Asmongold Reacts To "The Most Exciting New MMORPG - Ashes Of Creation" | By TheLazyPeon

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genuinely the most exciting upcoming mmorpg okay with the recent news of amazon's new world being delayed until 2021 and many hungry mmo fans being disappointed by this news i decided that today i want to talk about the upcoming mmorpg that i personally believe to be the most promising ashes of creation before we jump into it though this video has no sponsor and took me a crazy amount of time to make both research fact checking and editing so if you'd like to support my work for free this game has an affiliate program that everyone who makes an account has access to my link to this can be found in the description below and all sign ups to ashes of creation before september receive a small in-game statue for your house to commemorate our struggles through covered 19. so for those of you that have never heard of the game before what is ashes of creation ashes of creation is a western-made sand park mmorpg that's focused on a strong mix of both pvp and pve content this game was initially kick-started three years ago but was already fully funded to completion via private investment from the game's creative director stephen sharif unlike many of the eastern mmos that have had western releases over the past few years ashes of creation has consistently said from day one that there will be no pay to win in this game due to this the game will operate with a no box cost subscription fee business model with a cosmetic only cash shop the thing that makes ashes of creation the mmorpg cosmetic only cash shop does kind of annoy me but i will allow it if the game is free okay like i i would prefer to pay for the game and not have any cosmetic cosmetics on the shop but i will allow this to happen okay uh it's not free well that's just what they said they literally just said that um it's a sub fee i see that it's a no box cost says 15 sub fee but the box cost is uh there's no box cost subscription fee business model that's the cosmetic only cash shop the thing that makes ashes of creation the mmorpg that i'm personally the most excited for is the sheer scope of the project this game seems to be combining all the best aspects from all the top mmos over the past 10 years and combining it into one game with all of that being tied together by the game's most unique feature its node system [Music] throughout the world in ashes of creation there's points of interest on the map called nodes these nodes are basically areas that can progress to different stages of civilizational development as players kill monsters quest gather and adventure within that node's area of influence that's cool like this is actually cool because it's like they use an example they're like what if you mine too much and then you [ __ ] you uh like you know in lord of the rings where it's like they [ __ ] went too deep in the mines of morya and they they uh released the balrog uh durian's bane and this is the same [ __ ] thing and they unleash a dragon that would be [ __ ] cool cutting out day one when the game first launches the world will be pretty empty and a group of friends all decide to kill mobs and gather in a certain area over time you'll be contributing xp to that area's note and an expedition will appear with quests as more players are drawn to that area it will level up into an encampment with more quests more npcs and more opportunity after that the node levels up into a village town city and finally a giant sprawling metropolis with more opportunity world events and quests appearing at eastern prince of persia [ __ ] man i really like the way this looks i think this area looks really cool i'm actually excited for this game i know that you know i like to meme around with [ __ ] but i'm genuinely excited about this game i'm gonna play it i talked to the i talked to that guy stephen and i'm going to see if i can get beta keys for you guys and we can try this out because uh i i want to the thing is like there is nothing that is any the most pure and beautiful experience is being part of something like this at the very beginning and the reason for that is that there isn't any theory crafting there isn't any uh guides for anything it's just you go into the game and you're part of this fantasy alternate universe and you just simply exist there there's no rules there's no expectations there's just what is and there's something that's so [ __ ] good about that like i remember in bdo it was kind of like that but it wasn't because the game was in korea or something a few years before that but whenever i first started playing the game you were just making your way in a hostile and unfamiliar world and it was what was so [ __ ] beautiful about it i made a whole video about bdo i loved it so much it was great it was one of the very few videos that you did of other games yeah that still surprised me to this day well because it was so good like i love that [ __ ] game my uh my one question for this game yeah can you make a rhett paladin there's no way you won't be able to there's no way you won't be able to man but can you because that's why i don't play skyrim or eso so there's 64 classes i think one of them might be something like a rep paladin okay that's good enough stage of development now that's a very simplified explanation of the ashes of creation node system but on top of that there's also a lot of variables within this system for example at launch there will be 103 different possible node locations and the location of that node dictates the quests and world events triggered upon development at this point you're probably thinking well what happens when every node reaches its final stage wouldn't that that's kind of like what happens uh it's like an example of this in wow is like remember back in patch 8.1 where like if you'd make the nether disrupter it would spawn the world bosses like that's basically what this is i become boring well due to how the system's designed this isn't possible in leveling up one node you lock out the possibility for adjacent nodes to grow to the same size to change this and d leveler node so that adjacent nodes can progress players will need to participate in a pvp node siege to destroy a city for example so the town node near to it has room to grow and different content can then be unlocked that's the way this system is designed intends for long-term player driven replayability where each server will have a different history of development and unlocked content no two servers will be the same an mmo rpg with a true ever-changing world when they so this is something that a lot of developers and like these companies have thought about doing and it's like none of these are the same and then there's actually only like four different moving parts in this and it's like which one of the four is active right now and so i i worry that it won't happen but it is a uh it's a good idea i like the idea a lot they'll probably be the same yeah well that's the thing it's like it seems like it's going to be like this really open-ended thing but it just can gets turned into like through theory crafting and meta gaming into like something that's really simple comes to node aesthetics there will also be a lot of diversity here too as the node will take on the architectural appearance of the race that contributed the most xp to it is [ __ ] awesome so let's say again to an area and contributed the most xp to a node building up to a town you've then got a town with an orcish aesthetic maybe a guild of dwarves wanted to explore a node in the mountains they could eventually have their own dwarven city in the mountains the aesthetic of the node changes at every level of development based on the race that contributes the most xp to the node on top of all this each node in the world will be assigned one of four possible node types with each having unique benefits you've got divine economic militaristic and scientific node types advancing a