Asmongold Does the Siege for Lordaeron Scenario - Alliance Side

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okay ten discus the time is now to reclaim the holy land of water on everybody except the quest Matthias I appreciate that you reported in so quickly champion you will ship out with the third fleet speak to captain Angelica when you were ready to embark everybody pick up the quest I'm gonna ready check and click yes if you have the quest ok DMT we're waiting on you man I'll give you one minute and by one minute I mean I'm we're gonna start right now you do not meet the requirements for chosen dungeons ok DMT I'm just going to move that guy you need some Kings on what safe travels be careful light be with you if you've already cute they've yeah if you've already done it leave the group if you've already done it leave the group because I want to do it with some of the guys but I can't take people that have already completed this scenario it's five man only oh I saw you blends in my direction light bless you let's see should I just keep solo guys I'm thinking I should just queue so well yeah I'm sorry guys alright I'll do a countdown and you can queue at the same time as me okay sorry this just isn't working okay queue at five seconds queue at five seconds I'll queue at zero that'll that'll account for stream delay light be with you okay now 4 3 2 1 light bless you okay and so it begins rido nose yeah let me read some donations real quick sorry about that hundred 3k viewers for World of Warcraft you're goddamn right it's just gonna keep going up boys god damn right thank your honor - I appreciate that the Alliance a little will never prevail over itis how many days slash played you have you'll say - you'll see thank you very much the five officials - what do you think is better right now and hole your Frost okay I'm not sure honestly I really can't say so it says it's things they lost to ammount collector yeah it does alright let's move up here let's see what this is okay follow me make haste and do not stray alrighty let's go all right well we got coin gun here we got sodden here Eleanor's in here we've got a few people that queued up with us okay boys let's do it did you already watch the new cinematics we're doing it right now ones ones against rogue well we didn't really play they ended up not doing that they were gonna play with him and Nick but then oh there it is okay all righty boys brothers and sisters of the Alliance hear me the hordes cowardly attack on til drasil brought war upon us and made clear what is truly at stake their war Chiefs goal was not to capture a single city but to destroy our way of life and snuff out hope for generations to come to secure our future the Banshee Queen must answer for her crimes her talk reign ends today together we will drive her evil from this land and raise our betters above lauder on once more that's right stand as one that's right let's do it boys it's knock down this gate soldiers fall in and fall rates [Music] all righty boys let's do it oh we gotta kill this guy aye aye yes these goblins must be stopped focus on the shredder there we go all right let's kill this guy right here thick yeah yeah very thick okay so we kill this guy and then what happens so we're I guess we have to just like kill things until we finish the bar here you know it's the same thing I was like Argus you know you go to like another spaceship and you have to kill 12 demons much longer okay oh and there she is up at the top oh [ __ ] okay let's go I'm the [ __ ] Queen yeah yeah there it is alrighty good getting him down hi this is going fast oh we got heroism [ __ ] yeah no so there's no first taken outside well that's I mean like you know how she is man she's only four like her own people shouldn't give a [ __ ] man she should have never been to war chief okay that's right I love how they have that face mask on him so he doesn't look like as much of a [ __ ] oh that's never seen anything like it that should be a mountain made can be broken good follow me this should be a mountain I could ride like right on there it'd be perfect bi cat in person mount this is that no it's not the wrong boy this is the thick boy right here hold of our reskin it's not our I mean like it's a there it's the REE skeleton but it's not a reskin this skeleton is the same as a form of aiyah 'then yeah you're right about that okay let's kill this thing now this ledge the towers the towers what about the towers okay oh I stay stunned it man as right it's not that powerful after all oh oh [ __ ] prepare the light let it rain down upon their armies there must be under the waves Oh chief this is no time for sentiment hi overland war demands that we take a more direct approach whoa Oh uh-oh not killing her own troops [Music] Oh well that's familiar that's what the Lich King does okay so we need to recover I guess we need to heal all these people right okay she's raising their bodies we must evacuate the wounded the plague is too dangerous my king we cannot afford to the Alliance leaves no soldier behind all righty let's do it not this time okay well a OE all these guys down this is pretty [ __ ] easy we're winning and I'm feeling bubbles like a football field in length well he's a big guy right oh let me healed these guys too Oh getting this guy good be prepared produced you know well we'll see what happens man [Music] okay 50% for the Horde yeah I see that man yeah the