Asmongold gradually loses it on Elden Ring's worst boss ft. Mcconnell

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see anything I'm getting so mad I'm getting so [ __ ] mad [ __ ] Paladin using a Paladin's weapon I'm not like there's nothing the thing is it's actually less you know it's less of a Paladin's weapon now right because I can actually they actually nerfed the uh the holy damage wait what the wait what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] wait what kill it I got underneath it now my camera got [ __ ] around what the [ __ ] was that just kill it all right all right I'll fight it now this time it should be fine I just got [ __ ] over there okay let's loot this it's not that big of a deal no I gotta be nighttime wait does it apparently not I guess not I thought this was only mad at night I can't hit him just [ __ ] do a jump attack dude he just I can't bro this boss sucks just do jump attacks stagger him I can't because he like whenever he attacks there's like [ __ ] on the floor so I can't just like attack with him and I don't know when I can attack I have no idea okay there were [ __ ] on the floor with Mo too and you beat Moog I'm gonna try to use the horse it is pronounced by the way I got clarification pronounced Moog [ __ ] okay all right well this shit's hard okay focusing it's like it does that [ __ ] everywhere okay all right let's go into them oh my God I'm getting destroyed Holy One Shot yeah he just [ __ ] killed me in one hit I don't know what to do I think I'm not gonna use the horse though that's one thing I'm sure of I'm not gonna pick up my Souls this time I don't want to distract myself I thought you were the horse Lord not today it's dude it's the camera that I [ __ ] hate stop walking on okay all right all right let me I'm dead it's just the the fire that he puts down it really makes it hard how do you not stagger okay that should have killed you oh my God bro this boss is ridiculous Jesus Christ I don't know how the the [ __ ] slam didn't kill you I don't know how you looked at one HP I didn't even know what he was doing holy [ __ ] all right let's go I messed up I'll probably die before I have to use that anyway it doesn't matter foreign I can't see him I can't see him dude it's the captain dude we'll stop walking on if I can't I he moves around I can't I can't hit him anyway okay oh my God what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ oh my God I might die I'm dead holy [ __ ] this boss is insane you're [ __ ] yourself by walking on no if I don't lock on I can't see what he's doing because the boss is too big this boss is 5-0 foreign he just doesn't I can't I can't [ __ ] where where is he like Jesus Christ I hate this boss oh my God stay on a big bird you can change the lock position I need to try that maybe I don't know I just can't [ __ ] hit him man are you are you pretending are you pretending no why I'm actually annoyed what do you mean is this this ass is for Content this is for Content it's just for confident no I'm actually getting mad and then my attack didn't work again I'm getting really annoyed okay I'm just I can't I just can't log on that's all there is to it okay there we go I I walked onto his body now okay how you weren't even on me foreign [ __ ] Jesus Christ control like oh my God oh my God I hate this boss I do this just like it's such a [ __ ] boss let me just all right I'm gonna get his top brother no it's it's hard because of the camera angle like it's the same reason I hated the fighting the [ __ ] amygdala let me just I want to just kill him right now I'm gonna put it 100 I never want to fight this boss again the what don't make Dominic I don't know how to say it I couldn't [ __ ] hit his head I I can't I'm getting this I oh my okay all right that's I'm out I'm out all right all right let's go do it again all right let's go let's do it again uh I I [ __ ] I messed I messed up there I messed up there's something about this boss man every other boss I've had no problem with this boss I just I hate bosses that I can't lock onto it's so annoying locking onto the boss should not do that okay let's go there it's like the fire is what really [ __ ] me man foreign thank you [Music] I can't see you can see I can't [ __ ] see oh my God I can't [ __ ] see I'm moving around I hate this okay let's go try and do it again I hate this [ __ ] boss man can't see either dude yeah it's just [ __ ] annoying let's go let's get it out of the way I want to get it out of the way so we can move on foreign move because now this is happening can't even see what he's doing because he's too big and it interrupted thank you okay he's not gonna hit me oh my God it shoots an arrow gee dude I can't even [ __ ] heal I can't I'm up against the [ __ ] God damn it I hate this [ __ ] boss God [ __ ] damn it okay great all right let's do it God I hate this [ __ ] boss man oh my God oh it makes me so mad doing way less damage today it's because I can't hit the boss that's why it has nothing to do with that dude I hate this trash boss this is such garbage let's just get let's get the [ __ ] out of here I just want to kill it so I can move on with my life says my sister killed this first attempt I can't [ __ ] dude oh my God oh like I cannot see anything God what the [ __ ] is going oh my God I hate this boss so