Asmongold Reacts To Keemstar's "H3H3 lies" | DramaAlert

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drama lair nation and everyone else that's gonna see this video this is not a drama lore video this is not a news video okay a video today responding to a video that was uploaded yesterday by h3h3 where he accused me of various things that can be proved wrong completely out of context she's just playing it wrong but somebody needs to swat this guy like how is that okay alright I don't know man I feel like there's I feel like there's only one context there you know what I mean the most damning thing that he accused me of is killing Attica and that's what I want to talk no we didn't accuse you of that at all he didn't know he didn't like he accused him of contributing to edit akka killing himself he obviously accused keemstar of that but he didn't accuse him of killing him what the [ __ ] and so this is what I'm saying here this is what people do so he's taking something that's ten percent true and then taking it all the way to a hundred and by taking it all the way to a hundred people believe it because Ethan did not say that but Ethan implied that so people who already have a bias or undecided will consciously create the connection in their mind that Ethan said that even though Ethan didn't say that it's actually very smart what he's doing talk to you about today everything else he said in that video I will be responding in a separate video but I want to focus on this because it's just you'd have to be the biggest scumbag in the world to try to pin another man's suicide on another person because of an internet beef that me and you are having which we've been having for quite some time and I'll explain all of that too but to get into it the the basis of this whole keemstar killed Attica is the interview that I did with Attica and some tasteless tweets that I put out but more than anything the interview is what gets the most attention in this situation because the segment of what I said to Attica and what transpired we'll get into that but before we do first I want to share a statement from attica's own mother who texts me this hello keemstar this is Atticus mother responding to you to address the recent threats and accusations that you've received in relation to his death I wish to inform Attica fans friend and viewers that keemstar is not responsible for Atticus passing and should not be held accountable for my son's actions a tackle of Teamsters show and wanted to make his appearance both memorable and exciting my son's goal was to make the segment as dramatic and entertaining as possible not to use it as a vehicle of hatred towards the show's host and created read loved do you even know what's real anymore like I don't even I don't even know why what's truly needed is a much better platform supporting mental health awareness throughout the world please build up your online community with kindness instead of recklessly breaking each other down and God we trust you will take these blessings I send out to you and I'm I don't know man it's you guys think he faked it do you guys actually think he faked it if you want me to be honest I don't think that he faked it I really I would probably bet $10,000 you know what if evidence comes out guaranteeing that you didn't fake it I'll give 300 I will give 300 subs I will give 300 subs if evidence comes out proving that he faked it that's how certain I am there's no way that he was gonna come out on a video and say this if it's not verifiable I'll do it I really will not really no decency actually you know what yeah that's actually a good idea how much does 300 subs how much does 300 subs it's 1500 bucks right yeah okay even better yet instead of paying myself if evidence comes doubt that he faked it I will donate the $1,500 in full to the mental health charity of your choice that's how certain I am that he probably did not fake this I will do it I don't think that happened there's no way yeah there's there's no way I mean maybe but I feel like it would just be so stupid to do that like I don't think keemstar is stupid I think he's an [ __ ] but I don't think that he's stupid and if he is well then that's gonna cost me 1,500 bucks must admit when I got that text message I just completely fell apart and that is exactly what I needed when I needed it graving with Atticus passing and then - wonder these people so attica's mom thank you so much for send that to me she didn't send that to me yesterday or today she sent that to me a few days after the passing of Etica also I'd like to read some statements that were put out yesterday on Twitter by attica's past girlfriend he tweeted in response to a tree a trees video really sad to see people blaming keemstar again he was in no way responsible for Atticus actions let's think about it some more one of attica's goals was to be on drama ler because he respected that man they were friendly behind the scenes desmond was actually unwell sick so in short I understand that Kim's past makes it really hard for others to change that opinion so don't go thinking I want the funk a divide between those who like