scientific node over an economic node for example will give different building options for players to manage in the node well we're americans so we're not going to do that one but i like having the different types right and like you have like the uh the mining nodes and the the faith nodes that's actually pretty [ __ ] cool uh like everything that we're hearing here is really really good such as libraries colleges and artisan buildings whereas if they leveled up an economic node they could build markets stock exchanges and trade focused buildings each node upon hitting the village stage of development will have a one week cooldown before node elections begin in this players can try to become the mayor of the node as a mayor you get to allocate resources set the tax rate and initiate quests to advance the node as well as choose building projects contained within that node the way you guys have better vote for me i'm going to say that right now like if you guys you got i'm gonna we gotta have everybody vote for me for every building man i'm gonna be like uh george soros and i'll just own everything and i'll do whatever i want okay i'll be george soros of the game this sounds great i love it the mayoral election system is designed is different for each node type for scientific nodes it's a popularity contest where you vote another player in for economic nodes it goes to the highest bidder for divine nodes the player with the most node-related service quests completed will become the mayor and militaristic node mayors will be decided via a last man standing battle royale type mini game where players interface through a champion rather than their own character obviously that is [ __ ] wild what the [ __ ] what the dude that is so good dude holy [ __ ] that is so [ __ ] oh my god that's a [ __ ] good idea holy [ __ ] wow why this is see this is the thing man is you just get i told you guys this [ __ ] could happen like this game could actually be good man those ideas i hope so these are really good ideas the bad mayors will be a thing that exists in this game so every month the election process will happen again so that other players have the chance to challenge for mayor ashes of creation is also aiming to have a diverse range of content to appeal to pretty much every type of mmorpg player let's start with some of the pvp content that will be present in this game okay what is the pvp pvp content in ashes consists of open world flagging caravan pvp duels battlegrounds castle sieges node sieges arenas and guild wars but before all of you pve players get scared of open world pvp you'll be happy to know that this game has anti-grief mechanics in the form of its corruption system when it comes to corruption players have three states green non-combatant purple combatant red corrupted i've displayed an image on screen that shows how this system works but from the point of view of a non-combatant pve player minding their own business if another player comes up to you and kills you they will become corrupted and receive ever-growing penalties the more innocent players they decide to kill [ __ ] eventually corrupted players can drop their items which can be looted by other players they'll also lose more experience upon death and also feel dampening in pvp so they become weaker they get their heads beat new little dick ass boys trying to go in there [ __ ] with everybody dude [ __ ] them yeah [ __ ] them dude uh dishonorables actually matter well this is a good way to do it right so it's like if you're not gonna if if you want to go for a dk if you're going for the big [ __ ] dishonorable kill and you see somebody and that [ __ ] makes you mad and you decide you know what [ __ ] you and you decide to kill him that's okay but you do it all the time that's a problem that is really really good that's very smart man just like sword art online uh i think so i i mean i'm not really sure exactly uh i don't remember exactly everything about that show corruption gained is also greater based on the level disparity so a high level randomly killing a new low-level player really isn't worth it additionally the game will have a bounty system where players with high corruption score will appear on the map for bounty hunters to track down and kill for rewards and npc guards will also attack corrupted players on site limiting their access to services within nodes the caravan pvp system in ashes is designed so it's like you got to run down the outlaws man it's some little dick ass boy that just runs out of there and just [ __ ] them uh means you can level well yeah i mean like i do think that for games like this at least for like the starting areas you should just make it to where you can't just like attack people in the starting areas because if you can it'll just be a [ __ ] show no matter what but um other than that i think this is a really really good system this is a really good system i have two things one is that uh this seems to be like a this is pretty ambitious kind of [ __ ] you know what i mean it is and uh this is like this is like above what i like i don't know they're biting off a lot here like this is more than i would trust blizzard to do you know yeah and uh i think having your [ __ ] drop your items drop and be lootable that's pretty [ __ ] that's that's pretty hardcore like i don't know like that's pretty cool well that might only happen if you are corrupted and it might not even happen normally like i'm not a big fan the thing is that i've never liked games that punish you for deaths too much because i feel like it makes me not want to take risks in the game and uh like path of exile i don't like losing experience i didn't like losing experience and be a bdo i've just never liked it because it feels like i'm like i want to go and try something or do something but i don't want to because there's like a thing that i can lose for it and it's like just time you know and i guess like some people like that other people don't but for me personally it's always just kind of killed my enjoyment of games like this but it just depends on like what that really is and like how how you lose experience and what it is you know software casual yeah well i enjoy that more right and um i think that if they make it to where you always lose your gear that could be bad but if it's only if you're corrupted you lose your gear that'd be all right i mean that's yeah that's what i'm kind of expecting only corrupted drop skier yeah i think so only drop gear whenever you're heavily corrupted yeah i think that's a good idea i hope there's not a lot of lag i don't want there to be like a [ __ ] little lag and uh i think one thing that wow has above every other game out there yeah is how fluid it is in its combat like nothing even comes close to how fluid wow is yeah and i think that's pretty important it's probably one of the best things about the game and i agree with you i think that's probably the biggest strength that it has is the fluidity of the of the combat like bts is very good wait why are they question marking that because you said something positive about wow like there's no there's no logic behind it i mean it's very true wow does have extremely fluid and clean gameplay like it's just yeah it does rise to each node and different areas of the map having easier or harder access to certain resources players will need to transport goods between nodes via caravans when a caravan is spawned it will create a moving open world pvp zone when players approach the caravan they'll be given three options attack defend or ignore caravans can transport goods from more than one player at a time and i can imagine this system alone will bring about the existence of mercenary guilds who attack caravans or defend them when paid by other players castle sieges will be a monthly event in which guilds can fight in a 250 250 battle to take control of one of the five castles in the world node sieges are different to castle sieges yo that's [ __ ] badass no way 250 people like no way [Music] what