An ARTIST Plays PASSPARTOUT: The Starving Artist Simulator!

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today we are playing today playing to pay we are playing for Mother Russia God said that was a little bit of Russian let's go back to French today I'm going to be playing passport to the starving artist simulator Bonjour ladies and gentlemen juice with Java as you know Palpa francais so I will speak English with a French accent only slightly racist because they are still white well not all of them just this one but I'm not French I'm just digging a hole today we are playing passport 2 as the most requested thing I've had in a long time and when I do something I do it with style before we begin I will open up by saying I am streaming this live with the twitch chat so I will be taking their requests while I create my artwork and the first request I will take is which accent I should use twitch chat it is in your hands will I be speaking in an Aussie accent my normal voice or a terrible French accent the verdict is you did not like my annoying French accent bloody party papers but I'm wearing the turtleneck in the scarf because it makes me feel fancy a huge amount of people have requested that I play this I've never played it before so let's see what it's all about apparently you actually do create artworks in the game which is why I justified playing it I don't normally do Let's Plays on this youtube channel but hey involves making art so it's not letting me use my tablet are you serious what that's not fair oh come on it lets me draw with my mouse but not my digital tablet I'm not okay with this I don't I don't want that handicap hang on I'll turn touch on touch on wait what come on what is it exit the game when I touch the thing with cut no I'm in Seoul [ __ ] I thought I would have the upper hand cuz I have art materials but no I have to do this like a common gamer twitch chat give me some suggestions Wacom tablet properties wait wait under the mapping tab I've copied and pasted a bunch of text from a bunch of different people this matters this really matters Ralph a limit right Raphael II line it Linux says open wake Wacom tablet properties use Windows Inc I did it's got that I'm gonna undo that let's see if that makes a difference come on please work please work yes yes oh yeah I love you Raph a Linux you beautiful bastard oh I get to put this thing back on Thank You Raphael Onix I love you ladies and gentlemen let's make some beautiful artwork bills what oh no I have bills crap I have to I have to hurry up and paint this I have to pay bills with my artwork oh there's no undo crap alright this is my first artwork it's a self-portrait this piece is entitled obnoxious but consistent come on you want to buy it no you don't okay alright twitch help me out I want more radical colors okay what can we do with more radical colors someone in chat says a cat oh oh 100 bucks yeah yeah a summerfest artwork for like over 100 bucks euro it's euro alright radical colors and we're drawing a cat I don't know let's go bright red whiskers radical colors that's what you wanted I call this piece dog because I'm an artist and I'm obnoxious the choice of color is a bit too radical are you kidding me you guys don't know what you want but twitch chat they know what someone says make it friendship all right less radical colors more French they like it all right deal 60 60 euro it is alright less radical colors and make it French sure that was entitled dog this is entitled French dog 47 euro are you kidding me it's worth more than that you can go away boring choice of cutoff for God's sake you people don't know what you want next peace someone says baguette I'm gonna create a baguette alright this piece is entitled oxygen a bit for 47 euros not good enough 54 euro French dog nut still not good enough 39 but come on guys I had a good sale to start off with I can't go lower than that Bob Ross let's draw Bob Ross okay I'm gonna do it I'm using very big brushstrokes hey there you go another 57 euro for my oxygen baguette piece I will sell that I can't make him as fast as they're selling pass bar two's way of interpreting new ideas has become a hot topic for many amateur art critics see I'm interpreting new ideas it's called juxtaposition it's contrast yes I've painted Bob Ross but I'm calling this piece burb rares he's got some happy little trees what's next people I need to take another request oh my god 122 euros hell yeah I've unlocked a new tool oh I have a spray can alright someone in twitch says Eiffel Tower but you guys know how I like my controversy I'm gonna paint the Eiffel Tower but I'm gonna name it something that is an Eiffel Tower are you sensing a theme see obnoxious but consistent this is terrible this piece is called the Statue of Liberty land screw you all right to be fair I could do a lot better than that let's take some time let's make something better I'm gonna use my new tool this time let's let's use the spray can I like this I like this texture you don't like these colors I didn't ask you sim someone has taken notice of pass Potter's activities hell yeah well have you taken notice of this glorious part work this is my bear I gotta keep in my fame of controversy eggplant I think that one's gonna create quite a stir in the artistic community provoking and shocking I freaking love it I appreciate that but 76 euro you know it's a little more revolutionary than that sorry sin Plus you insulted my last artwork so you can go jump down a well 78 euro Benjamin you're breakin my balls man sorry dude I'm gonna get a better buyer than that a lot of people in chat are saying dragon so I'm gonna create a dragon skill and effort makes good art I doubt this has either George that looks like george RR martin did george RR martin insult might well skill and effort make a good book and you're not making one cuz you're a little overdue george where's the next book george it's too rushed you can't owe me that one george george do you know what's not rushed enough your next book george is spending an awful lot of time wandering on the streets of paris and not writing the next goddamn game of thrones book look at him painting in the background there true art isn't based on skill i love it synth you're a [ __ ] go away this is skill and that was still low-balling me come on let's get our spray paint make some magic and this piece is entitled Trump I think