Asmongold Reacts to "How Kwebbelkop Lost His Entire Audience In 1 Year" by SunnyV2

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the dangers of bragging about money nobody likes streamers or content creators that talk about making a lot of money the only people who that is attractive to are people that are under the age of 18. the dangers of bragging about money here we go we're all resentful because we're broke exactly april 2021 97.9 million views april 2022 8.5 million views in the space of only 12 months quebecois viewership has fallen by roughly 90 percent and we're going to outline every single mistake made which has brought him to this unfortunately oh my god i'm gonna cut global cop aka jordy a little bit of slack we need to specify that well i can tell you why nobody can nobody can spell the name i'm looking at it on the screen i still can't spell it what the [ __ ] does that mean because he's a gaming youtuber some of this decline has actually been out of his control i've explained in past videos that gaming youtubers often have a very volatile career as their view count is directly tied to the popularity of whatever game they happen to be playing we can see this trend when looking at quebec's best month ever back in august 2019 when his channel would achieve a monthly viewership of 166 million at the time minecraft was coming back into the mainstream bolstering quebecop's content whilst four and i was still in its prime youtuber phase giving him countless opportunities for fresh new videos since geordi had no control over the popularity of these games you might go ahead and call this an element of luck however almost everything else which was bringing in these 166 million views had been a result of quebecop's actions for example geordi was a master at collaborating with other youtubers yeah it's like that's what happens with every streamer i think that happens with a lot of content creators it's like you know how many people were like fortnite only and these and most of them like besides cipher in my opinion i think almost all of them are irrelevant now like that's the truth like cipher pk popped off and is continuing to pop off everybody else pretty much minus like a handful of people not really doing a whole lot daquan satchel daquan [ __ ] own gold okay like he stopped streaming myth like myth still miss still does well but he's not doing anywhere as well as he was doing whenever fortnite was popular like myth is still very popular but it's nothing even remotely close to to what he was where he was at i love myth i think myth is great like he he's a great player and i remember he [ __ ] killed me and rust piece of [ __ ] but listen it's yeah i mean it's it's not it's like whenever classic wow came out remember classical came out i was getting a hundred thousand viewers i was getting a hundred thousand viewers in 2019 nobody was getting a hundred thousand viewers 2019. it's it's it was insane but it was because of the game that's just what happens i'm a youtuber i want to know more youtubers i want to get to know all the youtubers i want my friends to be youtubers or people that are doing similar stuff this became most evident after forming a youtube trio known as robust which included quebel cop alongside two other familiar faces jelly and slogo man gueva cop explained that his first viral video with over 14 million views was bro like how cringe is that to like get a bunch of like uh youtubers or streamers together and like make your own thing like bro that like i hate whenever people do that it's like everybody knows like you're just doing it for the money man him jelly and slogo simply messing around on gta 5. as their relationship strengthened a video where quebecop simply met jelly in real life for the first time gained over 12 million views the trio were even picked up by pewdiepie's youtube network revel mode alongside markiplier and jacksepticeye with a subscriber count of quebel cop jelly and slogo being the best piece of evidence for the success they'd find as a trio up in addition to forming the robust group geordie began dating fellow youtuber azyland in 2016 with azzy herself having a multi-million subscriber count at the time meaning that they could collaborate on various different videos providing further growth for each creator yet the overwhelming driver behind quablekop's extreme viewership was without a doubt his laser focus on the content in combination with an unwavering work ethic after beginning here bro i should play some of those if i ever go back to playing fortnite again i want to play some of these like obstacle courses this looks fun this channel jordy made a commitment to upload one video every single day which will continue for a period of over nine years 27th of august 2012 i said to myself i'm never gonna miss a day of uploading no matter what no matter what happens that's huge every day i'm gonna make a video that's better than the one before additionally all of his energy was being focused on one channel only ensuring that the one daily video was always of the highest quality every day i worked on it every day i studied it i watched tutorials i read articles i spoke to people i practice and every day i made new videos and within this daily upload it was obvious yeah that's a [ __ ] grind man that is a [ __ ] grind yes the quebel cop's goal was to ensure the most optimal experience for the audience i was making videos that my audience loved watching right so i asked myself what does my audience love to love the most each of those clips from quebel cops discussion on the watch time podcast also displayed just how switched on he was in terms of personal development and the correct attitude required in order to grow a successful youtube channel so if he had the correct attitude and mindset in order why after five years of gaining an extremely consistent 100 million views per month did this number drop to between 5 and 15 million over the course of only a year well i feel like a lot of minecraft content is kind of dropped off it's like minecraft is still the most popular game in the world by a mile but i feel like there was like a huge run on the content and also like one thing that like contextualizes all downfall videos of all content creators in terms of like numbers is covid kovid was huge like that's why all these companies like have like record growth remember like netflix record growth like and it's like oh it's because of woke stuff like i probably