is that that's like [ __ ] 800 people in one area that's way that that'll never happen there's no way you can even program something like that today yeah i i don't know i mean if we the thing is with wow i mean imagine wow having that like if wow had something like that i think the servers would literally catch on fire like they would just [ __ ] blow up in like a puff of smoke man uh it would not happen man uh jesus dude okay uh let me go down we'll look at the rest of this and are the catalysts for change in the world yeah but they have like a conversation can last up to two hours if a node is successfully defended it can't be attacked for a certain period of time in relation to the level of that node a village for example can't be attacked for another 20 days whilst a metropolis cannot be attacked for 50 days if successfully defended additionally once a node siege is declared there's a period of time where many services in the node are shut down in preparation for war for a village siege there's two days notice and for metropolis there's five days notice these node sieges can only be declared within a certain period of the server's prime time to give everyone a chance to attend if a node siege is successful the node is reset to zero and players with resources stored in that node will lose some of those resources i really like this actually um like i want to go back i just want to look at a couple of pictures here like you've got the trebuchets right there like this is [ __ ] cool and i like it being on like a certain time rather than it just being like any time because like this is what would happen sometimes in like other games is like people would just attack while you were asleep and it's like it's not like it's realistic you know like oh you just kill them and attack a mother or sleep but it's not good gameplay it's just it's just not uh it's much cooler to have like a [ __ ] like imagine um [ __ ] two generals they ride out and they have like their armies and they ride out and they're on their horses with a couple of their emissaries and like you know they're a [ __ ] right-hand man and they're like okay at eight a.m tomorrow morning we begin to battle and then they go they go back and then they have to battle the next day like that's way [ __ ] cooler than just like this random [ __ ] [ __ ] you know you don't sleep yeah like lord of the rings two towers exactly man uh this is awesome yeah yeah we have to we have to start till after school because everybody in our class everybody are killed they're in middle school and they have to wait right um then i kid seriously no i it's about uh it's about making the game good and um things that are realistic don't necessarily make games good and i think that whenever you have a a question of should we make the game more realistic or better the game the answer is almost always better you always just make the game better because it's not realistic it's a video game and the game needs to be better more than it needs to be realistic not in preparation for war for a village siege there's two days notice and for metropolis there's five days notice these node sieges can only be declared within a certain period of the server's prime time to give everyone a chance to attend if the node siege is successful the node is reset to zero and players with resources stored in that node will lose some of those resources and real space player housing will also be destroyed guild wars are another separate pvp system in ashes of creation which basically allows guilds to declare war on each other and receive certain objectives to meet a victory condition this system isn't fully fleshed out as of making this video but it seems like a more in-depth version of what black desert online currently has with objective based components mixed into it too guilds can be at war against multiple other guilds at the same time and guild wars operate outside of the game's corruption pvp flagging system i think duels battlegrounds and arenas are fairly self-explanatory features that ashes of creation will have that we all like to see in mmos i think that's kind of what everybody would want to see i mean pvp the thing is uh chris wants to talk yeah he messaged me uh stephen i don't know if i said chris i was thinking about [ __ ] pathetic stuff yeah steven said he'd he he'd be wanting to actually come on discord and talk about the game really yeah tell him to message me i'll bring him in right now okay well he messaged me on twitter so i'll have to get uh oh yeah because you're more famous and yeah i get it we're gonna finish the video first though but overall when it comes to the pvp content this game will have it sounds like everything i've ever wanted in an mmo from the risk versus reward of the caravan system to node sieges being the catalyst for change in the world to the prestige of your guild owning one of the five castles on the server it seems like this game has pvp content for everyone from casual to hardcore and everything in between yeah the pvp content is really important because i think that a lot of people play mmos to where they can like ward their gear over other people you know it's like the old [ __ ] the thing i always say like okay you get a really good item and wow and then you take it into a bg and you beat the [ __ ] out of people with it yeah like that's just what people do and uh making sure you have like that pvp feature i think having pvp in mmos makes the mmo really feel alive because pve content it's like the mmo is where you interact with other people and i think that interaction just kind of goes from being like two-dimensional to being like [ __ ] four-dimensional whenever you go from interacting directly with like npcs and then you go acting interacting directly with players and so i i really think this is a good decision and i'm glad that they're emphasizing both points content will play a massive role in ashes of creation and features content in the form of quests open world dungeons instanced dungeons open world raids instanced raids world bosses and monster coin events as well as all the activities related to the growth of nodes pve dungeon and raid content in ashes will be designed for group sizes of 8 16 and 40 players this game will feature i wonder uh now that i know i'm gonna talk to him i'm gonna write down a few questions here um 40 hey i like that number yeah okay well i'm saying like 40. so i'm asking one thing i want to ask is that if the different sizes are you doing the same dungeon with eight people and 16 people than you're doing with 40 is it just scaled up or is it something different because i hope it's something different and is there a different as well as instanced dungeons and raids with 80 of them being open worlds and 20 of them being instanced there will be no group finder in this game so you that's perfect by the way i think you need instanced content for it to actually be challenging but the best content i think is open world content like world bosses and [ __ ] like that in uh in classic wow like that's really fun no group finder oh [ __ ] wait what you have to [ __ ] talk to other people to make bruce what the [ __ ] node this game is this game's dead in the water no if you don't have a group finder you don't have a game you understand i don't know i mean as [ __ ] as the the [ __ ] retail andes the [ __ ] those people on the general forums that's what they're gonna think man uh this is really good um i think so open world like the problem and actually i'm gonna ask about this too about open world uh open world content difficulty because you can almost always overpower bosses with more people but you do have instances where you can't do that like uh like amorous for example in classic wow because the dot that it puts on everybody is just so powerful and you have to not kill them fast but there are other ones that you can do it so it's really interesting um okay uh let me see here it's open dungeons yeah that's what i'm gonna need to join guilds and fight party