Asmongold Goes Exploring To Try To Find The Naxx Entrance In The Classic Beta

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you guys want to see if maxes out who wants to see if Max's house course dude let's go I'm gonna go over to there we're gonna check and we're gonna see if Max's out I'll make a group so if you guys want to get a alright let's go over there I'll go to Stormwind and we'll see where we can go from there I'm gonna go back to Stormin and fly over to chill one point and see if the if max is spawned and see who else is like who wants wants to come if you guys want to come explore and then like if we still have time after that we can try and do high drill to like how do we get in the hydral now is it ah still high yeah like we're gonna have to that's that's when it's actually wall jump for I don't know Nigel okay that's one we should we should practice that off stream and if we can do it we'll do it on stream yeah but it ends our gorge though right yeah alright all right here we go uh guys don't think max is out well no let's look right now we're gonna go check and see it right now this McConnell's it's not to do progress with no McConnell's great he has a really good attitude because McConnell is like whenever things are going bad you connect you can expect that McConnell will express the way that he feels about things going bad and the most unconstructive way possible and that's good in a way because that way you you get the real raw feeling let me go over here all right um LFM exploring if anyone wants to come guys if you want to come over here and you want to explore it I don't care what [ __ ] level you are I don't care what you're doing if you want to come over here and do this hit me up and let's [ __ ] do it join up and let's go Ron yeah we're gonna go over there and check and see if max is actually out let's go what Carlos the real one yeah I checked the boss in duskwood we already checked it okay everybody join up everybody join up let's go rax okay I'll invite this guy too there we go and let's see what else do we need here okay let's see I'll go - yeah go - chill one camp let's go there first exploring what I'm just gonna invite them like if the world is flat yep that's right Greg Johnson go ahead and join everybody let's go yeah everyone everyone if you have nothing better to do let's go check if max is out all right boys and we're also gonna go to the lights Hope Chapel - I want to see it for the for the first time in a long time it's been ten years since I've seen the original whites Hope Chapel I still have it in my mind of what it was but I want to see it again for myself and we're gonna do that right [ __ ] now so everybody go ahead and join up and let's [ __ ] go max out let's do this mine Tirion Fordring yeah dude we can do that no it's fine tyrion fordring [ __ ] yeah let's do all this I'm down I mean we've got plenty of time before the stress test happens you might as well do it now so you think people will play one specific classes based off of their knowledge all right depends I think most people will probably play what do you call it just a second most people will probably play the class that they're familiar with that's what I would kind of expect or at least like that's what I would do yeah yeah there it is ethers tomb yeah we can look at news as to him actually that might be kind of a bloodbath because there's so many level 50s over there I don't know if that's the right decision to make so yeah everybody go over to words the place that I said I was gonna go over to yeah Western ploy Glenn's go over to chill one point and we'll check out their new post about closed beta let me double check here oh wow first all we want to thank all of you have shown interest in testing classic Wow having extra eyes on so many aspects of the game is a huge depth as we prepare for the upcoming release at this time we finished sending out all the invites for the first stress test this large invite wave took a number of hours to process so please check the thread for details about it and we'll see many of you there as the test begins later today also don't forget that we have a couple more stress tests scheduled so keep an eye on for updates on the coming weeks related to this we've seen a lot of questions about the general invite process want to clarify a few things the method in which people are invited to the opt-in pool is not a first-come first-served basis but instead we took a look at a volunteer factor variety factors such as of the age of the account that said the amount of closed beta invites we're sending out is rapidly decreasing as we have met our parent population needs for testing will regularly evaluate the need for additional invites as we go through the testing process thank you for your continued interest in classic Wow and we can't wait to see you in Azeroth on August 27th well that's disappointing that that that is disappointing that more people aren't going to be able to to get in here should I look into should I look into this a little bit more let's see what people are saying here all right Zbornak eagerly looking for an invite sad you would get better beta testers from folks that aren't current subscribers because many don't play the current game anymore that doesn't seem like a good idea to it prioritize people that aren't playing the game over ones that are I mean that's that's a little bit dumb you will get the play until 6 p.m. tomorrow the two hours will you whenever Blizzard is monitoring the test I guess I can check checking my launcher every now or then it sucks to suck it's a shame I'm not gonna get to take part in the 30 meta it looks like a ton of fun it's sad it truly is I wish I could get more people in but after this post well you know it is what it is it is what it is boys and it's unfortunate but that's life we'll do our best kill Tyrion the one true king I don't know about that oh we should go find Varian dude I just thought of that that's actually such a good [ __ ] idea we could go find Varian because yeah I know exactly where he's in he's an alga Zion which is like a full like elite area first thing though let's go over there and let's find and go over to to nax all right let's say yeah everybody