The UGLIEST Pokémon of Every Type (Ft. @PattyTrills)

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[Music] last year I made a video going over who I believe are the cutest Pokemon of every type but that actually got me thinking we're the ugliest Pokemon cuz I've always got a lot of cuties out there I feel like there's an equal amount of just straight up but ugly Pokemon so you know what in this video I'm gonna be going over who I believe are the ugliest Pokemon of every type I'm definitely gonna catch some heat for this so I don't want to do this alone so joining me is the boy patty trills what's break guy boy patty trills aka young Johnny Bravo aka mr. somersault man himself here now this should be obvious but this is just our opinion so don't get offended if your favorite just so happens to be on the list in the end we're just here to have some fun and hopefully make you guys laugh hopefully all right now with out of the way let's get started with the ugliest normal type that me and Zach ultimately agreed on is diggersby now I know everyone's like the way takers be though if you don't know what that is then I can't help you but the design of itself kind of just doesn't make sense and I understand the aspect of the big ears which allows him to dig which is what gives him the ground typing but he just looks dirty and it's like whoa patty like duh like you digging would mean that you get dirty but then the shiny is white so what are you digging through mayonnaise like I don't hello and then also its whole stomach region is supposed to make it look like it's digging out of a hole so it's like Diglett but you can see his legs so it just he just has an inner tube of dirt now and that's ugly ugly this fighting type goes to girder first of all that clown nose he looks stupid why does he have a clown nose cuz he knows he's a joke he's also got these weird giant veins popping out Conkeldurr kind of has them too but you know it's not that bad but girders though it's it's disgusting honestly like I know you're supposed to be a strong dude and all but I can almost hear it throbbing that's gross and on top of it all he's got this weird Bart Simpson thing going on with his here where it's kind of part of his skin that's just weird and the fact that it's bumpy just makes it look like he has a bunch of tumors or something ugliest flying-type goes to Rotom fan because flying types for the most part tend to all kind of look the same like it's all of the same aspects they all have wings and feathers or our birds - land OT but Rotom fan the reason why it's ugly is just because it's kind of stupid like Rotom heat is an oven with like mittens that's cute Rotom wash is like an actual washing machine Rotom fan is just rode him with them fan cake to his forehead like what what are you who thought that was okay like the design of Rotom fan is stupid and because it's stupid has made it the ugliest flying-type ugliest poison-type goes to Garbo Durr I know it's been beaten to death already but come on it's literally garbage they literally took a garbage bag with a little bit of garbage coming out from the bottom slap some noodle arms on it and called it a Pokemon yeah I get it might have some love now cuz of all the hate it gets but it gets hate for a reason it's garbage at least mugs design is a bit more simpler with it being a vague sludge monster but the fact like our border has a lot more detail and clearly looks like a garbage bag makes it look more disgusting now I also understand that this was the point it was made to be ugly but like why what why would somebody make this and the crazy thing is is that people actually think it's cute I mean if you think this is cute then you probably think this is - or this or this or even this oops my bad wrong picture of trash ugliest ground type goes to a lowland Dugtrio and it's just because the hair I mean it's so simple to point at like Fabio he man and then 90s Leonardo DiCaprio all decided to just kind of group together and like it makes sense in the lore like I understand why the hair is there and then it has the ability and whatnot but it's just still looking at it we can all kind of actively not and be like yeah that's a pretty silly design and because of it being silly is what makes it ugly igneous rock type goes to colossal and honorable mention we came up with this promo pass but I think we all already know that it's pretty ugly but now we've got colossal and my god is this thing hideous now Rolly Coley Olie and cargo over here are okay even though car coal is kind of ugly itself I will give it credit for sticking to the theme it's evolutionary line was going for so what the hell happened to you it seemed like they were going for this cool minecart slash steam train inspiration with this evolutionary line but then dropped it to give us this unholy black fusion of golem and rhyperior with a little bit of fire to spice things up why we already have enough rock monsters they didn't need to give us another one ugliest bug type goes to bo B and that's just because volbeat looks dirty and grimy like Volpe looks like that girl that's always really loud and does coke okay like that's just kind of the vibes that I get from volbeat like I feel like Bobbie would yell at you even though she's wrong and then take a photo in a dirty mirror and then like be rude to you when she's hangry and I think that's cute like sorry sweetie it's just not and you're not cute either you're actually in my opinion the ugliest bug type obvious ghost type goes to gallery' incor salon I totally understand that color and course a lot supposed to be dead but how do you go from the cute happy normal corsola to this thing it looks diseased like it's gotta be quarantined or something caught that coronavirus there buddy how does something that's already supposed to be dead look like it wants to die again and that leads into its honorable mention Cursillo where in some ways he gets kind of worse I will mention is cursed Lud just because it looks like it's in pain like it kind of looks like the flood from halo and it's just like telling us to be like kill me please ugliest eel type goes to a warmer damn trash because well it's in the frame it's trash I don't understand why the trash is a steel type when it should have been like a poison type I don't get it also why is it pink what trash are you throwing away that's pink like I know Nicki Minaj albums are kind of mid and I know the artist pink is also pretty mid but sure yeah yeah former damn trash in those two