Cyberpunk 2077: What Made It FAIL? | Asmongold Reacts to Upper Echelon Gamers

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what made cyberpunk fail i haven't watched one of this guy's videos for a while okay today is possibly a very important video june 23rd at precisely 9 34 am i received an email this email was from a whistleblower claiming to be an employee of quantic lab for those that don't know quantic lab is a qa testing company an outsourced quality assurance company to be precise operating out of romania initially intended to be a game development company that business model proved unviable at the time and a transition was made to quality assurance smart questions has a bit of a bumpy history after bankruptcy early on they were acquired by thq nordic and then in late 2020 finalized in 2021 i believe they were acquired in a bulk purchase by embracer group which is an industry powerhouse specifics in timeline aside quantic lab has operated as a qa testing company for some very large names in the industry over these past years adding this in after the fact it occurs to me that i should probably define what outsourced qa actually is let's say you're a publisher and you have a video game or a piece of software you pay people to make sure it's similar how do you go about improving it well you have a variety of different options but one of the most important things that you can do is have it tested by a team of people who are dedicated to finding when where and specifically how it breaks now some publishers have what's called in-house qa teams which is this is the uh the blizzard has in-house qa teams uh basically what the qa team does at blizzard is um so yeah and so uh we'll we'll get back to the video separate department of testers under the same corporate banner who fulfill that role but many publishers and software companies actually don't have in-house teams and instead they outsource the process of testing for bugs glitches and other defects to a third party there's a friend of mine that wants to work on one of these companies there's a third party that takes on the responsibility of testing products because theoretically they are able to then standardize and perfect that procedure for maximized results game developers have a particular skill set and quality assurance is actually a completely different skill set so we don't expect nor should we expect that the same team who made the game itself does all of the rigorous testing required to ensure that it's ready to ship no that is what quantic lab does right outsource quality assurance according to their website they have worked on titles like witcher 3 wild hunt cyberpunk 2077 and i hope i'm going to be honest i think they should take that one off of their uh off of their website yeah just take that one off the site because like you know it didn't really it was like [ __ ] up on release so it's like maybe you just shouldn't you shouldn't have that one on there most of smaller projects as well for today we need to focus primarily on cyberpunk 2077 okay because it is one of the most high profile examples in all of gaming a lot of people my source was exceptionally clear that this kind of scenario is not isolated to just one game so what one project nearly everyone involved in video games has likely heard of cyberpunk 2077 it is one of the most famous examples of launch day failure in existence and yet the true reason for that failure is almost a total mystery some will tell you that it came from corporate oversight management failure and shareholder expectations that led to a spiral of bad decision making but my ex my assumption of why cyberpunk didn't go well is because it was uh it was going to be released during covid i thought part of it was kovid and part of it was like their ego that like oh they're like oh well we made witcher 3 of course this game's gonna be good that's what i thought it was going to be like i don't know but that was my assumption of why the game went badly developers themselves were largely innocent this is likely true to a significant degree but is it the only thing others will claim that they simply bit off more than they could chew technology wasn't ready for this level of ambition and this was a big gap and as the marketing cycle spun out of control that's there are a multitude of theories claims and speculations but he's got a hey i want to highlight the information i was given and put forward an entirely different explanation which will simultaneously shed light on an area of the gaming industry that needs radical improvement okay this is where i have to clarify a few things this is a whistleblower highlighting what may very well be illegal corporate practices while violating their non-disclosure agreement in order to put forward the truth wow to bolster credibility and verify legitimacy they sent a series of documents i've been able to examine a 72-page qa testing file quantic lab human resources paperwork workflow charts production maps detailed spreadsheets tracking productivity and some additional documentation from very early in the qa slash development process these are blurred in totality because i'm fairly sure that they are confidential highly confidential and that do you guys believe it i believe it yeah i believe it i believe it yep faces could be used to take down the video if i show them directly my subjective opinions from examining these files is that they are legitimate the annotations seem real when compared to actual in-game missions employee names and dialogue the timeline matches perfectly when compared to development road maps and the alleged issues plus a few other things that lead me to believe that this person is exactly who they say they are and does have internal knowledge of the corporate and functional environment inside quantic lab however i do not have internal corporate memos or email chains and policy paperwork that mirrors the specific claims that they make in terms of illegal activity that kind of information would almost certainly expose their identity they wouldn't do it on an email like you don't type on an email like you know this right it's like so if you like this is why most people it's like if you're doing anything illegal a lot people don't use smartphones a lot to do that they use a [ __ ] flip phone because there's less technology in them this is probably less the case now but it was more the case then and so ohio thank you very much the uh the 20 gifted subs i appreciate that thank you very much thank you thank you yeah you have the burner phone exactly and so uh anyway you've got this and on top of that you have uh other just common sense measures where you just don't say what you're doing in the emails or in in like the phone calls because you never know what's going to get what's going to get you caught that if showcased anyway and the company allegedly has extremely tight control over what you can and cannot say with strict and very aggressive non-disclosure agreements as well as security measures to prevent leaked material so the point here is i believe the