had a factor right but it was mainly because of [ __ ] covid well in order to answer that question let's begin by looking at a twitter post made by quebel cop in early 2020. before things go any further i want to address the rumors after three and a half years of being together azzy and i recently broke up i have nothing but love and respect for this beautiful smart and caring woman please respect our privacy thank you which was accompanied by a video approximately one year later conveniently just before his views began to decline explaining the reason behind their breakup why did you guys break up well as you guys might know i'm from amsterdam the netherlands and as he is from canada and it was a long distance relationship once the honeymoon phase was over we realized that we're two people from completely different places however it would still be a little far-fetched to blame quebel cops decline and viewership on nothing but this separation sure he had one less person to collaborate and make videos with however if we take the date of geordie separation announcement yeah i mean that sucks it's like that that's like one of the things right where it's like okay you're like dating a content creator and you break up with them like what do you do because it's like i mean it's been three they were together for like three years march 2020 and placed alongside his view count at the time he actually went up in views after breaking up with as he land of course there were other factors at play during this time such as people being at home and therefore watching more youtube due to the pandemic yeah as an overall the data doesn't really suggest that this breakup had much of an impact on his eventual death i highly doubt it however if anything i think that guys to break up with their girlfriend will probably grow in viewership because now you can now you can have girl content on your stream again and it's cr it's not cringe anymore right yeah it's like if you have a girlfriend well you can't bring random girls on the stream anymore because that would be weird but like if you break up with her you can it's that simple break up with a girlfriend more productive yeah it's yeah there you go it's always cringe i i don't think it's cringe i mean these people are you know they both make youtube they spend their entire life online obviously they want to share that with their audience then they break up and so they say the same thing like i don't think that's weird at all man like there's nothing weird about that wasn't only aussie land the quable cop would stop making videos with after five years of filming together the robust trio being quebecop jelly and slogo would also slowly disintegrate instead of playing with geordie who was busy making various reaction videos jelly and slogo replaced him with a different youtuber by the name of crainer which was noticed by fans on reddit the last thing i remember was that quebel cop was playing minecraft with jelly and slogo men in robust town now everything has changed jelly and slogoman replaced quebel cop with crainer in a new minecraft server guebelcott made his own solo play and right at this moment he's only doing reaction videos what is going on anyone got the explanation for it why is he now not playing with his friends anymore why isn't he playing games anymore is he going to maintain it like this or will he come back to his own self again first he took down the vlogs man i really hope sonny never makes a [ __ ] video about me because holy [ __ ] i get one of these [ __ ] reddit posts every day when's he gonna be like a real person again like i mean for real like that's the thing like like this is it's coming yeah it's gotta be [ __ ] coming man do the same thing every day yeah but then he stopped playing with friends as this became an increasingly common discussion in jordi's comments section he'd upload a video titled why i left jelly and slogo he used the same one that he used in a breakup video i that's a that's a bit much explaining that as a result of making video after video with the group each of which following a similar narrative cueva cop felt as though he wasn't growing due to a lack of creativity i saw that my creativity was running out i was just doing things with a group i was going into that direction i realized that i stopped i don't like that because like so it's important to have creative endeavors but i think that if you want to pursue a creative endeavor like so your audience like what you're effectively doing is you're selling a product and people buy it with their time and you sell it with your time and this is a product like and then they buy it by watching ads effectively so it's like a transmog contest and mount offs and stuff like that like i like doing these for sure but like i've done a million of them but you want to know why i do them it's because people [ __ ] love it people absolutely [ __ ] love it and we've been doing it for five [ __ ] years now and it's not gonna stop because this is what we do that's it they're fun to want yeah they [ __ ] are and so i think this is it it's like you have to give the people what they want to see sometimes right i mean that's not it's the same as like me and mcconnell doing a raid together goofing around on discord me and rich doing all craft together that's what the stream is right that's what we do and so you can't just flip the script and expect everybody to stick around and not be frustrated like i do a bad job with this because like i play video games and i'm like i go 100 into one game exclusively neurotically like a [ __ ] psycho and then i quit the game and i never play the [ __ ] again that's what i do and that is not a very good method of like streaming like yeah that that's that that's what happens get pistol you play different [ __ ] exactly yeah and so yeah yeah i'm going hard on tower fantasy and then there will be the day probably just starting tomorrow where i will play a little bit less and then i will probably stop playing it because that's just what i do i beat the game like with lost ark i beat the [ __ ] game i beat vikus on on hard mode the only thing left to me to do is vaulting on hell mode now i don't want to [ __ ] do that with randoms it's going to piss me off so it's like what am i doing with my time growing as a person clown stagnated in life and it was just doing the same thing geordi also explained that at around the same point in time he'd become depressed which made him feel