Black Desert Online is Unrecognizable in 2023 | Asmongold Reacts

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Black Desert online is unrecognizable in 2023. last time I played Black Desert online 55 was the soft cap I think I was killing thousands I got 54 before the thousands came out and then I I killed them and then I quit the game Susan's I think they're thousands 10 years later hey everyone welcome back so I don't know if you know this but I actually started playing Black Desert online all the way back in early 2016. this one did the same [ __ ] that I did yep there it is that's what I did I played the dude it was so [ __ ] good oh my God I remember I met this one guy I met these two dudes in Black Desert one of them was a [ __ ] he was a prison guard in like Alabama or something like that and then I met this other guy and he lived in Qatar and we would have the most [ __ ] insane conversations at like six in the morning every single night it was [ __ ] amazing I remember this so well during the beta testing for the Western release of that version of the game and let me tell you I played it a ton I sunk like a few hundred hours in in those first couple of months now since then it has been one of the many MMOs that I like I never got them out by the way in this game at the time to just see what's new and in the case of BDO things have changed quite a bit over these past seven years while the base of the game had a lot that I really enjoyed this is where I hit Level 50 right here between its combat the life skill system and the overall sandbox rails guiding you through an experience it's kind of a game that once you've figured it out and got your bearings lets you just kind of do whatever you want a lot of times it meant grinding and engaging in the combat you grind and then after you get done grinding you grind some more since the combat's fun the grinding but in turn is also fun but anyways yes I played a lot of BDO and I've gone back to it over the years as well because there's a lot about it that I really enjoy however there were at the same time and have been over the there's some major pain points especially around the monetization and quality of life features that you felt like you had to pay for mainly that was the thing without spending extra yeah you had to spend money like the thing is you would buy things that would uh might give you bought an armor set it would give you 10 more experience so it's like you're grinding 10 hours a day okay well that's like one hour a day that you're wasting oftentimes it sort of felt like you were at a bit of a disadvantage with things like the Looting carrying capacity and storage space well in addition to various other updates that have come to the game adding a bunch of new content continents and remember I farm these so I'm just talking about [ __ ] Nostalgia for me I Farm These I got an item it was called like witch's earring or something like that and I remember I got two of them and I tried to combine them and it destroyed them and I quit the game for three days after that because like I thought it was a bug I I couldn't even comprehend that this could have even happened to me I was like wait a second like wait what happened to my year and I was like looking it up on Google I was like where are we so I did I did the combine and then they didn't work like what happened I couldn't even acknowledge that it could even exist what stack did you use that's the funny thing I didn't characters to play over the years they've also made some fairly big recently quality of life features now offering for free things that they used to charge for in the past which I just think has been like a major Improvement and step up for a game that already had stuff about it that I enjoyed so Pearl Abyss reached out recently wanting to sponsor a video they specifically basically just wanted me to talk about their most recent content update the land of the Morning Light tell people about it let them know what's up and I am going to do that I will get to the new stuff later in this video but frankly having Revisited the game again I'm kind of just interested in talking about those changes and the uh improvements that have happened over the years almost as a PSA in case you have played video in the past or I've kind of shied away from BDO because I think the reason why I quit the game is because I felt like people that grinded a lot would just always be ahead of me and there was no ceiling to the grinding so if I stopped grinding and then they kept grinding they would just eventually get to a point where it was insurmountable and I couldn't really keep up at all like in World of Warcraft for example like you have a uh there's like a ceiling right you you can only get like this good a year and then like you know then after that raid comes out then you get that good of gear right but like with wow it was just like oh with BDO it's just like okay these people have just a way better gear and I I can't keep up with it keep up with what game has no raids I wanted to have the best screw on the server I wanted to have the same gear as all my other friends right I was in a really good guild and I wanted to be on the same level as them I couldn't do that so I quit pretty simple right improvements they've made to quality of life for the low or no Spenders Beyond like the base cost of the game are really nice people change a really good step in the right direction and a lot of this has happened after the shift of separating from cacao their previous publisher and pearl Abyss now kind of being just off on their own so before we talk about the new update let's talk about the stuff that was kind of a pain in the past but is much less so if not not a pain at all in the current state of the game so there were a few sort of pay for convenience things that cropped up or in the early days back when I first started playing those seven years ago and they were carried up with the game throughout the years and those main some of the main issues revolved around the silver the inventory the pet system and the way the game handles costumes so for the silver side of things silver is the main currency in the game and had a weight associated with it and it was really really heavy so basically what would end up happening is that as you're out there grinding for gear and material I guess this is the point in the video where I learned that I was actually poor as [ __ ] in this game because I never had this problem sales and stuff you're also accumulating silver and you want that silver because you need it it is that main base currency but it weighed a lot and it would fill up your carrying capacity very quickly and then once that capacity was full you basically could just barely move I mean it was like a massive encumbrance to you so the result was you would be constantly regularly going back to town to deposit