source to be real they have provided extensive evidence to support that fact and have made serious claims about the quality of qa activities at quantic lab i feel like this guy like very rarely has he come out with like stuff that's been [ __ ] like yeah and it's like also i think another bit of bolstering evidence for upper extra this is upper echelon gamer video is that do you remember whenever he did the video we didn't watch this i wanted to watch it but we didn't watch it do you remember whenever he did the video about the celebrity nfts and he said that he thought that it was a conspiracy and then the video comes out later on that was made by filian that confirmed it so this guy has actually had a pattern of being right about this stuff that in mind let's dive in think about that 2077 as we are all undoubtedly aware would encounter a tremendous number of problems before during and after release but one of the worst and most damaging issues according to my source was quality assurance fourth quarter 2019 is when it truly began project leads were sent to poland interfacing directly with cd projekt red and the initial team was given their task one small issue that initial team was intended to be composed of industry veterans those with extensive experience in quality assurance who understood the process and workflow that makes but in reality it was almost completely composed of what the industry calls juniors who had less than a year or worse less than half a year of experience almighty project red was not aware of this in fact according to my source they had been operating under the impression that they would receive a dedicated team of veteran testers and most likely thought that this would contain some of the same people who worked on witcher 3 wild hunt in reality those veterans had almost all resigned from the company but cd projekt red did not know this even the project leader had barely one year of experience and when we were talking about one of the most ambitious history that kind of inexperience is a problem i would like to clarify the individual testers and managers from what i am told did the best with what they had they worked hard they gave it their all but as we will soon discuss there is only so much you can do when the deck is stacked against you ironically well they're not they're not trained to do it it's not their fault it's that they don't have the experience they don't know what to look for as much as somebody who's been doing it for 10 years i mean really it's just common sense but i don't understand like why would you do this it doesn't make any sense to me in here people have accused upper management of ruining the cyberpunk 2077 launch many times in the past yeah project read upper management inside quantic lab would prove to be an issue somehow some way i mean but the thing is so like logically it just doesn't make any sense to me that why why would this company do this because so like obviously cd projekt red is like one of their biggest uh uh their their their biggest clients and also like not only are they one of their biggest clients but they're also one of the clients that give them authenticity and give them legitimacy so like why would you go and take your biggest client that gives you not only legitimacy but also like authenticity and a bunch of money why would you why would you do something to sabotage their game like it it doesn't make sense to me business-wise it seems like this is a very very bad business decision and like that's the only reason why i'm doubting this a little bit is that i usually expect people to work in their own self-interest right that they're going to do what's best for them so why would they do what's worse for them why would they do and make cyberpunk a bad game willingly it doesn't make any sense like i understand that like you can come up with reasons right like money uh like they didn't have the people there like whatever but like none of that really makes sense to me this is such an incompetency failure that it's almost hard for me to believe that it happened but i did watch the concordia video by internet historian so it's not out of the realm of possibility raw number of bugs would somehow equal good performance had taken hold within the corporate structure and this led to a bit of a problem a policy became enacted where bug quotas were implemented for testers the highest of which pertaining to free roam i think it was was set to 10 per day per worker according to my source how many of you guys worked at a company that introduced some sort of numeric formula to grade your work and it caused everybody's work to deteriorate any government workers here so not only did my department have this problem at the irs but my dad's department had it even worse because like my dad did obviously his job was more complex than mine so he would have people that would just [ __ ] full send an application whenever they shouldn't have done that because the process to actually investigate a uh an individual takes longer and it makes your score lower yeah he just rolled it yeah they just ran it down mid this is i'm telling you guys like having these different uh like process analysis uh [ __ ] formulaic goals that are created by people that don't understand the work this is so [ __ ] bad it is the worst thing that you can possibly have in a company wow the idea was that this would drive productivity and craft a clean polish the opposite decision came from the top down absolute opposite sure that might work with a proper timeline but for something as ambitious as cyberpunk 2077 something else began to happen something more sinister in order to meet this quota every single day testers began to bombard the development team with thousands of small visual and performance glitches something tasked as negligible on the priority scale it was not severe because people stop because you gamify work you you gamify the job that now this person is not trying to find bugs and improve the game now they have a separate goal that is to fulfill a checklist of activities that they're graded on yeah that you basically yeah you take it from like farming gold to like doing daily quests and they do their dailies and that's it to keep their jobs and also like the employees by the way are not doing the wrong thing because the employees that don't follow this rule are the ones that get fired so of course they're going to gamify their work because they don't want to lose their [ __ ] job the people that are at fault here are in my opinion it's number one cd project red because you should be [ __ ] you should have oversight over the people that are running a game that's like your biggest [ __ ] game you've ever made right they did [ __ ] up they should have been on top of this absolutely it's their responsibility but it is not just it's their responsibility but it is not their fault is the executive leadership and the people that made these systems at the qa team that caused this to happen it is not the qa tester's fault because they were given a set of criteria and then they were made