Asmongold AMAZED By Earth 2..

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now i've heard a lot about earth 2 but i have never actually watched any video about earth 2. am i ready for this one guys just tell me am i ready for this one or not oh boy well i promised an update and here it is quick recap a little under a week ago the ceo of earth 2 shane isaac himself issued a challenge to a youtuber named callum upton okay i have a complete video on the topic linked down below if you want to see it but to briefly summarize earth 2 released a video showcasing proprietary technology that they claim is enormously impressive this is cool this was effectively rendering tech that simulated snow and water levels a large area of procedurally generated land and some fancy camera movement that's nice honestly it is in response callum upton he has excellent content link is down below go subscribe created a video criticizing their technology and stating that this was in fact not even remotely impressive because all of their individual features could be replicated with cheap easily accessible plugins in response the ceo of earth 2 shane isaac issued a ten thousand dollar challenge for a seven day build in which callum upton would have to recreate not what the dev blog had shown no no no but what shane isaac claimed it had been made with callum accepted good on him and thus the entertainment began and everyone who was watching this dumpster fire for any significant period of time so so the ceo give me one second let me let me figure this out real quick i'm gonna turn it up i think it's also quiet too um so the ceo call them out like that what the [ __ ] because earth 2 has persisted long before this got really excited well the time has come and the video has been posted upton has released a build of what he believes is a comprehensive rendering system meeting or exceeding the challenge parameters so without further ado let's get right into it okay so make sure everyone is refreshed on what this actually needed to be let's put up the original parameter guidelines all right let's see these seven points right here are what was asked and these seven points are realistically the only things that can be considered because minutes then hours then days into the challenge shane isaac began whining and moving the goalposts he claimed that arbitrary timelines far lower than the original challenge were suddenly much more important he claimed with no evidence i might add that callum upton was receiving help and he even went on to alter the actual rules and add new parameters when it became clear that there was a very real chance that the challenge would be completed bro this is the same [ __ ] i remember i would play basketball with lowell and like we would be it would be like last match point and he would try to change the rules every [ __ ] time he would try to change the rules it's so annoying it should be obvious to anyone watching by now i believe that calum succeeded i'm squarely in his corner i am on his side however this is much less about my individual opinion on the matter and much more about the reality of earth 2 that investors will honestly now have to grapple with this is the original dev blog on screen right now it's visually impressive the fidelity the scripted movement the cinematography all of it this is appealing to look at it really is and serves as an ideal piece of hype building teaser material served up on a proprietary silver platter first two probably invented invented silver platters yeah i mean this looks cool it 100 looks cool if you ask shane isaac this is perfect for indulging the fantasies of their idiotic investors it is the ideal morsel to string them along and it works very very well on their underdeveloped prefrontal cortexes however after the challenge was issued and after callum accepted there was only one outcome oh no comparison yeah this right here is what he created as a lone programmer in less than seven days i'll do a side-by-side comparison soon but right now i'll let it play out with what he had in his own original post callum goes on to this holy [ __ ] individual parameters that's impressive why slash how he achieved this goal he goes on to later assert i'm in full agreement here and voice as much during my prior video that the earth to dev vlog dev blog dev whatever did not show proof of concept for any of the challenge requirements themselves it merely showcased visually scripted cinematic imagery after displaying his rendering project that's a good point i've been criticizing the framework of the challenge itself afterwards he goes on to showcase a near lock step replica of the proprietary tech that earth 2 showed off in its second dev blog this is where things completely fall apart if they hadn't already because the system has been perfectly recreated in a matter of hours not just that it's basically default functions and rudimentary plugins where callum was able to make something almost identical from a visual and technical perspective oh my god and this wasn't even part of the challenge that's two videos i dressed up as impressive obfuscated with complicated terminology and replicated by a single youtuber in less than one week worst case outcome for earth 2. now obviously one group will dig in its heels while the other group digs in their heels and many of the viewers won't even change their minds as a result they won't even consider that fact but let's