Horde is doing great look at him right there see look at all the Horde oh there's one of the Horde right there risen skeleton for the Horde Wow they're awesome aren't they okay so I guess we're just like running back oh oh and they're shooting these things okay and moving this oh wow okay let me get an analyst bubble our siege towers are lost our numbers are waiting father help me I need your guidance okay oh wow [Music] the blight has broken our rights our result has been for nothing [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] we end this now oh [ __ ] and she just parked this ship right there okay yeah that's uh thank the light you've come that makes perfect sense Orly needed in this fight okay hold for long we should not linger all right let's get through the wall so bonus didn't have much time to prepare for this attack we cannot afford to underestimate her everyone fall into position we strike on my command okay boys need you to cover our backs it's too risky to funnel everyone through the side of magic spell yeah baby certainly be traps agreed I'll guard the rear flank let's move all righty China block the exits don't let them call for reinforcements it feels like it feels like majors are like the best class you know what I mean it's just what it seems like to me you know what I mean because like they're you know able to do all this other crazy [ __ ] and meanwhile like we're not really able to do anything they are yeah I mean you think about it right it's just this is why I've started playing a mage like at the beginning of the game cuz I'm like warriors like so got an axe right this guy can like make an axe and then he can shoot fireballs it seems like kind of an obvious decision but I'm glad Blizzard is making it even more obvious that warriors suck okay good don't her does that boy it'll be fine dude already let me kill this guy over here this guy's [ __ ] annoying oh come on dude okay now I guess you have to fight him now yeah okay Varian one shot of fel Reaver yeah but then he got killed by gold Dan you know like the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this you guys don't really have to get by a hit by those tornadoes you know you could just like not stand in front of them I'm just saying dude he tried 151 well yeah base a war you should be able to do that that's what I'm saying okay let's go over here Brock cigar Rock cigar box God's good example so Brock cigar the only reason Brock's car was so powerful and he hit Sargeras axe made by scenarios okay now what okay it is you who is outnumbered now home that army is enormous give the word and I will teleport us to seize to another spelling tale now he just become prey just know we will fight and die if we must for what we believe it your time is up King and doing Oh victory for the secret alliance hold your ground Oh surprise [ __ ] even the odds King rain Illyria thank the light URI let's get him down I am known for my tiny your majesty Mecca told ya I'd only took 10 years the first time all right let's get him down Jaina get help me with black armor and low Illyria take the rest of our chair and focus on routing the enemy army as you wish champions with me damn we're just killing everybody huh [Music] alrighty look who joins the fray good I was hoping you'd cure moving out of that I assure you blight corner the pleasure he's oh this guy just ran in and died yeah odd just died right no I'm tired tweet uh okay am I gonna die here [ __ ] I'm gonna jump away I can't I'm dead I'm dead there's no way I'm not dead no way I'm not dead fear in these guys okay a back pedaling away to safety oh I survived well I actually serve holy [ __ ] I actually survived Wow I'm the best you're supposed to be in a mech suit okay well how do I get into mech suit I don't see one yeah I give my mouse over this like there's nothing for me to do all dead yeah screw the [ __ ] mech suit man were already 84% we're killing everything my as Mekkatorque has the same forces member on the one word budget let's finish these guys up or or racism because all known sound the same I mean it could be either one I'm finish these oh damn okay we're already almost done with all this okay I'm glad they sped this up from beta this is like kind of where I stopped on beta right here I never finished anything beyond this oh here we go Payne pull them back we yep yep no they must not escape okay the Horde is falling back again what is their strategy here that accursed blight blocks our path our forces can't follow her we can't let the war cheat escape capturing her is the only way to win this war that's right we will not let you go alone Mekkatorque can your flying machines get us past this blight I don't have many of them but the ones I do are at your disposal oh so be it all champions with me Mekkatorque backtrack through the keep with the rest of our Florence jo'bril be ready to strike on my command you okay why I'm Dan just do another spell so we don't have to use this maybe she's out of mana it's on cooldown stand aside cellophane always war is not yours to bear alone just wonder no honor and killing you his father was a man of honor boy you know nothing of the sort just one [ __ ] dude man stand down I eat sleep and die by the sword what price have you paid for people's my father gave everything for the Alliance the question is are you willing to do the same for the Horde my life for the heart all right let's get him can't wait