members via social interaction if you want to partake in a lot of pve content the way open world dungeons and raids will work is that they increase in difficulty the deeper you venture inside at the entrance you might be fighting weaker lower level mobs with fewer mechanics but as you get deeper into the dungeon you'll fight tougher enemies with more mechanics and better loot that's correct additionally something you need to bear in mind is that all of the pve content that's available in ashes depends on the location of the nodes that the community decides to develop once that's just like wintergrasp that was [ __ ] cool back in the day whenever they did that uh yeah i like this a lot this is awesome uh this looks incredible yeah this is actually good ask about woot i already wrote that down man this is cool but you need to make sure that people have a reason to keep going back to that you know what i mean because otherwise you might yeah you might be able to get like you know pretty far on your own but if other people aren't coming in to help you or or you know the content's dead then i mean you're not going to be able to do it you're just going to be stuck there [ __ ] you know [ __ ] your own ass yeah this is uh that that is true you don't want to be [ __ ] your own ass that's going to be boring and we'll not i mean okay other may have access to completely different raids and dungeons to another server purely because their nodes develop differently in different locations so unlike other mmorpgs the endgame pve content really isn't a linear progression it can't be a linear progression because different raids and dungeons will be locked or unlocked depending on where nodes are developed and what stage they're at so in a way it could also be in a pve player's best interest to participate in a pvp node siege to reset the node that unlocks a certain raid so another node can then be developed which unlocks a different raid a fun unique piece that's what it's [ __ ] about right there see this is the one thing dude uh yeah the [ __ ] the war effort that kind of [ __ ] matters so much to me like i love the idea of being able to go and do pvp and pve and have them feed into each other because it makes it feel like it's less of a game and more of a world where like you're partaking and you're part of a world and i know obviously like i said before like you don't want to be realistic over being a good game but i think that that can make it a good game and there are some people that don't like that and they like kind of the more uh you know you know on rails fun but i think in good mmos the idea of escapism and uh like putting yourselves in the shoes of another person and like the world is important and the less like rails you have for that the more real it feels this is risky how's that it's risky because like while i agree that like that that should happen you're also gonna have people that just straight up won't play the game completely if they have to uh do any sort of pvp at all like pvp peers will they will be grudgingly engaged in pve it's not that big of a deal to them i think yeah they make people who yeah good people who only pve are they they will absolutely abstain from doing any pvp at all because they just get like i i mean they're just like i don't know they just like shrivel up become little [ __ ] and they just don't like they won't touch the other side of the game this is so remember the very pandaria the cloak yeah there were people that would not get they would not get their misa pandaria legendary cloak because they had to complete wins they had to get two wins in the new battlegrounds and they said you know what blizzard you can't make me do pvp i will not get my legendary cloak because i don't pvp i don't do that i think that really like you're going to have the instance is probably going to be you will be incentivized to do it and be part of it but you won't necessarily have to do it i think it'll be a lot like in classic wow on a pvp server where like if you're doing a world boss uh you sometimes you have to pvp against the other faction but if you don't want to do that and you want to prioritize just being fighting the dragon yourself you can do that too and there's much less pvp involved in that way and so i think that's that's okay it just depends on like how much you individually like are required i guess to participate and i think a lot of people will enjoy in ashes is its monster coin system this is an event that either spawns randomly or following the advancement of a node in which a horde of npc monsters will spawn and attack the node during this time players can use an item called a monster coin which they can receive as a rare drop in game to turn into a monster and assist the npcs in attacking the node against other players during a monster coin event the node can't be destroyed but buildings services and npcs can be disabled for a period of time quests and ashes of creation are divided up into three categories events tasks and narrative quests that's cool events are things that happen in ashes as a result of the development of the world successfully completing an event will have positive consequences such as buffs and failing events will have negative consequences such as natural disasters or node services being unavailable for a period of time tasks so you if if you [ __ ] up the node if you [ __ ] up the node oh then nobody gets to do it oh no scary dude that is scary we're all it's like yeah it's like reactionary stuff like that that's actually pretty cool our quests without excessive amounts of text and story around them such as collect x resources to help build a blacksmith for the node and narrative quests are more traditional story quests that can be personal to your class race or the region of the world you're in that's cool with some of these story arcs being locked behind further development of the nodes yeah that makes sense too if i was a role player ashes of creation is without a doubt the mmorpg i'd be looking forward to the most this game's being designed with so many great rp features to really add that extra level of immersion first let's talk about the extensive player housing system this game will have three types of player housing instance departments real space open world freeholds and static housing within nodes each of these three types of player housing become available once a node reaches village stage or higher instance departments will become available in a node if a mayor decides to construct apartment buildings within an empty plot so this is like if i'm the mayor i can decide to have you guys live with me or not that's basically it yeah exactly i i don't know like let me that that's actually crazy wait can you be a landlord in this game i hope so that would be awesome yes yeah yeah and then landlords are [ __ ] chat and then you don't if they don't pay it you just place a bounty on them and then you tell them you get their stuff man you get that [ __ ] money dude yeah that's actually crazy um i i want to see how big how big are servers um are they capped uh capped etc okay because that's one thing i'm curious about so if you have player housing that's out in the world and there's a fixed amount of nodes then the server size has to be a certain size in order to accommodate that or it's going to be a situation where like nobody [ __ ] has a house except for like these three dudes that don't have jobs and play the game all day so that's what i'm kind of curious about i guess it might be in the video though you're right this will work similar to the housing system in bdo yeah where you approach the apartment options for whose apartment you want to visit static housing within nodes are real space player housing that players can buy that will be visible to everyone you'll be able to decorate the front of your house with yard ornaments seamlessly enter and exit and see your house grow from a small cottage to a mansion as the node levels up freeholds are large real space player housing