to follow that criteria or their job was on the line i don't [ __ ] agree with that like they're stupid should they do that they have to it's their [ __ ] job man like it's just it's it's just such horse [ __ ] important it was very small things all day every day yeah of course a little bit of clipping on an item or a wall a little bit of pavement that had some texture problems an audio bug in some dialogue etc etc instead of focusing on core issues with mechanical problems quest lines or game breaking exploits being the target a massive never-ending fire hose of random unimportant glitches were being sent to the developers that consumed a ridiculous number of work hours to fix but the vast majority of those bugs were totally irrelevant no they don't matter like most bugs in video games don't make a difference because like the game breaking bugs the the usually just the reality is like graphical bugs and like uh you know like texture bugs and interactivity bugs like you know you walk on top of something and like your feet are slightly on the uh underneath it these are very easy to find anybody can find this in any game very quickly but like finding the big bugs like the big problems and then also like as a tester and this is like you you know this if you work in qa the the main thing that's hard for you to do is not to find it it's to be able to recreate it being able to just see what's wrong oh yeah i see why this is happening but why did it happen what is the chain of events that lead this to occurring and yes replicating a bug and that's the hard part every single [ __ ] time it's the same thing like i used to repair computers so like i know this so it's so hard especially in video games right because you have like infinitely many more variables it's so hard to isolate a variable and then remove it so you can use it as a control it's so hard to do that don't get me wrong polish is absolutely and by the way that's what that's the difference between somebody who's been doing this for 10 years and somebody who's been doing this for 10 months is is they know how to isolate those a lot faster any game but what's more important is core functionality when you are required to submit a high number of bugs per day it gets a lot harder to uncover or replicate the important issues yes the ultimate consequence of this labor is spent on fixing surface level problems while the underlying foundation is left to rot because the quality assurance team isn't really able to dig into it eventually after being bombarded by these and they're not able to dig into it because they're being graded on how many holes they dig not how deep the holes are so this exact same thing happened to blizzard so you guys remember like 10 years ago or so whenever you get a gm and the gm would generally know what they're talking about and they would tell you a gm joke and they'd talk with you and like figure out your problem and solve it for you like 10 years ago and some of them the times they'd be in game et cetera but then what blizzard did they did the exact same thing is that they created a process analysis sheet they created a criteria you're supposed to follow or file or solve this many tickets this many times and guess what what did the gm's do now well they want to keep their job i mean [ __ ] they want to keep getting paid nine dollars an hour by blizzard in california of course they have to do that so they are doing their their game it gamifies their job and then then then instead of doing their job they play the game that's exactly what happened smaller issues for a lengthy period of time hundreds per day thousands in total easily cd projekt red just stopped focusing on them quantic lab was specifically instructed to stop sending them through the low priority bug fines and to focus on bigger issues but the damage was already done and cd projekt red was already very unhappy short timelines ambitious project inexperience because yeah if you're a developer like you know like any developer knows this is the truth it's the same with anything you're gonna have little bugs and little problems so like if you focus on fixing all these little bugs and little problems you will never fully complete that there will always be bugs in video games like eldon ring has bugs every [ __ ] game has bugs overworked quality assurance it's a matter of priorities a huge delay in fixing core systems because of an arbitrary quota well that's a perfect storm exactly the internal pressure here again according to my source was intense everyone was cramming to get this done and everyone was forced to ride the person beneath them to get more done because the lost time and lack of experience had boiled over but perhaps there was a solution in the summer of 2020 the testing team was expanded 30 testers became 60 testers and with that doubled team size came the expectation for double productivity this turned out to be an absolute disaster what was the rule where increasing the amount of people on a software development job actually increases the amount of time that it takes there's a literal [ __ ] rule for this uh yeah it's like it's mammoth something i don't know what it was brooks law it might be yeah it's non-linear scaling not quite but yeah it's something like that mythical man month really i've never heard of it called that yeah but there's there's actually this is a codified like a truth that people understand to be true is that adding more people to a software development job does not increase how fast it gets done and in fact it has the opposite effect because those other people that just came in need to be caught up on it lab was already struggling to fully staff all of their other projects not just cyberpunk 2077 so they were short on workers these 30 new testers didn't come from other departments or games they weren't industry veterans with any sort of experience they were brand new hires most of which had no prior knowledge of or experience with quality assurance holy some of them the lucky ones got two to four weeks of training but some didn't and for all their effort and they did try to succeed new employees in a field like that are not immediately useful it takes time for them to understand the field it takes experience for them to overcome obstacles and become productive eventually so a team-sized doubling actually ended up hurting the overall project imagine having a team there are additional testers that suddenly doubles in size but the second half of that team doesn't know what the [ __ ] they're doing exactly rather than just working on the project veterans and senior employees are having to train multiple of their co-workers there it is real time as they try to complete their very nearly impossible task and once that chain of dominoes begins to fall well we've all seen what happens looking at these issues in tandem you have a qa team that is either failing to keep up with the intended timeline or worse yet hindering the development as a struggle against an arbitrary quota that only serves to overwhelm and bog down the developers with non-critical