as though he was holding the group back i ended up getting a depression which i've never ever ever said anywhere publicly but it was also holding them back because i couldn't give them the energy that they needed to make these videos good and as a result he began to participate in fewer and fewer recordings it wasn't a clear-cut bye guys see you tomorrow and instead it was me joining less and fewer and fewer and fewer recordings from this point onwards bueblecop was no longer making videos with the group which had helped him to become so successful in the first place yeah i think that's one of the big things is like you see like there are some streamers and like their main popular content is like them playing with their other friends right i think one of the biggest examples of this is like the among us meta it's like a lot of the people that came up in the among us meta like they're popular as like an aggregate of like a group of people but like individually you know they're the people aren't going to tune in to just like watch them talk about something for example you see kind of what i'm saying and i think this is kind of what happens with a lot of people like for for my stream i have always just it's pretty much just been me and like you know you have as mcconnell there's rich there's like zach cody uh s fan and you know that that's that that's about about it right i mean like there's a few other people but for the most part that's about it and that's always how it's been group energy is stronger than soul energy it is stronger but it's also less uh like i i i take great pride in the fact that i i am a stand-alone streamer you know i i i can sit there and i can talk and people will watch me not for the extension of some other person or something like that people will watch me i'm incredibly lucky for that i'm incredibly fortunate i i'm very thankful for it and i i try to do it as much as i can you know so i i think it's important that like if you and there there is group content right and like i know that i know that like there are times i think that i don't collab with people enough but i am a uh misanthropic uh massively introverted hermit that is socially maladjusted and i like sitting in my house it's really hard to not do that then began to collaborate with a new youtuber going by the name of tiger yet this would also end in another bit of drama cop got into a fight and after this fight i was pretty much left with nothing quebeco found tiger when he was still a small universe oh tiger is going he's taking the uh the that bro he like taumy tiger didn't watch every keemstar drama alert video like that is exactly how keemstar talked oh my god and while the details aren't published though offered guidance and growth to tiger in exchange for part of full ownership of the channel i'm like this guy could be a really big youtuber if i would coach him a little bit he he is he has so much talent now this went exactly as planned in the beginning they started playing together and pretty quickly tiger's viewership skyrocketed from 2 million views per month to 20 million views per month huge however at around the same point in time tiger randomly stopped uploading altogether two months later tiger would upload a video on a different channel titled why i left quebec and tiger explaining that he couldn't talk about what had happened with the channel and i'm not gonna get too much into who was in the right or who wasn't the wrong because um i can't but he was no longer friends with quebel cop everyone is asking the same thing why are you not uploading to tiger and what happened between you and quebecois well guys it essentially boils down to one thing and that is that me and quebecop are actually no longer friends i feel hurt i feel disappointed i feel betrayed and most of all i feel forgotten what would become obvious i hate how like people do videos like that because it's like you say because it's like it obviously makes him look like quebel cop look really bad but like this guy's not saying why so it's like you're basically like making an emotional argument that it's like trust me this guy is a bad person you see you can see kind of what i'm saying it's just it's kind of shitty to to have that happen slater was that somehow quebel copper claimed ownership as he would upload a video where he had cloned tiger's voice and attached it to an ai which would provoke another response from tiger who was once again insulted by geordie's actions he made this cartoon character loaned my voice and put it on the tiger channel listen jordy this cartoon version of you might be your best friend but i'm not your best friend okay i'm not even your friend and after tiger called him out squabble cop seemed to like that's pretty weird though like if he's uploading content onto his channel with like a character of him like that's super [ __ ] weird like at that you guys saw like 30 seconds ago i was kind of on quebel cop's side i'm like oh this guy is just going out and dissing him like sneak dissing him over and over and over and like just trying to hope people take his side on things but like then i hear this [ __ ] and it's like actually wait a second maybe tiger's not wrong and i guess we're gonna address like a banana you deserve whatever you get yeah but what happens whenever there's two idiot bananas on the screen you see the problem there you see what the situation is here it's like uh so who wins here every video featuring the ai the two would make up on twitter with geordie stating life is too short to have enemies yet shortly thereafter quebecop would end their exchange by blocking tiger on twitter but then for some reason my man decided to block me i don't care what's most interesting about this whole interaction is that it correlates perfectly with the point at which quebecops views began to decline rapidly however the reason that's why a lot of the big like one of the big reasons for that is like especially like minecraft content creators like nobody wants any drama nobody wants any kind of like hostility or conflict or negativity so like as soon as a content creator gets involved in that kind of stuff they start losing their audience because it's not something that like really appeals to kids because it's not any kind of like good spicy drama where it's like like good drama is like jake paul jake paul is like a belligerent [ __ ] and he's up front about it and everybody knows that and it's like that's good for kids