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listen getting successful whatever you consider successful if it's rich whatever it's not a magic trick it's not God picks certain people he'll make rich and certain people he don't he gives all of us as his children the power of choice you have a say-so in that you can decide to be rich and with God's help is highly doable but you first have to think it the difference between successful people and non successful people is here I'm no better than none of y'all I'm not a better person than you I'm not a better Christian than you God don't love me more than you none of that if you want to be successful you have to change this this has to change [Applause] listen to me it's not what makes it hard is your lack of belief that it can happen for you the fact of it is though it's very doable see if but you got to change though if you keep doing what you've been doing you gonna keep getting what you've been getting so if you're at a place in your life and you ain't happy with it you have to change some things but you have to make a conscientious decision that you're going to change and it's not dependent on anybody else it don't matter what your mama think is no matter what your co-workers think you don't matter what your siblings think no matter what your children think it don't matter they have nothing to do with it this decision is yours and yours alone it's two people born in a hospital everyday it's a person is born in a hospital that's gonna get a job and somebody born in a hospital that's gonna give them a job you get to decide which one you gonna be you get to decide let me tell you something you get to decide if I'm gonna be rich poor mediocre plentiful happy sad you you have a decision to me your mind all right here we go this is a teaching moment let me give you this so you can get on with your 2019 you walk in the house you pick up the remote control let me teach you how this works and you press the power button when I told you 2019 will be the best year of your life but you have to claim it you have to expect it to be the best year of your life you have to live your life with the expectation that great things are coming your way and that's how it works now let me teach it to you you grab your remote you press the power button what do you expect to happen you expect the TV to come on guess what it come on if you want to see SportsCenter SportsCenter channel 46 and you press fo six and okay or select what do you expect to come on your TV SportsCenter and guess what show up SportsCenter they got the concept of creating a remote from the Bible see God is tied to all of this you better understand what I'm trying to tell you the Bible says a man is as he thinketh God created us in His image God thought of this world he thought of it so he created it so he made you just like him that your thoughts can create things he made you just like him now you can't go make earth in heaven like he did but you can make a better world for yourself there is a scripture Abeka 2 and 2 it says write the vision and make it plain so that he who reads it will run to it and even though it pterri pterri mean take a long time wait for it for surely it will come at an appointed time that's in the Bible that ain't in the rich people's copy that's in everybody everybody's Bible the problem is everybody don't do it but he's right there but you got to do it I'm just telling you is it if you don't do it it's too hard it's almost impossible that vision board has changed well everything I put on my vision board I get everything well now you have to understand something it's not gonna come when you want it to come it comes at an appointed time that's the trick but the appointed time is what throw people off because most of see when you ask God for something he sends it he ships it immediately as soon as you ask him something you really believe here do it he boxes it up and he ships it to you immediately the problem with the package is he never gives you the date that the package is going to arrive he doesn't do that he doesn't do that because if he told you the date that the package would rely would arrive it would destroy the requirement he has of all of us which is faith faith is the belief in things that you cannot see so if you ask God for a million dollars and he tell you I'm gonna give it to you in March of 2020 you wouldn't need no faith you'll be talking to people crazy because you know in 2020 I'm gonna be a millionaire but he sent a million as soon as you asked for but it's going to come at an appointed time the problem is people stopped waiting on the package then when it get to you because he delivers only to faith Street when he delivers to you on faith Street but you didn't stepped off of faith Street you over here on I'll see how circle he don't ship that instead of staying on faith Street you just stepped over here - I don't believe it Boulevard or it took too long Avenue then the package come to faith Street is just like the post office and FedEx if you ain't there to receive it it got to go back that's how it worked man you have control of this this belongs to you this is yours you're the captain you're the master you're the foreman you're the general you're the head don't give control of this to nobody especially the devil do not let Satan come in here and function and operate because he has one mission to keep you off course to make you not think is possible to make you think that God don't hear you his job is only to destroy you to make sure that you don't become well God intended for you to become that's the mission of the devil now if you don't believe in the devil at this conversation aim for you if you don't believe in God this conversation ain't for you I'm not talking to you I'm talking to people who are spiritually based if you get control of this that's why I'm telling you these two books um look the the best book you can read is the Bible if you read the book of Proverbs over and over and over it's the book of wisdom and understanding it would really help your life man if you just read I'm gonna be honest with you that's the only book in the Bible I've read cover to cover I've only read the book of Proverbs I've read some scriptures every now and then I only know five or six scriptures by heart I'm just gonna be real with you but I've memorized them five or six scriptures and then five or six got me here today I know a lot of people that know the Bible inside out ain't got none to show for it you know why because they memorized it but they didn't apply it I have applied six scriptures to change my life but these books that I told you about the power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and the magic of thinking big by David Schwartz you know what it does it just teaches you how this works once you get this y'all you can change everything do you understand negativity let me just give you this cinema walkaway negativity you can protect yourself from negativity and that's what stops most people negative thoughts you can coat your mind from negativity it's a real simple exercise to do I do it every morning for I walk out the door so I walk out as a positive person you know I get tired sometimes that's different from being negative because I get mentally drained from my job at time but to coach your mind from negativity the way you can put a coating around your mind is with one simple thing gratitude gratitude erases negativity I'm gonna show you how this works if you wake up in the morning you start having negative thoughts man this ain't my day I woke up on the wrong side of bed I'm tripping I just don't feel myself every time you feel in the middle of the day if you feel yourself doing that stop just stop for a second and start going over in your mind everything you have to be grateful for not everything you want everything you already have because what you have is substantial you just haven't gone over the list and taken inventory in a long time but the fact that you can walk that's a blessing the fact that you woke up that's another blessing the fact that you can see think reason that's another blessing the fact that you can go somewhere and get yourself something to eat that's another blessing the fact that you can go and turn the key it calls someplace home that's another blessing the ability to dream is a blessing the fact that you have an opportunity to get it right is another blessing the fact that you're beautiful that's another blessing the fact that you have any measure of Health that's another blessing and I'm just talking to you out even though you I could give you 50 things you ought to be grateful for right now I don't even know you start coding your mind with gratitude interchange everything for you god is good man you ought to give them a chance to work in your life thank you all for coming
Channel: The Official Steve Harvey
Views: 2,144,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve harvey, family feud, inspirational speeches, Family Feud funny moments, family feud porcupine, motivational video, kings of comedy, miss universe mistake, Steve Harvey Standup, standup comedy, act like a woman, jump book, self help video, self help guru, inspirational quotes, life hacks, career advice, make money, be successful, worst answers family feud, funny answers
Id: MR9jG_Tw-oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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