exploits or bugs it likely wasn't the only issue that led to the launch day failures of cyberpunk 2077 but if true it was a large and contributing factor that put pressure on an already strained process well it's also like you have to keep in mind that it is still like cd projekt's red responsibility like at the end of the day is their responsibility to deliver a quality game now i i think that you can look at this situation and say that yes it was clearly like assuming this is true um it was clearly quantic lab's fault that this happened but cd projekt red should have been on top of it i know that we ran into this problem with otk with the one year anniversary event we had a production company run our one-year anniversary event and it was a disaster you guys remember it it was awful now was that our fault no it was not our fault we did not do that but it is our responsibility it's our [ __ ] name on it and at the end of the day it's us that has to take the [ __ ] hit that's what happens right like that that's what [ __ ] happens it sucks but you've got to be used to it minus 60k it was a lot of [ __ ] money yeah it's that's just that's the way it goes you have to be responsible for your product so i think it's also cd projects for its faults too or it is alleged by my source that during 2019 and 2020 especially though these practices still exist to this very day quantic lab would make false claims to secure or extend contracts this is where things get a whole new level of serious because claiming to a partner that you will have say arbitrary number 20 workers testing their product but then having just 10 or less means that they will get a severely reduced result the quality will take a nosedive and this will also put an insane amount of pressure on the testers who actually are working which puts quantic lab in a really awful position they have a multitude of some public some private and when the quality of work is degrading as a result of lower team size than advertised that would be an issue it's also what can lead to a strained relationship which is precisely what happened with cd projekt red as they allegedly noticed that the quality of results they were receiving did not stand in line with expectations no to the fact that there was a significant lack of experience to counter this quantic lab allegedly holds a strict and very oppressive non-disclosure system a 10 000 euro penalty for disclosing any confidential information whatsoever and the definition of confidential becomes very flexible workers could not ever discuss projects that they worked on naming the credits does not matter don't talk about it don't use it as a portfolio example reference material or mention your involvement for any reason in any capacity are ndas still legally binding if the nda is protecting somebody from an illegal activity i thought that ndas no longer are legally binding if they're used to uh obfuscate yeah i don't think that that like i'd i'd have to i'd have to like talk to a lawyer about this but this is my understanding is that yes they're not so i actually don't i i don't fully because like effectively what they did is fraud because like at a certain extent doing a bad job so like there's a not in the usa i don't know i don't know this was in europe it's in romania there's a lot of laws to it and they do things differently over there but like that's what like logically that's what would make sense to me uh anyway so i i'm actually i'm getting fired up over this one oh my god so like oh my oh my god they had to have said something about it and on top of that if there is a there's like a a spectrum of doing a bad job and if somebody does such a bad job you can sue them for negligence or for uh breaking a contract like if the job is just literally absolute garbage and you are being completely [ __ ] uh you know lied to about what you're getting yeah they won't sue though i'm not sure i mean now that it's out i mean who knows what's going to happen that's how it works in the construction industry exactly yeah of course that's what that's the way it has to work engagement would threaten legal action forced employees to take down any mention that they had worked on specific projects and these oppressive systems succeeded in one critical way by suppressing information about corporate malpractice my source also described an atmosphere where dissent is not tolerated disagree sounds like my stream disagree too loudly you'll be reprimanded and continue to disagree long enough or do even small arbitrary things that upper management disagrees with you'll be coerced into resignation which then stops any sort of internal change from ever happening when it comes to blame i don't believe it's my place to personally speculate this person is the one responsible that person should yeah yeah it's just it's hard to say my source has some strong opinions on that front and certainly has a set of names that they believe are fully and holistically culpable but i think that it's ultimate as i said it's ultimately cd projekt's read responsibility because they should not have released the game like they had to have played the game and play tested the game before it got released in its final state like you can logically assume that that happened so a lot of these bugs happened these are like day one bugs that were happening so you have to assume that in those first playthroughs of the game right before the game was released they must have encountered some of these bugs i think you can logically assume that and in the process of encountering these bugs they at that point said go ahead let's do it live you know and and they sent it out there so it is their fault and is their responsibility for this however you can see how they got [ __ ] like it's not completely their fault like they they got [ __ ] summarized as an issue with upper management of the company their ultimate goal seems to be spurring some kind of action to improve the company's culture and policy operating under the belief that all of this is precisely accurate embracer group conducting some kind of internal audit would absolutely expose these issues and could very well lead to a better functioning environment quantic lab provides a valuable service if done properly and that service is utilized by many companies in the video game industry and beyond to test their products not anymore methodology and corporate governance equals better testing better testing means better games and better games quite obviously means that customers will have a better experience it all flows down like a river so embrace your group no it's the same thing with blizzard like a lot of the problems that people had of the people that had like bad experiences at blizzard if you guys remember this were people in like the gm and the qa teams and it's like guess what isn't it weird that the teams that have had these terrible experiences were the same teams that people perceive the quality has gone down with so yeah it's like you're not paying them any money they're they're they have [ __ ] work conditions big