and unlike him this is just my take on the situation that so she deleted the tweets why do you think she deleted the tweets yeah what why do you think she deleted the tweets you you think that keemstar paid her to delete the tweets or sorry not to pay her do you think keemstar paid her to make the tweets keemstar paid her money to make the tweets I don't I feel like there's a lot of dissonance going on here like I don't know I mean that I don't think the keemstar paid her I think that's ridiculous maybe she misread it maybe she didn't understand what's going on but I don't think that's what happened that is ridiculous guys she was getting harassed yeah this is the most difficult conversation to have that's absolutely right this is a difficult conversation to have this is this is ridiculous and we shouldn't be engaging in this whole thing I shouldn't be forced to respond to this attica's death shouldn't be used as a pawn to beat me in this feud that we have h3h3 you really crossed the line now after Atticus past girlfriend Alice made these tweets a straight story fans started attacking her and harassing her to the point where she had to go private she DM me saying that she had to delete everything because there were spamming some really inappropriate stuff to her but she said that I could use the screenshots and I said no problem h3h3 fans can be the worst but keep in mind during this whole Atticus watch and that was going down where a man actually lost his life there were moments where I said some stuff that was completely stupid and wrong and they're all over everyone shared up but I did not kill this man Atticus girlfriend also said you contributed to it though I think that I'm trying to a solve kiemce of the wild [ __ ] yeah he contributed to it people accused her but when she came out with these statements of being paid off in HCAHPS video soon guys sweets painting a picture that I didn't care about etiquette at all that I simply just wanted to use this as a spectacle to get as many views as possible like that was the whole image that he put forth he even found some tweet where I acknowledge that he was in a certain mental hospital he even found a tweet and made this point in his video that I Doc's the mental hospital that Etica was that yeah but for h3h3 to find this tweet he would have had to go to my Twitter he would have had to hit so advanced search right put the user keemstar in and then put in attica and see all the tweets that i've ever made about etiqa and if you do that you actually get full context on October 25th I said I was really worried about Etica if you see this I want you to know that you're an amazing entertainer and thousands are counting on you to be here to entertain them you have purpose that's good this we after okay any pose that made it seem like he was gonna commit suicide oh yeah he's gone he was gone for a couple days then came back started streaming and it just seemed like something was off I tweeted it I actually like Attica I don't think he's evil like phousi but he's definitely manic as [ __ ] boating he actually acts like this because that's what all of his fans were saying I said nah not like this at this point I actually thought something was seriously wrong but if you are a fan of Etica if you watch etiquette if you watched his streams add a cut I think that he's a sociopath and he's manipulating this situation and he's playing both sides I think that's what it is III think he's manipulating this situation now obviously I could be wrong but if I had to bet on it I think that that's what it is and he's manipulating the situation to play both sides and you know kind of simultaneously like criticize and also I pretend like he's friends with him the entertainer was very very close sorry I want to pause again boy guy I don't want to say he's a sociopath I'm not a doctor right of course I'm not doctor I'm not really qualified to make that judgment but what he's doing seems sociopathic to me the guy acting not right they were so close to each other that it was so hard for the fans and even myself to figure out through all these different outbursts that were happening over and over and over again it wasn't one incidence it was multiple incidents if he was actually losing his mind or if this was a publicity stunt because he made it really seem why did you say where he's at he's done h3h3 didn't include the tweets of me saying stay healthy or how after the interview I seen a clip of him on his stream and he seemed like he was doing much better and I said whatever you're doing stick with it h3h3 saw these tweets but none of these tweets were included because it doesn't push the narrative that he wants to push that I killed Etica because it's not of course it's not the narrative he wants to push because it's not the narrative that he's pushing no obviously not like Gigi yeah obviously that's like it's really poor form I mean it could be at a point where keemstar thinks that this is like okay and he doesn't actually want the guy to kill himself he just wants to be able to manipulate and use them for content and like see him get upset that could also be