come on over here and we'll get the get over to western Plaguelands those getting an invite to the st means that we'll get to beta know this dress test does not mean you're getting into the beta it has no impact on whether you're getting into the beta or not they're completely separate it's unfortunate that Blizzard has met their population requirements but it's also interesting because like let me actually say did you guys see the new blue post no I did not okay so they made a new blue post and they said basically that they met their testing requirements for however many people that they need and they're probably not going to invite more people or a whole lot of more people I'll read you exactly what they said related to this we've seen a lot of questions this in general in dry process and want to clarify a few things the method in which people are invited from the opt-in pool is not on a first-come first-serve basis but instead we look at a variety of factors such as the age of the account agent of account that said the amount of closed beta invites that we're sending out is rapidly decreasing as we have met our current population needs for testing will regularly reevaluate the need for additional invites as we go through the testing process really yeah what do you think of that I'm surprised I am - actually I'm very surprised in fact I was hoping they would at least get like enough to get like a like a 1 like a server's worth of like people you know what I mean yeah I mean maybe they have that now maybe the fact that maybe they've invited that many people but like they're just not playing well I feel like they would probably invite more people with maybe maybe you're right I don't know but it seems like the amount of people that we see is like whenever I'm going around in different areas it seems like I see people regularly but that's also because everybody's confined to like just a few zones because growing global 30 yeah I don't like a streamer only beta there's like a handful of streamers who have it but there's way more people who aren't streamers that have it you know I mean yeah fifteen hundred hundred five hundred Alliance it's really fair yeah I mean horde outnumber us a lot on this server which is unfortunate it's a beta people get to and titled well I mean like it's not about people being entitle people just want to see the game I mean like you know obviously nobody's entitled to a beta of course you're right about that yeah sure but that doesn't mean that people still don't want to be in there and want to be part of it and it's unfortunate that we can't get more people and I think that's really all it comes down to man a handful of streamers well I mean it's for advertising that's all they really care about it's just advertising the game yeah they don't wanna fight more people because nobody wants to play classic we're gonna look at your logs right now now we're opening up his logs right now you're you are getting singled out he's been watching my stream for two years let's see randomly what did he say in February 2018 What did he say on Valentine's Day Miguel's trash happy Valentine's Day Froyo Miguel sucks Miguel is by the way not trash okay I'm glad mitch is gone what is this oh my god I'm a poor boy McConnell red I'll miss you starting soon late one hour omegle all okay what are the recent messages here s Vaughn took all the loot this run they don't want to invite people cuz no one wants to play classic monka s that's right boy you're getting [ __ ] exposed sensitive omegle oh that's because she's a girl low score and do megalo Biden thunderclap battle shell buff shout shout buff shout he got really confused here I don't know what what I said here but I don't think he did either google says up to five billion people have cell phones there's no [ __ ] way that's true you gray parse to every old dear with your guild no I didn't that's not even true no I didn't you can jump in Guild Wars [ __ ] okay dude so this seems like a problem boy you've been watching the stream for two [ __ ] years quit being a [ __ ] [ __ ] haven't you done it enough have you done this [ __ ] enough okay elephant exploring let's get some more people in here and we'll explore around and get this done okay yeah I can't jump dude check my logs no man the thing is everybody wants to play classic alright everybody knows that everybody wants to play classic anybody that disagrees with that it's just wrong to me let's see what are the arts and quartermaster alright boys let's stay here okay let's go my logs are the best yeah I don't know about that I'll give people like maybe one minute or so to get over here so we have a little bit more of a handful of people before we go over there and check max nobody no no my vanilla players want to play it my Manilla friends want to play it not only do my vanilla friends want to play it but the guys that I raided with back in Burning Crusade and everything some of them are actually in my guild now so yeah there's a lot of people that are coming back like I'm super super [ __ ] excited like it will never be the same as it used to be but it's cool to be reminded of what it was like yeah i dude [ __ ] yeah like I bet I've known a lot of people over the years man it's been quite a while is there a thirty camp yes there is a thirty cap right now and I don't think that's gonna change how you say it's advertising but McConnell doesn't do that vol since it doesn't stream most of the people that got invited to the beta are not streamers like realistically I mean there's maybe I see like fifty or a hundred streamers that got invited let's say a hundred and the population of the surfer is thousands so it's not like just because you're a streamer or something like that you're getting invited to the beta there's tons of people who didn't do you think Tim to tapman is more gametime than most of us actually I think probably Tim does have a lot more gametime than most of you like if you took if you took Tim's slash played from all of his characters I mean the students played Wow since like four years yeah I bet he probably has more slash played than at least eighty percent of the other people watching the stream right now yeah I would pretty much bet on that okay let's