A͏s͏mongold Reacts To Are Hippos & Elephants OP? | TierZoo

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our hippos Opie [ __ ] god damn soda sponsored by dashlane that's a lion Africa the games hardcore server on top of the PC whenever I made that joke people got mad but he can make it and everything's fine potentially be for heat and disease debuffs yeah many of the most powerful bills in the game are playable only on the Africa server everyone knows the big names elephants are the biggest cheetahs are the fastest cobras are the most venomous etc however one of the builds that frequently gets overlooked is the hippopotamus even though none of their stats are the best in a subcategory there are things that they do better than anything else so today I'm gonna give a no they have teeth under me hats and abilities I'll talk about its good and bad matchups and where I've read it in the overall tier list god damn I've already done one video that sort of touches all these things but since it was one of the first videos I ever made it's pretty lacking in quality yeah hopefully this guy will do a better job doing the topic just good I'm very glad further ado let's get into really important other than your tank build the African aquatic meta their success comes from a combination of phenomenal stats and from specking into abilities that allow for some pretty ingenious exploitation of the game's water physics that's where I'm starting it into in a bit but first their stats so you can probably notice that the hippo stats are in a word phenomenal they have one of the highest HP levels of any gentled second you can't do anything to them normally builds with one unusually high base you can't do [ __ ] major shortcomings in other areas uh-huh but the himbo simply doesn't it has no only average all the rest of their stats if it has no weakness African builds they have great damage hide if it's unstoppable South for building such a high weight class but pursue this surprising is their mobility level updates to how their abilities let them engage in physics engine x-book adam going earlier so in addition to having relatively high run speed awayand up it's also unbelievably mobile in the water always fast in the water used back in two three zero you know water ability things like the stream the body fins flukes well I didn't know they could go that fast off water speed and usually are the go-to for players trying to take their character to new depths in the aquatic meadow you have able playerbase decided to do exactly none of that instead dumping most of their evolution points into pure bulk and muscle yeah as a result pit bulls are so dense that unlike most animals they do not float this lets them be one of the only builds that can actually use the run movement option under water wise no [ __ ] swim in the game and they do submarines on aquatic mobility to do so bullets have forcing the chair abilities the first being the water - ability that I just explained yeah their second ability is their two inch thick skin this is right yeah this right here behind their high defense level and it grants them some of the best resistances in the game back particularly to the common threats and he doesn't even care he grants them no total immunity to slash and bite - since claws and teeth simply are he's just walking around boom this lets them shrug off the vast majority of standard attacks in the Africa didn't do [ __ ] too unusual for letting them even from groups of enemies which is normally the end just to defeating a high HP target just walk it around from physical attack but it's just as critical dimensions are adequate - because in order to minimize mobility debuffs in the water they're highly vulnerable wall damage in order to mitigate this issue hippos expect in to sweat that grants them UV resistance and as an added bonus grants them resistance to infection another hugely but I shall straight to have when you spend the most of your time in unclean water was pooping rules the only downside is that while active it gives the hippo players a reddish tint temporarily lower in their stealth level oh my god I rate is their tusks hippos have inspect into karna very or even omnivorous but they just such a herbivorous and can't gain any XP from meat yeah however regardless of this fact they have one of the most damaging bites in the game Oh your force of the bite itself which is around a ton by the way the laws of damage to anything they puncture but on top of the hippos what Dolf all husks offer another important benefit intimidation so yeah most effective intimidation techniques are the ones that can be quickly switched on and off his suit is always creepy but yeah those aren't always terrifying no there are queues of the time they appear non-threatening that's right in an instant they have been surprised debase you to a hundred just by opening their mouths look at that a hippo player imitation active is one of the most intimidating things in the entire game with some being able to scare otter even some of the bulkiest bill see that rhinos that's why I told you guys chops hippos sport one of the most comfortable matchup spreads possible because they're highly resistant to bite and slash attacks most other relevant predator matchups such as crocodiles lions hyenas doesn't even have to do or highly if they just run away they know what's gonna happen this the hippos own attacks can one-shot any of those predators asks for bad matchups any builds that focus on stab type weaponry can definitely give a hippo a hard - sure in particular elephants and rhinos both have long enough horns or tusks to pierce the hippos thick skin Oh critical damage with diffusion have to challenge them oh damn fortunately the Rhinos low intelligence makes it highly susceptible to intimidate abilities do stupid means unwinnable rhinos your stupid straight through a group I didn't know that knowing none of them will challenge it also autonomy one of the worst matchups for hippo is another hippo since the hippos tusks do have the potential to be rival the last two [ __ ] just for them is how they fare against humans and in this regard they've got one of the best records of all obviously they still lose to the highly advanced equipment that humans have recent big surprise aside from that you must don't have any way to combat them as a result hippos have the highest kill ratio versus humans in the entire game wait really even special high-level master yeah I told you guys and trucks can be taken down by a hippo so not the cogs wrong okay that here list well considering how they're basically unstoppable tanks that managed to spec into an excellence that's a nice that's 100 percent of Sealand based abilities to do so it's tough to argue that they're anything but sta they easily control key rivers or