Asmongold Reacts to "Top 10 Unkilled Raid Bosses in WoW" by hirumaredx

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alright let me just look at this video now when I say unkilled I mean how long it took top gilts down certain bosses from when they were first available right so that's I love how at the beginning here it starts immediately with him saying top-10 unkilled raid bosses and then him clarifying the obvious clickbait that he used to get people to go to the video at the beginning right just just right off right at the beginning get that out of the way it's done say for example how long did it take top guilds adown mythic Archimonde after beating mythic man arose and not how long it took them to down mythic Archimonde since the first day of the opening of hellfire citadel instead it's from when the first time they were actually able to start doing the fight now that that distinction is made let's get started on the list number 10 is heroic Alec here which took 36 days down after the Conclave of wind heroic Alec here was way over tuned when it was first attempted you can only have like 20 people on the rockers done people in the show video for the first Paragon killing 25 men you really see them to straight-up leave about eight players out of the fight during phase one yeah because it was actually easier to have less players in the fight for that face that goes to say something about how messed up the fight was if having less players made the fight easier number 9 is heroic Lich King 25 man he wasn't down until 42 days after her oak Putra sides dead really what's being suffered from al akir problems of being over tuned and just generally very difficult rate encounter but that's understandable seeing as he's one of Warcraft's most popular of course you would think less than a crazy heart rate piss off a lot of fans you weren't able to kill wasn't achieved until the ICC's dag started rolling out giving players an extra 5% damage and healing every couple of week or slide yeah it was even thought to be an impossible fight without the ICC buff the fight one of the top guilds later turned off their buff and went in for a kill to prove it could be done wait later on in the expansion yeah by best and finally number 8 al are the Phoenix gun killed 48 days after magtheridon death despite being the first attempt is key he was the second hardest boss of the raid a lot had a very hard to do as leader was supposed to split damage with everyone in it okay so the idea was to have a group of people soak it so it wouldn't wipe the rain only it was over tuned and did a ton of damage it made the fight near impossible so behind it they got creative ways to deal with the meteors like having everyone in the raid level a warlock to level 18 to learn soulstone and half half the raid get out of the r8 soul stones just to go out and die to the meteor and Red's this was technically cheating but Blizzard never really did anything about it yeah other than nerfing soul stone every chance it got to try and prevent this tactic another way the boss resumed but technically not cheating like the soul stone method oh and olhar would also randomly charge claw things and one-shot them that also contributed his long time of being on killed number 7 the four horsemen's in vanilla no ice they lasted fifty six days after gothics death what the [ __ ] original four horsemen are one of the hardest fights every poor thing like bog mainly because it had a very unique mechanic you see then order to do the four horsemen figure that [ __ ] out eight tanks and not only did you need a tanks you needed eight warrior tanks with a specific force set bonus that made it so your taunt cannot miss because in those days Todd could miss and one missed taunt meant a white on four horsemen so the reason this fight took so long go down was basically just having to cure up eight warrior tanks with eight four set bonuses do literally one boss want to know how many other bosses besides four horsemen used eight tanks 0:06 highest romances alarcon killed 59 days after another tempest keep by eight this boss went through three nurse because it was considered too hard to kill that combined with most guilds working on all are in the same instance instead of highest romancer leads to her long unkilled on these bosses perspiration had her basis the front arc arcade missile attack that ignored arcane resistance it second form after Blizzard decided that was crazy hard to beat was a nerf to her health and arcane missles that hit the entire raid instead of an art cone which still ignored arcane resistance top guilds were finally able to get a kill at this version but it was considered still too hard it was later nerfed two more times to be what it is today killed 70 days after yog one light in the darkness this version of the yog fight with no keepers was long thought to be mathematically impossible to do Wow until the Chinese guild stars was able to do the fight with some really smart cutting patterns to the ads at Spa at last phase plus warlocks being able to channel the boss without having to actually face its Rider there was one other kill before stars got their legit kill where the Ray just exploited the encounter by evading the ads in the last phase by getting healing a groan that was my dog's brain room but that one didn't count for obvious reasons number 4 Ragnar Rose killed seventy four days after majordomo death why didn't right nurse was one of the first final box those ticks and everyone was still pretty nobody [ __ ] they won't kill me all that surprising really it was simply a much tougher and long as he'll fight compared to everything else in molten core number three crow Magus tied with Ragnar us at seventy four days after Evan Rocksteady fought crow Magnus was one of the more technically challenging fights at vanilla when not many fights besides maybe final bosses so we were it was also in the same where do the hardest boss fights ever were the first and second boss of the instance causing mini guilds the breakup before even getting to crow Magus best as for the fight itself well it was just a very complicated fight we have many like it today but it was a new thing for vanilla Raiders so it took though some time to get used to the mechanics once they did was actually hard get LARPing and I do attempts afterwards that's why easily be any bugs are over tuning mistakes that happy their bosses on this list have chrome