to watch because they can relate to that but like this is some kind of [ __ ] like youtube ownership things and also like you have to keep in mind that like a lot of kids whenever they watch because this is you know i'm assuming like his audience is mainly younger people probably if it's a minecraft audience it's mainly younger people fortnite etc and it kind of pulls the curtain back and lets you see you know the wizard behind the wizard of oz and you see that this isn't all just you know group of friends doing things for content this is a uh capitalistic pursuit this is something that people are doing as a career it's for money and there are a lot of kids out there that are naive enough to think that that's not the case and that naivete or i don't know how to pronounce that word properly but that that like unknowing that being just like completely unaware of this makes them much more susceptible to being parasocial with that person because they don't know that there's like a premise behind it it's like if somebody hires a hooker for you and you don't know that she got paid well you're gonna think that she actually likes you right but the moment that you find out that it was actually you know your buddy who you know he thought that it's been a while so you know he wanted to do that for you uh it changes the paradigm and i think that's kind of a similar a similar thing that happens with uh with youtubers as well and content creators and i think that there are a lot of that's happened on twitch it started happening during kovid 2019 number streaming started really blowing up and uh you know there is a lot of resentment that comes from that and it's also a level of like uh removal because like before where you thought where you were just watching somebody and it was like oh well this is just like he's just like me but then how's he just like you whenever he has a [ __ ] lamborghini and a five million dollar house and you know he's uh [ __ ] super rich so it's like it it creates that degree of separation do you guys see what i'm what i'm saying do you guys you guys you you like am i am i just like putting it all together in here okay good the impending decline wasn't the drama itself but rather one discovery made by geordi throughout the conflict with tiger being that he could make an ai character to act as a real person one of the biggest lessons i've learned in business is that pretty much everything you dream is possible cloning yourself too easy four years ago i was in the middle of a burnout made three videos per day and streamed two to three hours per day i wished i could clone myself so i did what quebecoco is referring to in this twitter thread is a channel he launched one month after the drama with tiger which posts gaming videos and uses an ai character as the main personality within the videos now there's nothing wrong with anyone beginning a second channel but when looking at the numbers it's obvious that this new ai channel going by the name of blue was seriously fragmenting geordi's attention on the main channel it was launched in may 2021 and began to do four million views per month instantly yet if we look at the quebecois channel may 2021 was also the point at which his viewership declined from an average of 100 million views per month to 60 million views per month quebecoid began to celebrate the strides that his ai channel was doing yet he also seemed completely oblivious to the massive decline that was happening on his main channel his average monthly viewership was down by 40 million on quebel cop while he was celebrating 4 million views a month on blue it was the very definition of the man who chases two rabbits catches neither and this decline on the main channel brought about further changes which would ultimately make things even worse cop would upload i can understand about him wanting to uh rebrand right he wants to do something different he wants to just kind of move on beyond that and that's okay but it's like whenever you do that it's the same thing with like uh uh with with like you know like this channel like for example you can compare like the zac rar channel versus the azmigo channel like my other channel is way more popular because it's scheduled the i i actually try to be entertaining on the other channel with this channel i want you guys to fully understand there is no i in no part of my mind think that farming the unicorn head in tower of fantasy for three hours is entertaining i am putting you through this you understand like i i i am putting you through i know it's [ __ ] boring and and and you're going to deal with it and and you're going to invite me because i need another invite and it's killed again right that's it but like you have to know that that content might not be as popular that's it i think that there's a lot of content creators that develop a parasocial relationship with their audience and they think that their audience actually likes them as a person meanwhile they don't know who their audience is they don't know uh you know anything about them the audience doesn't really know them personally it is always a good thing there are times that it's a good thing to look at content creation like a job and the best time to do that is whenever you're running into trouble because a lot of times whenever people run into trouble whenever they're making content they take it personally and they don't think about it logistically they don't think about it like they don't go like for example whenever my stream wasn't doing well i sit down and i think to myself i'm gonna do x y and z thing because this is what i like doing this is my [ __ ] career i make money off of this and i need to put out some good [ __ ] content i started doing final fantasy for that reason i started doing dark souls for that reason and there is a time to treat it like a career and there is time to treat it like a hobby and in general this is the way that i would look at it the time that you spend on the air you treat it like a hobby and the time that you spend off the air you treat it like a career that's my best advice video titled my most important video with i quit in the thumbnail explaining that he was no longer enjoying youtube i'm having a hard time being creative i'm having a hard time having my job i'm having a hard time sleep i'm always worrying about youtube always thinking about youtube i'm not enjoying it as much as i was before before going on the state that after 10 years he was