lakes that they're in being even more dominant than crocodiles in fact while currently hippo player bases in the African server a few of them have recently broken into the South American meta now have always have one of the lower spawn rates in the game so it'll be a while before we can really assess their viability and servers up oh but I would bet that eventually hippos will be one of the most dominant bills they're gonna take over you especially since they have great matchups against the top tiers here Pablo Escobar Robin over gangwar the piranhas player base playing you or time though so we'll have to wait and see their thick hide offers a lot of protection but with hundreds of bites chipping it away even the hippo might struggle protecting your hip points is critical to survival in the current meta but perhaps equally important is protecting your passwords and that's where today's sponsor - doc Ramsey - Lane is what I thought you I used to be all right passwords all right I got a safe online so literally does everything it's not just a password manager I bet them look at this dude I'm telling you man why I knew that hippos were dangerous I knew they were dangerous nobody needed to tell me that at all if we watch the elephant video that's gonna be the last one we take a look at okay but right now we'll watch the elephant video because I do think like hippos like elephants are like the aesthetic choice but hippos are the choice for like the people that are like the meta gamers hippo is like the meta gamer choice like if you want to have just like the strongest beefiest best character hippos or min max this [ __ ] but elephants they look really [ __ ] cool I think that's a big positive right there hippo for PvP elephant for PvE yeah something like that okay well we'll take a look at the elephant one and then I do want to move on and actually finished throwing thunder and then look at some of the stuff in Chad Owens - this video was made in partnership with curiosity stream okay [Applause] that's a buffalo rare wait elephants up being the largest land building the current meta has it elephants suck what's much harder to defeat simply a feature of having a higher age view it's out of reach this is alone typically isn't enough to let any particular build reach a high tier spot in the meadow because large size comes with a lot of disadvantages to the two most important ones are that being a giant makes defeating you worth a lot more experience and the outstanding giant size requires significantly more food and water the dogs despite these challenges there's no question that elephants have carved out the dominant niche in the African meta which is saying a lot given that Africa is basically the Grand Master League server of outside elephants also boasts a sizeable player base in Asia so how is it that they're so successful for that we'll need to look at the elephant bill elephant skinny as [ __ ] man first their stats so it's probably no surprise that the elephants HP and defense stats both are quite high the mass size of the elephant means it can take hits that would [ __ ] or kill other players Church at the head bash of a fellow elephant god dave and also boasts a thick high weight how's it to negate damage of low power attacks and more cheetahs are running them down heights of being massive becoming riddled with parasites oh and subside of things it's probably also no surprise the elephant boasts imaginative ways to deal serious damage their front facing rhinos are so stupid earth will disjoint a hitbox that can both parry incoming attacks and entail any player god dad out of the way the other side give the fossil one of the only builds in a game capable of knocking down trees and what does mean spite them not having the height advantage that giraffes do thinkings goddamn tree top lute if they need bigger snug that chandeliers cannot escape an elephant's attack by climbing up a tree the elephant's trunk can also be used as a blunt force weapon or a gravity but on adult Fox or edges of the surface of what a trunk is you don't [ __ ] with them we'll come back to that in the mobility Department we find one of the elephants only weaknesses I never their top speed easy I never feel bad for people that get hit by an animal like that it's like this is a wild [ __ ] animal you're always so cute it's just like a Toy Story Wow like Madagascar but real-life it slaps you in the [ __ ] head cuz you know what it's like Madagascar it's like a [ __ ] elephant and elephants do whatever the hell they want we're near sufficient to let that outrun an attacking player or chase down a target luckily other other stats generally mean that they don't have to worry about this however low mobility has other implications too elephants are easily blocked by environmental barriers wait really he can't the ability to jump swimmers either managing this do you think suck dude their last notable standards they're overseas origins level it is among the highest in the game tied for second place with the cetaceans like dolphins and whales but really access to the tool usability problem-solving capabilities across species cooperation based strategies and the ability to remember places on the mini-map useful for survival so that means remember he hit that dude in the head he knew what the [ __ ] he was doing he's like shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of here yeah so he knew what he was doing that's the best part about it so if elephant [ __ ] with you you know that it was you know cuz you did something wrong such as watering holes in times of drought yeah due to the elephant's long lifespan their intellect can cause them to gain incredible amounts of wisdom over the course of their playthrough to the point where an experienced elephant may have better knowledge of its territory than even a human so in terms of stash elephants obviously all of the highest base stat total Zin the game lacking only in mobility and stealth yes alone would not be enough for me to give them a top tier rating so what abilities do they employ to see they only have two abilities dominate such a competitive meta there are two that I want to discuss first their ears the elephant's ears serve multiple purposes they're poor sensitive that human ears to sound particularly low frequency sounds aka the kinds of sounds elephants can walk tough because of that elephants can communicate over great distances via infrasound this can be critical for coordinating because they have walkie-talkie you sense when danger approaches or at other herds approaching on your territory in addition to their audio reserves the elephant's ears also grant the elephant a heat resistance buff their ears can be flushed with blood and flapped around to lower their bodies like fans during that they never take damage