artists yeah they're both the ugliest ugly steel type Agnes fire-type goes to turd inator here's one that had me kind of conflicted to put on here patty and I both think that turn inator is kind of cool with this whole stance and having its back turn to you and all but call a spade a spade turd inator is kind of ugly I'm sorry first of all it has that weird snout that I choose fire from that looks weird and unnatural it also has those goofy mustache whiskers and I just basically its whole face is messed up man and I guess it doesn't help that the real-life turtle it's based on is an atrocity as well so you know what it makes sense of this water type goes two blocks ish this one is pretty easy Brock's ish has some ugly-ass teeth this thing is hideous and weird and just because it's pink doesn't make it any less ugly this is another Pokemon where it's real life counterpart is ugly as hell so you know even further reasons to show why this Pokemon is ugly horrible mentioned for ugliest water time we're gonna give it to Palpa toad just because palpite like Palpa totes kind that weird in-between phase and it has that giant hoodie so just kind of it just looks ugly it's not the ugliest because Brock's ish is a whole mess that zach talked about but Palpa totes pretty damn close ugliest grass type goes to a mungus honestly there was no need for another one of these dumb fake overworld pokeball Pokemon it was annoying in Gen 1 with Voltorb and it's still annoying in Gen 5 it's funny though cuz foolís is actually Q amoonguss however he honestly looks kind of dumb he's definitely not one of the ugliest Pokemon out there but as a grass type it's pretty bad compared to the rest shout out to Venus or in Stadium Coliseum and xD though that thing is cursed ugliest electric-type goes to arctas oh like most of the fossils in the glaring region are obviously like they're just kind of spare parts put together because it has lauren history and I'm into that trick results really cool Draco fish is really cool and arctos old arctas old it's like you have a huge marsh body and then stick legs and then he has like the snot coming down and it's the wrong kind of drip like especially at this day and age it's sick and it doesn't look like it's supposed to be made it's kind of like the Cursillo effect you know and it's like please please end my misery the bills are piling up too much millennial humor ha ha ha ha ugly psychic-type goes to delphox this is so sad cuz fennekin had so much potential but then it decided to stand upright and turn into this stupid thing if you like delphox I'm sorry don't take this the wrong way but honestly it's super dumb and a huge disappointment like it has this weird-looking witch dress made out of its fur that does not look cool at all it also has those big-ass hairs coming out of its ears ill like it was sort of finding the first two stages but now it's bigger than its face it's ridiculous anyone who thinks delphox looks cool is clearly lying to themselves ugly as ice type goes to jinx jinx is just just foul it's mr. po PO's girl there's just so many wrong things design wise and culture wise and then like it's wearing a dress but it's kind of like a Viking corset and also like I mean I know that's your hair girls like weave is still yo hair trust me if you put and pay money for it you know that's yours ain't nobody gonna stop you I'm just saying like the straight blonde hair is not is not for you and also like just everything you got going on it's just not for you you need to go home you need to rethink your life choices your foul jinkx is just ugly not yeah it's just an ugly mon obvious dragon type goes to a lowland executor now I love a lowland executor he's so goofy and me mobile but it's his goofiness that makes him kind of ugly like regular executor was already kind of freaky looking especially in generation 1 now we're gonna stretch this freak of nature out and call it a dragon what we don't understand though is why there's a lot an executor or have a new face on its tail where the hell did that come from honestly it's really dumb and the fact that it looks completely different from the regular executor heads just makes it even more confusing like why the hell does this thing look like mr. Saturn from earthbound ugliest archetype goes to impede them so here's the thing I don't think empathic is ugly honestly I think he's kind of cute and I even talk about it and my cutest sword and shield Pokemon video check that out if you have it but patty has his reason so let's see her mouth in fadeev looks like a troublemaker which i guess is like kind of the point but it's stringy limbs and really big head and it just looks kind of naked you know like in animes or like cartoons with a draw like a naked kid from behind or something like that and Padova looks like a little rascal where he just he was gonna run out of the shower with no towel on it just like wreak havoc on the neighbors like he's just an ugly looking kid like I know Zach thinks eponyms kind of cute and I could kind of get that but I just I just think it looks really ugly and finally ugliest fairy-type goes to gallery' and wheezing most fairy types are supposed to be cue and pretty since that's what the type is all about some definitely fail at this but for the most part there aren't any real bad ones gallery' and wheezing however is purposely made ugly cuz normal wheezing is pretty disgusting looking itself I mean look at him we'd argue that gallery' and wheezing is actually a bit uglier than the original thanks to its nasty facial hair like smoke on its face I get what they were going for here and it does look pretty funny but did it have to be mucus green it's kind of gross when you think about it stay the hell away from me thanks for watching everyone and huge shout out to Patti trills for joining me in this video be sure to check out his channel cuz he's a pretty funny and entertaining guy that's the whole reason why I got him here in the first place don't forget to live your life to the fullest and have yourself a damn good one you
Channel: Lumiose Trainer Zac
Views: 653,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Ugly Pokemon, Ugliest Pokemon, Top 10 Ugliest Pokemon, Pokemon of Every Type, Favorite Pokemon, Least Favorite Pokemon, Galar, Coalossal, Garbodor, Every Pokemon Type, Lumiose Trainer Zac, Lumiose, PattyTrills, Top 10 Ugly Pokemon, Pokemon Sword and Shield
Id: 5tfjKb1iS_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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