Asmongold Reacts to "FFXIV vs Other MMO" by Misshapen Chair

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all right i went to the store today and i got cookies greetings travelers i'm here to answer the most complicated and ancient of questions that our ancestors had once proposed people often debate about various things mack versus pc android versus apple playstation versus xbox politics religion but all of that pales in comparison to the only question ancient philosophers could never answer which mmorpg is better where would a work craft or a friend or plan for pre-pro crew that just summarized about 85 percent of everything in the zac rawr chat like if you took that out there would be nothing for people to talk about that's all they do you want to know the answer can i get a drum roll please [Music] it's who [ __ ] gives a [ __ ] you know what makes me want to stick my nut sack into a blender when people act like these are the only two games on the entire planet or you can always take it a step further and act like you can't play both of these games at the same time yeah if you're a loser man then like if you're in chat arguing about which game is better you're a loser and i'm a loser a lot of people are losers like we have enough time to play both games well i mean really like let's be honest like you just play both games at the same time play one you can't play the other in any capacity it's literally impossible more impossible than titania normal i think i have a slightly different perspective on the class four here so let me tell you a story i don't like mmorpgs that might shock people given how much time i've smart guys certain cat girl paradise mmorpg yep not true my favorite game genre at this point is probably jrpgs stuff like persona smt and near not usually fun that sounds like some weave [ __ ] i'm not into that right like i don't know about that that's a weeb [ __ ] i've never played one of these games i never played any of these people want me to play the near game and there was one of the characters in the game that was hot so i am open to the idea but other than that i mean it's hard to say you're missing out you know i like this stuff when i can play something from the genre hate it and still get rock hard at the ending because they summon a spirit bomb to defeat god but i also like other games yeah that's pretty crazy disco elysium i don't just like jrpgs okay there is one little genre of game i could never get into though and that's mmos you'll often hear great stories about how people don't like version 1.0 of final fantasy 14 because of how bad it was well i got a news flash for you i played version 2.0 and i [ __ ] hated it i thought the game was garbage why because it took me forever to level i had to do all the side quests to progress the msq that supported me with a garbage story that any other generic jrpg could have offered me i also had to level a second class to get my job and once i unlocked that oh yeah i remember people telling me about people would have had to go grind out a bunch of other cross-class skills to make things function and i quit the game this right here is what was it skills to make things function and i quit this is actually a small lie i did return to the game briefly in heaven's ward background of the game was good just to white 20 times on titan normal then i truly quit okay the game this right here is the reason why i have such a strong vendetta against everything around reborn it is ingrained into my very being nothing but pure spite and hatred that should explain to you why i'm so incredibly biased against a realm reborn specifically the thing is like what what you guys have to remember like people are like getting mad at him and chat is like he played the game when it came out so like back then it had like a bunch of [ __ ] in it and like i've saw i've seen other videos that were made about like how they took a lot of it out in like heaven's ward and stormblood but like i'm assuming probably whenever you played this game on release it was [ __ ] annoying man like definitely and even back then like it was a huge improvement over 1.0 but it's not the game that you all gone today and play so when my friends wanted to play final fantasy 14 again i didn't want to get anywhere near it but they managed to convince me that i might like it now when now referred to previous expansion so i came back to the game and lo and behold i liked it when people talk about changes to final fantasy 14 to make the game more accessible to casual players i am literally the poster child i am a prime example of why these changes were probably a good thing i often hear this rampant and vapid take that final fantasy 14 is a bad mmo although it's a good jrpg and to that i knew that the only reason that you think it's a bad mmo is because you have a terrible idea of what makes a good mmo you've been conditioned after years of abuse and final fantasy 14 is like rehab you see it doesn't take that long to level in final fantasy 14 anymore you can level a single job i agree like people that place a value like there's a lot of mmo players that place a value in having their time wasted they take pride in it like i remember back then boy man if you died you lost the whole level and then you had to grind it back for a week and it's like oh my god and then also like even with wow it's like you had to run back to your body farm out all the resist gear like there was a bunch of like [ __ ] waste of time [ __ ] in the game and this is the same thing with like new world like new world had these people and these people unfortunately insulate the devs from real feedback because they think that it's a good thing that you should spend 15 minutes auto running in one direction right like these are the kinds of people that uh that kill games because they treat being able to overcome tedium as overcoming difficulty and this has happened many times but the truth is like i think final fantasy one of the big things that i've