be completely brutally honest with ourselves look at these two things side by side one of them is far more artistic the earthquake looks better if you will the fidelity of specific features such as water clarity that's good oh yeah and snow patterns one of them looks better it looks better undeniably but remember absolutely this isn't about the visuals shane isaac might have retroactively tried to attach the visual aspect to all this as a sort of addendum on the subject but that doesn't make it valid ask yourself honestly is it possible for these two things to produce a similar video with a little bit of aesthetic tweaking is it possible that with a few more people callum could have precisely replicated what earth 2 showed in their dev vlog using this the fact that you can get that close within a week probably indicates that this kind of [ __ ] is not as impressive as they make it out to be i think that's really what he's trying to get at it seems [ __ ] obvious i think really a lot of gamers and players don't want i and like this is my opinion right and like correct me if i'm wrong if this is not how you feel but i think there's a lot of people out there who don't want a metaverse they don't want to deal with the metaverse they don't want to see this kind of stuff they want to be able to play the game and they want to just have a game that's it and so yeah [ __ ] the metaphors [ __ ] this other stuff because in my opinion i think the metaverse is not something there are not players going out here and a consumer is going out here saying hey i want a metaverse this is companies saying hey you want a metaverse because we can control your life in it big [ __ ] surprise they want that i think that a lot of the reasons that they want to do this is because it allows them to uh you know monetize players have players working for slave wages creating content that they own and it's just no type of uh there's not really a value proposition for the average person on display right now the answer is obviously yes but to arrive at this answer you need to cut through the carefully designed marketing material and [ __ ] that is being produced and propagated by earth 2. now callum rightly acknowledged that nothing he did would be good enough for shane isaac who would almost certainly find a way to avoid paying i would agree with that claim as well 100 and we even have a bit of evidence already to support that in the earth 2 discord shane isaac posted almost immediately about how callum had failed to meet challenge requirements particularly i think requirement number five he posted this very quickly actually posting and then removing things is a bit of a hobby for mr shane isaac over there another one of his quickly deleted twitter posts i should mention that the the previous discord post was deleted after like three seconds this right here is another one right deleted from twitter and there's more in a similar vein i just don't have archives of them all and this was the most recent one but this is a man who unironically believes that a shadow cabal of connected and coordinated youtubers are working to deliberately destroy earth 2 for the benefit of question mark i don't know what so we finally have reference of this secret group or cabal as you say uh against earth 2. seems sid alpha has confirmed he knows who's orchestrating things against earth 2. and who is this person in charge i guess the paper bags will restart we all knew but it's nice to have it confirmed the person in charge shane bill clinton yep bill clinton i'll i'll just i'll let him know right now yep it's bill clinton he's been behind the whole thing of question mark i i don't know who he thinks that sid alpha has somehow confirmed this certain community members and even leadership figures in earth 2 in their community at least think it's all for this other shitty metaverse thing called after earth i guess and i struggle to find the adequate words to express the sheer level of narcissism required for this man to actually believe that there is an organized conspiracy aimed at bringing down his shitty little grift yeah he's just a stupid [ __ ] here's the reason why people are making videos about it is because everybody loves seeing projects like this fail they love seeing a absolute bullshitter like this guy get completely stomped and they love seeing it they they want to see it over and over and over and over and over and that's why you don't need i think george carlin said this you don't need a formal conspiracy whenever interests converge of course everybody's making videos of how much of a joke earth 2 is because a lot of people think it's a joke and that's why they're watching it it's just that simple people are it's dumb they're looking for excuses we cover it a bunch of us youtubers because it's a dumpster fire we don't do it because some shadowy puppeteer is pulling unseen strings so that a different dumbass project can get more dumbass fans yeah the world doesn't revolve around you shane the aftermath of this challenge has been interesting to say the very least in a straw poll from the earth to discord and maybe posted by guidebook gaming i'm not positive though this could easily be tainted by the cross-pollination of audiences right now so take it with a grain of salt it would seem that a super majority well not quite 700 people a large amount of active users a majority of active users and voters believe callum has won the