Ashes of Creation: The Impending DISASTER of 64 Classes

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you sure you don't want me to go in front right i'm the time no no it's all good mates all good yeah just pay to win stuff ain't that bad you know well i don't know i don't really have time to to play these games every evening so it's it's like a good option for people like me that that don't really want to spend time playing say sorry to which i'm taking it a bit too far though look look see that awk over there level 15 right level 15. look i'm only level five and i can i can just kill it look watch [Laughter] oh you see that he's he's way too strong i mean we're going to be progressing on him all night but you know there's no harm in in just doing another oh i'll tell ya that it feels so good it feels good come on in boys come on in let's go let's go come on come on will you stop touching me hey what up boys so it seems even after adding the word combat to the title of the last video it still didn't shoot it right up to the top of my monthly rankings so you know what that means right time to click bait even harder with misleading double meanings and doomsaying you've forsaken me you can't forsake me oh i'll go even deeper yes this is it this is it so now i've surely set this video up for success let's discuss the inevitable balance nightmare that will be ashes of creation's 64 planned classes and oh boy am i setting you up for disappointment with this one but before we get into that grab your cell phone copacola because many mmos have attempted dual and even triple class design before and they all turned into balanced nightmares is ashes of creation destined for the same fate or perhaps there's more to the picture here or perhaps less is a more accurate way to describe it and i'm excited to discuss this with you all today now with all that bollocks out of the way let's begin shall we now to preface this video i of course need to remind all the brainless that this is just fun speculation and educated guesses from a single nerd who's wasted most of his life playing mmorpgs we know nothing about secondary augments aside from the snippets desperately extracted directly from steven's soul as they've been mentioned over the years in fact everything relevant can be summarized in this extract here which actually pretty much describes how shallow these augments will truly be but we're getting ahead of ourselves here before i do drop the disappointment bomb on you all let's take a moment to highlight what these secondary augments are and how the 64 classes are actually broken up you see there are eight primary archetypes in ashes of creation rogue fighter tank mage bard cleric and summoner oh wait and ranger as well sorry i always forget that one because nobody gives a [ __ ] sorry rangers one of the classes needed to take the fall and i just don't care about rangers ashes of creation is featuring a dual class system that works very similarly to archeage you mix together two classes and you're given a whole new class name for example mixing together a summoner and cleric changes you into a necromancer quite a standout class among the 64 and we'll be using this one today in a lot of our examples what's important to note about ashes of creation is that your secondary class does not provide you with any additional abilities this is what makes ashes of creation's dual class system so much different to all other mmorpgs in the past and the main reason why i think this system is going to succeed in comparison this is not the case in ashes of creation a necromancer will always be a summoner at its core and it will never gain any of the abilities from the cleric archetype so then what's the point in secondary archetypes then well secondary archetypes work kind of like additional progression alongside your main leveling progression the secondary archetypes provide you with augments that you apply to your primary abilities to enhance and change their effects each archetype offers potentially four augment scores we don't know for sure yet what each primary archetype will offer but i think it's fairly safe to assume the mage will offer something along the lines of fire ice lightning and arcane pretty standard and you can apply the same basic logic to nearly all the other primary archetypes rogue offering something along the lines of finesse shadow acrobatics and subtlety or the cleric offering death holy faith and soul magic it's all fun to speculate on this kind of thing and i myself have spent a fairly long time thinking about what kind of cool augments these secondary classes can offer but then again i am a complete and utter loser but let's bring it back down to reality again for a moment and discuss the implication of this and the sheer amount of spell variations ashes of creation needs to deal with i think meta builds are a plague on the mmo genre and are a result of this very social media heavy time period you simply cannot avoid social games falling into a meta or cookie cutter builds this happened to arcade where their 300 plus class variations were cut down to only six viable builds and it's the same for every other mmorpg that means unfortunately ashes of creations ambitious 64 classes are destined for the same unless these 64 classes are going to be mainly aesthetic class fantasy focused allow me to explain we of course know the minor changes that the augments apply slight cooldown changes changes to damage type the distance and of course swapping it from a melee to a range ability and vice versa but steven also stated these augments will drastically change the abilities themselves which is where a lot of people's worries come from in terms of balance terrible wording on steven's part but i'm sure that was just buzz wording at the end of the day but of course the community desperately high on the copium took these comments completely out of context and reacted in the sanest way possible yes that's right by [ __ ] their pants and making forum posts about it to me drastic means changing a wolf summon to a skeleton instead that is pretty drastic right but that doesn't necessarily mean the functionality of the summon has changed in any meaningful way it is still a basic melee based summon we can elaborate on this further using a lot of the speculated summoner spells is there really that much difference between a beast master summoner who uses a bear to tank compared to a necromancer summoner using an armored skeleton to tank instead maybe there'll be minor benefits to the stats like life leech for the skeleton and increased armor for the bear but ultimately these are not build defining changes what i'm trying to get at here is that i don't think the secondary augments will have that much of an impact on the way we play our class i think the focus for secondary augments is mainly for class fantasy and aesthetics if intrepid chose to change these spells to make each of the 64 classes play entirely different the game is destined to become