Asmongold on "Dreamworld: the Scam MMO Alpha is here" | By Josh Strife Hayes

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this is the thing that i had wanted to look at for quite a while and it's about time for me finally to do it here we go beautiful it's majestic incredible place in process mediums oh yes you're getting in on the ground floor you're able to watch this and see the game develop right from the very beginning these walls are your walls as much as they are everyone else's this is your world and you can join and go into that teleporter and randomly go over to uh christmas land beautiful wow any backers any backers for the game come on this is this final fantasy no man i think this is the uh this is the new god of war yeah i think it's the new kind of war guys it's lit i think look at that you could you can dig wherever you want all the candy canes everywhere this is uh the santa claus raid except for he raids your wallet because you have to pay to get into it [Music] he's walking on sunshine he's walking right over there you're jesus he can play as jesus he's going right over the water or is that ice it's hard to say john you know josh jeff has just raided me oh thank you man i appreciate it your videos are amazing i love you dude thank you thank you [Music] oh my god what a game i you know i bet i wonder if they use this music in the original video you know just to like really get people pumped up to think that it's something crazy oh my god look how fast you can run in the game too that's what's so crazy the game can't even keep up with it i mean a game can't keep up with anything but especially can't keep up with that look at those bases the oh man the marble walls geez this is such an expensive area i should probably actually donate more money to the game that way uh you know they can afford to make more marble walls yeah you can only buy the game on a floppy disk [Music] there's no cds available for it yet and you have to buy five discs at a time the problem is the third disc doesn't work [Music] so you can't go to the fourth and the fifth you know wow what an incredible game absolutely incredible my favorites and gentlemen welcome my favorite thing about the game is i think the frame rate because it's like it's one thing for everything in the game to look like [ __ ] but it plays like [ __ ] too i'm josh drive hayes and this is the continued adventure of one of the greatest video game dramas of 2021 the saga of the dream world mmo rpg now many people will know if you've been following the continued adventures of dreamworld this has been chronicled by many youtubers in fact i even compiled a complete list of everything we know i feel like the end of the story is going to be the guy that's the leader gets arrested with like hookers in another country and internet historian makes a video about it two years from now like i really feel like this is gonna be the gift that keeps on giving and we're gonna get content out of this for so long up until now in the latest video you can go back and watch that if you need to but march 21st was given as the date when the alpha would release [Music] they hit that date they didn't delay didn't ask for another week or another month yeah or another year although they probably fall they actually released an alpha to the kickstarter backers on that date incredible unfortunately because of the way the alpha files were released and the way the pre-release keys were distributed to people yeah all of those files and all of those keys were then pretty much instantly shared around the youtube gaming sphere and one of those alpha files and one of those alpha keys found its way into the hands of the tenacious callan upton who has joined up with youtuber skiazzos who has finally seen the light and gone over from being a dreamworld supporter and joining our side to help unmask the scam and now we can see what the actual dreamworld alpha really looks like and no matter how bad you thought it was going to be it's worse before we take a look consider dropping a like on the video or subscribing to the channel for more mmo stuff ring the bell so you get all the latest notifications and a massive thank you to supporters on patreon and twitch who keep the channel going why didn't they nda it um because see here's the thing upper class affluent people don't need to worry about making mistakes because they can afford to fail they're lazy they make mistakes constantly they do things wrong and they never have any accountability for it just get used to it that's the way the world works many in fact i'm going to have to find a way to reformat this list more on how you can support at the end for now let's begin a quick personal note before we really dive into this continued dreamworld adventure a few days ago youtube user gregory lenzo who went on to change his name to taquito bandito asked me in a comment why i was green screening a fake collection background behind me he said that it was obvious the background was fake because it was out of focus and whenever i moved my oh my god smarmy british head you could tell it was green screened behind bro this is the same [ __ ] people that watch these videos there was this