learned from playing final fantasy for example is that there's a lot of things that don't need to exist that if you took this out of the game the game would just be better that's it it would just it would just be a better game like for example running back to your corpse in retail wow or in burning crusade if i didn't have to run back to my corpse i would enjoy the game more because i wouldn't have to waste my time as much if azoth did not exist in new world the game would be better if uh let's see like what's oh it like dual spec right before you had dual spec like back in vanilla wow and like even with bc now you have to pay 50 [ __ ] gold i'm not gonna pay 50 [ __ ] gold just because i want to play another version of my class that's ridiculous like in my opinion i would be so happy if they had a dual spec in the burning crusade just put it in hot fix it i don't give a [ __ ] and if they do it in the next season of mastery i'll actually maybe play the game but like the truth is i'm not going to sit around and respec spending my resources for some arbitrary [ __ ] for some theoretical value that nobody can [ __ ] uh nobody can [ __ ] quantify it's just a waste of time everyone qspbe specs the team of the most pve specs loses yeah no [ __ ] i mean like that's the thing because nobody wants to drop 50 g to swap over like i'm not gonna waste my [ __ ] time with that [ __ ] and like it's it's literally that simple and like i did that a year and year and year and year again and like it did not like i go back and i think about like the things that i accomplished as a gamer like what have i really accomplished as a gamer uh in like my like wow gaming career everything that i've accomplished as a gamer none of it was built around wasting time like i never felt good like whenever i finished a really long grind like i guess i did because i was glad that it was over but other than that it just like it never felt good it was always like beating a new boss or like getting a rating in arena or you know something like that uh it was never something like that so yeah like i think that final fantasy one thing that it did is that it cut out a lot of these unnecessary throttling mechanisms it cut out the mechanic that made one minute five minutes you see what i mean i think that was great like that's one of the big things that i learned about the game is it made me look back at like all of the things that wow has and ask myself but do we really need this but does it really have to be this way it's a like a paradigm shift in thinking and it helped a lot for me all the way to max by playing through the campaign probably with the english dub so you can understand all the memes instead of the jp dub that you since the beginning you can't relate to 99 of the western fan base it can take a little while to finish the msq if you want to pay attention that takes a while but if you skip everything it doesn't take that long i would know i've played through the plot three times i'm not giving you a specific time estimate but mike this is that the time it would take is astronomically shorter than the amount of time it would take to reach max level in any other mmorpg uh let me think about that okay so any other mmorpg it would take less time to finish msq um with retail wow that's i mean it's not true uh with with classic and tbc it is true with osrs it's like it's kind of a hard answer um with new world i think it's probably about the same like assuming that like every msq is like 20 to 30 hours of content you know you take like 100 to like 150 hours uh that's about as long as it would take you to get to 60 in new world like i did mine faster but that's because i i knew what i was doing and i'd already done it twice before so in bdo there's no max level right so like but if like for example like a bdo like if you want to get to 61 or 62 you could probably get the 62 faster than you can complete the msq like am i right about that i haven't played the game in a long time i'm just kind of like extrapolating and guessing you could get to 62 yeah yeah uh okay i thought so rector naoki yoshida jesus christ himself that's the god that that's very intentional rather than just repeating my opinion over and over again i will give you an example let's say that you're a world of warcraft player imagine to play final fantasy 14. imagine that you don't care about the jrpg story you just want to do all the hard raiding content right so you ask someone how hard would it be to start getting into the hardest content which would probably be the current sabbath grade tier yeah and all of the ultimates you personally want to get out of the game this small little slice i'd say if you want to level manually it's not going to take you that long no but if you boost it will take you literally zero hours to level and start running three of the ultimates and 20 to 30 hours at most to reach max level and buy a gear set to start running the current savage tier yeah you will have to farm some savage fights to gear up for the next ultimate that's coming out which can take a varying amount of time but if you're putting in the effort into playing your job well and learning all the mechanics it's not going to take forever especially if you're someone who's willing to learn and improve and grind it out now this phenomenon is not really hypothetical we've seen players come over from wow and start running all the savage and ultimately yeah both did that was for them to start getting their ass kicked you'll end up spending the majority of your time learning the fights rather than leveling or by applying the transitive property you spend the majority of your time doing the stuff that you want to do there is see that's the thing that wow i think really isn't doing right now is that while you spend too much time getting ready to do what you want to do and it's the same thing with tbc or or like with classic but like that's that's just like that's the game is a it was great for its time it's still great in