a balanced nightmare and will only fall on one or two viable builds per class i think it's fairly safe to say most of these classes will be mainly aesthetically focused however this still does mean should a primary class have say for example 24 primary abilities available to it i don't think it's unreasonable to expect a game made by an indie company that's funded by sperg's high on copium that was supposed to be released four years ago but then turned to a battle royale and then deleted said battle royale and wait a minute what am i saying uh the game's not a scam and it's not going to be shallow either because steven said so so then does that mean with each primary archetype having at least 24 abilities timesing that by eight for each of the secondary augments and then again by four for the augment types then they need to design 24 times eight times four 768 unique abilities oh well i guess only time will tell but there's more to ashes of creations class customization and builds than just the secondary augments so let's focus on that to finish up this terribly scripted video so augments are not bound just to secondary class choice in fact we are not bound to just a single secondary class at one time i should have mentioned this earlier but [ __ ] it this script is all over the place and this is a touchy subject anyway you are able to swap out your secondary class whenever you like i say whenever you'd like but this will likely be at a set location for example the divine node is stated to offer services that will affect your skill and equipment augmentation so swapping your secondary class will likely be related to divine nodes in some way however as i stated there are many other ways to customize your build outside of just your secondary class augments themselves are rewarded as progression tied to many different parts of the game religion is a huge mechanic that we know nothing about right now and offers augments for you to apply to your abilities similar to your secondary class ones there are ten gods in the world of vera so does that imply that we'll have ten sets of god related augments to play around with hail to creation baby like that your race also offers augments as well on top of various different types of in-game fashions like a thieves guild this sounds very similar to how elder scrolls online allows you to customize your builds now i give elder scrolls online a lot of [ __ ] for its terrible awful badly coded dog ass combat mechanics but the game itself has a very good immersive fantasy world you see eso functions very similar to a traditional elder scrolls game offering side quest faction content that rewards you with new active and passive abilities as you ascend through the traditional elder scrolls faction quest lines the mage guild fighters guild and thieves guild offering you literally build defining abilities and passives that even goes into the really interesting part of elder scroll law like the dark brotherhood and vampires it is very well done and i expect this is the exact vibe ashes of creation are aiming for with their so-called social organization augments but it doesn't stop there my friends whilst we're still on the topic of eso ashes of creation's build customization also mimics elder scrolls online's equipment mix and matching allowing any class to wear any armor type and wield any weapon now i call this an eso thing because it's the only mmorpg that really allows this properly but really this is a dungeons and dragons mechanic the game that ashes of creation draws most of its inspiration from aside from archeage and lineage ii of course alongside our primary archetype skill tree we also have the currently unrevealed weapon skill tree which i very much expect to be specific to each weapon type similar to eso be it daggers bose staffs and whatever else they have planned it would likely be the weapon itself that defines a large portion of our outgoing damage and utility and for the obligatory copium refill stephen actually teased this recently and these dual weapons will be an alpha one actually oh sorry my bad that's not the right clip for example uh with the assassin class with the um with our dagger weapons we didn't previously have that in alpha one so those are entirely new animation sets uh that are required to have those dual-wielded kind of daggers um and that's something you guys might be seeing soon in the future this would make the secondary class augments much easier for the team to focus on aesthetics rather than build defining changes so allow me to end today's video with a question for you my dear viewer do you think they should focus on making each and every one of the 64 classes completely unique to play offering a large diversity of play styles and mechanics or would you be satisfied with very minor changes and just have the 64 classes focus on aesthetics and class fantasy in my opinion focusing on aesthetics is the best choice as i think the game will suffer should they try to make each one of the 64 classes mega unique and different as we've seen in the last live stream it does appear that they're focusing on trying to create really unique looking spells and it would be such a shame to see these beautiful next generation spell effects be hidden away in the depths of social pressures as meta mentality takes a hold of ashes of creation and we end up playing the same eight builds but as usual i am just one nerd desperate for a good mmo and my opinions mean nothing without yours in the comments below and hey we just had our first community event and it was such a success having over 50 people turn up to the watch party so we'll likely be hosting many more community events in the future starting with ashes of creations live stream at the end of the month the discord is so active lately that i can't go five minutes without some adding me about their [ __ ] opinion on something so the link for that is in the description below ashes of creation will never be able to balance 64 classes the game's dead on arrival and to that i say listen kid do you literally say the most obvious [ __ ] possible yes just to base a response yes and you actually get a kick out of me saying the line yes well then if that's the case subscribe to the channel and
Channel: Narc
Views: 31,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ashes, AshesofCreation, Ashes of Creation, AoC, MMO, MMORPG, Beta, gameplay, Fighter, Summoner, Mage, Tank, Cleric, Player, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14, Elder Scrolls Online, ESO, Runescape, Classic WoW, FF14, Lost Ark, LostArk, LA, Alpha Key, Review, Quest, Release, Class, Overview, Help, noob, Dev, Races, Instance, pvp, Raids, Groups, Release Date, Cosmetics, Asmongold, Bellular, Shroud, NDA, Purchase, TBC, Classic, News, Combat, Test, Sharif, Steven, New, NewWorld, New World, Endgame, Claymore, Critic, Criticism, Queues, Wait
Id: 8A6h8qjY374
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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