Asmongold Reacts to Most of the Zandalar and Kul'tiras Cinematics

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okay all right Jana's visions can't wait forever to get here [Music] we're too late this entire city must be purged oh there he is Jana oh wow I'm sorry Arthas I can't watch you do this you've always been my daughter Damon I understand I understand more than you suspect my dear perhaps in time you will to seize that all couldn't save him from himself [Music] Catharine enforce our laws the punishment for treason is death do you accept the judgment of your home and I accept your judgment [Music] my daughter forgive me forgive your father [ __ ] yourself [Music] [Music] Wow I was actually really good [Music] yeah that one's really really good I'm actually amazed watch the Horde one okay let me see the the Horde one here yeah yeah Arthas got a new model that was badass okay what's the Horde one I said this one Zulu versus Rasta con let me see what this one is here okay yes all right we're gonna watch this one here oh there is just no boy wait is this the wrong one I don't know I kind of assumed that it wasn't but cool nickname thing aren't we so appreciate that Cortez - okay this is the wrong one well what's the right one called banh chuan D you guys expect me to be able to spell that oh wow okay good is this it right here the cinematic battle for Azeroth okay alright I'm gonna cook on it [Music] many lost oh not good I know I miss present to Xena what do we do now that's her dad I guess they're dust of bones for the law of death [Music] well this is a surprise you're looking pretty good your majesty so why have you come to save me I need your God become my Lord grant me the power to recover my kingdom and I will elevate you above all law yeah yeah so you get your kingdom back all very nice but should you tired of old once imagine oh I can go back today live in lower the one who bring us Lion King their crops grow not wither and die no no no I need more than just your word if you do this for me I will bite my bloodline oh you succeed you would keep this body to serve me in life and in death forever we got a deal that seems like a bad deal [Music] [Music] father I felt something a moment ago has something happened uh-oh do not worry my daughter I have taken care of everything that sounds like a bad deal man what the [ __ ] that's actually pretty crazy okay damn I didn't expect that one to be as good so now now I want okay now I watch the other one okay I got it okay let me go back and I'll find this is this one yeah okay this is this is part two this is his final battle so this is the final battle okay oh and he has the ring okay oh [ __ ] Glantz me of power [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] rocks quit now destroy the seal Oh what's not good food lonely you reign over your empire 300 okay congratulations your majesty oh wow the kingdom is ours [Music] damn that was a good one those are the only cinematics right am i missing any other ones or is that it is that the intro pour it intro okay let me see what the Horde intro one is real quick - okay alright horde intro where is it okay just a second let me see if I can find it economist movie all cutscenes okay um horde intro BFA right okay the reasons might I think that we saw this one though right yeah I'm pretty yeah we watched this one for sure I didn't watch the Alliance one though that's the difference let me see the Lions intro yeah we watched that last night okay um is there an alliance one I don't even see it Alliance intro no we didn't Jana mr. Jana Jana returns to call its Ross okay here we go yeah I we didn't watch any of these whenever it first came out with them titties dude all right this child be mine oh yeah war mr. pelts thank you very much the 305 your host thank you thank you thank you that's our debt Oh your loving mother will never forgive you this [ __ ] is real man goddamn Wow Thank You captain like these are serious it's not like you know a sword fight or something so people are dying and [ __ ] oh wow that's the place in the game [Music] so my wayward daughter returns to the kingdom she betrayed or why I have come to ask cold terrace for aid on behalf of the Alliance the Alliance oh where were they when we begged for their help when our husbands and sons and brothers were slaughtered at Theramore do not blame the Alliance for my actions so you admit it you admit that you were responsible for the deaths of our men I was not good but I will do anything in my power to ease the suffering of kul Tiras Catherine and force our laws the punishment for treason is death do you accept the judgment of your homeland I accept your judgment mother you are no daughter of mine oh do what you will she is nothing to me [Music] damn [Music] goddamn she's pissed why's her hair white I guess probably because she's older you know I think these are all of the these are all the other cinematics let me see if I can find any of the ones that I missed out on so there's this part right here and I this is like Gantt arrives in Cole's that's this part and that's served there's a cinematic there's this wait long it's just game play at the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] is this dude okay I'm going to wrong voices all right I think is that all of them right I'm pretty sure it is those are all the BFA homies look at this BFA cinematic BFA cinematic is there any of them that I missed here oh oh here's the Horde one this is the one that I missed right my princess is always wait a second oh wait no I I have seen this one nevermind alright there's smoke on mmo-champion that's probably a better idea yeah I've gone through pretty much all of these okay yeah I've seen them all I thought so I just wanted to be a hundred percent certain yeah I mean those are pretty good I mean I actually think these cinematics are better than a lot of the other old ones before
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 146,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold watches, twitch chat, bwonsomdi, WoW, BFA, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, reaction, jaina proudmoore
Id: _kjMAep0H7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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