Agnes was just a technically challenging fight is the first one we number two kethu killed eighty six days after the twin Emperor's first death was considered by most wild players as the hardest boss fight ever made what the phone personally agree with that C'thun was just horribly over tuned and bugged the first kill didn't happen until after blizzard nerf the fight because it was technically impossible to do even with age of the best gear in the game and every player did their jump perfectly so why is C'thun only the second longest one killed boss if he was unkillable well because there was another boss in the same instance that was also pretty much unkillable and way less sought-after the number one unkilled boss is Oro who was killed 87 days after the twin Emperor's defeat that one day Africa thing he's like this thing with aura was that he wasn't turned in bug no plus an optional boss I had no idea one really bothered with it in word I could see oneself walk as big as your I guess I should everyone in front of him for enough damage to take about 90% of a geared casters health and also stunned everyone for a couple of seconds he would then turned to his next HEIs aggro target and do it again chooses the idea behind his mechanic was to create a small safe zone for the raid while only two tanks got hit what instead happened was he would cast an blast four times before the first stun world every boss meaning there were spray ons everyone got hit his quake ability was over tuned and did more damage and it should have he stayed underground longer than he was above ground his ads that's pondering this face we're also over tuned and sometimes when we come back up after going underground spawning adds endlessly all in all pretty nasty fight there's a reason people avoided it before Blizzard finally fixed it no I guess so okay I don't know about this list man I think our cure should have been higher I think that oh are probably like I think there's so many bugs that like they're talking about that it makes it more like I mean four horsemen yeah I totally agree Astro man sir like I guess like I don't know like I guess some of these are actually really [ __ ] hard I never really thought about the perspective like men did people just really suck dick back in vanilla what are you talking about you played vanilla all of like 30 days man you have no place anywhere to talk about anything vanilla you spent like 30 days in vanilla that's it let other people talk about vanilla you don't know you were clueless it's gonna be hilarious whenever I go into those raids with my group of people that don't know anything and we clear them all in one day because they're easy and they made for brain-dead idiots with bad internet connections and shitty computers there Joe quizzes with Joe does that make the dude no difficulty was getting forty clowns to the same thing at the same time does this he does as he acts like oh yeah when I go clear so it's gonna be done it's gonna be a Joe we're gonna go yeah but you are not you're not taking into account of the fact that most people back then we're either on dialogue that's or CSO so this is what I mean they say so what do you know about it well that that's what I'm saying that's what you're doing they'll be well a queue all that [ __ ] either were you like what do you mean yes I was what do you mean Yeah right like how far did you get in vanilla I cleared bwl or is it yeah no really yes yeah that's all it did damn but that's still more than you idiot no you're right it is it's a lot more but like still the time you know the bosses were a joke man like I can guarantee you like whenever vanilla comes out it's gonna be easy like method isn't even trying because they know how easy it's gonna be okay that's how easy it is I'm sorry I know there's a lot of people a lot of vanilla fanboys it's a joke okay it's just a [ __ ] joke it's a joke now it wasn't a joke back then well exactly and that's what I was saying I would say did people just suck back then and you said no when I said yes you know what what EverQuest has been out for like 20 years I bet if you tried every quest today you would quit after a few hours because you're so clueless you're right so you're tried at all cuz it's a [ __ ] game it's a show everything in your [ __ ] on a piece of [ __ ] cardboard and then photocopied into the [ __ ] game it looks like garbage it is the worst game was made 20 years ago of course it looks like garbage a boy was like garbage - I've seen people play it yeah have you ever played it though have you ever because oh no that's right I haven't eaten [ __ ] either but I've seen what it looks like I've seen lonely reels and I'm like I don't want to show this [ __ ] you don't you have no respect for trailblazers dude the only reason we have Wow nowadays is because of things like a cube and I really I do I appreciate oh it sounds like you should oh yeah you sounds like you really appreciate that [ __ ] well I'm not it's it's there's two different things so this is such a great road and demand it's very hydrating me so far so good respect this is see you that's what we'll [ __ ] go get a [ __ ] word in no I'm saying you've got to respect the origins of gaming sometimes you just have to understand where everything comes from and respect it and right now you're not respecting it you're just talking and saying all this [ __ ] it was [ __ ] it plays like [ __ ] nobody gives a [ __ ] blah blah blah you being such a [ __ ] baby rager dude okay so here's the thing right is that all right imagine you go back in time and you drive a Model T Ford alright it [ __ ] sucks the seats are bad there's no radio it's really hot there's no air-conditioning there's no GPS there's no power steering there's no ABS there's no [ __ ] automatic windows it's not a convertible it's a piece of [ __ ] okay I can go back and I say that car is a piece of [ __ ] while at the same time acknowledging that if we didn't have that car we wouldn't have a Mustang now yeah I know that's exactly what I'm saying good all right then we agree perfect good
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 342,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, WoW, world of warcraft, mcconnell, hirumaredx, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, asmongold watches, twitch chat
Id: 0e4mGo4SYHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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