a lot of ways but you know it's not great in a lot of other ways but like for retail like for example like you level your character up you've got to think about conduits your legendary your covenant your renown um [ __ ] what else might your soul bind uh your campaign like you've got to think about all of these things your soul ass uh soul ash soul cinders like you have so many of these things that you have to focus on and think about before you actually get a chance to play the game the thing is like whenever somebody levels up an alt the reason why they level up an alt is nine times out of ten to do one of the three end game activities to do mythic plus pvp or raiding so any time that you put something in the way of that that player now has to do something they don't want to do and in my opinion i think that you should have to do a lot of these systems once uh it gives players something to do it paces players it allows blizzard to effectively passively nerf things but there is such a huge difference between doing something on your main character and then doing the same grind again on and alt because i'm going to be honest guys i'm not going to do tour gas on two characters it's not going to happen like if blizzard says it's got to happen surprise [ __ ] it doesn't and that's just what's going to happen like there's a balance the thing is though is that they're what what do you mean a balance like why should there be a balance like i i don't agree with this compromise ideology like why should the players have to compromise with having their own time wasted like okay that's fine only waste uh 30 hours of my time rather than a hundred well how about zero how about [ __ ] zero how about zero hours wasted you get into the game you play the game that's it people think they want to grind a lot of people like grinding and i think it's great content but you shouldn't make people repeat the grinds like i am fine with the grinds but do not [ __ ] make people do it twice that's my main that is like that is my main thing like going into new wow expansion that is what i'm going to try to push as hard as i [ __ ] can is make the systems account wide on release where if you had a world full raider who has seven moon cans and uh every single one uh does the daily and then it all comes together then he can get revered a week before they were supposed to guess what i don't give a [ __ ] it doesn't matter to me if someone wants to [ __ ] in a sock and sit all day doing dailies so they can get revered a day early who cares it doesn't matter why it does it doesn't [ __ ] make a difference like who cares but the game like if if something is not good for world first raiders that is not really like i think they should try to make it better because like the thing is like i don't want world first raiders to have a bad experience but i don't want casual players and the rest of the player base to have a diminished experience because blizzard is trying to make sure that world first raiders and like top 50 raiders uh have a good experience like that narrow that like little tiny [ __ ] sliver of the of the player base should not be like hardly even considered in making design decisions it's like the yeah it's the one percent of the one percent so i i'm completely in agreement that like a lot of the things that are in the game don't need to [ __ ] be in the game and i would like to see that change like that's the point that i'm getting at okay those hardcore players would agree with you there they care about the population of the game yeah of course because the thing is like if you're a hardcore player like a world first player why the [ __ ] do you want to get world first in the game that nobody plays who cares and a giant pile of chores to get in the way of the content that you want to participate in even if you don't boost like yeah the msq is long and boring at times but it pales in comparison to any other mmorpg it was honestly pretty sad to see this cool and very interesting phenomenon with wow players coming over and trying final fantasy high-end raids very unique and many wanted to bring some final fantasy 14 players over to do the same in their game great you know a little vice versa a little bit so let's all have some fun only to realize that getting everyone geared up would take so much time it was basically impossible this the thing is like like people cited the pvp gearing they said pvp gearing is so bad now you can't even get geared before the expansion before the end of the expansion well i got geared in like three or four days but i got full gear three or four days that being said i played the game for 15 [ __ ] years and i know exactly what to do i had people helping me and on top of that i played the game all [ __ ] day i played it for 15 hours like it's 12 i probably played the game uh in those days i probably played 12 hours a day so that's 12 that's 44 [ __ ] hour 48 [ __ ] hours that's as much as people put in in like two weeks you see i'm saying and that's also like hyper optimized like most people are not gonna do it hyper optimized so like their experience is gonna take them like uh 60 70 hours and i already had the legendaries going for me what what i'm really trying to get out here is like you think about like this is a really good way to look at it think about how long it would take for a brand new fresh fresh level 90 to get full gear in pvp and miss the pandaria i think it would probably take you 20 to 30 hours in uh the prideful season grievous gladiator season tyrannical season uh about like 20 to 30 hours somewhere around there am i about right yeah probably less you're you might be right but uh yeah it's something last all right let's say 20 hours let's just say 20 hours so that's like 0 to 60 real quick like you go from here and you go to best and slot you're good to go you're good to play the game right now you compare that to wow and you have as i said conduits covenants [ __ ] energy uh not that's not in the game anymore [ __ ] soul binds you've got uh legendaries you've got uh honor levels uh you've got to farm out your uh conquest points you gotta get honor upgrades for your conquest like it's gonna take you 100 hours like if you just hit level uh what level are we now 60 if you just hit 60 in shadow lands it's going to probably take you especially if you're like for me it probably it would probably take me half as much time maybe less because again i am able to get help from my stream and i also know what to do and i can optimize it but like for an average new player that doesn't have any of those resources this is gonna be a 100 hour endeavor this could be a 150 or even 200 hour endeavor that is too big of a difference that is too much of an investment that you have to make like takes weeks yeah it's not that bad that's not bad a hundred hours a hundred hours to get ready i mean that's a lot man here's what i want them to do in the next patch like i'll get back to the video in a minute but i just want to say this right now do you know how the gear in pvp you know how the gear in pvp you level it up and then it increases its pvp and its pve item level by like three yeah i think think about that so what i want them to do in the next patch or realistically the next expansion they might not have time to do it in the next patch is make it to where as soon as you buy the piece of gear it is automatically at the highest level for pvp scaling so like right now whenever you buy your 220 piece of gear it automatically at rank 1 scales up to 259 it automatically scales to 259 and then every level that you put on it that gives you more pve item level and that way you can get ready to maybe do some raids with your friends and you can cross pollinate that's a good thing like i think they should do that immediately because someone says oh that's ah it's like oh wait what no bro then it'd be too fast that's how it was that's how it was for so long like and it was fine that's not good engagement metrics neither is logging on and being like oh [ __ ] and then you just stop playing because like how many people like what what they what the engagement metrics don't measure very well is the amount of people that look at mount everest and they say miss me with that [ __ ] they say never mind i'm gonna go to taco bell instead and they just go to taco bell or they go mini golfing you see what i'm saying and so you don't measure that with the engagement [ __ ] you don't measure the people that look at the endeavor and choose not to do it before it even begins you're not like for example like there's like skeletons in mount everest right you don't see their skeletons because they're at taco bell you see what i'm saying so there's a lot of people that don't even try because of how much time it wastes they're not wasted how much time it takes what about elite gear like in cataclysm elite gear was better in pvp and you're rewarded for getting high rating do you still like this concept so the funny thing about elite gear and cataclysm is that you're only half right see a lot of people don't actually remember what happened people don't like i don't know what this is people don't remember what the game actually was so back in cataclysm let's talk a little bit about this whole cataclysm situation okay so back in cataclysm you had the 2200 weapons the gear that you could buy was identical the item level for the gear in the vicious season the first season of mr pandaria the brown gear and the gold gear the brown gear was the elite the gold or green or [ __ ] whatever color gear was the normal mode gear was item level 259 the only sorry 359 and the only item that you could get was 372 which was the uh heroic gear item level was your weapon your armor never got upgraded the idea that you got this brand new full set of armor whenever you hit max level uh or max rating no that's not how it worked that's not how it happened you could buy it separately and then use it instead if you want to put gems in it it was cause it was a cosmetic that's it people don't remember that doing gear was cosmetic by going 2200 was just looked it was not just looks you got the weapon but besides the weapon it was just looks the elite gear was higher in season 12 but they changed it in season 13. um that was the ruthless gladiator season 371 or something like that was the gear oh no that's malevolent and tyrannical oh [ __ ] dude i forgot about that season 13. yeah yeah y'all are talking about mr pandaria yeah never mind tyrannicals one everyone loves i don't remember that one honestly i i remember the gear set was so bad for warriors i refused to play pvp that season i said no you were not i will not i will not no it was really bad here is one of the prime examples of how final fantasy 14's game design principles have shifted over the years everything's about accessibility which does not just refer to the skill floor to get into the game that's true it is about accessibility i will also say though i think that gearing in wow is more interesting like gearing and wow in uh legion or misa pandaria or really any expansion almost is way more interesting than gearing in final fantasy so like there's advantages and disadvantages to both and you see the advantages because of the scaling like for example you want to go back and do old content final fantasy it's way better than the old content and wow because you have less moving parts that you have to account for however uh there are other advantages to having uh all the different choices because it makes it more interesting it gives the players uh more control like having those cool trinkets that have like bad ass procs and weapons that like you know like girth to lack like summons tentacles and [ __ ] like that's really cool i love that so it's it's like two different approaches and one approach is is good and i think the other approach is good too it depends on what you like it also refers into the time investment it would take to do the stuff that you want to do rating