challenge and deserves to be paid wow i can't verify the authenticity of this particular claim in its entirety but callum also asserts that he not only met the requirement of 774 000 meter dimensions he far exceeded that requirement by modeling the entire earth this would if true again i can't verify it myself i'm not in the code over there but i do actually believe him having talked in the dms and when looking at this challenge in context anyone who has money in this project should be horrified that this was possible why would you put money in the project in the first place uh yeah uh so basically uh there's this weird guy with a beard and he says he's gonna make another earth but it's gonna be like uh not a real thing but it's gonna be like a world where people will spend money in it and uh basically so i gave him a thousand dollars yeah i gave him a thousand dollars and he says i could have a house on uh on on like the in florida in the in the fa you know no no not the no no no not the real florida house no no no uh no it's an actual i'm not getting sold swampland in in florida i'm getting sold swampland in florida too how could you be so [ __ ] stupid like i'm gonna be honest like i i think that these people are just stupid [ __ ] that are making these projects but how do you find people that want to give you money why why are you giving these people money are you a [ __ ] [ __ ] what is this it's just so crazy even dumber people yes exactly it's like a food chain it's like these dumb people that are making these games it's like they're the um you know they're like a [ __ ] like i'm trying to think like they're like an anteater and they're eating up the ants but then like there's like i don't know a lion that eats the anteater yeah they're just ant eaters i'm not gonna play the quote segments the same ones that i used last time because i don't want to repeat too much consciousness astonishing these dev vlogs are littered with complicated terminology and words like new or proprietary they love that one in some cases this might be rather interesting this wouldn't even be worth a video but when a development team's ceo is claiming that what they are doing is complex or impressive and when that self-indulgent air of importance leads him to challenge a lone youtuber accusing him of being a mediocre coder and saying that he's some [ __ ] random 40k didn't that calum guy have 40k subscribers some 40 000 subscriber andy on youtube it's like at least give them the ten thousand dollars it's like it's you if you have to say that your code and everything is like really complex and complicated it's like why are you like nobody cares like nobody gives a [ __ ] about if your code's complicated or not like if i hear a complicated code i think to myself oh [ __ ] this game's gonna have a bunch of bugs like yeah yeah that's what i think yeah why aren't you hiring him that's a better idea exactly prove himself by recreating what they made or sorry recreating what they say they have which produced what they showed but didn't actually show what they say they have yeah it becomes a lose-lose scenario for him so good job on that one shane callum upped and succeeded he's right it's like either shane's right or callum's cheating like no there's like with people like this you can never win at least in my opinion in making something that can absolutely reproduce what they showcased and unless they now prove that they have actually way different and much better proprietary tech that just isn't out of the box [ __ ] that they got for cheap so it's actually way better than what we said we had hahaha the image of this project is going to completely fall apart and rightly so what's more i've been able to talk with callum during all this and he provided me with what is very clearly insider information on this project he has developer level access through whatever channels they might be to the earth2 project or at the very least right to a prior version or something like he is i just can't see how you would see garbage like this and then think to yourself wow honey where's the credit card i've got to invest right now i i need five thousand dollars it's like who the [ __ ] sees this and says this is what i want to spend my money on i'm assuming right this is me assuming that a lot of these trees and everything are probably um placed assets these are not even like uniquely rendered trees there's probably about a dozen different trees here and if you look at it each one's gonna be about the same right because like this is yeah they're like they're unreal assets or something like that right yeah it's just a hundred percent yeah i'd oh my god they probably use google earth to be honest and they have trees yeah pretty sure uh what's this here to someone to whom 5000 means nothing most people that buy this kind of stuff the money does matter a lot to them because the people that do this are stupid and stupid people usually don't have a lot of money that's what happens because they've already wasted it on the last stupid thing this is the way it goes absolutely that's what it is yeah they've already wasted their money on something else stupid before this involved in a sense where he has people communicating with him and he has information about earth too which means that he is not simply posturing based on conspiracy and unhinged people like shane isaac he is speaking from a position of authority it seems it's now apparent that