plots that can be situated within the zone of influence of a node but not actually inside the node think of static housing as buying a townhouse that grows in size over time with the node but freehold is owning a set size plot of land in the countryside freeholds are roughly half an acre in size and due to limited space in the world players can only own one of these per account whereas apartments and in node housing are limited to one per server there's many buildings you'll be able to place on your freehold such as a blacksmith stables and other stuff related to crafting role playing and other life skill related content players might want to partake in each of these three forms of player housing will allow players to decorate them with furniture some of which is functional others just cosmetic and when a node's destroyed players will lose their housing however a template will be mailed to them so they can quickly load the layout of their housing hassle-free when they eventually fight oh that's actually really cool and look at that there's like anteaters that you can ride on that's where dude that's the big content right there is the [ __ ] anteaters is multi-boxing loud uh that's like kind of a small thing i don't know how the game is going to work so it's hard really to say um yeah this is really schnozer's yeah exactly uh yeah this is actually really really cool i like that a lot build castles um okay i'll put that in there okay as with every good role play mmo ashes of creation will feature a wide range of races currently the game is planning on nine playable races for launch each of which have different cultures which will be reflected in the appearance of notes that they can call the most you've got two different variations of humans dwarfs elves orcs and a race called the tulnar which live underground oops so you've got the uh the klr those are like the the people right the humans and then the junior are the dwarves and then the nykua are the elven dwarves dude which one would you be i think i want to be the guy in the middle with the the helmet on with the big axe imperian empyrean yes they're so small he's got like a substantial imperial pride and culture though not as numerous as the kalar the empirians are forced to be reckoned with elite military forces and a highly structured government oh my god that sounds like heaven okay dude all right yeah maybe we go with that that'd be all right the tulnar which live underground different races will have different racial abilities and each race will have different base stats however there will be no gender lock for any of the races and every race can play as every class other nice rp features the game will have include an extensive remote system with interactable furniture the ability to lean against scenery sit on benches and dance with other players you'll be able to play parlor games with other players inside of taverns some being dice games others involving cards ice oh [ __ ] dude oh [ __ ] dude i got a question okay for for you to write down i i have a notepad open can you spit on other players or slap them or spank them or fart on them i i just added or spanked them okay that's good um so you have like actual tavern areas this is pretty cool able to join different types of social organizations in the game such as the scholars academy thieves guild or traders there'll also be a marriage mechanic in the game that may unlock special quests and further functionality with player housing what noon what dude so you have to get married did you go on a quest together bro that's some nerd [ __ ] i love it that's some straight up [ __ ] nerd [ __ ] that's great is there a release date for this no not yet uh it sounds like it's shaping up to be the spreadsheet the video game everything it will eventually be uh everything will eventually be taken down to a spreadsheet if it's not rebalanced constantly uh it's like wow alliance versus horde race wars big free-for-all i'm not sure yet overall from a role-play perspective it seems as though there's going to be more than enough choices and customization in ashes of creation that each player's journey in this game will be completely unique and it will also have all the immersive social elements that can help bring people together in an mmo it's a unicorn oh professional professions and life skills and ashes of creation are referred to as artisan classes these are split into three different trees gathering processing and crafting gathering professions consist of fishing herbalism lumberjacking mining and animal taming processing professionals wait a second i want to listen to that again i wasn't paying attention split into three different trades gathering processing and crafting gathering processing and crafting oh that okay so then you're mining the raw materials so okay this is basically like imagine if you had like mining so i think this is what it'll be like right it's like you have like mining and you know how like with mining you like you get the ore and then you also smelt the ore well imagine if smelting or was processing and then blacksmithing was [ __ ] doing that one right that that's cool the apple represent temptation yeah like at the end of memo we know okay all right well that makes sense to me at least no [ __ ] well listen guys so there's people probably didn't know that during professions consist of fishing herbalism lumberjacking mining and and taint and taming so you're gathering professions you can fish and you can also tame beasts i think i want to i want to be lumberjacking i want to just cut down trees man i used to love like in wards of draenor they had like that lumberjack thing that you could get like the lumber mill i used to love cutting down trees it felt so good i remember that it would feel dude remember back that you'd see a tree and like negrand it'd be like a level three tree and you'd see the [ __ ] thing the little you're on your cursor change and you're like dude and you go over there and you kill that tree oh my god you cut that was so good that was one good part of it i'll say that odd was so good the entire expansion was so okay all right let's move on the animal taming processing professions basically refine raw material via the use of certain freehold bro i gotta ask about krakens i gotta ask about krakens man no man no [ __ ] not that [ __ ] the real ones the real krakens from back in the day um like you you go out like are there c missions where you go sail out and you have to go on a [ __ ] expedition and you have to go like [ __ ] 15 miles off of the coast and there's like a giant [ __ ] squid that that you have to blow up with a uh like a this lightning spear with cannons and [ __ ] you might as well just put boob slider on there too while you're at it yeah i bet i bet that's one thing they want to see buildings such as forges to process ore into bars lumber yards processing logs to planks and so on crafting professions consist of alchemy armour smithing blacksmithing carpentry cooking dual crafting scribing ship building siege weapon building that's a lot dude what the [ __ ] so what's the difference though between so you have armorsmithing blacksmithing and weaponsmithing is blacksmithing just like making hooves for horses and [ __ ] like what is what does blacksmithing encapsulate shipbuilding ship building dude utility stuff yeah like tools and [ __ ] yeah oh so blacksmithing you're making the tools for weaponsmithing and armorsmithing maybe you're right oh my god shipbuilding dude oh my god dude i'm gonna build noah's ark this is crazy look at this man much man this is a lot it certainly is a lot i don't know it's a lot smithing in this game each character will only be able to truly master one profession you'll be unable to master multiple you'll still be able to progress with multiple professions but not to the extent of mastery this is to create the need for community interaction and create a sense of identity crafting in ashes of creation is also being designed so that it won't become