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[Music] but god loves me the way i am now i'm constantly trying to improve myself but i got news for you god loves you right where you at right where you at right now and i'm gonna just tell you a little something all of you you're in the process right now you're in the process of becoming what god wants you to be see the reason you wake up every day the reason you keep waking up is because god ain't through with you yet if god was through with you you wouldn't wake up no more but he keeps waking you up because he still has something for you that you've yet to receive but you have to start living your life in expectation you have got to start expecting great things to happen for you in order for it to happen it is the law of attraction it is real it is nothing fake about it the bible says a man is as he thinking if you live your life in expectations that's what happens to you if you live your life in despair that's what happens to you if you say all men are dogs you're going to meet every last one of them i'll never be rich you won't you won't the moment you change the frequency that your tower emits the moment you change that frequency different things come back to you i'm telling you this how it works i'ma just say it as fast as i can i'ma let you go if you change your attitude change your altars listen the reason you came to this show today was to be entertained but a lot of y'all came to this show and i ain't cause you needed to hear this all i am is a piece of conduit i'm a piece of pipe god just tell me what to say i don't pick what i'm gonna say at the end of the show god just tell me what to say somebody in here needed to hear this somebody you just needed that little moment man to get you to thinking a little bit differently so you can get the life god got for you god wants to show you all he wants people that he can use in that example and say hey this what i do for people if you call on me and you believe in me this is what i do for people i raised my hand a long time ago use me show up show them how you take an old hoop tell them how you take a street boy tell them show how you could take somebody ain't got no education take me take somebody that don't even talk that good take somebody who flunked out of school on his third marriage lost everything lived in a car for three years take me and show somebody what you can do through me guess what he did he picked me up he put me in the world i knew nothing about god would do the same thing for you change your attitude you change your altitude if you want to kill a big dream tell it to a small-minded person i told everybody at 10 years old i was gonna be on tv i had a little problem when i said that i had a severe stuttering problem i could not talk outside of my house i went to school church anywhere i locked up i couldn't go to the store i i i just studied profusely it was a horrible experience how many times has god showed you something in your imagination that you thought was so wonderful and then you took it in that to your family and your friends and you shared it with them and they shot it down you know why they shot it down cause they couldn't see it you know why they didn't see it because god didn't show it to them he showed it to you god put it in your imagination he don't put it in other people's imagination stop telling your visions to other people because they're not going to see it why you think you keep imagining opening a business why you keep imagining graduating getting a better job why do you keep imagining buying a house why do you keep imagining driving a really nice car why do you keep imagining getting rich one day why do you keep imagining that because god is talking to you he's showing you something that he has for you he puts it in your imagination man see god is good man you've got to understand how good god is he ain't playing with you he's the real deal he created you and then he even showed you what he got for you you got to start believing in your imagination you got to start talking to him about these stuff you be seeing but you have not cause you ask not so if you see the vision the imagination but you don't ask god for what you want him to do he showed it to you faith without works is dead so now you got to put in work all of y'all sitting in here you want a better life correct you haven't you imagined a better life okay who who you think he showed it to he showed it to you why you think he showed it to you because he want to give it to you but if you don't work if you don't ask him for it he cannot give it to you because he created us with the power of choice we make choices every day if you decide that you will be poor there's nothing i can do you're going to be poor if you decide to be rich today who gonna stop who if you decide you want to be rich all you gotta do is start why not who gonna stop you unless you tell it to the wrong person mama mama listen to me i'm going to be rich anybody rich in this family go in there and sit down somewhere get yourself a good job [Music] oh mama you must be right no mama could be wrong because what you have in your imagination god didn't show it to your mama i'm sorry he showed it to you listen to me if y'all don't do nothing else write everything you imagine down write it all down pray about it and watch what happened watch what happened because let me tell you something if god can fix me you have no idea who you looking at you have no idea what i've done you have no idea what i've been through you you wouldn't even talk to me if you knew what i had to do to be here but god is in the forgiving business god isn't to get your life together business god is in the turn it around business god is in the saving business god did all that for me so i'm telling you right now if god can fix steve harvey and turn him into this i bet he can turn you into that if you want to be successful and you want to be happy those are the two things that's common to most most people you're looking at a person who was neither one of those for a long period of my life man a lot of a lot of pain in my life no more than nobody else i just had a lot but i learned along the way everything that's happening to you as god is processing every difficult moment you're having he just process it that's all he doing everything you're going through is preparing you for what you asked god for and if you need to be tough when you get to where you're going then he gonna toughen you if you got to be more caring along the way he gonna let you have some trials come your way that's gonna have to produce that in you [Music] what happened in my life was getting where i've gotten to today and where i'm even headed to i had to be tough so he toughened me along the way i had to learn how to appreciate a lot so he took everything to really understand the value of money i had none to just appreciate simple things what i'm gonna eat today who i'm gonna wash up at where i'm gonna bathe he sent me through a trial of being homeless for three years i lived in a car for three years all of that that i was going through that i was tripping with that i did not appreciate or understand i understand it now because i'm on the other side of them troubles and i understand what all them troubles was for [Music] and even though i did not understand or appreciate the route he took me on it was the route i had to go on see the route you on right now is the route you got to take and it's very uniquely yours this thing you're going through this is just uniquely yours you just gotta understand you ain't the only one you ain't the only one going through it now in the order that it's gonna happen it's just yours see god made us very different this is a this god we got god is amazing he created you so individually do you know that it's close to 8 billion people on earth now do you know that