one video of joe biden and this one video of joe biden and he was like walking up to a microphone and like everybody in like the conspiracy sphere thought that [ __ ] was [ __ ] fake they thought it was in fake and like i don't even know oh man i don't even know what to say this is it's the same people man probably was true he's on the moon i informed him this was in fact my bedroom and he said no you're lying i don't quite know why i'd lie about having a green screen background but i said if i prove this was real would you apologize and he said he would although i would be unable to prove it was real because it's very clearly fake so because i am incredibly petty and remarkably tenacious you'll have to forgive and indulge me on this one okay but i just i just want to have that there for the rest of the video oh no oh no trick i'll just move a few dudes around isn't it crazy what they can do with green screens nowadays that's nuts man maybe he did this green screen with unreal engine 5 what the [ __ ] man and i look forward to your uh your apology in the comments right back to dreamworld you may remember youtuber scheme who interviewed zach and garrison on his channel and was a staunch advocate for the dream world game from early development well he has clearly watched the videos put out by callum and the worst alpha game ever reconsidered his stance god that sucks he uploaded the video dream world worst alpha game ever damn this video he's actually talking to callum upton and we get to marvel at the absolute date of the dream world alpha the game is laggy look at the chat i still can't believe this is real oh my god about as good as cyberpunk it's yeah it's about the same right but like still uh people expected more out of this game okay is this a dream engine um yeah yeah this is it's a it's a dream because it's not real it's untextured it's first person only the city is literally made up of white cubes the jumping animation flips the character model through the camera the lighting is both sourceless and inconsistent the shadows are non-existent the collision detection just doesn't detect collisions nothing has it's what it is actual physical presence in the world this honestly looks like an alpha of an alpha this looks like a first year game this is like the screenshots of world of warcraft in 1999. yeah this is like yeah this is what wow looked like in 1999. oh yeah it was and even that probably looked [ __ ] better than this development student got drunk one night and saw what they could do with the unreal engine and all of the default stuff it comes with oh and remember the pirate cove fly-through that was featured so heavily in the trailer yeah unchanged default store-bought location yeah that's not even in the alpha they have literally used trailer footage of assets they have bought but not included in the game it's very important to realize that as humans changing your opinion based on newly presented evidence is a hard thing to do it's very easy to trick someone oh it's so sad like whenever dude this is one of the most depressing things to hear is whenever people say that it's good that somebody sticks to their guns you get proven wrong and you still believe what you thought was wrong what you know is wrong because you don't want to admit that you were wrong and there are convictions man like you don't [ __ ] let facts get in the way of your truth very hard to convince someone they've been tricked and people do not like changing their opinion anchor fallacy where the first thing you see you assume is the logical correct thing all the time yes the fact that skiazos is willing to step back analyze his position and say i was wrong impressive something that is to be commended and respected so true definitely appreciate the fact that he's been able to do that just a mindless follower with that it's hard to be violent some of the fantastic gameplay i have been living in a dream world for the past four months and i have finally woken up to reality everyone was expecting to see you ready to see what we actually got to see oh my god this wait what were they expecting to see you ready to see what we got so that was what they were supposed to see okay actually got to see this okay okay yeah so it's like tinder yeah all right um it makes sense and that's the thing is like how is it that you can see like if this was the alpha woke up to reality everyone if this one was the alpha i would still be like it sucks expecting to see you ready to see what we actually got to see uh-huh this we turn it up a bit we actually this is four months of work four months of work these little squares down on the bottom and over here these are the building plots that you can build on if you're assigned to that specific location we're not exactly sure what these white blocks are they could be building plot areas or they could just be freaking white blocks for placeholders for buildings that they wanted to put in but didn't have to i'm sure the white blocks are for like where they're gonna put the good stuff you know what i mean like they're saving they're saving the good stuff for where those white blocks are gonna be and like the stuff in the blocks is gonna be oh it's gonna