surprise you get a bad [ __ ] product becoming aware where regardless a well-articulated whistleblower decided to contact me after examining everything that they gave me i decided it was worth covering so here we are cyberpunk 2077 may not have failed exclusively because of a faulty qa process but if true it was certainly a major contributing factor in the overall decline of that game pre-launch culminating in what we saw during december of 2020 that is to say one of the most controversial examples of a aaa game launching in an unfinished condition i think cyberpunk is the new gold standard or really the brown standard for games like if anybody is like man like a triple a game can't do this bad and then somebody will always say well what about cyberpunk it's the brown standard yep there we go no man's sky yeah but no man's sky got better so like people like it be done i'm not sure perhaps embrace your group or some higher functioning party can take a look at what's going on but for now this would explain a great deal of why and how cyberpunk 2077 became infamous for failure that's awful if you want to support the channel there are links down below primarily locals and patreon to get away from adsense also odyssey yeah platform alternative there is another youtuber to check out merchandise social media and more but i'll cut it there and stop rambling one final note if they do decide to threaten legal action or take down the video or something like that i mean i'm gonna view it as a sign of guilt that's just my opinion but yeah as always thank you all for watching and have a nice night i would too i would too absolutely uh cyberpunk is actually good now yeah but it's the same thing with no man's sky this is a really good video what i there's a follow-up hold up hold up oh [ __ ] yo there is a follow-up uh there's a follow-up video right here it says cyberpunk 27 quantum clab follow-up uh let me pull this up by the way like give this guy a sub give the video a like like this is actual by the way guys this seems like it's actual journalism so this is an update link the previous video yeah yeah let me link it to you guys one more time uh there's a video again and we're watching now the follow-up video on it this just this this came out today okay a couple of days ago i posted a video about outsourced quality assurance and more specifically a company called quantic lab we saw that story was given to me by a whistleblower who also allowed me to examine dozens of internal documents to prove their identity my conclusion was that this person does have insider knowledge and is speaking from a position of authority so i collaborated with them to create a video in that video there were three main points of interest first quantic lab had a team of junior testers working on cyberpunk 2077 after being contracted for a quality assurance project yes second quantic decided to implement a bug quota for specific sections of the game which led to a massive influx of low priority issues as inexperienced testers tried to meet that requirement for multiple other projects quantic lab was allegedly making false representations about team size during and beyond 2019 and 2020. that video has begun to make the rounds on gaming news websites it started in forbes written about by paul tassie moved on to be copied and pasted on probably dozens of other websites yeah of course kotaku australia to screen rant and beyond and watching that happen has once again underlined precisely how flawed gaming journalism has become and requires me to issue some clarifications i don't need to clarify because my initial coverage was wrong i need to clarify because the media game of telephone has started to get a little bit like that was the funniest [ __ ] thing the media game of telephone i love that do you remember whenever bellewer made the video about the diablo immortal the amount of money that it would cost to make your to make your game your character as good as possible and he's like yeah i got this from a reddit post and then all of these news articles started just taking what believer said as if it's just the [ __ ] ten commandments inscribed to moses by god and just saying like yeah this is how much it is it's like bill you were said in his video it's like if you repeat it enough times it just becomes true it's like well it's 106 000 everybody knows that well because they said it well why'd they say that well because he said it well why'd he say that well because they said it well why he said it's like okay there we go it's ten minutes of research it's actually 540k we're gonna watch that video too actually uh probably after this i know that with the story i've talked about this before but the way gaming media and legacy media in general it seems has begun to operate results as soon as one of them posts it then everybody else posts the same thing as if it's true because they're like well if they're posting [ __ ] well if we all post [ __ ] then uh well i mean then nobody's really wrong because everybody's wrong and if everybody's wrong how could anybody be wrong children's game of telephone one child says a word or a phrase the next one repeats what they heard around you go time after time and eventually the last one in the circle repeats the phrase out loud anyone who is the person in telephone they'd be like cat cat cat i'd be like dog i just [ __ ] i would just say some dumb ass [ __ ] i would change [ __ ] up i'd be like yeah there it is just just to mess with people man game will probably know that you almost always and then by the way after i would do that you know how like at the end of it they would have everybody say what they said out loud i would say cat out loud i mean i said cat yeah i like i said cat like i'm i'm playing i'm playing two different levels man yeah you little [ __ ] yeah or a completely different phrase and the issue is that incremental change with each repeated iteration leads to a degradation in the raw information yeah it's a mouthful i know but it's true basically by the time you reach the end of the circle no one knows what the [ __ ] is going on and the initial phrase is completely lost that's a much more extreme but in my opinion also fairly accurate example of how media has come to operate in recent years and today i need to just jump right in well the reason why media operates that way is because it's cheaper it's cheaper to uh just like [ __ ] take some other media stuff and then just say like yeah this is true 100 and not even fact check it or anything i'll offer any sort of uh of commentary on it or anything whatsoever it's way faster yeah it's faster and it makes more money let's go around and clarify a few specific things let's begin with forbes okay credit to paul tassie he was the first one to pick up on this story by far and obviously has his ear to the ground in the gaming space so credit where credit is due forbes is actually on point pretty regularly with like gaming stuff i also like a lot of his work and wanted to ensure that everyone knows this is not an indictment of his abilities if anything