discontinuing the daily uploads that's why it's hard to do man it is like doing daily updates that's always uh it's always hard to keep up that momentum i did final fantasy just for money no it's it's not that simple like so i started streaming for money you guys know that right like a lot of people like they started streaming they're like oh i started streaming because i liked it [ __ ] that i wanted the money bro i got a 50 grand bill at the dentist so it's gonna be 50 grand to get my teeth fixed i thought to myself like man i'm only making two grand a month on youtube i can't [ __ ] afford this i got a stream yeah a [ __ ] course like that's i'm not gonna treat people like kids yeah that's exactly why i started streaming now i don't need to worry about it i can sit on this [ __ ] channel for six hours a day make zero [ __ ] dollars doing whatever the [ __ ] i want i can do this for the rest of my life and i'll be totally [ __ ] fine i'm not going to i'll be back to the main channel we have youtube uploads etc but you know what i grinded to get there i did it took a long time and uh you know it's just it is what it is like i i yeah i'm not gonna [ __ ] do this run around [ __ ] like that that's what it is man yeah whenever i whenever my stream isn't doing well i i sit down and i think what can i do to make my stream better and you know what i do sometimes i steal other people's ideas i just steal them i don't even try to change them at all i just take them they're like this is my that's your idea that's great now it's my idea now it's a great idea and yeah yeah a hot tub yeah absolutely and uh you know we're gonna go back mainstream we're gonna like the the rating people set up so you think i was the first person that did that greek and i did that on a video two thousand like [ __ ] 2017. we did that five years ago but i i did it two years ago and everybody loved it yeah it it's just that's what it is i saw people raiding tinder profiles it was nick reading tinder profiles i'm gonna steal that idea that's my idea now i'm gonna come back and get people to submit their tinder profiles i'm gonna totally [ __ ] do that it's a great idea it's gonna be great youtube content i saw jimmy here has been doing these you laugh you lose challenges on youtube they're tremendously [ __ ] successful guess what i'm gonna steal that idea i'm gonna do it myself and you know what i [ __ ] love jimmy and he's totally okay with me doing that because he stole the idea from somebody else too there is no original text we all stand on the shoulders of giants and it's always a good thing for things to build on each other because i think it's collaborative and it's a positive for you guys the viewers yeah i after 10 years of making daily videos i quit i quit making daily videos quebeco would finish the video by stating that starting from today he planned on making top quality content that the audience wanted to see starting today from now on you can expect my next video to be top notch to be really flipping good to be i think that's always a mistake because then if people don't like the video and that's really the truth right people sometimes aren't going to like the video like for example like is that ice cube and kevin hart right like there are some people that just might not like them or like let's say people there are people that are so young they don't know that ice cube was a rapper they don't even they don't know what nwa means they don't know why people you know like all these older guys that like rap talk about compton what the [ __ ] is compton like wait what do you mean compton like what is this and yeah they have no [ __ ] idea man say it i don't know what nwa stands for either i've got no idea right but like what i'm saying is that obviously you you bring a minecraft audience they might not they might not resonate with that exactly what you want to see yet the first three videos posted in the days that followed were him bragging about his ten thousand dollar dog then him bragging about his custom orange g wagon then him bragging about his 7.5 million dollar penthouse apartment welcome to my seven and a half million dollar penthouse tour let's see if this video can hit 100 000 likes and it's just like why would you post this dude not only have you stated in the past that you apparently don't do youtube for the money i don't care about making an extra buck on youtube i don't care about the money i really genuinely do not do youtube for the money but do you i don't know why and the content creators that say that they say that to establish a parasocial relationship with the audience he's there for me he cares about me i'm special this is something that's unique and special with us get the [ __ ] out of here here's what i'll say i don't do a lot of things for the money how do you know that because this stream right now isn't [ __ ] monetized and yeah i'm gonna upload this onto youtube and i'm gonna make money off of this video but whenever i turn off my cam i'm gonna go back to playing a video game that i will make zero dollars and zero cents from but you know what i'm not going to get in my own way if i want to make some money that's that's not a bad thing too it's not a sin to want to make money just stop fooling naive 12 year olds into thinking that you're their friend by saying that you don't do youtube for money please just [ __ ] stop this or twitch for money it's so cringe everybody cares about money people need money to live of course money matters to you just stop doing this [ __ ] uh this run around [ __ ] i really think the audience wants to open up the youtube app and instantly see something that makes them feel inferior to you do you think new viewers on your channel want to open up the videos it's totally [ __ ] fine like the thing is if jake paul did a video of his 7.5 million dollar penthouse people would be in the comments uh l plus ratio plus you fell off plus ksi's house is bigger plus uh you know like you're not as popular as your brother like they're gonna it depends on the audience so if you develop an audience that thinks that they're your friend then that's the problem ksi is [ __ ] funny though i i think jake paul i think jake paul and logan paul are genuinely [ __ ] funny i do i i think that they're genuinely [ __ ] funny action and say one video saying i quit followed by three videos talking the thing is like the reason why i like jake paul especially is that jake paul made wrestling real jake paul became