be good i'll be right back so my mom was watching the stream and you know what she said to me she said king's quest the game is so shitty that it reminded her of a shitty game that we played 25 years ago you know that that [ __ ] old game that played in windows 95 yeah except for king's quest was better they knew they couldn't make these designs so they just had [ __ ] pre-rendered backgrounds that you just moved a character around on time to put it in this game is gonna be a scam and there are gonna be legal actions against them there's no other was brave enough to release this video titled dreamworld scam i have come to reality in it he explains how he was taken in by the promises and now he has seen the unfortunate alpha at eight minutes and 30 seconds in this video we see him try to explore the distant lands which are not procedurally generated by each user you can see the city is even less textured than before in fact with texture are these store-bought pre-rendered buildings arranged around the central panel so the only good thing itself is placed in the middle of a massive blank so the only good stuff that they've made is the stuff that they didn't make huh white expands almost like standing inside a ping pong ball the reason he's not chatting to anyone else is because the game does not currently have a chat function it cannot display text player to player this is not just a while to do that this is a large open virtual expanse with some assets placed in it later that day he also uploads breaking dream world asset overload this is an upload of a live stream where skiezos is talking to multiple people including youtuber smilin island the purpose of this stream was to abuse the dream world feature of inserting assets into the game and wait so they're [ __ ] that they've gone rogue and they're trying to shut down the game by adding adding in peppers they're gonna make so many peppers they're gonna shut down the whole game two hours in schiazzos places an absolutely massive wall of peppers oh my gosh assets will in theory never ever unload at three hours and 44 minutes in we can see the pepper wall has grown so massive it now fills up the screen and dominates a substantial 3d space the purpose of this is to highlight how abusable this system is anyone exploring dreamworld as a new player will now essentially need to load a massive amount of data when they discover the pepper asset bomb imagine this is what you do right you load in and there's just two gigantic pepper dicks it's like you know the golden arches of like disneyland or like mcdonald's instead of that it's just two giant [ __ ] pepper dicks welcome to dream world have fun may 21st the day of the alpha release callum upton puts out another video simply titled dreamworld alpha is here in the video he shows an extremely bland shovelware looking game and if you look at his inventory on the right hand side you'll see he's found a way to underflow his resource cap and currently has minus two billion one hundred and forty seven million four hundred and eighty three thousand six hundred and forty eight resources the reason why that's the maximum number is that is the maximum integer that you can use in a 32-bit system i believe because this is the same exact number that was the cap for health that mobs could have in mr pandaria if you're a developer or a runescape fan you will recognize this number because it's the largest number you can write with a 32-bit binary string how does it glitch the game within five minutes of having it to absolutely max out all of his resources you'll have to go and watch callum's video to find out i don't want to spoil it it's linked in the description but here's a puzzling question had access to the alpha files because he was up until recently an ardent supporter of this project how did callum upton get access to the files and a more pertinent question is there tea in this mug of course there isn't it'll be a nightmare to clean that's actually true yeah it'd be really annoying there's tea in the other mug yeah callum gained access to the alpha files because distribution of the alpha files wasn't done via any secure server they were uploaded to google drive and then shared via public free file sharing sites the link was then shared on public discords wait and anyone was able to download the alpha it was discovered that logging into the alpha required use of a key or a long token yeah of course however the tokens were not single use nor were they tied to the computer that used them first meaning as soon as you had access to a token and tokens were shared almost instantly anyone was able to download and play the alpha files of elysium i'm sorry dreamworld they still call it elysium in the files now you'll notice i'm showing footage from callum and skiazzo's playthrough of this absolutely atrocious alpha oh my god any of and there's a simple reason for that i absolutely do not trust the game executable or any files included yeah the thing is like what if the game is actually just wait wait wait wait wait yo wait what if the game is intentionally bad to get everybody to download it and play it but it's actually not a game it's a bitcoin mining application it's a crypto