for that axe yeah dude I really oh okay I don't want to die there Massa slam alright moving out of that guy stun him no I can't oh my father once said the barracks are Fang embodied the honor of the Horde that's right he admired you for it and so do I listen to me there is no honor in this that is not for an alliance king to decide at this moment it is take him to the stockades when I return he will speak of honor and how it may yet be reclaimed if you return so this is this is it this is the end part I'm pretty sure okay [Music] where's my character [Music] just like Arthas the boys playing soldier eggs or army a muzzle your dog your majesty Sylvanas Windrunner you have led the [ __ ] to a place without honor Lord Iran is ours it's over your father would be so proud is that his you've gotten it all bloody only one of us wanted this war you called for peace when it suits you little Ayanna but you're quick enough to kill I should have killed you when last we met how rude sister you're a guest in my home your home you desecrate that throne with your drill you put the torch to teldrassil but I failed those who burned I will not make that mistake again surrender or die [Music] [Music] you've won [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we're gonna get the city back right what what the Horde will fall it's good to see you back on your feet asthma gold many others were not so fortunate King and Owen has returned to storm one keep he must plan what our next move must be by the light the first strike belongs to us look at Undercity on the map [Music] ruins of undercity the [ __ ] was this oh okay all right I have to go over to the keep okay just a second let me go check that out good the stockades yeah I'll go to the stockades in a minute I want to figure this out first do Horde have different cinematics - oh yeah they [ __ ] - all right yeah we'll watch the Horde cinematics in a minute he isn't in the stockades yeah I wouldn't expect that he's only in the stockades for the the scenario okay now what oh the King be spawned never mind what's this here we turn to Gena Proudmoore in Theramore destroy the remnants of the defias I think this is the wrong quest sometimes we must fight so that's it that she just burned down the city let me go over there just a second I can go over to school months and I can pour it over there and and see what's going on ruined two cities horde cinematic go let me go over there first and look at the Horde cinematic okay just a second SM I actually didn't even think of going there that was a mistake I forgot there were closer areas okay so travel through time to their point interest of all glades history so this like Oh Brill is deleted Brill was the first city I ever went to in the game my first character was undead Wow okay let me go over there and see see what all this is yeah a vanilla memories man wow that's insane okay uh play the brill in music I don't know what that is actually so I don't know if I can play that we watch the Warcraft 3 cinematic which Warcraft 3 cinematic oh the Arthas one yeah yeah I probably shouldn't watch that don't go in in the Undercity it's poisoning he'll die yeah I kind of expected that but I want to see how far in I can go okay so it looks like there's a giant [ __ ] bunch of remnants here bril isn't awaken ago cheran yeah yeah yeah or destroys nostalgic cities well I mean like you can always go back and see them again I think that's fine this extra truly good look at this looks badass like the fires and like the the dusk and everything looks really cool okay so I guess you didn't talk to that keeper of time what does she say no I'm actually curious Kings on earth Tirisfal a place of beauty and darkness a land fraught with regret and graves your kind has fought to keep it time and time again view us to see it as it was prior to the latest war yeah no okay can I go in this fire okay it doesn't do anything what about this poison okay all right I don't want to go over there what if I fly over it can I fly over it okay I can't fly over it oh wow oh wow [Music] holy [ __ ] let me see if I can go in through the sewer it's just green well yeah but it's supposed to like represent the plague right yeah I understand it's just green okay Wow so I guess if I go down here I start dying right yeah okay I start dying if I go down there so there's no point doing that didn't you try that in beta I did a little bit but I didn't know if they changed it right let me go over here go in the broken ship oh yeah yeah it's a god yeah let me try that in a minute okay all right so it's a rock there so we don't need to worry about that where's the where's the ship well they put the rock there so you can't go in there makes sense okay let's see so these are just like random cities here this is where Brill was and just been destroyed Brill had been renovated before though because they put in like the new cities and everything on there so this is like the Owens encampment yeah here's Brill and there's just a couple of blighted soldiers in here chillin Oh ooh chairs are in the air well you know you can't expect everything to be perfect right okay so how'd this one get burned up it's all the way back here alright whatever let's go all the way back here we'll see what's available alright this is a giant tank and it's just kind of chilling here yeah are there any ships or anything no I brought that's pretty much it so Sylvanas destroyed two [ __ ] cities can you believe this [ __ ] it's actually ridiculous destroyed two cities the Zeppelin I don't think there's gonna be a Zeppelin then I've just got a good feeling they're probably not gonna land anywhere nearby morally no we can fix this up yeah we fixed this up this just this will be good by the end of BFA yeah I'll be alright I mean obviously not I oh this way as well if I go this way I go to Grom Gaal okay what about over here oh this will take me to Orgrimmar well great I wonder when the Zeppelin's gonna get here oh boy it's random ass guys standing here Jesus Christ they forgot to remove those let me see if I can go into the throne room I think I'm just gonna die honestly plants can fix this yeah yeah I mean Stormwind yeah it did take a long time to fix the boy okay I can't go in there Wow so they actually they did it damn go in as a ghost okay yeah sure yeah they can clean this [ __ ] up it'll be just fine okay that guy's dying that blood on the floor right there is from tyrannous menthol whenever Arthas killed them little fun fact their ass [ __ ] it's gonna take forever to go over there it's not gonna work well let me see how far I can get over there while we're waiting I'm gonna go and get the horn cinematics ready and that way we can watch those I'm missing it's on Wow head right wall head calm okay water on cinematic okay Alliance and horde okay there's the Horde one is there only one horde exclusive cinematic or is there more than one because apparently there is more than there's only one okay alright well we'll watch the just a second let me pull this up okay okay and flammie thank you rush this up I appreciate that let me just turn this off the music and then we can just watch it okay all right [Music] you abandoned our thing to die out there it is the death he wanted if that troubles you you're free to join him uh oh you can tend to the living the choice is yours what a [ __ ] [Music] you know what must be done nathanael character development my champion no just kidding he doesn't even talk okay [Music] look at you the boys playing soldier our browsers or Rd the muzzle your dog your majesty Sylvanas Windrunner you have led the horde to a place without honor Lord Iran is ours I'm just gonna skip ahead is that good to skip ahead father would be so proud I'm gonna skip like one minute ahead [Music] you've won [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sylvanas looks fat in the in-game cinematics I don't like it yeah I'm really not a fan of that but I I guess that wasn't really too much - too much different I really as I said I really just can't see how she's not gonna be a raid boss man III just can't see it well I mean like I guess I can see her not being raid boss that's not true what I can't see is I can't see her not uh what are you calling not dying in the expansion like one way or another really I don't yeah I just I can't see it happening thinkin if a knows is gonna help I don't know man human campaigns cinematic which human campaigns cinematic hordes gonna kill her a hundred percent so you're dying yeah I mean I really can't see that not happening it's you know friend unrest of the game yeah yeah okay so we're inside here in the ruins of war Tehran what's going on in here okay so there's the throne Garrosh 2.0 it seems pretty similar okay so let's go in here is everything else the same or what let's find out how's your screen not black-and-white oh I have like a certain thing for it okay let's go in here I wonder what this is all gonna be like green and [ __ ] or what seems good everything's fine yes good there's just a tough area this got problems yeah so if they just fix that top area we'll be good I think should just put a wall here so you can't go in here let me get back out of here yeah there's nothing else even in there honestly I didn't run out of money or something I don't really think that's it at all I don't think they ran out of money it's more that it's not really worth the time right some landscaping and should we get us no well yeah I mean you just get rid all the green [ __ ] and it'll be fine so how do hell do I get out of here I feel like the second that I res I'm gonna die again what toy could I use it would get me out of here tell you guys something right now I don't get got I never get got all right it doesn't exist you no I'll tell Ford I did I just off have four yeah I did get got yeah yeah I did get got that I [ __ ] hate this game you're safe in the white whenever you res no bro you're not end of career yeah yeah should use feather and you can only use that in a in a certain place or you can CP n time [ __ ] man what do you thing about Volscians intentions were recommending her for manager position you know man like I really it seems like a big mistake like a really big mistake for Sylvanas to to be the war chief I'm just you know I'm just speaking my mind here big mistake invest in this investments in a second snack box RS Gath thank you very much the $20 I appreciate that man thank you thank you widow area mean whenever she said she would have killed savants last time they met when did they met before that's a good question
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 134,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horde, sylvanas, anduin, chat, twitch, event, battle, war
Id: zyf7_4YUvow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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