it's a simple recognition that my rhetoric was misunderstood which led to the first discrepancy in the chain most of this is perfectly on point but one specific section reads quote quantic lab over exaggerated the size of the team working on cyberpunk 2077 in order to keep the contract that's not true that's not precisely true and i hope that my initial verbiage did not get misconstrued that way it didn't while it is alleged by my source that quantic lab misrepresented team size on multiple other projects during the same time frame and period of time and beyond cyberpunk 2077 was their crown jewel if you will yeah and they had a full team working on it as a result of that a full but utterly inexperienced team admitted yeah it was the experience of the team not the size of the team but still a full number of team members for that particular project that's the first link in the chain but now every single phrase and also like to be fair that does not really change the story because both of them were fundamentally a misrepresentation publication that directly copies from forbes which is a large number is going to misrepresent that information there were quite a few articles that simply quoted the forbes summary thus regurgitating something that was not precisely accurate in terms of which particular teams were understaffed even further there were articles that then began pulling from the summary and misrepresenting who was the original party that allegedly implemented the bug quota to be extremely clear according to my source quantic lab implemented the quota not cd project red well of course they would because they're yeah a hundred percent that would logically not make sense if quantic lab implemented the quota or sorry cd project right implemented the quota because if that was the case then they would have asked uh cd project sorry cd projekt red would not have asked them to stop submitting certain types of bugs you see what i'm saying like it would not logically make sense why rich [ __ ] companies had not qa of their own um because you have to be really really rich and you have to be working on like multiple like consecutive titles in order to to to justify having an in-house qa like you just think about it logically right if you make a game every three years or whatever like you only have like one game you make every three years it's probably cheaper to just pay somebody to do the qa than to pay a qa tester for all three of those years yeah it's incredibly expensive yeah it's i mean it's just it's a lot yeah it's hard to specialize too yeah it's just logical uh you have huge companies like activision blizzard of course that are able to do it i honestly like i love these videos like videos like this make me want to like make my own videos of like stuff like this like i i i love this [ __ ] because it inspires me to like oh man i should make stuff that is like meaningful right i feel like videos like this are meaningful they're great do it well we have um we have some interviews that we're going to be doing pretty soon with some of the people that are involved with uh you know the loot box stuff and uh in the eu the reason why i haven't really done it recently is because the whole like abortion thing has been just like such a big topic i feel like if we start bringing it up right now people will do like this weird oh why are you thinking about this whenever women's rights are under attack you know and it would be like almost counterproductive to talk about it at this exact moment so like give it like maybe a more week or so it'll be drowned out yeah it because like again like my goal is always to win win win win and so that's what i think is the smartest thing to approach the situation with and uh anyway uh we're going to be doing that very soon uh we did get a uh basically like obviously with the whole ted cruz situation uh guess what he's [ __ ] busy right now and so uh you know that's still gonna happen but you know we're gonna have to take like probably a week or so to make sure that all this is taken care of and um yeah it is still going to happen though everything's still on the table and like this are true journalism nowadays yeah i i love this i think this is great because i feel like one of the biggest problems now right like with uh with like just the internet in general and like news like media everything is like [ __ ] you okay fine um anyway so like one of the biggest issues with like news and media right is that nobody knows what's true anymore nobody knows what's real everybody has like their own definition of reality and they live inside of those definitions and they never go outside of them now these kinds of clarifications aren't major or story defining but what does have a pretty major impact is perception of motive in the aftermath of cyberpunk 2077's disastrous launch marcin iwinski co-founder published a sort of apology video of sorts and in that video he said the following well every change and improvement needed to be tested and as it turned out our testing did not show a big part of the issues you experienced while playing the game this drew widespread criticism in the moment and there was a let me listen to that again rage i've seen with regards to this the following every change and improvement needed to be tested and as it turned out our testing did not show a big part of the issues you experienced while playing the game this drew widespread criticism in the moment because he was trying to blame them it's a mistaken sense of outrage i have seen with regards to this type of statement and my own previous coverage where some people feel i am attempting to whitewash the culpability of cd projekt red that's not actually the case nobody i stated no nobody no the only people that think that are idiots like any reasonable person knows that yeah like who who the [ __ ] thinks this and firmly in point-blank terms that poor leadership and mismanagement largely contributed erroneous and damaging development timelines developer crunch all of this plays a part and of course on a basic level the development team was aware by the way crunch is whenever you get worked 85 hours a week and you have to sleep at your desk and people develop blood clots and different other types of health problems that's what they mean by crunch the product was broken anyone with a brain was aware that it wasn't ready for launch but quality assurance encountering this type of issue according to my source played a significant role in the product ultimately being released in a condition even worse than otherwise would have had the process been streamlined now very recently on twitter legacy killer hd has claimed that he spoke with cd projekt red developers or at least one who claim it's laughable that they didn't know what was going on or that the game was broken which would seem to contradict at least partially the claims made by marcin iwinski in his official response but here's the thing though it's entirely possible for all of these angles to be true about this spoke to a few different seated project red sources