is just one part of final fantasy 14. you don't have to like everything else that the game has to offer most people just want the plot some people want to fish some people just want to play mahjong some people just want to waste away in eureka and some [ __ ] dumbasses do practically everything but here's the thing okay you don't i see how it is to do these things because the dev team is not holding you hostage and forcing you to you do these things yeah because you want to you think leveling or you do them because it has a reward that you want to have like a necromancer you do necromancer or you're trying to get a special title or you do the beast tribes because you want a mount but like there's a big difference between doing beast tribes because you want to mount and doing tour gas because you have to get a legendary in order to be optimized in raid so like the problem is that there's a lot of optional content and uh or should be optional content and wow that becomes mandatory through systems uh making it mandatory uh but with final fantasy there are a lot of other systems in the game like eureka and things like this like i don't really understand all these things because i haven't done them yet but i have a general understanding because i've watched some videos and i've seen people stream it before so in general you can do these things but it is not required and even whenever i'm doing my uh my relic weapon you know i'm doing the heavensward relic weapon it's really not that [ __ ] complicated you just go do the dungeons uh it and also like the relic weapon it's just five eye levels it's not a huge difference it's mainly the cosmetic or at least for me it is yeah absolutely how much achievement decelly have i have no idea but she's like apparently number two in the world or region or something like that for achievements is a lot listen to grind you want a long grindy task go grind some old [ __ ] relics baby you'll see a [ __ ] yeah i [ __ ] i was i'm working on this one right here ragnarok zeta which in my opinion is probably one of the best looking axes in the entire game like it's like the equivalent of like what's the best it's like thunder fury in a way because like the weapon looks so [ __ ] good even though it's like eight years old like there are some weapons you go back in like burning crusade and like for whatever reason this weapon just looks badass zeta grinds [ __ ] crazy well i'm working on the books now like i've already done all the fake [ __ ] already so i i can do it it's no big deal whirlwind dax all those are really [ __ ] bad but you know uh soul cleaver from gorfin yeah that's one vengeful gladiator's greatsword yeah it's like it still holds up it still looks good draconic avenger there's another one all right let's keep going fine you think it sucks that you don't lose xp on death go into nerfed eureka it's still more hardcore than the rest of final fantasy xiv in terms of the level difference between enemies and being unforgiving it's also a grind that is always my response to people who ask why the core game isn't a grind well there's grindy [ __ ] to do if you want it yeah what's that the game is too easy well there is hard gameplay content that the majority of players never clear if you sit around and say that the game is too [ __ ] easy and you haven't cleared the current savage tier and all the ultimates i think and there's also uh there's also solo challenges like what i would really like to see if i could have anything added into final fantasy 14 it would be one boss mage tower encounters for each class that is the one thing that i would like in the game like just like basically solo rates and like people said it was like yeah kind of like bajja or something like that i kind of understand that a bit if you aren't trying to voice your time uh why why play an mmr rpg if you don't want to waste time the reason is because people do like it it's kind of like the difference between like if you ever done something that was like a hobby and then you started doing it for money and then you started not having fun with it i think it's the same type of idea where as soon as they tell you that you have to do it it becomes less fun in a lot of ways it's a psychological thing opinion is invalid and then if you clear the current savage tier and all the ultimates i still think your opinion is invalid they have stuff for everybody to do in this game hard or grindy you don't have to do anything but you can do you do whatever you want yeah i do have benefited from the mass wow exodus i am not completely ignorant i don't like that game and i never will because i don't really like mmorpgs or at least the industry definition of what maybe you'll like wow then mmorpg is but you don't need the misshapen chair seal of approval to play a game and enjoy it my opinion is completely irrelevant when it comes to your personal enjoyment i don't need final fantasy 14. hey hear that guys i waste all my time on it every day i'll play the [ __ ] out of it when there's stuff that i want to do and when there isn't something that i want to do i simply play other games that i also like on the side yeah see like that's the thing that's what we need to do more of this is like kind of what i was talking about about like not spending all of my time getting mad about wow and like i said this with like the 9.2 stuff is like if 9.2 sucks and like there's a bunch of [ __ ] in 9.2 who cares i mean like who cares we can play pub g we can play warzone uh we can play i guess like maybe by then like some valheim stuff might be out uh and that's like not even counting final fantasy that's not even counting uh like we could play like play black desert for the first time uh do poe uh elden ring uh like all these other games that we can play yeah lost ark that's the other one i knew there was one that wasn't in my head yeah we can play lost ark we have so many other games that we can play there's no reason to like let one game's lack of development ruin