Ask Steve: Ugly People In My Family

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let's go to Marcia who wants to ask me something personal hi Steve hi Marcia so my maiden name is Harvey and I've always wondered could we be related do you have roots in Georgia I mean come on two good-looking people like us whose last name is Harvey we have to be related right so Steve my question is can I just call you uncle Steve you called me anything you want to but do not call me no and no we are not related I ain't got no people in Georgia all of my money has been allocated it's already it's already in wheels and all like that I ain't got no more people and I'm trying to be cute I'm up to attractive people like us got to be related there's a lot of other people in my family I'll be honest with you we have a tremendous amount of ugly people that love him and right now I'm one of them so menu wrong Harvey's yeah wrong heart all your family members cute yeah they're pretty decent looking see when I say they were decent look I asked you was all your family members cute yeah we're hot no no no no no everybody got ugly people in the family everybody I'm gonna pay with that I'm okay with it who's not ugly don't worry about that you're just saying that cause I'm Frank must trust me no no hey no no no see let me explain something y'all I'm cute at the bank and that's all you lookin at right now yeah see you looking at all this you're gonna oh my lord he is so attractive I'm really not I used to could walk in the mall for an hour at a time nobody even spoke to me now I can't go nowhere it ain't that see I got a I got a lock on net you ain't got to be cute I got jokes baby I got jokes but hey you know what Thank You doc and folks we'll be right back Oh
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 639,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harvey, ask steve, steve harvey show, comedy, steve harvey, Harvey, tv, steve harvey daytime, steve, Steve, humor, funny
Id: k_w5X5vS8Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 19 2014
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