a real life wrestling character and he's not a wrestler but everything in his life and everything that he does is for content he's like a cartoon character i [ __ ] love it the slogan jake paul yeah but it's the thing is this the bet that's logan no jake paul is no jake paul is the boxer right just logan who's wrestling no i understand that that's j but jake paul does boxing you said wrestling i know i i i said that on purpose because wrestlers over exaggerate everything and they're like a caricature of themselves you see what i'm saying like that that that's that's my whole point making an example yes i was using that as an example and so anyway the guy does all kinds of crazy [ __ ] he gets in a boxing match and then he [ __ ] wins and everybody's like losing their mind they're like this this [ __ ] that everybody [ __ ] hates is we've won the match and then he wins another match and it's like oh well it's rigged it's because he's fighting people that aren't trained who's fought a basketball player in basketball true actually but he still won the match and it's compelling and it's interesting it's just people take things too seriously like whenever you take a step back and you just consume it as just pure content i think it's pretty good about how rich you are you think it's just a coincidence that david dobrik got cancelled in the same month that he posted his brand new multi-million dollar house to youtube when you invite envy into the life of others you pay for it in ways which you will not expect the three videos felt like nothing more than a validation seeking exercise which came off as quite insecure a 2008 study by the journal of consumer research stated that when people feel powerless and out of control they feel an increased desire to purchase items which convey high status what's the quote uh that the first sign of a downfall is whenever people start making boastful speeches it was from uh uh cicero literal roman emperor this [ __ ] was like three thousand years ago four thousand years ago and they still do it it's still true cicero wasn't important listen like to be honest my history on that is not very good so i'm an idiot you you got me i'm an idiot i thought he was i'm wrong anyway point is that th this has always been the case people always puff their chest out whenever they feel like they're uh they they feel insecure though this increased attraction to high status products stems from a specific inclination to re-establish power which might explain quebecop's motive to upload these off-brand videos maybe deep down he felt as though he had lost his position of influence which was certainly plausible because at the time of uploading the videos his monthly viewership had declined by over 85 percent from its peak i think that one of the big problems probably also is that the new videos probably aren't as good as the old videos like for example like i remember athene mike athene did like this whole like science thing and it was all crazy and people thought athene was losing his mind but then athene started making videos like he used to make again remember whenever he had like that really short series it was in like 2018 or so it was really funny do you guys remember that and like everybody watched those new videos like they were massively popular because they were funny so i i think that most cases the reason why people lose viewers is because the content starts to suck dick that's the reason there's no other there's no other reason besides that there's nothing else that the content just sucks dick content is king there's a reason why a lot of people take breaks and they come back and their channel was dead how many people has that happened with i take breaks i come back my channel's not dead you know why it's because i come back whenever i've got content and i'm there to [ __ ] deliver it and sometimes it doesn't go well sometimes i i have content ideas sometimes my stream doesn't go well because you know why it's because the content sometimes sucks that's why his house tool might have been evidence that the pueblo cop had fallen into the classic trap of becoming distracted from the channel by the items he was able to purchase as a result of the channel in the first place this theory could be supported by the fact that after uploading his house to youtube and announcing that he no longer planned on uploading daily the video slowed dramatically it went from one video per day to only two videos in both march and april of 2017 doing further damage to the channel's view count now we can't neglect the fact that you don't have to upload regularly all you have to do is upload a banger video it doesn't matter if you upload daily or not makes no difference like look at pint look at somebody like that if he brings out a new video everybody watches the new video mike uh channel five internet historian this dude brings out it's like every five months a new video comes out and he is just as relevant as he ever has been yeah you don't need to upload [ __ ] every single time just my channel has makes me make the video traction over the last couple of months gaining between 10 and 25 million views per month however when combining the views of both blue and quebec together even on the best months he doesn't crack 40 million views which is still less than half of what he was able to achieve while simply focusing on one channel in a reason i think also like again uh you know which just still less than contextualizing this this is january 2021. this is still in the middle of covid a bunch of kids are home from school every minecrafter was blowing up during this time and like i feel like almost every minecrafter is not as popular as they were in january 20 20 21 every single one so it's like some of this stuff is like really not his fault i can only stream my main twitch again i'll say this again before i take a piss uh the reason why is i'm getting a lot of dental work done uh i am one appointment away from getting pretty much all of my actual [ __ ] up teeth fixed and then once that's done i'll be able to go back on mainstream and uh do the usual stuff right i can't talk like this all day basically like it it hurts my mouth to do even a little bit but i do it for you know youtube content for my editors for you guys and also because i like doing it to be honest uh that's probably the biggest reason but i can't do it all day and so yeah i'll be back soon i i'm not like burnt out i i don't hate my stream uh i'm