the case which is also you know I out to sociopathic as well but it is slightly different we were going back and forth me and Atticus fans were going back and forth whether yeah to believe that he was in trouble or to believe that this was a publicity stunt and it got to the point where all of his fans were spamming clown emojis at him calling him a clown because yeah did not believe that there was a mental I remember talking about this whatever happens and I talked to the man yeah talk to the man on the phone and he would be completely calm that's one thing I didn't like at all is like as soon as they what he call it as soon as before etiqa killed himself everybody was calling him a clown and memeing on the sky like [ __ ] crazy like all of his comment sections we're calling him crazy they were calling him a clown they were saying he was weird and stupid etc and then the moment the guy [ __ ] kills himself they're like oh I was sues my favorite it's like he was your favorite then why did you spend the last [ __ ] six months talking [ __ ] about him and making him feel like he was crazy like it's it's so [ __ ] fake dude and that's not even like that's not even keemstar that's just people in general I hated that the numbers the subs he asked me once about getting verified and he thought because he did this one publicity stunt where you know they broke into the door and took him to the mental hospital that a publicity stunt white come on man see there's publicity stunt publicity stunts oh man keemstar is very good at this he is and it if you're ever if you ever want to find out how to misdirect people it what watch came star this is really here it is now there were these articles on him and maybe you could get verified that's the key yeah this is and keep in mind from an internet perspective he was taken in handcuffs to a hospital and they let him out hours later I'm not a doctor you know all of us on the internet are thinking at this time that this is a publicity stunt before well you just already said that it was and then later on you say that people think that it is it's the same as the vaulty video where he says he thought that I stole his video and then later on he says that I stole his video you don't present an opinion as a fact whenever you present the opinion like this is it's come on dude we were talking about the man's career we were talking about the fact that there were these articles the fact that he was trending worldwide but then once I turned the cameras on and I hit record he immediately goes in to Attica the Entertainer before Attica committed suicide he left a video online where he says this you know I wasn't suicidal before I really wasn't but one thing I didn't realize was that the walls were closing around me so fast I really had no intention of killing myself but I would always push it too far holy [ __ ] I guess I am mentally ill Attica was so confident and so convincing that like it made it impossible to know if there was a problem or not and I kept flip-flopping along with his fan base back and forth he's got a problem no this is just a character no he's just acting it up that's what I was caught in along with his fans wait oh [ __ ] guys I actually just got a [ __ ] message somebody actually this is crazy um somebody from my my community actually had Atticus mom send them a message too look what it said look at that can you believe that Wow I just I looked over at Twitter and I saw that and I had to pull it up on screen yeah yeah yeah so an Atticus final video he literally said this about me oh good keemstar I wish you the best my [ __ ] yeah Atika was a huge drama Lert fan him coming on this show meant so much to him and we all came on he wants to put on a performance and that's the way I saw it but in that interview and the most damning thing against me is a clip that's taken completely out of context where I'm talking about simulation theory and while I say this roll it if think about that statement there are no coincidences in my world because everything happens for a reason because it's all plan it's all been pre-designed every patient it's it's all predestined game start this but the scariest thing about thinking that the world is a simulation and it's predestined and all that is then there's no reason to live why not why do you fear death well that's what I'm saying why are you having this conversation on an interview you really think about it then why live job what the [ __ ] it's just a simulation who cares yes I said that I said that to Etica but why did I say to him because I was trying to explain to him that believing that this world is not real believing that this world is a simulation could push you in harm's way could put you in danger if you don't think this is real then why live you have to believe that this is real you can't I feel like one thing that a lot of people do that I don't think that they should do is they try to basically take the place of a therapist or an actual medical professional with dealing with mentally ill people and even if keemstar had good intentions it's very clear that the way that he said what he said could have been