it's almost 8 billion people on earth do you know how many billions of people have died do you know that if you dig up all them people that have died and all the people that are presently here and every last one of them that he gonna make in the future not one of you have the same fingerprint who do that who could possibly be so precise in his infinite wisdom that he created you so uniquely that ain't no two people got the same fingerprint that's crazy man that's real crazy eight billion people you can't duplicate it the billions that then died you can't duplicate it and the ones that's coming will not duplicate it god a bad boy man he's a bad boy he's a bad dude man you know what i mean people are funny though man the way they try to do business hollywood is an ugly business man it's not it's not anything like any other job they do what they want and they create they make up a reason and a lot of it is can just you know god just don't like you but the one thing about me man i've always been resilient i've never been afraid to reinvent myself and here's here's the key for everybody [Music] when someone closes a door in your face all you have to remember is when god allows them to close the door in your face all god wants you to do is walk up the hall it's some models you just got to walk up the hall cause i can promise you he got a better door that he wants you to go through than one that got set in your face that's a fact that's a fact but what happened to people is they stand there beating on the door open it back up we're going to do a write-in campaign where are you leaving me i got to have my job what about my benefits hey stop the door is closed for a reason because god just wants you to walk up to home cause he got another dope it's bigger and when you open and get behind it you ain't gonna believe what's back there but you will never get to it if you stand in front of that door crying please open it back up help me my family to stop go up the hall man these people are closed doors in your face they ain't the only dope they ain't the only dog god is the creator of all doors man i'm just gonna see what else he got for me i only worry about that here's another one don't put all your eggs in one basket oh this is a very dangerous one young people because now don't put all your eggs in one basket well that would depend on what your basket is made of wouldn't it if you got it in the right basket you've got to put all your eggs in one basket how else you gonna make it success is a all-out assault it's everything you got into one direction in order for it to be successful you can't open up sick businesses at the same time you got to open up one pull your all into that you can't go get you got to go to college to get a degree you can't enroll in six colleges you got to focus man put all your eggs in one basket make your basket out of work hard work faith prayer put all that in that basket glue that thing together and put them eggs in that basket so you can be what you want to be cause you're not gonna be successful if you don't put all your effort into one thing you ain't gonna make it man success is difficult the road to success is always under construction it ain't never easy it ain't clear it ain't open you got to do that and be wary of this one right here though always have a plan b let me tell you why i never have a plan b see do this so you'll have something to fall back on oh you can go do that but do this so you'll have something to fall back on let me tell you something in order to really be successful people who really got it going on they focused on one thing bill gates did microsoft until he got plenty money now he didn't do anything he wanted to do but he did microsoft he did in microsoft you can believe that the dude that came up with google he was making google he made google they'll be made yahoo they they did they did that till they turned in some then it branched out plan b in order to have a plan b you have to take time away from plan a to prepare plan b so when you take time off a you're reducing the effort in your plan a they ask me but steve so has one of your plan a's ever failed yes yes my plan a has failed did you have a plan b to fall back on no i did not they said well damn man what'd you do i got another plan a i ain't never had nothing but the a plan i make no preparation for failure i ain't got no plan for b i'm on got b i got a man i got a i was going to tell these jokes until i turned them into a money-making venture october 8th 1985 i walked in hilarious comedy club i won amateur night for 50 i went to work the next day i quit my job my first wife said this is ridiculous we got these twins you can't quit your job i got to go this is it this is all i've been dreaming about i see a way a light bulb went on hey man when i won when i won that night i cried for an hour all the way home i cried because it was like man god i see it now this is what i've been waiting on i walked into one comedy club one fifty dollars went to work next day selling commonwealth life insurance quitting my job making 675 a week i made 50 the first month in common i made 150 the first year in comedy i made three thousand dollars my wife left me i saw that coming i said her and her mama and her mama they made that joint decision together that out every time i used to drive home you ain't gonna ever be nothing it took me years i lost everything i became homeless i lived in a car for three years lord have mercy i just kept that plan and i kept that plan amen i told these jokes i told these jokes i took a gig for 125 250. i drove 14 hours to make 175 gas was way cheaper back then so it made sense i go out there and do the gig man sent whatever money i could home so now i'm homeless i can't do nothing three years i lived in a car had an occasional hotel every now and then but three years i lived in a car you know i kept doing i kept telling them jokes when my family members would catch me steve come on home i call home ass for money steve come home get a real job i said no i'm gonna stay with it i'm gonna be all right can you just can you why me 50 can you wire me 75. my brother said don't ever call me no more ask me for no more money i ain't got nothing for you you need to be a man and come home and get a real job so i couldn't call nobody no more for help because they said they weren't gonna help so cool i stayed out there look at me and i ain't bragging look how god do though god is amazing if you keep the faith in the things that you cannot see god got something for you i ain't see this i didn't see this when i was living in the car i didn't see none of this man you know i'm an emotional dude you know i cried man because somebody asked me something still trying to look on tv you let crying tell you something if you knew my trip you cry too matter of fact every time you see me your ass all just bust out crying but i kept the faith i relied on god's grace i kept that plan a and i'm standing here today and i say to everybody if you learn those principles of success i don't care where your life is today the life you got playing for yourself the one god got mapped out way better than the one you got planned for yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MotivationalToday
Views: 361,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve Harvey, GOD'S UNSTOPPABLE BREAKTHROUGH, Jim Rohn, TD Jakes, morning motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, best motivational speech 2021, best motivational video 2021, motivational speech 2021, new year motivation, motivational video 2021, jim rohn motivation, td jakes motivation, motivation, best speeches, motivation for 2021, stop being soft, motivational music, motivational, motivational speaker, best motivational speech
Id: _oZn9KfBCWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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