like it's it no it's just i have to get some real life [ __ ] actually done but yeah i just want you guys to know like it there's no uh [ __ ] like like there is it's like i'm not like it's nobody's fault that i'm not doing my stream right now other than mine uh but it's like not like oh chat was mean or like i was unhappy with something or anything like that man half of what he was able to achieve while simply focusing on one channel in a recent video titled my 100 million dollar gta 5 business in real life which sports a similar kind of vibe to the apartment tour pueblo cop talks about how they fire business investing on one channel in a recent video titled my 100 million dollar gta 5 business in real life which sports a similar kind of vibe to the apartment tour pueblo cop talks about how he's also launched an nft business and is working on a video game potentially fracturing his focus from youtube even further see like the thing is i thought that would be cool right i mean like yeah nft stuff nobody's about nfts as mentioned earlier quebecop is extremely switched on in terms of how to build and run a successful youtube channel although as a whole there are two obvious problems that need to be solved the first problem which thankfully is relatively easy to fix is one relating to ego jordy i know how much we as males love to brag it's written in our dna ego jordi that's a kind of nice car i i mean it is that's a nice car i just like i would just be so stressed out if i had that car i would always be worried that somebody would hit the car or somebody would key the car or somebody would dent the car like on accident like not even like some [ __ ] resentful [ __ ] but just it would just get messed up tires cost fifty thousand dollars yeah i know how much we as males love to brag it's written in our dna to talk endlessly about how good we are but you have to resist the urge to do so proclaiming your high status by posting videos of your g-wagen a multi-million dollar home ironically does the opposite of what you go to school get a job go to work get married have some give pay your taxes pay bills watch tv listen to the news obey the law repeat after me i'm free well i think that seems pretty okay right i mean you go to school you get a job you go to work you get married you have your kids you can pay your taxes you can pay your bills you can enjoy what you like to do you watch the news and you don't break the law i don't i think that seems pretty decent yeah i mean that's not that's not too bad i i yeah i i don't think so at all man cringe ass poster and the thing is most of the people that are posting that stuff are living at their mom's house without a job and no you're not some cool crazy counter culture person who's going their own way you're in need and you might get the part-time job at hobby lobby if you don't try to tell them that you're uh you're you can't go to work on the days that you raid that's it i wonder where i got that example from one or two as your audience doesn't want to follow someone that needs to be validated in any way shape or form the second problem is a little harder to solve as it requires either more sacrifice or time and i could be wrong altogether with this second problem because i'm not sure what kind of numbers your other businesses are doing but your focus is clearly fragmented or maybe you have too many things to focus on i think the people that like don't focus on the numbers at all and they just focus on making content it doesn't really matter if they get a really expensive house or anything like mark rober i don't think anybody cares nobody is watching mark rober's content because of the size of house he has you see what i'm saying like nobody gives a [ __ ] about this so it's just about the kind of content that you make and how you present yourself is going to aim spend all that money on [ __ ] like that about living comfy having a nice pc he should be able to spend the money on what he likes to spend the money on i think that that that's fine it's it's just that people don't really give a [ __ ] about it i think that's what it mainly comes like that's what's mainly about it's also probably in general i think whenever this happens is whenever a person does something that is contrary to what people's identity of them is like i've told people before right if like if i if i had a long-term girlfriend and we were going to get a house together i would get a really nice house because i'd want to raise a family in there and i wouldn't have i wouldn't want my kids to live in a shitty house like i would absolutely do that mike am i completely [ __ ] fine living in in my mom's house abso [ __ ] louie absolutely but of course that's what i do uh yeah that's just yeah provide for your wife and your kids i mean that's what you're supposed to [ __ ] do but it's just it's a completely different thing if you present an image of yourself that's not the real thing you know what i mean you know it's just yourself it's your money yeah yeah i mean you do whatever you want to do right i'm going to have between 50 and 100 employees i'm running a business with i don't know how many employees anywhere from 50 to 100 employees were here yet your views are significantly below where they were during any other year since 2016. yeah and that'd be fine right if like he's doing all that stuff it's just that nobody really gives a [ __ ] unless it's correlating to like content or some sort of a thing i don't think you shouldn't be able to talk about that stuff but again content is king content content content no content bad content good bad content bad good content good everything else is noise the potential inefficiency of this was also noticed by some of the side men so quebecois basically tweeted out saying that he spends on average 14 days and 14 editors to make one video instantly i'm thinking your your team or your process is incredibly inefficient yeah the one step back for two steps forward mentality is a great thing to have something fills off with the numbers maybe you're just bragging about employing way more people than you actually do and if this is the case it's just another piece of evidence for the previous point quit with the bragging it's not necessary and adds no value to anything at any point in time when you appear on the watch time podcast with music well it's also about like what what is the value add for the consumer like how are we making how am i making your experience the