people are gonna start to appreciate me yes 119 euro see I told you I was worth it alright I have sold Trump it's too rushed George Maggie's come around see I told you it would be worth more I will take 118 euros some say passion and creativity is of passport who is the hottest new thing on the street right well wait until you see my next piece which is entitled salad okay someone says the jokai so let's do let's do the joker choice of colors a bit too radical yeah well your lack of book is a little unraidable go away George stop wandering around the streets of Paris the hipsters are having a meeting to discuss your rising popularity oh yeah well the hipsters I'm going to enjoy this one we came known for my controversies my daring artworks and political statements but now I'm going to start criticizing pop culture and show it for what it really is this piece is actually cold want to know how I got these tears oh yeah see it pays off 173 euros see sometimes you just got to break your own mold and set yourself free I'm gonna be daring and I think this is gonna make a statement in and of itself will have a shadow facing us this one this one is gonna be confronting four people this one is called wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey [ __ ] 42 euros you're kidding me Benjamin you're breaking my balls go away Benjamin 113 euros thank you Steve see someone appreciates my craft all right next this one is making a statement on capitalism this one is called I seek approval by buying art the choice of colors a bit too radical George we've talked about this God's sake George all right this piece is entitled YouTube this pieces are a follow-up of my last piece this piece is called twitch cheap obnoxious but consistent you're gonna give me that lack of colors I like George lack of books we like sake George oh I can't let them I go I will sell my piece called YouTube for 78 euro I will not sell my ex piece first reason put in some more effort screw you soon I need some inspiration why are you painting without passion man synth is a [ __ ] this piece is entitled Cynthia same [ __ ] George wants to buy a synth is a [ __ ] 490 euro alright I'll sell it to you but I'd only if you're right the next game is groans boo all right I'm gonna speak directly to George through my next piece okay so this is the iron throne George choice of colors a bit too radical well this one is in greyscale and it's painted just for you George all right this piece is entitled to finish the goddamn book George fairly well made I'm not gonna sell this to you Steve I want George to buy it although 166 euro mmm no I want George to buy it sorry people in twitch chat what do you want me to draw so missus ninja and someone else says potato so I'm gonna combine these and create a another controversial piece all right this is a ninja potato George oh this is good 164 euro Oh George I feel like he's getting a message I'm so glad I hold back ah she is not about the money sometimes sometimes it's about getting your message to the right person uh sorry uh headphones you all right well this next piece is a little more of a generic statement it's entitled ninja potato I'm not going to go controversial with this Steve wants to buy my ninja potato for 246 euros moving up in the world see I've got over a thousand euros I'm doing a riot but this next piece I will not sell for any less than 50 euros but it's gonna be an easy piece so I'm just gonna call this more than 50 years to be fair I didn't put much effort into it but I I have a reputation at this point so I think it's worth at least that twitch wants me to make a fish make a Nemo this is a minimalist piece I'm gonna get a I'm gonna get a little bit controversial with this one ah what's this Oh this piece is cold Disney is dead do you know what sometimes is not just you need to admit to yourself when you have relied on pop culture and you've created cheap artworks for attention and for money and I've done that my whole career in this game not in life of course so let's create some real art we have to dig deep into our soul we have to think what do I yearn for not what do the masses want I have [Music] this piece is entitled hot knife to a fidget spinner what's happened the critic is looking at hot knife in the fidgets spinner what put knife to a fidget spinner it was only recently that I heard of pasta to a quirky young artist with a passion for growth from a distance I was struck with the craftsmanship as I approached the piece my jaw dropped and as I came closer it assured in the sense of a cloud it's amazing upon closer inspection the intriguing details of cerise contrasted by the profusion of alabaster reminded me of my wife the use of great hones depict the dullness of life but also the variety it offers all in all hot knife to a fidget spinner as a good effort pass bar 2 has a lot of potential and I can certainly recommend my readers to visit pass bar - I knew it I knew it ha ha ha ha I allowed the inspiration to embrace me and I have been embraced by my critics I can progress to the next act yes that piece it was that piece that carried me to the next level acts - pursuing the craft with unlocked a new tool the ink pen and I have an art studio very nice ladies and gentleman I'm gonna wrap this up that brings me to the end of my session with pus part 2 for today we've enjoyed an epic narrative or has it only just begun let me know in the comments if you want me to continue through to act - hopefully you guys enjoy this video and maybe leave some suggestions for the approach I can have for my next venture in art but for now I'm going to enjoy the fruits of my success little more wine and a little more baguette thank you for watching this video ladies and gentlemen make sure to like it if you enjoyed it and subscribe to draw with jazz so if you would like to continue part Batu's journey and join me in future artistic endeavors but for now I bid you adieu and until next time I will see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jezza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 6,252,480
Rating: 4.9381747 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6, Passpartout: The Starving Artist, Passpartout, game, let's play, artist, simulator, gamer, indie, THIS IS ART, markiplier, jacksepticeye
Id: ULO30nYGwbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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