miner we've been fooled everybody thought it was a game oh my god well i have the same access to the download as everyone else i don't trust anything about it are heroes and trailblazers for not only installing this mess of a game but for playing it for several hours can marvel at the awfulness skiazzos has shown he's totally willing to change his mind based on presented evidence imagine and callum wants to move into exposing kickstarter scams full time on his channel which is a noble aim see that's like a that's what happens man is like once somebody gets burned by this [ __ ] they go on a crusade it's a crusade at this point to find out every single one of these sons of [ __ ] that are doing this and then make sure it never happens to anybody else a burning crusade yeah edge of the alpha is beyond awful this is unforgivably bad this looks like a corrupted game it looks like something broke it's not just unfinished it's hardly started it's like if you what it reminds me of is like have you ever tried have you ever played a game and you download 10 of the game and then you load the game somehow and you try to play it like i did this with dark souls senders and like half of the npcs weren't rendering in the ground wasn't there like that's basically what this is they've rendered in 10 of the game and if you think i'm being harsh to this and saying oh it's only an alpha or an early release factorio was an early release when it was basically finished was an alpha and is super playable despite mortal online two is playable like if a game here's here's a benchmark right a little bit of a litmus test here if a game makes pub g look good it's a it's a bad game it's a bad game period that's it uh 2016 pub g if it makes 2016 pub g look good it's bad game period done finished that's it having flaws this is not an alpha this is a bunch of assets smashed together and shoveled out this game has no vision beyond trick people out of money it has no systems unique to it it has no games design passion behind it this game was made by two people who have absolutely no love for the mmo genre or the mmo player base in any way this is a scam a pure unadulterated sickening scam the pyramid scheme kickstarter the distribution of the alpha file on file sharing sites the lack of security on logging in the fact the executable is still called elysium the incomplete nature of the game the city of white cubes the awful frame rate the lack of anything they promised being in the game actually being in the game the assets never unloading and causing data bombs the system's not working the hackable nature of the resource council and the client the fact the pirate bay doesn't even appear this is disgusting do you know what i think the biggest mistake they made was see it's like games nowadays are just so bad that is there even any combat in the game yeah it's you beating yourself up after you realize that you wasted your money [ __ ] backing it that's the only combat look i it's just it's just talk [ __ ] man like at a certain point it's just [ __ ] dog [ __ ] and you've gotta you've gotta admit what it is trying to scam the mmo rpg community yeah bluetooth tech people paid money for this tenant penny everyone in silicon valley is trying to make wearable bluetooth tech yeah it's a drop in an ocean it comes it goes no one cares of course a fashion brand like baron no one's going to remember that no one's going to wear it no one's going to miss it it's going to come and go but the mmorpg landscape is a bit more tenacious the lazy peon put out a video called the absolute state of the mmorpg genre mmorpg players have been crying out for a new game people are desperate mmorpg players are asking please stop [ __ ] us in the ass please stop [ __ ] us in the ass like it's been going on for years now and can we just take a break for like two years like 18 months like and people are [ __ ] happy with new world they're like it's not going to be until 2022. that's 12 that's three months four months with not getting [ __ ] in the ass guaranteed four whole months of not getting [ __ ] in the ass imagine that wow and a cash shop something new to explore and when this game came along and said we will be everything you ever want and more it did the one thing scams shouldn't do yeah it got everyone's attention exactly everyone was looking at this see they should have indeed like that's the smart thing to do is that you should nda it because that way at least you have some kind of like legal recourse and that's what i was saying before about isolating uh isolating people that you're taking advantage of is you you want to isolate the person so the person is not able to externalize their thoughts and realize that they're not crazy or stupid you know and and they're being gaslit like it that that's the thing is as soon as people start talking that's why like a lot of cults for example uh they try to isolate members in the cult as well one was scrutinizing it and mmorpg players are some of the most dedicated the most pedantic gamers in the world they will datum everything you put out so you tried to scam a load of players who specialize in skin researching data there's no way this is going to go well for you