viewer better and if something does not make their experience the viewer better then that's problematic doc one very mature thing that you said was that you appreciate when your youtuber friends call you out on things so while i was probably a little bit harsh in this video hopefully can provide some genuine tough love feedback about where you can improve going into the future as somebody who's not like a massive expert on this guy's content i can't really say that i i fully understand every single reason why like his stream isn't doing well but i think that there are structural reasons that exist beyond his control that have caused his stream or his content to decline right and and like a lot of it i think that you could clearly say that like yeah especially if you want to give off that parasocial i'm really your friend kind of vibe sure yeah you could easily say that however i think also covid plays a huge factor uh age plays a huge factor like whenever you look younger you're going to have people that are younger that can that you can relate to like you're not going to see a lot of like gray-bearded men that like craft beer making minecraft videos because the audience of that is mainly kids and kids aren't going to watch somebody who's 40 years old they want to watch somebody who they think is like you know like 19 or 22 or 25 or something like that right that's just that that's just the truth but on the other on the other end if you're if you're getting like uh investment advice or you're a guy like let's say you like outdoorsman content right you are looking for the guy that's you know a bit larger maybe he's ex-military uh he's got a gray beard and all of his videos he says like maybe four or five sentences and then the rest of it it's just him building a tent out of uh out of wood right you don't want to watch the 22 year old do that because he doesn't [ __ ] know anything so it depe that's the content so you have to know your audience and if you get older it's hard to relate to kids it's what makes sense like i i don't think i can show you guys right now almost nobody that watches me is a kid it's all like it's like 18 to 34. it's like i think it's 18 to 40 18 to 35 somewhere around there it's like 18 let's say 18 to 40 is like 90 of my audience like 90 to 95 percent of my audience uh yeah i'm an anime girl yeah sure that that's what it is most of those people are in that range like there's almost no kids that watch me and there's not a lot of girls that watch me either right that's the fact and so it's like whenever i go like man y'all remember back whenever you know they used to say pokemon was satanism back in the 90s and like some kids like bro like this kid wasn't even born on like this kid doesn't remember september 11th do you think he's gonna [ __ ] remember what happened in pokemon in 1998 he wasn't even alive he wasn't even [ __ ] alive of course i think this is a good video i think that the uh talking about making a bunch of money and how much money you're making oh money money money that's nice i don't know it just it depends on the way you do it if you're tactful about it or or what right i don't think it's a big deal but it's also about how you presented yourself beforehand i think a lot of content creators that lose their audience one of the big reasons for that is that they stopped being the person that they were it's that simple yeah it's that's they stopped being the person that they were make a video about how much money you make let's see what the drop-off will be i am a multi-multi-multi-millionaire is that good enough i leaked my youtube revenue once yeah i i leaked my youtube revenue once yeah that was a [ __ ] up so yeah that that's it's not a secret yeah who gives a [ __ ] twitch that for you yeah twitch and youtube absolutely remember whenever you didn't make youtube uh yeah exactly but everything to be a billionaire and rebuild your life it depends on how many how many times i gamble okay uh yeah i just i don't care really it's not that big of a deal it's like my my life is not about money it's about success and being able to do things that i want to do that that's what i care about the most money is sometimes an indicator of success absolutely but it's not the that's not really what it's about what are you saving the money for why not yeah i don't know i don't worry about that at all what's up with kids channel youtubers and flexing their cash are we just flexing on children well literally yeah uh exactly and uh what do you define as success depends on what it is spoken to someone has a lot of money oh no you're definitely right i think that if you are a guy like and this is a scientifically proven fact that if you are a guy and or a person like this isn't just for guys and like money more money will make your life better up to like a hundred to a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year so if you're making twenty thousand dollars a year and you go for making twenty to sixty thousand dollars a year i can almost guarantee you your life is going to get better apps are [ __ ] literally and you're going to be happier but there is a hundred percent a drop off and it is scientifically proven uh flexi money is high school energy i agree with that yeah 100 [ __ ] percent and uh do irl stream from space it's a nice way to burn money yeah sure younger audiences want to see what you can do with the money and older audiences want to see you save the money because it's a smart choice i think people just don't want to think about the money period nobody wants to think about the [ __ ] money like people just want the content that's it they just want the content i think his audience just grew up yeah that's one thing that happened with a lot of minecraft content creators right audience gets all their person falls off that's the way it goes man tell money's resident sleeper yeah it gives a [ __ ] um anyway listen this is a good video i think sunny sunny is one of my favorite youtube channels i'm gonna be completely honest who's one of my favorite youtube channels he has more subs than me on youtube now can you believe it i can because he makes really good videos give him some more [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,041,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: WzXbowj9p4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 46sec (3046 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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