your life there's no reason for it anymore guys we don't have to do that we just play the other game until they figure it out and and then we can come back and play wow after it's fixed and it's great look at that isn't that amazing and new world too yeah like you log over maybe do some [ __ ] in new world level up your [ __ ] watermark or your expertise level i mean that's what i'll do yeah absolutely playing some hunt monster up i'd say it's a good thing that they don't just inflate the amount of time investment in this game to keep you subbed at all times unless it's housing stay subbed buddy or we're going to nuke your property but you can already see the benefits of people enjoying their limited time in the game rather than dreading their mandatory time in the game yeah final fantasy 14 is only becoming one of the largest mmorpgs and this whole change in game design is no small reason why i might waste tons of hours in this game but it's purely because i want to because you want to do it yes i have to now that i'm done venting i'm sure that this will be received very well if all you want to do in something like final fantasy 14 is raid you will be able to get through all of it eventually it's not going to take a million hours and then you'll have nothing else to do that's okay you don't have to grind out everything else well the thing though is like there are people that do that and they're happy like they they're like super hardcore raiders and like they do the same thing but with different content like they're raiders they're they're probably going between uh lost ark wow and final fantasy 14 because those are some of the main games that have like difficult raids so like yeah they go in there they do the raid they beat the raid maybe they do it a few more times get their gear then they're done and then they go they play wow they do the new raid in there maybe do mythic plus some other [ __ ] wow does do a pretty decent job with like having repeatable like really hard in-game content uh for pve i i think it's good and um with lost ark they can go play that game too and then also like a lot of those guys uh they're also playing things like poe like i know xyronic from limit like dude rich and zyronic talked all the time i remember back whenever we were really into it about poe like he's a god in poe so they've got other gay lighty that's a that's an even [ __ ] better example but yeah that's exactly what i mean so yeah people are doing all kinds of different stuff that's just not what this game is it's totally acceptable to not remain subbed at all times because they as in the deaf team don't want you to hate playing the game you can absolutely get many more hours out of many other games but gameplay hours alone do not make a great game in my opinion i'd much rather have a game be impactful for the small amount of time that i get to play it rather than just have a bunch of [ __ ] to do for the sake of doing it final fantasy 14 is the dope i can see the literature club of mmorpgs i've never had to say before someone gets my words twisted final fantasy 14 took a lot of inspiration from world of warcraft i am not denying that that is the absolute truth everybody however final fantasy xiv has evolved from its roots well the ironic thing is the things that they took inspiration for were a lot of the things that got removed in heaven's ward and stormblood like obviously on a fundamental level the game is inspired by wow it's the same as like path of exile like you play diablo 3 or diablo 2 then you go and play path of exile you can see what's going on here right like the game there's so many similarities between the two games especially this was the case back in uh in the early days of poe and it's kind of the same thing with uh uh with wow and final fantasy is that final fantasy originally had a lot of the things that uh that wow had and then it moved away from them because it's felt like they were just like a waste of time but there are a lot of things that it still does have i mean again on a fundamental level wow and final fantasy play very similar to each other what it is today that's not a bad version 2.0 and version 6.0 are very different games just like version 1.0 and 2.0 being very different yeah same with version 6.0 is the type of game that i like to play because when it comes to games it's as simple as this don't tell me what to do now let's get out there and continue to complain that there's nothing to do in final fantasy 14 the only game that exists on the entire planet there it is it's pretty simple isn't it yeah i think this was actually a really good video i'm going to link it to you guys so you have an opportunity to watch it for yourselves okay uh there it is there's the video a guy doesn't really have a ton of subs he's got 70k that's a good amount respectable amount but for videos like this that are clean straight and to the point i think he deserves a little bit more so we'll go ahead and give him a sub guys for sure uh yeah it's a good video i've watched this video before or i would be watching it okay uh that's basically it so um she in five oh wait what's chi in five minutes i'm so confused uh oh yeah this has got yeah i've we've seen his videos before yeah i've seen this guy's videos before all i'm saying is it was a good video okay uh that's the point that i'm making uh enjoying a limited time in the game versus dreading the mandatory time of the game damn that hits hard yeah i would say so i mean like i don't worry about that stuff as much because like again a lot of like whenever i'm playing games i try to do it to relax so i can just [ __ ] chill out but the truth is that yeah i mean it it still can be annoying imagine i may do like majong or something to raid or ridiculous like that yeah that's kind of yeah that would suck [Music] you
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Id: UdAYBRifG0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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