zach has a proven history of starting and then abandoning projects and if zach and it's not talking about this is not my stream okay this is he's talking about the guy that makes the game his name is zach no no it didn't no it's a different it's a different zack guys it's a different it's not talking about my stream person had chosen any other kickstarter scam such as a board game or a single-player rpg or a 3d model printing service interest would have come and gone yeah they chose the mmo rpg because that's the biggest idea and scammers get away with it when the interest dies down when they get in get the money and get out and that is what they wanted and were hoping would happen here to fly under the radar and leave by daybreak but callum wanted to expose them kira wanted to expose them mmo bite refused to take money from them slopes game room wanted to expose them i wanted to expose them and you dear viewer wanted to see the scam exposed the mmorpg community has its faults there's no doubting that but mmo players in general are detail-focused they research things to an unhealthy degree true they often have a lot of free time and now with callum yeah we're losers uh and this is the thing right is if you put yourself up against a bunch of neckbeards right like i think the best example of this is um they will not divide us or sorry he will not divide us remember shia buff's flag that he kept flying in different places in the world and 4chan kept triangulating it based off of weather patterns and taking it down at a certain point just give up just [ __ ] give up it's over focusing on exposing these scams weekly hopefully we'll see far fewer of them yeah as i said earlier i am actually genuinely surprised they stuck to their march 21st date and that does deserve a bit of respect you can look at the rest the project and go this is completely trash but the fact they stuck to that date is impressive that's true how long would they have had to delay it to make something worthwhile something playable something that we've not seen before a week a month a year i'd probably say about five or six years with a team of trained professionals you know about the time it takes to create an mmo just make a game ratchet the alpha was everything we wanted yeah make the entire game it was terrible it was awful beyond expectations of course with broken systems and a hackable client and by many metrics isn't even a game it's not even a tech demo because you're not showing what there's nothing to do beyond what already it's a demo of how the technology is actually here are some assets that i bought in a big virtual space enjoy this isn't a game this is rubbish for now all we can do is sit back and see if they improve it which i don't think they will we could see if we get in-game chat or texture or resources that can't just be altered client-side what improvements will dreamworld receive only time will tell for now we'll leave this white squared glitchy mess in the hands of the superstar x google engineer and the nine year game developer don't worry i'm sure they know what they're doing oh and zach and garrison if you do make a playable alpha and you want someone to actually test it and give you genuine honest feedback let me play i'll do it yeah let me play it on my screen please send me a key and i will honestly tell you what i think yes i cannot promise i will not put it on the worst mmo ever series as for today thanks for watching and thank you very much to calum for doing something you never know fantastic research and keeping this subject going and keeping it in the public eye massive thank you to all the supporters on patreon and oh my god keeping the channel going you can support this channel from what an adventure man check the video description what a [ __ ] adventure the patreon twitch twitter and our discord and as always have a great day taquito bandito has been real quiet since this dropped well the thing is like he's got to figure out like he's probably doing research on green screens to figure out how actually he uh it's not true yeah that's probably what it is man gives you immediate access to thousands of assets to use for free in your unreal engine projects wait we are constantly looking to enhance i just thought of this like we're gonna watch the dream world video soon right how is it why didn't they just make dream world in unreal they did wait they did why didn't wait what [Music] look at the difference it's like between drawing with like a [ __ ] precision pin and like a five-year-old [ __ ] grabbing a crayon like just [ __ ] moving around man it's [Music] crazy [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 424,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, fake mmo, new mmorpg, mmorpg 2021, scam mmo, scam mmorpg, scam game, biggest scam, dreamworld, dreamworld scam, scam dreamworld, mmo scam, scam kickstarter, dreamworld mmo, dreamworld mmorpg, asmongold dreamworld, scams, dreamworld alpha, dreamworld trailer, dreamworld game, kickstarter, scam mmo alpha, josh strife hayes, asmongold josh strife, Huge MMO Scandal
Id: rg4qhVHlzZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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