get this done if you're a streamer your instant well if that's true then xqc would have gotten invited they didn't invite every single streamer like I know there's people that are jealous and if I wasn't a streamer and I didn't get in I'd be [ __ ] pissed so I get it but at the same time like I don't really think it's as bad as people make it out to be okay let's see the veteran wait veteran players and a person oh yeah yeah the veterans we're gonna look at the no you're talking about the al guys aisle or that's what I was talking about not something else in just a minute guys we're gonna go over here and we're gonna make our way over to check and see if max is actually out I'd like to get a few more people here but uh I'll see who's flying it seems like a lot of people aren't able to fly over there so method yeah method Josh didn't get a beta tons of streamers didn't get betas I think they should have given it to those guys but yeah Oh gene axe baby that's right you know what if we were able to Zone into next oh I'm not a toon so I wouldn't even be possible okay veteran and prison cells and all tract Island exit next to theorem oh yeah next if there are more I remember that these islands they're requests out here I'll be right back I need to take a piss and then we'll go ahead and we'll start moving okay guys find the original in the fan oohs [Laughter] okay I'm back sorry about that okay let's get this done look for in the Thanos and then we'll look for nax okay so here are the three things that we're gonna do let's start moving guys listen we don't have a lot of people so we need to be very careful and we need to make sure that we're going in the right way be very safe we're traveling out into dangerous grounds dangerous lands full of danger change your pants for God's sake why would I change my pants if I like my pants these are some of my favorite pants man this might be my favorite pants that's why I wear them every day okay let's look over here alright who arrives the Summoner uh let's see can i target him oh let's see is there a way for me to go over there I'm gonna try and go this way we'll see if we can find a Raj right now what's the sidetrack what's that here okay hide cap no I like my helmet my helmets [ __ ] amazing okay okay watch out ok let's go this way go this way gentlemen ok there's a danger rule right over there [ __ ] okay all right he doesn't like water he doesn't like water we can use this against him okay let me go in oh my god Wow can you guys seal me okay I've got a runaway that's a dangerous beast all right we're not gonna let that happen let's go back around this way okay um maybe I'll come in from the other direction thank you for the band-aids thank you for band-aiding me watch out watch out he's after you he's after you he's after you shift run run shift run okay let's go down this way now alrighty no it's okay okay he won't be able to go across the side of this water alrighty okay I we just we can't even go over there there's no way there's no [ __ ] way man there's too many powerful mobs over there we've got to go across this way we can't even see a rush I didn't really care about him either he's still in the game now it doesn't matter okay go right around this edge we are going to check to see if Max's out we're not gonna let one spider derail that okay nevermind we got a grill run run rax run run as fast as you can get away from him it's very dangerous Diann walk as he goes no okay all right we're just moving oh can we go inside the old scola months can we zone in there because if we can do you know if you can in a zone in the school no we're too low level I wait oh we need the key I forgot about the key oh well see if you can die and run through oh that's a good idea yes you can down into room okay yeah look at the big fightin let's go this way okay where's the keychain in UI I have funny thing you know BFA servers would fail the classic stress test right yeah I think they would why honestly like the reason why I feel like the BFA servers are kind of bad is because a lot of people are just like I don't know a lot of people don't realize how many things boys root has to calculate whenever any of the anything happens in BFA just because the numbers are so much bigger and everything and the BFA like the amount of like numbers that they have to do in BFA is so much bigger than the amount in classic and I think that's why it's taken so long okay the ki-rin doesn't show up until you get a key yeah that's not really how computers work really I mean you guys really think that the increase in numbers and the amount of variables that are occurring within BFA being vastly vastly more like infinitely more than classic Wow doesn't influence the way the server's right come on guys come on let's let's not be too stupid today let's be a little bit real okay boys would take BFA one month I don't know man thoughts on single character slot server I don't know what that really means it's a little bit weird network engineer assman gold well listen you don't need to be a network engineer to understand that if you've got a million more calculations happening that's gonna go slower look at me you don't need to be like it come on let's be honest here all righty let's go my secret is okay let's go over here numbers being bigger doesn't change anything okay well then you can use the amount of different things that are interacting with each other you can make the same argument in five different ways oh [ __ ] dude this place is [ __ ] awesome we've made it okay let's go over this way so we'll see if we can Zone in guys talking about obviously matters well no I'm just saying like the reason why the server's are who's this Lucian sarkoff what the [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] there's the meeting stone 58 to 60 dungeon fun fact I leveled to 60 in this dungeon I went in the dungeon 59 and I came out a man come up to the top guys I'm gonna I'm gonna take a duel and you guys are gonna kill me you're gonna beat me in the duel and then I'll jump off and take fall damage and die okay that's basically how I want to do this we'll go right up to the top here yeah I hit 60 in Scola months many years ago I'll actually start posting the screenshot soon