interpreted as a motivation for the person to kill himself and while I think it's important to help people that do have mental health conditions and people who are struggling mentally I think offering them actionable advice on what to do with their mental health conditions isn't always a good idea because you might not really fully understand the context in which those middlemen mineral mental problems manifest themselves and that's why you have to have them talk to actual professionals and I III think that's a responsible to do and it doesn't really matter who it is it's still irresponsible to do believe that this is a simulation I wanted to put that warning out there I was trying to help I battle with these things to this day but for h3h3 to accuse me of killing him which you definitely did I know you put out tweet what about doctor swab did not blame keemstar for attica's death but for 10 minutes we haven't talked about that for him and others you definitely did accuse me you implied it you more than implied it in fact one person responded I believe you said almost verbatim it's really interesting that just a few months after kiemce talked to Etica about jumping off a cliff Attica jumped off a bridge to his death homie you more than implied that kiemce was responsible for what happened to Attica yes yes he did do that but I think that there's a difference I think that keemstar was partially responsible I don't think that he was the only person if keemstar didn't exist Attica probably still would have jumped off the bridge but keemstar made it probably a little bit easier for him to do it and that's probably what it was and it I think that keemstar he's taking he's taking Ethan's argument to its most logical extreme and then arguing against the logical extreme of the one argument that he can actually disprove easily because of so much other confounding evidence so he has the text from the mom he has the messages from the girlfriend and the video goes through a dozen different things that he didn't tell he's not probably not gonna talk about at all you more than implied that kiemce was responsible for what happened to Attica chemstro his greatest moment comes when he asks Attica in a manic state why doesn't he just jump off a cliff do you really think about it then why live jump off a cliff yes the simulation who cares of course hypothetical but it is quite a coincidence when you consider that only 51 days later that very same youtuber jumped off a bridge to his death Ethan you are a piece of [ __ ] garbage garbage and on top of it you're a [ __ ] hypocrite you go on through your video saying you know about all this mental health and Teamster had a lot of bad takes I'm at which I did trust me I had a lot of bad takes about mental health and my opinions have changed throughout the years but then okay you act on your high horse you completely forget when fouseytube was having his mental breakdown you did a whole podcast roasting him over it is he is he I mean I can't tell if he's just like cracked out yeah or if he's just on a manic rant yeah it it seems very manic yeah it seems very much training bra you got a training bra on for some luscious breasts you've been grilling when he get on a high horse and he fall off there's a long way down didn't didn't South part do an episode about this with the douchebag and the turd sandwich I think they did right I mean seems like seems like one of those situations I don't think that they're equal I I think Ethan is not as much of an [ __ ] as keemstar is like not even to the same degree like it's I think Ethan shouldn't have done this it seems like a mistake for him to have done this but that doesn't it doesn't equate to what kiemce started it's it's a false comparison or it's unequal I mean look at look what he shouldn't have done this either I mean dude this is straight out of like a horror movie like are you in my basement right now [ __ ] you might be thinking to yourself he's like over him Drake's sleeping in his bed Lucy's like hovering over him you might think this is a little strange Drake but this is God's plan for me to murder you right now clearly acting's not working out for you dawg that was a pretty corny read [ __ ] hypocrite you've always been a goddamn hypocrite you used to call me out for making Jake Paul videos when you made Jake Paul videos the other day you tried to roast me I'd totally go you tried to roast me for my hoodie you said I looked like a 12 year old and then the whole internet had to remind you in row I think I'm about hoodie - how you dress it was it was it's always something it's like two 40-year old men dressing like 13-year olds are going at it at each other mad and that this is funny to me mad this is like this is the kind of drama that I like this is actually funny because nobody's getting hurt nobody's dying it's just two dumbasses making fun of each other's hoodies like just please go back to this Hey swing-and-a-miss in this entire video is a big swing and a Miss in fact in the next video I'm going to address every single other [ __ ] you've taken out of context I'm gonna address you literally turning the