the silver into your town storage or the other option was that you could buy a weight limit increase in the game's cash flow and also sort of along those same lines was the how the inventory system works you had a set number of inventory spaces they would fill up with items and back then and through a lot of the lifespan there was just very little stacking of those items this is sort of similar to the silver this means that your inventory would constantly be filling up as you're out there grinding which resulted in you having to go back to town to deposit stuff into your town storage or you could buy in the cash shop the inventory expansion stuff and then there was the pet system so the way pets work in this game is it's not just like a cute little character to follow you around that's basically functions as the game's version of Auto loot the pets would manually loot stuff for you or you would have to click on each individual enemy that you kill by yourself like you're farming 12 hours a day how much [ __ ] time you're gonna be spending clicking on sparklies now because this game is a lot of focus on grinding and a lot of AOE grinding where you're Gathering up these groups of like seven or so enemies and then using cleave and AOE attacks to bring them down and then moving on to the next well if you have to constantly loot every single one of those enemies over and over again manually this just creates a massive time sync and a big hindrance to like the efficiency of your grinding and again this is a game that a lot of the focus is around grinding or can be around grinding it can also it's about Min maxing your experience per hour so if you have something like looting that you have to do that's going to lower your experience per hour then it's bad pretty simple they're doing the exploration all that stuff but right make no comments about it grinding is a big part of BDO and so when you had to manually click on everything that was a big pain so in the past pets were basically primarily purchased in the cash shop free ones were rarely available and difficult to come by and you would never get like it should be unreasonable to think you'd get the max number of pets but for free because you could have five active pets at any given time which pretty much meant that after you got your free one you would be then purchasing the additional four in the cash shop in order to loot as quickly as possible which as we've reiterated you don't have to walk away costumes so costumes are cosmetic outfits they were not Cosmetics the visual appearance of your base gear but much more so than that is they had Associated uh improvements things like extra experience gain reduction to the death penalty and even see like it says right there Gathering plus one there you go so those were some of sort of the the biggest what I would call pain points in the playing experience um that really sort of incentivized you to open up the wallet and step into the cash shop and these major issues have pretty much entirely been addressed uh in the recent years so for example silver in the game no longer has a weight associated with it so you don't have to account for that anymore when it comes to reaching your weight limit but on top of that the weight of items that you pick up in the game has seen a reduction in its numbers in a lot of circumstances so now not only could you carry more than you could previously basically you also no longer have to account for that silver weight similarly with the inventory any of those items that you're going to be out there grinding for now we'll be stacking instead of each taking up an individual space in your inventory which greatly reduces the desire to purchase just more inventory space so it's also just convenient like nobody wants to have to deal with inventory like nobody is having fun searching through a [ __ ] menu figuring out what items to throw away it's annoying with the pet system free ones are now frequently available while playing in fact while playing through a seasoned questline you're actually gonna have access to more than the five cap that the game has so you can get for free pets that you would in the past have to have purchased and then as for the costumes in the game while they still exist and they still give their bonuses but now can just be bought outright in the game shop with silver from other players who purchase it from the cash shop so there'll be people out there so people can buy gold basically is what he's saying nothing real money to get these costumes but then they will sell it to people who don't want to spend real money and instead want to buy it within game I don't know if that's better or worse like uh it's hard to say currency that they got from just playing so these are some pretty big improvements and then there's also a few other quality of life things that have come to the game like the Magnus storage that makes it so they can access the local storage from anywhere in the game without having to actually go to those individual towns the game basically has localized storage where you'll have one town and a storage there so if you're grinding you go to that town you put items in that storage in the past you would have to go back to that town and physically actually take it out yourself or set up these trade routes would which would then take some time as items were transferred from one area to the other now with Magna storage you can just grab items from anywhere that you have them stored within the game a massive yeah this is something that they had in New World at the beginning too remember how like I don't know why games try to have these like uh inconveniencies in them that just waste time in like [ __ ] reasons like thank God they got rid of that plenty of life improvements and then there's also the contribution point system a lot of players in the past you you have these contribution points and you'd acquire them throughout the course of playing and then a lot of times you would want to focus on using them on workers you could use them for things like Gathering resources for you just passively then that would make it so that when it comes to things like storage in the town where you'd want to use a need to use cp4 people would then go to the cash shop well now it's really just not as big of a deal it's a far less of a far less of an emphasis on that within the game and because storage is now also not as big of a deal if it's not as cumbersome basically there's a lot less can you trade gear because I remember back in the day you couldn't trade anything you had to sell it through the auction house and the prices for the auction house were locked and like price fixed there's no player trading at all okay so it's still the same of a incentive to actually have to purchase just all around a lot of really positive just a lot of really positive quality of life changes that have come