shane isaac has claimed that he will respond to all this having already tried to invalidate and disqualify this competition numerous times over before its completion anyway i find it highly unlikely that he will pay the money that he rightly owes and just to make things even more complicated callum has nominated guidebook gaming the guys who can't even read a google trends document properly to judge this whole thing as an impartial third party so who knows what they are going to say but for me it's already clear as day callum upton replicated what the video showed with the skills of a programmer he's not an artist or a cinematographer but he created the functionality of what they showcased and he did so in under a week he did all this at the behest of a narcissistic idiotic ceo who genuinely believes that there is a shadow cabal of insidious villains out to get him personally how can you invest whenever the person that you're investing in is that unhinged like i don't understand like how do you do that like it's like you you see about this stuff it's like do you just like not think about it all i feel like there's a lot of people out there that are just like so disconnected with reality they're unhinged actually that's the best answer i could possibly get yeah they're dumb too and so of course they think this other dumb stuff because you know they're dumb the other guy's dumb and they're all dumb together that's the way it goes and hinder his creative genius which leads me to the only logical conclusion earth 2 has been beaten shane isaac owes callum upton ten thousand dollars and all of you should subscribe to his channel anyone invested in this project needs to seriously reconsider their decision-making process because it is nearly impossible to list all the different failures and shady maneuvers that earth 2 has been responsible for lately they engage in partnerships that do nothing but inflate user fomo and then they fall apart immediately after they are manipulating their audience well that's what a lot of these uh these projects do right is they capitalize on uh it's like one of the main things that i see people using to rationalize like what what they want me to do or whatever or why they want people to invest is because they they want you to feel like you have to get in on it right now you have to be you have to be in on the ground for you have to start now and invest now because if you don't then later on other people are going to have this advantage over you there's a lot of fomo involved man undeserving but visually flashy marketing material as if it will somehow redefine technology itself and they hire proven well-proven liars scammers and asset thieves who then go on to dirty the name of the company itself by claiming that there are multi-million dollar lawsuits against youtubers which honestly it's just a disaster all this and more is a problem i might even come back for a third time on this when the dust settles but i believe the outcome is clear even now and regardless of whether or not you believe callum has won on a precise technical level it is clear that the project is not even remotely as impressive or well developed as they would have you believe that's it quality stuff so that's my thinking too is like i don't really give a [ __ ] oh the guy won or didn't win uh okay that's cute who cares but the fact that the project can even come that close to being replicated is pretty [ __ ] funny shout out to callum upton again okay also big fry tv who managed to grab some of those pesky screenshots where shane isaac is making a complete ass of himself and then deleting it five seconds later as well as kira tv and synthetic i just can't imagine investing whenever the person in charge is that unhinged by how could you ever invest on that like that's kind of like you know that's it's kind of the same thing like having a person especially in a publicly facing company like if you're doing a business to business company and you're just like investing or selling things to the businesses like yeah having a crazy [ __ ] ceo isn't really as big of a deal right but whenever you have a publicly facing company you see how fast the ship falls apart with things like artesian right like artesian uh the guy was a complete jackass and then like more stuff came out about it and it was just like a you know it's a house of cards and like anybody who is invested in that just lost all their [ __ ] money who are apparently all members of a shadowy conspiracy to hurt our god king shane isaac with a puppeteer string puller that dictates who comes okay i've got i've got to hear about it because that's a completely stable and rational thing to believe yeah if you want to support their links down below locals and patreon odysseys social media other youtubers to check out of course i'll cut it there and stop rambling as always thank you all for watching this has been quality entertainment at least from my perspective as i would say so so i hope you had a good time too and have a nice night okay there's the video right there it's from upper echelon gamers we've seen a lot of these videos before [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 346,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, earth 2, asmongold earth 2, asmongold watches earth 2, asmongold earth 2 reaction, earth 2 reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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