did make the whole coordination part tad difficult because no matter how much you guys let's try to say only like XY and said crosses now always someone else went to give we I went over anyways and everyone just died or we forgot to stun or someone missed an interrupt or so wipes upon wipes I don't know why I think that's really funny but once we started to kind of get a grip on it we yeah boy sent over like five people and use spirit link to get on both sides it started to go a bit better with the ad part but then you have some few other mechanics you have winds going on going across the room you know it's a good read there's only 18 people fires that spawns it makes DPS sing healing and it's a great meta grade that much harder and then once you get a grip on that and start surviving well then the other Hank dies oh the one who tanks the boss right now oh this is the claim our god the tank damage I mean granted raingear bliss scaled up okay for this raids it's like free 6365 or something there's booster yeah boy yeah there do I think so they booted yeah boy didn't have any asteroid traits or stuff like that going on but she hits like like argus on steroids i tell you that much she just absolutely wrecks the tanks she's saying ten percent your health what I mean dancers [ __ ] depress and you just is a good toy just like 20 percent Oh juicy own did you seal the tank it's easy it's like an absolute truck as you can see her my room tap for a second and I mean the first 30 percent to my swing she does is on 53:58 K that's nothing bitchiest this 108 came Mele swing and I had like what 220 K okay that is off my HP in just the swing you feel squishy alright that's a while nevermind probably a better solved with some coordination I mean if all the healers were on some kind of voice calm and we could get some rotation on the cold as going we could probably send the tank you was tanking the ads back for ya do ya swap they're sure you'd get two more ads by the end of one face but who cares dad's just died would be that much dear just true eyes aren't even a big deal so I don't know how this will be tuned in the end but that was one pretty we could have done but coordinating that goddamn impossible I tell you once appoints across all the 20 players are across into the second room it basically starts over and the boss takes more damage and then you got to do it again get everyone across to the third room and deal with everything at once there yeah it's kind of a burn face cuz you just gotta get her down fast and I believe she takes 100 percent more damage in the third room so you just pop your bloodlust and whatever we popped it early just to try it out but all it was them I mean it's a fairly seems pretty simple fun fight get her down living nightmare too pug bug me you're not gonna plug mythic look at this DPS man makes me feel good about myself everybody soon like a K just like me fun to see pugs coordinating I mean I assume it will break a few pugs apart at least I mean the hour I got to test on this fight it definitely seems fun tuning is definitely not where it needs to be either that or yeah don't prognathic balls kiss I mean I tried thanking both the boss and I mean after like minutes one and a half maybe two I didn't Clark it I just ran out of stuff to press this a lot blood BK was just she had no runes no runic powers no CDs left no nothing and you just want to see that first wing come in and just so what is the medic mechanic yeah but yeah I mean if we had gone into this with a full guild group done some research had some asteroid gear and stuff like that who probably are gone a hell of a lot easier or better at least Bobby Mia it was fun to try it out waitin to give you my two free eight cents on the fight so you get a quick look on it as well I will be rate testing a few other bosses just oh well here we go well how do you look how do you feel and some of the mechanics just use there's a detail in debug is about the fight or anything like that just you have to spread out with the debug okay that makes sense well whatever I know to do to my best extent or to the extent I can yeah that's that's what I got to see from mother on a mythic difficulty in all dear the brand new raid for battle for a sir off a sir all thanks for watching and please like comment and subscribe hit me up if you want to see more videos and I will see you next time all right sounds good that's a pretty good video ass yeah exactly let me see if there's like just a basic how to prepare for old ear don't care about that while BFA on a holy D carry preparation guide nobody cares about that Zul reborn nobody cares about that I'm surprised people don't have five things you need to be preparing for old dear by apple/tomato okay wait this has one view should we watch though should we be the second view are we gonna double this guys you count right now I'm gonna watch it how's it going guys thank you about the five things that you should be doing in preparation for all dear now I want to let you guys know before I get into this video this is a rant style video so don't have a lot of fancy cuts or great content to watch it's really just something to listen to while you do whatever it is that you're going to be doing a game open on your house whatever it is that you may be doing your house for you to play in the background alright wow that being said let's go ahead and get into it so depending on when you're watching this video all the airs coming out within the next day or so guys are gonna be going right in there trying to get normal clear the first night you know go over or whatever for you but feel free to watch it this is mostly for the people that are just getting into reading or maybe they've read it in the past but they're not too familiar with it maybe getting back into it whatever the case may be this is just a video telling you guys what it is that you need to be focusing on prior to getting into that rate wait you know I remember my first rate is he is actually clicking the early TBC I was like he is clicking his abilities I had no idea what I needed to be doing in order to get on watch players well now I'm an incredibly experienced player I know the ins and outs of doing so so Wow wha-wha-what you know I remember my first raid as clear as day it was in really early TBC I was like maybe 11 12 I was really young and I had no idea what I needed to be doing in order to get on par with the other players well now I'm an incredibly experienced player I know credibly experienced player I'm an incredibly experienced player I'm an incredibly experienced player I know the ins and outs of doing so so this is really what that video is gonna be about teaching you guys whatever I possibly can passing on the knowledge that I have to make it a little bit easier for you in your guilt so the first thing is relatively obvious that's gearing now there are a couple of ways to do this in BFA the world quests mythic dungeons or Island expeditions whichever you prefer go for it but in my opinion the best thing that you can possibly do is raid later in the week if you're if you're gonna be raiding that first week I would be raiding what my guild purse we're going in on Thursday and Friday or to add a guild but a lot of people are gonna go in on Tuesday well I think personally that we're gonna have an advantage on the people doing that and I say that because we're gonna have to x' day Wednesday and early Thursday to be farming as many mythic Keystone's as we possibly can I think we got a group set up and we're gonna be going through that as quick as we can getting as many keys I I I'm not like let's be honest okay preparing for oh this is a stream oh wow it's a youtube stream it's exactly what I want gearing for all dear okay we'll just go back to the mythic ones I think that's the one that meant that matters alright mythic mythic devourer actually I want to see I want to see mythic Zul because I bet this fights gonna be a complete [ __ ] he's right though well I mean like it's just kind of funny though and really I mean yeah I like the video okay alright alright guys you don't you don't have to do that to him alright he's just trying to be a good boy come on man be nice to him
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 71,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uldir boss guides, asmongold reacts, asmongold, asmongold watches, asmongold highlights, twitch chat, asmongold analyzes, asmongold reactions, reaction, WoW, BFA, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, uldir raid, fatboss, hazelnutty
Id: 7bnoNr1-Ph4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 28sec (5788 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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