whenever I do the the legacy of asmin gold video yeah come all the way up to the top guys let's get this done okay do one just trying to get the helm of our in skull made you exalt him with the urgent Don cuz it never dropped well like I never really worried about too much getting gear because I always just expected that we'd get all the PvP gear and then once I get out I go to night lieutenant and then they made the 2.0 changes then I got all the field marshal and marshal gear because you could just get it with the honor at that point it was really easy so everybody basically had that gear at that point that's pretty much how it happened you promised us the video for two years okay let's duel yeah come on let's come to him no you don't need to jump over there wait what are you doing that okay okay so now you're over there can you come duel me racks dueling isn't allowed here what the [ __ ] went on can i maybe jump off and die I don't think that fall damage is actually even gonna kill me though it's what I'm worried about okay [ __ ] okay let's see so can I duel here maybe let me see where can i duel where my body where I can get my body back I'm deciding what how I can handle this jump three times I think by the time I get all the way up there my health will be gende take off the gear it does a percentage of your damage drowned in water my corpse won't be close enough drown yourself take off your gear campfire can anybody make a campfire maybe that will work use perception I don't think that that's gonna matter either actually you're spamming I'm gonna ban you okay just a second one hour till the test you'll see the in-game time okay fire on the side could kill you let me see if that's gonna work well that's a good idea where's the fire over here [Music] okay yeah this isn't gonna be good enough unfortunately all right II do eat hearth and unstuck kind of mob over I think it's just gonna be too far away can you guys duel right here try and duel me here okay shift come with me let's see how far away from the dueling area we can get okay so we come in here I think I figured it out okay here we go duel in the fire you're smart I should have done that but this also works okay duel me right up here and then I jump off and die and then I'll see if I can get into Scola all right boys let's do it good damage great damage proud of you keep it up pop off their pop off really nice job very proud of you big damage good good it's won't let you guys know I could kill him if I wanted to watch I'll do it again literally one hit do I take like a third of itself off okay all right perfect okay releasing alrighty boys let's see if we can get inside school months after this we're gonna go over to Western Plaguelands no no we're gonna find tyrion whats my tyrion first after this yeah we're committing Sudoku exactly [ __ ] God come on blizzard really I can't even go up the wall what a [ __ ] dumb game okay wait never mind okay everything's fine all right it's go this way we're fine tyrion from Game of Thrones yeah exactly he's really short so he's hard to find one hour until stress-test yep I know that okay Tyrion is near the shortcut cave and Stratholme yeah I know he's like right let me show you guys where he is he's right like here I'm pretty sure okay so we go right through the door check vendors in the buildings okay yeah well first let me do this okay easy clap the adventure continues okay we cannot go inside school months for some reason I thought Scholl was like a level 40 dungeon or something I didn't realize it was 60 I mean I don't know why I wouldn't realize that because I got 60 in the dungeon but I just didn't realize it was so high level okay let's circle around guys 45 was too well yeah I don't know it's just like a weird thing like I was probably just remembering the the old version of the dungeon that's usually what I do because it's 40 I'm alive yeah yeah that's basically why okay let's go find the old Tyrion should talk to the ghost and the town while dud oh yeah I remember that that's actually a new thing too I didn't get a chance to do that okay I need to be dead to see the vendors I don't know if I can really buy anything from a dead vendor okay so we'll go around this way and I think it's gonna be right up this way past this this lake here it's at 45 yeah and I'm thirty so that's that's too low sulfur ACK whoa sulfur ACK that's actually a very good idea let's go this way so we're gonna try to go over here and find the the right place to go okay we're gonna swim over there right now Azul no we're going to nax right now we're gonna take like one detour and then we're going right over to necks going the caverns of time are the caverns of time open in vanilla wow I don't even remember and there's nothing in this lake either that's kind of weird no it's not old dollar an old dollar in that's a good idea I forgot all about that okay um just a second but what is this here so there was a drama going off and okay never mind it actually wasn't somebody important let's see was this your mister but mr. streamer da Lauren wasn't Allegiant it's actually so crazy to me that there are some people like there used to be a joke of like Wrath babies like Oh somebody's a raft baby because they started playing the game in Wrath Lich King right and nowadays there's like Legion babies I don't know dude that's kind of crazy for me to think that it's been not big of a change yeah [ __ ] Legion babies the prison's outside of the Barrens well first thing is I've got to swim all the way over here okay this is the original [ __ ] western Plaguelands I actually you know I didn't like how they they they put trees in western Plaguelands and stuff because is it really the played lands if there's trees I don't think so I don't like change they just make it exactly the way that it was oh that dude look at that picture dude that looks [ __ ] amazing okay he just messed it up we move right here yeah dude that looks [ __ ] great check Mardon I will you guys didn't like it okay fine you guys have no taste what else is new that's Pam GM island yeah I imagine me getting banned on the beta for going to GM Island that'd be [ __ ] hilarious we read some of these real quick several why because the things like