irrelevant like in other mmos crafted gear will be other empire with the highest tier drops from raid bosses and due to that's going to be really hard to balance that is going to be really really hard to balance because like how do you have crafted gear that's as good as the gear that's like from raid bosses and stuff uh it's like do you because that's really really hard i mean i'd like to see that happen i mean it did that without with vanilla wow and the way they did it with vanilla wow is you only had like two pieces you could craft and that was the solution so you couldn't make a full imagine if you could make a full set of gear that was effectively lion or helms it'd be [ __ ] ridiculous so i i don't know it's different materials yeah that's yeah that's actually a good thing um just a second good as crafty gear as good as okay being limited to the mastery of only one artisan class guilds will have to organize multiple people to meet their crafting and gathering needs to initiate sieges complete projects and contribute to the node personally the profession i'm most excited for is animal husbandry as you'll be able to breed different animals together to create some really weird and wonderful mounts i'm not about that pokemon ship man i want to build my [ __ ] yeah wait breed them together husbandry you can marry your [ __ ] animals that's what they said isn't it i mean yeah yeah you can do that if you want i mean you get a tiger panda mount not yeah even that kind of amount that's crazy [Music] the class system in ashes of creation is quite interesting and leads to a lot of variety first you'll start out by picking a primary class archetype between bard cleric fighter mage ranger rogue summoner and tank eventually as you progress with your primary class you get to choose a secondary class out of the same eight options i previously mentioned so choosing to be a mage then fighter for example would give you the overall class of battle mage with this system there's a possibility of 64 different class combinations which okay all right um oh is it on there red paladin red paladin there's paladin do you see rhett paladin anywhere high sword fighter and cleric oh templar templar fighter oh [ __ ] yes oh [ __ ] yeah baby [Music] yeah we know dude all right so what do i what would i even be man uh let me see i think i'd want to get oh i'd be like fighter and tank be the dreadnought that's [ __ ] badass dude that's [ __ ] cool okay what about you could be a knight that's pretty cool too i don't know i i'd want to be like i'm obviously gonna go fighter or or tank i mean there's no way i play anything else besides that uh let's see yeah yeah fighter or uh yeah one of the two uh necromancer wait where's necromancer oh oh [ __ ] okay all right dude all right wait no that's not necromancer that's shadowmancer where's necromancer oh summoner and cleric oh [ __ ] wow dude wow dude okay that's cool displayed on screen now ashes of creation will be designed around the trinity system of tank healer and dps i'm glad about that i don't want to see people reinvent the [ __ ] wheel like i i hate that [ __ ] this is primary like just don't reinvent the world just do what works and that's fine okay you roll however with some effort you will be able to change your secondary role weapons and armor will not be class locked but some classes will obviously be more efficient with certain types of armor and weapons and when it comes to the game's combat system it will use a tab target action combat hybrid system the way this system will work is that each class will have two categories of skills tab target skills and action combat style skills players can choose to have up to 75 percent of either tab targeting abilities or 75 percent action combat abilities but not 100 either way personally the way i'd imagine this system will play out will be something close to guild wars 2 or arcade however the action combat side of this combat system is still in development as of making this video so it's hard to say how the complete system will actually fail that's good because like this makes sense like for spells for example it's really hard to get like fireball and like castable spells to work without without like [ __ ] locking onto a target because like they can just move out of it especially if they're farther away from you unless the ability locks onto somebody so i i think that makes sense and then having other like you know aoe abilities it's kind of like the difference between like for example like arcane orb that you can shoot out it's an arcane mage versus like arcane blast or something like that and this is the map here what do you think of the map uh i think it's huge i think it seems quite large [Music] when starting out in ashes of creation you'll first make your character choose your primary class then you'll be given the choice to spawn at one of four divine gateways in the world each race does have their own starter zone and starter quests but they won't be super mandatory to do more of a recommendation there's nothing stopping you as an elf spawning in the dwarven starting area to level with your friend the world's size and ashes is planned to be truly massive approximately 480 square kilometers in size including both water and land content as well as a diverse range of biomes ranging from deserts swamps smiles forests kilometers uh i don't know like 420 or something i don't have no idea i mean that means nothing to me i i don't like yeah how big that is what the [ __ ] is that like give me miles well wait that doesn't mean anything either because we don't know like how fast you can travel like i don't know how big that is period i have no [ __ ] idea do you have the internet no we need it yeah we need it converted to freedom units snowy mountains tropical islands and everything in between this game will be fully open world and also features underground zones known as the underrealm ashes of creation will feature an in-game viewable world map however starting out much of it will be covered in a fog of war until areas have been explored and uncovered additionally there will be some zones in the world that will experience all four seasons which will bring about their own events buffs debuffs and farming challenges seasons will rotate once each week with a full four season rotation passing by every four weeks when it comes do you think that's too fast four seasons every uh i feel like that's too fast um like i i think it'd be more like one month for each season or something like that would be better that's like my opinion right in my opinion it's perfect yeah i don't know one month per season makes sense to me uh but overall i do like the changing seasons like bdo had like a night and day system where like at night the mobs like did more damage and uh they attacked faster and they gave more experience but the day and night system like the cycle was only like four or five hours or something like that and i kind of preferred that not four weeks just for a month four weeks is a month no no uh can you do it so so one season would be a month guys right and then so like july would be winter and then august you know would be summer you understand does july come after august so basically there's gonna be four seasons uh where's spring what do you mean like i do like the idea of like kind of i kind of like the idea of the zones reflecting real life but i don't know how realistic that is to do and like if that's a good idea or not a good idea it's like kind of it's like imagine if like during the winter for example and like it might be too long okay well let me just explain why i think it could be cool and i'm not even saying that i agree with this or i think it's a good idea but this is just a cool element to it is that imagine if you know that like in winter it's going to be a lot harder to like harvest certain herbs and then during the summer and like the spring you stock up on those herbs a lot and then you save them for the winter and then you can sell them then i feel