that worked on cyberpunk they all refuted this claim uh one developer told me we knew about the bugs that people were complaining about this was not something that was unknown to us but we did not have the time to focus on it we were crunching like crazy so we were paper thin at the end both of these two things can be true and it could have been that the developers told them to stop sending in irrelevant bug reports because they didn't have the time so both of these things could simultaneously be true do you see kind of what i'm saying so this is not necessarily a refutation once simultaneously bear with me but here's a bit of a personal theory what if the majority of testing was done on high-end machines i have extensive anecdotal statements of my own from viewers about the drastic difference between experience from pc to console the pc high-end developer systems create a sort of intrinsic bias in the process they do and if console system was primarily outsourced you can have a situation where yes developers know the game is broken yes management knows as well but simply mandates the product be released at a specific time for the holidays actually but despite knowing something they don't precisely know how to the full extent they could or at the very least have significantly less information on the specifics of how which is to say less than they would with a more streamlined qa process that's absolutely probably what it was uh that was a factor 100 percent because it's the same thing with like elven ring it's like some people experience slow downs in eldon ring at the launch but other people didn't because some people had like way better pcs and they were able to process even though there were errors they were still able to process them relatively seamlessly you know you'd have that problem with like tree night whenever you were fighting him or sorry a tree sentinel and like you know you're fighting him and looking at the urge tree in the distance in limb grave well that's like one example and i i bet players had that problem at the beginning but testing might not have had that because they might have tested it on like high-end pcs breakdown in experience as well as efficacy on the qa side may have contributed to all of this heavily many people seem to be viewing this as a statement of totality if not for quantic lab the game would have been great but that's an asinine thought process in my original video made no such indication toward that end real according to my source a significant breakdown in quality assurance contributed to the flaws that were then even directly cited by the co-founder of the company it was actually a confined result of platform bias i'm not sure here's the thing though that video even if some people seem to be negligently or perhaps intentionally misrepresenting or misinterpreting it open the floodgates of information i have to play a delicate game right now because in the aftermath i've been inundated with messages and emails that contain a lot of confidential information this is an icarus situation i guess i want to put it all out there while protecting sources of course but i would be sued into oblivion right it's that type of information that goes that deep and that quantity i don't just have sources in quantic lab now i've talked with people that do qa for electronic arts bethesda and even leakers who have extensive internal information from cd projekt red themselves and not just quantic lab some of those sources describe a relatively similar situation at other companies while some state that an army of monkeys as they are referred to not my term or my words that was the nickname given at a specific studio it might not be your term but is it really a bad term yeah i mean [ __ ] i mean i played some of these games that i think that you know what monkey sounds just about [ __ ] right do low level qa work while internally a high level and highly skilled team tackles different problems the variance between qa companies is quite high it seems and while some call it the worst experience of their entire life others view it to be a simple stepping stone with no real controversy attached from industry veterans to brand new hires i have well over a dozen open email chains right now as i type this with additional discord messages tons of them and calls scheduled over the next few days to learn about the chain of events more about qa in general and get to the bottom of what the situation entailed yeah furthermore i was given a screenshot internally of quantic lab's uh corporate response to all this and it seems that they are perhaps considering legal action that is of course entirely expected i went into this knowing that that was likely going to be their response but i stand by my initial video and i'm fully confident that first i feel like the the quantum labs thing many companies whenever they grow in size because you can assume like let's let's play a little bit of a logic game here so quantic labs probably after witcher 3 came out and was such a tremendous success saw a massive growth in their company and you you can [ __ ] compound that with covid as well so the company became much larger much bigger and how do many companies handle that they handle that by creating different different like algorithms that people have to do different uh expectations it's like at the government you were a one through five you know like you had to perform at three four is above average five is exceptional so this is what what probably happened and so in the process of scaling up the company that much larger and to have that many more employees they probably added in some form of quantitative grading system to differentiate the good employees from the bad employees so what are the odds that this happened i feel like everything points to quantic lab doing this this would be the logical conclusion do you see what i'm saying like it it makes sense that quantic lab would do this information will come out anymore very soon i was also contacted by a romanian news network claiming to be the largest television network in the entire country they wanted to interview me and i decided to decline that but made sure my source was aware that they are interested in the story it's not my place to go on major network tv stations for interviews that's not what this was all about and if we can get past the surface level animosity and emotion that permeates the subject of cyberpunk 2077 to this very i don't think i i don't care about the game like i don't give a [ __ ] about the game i think this is a problem with with all games and it's something that like needs to it it needs to have like a little bit more of a light shone on it as well like yeah i don't care like it's just a video game because like this same thing will keep happening it's again it's not the [ __ ] it's not the golden egg i care about the goose this is just a this is not a golden egg it's a brown egg but you know it's just an egg i care about how do we keep getting eggs there is something to dig into here reporting on all this is actually becoming rather