guy who swat at me and swat at my mods on Street into a victim which one of the best researchers on the whole goddamn YouTube you know the platform is gamer for Mars who literally DM to be this and disbelief that you use that I'm gonna address every single thing and another thing you did in this video is it absolute I didn't call the police like if this guy's a cereal swatter and he's such a bad person why is the result of that swatting him I I don't know that seems like a bad response vigilante it's not even vigilante like if he just called the cops and keemstar had all this evidence of him doing it I mean keemstar obviously has a lot of influence and in some way or another or I mean [ __ ] somehow I mean the guy never go he's got six million subscribers it feels like that's like the last thing that you do it's like this guy just man this guy keep stealing [ __ ] you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go to his house I'm gonna steal his [ __ ] you're not Robin Hood you're just a thief absolute first for YouTube you went after my sponsors ya wet after my sponsors if you think the YouTube community is happy with you right now you got to be out of your mind you have assured in this new era where people that have beefs on each other go after their spa Unser's like this is never happened before but it's happening now it's happening now and you did that you started this and because it's been going on for a while if you'll recently got from your stupid [ __ ] video I got in contact with them I'm no longer with G fuel anymore I walked away they don't deserve to have [ __ ] hate because of our beef attica's fans don't need to relive this [ __ ] it's always lies deception manipulation clips out of context spinning a [ __ ] narrative that just isn't true towards the end of your video you act like a victim like oh the big bag keep star has been after me forever and it's had a huge toll and I'm a I don't know if he if he walked away or not but I'd say probably not it was like he made some ridiculous Mike he wanted something ridiculous and then they said no and then he walked away from all of it it probably is technically true but not like it's not actually true it's probably something like it's a half-truth yeah well I have a support group around me and I can't wait for you to see them because they're really pissed off at that video you upload it for multiple goddamn reasons good luck Ethan cuz you're gonna [ __ ] eat it that's it Jesus Christ in the third person which is accent yeah orchestrating Equis is Atticus mother's text is a really low life scum move I feel like it probably is yeah just take three steps of beer maybe then I'll solve your dislike bar I don't know what is it right now it's positive he was positive this is positive like to dislike even now he's positive like even now people yeah see I told you it works it works - 1500 yeah socialblade well obviously people unsub and they'll just resub later on like I'm not really gonna take that too seriously I don't know man is it smart to publicly threaten someone like that I don't know I mean like it's already out in the open you crossed a line yeah that's the thing is like if keemstar wants to make a video explaining why he did the things that he did then yeah alright we'll see what his perspective is but for me like whenever I see all the bad stuff I don't know it it feels like it feels like he probably [ __ ] up that's that I I feel like he probably [ __ ] up and I'm no longer with G fuel still has G fuel code and description they probably just didn't change that to be fair I'm gonna need verification that was actually attica's mom yeah I think I'd want to see that too man let's see basically a whole HD videos HD make solid points keemstar no okay there it is we still don't believe in depression I completely fell apart cap Jesus man abacus mom addresses teams turned a third person whenever she's texting them yeah I mean I don't know dude wait you guys are putting the - as I said if proof comes out that it wasn't his mom and he faked it I'll donate the 1500 bucks to whichever mental charity you guys decide and you guys get to [ __ ] uh you know you guys get to help me waste my [ __ ] money we're not even waste my money [ __ ] that's actually I'm have right that stopped my taxes but you know [ __ ] somebody's gonna be able to use it at least I'm not paying myself with subs owner if there'll be a boxing showdown between these two bro that's the smartest [ __ ] thing I've ever heard that's actually a desk genius man that is [ __ ] genius just have it be a boxing match why the [ __ ] not man yeah you think you're [ __ ] I don't know that at least used to be more interesting [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 348,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold h3h3, asmongold drama, asmongold dramaalert, asmongold keemstar, keemstar h3h3, keemstar drama, keemstar h3h3 drama, h3h3 keemstar, h3h3 drama, h3h3 reaction, keemstar reaction, keemstar content nuke, asmongold h3h3 drama
Id: Xc0yTZossiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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