hunting memento and all the other seven world oh so 700 minutes we got nerfed my delta serviceability yeah I mean like there's a lot of reasons why the server's life like it's understandable that the servers lag but it doesn't make it any less disappointing if that makes sense let's see here didn't get me the invite but feels like I'm there thinks that's been for all the footage and hilarious commentary hey man it's been my pleasure thank you for watching it what do you think of classic while taking us arrest route and I wants the rest I chose to pass 2007 I know what you're saying but I don't really man like I really don't know if that's that's a good idea man can you go and check out a bit of winter spring oh yeah we'll do as much okay that should be fine let me go ahead and finish this yeah I'll check out winter spring whenever I get a chance man okay let's see we'll go ahead and is what we're just gonna duplicate it and weird all right they'll be able to figure that out okay wait am I about to hit the ground no what the [ __ ] all right let's go glitching oh hi Joel okay yeah we're gonna go - hi Joel - but right now I'm trying to see if Max is released so if naxx is out there should be a gigantic necropolis oh wait my breath is running out guys my breath is running out what am I gonna be able to oh that's right got the Hydra cane right there boys see I told you it was worth it this is probably one of the most useful items in the entire game I can never I first saw what it could do there was a mage that wanted it and I just need rol alarm said [ __ ] you this is mine oh is this tree here in current Wow I don't remember the tree it's kind of like a really specific thing but I don't remember seeing a tree here so you guys are about to see Tirion Fordring in his original form like the original tyrion fordring he's gonna be right up here toxic yeah exactly dude I used to be a piece of [ __ ] I was probably the biggest piece of [ __ ] in Wow like I don't see the thing is like nowadays I don't really enjoy loot anything or anything like that like it's it's kind of disappointing to me because like the reason I don't do it anymore is because there's a lot of people that trust me because they know me like they know my stream so they assume okay well he's not going to do it and the way that I've always looked at things is that if people have a reason to trust me like my friends or whatever I would never ninja loot from them because it would just be I don't know it just like that's just a line that I didn't cross I guess and whenever I take that out of the equation obviously yeah [ __ ] them but I don't know it's just like it's kind of weird I'd never do that so nowadays since I'm like a streamer and everything now and I make videos and people have like a reason to I trust me I don't ninja loot anything it's kind of sad but I guess all good things come to an end let me read the rest of these two okay yeah I will check out winter spring pretty soon I just need to figure out got him he slowed he slid all right run run run run we cannot defeat that beast that is a very powerful beast we can't beat him let's go we have to run away if we see another one we make to the water they can't follow us in the water all right circle around here circle around we cannot get in here shift that was a [ __ ] okay good he can't swim they can't swim they can't swim okay good I actually for a second I thought they could swim all right we're fine okay so here's Tirion Fordring and he should be in this house right here oh did somebody die well that sucks oh my god this run back yeah it's great isn't it okay avoid that bad boy right there okay you guys ready the original Tirion Fordring right there boys there it is let's talk to him sue D says race does not dictate honor human while you remain I don't know why I said that if he's gonna call me a human I don't see race anyway while you while you remain on my farmstead I asked you to remember and respect this credo I have known orcs who have been as honorable as the most noble of knights and humans who have been as vile as the most ruthless of scourge but I shall not bore you with my tales of youth there is much work to be done if that is what you desire and there Shadowfax oh wait no never mind that's invincible that's a nice-looking horse too that's a really nice-looking horse holy [ __ ] why aren't these horses in game that one looks great look at this [ __ ] man the original let's see what is there anything in this house no there's nothing in this house so it's just a bunch of [ __ ] yeah so he's just camped out here like why is he even out here I don't even [ __ ] know like I used to know but that was a long time ago I don't know anymore this is this b.fa house yeah this is his garrison he's a quest is bam/pfa model well the Tyrians BF a model is let me show you guys is there a way that can trigger yeah well whenever we get to the Scourge i'll show you again okay all right let's go this way yeah that's so that's where Tirion Fordring is he's just sitting there chilling who would have thought that in vanilla wow this guy would be the one to shatter Frostmourne and actually [ __ ] defeat the lich king alright we'll go back around and I want to go up through the the pathway and there's also another very very important NPC that a lot of you guys probably don't even know about that's over here Nathanael white collar for those who don't know Nathanael is white collar used to be a mini raid boss a level 62 raid boss or raid boss but a Boston was it - he was intended to be fought by like maybe 10 or 20 people or so and he's actually in his own little house over here in Eastern Plaguelands okay yeah dude Nathanael is cut collar well I don't like because like people have compared me they say that I look like him which is like not really I mean hey like Sylvanas is pretty hot so I can't really complain too much yeah he used to use the white in a fight yeah exactly did everyone get into the stress test no not everyone there are still just a select amount of people boys ERDAS being really really selective with who they're inviting the classic because I think they don't want people to accidentally like ruin the hype for themselves because I think there's a lot of