to the game with recent years and again a lot of this has happened host the separation from their prior publisher cacao into sort of doing their own thing taking the reins on the game and how the monetization is handled and all around I think it just made for a much better experience for players now there's definitely still some pretty big quality of life stuff that you can buy in the shop there are things like the value packs which will boost your inventory storage XP gain and a few other things this is kind of just like a a grab bag of different nice things to have and then things like the campsites which allow you to repair and buy potions out in the field instead of having to return to town although to be honest as new players if you're just starting the game you're going to get a few few months of value pack Buffs through the game's various unlocks so it'll be some time but before you feel the need to buy it and the campsites will only really matter once you get into like the hardcore efficiency grinding which if that that point if you're playing for a few months and you've used up all of your free value pack Buffs and you're to the point where you're doing like end game efficiency grinding and needing campsites at that point it's probably worth the uh the amount of money the 30 or so dollars that you want to spend on those extra things but as I mentioned I don't think that's really that big of a deal I think that pay to win stuff is like really bad whenever you have somebody that can spend ten thousand dollars and gain an advantage over somebody who spends 50 or 100 right I mean like because at a certain point like this isn't this game doesn't have a subscription does it like it's just a straight up buy to play game yeah if there's no subscription and it's a buy to play game and you have to buy something each month that's effectively a sub I don't really care I'm gonna be honest because that's effectively what wow works works like and there are so many other layers that had you going to the shopping pushing you towards the shop in the past which are just no longer there and these changes along with others that have been made over the recent years I've just been really great in my opinion and I just think because of that the game is in a much better place than it's ever been now as mentioned earlier there's also a lot of other things about BDO that I've just always liked I've talked about in the past and my various bits of coverage but as a recap I think it's got some of the best action combat in the genre and and especially with the input method that kind of reminds me and it's always reminded me a lot of like fighting games so basically to play it all the gameplay is good I I personally feel like the uh the textures and everything in the game are they're a little bit dated at this point like I remember whenever I looked at this game when it came out I thought it looked a lot better than it does now of inputs with shift the directional keys and left and right Mouse click instead of just hitting the keybinds so for example to use an ability while you could just hit number one on your keyboard you click that the ability happens but instead there will be these input combinations like say one one example is one of my abilities I have to hold down shift and W and then left click and then I can alternate that with a different key bound everything to like one two three four five but and going back between these will combo and all of this just makes for because it's more involved it makes for like a much more satisfying combat experience than just spamming one and spamming two and why would you go through this exercise one or two to activate a skill doing these inputs well basically doing so will add benefits like increasing the damage and reducing the cast time and or resources of your abilities so if you want to play efficiently and get the most out of your combat you'll do be doing these inputs instead of just hitting keybinds all right combat just feels great because the game has a big focus on grinding you're constantly engaged in that combat they've also got some rather in-depth and interesting life skill systems which are basically yeah I I you know I've been able to bind them at all really well what am I thinking of because I remember having all my [ __ ] bound maybe I'm misremembering it some of them I I don't know you're thinking of skill hotkeys [ __ ] it was like seven years ago basically the game's version of professions you know it's got the basic stuff like farming fishing cooking and processing but how they actually handle this with various mini games associated with them just makes them a bit more engaging there's also all these Management systems that that contribution point system that I mentioned earlier you get these points and you use them to essentially manage towns like increasing storage and pick your house to harvest resources only upgrading the weapon things only getting better gear trading routes between nothing else different towns and ferrying items from one location to the other it's also in a seamless massive open world with no loading screens between the zones there's very limited fast travel in the game yeah that's one thing that was actually really interesting about BDO is that whenever I played at least there were no flight paths however you could auto run so like you could basically like Auto try you could like put your character and be like go over there and your character would just run over to there and we go left right and to the side and everything like that and I kind of like that which I always felt has made for so great I think that makes sense too right I mean because you I liked it in the scope of the world but like you make the world bigger and bigger and bigger and then at a certain point you kind of need it right and the world is pretty populated uh obviously you know other players in the game but also the density of enemies out in the fields walking around doing their different things and uh finally this could be a positive or negative depending on perspective but the game basically has like infinite progression there's a soft cap as you're leveling up but you can kind of just keep on going so if you feel motivated to reach like the maximum Echelon of things that could be a bit much but for me it's always been kind of freeing because I'm like I'm not gonna grind that out so I'm just not even gonna stress about it I'm not worried about getting anywhere near any sort of cap uh softer hard or otherwise there's just no rush over the years basically yeah personally I'm the kind of person who likes to be able to hit the ceiling I don't like it whenever the ceiling is just infinite like I I like to be able to have a goal and then meet the goal for that reason BDO has been one of my favorite animals to play casually kind of going on my own pace leveling up new characters