like there is like an element of realism to that that's fulfilling and compelling and cool so if it happens regularly all the time then you don't really have that same type of a playing around it so there are a lot of really good things about doing a a season cycle that matches the real-life season cycle but there are also bad things too where players get tired of seeing winter all the time but they get tired of seeing summer all the time so it's it's a weird weird problem to solve geeks when it comes to the leveling the max level will be 50 and it will take roughly 45 days of playing four to six hours per day for the average player to level from one to holy [ __ ] that's a lot of [ __ ] leveling dude holy [ __ ] how many what's 45 times 6 uh 460 that's 460 days man that is [ __ ] insane man uh 270 true um so wow uh 45 days to max level four to six hours per day oh i wonder if they have rested experience let me ask about that rested experience and then okay there we go all right that's good yeah that's a long time i like this i think leveling taking a long time is very healthy for an mmo because leveling is the most on rails experience that players have and the longer the players spend leveling the more time they have to understand what the end game is that's waiting for them and i think one of the problems that wow has right now in like retail wow is that players hit the end game immediately and they didn't spend the 60 or so levels or 70 or so levels that they spent in bc or vanilla getting ready or being prepared to actually play play that in game they just hit the end game and then all this stuff is open to them they're completely overwhelmed they have no idea really how to play the game so it's really important to make sure that the leveling experience is expansive enough to really teach players the game and uh they should remove max level i disagree with that entirely i like the idea of um of of finishing a level of like being done leveling 50 so definitely more on the hardcore side of things in that regard unlike a lot of modern mmos flying mounts will be extremely rare in ashes of creation that's achievable only for guild leaders that own one of the game's five castles the mayor of metropolis nodes and through legendary limited time dragon eggs that players might obtain from a world boss legendary limited time world boss dragon eggs that you can get a flying mount what the hell is going on in this game oh [ __ ] dude that is [ __ ] bad ass dude that is bad [ __ ] ass look at the text maybe 10-ish people can fly per server at once oh my god dude so we might have to make two different two different guilds so like you get one flying mount i get another one nobody's gonna join my guild dude we're just got to split like our time slots okay well i guess i'll just have to get the flying mount then that'll be all right we'll be fine it'll be okay um yeah yeah i mean i i the thing is yeah you guys are saying you'll join like what do you mean man sounds hella bad no it doesn't exclusivity creates value how much do you think you'd give a [ __ ] about a lamborghini if everybody had one uh if you don't have the exclusivity of certain things then the value of them uh just doesn't matter if everybody can get it then nobody cares about it uh the thing is like these are this is one of the things that like wow is lost over the years is having things that are exclusive now here's what's probably going to happen is that as they're going to patch ashes of creation over the years after the after the release they will probably add more have a ranking system in pvp i'll add that um i don't want to take questions through donations because i think that's kind of shady so um if people want to do that uh you can send me some questions like mcconnell or like my mods and if they think it's a good question they can send it to me i don't like taking donation questions so uh you just did i know i'm making exception for that one but i'm saying it now just so nobody else feels like that that's a reward structure you know only streamers can fly yeah of course dude are you doing the interview yeah after i finish this ask about voice chat uh everybody uses to score it anyway it doesn't matter but it's like they will probably make it to where more people can fly besides 10. uh realistically especially if like the dragon eggs are there all the time and the dragon doesn't die uh you know that you ride around um i guess like mount durability is probably something i could talk about but like in general like flying mounts is really interesting it's unlikely there will ever be more than 10 players per server with temporary access to flying and when you consider that each server will have a population of between eight to ten thousand players seeing mentioning that them travel will be extremely limited in this game as the developers want distance to matter the only form of fast travel that will be possible is if a scientific node reaches the metropolis stage at this point players can construct a building that offers fast travel only to nodes within the metropolis's zone of influence but that's pretty much it for my basic explanation of what ashes of creation is without going super in depth on stuff i actually really like that i think that's cool i like the idea of like not having fast travel everywhere and i know like obviously it's it's kind of bad in a way but i think there's a way to make it good so like in bdo um you didn't really have a whole lot of fast traveling and because of that i was able to like your position on the map mattered and like the actual geography like you you explore the world you figure out like faster ways to go it's like whenever you're going from like point a to point b and you realize like okay i can take this way down like this path and like avoid this monster and that monster and you know my horse can go this way around like uh shake thank you very much the uh what do you call it for the five subs i appreciate that very much man thank you thank you thank you uh everyone's going super wild star on this game i don't think it's going super wild star at all like the game isn't designed to to be like super hardcore or anything and i think that's a mistake that wildstar made by like designing the game and making it super hardcore like that i don't think that's a good idea i think it's important to make sure that the game is appealing to everybody and um it seems like that's what they're doing next i want to talk about why i believe this is the most exciting upcoming mmorpg and why this game isn't just a pipe dream rather something many people including myself will be testing with no nda before the end of this year there it is should you believe first of all it goes without saying after everything i've just explained about the game it will be the most ambitious fantasy mmorpg ever attempted the game will truly have something for everyone it's not just a pvp mmo or a pve mmo it's a genuine pvx mmo that has pretty much everything usually when a new mmorpg is announced and they talk about their plans when it comes to game design it's always vague there's a ton of question marks on many course systems and it doesn't take long before players can look at the ideas of the developers and straight up say this is a bad idea this won't work new world has been a perfect example of this since the first time i tried the game in 2018 too recently when it announced its delay when it comes to the game design of ashes of creation it seems to me that almost every aspect of the game has been that's a good bird that's a really good bird i like that bird so uh 0.1 percent of people have flying mounts exactly that's why it's good should you believe the hype the thing is like i like the um i like the fantasy of this game more than new world i kind of like the idea of like the you know 1700s mysticism that like new world is trying to go after i think that's really cool but i've always been like a traditional dragons and you know demons [ __ ] fantasy kind of guy you know what