people that are gonna start playing classic through the murder man dude I can't wait to play classic it's gonna be so fun oh boy I'm gonna get like over 30 tonight yes and then they log on and they're sitting there and they're like this that's a Miss and then they're [ __ ] bored and it'll you know I think that's what's gonna happen there's gonna be a lot of people they're just they play it for maybe like two hours and they say [ __ ] it and they're not gonna play the game anymore there's gonna be a lot of people like that especially like current wide players you know you've got like some [ __ ] kid that started Wow and BFA or started Wow in Legion even better this kids hopped up on ritalin drinking Mountain Dew all [ __ ] day he's got a little a little shrine of Monster energy drinks with his axe body spray right in front of it this kid like his average heart rate is 155 like there's no way like he pops a legendary immediately flips the [ __ ] out Nina's parents are trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with them this kids a straight-up [ __ ] animal okay a straight-up animal and then he gets into classic and he has to wait to do something no he's gonna quit so if you only have it to level 5 people won't really get a chance to realize they hate it that's a 200 IQ move my buzzer like I it's crazy that I don't know I think they're making a lot of really good decisions I'll say that for sure yeah because if you can't level up you can't warn that you hate the game it's perfect think about it that way turians horse was a BFA model stop stop everybody stop stop okay uh let me see uh Tirion Fordring jude forging vanilla okay let me see what the the pictures of them alright images so that looks to be the same mysterious begins oh let's see I feel like that horse is pretty similar oh that's a no that's a okay no this is basically the same thing yeah that's that that's the same horse other textures yeah wasn't BFA no I I genuinely thought it was because it looked really good that was a really nice-looking horse okay let's be real assist a way of sentient village no it's not okay so no thanos should be over here in this general direction so we're looking for a rundown house do not a grow I'm gonna be so mad if you're a grown okay so we have to look no don't heal me I can endure this I can that was a big mistake boy okay I'm running I'm running I'm running don't let him get us don't want to get us guys come on come on favor focus up focus up focus up alrighty oh here we are go around this way so let's see let's see how powerful in the thanasis okay guys this is his house and he's got two hounds with him if I remember right Nathaniel's quite core champion of the banshee queen uh-oh okay I've got a run I've got to keep running he still running still running still running okay those little white hounds right there oh he's going after us again that was [ __ ] close all right let me sit down and eat right here okay he's a horde quest giver yeah this guy's really really hard to kill I don't know we see a boss interesting I think he's a level 62 elite how much damage does he deal oh he summons skeletons to conquered soul of the blank collar holy [ __ ] I forgot all about that I'll donate $50 wait what is this here donate $50 if you compare that horse of Google image to the vanilla horse you can ban me if I'm wrong yes but that doesn't disprove that that horse wasn't in vanilla because they could have had a specific model for Tyrians horse I don't think they did but I mean I don't have any okay Oh Oh let me use my spyglass there he is right [ __ ] there that Thanos White Collar let me only move up a little bit there we go yeah now you guys can actually see him the original in the pharaohs I remember I tried to solo this guy at 70 it didn't work at all it did not work at all I just got my ass beat I got [ __ ] on I tried to go blood of heroes Oh should I show people what the blood of Heroes does that's such a good idea dude I want to do it okay yeah I'm gonna show people what blood if yours does tell me if you guys see one yeah yeah yeah so blood of Heroes was actually like a super super rare item Estevan what do we use what if yours for I think if we got a 40-man raid we could take him I don't think we could take him with a 400 man raid honestly like it just wouldn't be possible zgn chance 2 X 40 minute no I think even with 400 people we couldn't kill him just because he'd avoid like literally every attack okay we're still looking around Nathanael zopi yeah exactly I can't do this dog another soul lost I did my best actually this isn't too bad of a run back I'm not too mad the old you BRS quest from a be all be the blue dragon right after you kill Rin right it's a little baby dragon is am I right about that yeah the little whelp yeah that's what I thought man it's been quite a while but I still remember that 400 people the server's would crash no of course they wouldn't what do you think this is bf a of course they wouldn't it'll be fine your video and Sandra I think I think they're fine man like people tell me that regularly but if it was that big of an issue I'd hear it more often okay so let's see and Rahal corns crossing wait are there quests up here because there's quests up here in retail crown guard tower okay let's see oh these were the PvP towers you know those things that nobody cared about yeah here they are holy [ __ ] okay the quest to lights Hope Chapel continues gentlemen we need to stay a lot closer together there are many dangerous beasts that patrol these roads and these lands and we have to make sure that if we're willing to fight them and challenge them that we have as many people together as possible gentlemen get together there's a wild beast to the left we need to go to the right cam runny I'll get him around there you can't go around okay you win run in a tree okay mograine mograine don't don't don't die for me don't die for me grow green no green no overpower there we go 100 guys heal me nope guys good thank you why thank you why I'm running oh no no no no no no no no all right good I saved mo green we need to stop hitting him stop hitting him nice do not stop hitting him listen guys the road is dark it's long it's windy and it's dangerous this is what