from overheating good bad this buff is much more integral to gameplay in the African server yes betters tend to spec into larger ears when trying to okay but that's a good ability but I'm going to cut to the chase take until walking Opie about the elephant can be traced back to their signature ability their trunk because Nelson was everything because it's a modified nose the trunk grants a bonus to all detection and search roles based on soil fog this lets elephant players pinpoint which direction they need to head in order to find more food or water and let me know if an enemy player is nearby but smell barely scratches the surface of what a trunk can do why the trunk score use is as a fifth event what's the elephant's actual limbs aren't very versatile outside of standing and walking the most advanced move they can do is the trunk hitch multiple combat moves including a simple that do is probably [ __ ] with his tail II a highly effective grab attack the bash attack is honestly ostrich like listen you just looking at an ostrich you want to pluck you eat you out you look at an ostrich you want to punch that thing in the [ __ ] head I I'm about you guys but I see it I just want to punch that [ __ ] in the head I just look at him with this stupid-ass head with his stupid-ass eyes his stupid-ass beak he punched him right in the [ __ ] head man had enough of him like just looking at him they have that attitude about him it just pisses me off worse than a kick in terms of damage no it does have better range there's a knock some more tech and make certain matchups downright unwinnable for the other player yeah grabs aren't just useful for attacks though being able to pick up and carry items is a lure of a high to your character that can make use of tools to use the swords are known to use sticks as weapons massively extending the hitbox of their trunk swiping what the floor you can also throw items which theoretically would give them an absolutely massive attack range miss that's very accurate with yet but once the elephant player base masters this tech I wouldn't be supported the community starts calling for bands yeah there's still more than the drum a kitty here excuse it can have is for intimidation elephants can use their trunk to execute the move trumpet this a we attends intimidation surrounding players it's intimidating shoutout for clearing an area control over a watering hole can be the difference to be levelling up or getting a god trumpet blast attack is integral to the elephant's success in driving away other players from these control points without actually needing to risk a physical battle lastly I mentioned before the elephants are slow swimmers normally this would be a problem because it means elephants would have trouble crossing large bodies of water yeah we aren't dense enough to sink to the bottom and gallop across like hippos do however even though it might take them a while to cross elephants have no reason to fear drowning because they can use their trunk like a snorkel completely negating your draining aside from human so an elephant could go all the way across the ocean like I mean hypothetically you know what I mean like No all right not really not exactly okay yeah probably not but like they go across like a lake that that would be [ __ ] insane they get tired yeah I guess so elephants have no losing matchups while they are vulnerable during the first few levels of their playthrough Walter they are lucky enough to shrug off most attacks the elephant's team strategies are usually enough to protect the news hopefully this video convinced you how overpowered elephants and particularly the trunk ability are yeah by the way you may have noticed that my last video actually got blocked well I hope to have the video restored soon you should know that the blocked video as well as another completely original video are both available on nebula the video streaming service created and owned by several independent creators including myself it's a platform where creators can post whatever content they like without having to worry about rogue algorithms issuing copyright claims or YouTube's new monetization policies okay and because of our business partner curiosity stream creators are given opportunities to pursue much grander projects with a higher production value both of the videos I've currently got only on nebula are exactly that both of those videos feature footage from curiosity streams documentary amazing dinoworld a brand new cure I always thought T Rexes worse to par with walking with dinosaurs in production claws right they're dumb so their documentary and their use signals at the same time they're just eating machines just to nebula is through our bundle with curiosity stream oh this is their business to both amazing streaming sites and hey if you just want to learn more about pachyderm bills there are plenty of other documentaries on curiosity stream you can watch too such as these giants and whoa okay Horace both of which have entire episodes well pause this this is the best dinosaur that's the best one right there nobody's gonna be able to beat that one yeah [ __ ] right dude there's nothing better basically an elephant this is an elite elephant this is an elite elephant right here think about that we'll get a velociraptor no dude like I mean any I couldn't see anything to be able to be two Triceratops alright ankylosaurus I know what that is alright that the point is to actual tank yeah this is actual [ __ ] tank and agua source no they're just they're just big and beefy right Stegosaurus what's he gonna do hit him with his back how the [ __ ] that gonna happen not if he's extinct yeah I mean that is true you know obviously it didn't really go that well for them elephants suck I think they're stupid I do I really think elephants are [ __ ] dumb like they look really cool and I don't know how like like how can this thing be real you say I'm saying like they're stupid like a hippo I feel like hippos are way more badass you know what I mean a real Velociraptor is barely bigger than a chicken yeah people think Raptors like these big-ass dangerous things it's like a bird man it's just like a bird like just walk away [Music] you [Music]
Channel: A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ T͏V͏
Views: 839,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold channel, tierzoo, tierzoo hippos, tier zoo hippo, tierzoo elephants, tier zoo elephant, tier zoo reaction, tierzoo reaction, tierzoo react, asmongold tierzoo, asmongold tier zoo, tierzoo reaction twitch, hippos, elephants, tierzoo op reaction, tier zoo op reaction, elephants op reaction, hippos op reaction, tier lists tierzoo, hippo reaction
Id: Bsx_E40b0kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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