i mean and uh i i like that a lot and so the theme of this game gets me much more excited than new world i'll say that for sure same yeah there you go four winged bird that's not four wings that those are his feet clearly thought out and thanks to years of q and a's between the community and developers we have a clear blueprint for how this game will actually play out if you care to read it on the ashes of creation wiki when it comes to the core game design systems there's nothing i'm overly concerned about everything seems to make sense and follow a strong design principle of risk versus rewards for me the only real question mark i have about the game is how fun will the combat be what does their 75 action tab hybrid combat system actually play like that's one thing that's really important is like one thing that like these games live and die by is is the combat fun is the combat good and if the combat is good then the game is good and or not i mean that's not really that simple because the diablo 3 combat's good and uh you know and so i i don't really think that's the case always but the combat does really matter a lot it is super important to make sure that your combat is good and fluid because that's what people do in the game like movement does your character feel like you're moving it or does it feel stilted like these types of things are super important in games and they're like they're so core to the game and that's like one thing like mcconnell was saying earlier like wow you feel like you're moving your character and i think that's uh that's a really important part of it movement is why final fantasy sucks i i don't know i haven't played it before so for me eso when i was playing it it's like that's a pretty good game in my opinion but the combat is just so like god damn i really i did not like the combat eso it's just not good yeah i i don't like shroud shroud i talked to him about it and like he really likes the combat in eso and he thinks it's cool like me i just don't like it you know like i really i loved the bdo combat i thought the bdo combat was [ __ ] amazing and there's a few other games too that i think do a great job with combat but the majority of games don't really do that great and uh i think like for example let me think of some other games uh like pubg i think this is one of the big reasons why like uh fortnight took off so well is because the pub g's movement was so bad like pub g like one thing you could say about fortnite that's very hard to deny is that fortnite's movement is extremely good like it is very fluid it feels like you're actually moving your character it's responsive it's not sluggish at all it's direct it's clean and it's very well polished and that was one of the reasons i think a lot of people moved over to to fortnight from pub g is because fortnite just played a lot better it matters a lot it's a huge huge factor i think if they can nail down and just follow the blueprint for this game until completion it will be a guaranteed success ashes of creation is primarily a privately funded mmorpg made by an mmo fan frustrated by the direction of the genre who was extremely successful in business earlier in life since i first covered this project in 2017 we've seen the studio he created expand to over a hundred developers attracting people from blizzard sony online entertainment daybreak games and more this year especially we've seen production for ashes of creation ramp up significantly and in recent live streams we've seen gameplay sessions of many core systems working such as the mayoral system early hybrid combat real-time node development open world dungeons a 40-man raid the caravan pvp system basic professions and the purchasing of in-node player housing what's more impressive is the creative director's commitment to transparency despite the project still likely being a solid two years from completion sometime this fall we've been told that people who have access to the game's alpha one test will be able to stream and make content about the game with no nda and when you consider that amazon's new world still has a strict nda despite previously being two months out from its supposed release to me shows a lot of confidence in a product now this is like new world is basically um it's like imagine you see how like this is all segmented out new world is like three of these segments like that's the entire the entire scope of the game is like three of these segments oh i got a question for you to write down real quick okay how is how is um item optimization gonna work for hybrid classes you know cause like in vanilla as a ret paladin yeah you agility strength intellect stamina you need all this different [ __ ] and it's like impossible to get what you really want out of your out of your character and you know i can't speak to like you know like a [ __ ] mage fighter class like whatever they would want but like yeah i know personally from you know playing a rat like that that shit's like it's cool but i want it to work too you know yeah i mean something that sounds good versus uh functions well and uh yeah all right we'll we'll go ahead and we'll move on past this this does sound really really good uh blizzard's gonna be mad at me no i think actually like a lot of the blizzard devs want to see other mmos succeed to an extent because that's going to give them new ideas to to steal from those other mmos that's what they do and so there's no reason for that for blizzard to not like that that'll give them more ideas to take and um like i i'm not gonna quit wow right i mean the thing is like like i play for example like i would play wow for eight hours a day and then i'd play bdo for 10 hours a day and i still had six hours left so i mean there's plenty of time that you can just put to different things all of that's not to say that ashes of creation hasn't had its problems or drama surrounding its development because it certainly has releasing ashes of creation apocalypse the battle royale testing environment on steam caused nothing but confusion to the people that were casually following the project i think that was kind of that was a misstep um because it wasn't really representative of the game but i i remember whenever i saw the um uh the battle royale i was actually impressed by the combat because the original video that the first ashes of creation video that i ever saw i thought to myself this game sucks and then whenever i saw the battle royale combat i thought it was much better in the past the community went long periods of time without seeing any tangible gameplay due to an issue where large portions of foundation code had to be rewritten essentially delaying the game by one year but in 2020 we've really started to see ashes of creation come together almost every monthly live stream we've been shown new gameplay we've already had players get into the early alpha one client and talk about their experiences thanks to no verbal nda and community perception of the project as a whole has shifted from extremely skeptical to cautiously optimistic whilst there's still a long road ahead for creation i have to say that in the five plus years i've been a full-time mmorpg youtuber this is the only upcoming mmo that i've been able to look at and say to myself if this game releases it has a real chance of being the next truly successful mmorpg thanks for watching wow [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 898,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold thelazypeon, TheLazyPeon, asmongold mmorpg, asmongold lazy peon, asmongold mmorpg game, asmongold the lazy peon, the lazy peon, ashes of creation, asmongold ashes of creation, thelazypeon ashes of creation, new mmorpg, ashes of creation mmorpg, new mmorpg 2020, asmongold classic, classic wow, asmongold mcconnell, most mmorpg, best mmorpg, mmorpg
Id: x5YF8HabMi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 19sec (4219 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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