tricky many of the people i talk to with the most access to information have the most fear of penalty yeah and thus they request anonymity my answer is always yes when they say this but that comes with its own set of issues i don't like like people come to me with stuff like this too right i'm not the he's not the only one like this happened to me especially with all the blizzard controversy stuff i i tell people like don't show me anything that you don't want me to [ __ ] show other people because i don't want to have to pretend like i don't know something or like pretend like i don't understand something like i i want to be able to show everything and like any any data or like information that i showed during that like i had to like triple check with like sources to make sure that they were okay and i had to like redact things and and all that who want to debate the specifics on what degree of impact this had with regards to cyberpunk 2077 are welcome to do so i don't care but with quanticlab in mind my gut tells me this goes a lot deeper than that to summarize this follow-up cyberpunk 2077 was one of the largest projects that quantic lab has ever been given apparently cd projekt red developers are telling another youtuber that their role was minimal which i really can't speak to at this time but i don't care because within that role whatever scope it entailed there was a breakdown in process as well as expectation that led to a disjointed and ultimately inferior qa result according to my source when reporting on this several inaccuracies have surfaced such as the idea that the cyberpunk 2077 qa team size was lied about that's not accurate it was other projects at that time and into the future where misrepresentations were made to secure or extend contracts another claim i saw was that the bug quota was implemented by cd project red which is also not true this was a policy within quantic lab only and though the majority of the information stands as is we will undoubtedly see quite a bit more come out in the short term which will build out the story further i don't know why so many people have such a hard time with reading comprehension i don't understand it because it it seems so simple it seems like you just listened to what they say happened and then that's what happened because they don't read it in general yeah i don't know it's just they're rushing to come out with a story that could be it man these comments pen to reiterate i'll look at them they read what they want to yeah it's just like you don't gain anything from misunderstanding something and yes the box stocks the company that literally sells the product obviously me you media youtubers anyone everyone is incapable of pretending that there is some kind of magical justification that unilaterally explains why and how this game launched in a terrible condition such a terrible condition but whenever you have a disaster this big something this bad doesn't happen by itself there are a lot of people that came together to make this [ __ ] nightmare a reality yeah there are a lot of people there were probably mistakes but i i would assume probably over 50 people 100 people [ __ ] up in the chain of fuck-ups to this happening in a story that is rapidly becoming something much bigger and a story that i will likely dig into far more in depth over the course i'm excited to see politic lab has allegedly contributed to that process and also faces its own set of controversies going forward my email is down below it's a bit overwhelmed at the moment and i will do my best to respond to everything in a timely fashion but i'm going to continue looking at all this because i believe there is a story far bigger beneath the surface that's it if you want to support their links down below locals patreon odyssey merge social media another youtuber et cetera et cetera but i'll cut it there and stop rambling as always thank you all for watching and have a nice night that was a good [ __ ] video like this is very good to see and like again i i really like the fact that he came in and he clarified some of the things that were said because this is what happened with diablo immortal and it was just [ __ ] ridiculous man i don't think this is like some kind of like gigantic conspiracy by the way i don't think this is some massive [ __ ] huge thing that makes like uh you know it's a huge conspiracy whatever i i don't think so at all i think that it's just probably straight up people that don't understand what's going on and people that just are dumb you know like that that's literally it they're just dumb they don't understand it and you have the people working at the company that don't know how to yeah it's a bad company yeah i mean that that's that's it and it's also like some of them are not necessarily dumb i think this is probably a mix of incompetency hubris and negligence probably all three of these came into play with this situation you had the incompetency of the uh more junior uh developers and and like uh testers which to be fair i think that's completely fine like they were set up to fail that they shouldn't know things that way right uh overconfidence yeah hubris or overconfidence because they already thought that they had released a really great game with witcher 3 so they thought that they couldn't fail with this and also negligence for them not to make sure that this product was at a good state whenever it was released however i don't think i don't think they self-publish this so it could have been the publisher putting pressure on cd projekt red and like again this is how like these video games end up getting released where there's like three different groups of people that are all [ __ ] up at the same time and then you actually go back and you look at like whose fault it really is and they do self-publish okay well then that that might not be it but in general this is this has been the case in the past it's like you can almost never even figure out whose fault it really is because it's like a matter of like you know 0.1 degree to the left 0.1 degree and then you go out 500 miles and you're two miles off your [ __ ] course and i think that's what ends up happening with games like this is that you know little problems turn into bigger problems and you have mismanagement i think quantum labs probably had trouble scaling up their company and so they implemented these quantitative measures that turned into it turned jobs into games and it made quality lower so it's it's it's like a bunch of different things together blame executive always i usually do uh because the thing is the executives they're getting paid a lot of money they've got stock options because ultimately things are under their control and they are the ones responsible for them that's it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 757,113
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: g4NOwAG27Vk
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Length: 54min 59sec (3299 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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