it's such garbage like I'm so mad I'm so [ __ ] mad and I'm not even mad at losing like I'm mad at the I'm mad at the game okay it's fine I just have to keep throwing myself at it eventually I will get it it's not a big deal it's it really doesn't matter all right let's go I can't see anything everything's [ __ ] white what is going I can't oh my God I hate this trash like oh my God whose name equals bad game now yes this is a bad boss this is a a dog [ __ ] trash [ __ ] boss I hate this boss I think it's terribly designed I think that every boss that's like this whether it's the amygdala in the [ __ ] bloodborne whether ever it is whenever you have to lock onto their head to hit them like they're just so badly designed they're frustrating to play against and yes I genuinely think they're bad I'm not trolling or anything I actually think they're garbage it actually is so frustrating to play against like that's a what that was on me you can't see anything I I can't [ __ ] I can't see anything oh my God it's so frustrating and annoying walk onto the body I don't want to the the the head takes double damage and then if I don't lock on then I can't keep track of them let's go again I can't see I mean you can't [ __ ] see anything I'm getting so mad I'm getting so [ __ ] mad [ __ ] I hate this [ __ ] oh I'm getting so mad I'm getting so [ __ ] mad I poked myself in the eye God damn it oh I'm getting so mad I'm gonna beat him I will not skip this [ __ ] boss I will not skip this [ __ ] boss I hate this piece of [ __ ] trash boss all right let's go yeah it's back to the uh head the head smash days [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign like these little like I'm up against this little ledge that I can't roll into because I'm he's just running around randomly I hate this [ __ ] boss this is such a trash boss holy [ __ ] I hate this boss so much Jesus Christ I hate this boss okay can't [ __ ] move it staggers me every single time I do that foreign I don't even know what that was the boss is designed like this on purpose well [ __ ] whoever designed it it's trash it's annoying to fight against it's disorienting and frustrating it's not fun bench guy with the five good Subs meanwhile I beat radon super [ __ ] easy I say that's a great boss it's not because the ball I'm dying I'm gonna beat him eventually I think it's just bad design foreign yeah I'm [ __ ] mad man this guy did that okay at least I got damaged just trying to get away from him for now good can't [ __ ] like I'm always up against these Ledges that are move like it's just such garbage man like I oh my God this is so annoying because he gets up against a wall and then I can't [ __ ] fight him because he's up against the wall and that I I can't roll because I'm up against like this weird little ledge that prevents my character movement from moving in a certain direction it's just so annoying man so he always does that I thought he would do it sometimes okay it's just like that interrupts my attack like God it's such trash this is such trash like I've never fought a boss this bad this is such a trash boss like oh wow the the area underneath them just like randomly one shot to you what a what a really cool design I'm gonna use this hopefully this will end the fight faster let's go choking oh I didn't run into how am I supposed to know what he's doing okay so annoying let me just get away from you please okay you can't see [ __ ] God [ __ ] damn it I hate this trash okay let's just run away never mind I can't run away nope interrupted okay I don't know if I can survive this or not we'll see what happens I'm already half I can't go over foreign let's do it again Jesus Christ let's go again oh my God like it's just like I just want to do it's just to go again go again go again eventually I will get it I hate this trash like this is probably the worst boss I've ever fought [Music] actually it's it's not it's it's not but it's really really frustrating to play against my attack foreign just can't I I stop making me fight on this [ __ ] one these like Ledges it's so annoying can't [ __ ] Jesus I hate this [ __ ] trash hot missed that's my fault 100 my fault I might die here we'll see what happens please just [ __ ] die thank you I can't [ __ ] see I can't hit him I can't go over to him right now because he's got that going on God what a piece of [ __ ] I'm so glad that's over get the [ __ ] out of my face did it drop anything no it didn't okay let's just get the [ __ ] out of here congrats man no no I I hate that boss it's trash I didn't have any fun doing that I hate that [ __ ] trash what the [ __ ] man I hate that [ __ ] man it's not fun to fight against something like that where you're constantly like you're constantly it's a frustrating unfun boss to fight against I don't feel good that I beat it I'm just glad that it's over so basically it was Artorias yes [Music]
Channel: Аѕmоngоld T͏͏V͏͏
Views: 719,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, elden ring, elden ring asmongold, asmongold elden ring, asmongold clip, asmongold elden ring clip, mcconnell elden ring, elden ring mcconnell, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell, asmongold elden ring boss
Id: -4UhByWpXOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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