exploring doing stuff not super concerned about the end game grinding spots and competing for those in PvP there's a big world combat's great and engaging and a lot of fun downtime activities and systems to mess around with and that's how I've always enjoyed BDO so come back over the years to check out various updates see the new content try the new classes as mentioned Pearl Abyss was sponsoring this video where's the news me to tell you about the most recent updates let's talk about land of the wrong light the most recent region expansion to the game uh first released in Korea back on March 29th and we just recently got the global release last week on June 14th now this opens up well why are the new continent to explore well what Koreans like these uh these foxes with a bunch of tails it was like that's like the third game I've seen it's Korean game has the bunch of tail there's some in our culture like what the it's a myth oh I get it fired by Korea's last dynastic Kingdom and featuring terrain buildings and vegetation era along with this they're also taking a lot of inspiration from many Legends and folklore of the time well one big change with this update is unlike previous new regions that would add a bunch of new endgame grind spots this one's not focused on that instead they've added various bosses with this Boss Rush system so there's not a great idea thank God like there's been enough farming how many farming spots does this game have how many does it need nine different new bosses each with their own mechanics and strategies like this actually makes me want to try the game and different difficulties W As you move up those tiers you'll be introduced to new mechanics and attack patterns that you'll have to deal with there's also these new Gathering mechanics called the green skills these add new mini games to various Gathering life skills that these will be triggering randomly as you're out there gathering in the world and if successfully done you're gonna use some more energy like what are these like what do they just do like they went like okay so what flash games do you remember playing in high school oh yeah the one with the helicopter and it would go up and down yeah let's all right make that the mining one okay so what about Lumber but you will then also obtain a larger amount of materials there's also now the Marnie sniper rifle life skill which adds various improvements to sniper hunting in the game including dealing damage increased depending on the spot that you hit so for example the greatest damage increase comes from a headshot surprising but there you go and then the quality of reward will depend on your accuracy in addition to this so other new stuff includes that's bad signs and a fully voice active story there will be new workers materials and nodes free to find all of this also accessible from Level 1 if you're a brand new player if you jump into BDO for the first time you don't have to level up before you get to check out this new area and this new content all of that combat everything about it is just scaled to whatever level you are I'll say personally also I just like how just like with a lot of the prior content updates land in the morning light just bring some nice new additions to the game like getting a brand new play Space is always awesome obviously a new place to explore I think BDO does a good job with its open world and it's been really cool to go that was I think the best thing about the game personally was the open world I actually really liked it I thought it was great around checking out the new region I like that they're doing something a little different like this focus on Boss Battles this time around instead of just adding new grinding spots for players some of these fights are really neat as well I also really enjoy the Gathering mechanics I know it's simple stuff but how BDO does life skills I have always enjoyed sort of gamifying the process of gathering crafting just makes it a bit more engaging all in all this update just seems like another great addition to the game so Land Of The Morning Light the latest update as mentioned is now available you know I never got my Awakening sword as a warrior I never got it I quit the game before it came out you got it 56 right 56 or 57 I never got it [ __ ] man awaken Warriors so that you missed out where I mean I missed out like what do you mean it like wait they take it out but they take it out of the game or what it was broken yeah it was I remember watching videos is disgusting globally it is free for anyone who owns BDO or if you pick up BDO you buy the base version of The Game Land Of The Morning Light is just going to be available for you for free as well so check it out you can go ahead and take a look at the link in the description below as with all of the major new content updates it's cool to see the new stuff but again I am really just really happy to see some of those quality of life improvements that they've made to the game it's just was a it's a nice surprise to having come back recently seeing these changes from how it was when I used to play seriously because they're just big improvements you know it doesn't feel like I am pressured into those things anymore like it sort of did in the past if you wanted to play seriously dealing with the weight of silver uh dealing with feeling like you had to purchase those pets and weren't giving enough for free dealing with the inventory with little to no item stacking and dealing with the fact that costumes were almost a must buy all of that stuff has been addressed where you can just kind of play the game and sit with little to no additional purchases on the base version of the game you can just play and enjoy it and and kind of not feel moved in that direction so yeah I'm jumping back in I'm going to be playing some more and checking out this most recent update happy to tell you about it though because as mentioned uh videos just a game that I it's one of the many MMOs that I'll come back to on a regular basis and uh yeah I'm looking forward to jumping in and maybe you'll see another follow-up video outside of this sponsored video here um so you know if they should sponsor me I think that would be a great idea yeah I I think that that would just be it would be good for everybody right I get to play the game um they get to have people look at the game and that's about it I mean it's actually really not that complicated but yeah I think that'd be a great idea how much money I don't know a lot how about a lot let's go with a lot I need to stop playing video games hi everyone it's rack that's the problem I stopped playing video games for free man
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 573,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: w59lkDeqqD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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