we have to do this is what we need to do this is what we must do continue and persevere these beasts they're quite dangerous they'll kill you just by looking at you well I should loose run you down and never leash away and just keep killing you so yeah it's basically the same thing let's go this way oh wait I just saw two something what if week I did a burning steps dragon all the way down to red Ridge with hunters and nobody would be able to kill it kind of the Stormwind I think the guards would be too powerful in Stormwind and they'd kill it yeah that would be alright remind me to do that tomorrow I obviously the test server is coming up soon so we want to focus entirely on that their leash the proximity well theis these guys certainly aren't crying let's go this way alright I'll see him all the way out wait what the [ __ ] I thought this was filled with water wasn't there water that was supposed to be in here holy [ __ ] Wow this is like as I said man like this is this is really [ __ ] cool to be able to see all this new stuff or all this old stuff new again yeah yeah we don't want to grow those okay we're almost over to lights up chapel this is a pretty dangerous area there's a lot of elites in here so we're gonna try to take the very edge okay we're gonna aggro that 100% maybe we should go around the other way yeah let's try and go around the other way guys turn around let's go all the way around here stay with me stay with me guys just let it go let it go it's a mistake you shouldn't hit him don't hit him don't hit him just run don't hit him just run don't hit him just run go right between these two mobs they won't agro they won't aggro just go right between these two mobs [ __ ] there oh oh [ __ ] okay guys keep going keep going we've got abomination on us keep going keep going keep going no everything is fine everything relax okay that is really bad rax you're dead you're totally dead okay let's regroup right over here okay as soon as we get out of combat we'll regroup oh no oh no oh no oh no oh boy okay no we're good never mind all right everybody come right up here and we'll regroup right on this this this place here okay come back everything's going fine the crusade dudes are over there I don't know which crusade dudes you're talking about oh wait what's this what's this right here look at this hmm okay you know what this is taking kind of a while for people to get back to their body actually I'll wait for them give me a second I'll read some donations yeah a spyglass good idea okay let's use the the spyglass elite scarlet warriors I don't think we can take them okay great first boring yeah it certainly is let's go up to the very top and I'll see if I can use the spyglass over there too what the hell do I get up here can I get up here got it nice okay we'll use the spyglass and we'll look around okay guys so wow what a view huh this is great okay so there's literally nothing to even look at okay all right let's keep going we will go oh we don't want to go that way we don't want to go that way that's where the the Scarlet guys oh that's tears hand I'll take it mol green that was a mistake okay okay okay okay okay [ __ ] I have to sit down and eat you can state you can stay I am going I'm gonna say it underneath put a shield on I don't need the shield I'm a real man and real men don't use shields oh that's a gargoyle I'm running okay I've got to just make it as close as possible white soap Chapel I'm just gonna try to run there after this that was a big mistake to try to attack him okay it's that one on me no it's not all right I'm just running I'm running as fast as I can which is like actually very slow okay boys we're going over to white oak Chapel now it should just be a minute here oh [ __ ] watch out for the OSes I'm dead it's over wait it's not over we're good we're good we're safe we're safe we're making it okay we're going over to light oak Chapel right now come on we're almost there we are almost there guys oh wait no it's this way this is this way I was going the wrong direction okay nice sit down and eat it doesn't mean combat what am i in combat with okay okay dude I see how it is hey that's life that's the way it goes all right we'll keep looking around yeah we needed a sacrifice yeah [ __ ] stream sniper I can't believe it yeah you got to z'd let's go around I thought that I was actually safe there you can glitch inside Cameron's time yeah I've seen some people able to do [ __ ] dude like what do I even do here I feel like I just rez in charge and go like I'm gonna die one way or another right everything's fine everything's fine everything is fine nothing is wrong nothing is wrong everything ok alright let's try it again we're almost over there guys we have to get over the lights help Chapel and then we're gonna look and see if we can find knacks I don't see next though because you should be able to see the Necropolis from here right and I'm not seeing it anywhere so I feel like if nax was gonna be out it would be out here I mean am I am I wrong about that it seems like that just makes sense okay let's go over here I'll try to start this and okay I'm running I'm running now I'm running now oh [ __ ] okay no that's fine that's fine that's fine we made it boys we [ __ ] made it oh holy [ __ ] I've got not much to do and not enough time to do it in get out of my way good runic leather headband okay let's see what else these uh these guys sell I'll vendor I guess actually I don't want to vendor the tubes I'll probably need those from whenever I do engineering I need to actually work on engineering I've been really lazy about my professions okay let's see what is over here oh here's my flight path Karlin red path isn't he dead in the current game he is right I'm not wrong about that Emily yeah he's dead and there he is as a member of the aren't at dawn Kings on her friend oh the plague lands are an excellent place to strike against the scourge okay what is the quartermaster have for us accept the Commission with the argent dawn today okay let me see if I can get the Commission wait where's the UM I thought they were like elite guys like that they got not a weak guy sorry um there was like a guy with like full tea or two or something was this really all that was in there oh that's the nax patch so this is all there was oh [ __ ] um why are there Undead I mean do you know this this you know word Maxwell Tyros Asst wait is this the guy that's in the class order halt quest for the paladins is this the same guy holy [ __ ] Wow okay when Max is out they come oh man Wow okay let's go check and see if Max's out it's right where duck is that so we have to make our way over there right this is gonna be pretty dangerous so we'll stay focused y path I got the flight path I picked it up I'm certain that I picked it up that's a mess okay I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead hundred percent way no I'm not dead because they di growed they D aggro'd okay good running okay now they're running ahead of me I shouldn't take any damage here because they'll reset and this is where the big boys at right okay all right we'll try this again we're making progress guys yeah I mean obviously that's the way it goes so after this we'll probably just chill for a bit watch like a couple of videos and then we'll get onto stress test whenever we're ready do it okay dragging canto I forgetting flight path I did not forget I guarantee you whenever I clicked on it with my [ __ ] thing going it did the little things like mm I knew it had I knew it came up I'm a hundred percent certain I got the flight path yeah we're gonna react Andy until then exactly walk in the next teleporter yeah I'm gonna try to walk inside the next teleporter I've just gotta head over there first to make sure I don't get killed can you just explore with ghost for him um I guess I probably could I mean maybe I could do that but I'll try to go back I'll try to resurrect and do this the normal way okay all right we're on our way so we just need to be extremely careful all right so we have to make sure there are no mobs in our direct vicinity okay there's a bad boy right there there's a bad boy right there avoid the bad boy let's get back over to the road the road is the safest spot you can get in the school months well yeah but I mean like we want to always see what happens if we get on the teleporter right I mean that's that's really what it comes down to is you want to see what happens okay Nixie I made a new video yeah I'll probably watch the knick Siam's video what Mount what's the Mount situation classic um I want all of them but I'll settle for the the scarab board Mount I mean as long as I get that one I'll be happy all the other ones who gives a [ __ ] I just want the one not that I could never have oh okay let's go right side go right side guys be very careful these winged terrors are not to be trifled with okay carry and devour do you think you can get was it you can get all the achievements you missed out on yeah I mean I mean the only thing that I really ever wanted to do was get to get scare aboard I don't really care too much mograine listen man I don't even feel bad for you the only thing I really ever wanted to give a scare aboard I don't really care about getting Grand Marshall like would it be cool yeah it would be cool but it doesn't really have like the same prestige as it used to because now I understand that it was basically just you know it was like a quick thing where people rotated it and I don't know it just didn't always seem like it was it's not something that I'm really like I don't know I derive any sort of like satisfaction out of I guess death charger and vanilla yes that's chargers in vanilla but it's such a low drop chance that I wouldn't waste my time Oh wealth wise wait what you can't even go over there okay well let's check and see if Max is here first we're on our way yeah BC own a scare board was a BC patch yeah they added the title as scare board was in the BC patch I think it was patch 2.0 but you were still able to get them out I mean I don't really care too much about the title personally why do I do care about the title but I more so care about the mountain the mountains really what matters there's what's this okay that's never mind okay that's not knacks wait that is next or that's a necropolis that you go that you zone into isn't it I'm fast I'm fastest [ __ ] boy alrighty let's go around go around this way go around this way go around this way guys okay there it is watch right okay oh there's a there's a service entrance elders square elders square service entrance lock requires key to the city okay run run run in run in get as close as you can so it looks like you can't go into necks that's just a cigarette yeah but I don't think yeah I don't think we can get into necks unfortunately [ __ ] that's not the spine well I don't remember where the hell it was I never rated next we're gonna die here I think I'm dead here [ __ ] okay let me sit let me just run back over I don't even know where the [ __ ] Blackwood aisle is it's farther yeah I mean I only went in the knacks like usually line two probably never I probably don't in like three or four times because all the other times like I probably just got summoned inside because I was lazy and yeah so I never really went in there I mean I never did nax in 60 right I think I don't know that's not true I zoned in the max but other than that I never really did max at 16 now I didn't acts at 70 who cares but that's basically what it was nice wasn't dragon boy yeah of course there is no entrance before an axe is released yeah that's the way that it seems to me I definitely can't get near those things yeah I guess not 20 minutes okay we'll take a look at some videos because it looks like I'm not even really to Zone in or do anything here
Channel: Everything Gaming
Views: 175,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold classic, classic wow, classic beta, classic youtube, asmongold youtube, asmongold twitch, everything twitch, everything twitch asmongold, mcconnell, sodapoppin, duels, world of warcraft, world of warcraft classic, wow beta, classic stress test, world of warcraft stress test, horde, alliance, venruki, horde vs alliance, asmongold highlights, top asmongold, asmongold clips
Id: 10hiCuhaQBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 43sec (3943 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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