All Healed Up, I Return to the "Sasquatch Mine" Better Prepared

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[Music] hidden deep in the mountains and hills of western Nevada at an altitude of 5600 feet lies an interesting silver mine with gold and copper being secondary commodities exposed lens quartz four bodies exist all along the side of the hill sheltered by large layers of rye light tuff and surrounded by thick layers of limestone laid down during the Late Cretaceous and neoproterozoic periods from 145 million to 541 million years ago first discovered in 1864 this mind began production in 1865 with the implementation of an inclined rail trestle as well as a cable tram system to help lower silver ore to the base of the hill a report was filed in 1878 stating that this mine was producing period values of $100 per ton of silver with over $200,000 totally produced throughout the lifetime of the mine today all that remains is weathered and sun-baked Timbers with equipment and steel long since scrapped prior to world war ii we begin our adventure today by taking a look at one of the more interesting ruin structures in the area and we take another look at the abbot where I was forced to retreat due to the presence of some sort of large animal critters large and small make abandoned mines their home so today come with me as we investigate and try to determine what type of animal was living in this abandoned mine [Music] [Music] well hey everybody welcome back okay well we are back at what we're all calling now the Sasquatch mine if you could remember last weekend I went into this mine and I got chased out by what was probably a pretty large critter gave it a couple of days and hopefully the critter left by now we're gonna find out we're gonna go inside and see what this thing might be we're gonna look around see if we can't find some scat or some footprints and try to figure out what made all that ruckus the last time I was in here now today I've got my bear spray with me as well as my sidearm but understand guys these places you know ultimately this is the critters home and I'm not here to do any any harm whatsoever to the critter so if we get a little close and if we can see what it is we're still going to back out of this mine and just leave him alone okay let's head on inside and see what this one's all about all right everybody let's explore this old mine okay so the first thing we're gonna do of course is let's beam all the way up in there see if we can't see any glowing eyes I'm not seeing anything right now okay so as we work our way up in here we're gonna make a lot of noise just like we're doing right now maybe we'll get this thing to run and make some noise like it did last time but we're working we're working through a bunch of granite rock and it's going to intersect up with a couple of shafts higher up in here and now we're gonna stop again and listen and look okay we're still good to go listen and look that's important like I said last weekend you do not want to the corner a mountain lion okay listen and look one more time still nothing so right down here this is where I bit the dust and skin to myself up really good right through this area that's where I turn around and started eating the feed okay let's keep on going here we've got okay this material right through here there's two shafts higher up on the hill and I'm guessing that's where this material is coming down yep before we look up there again I want to peer further up into the mine see if we can't see any glowing eyes no still nothing off to the right here you can see that's where that shaft goes up now we're gonna come back and revisit this because I want to keep my focus going down the at it in case we come in contact with that critter who does that oh it's a fan blade off of a vehicle okay now we're coming into the second shaft yep right there we got a bunch of barbed wire laying all over the place pop cans and beer cans that people have thrown down over the years no this is be real careful through here because if that bugger is perched on a rock this would be a good place for him to be nope but alright we'll come back and revisit that let's peek down there a little bit further see if we can see anything yes we're taking a very cautious approach on this explore and so far I'm not seeing any footprints on the ground here and you're not you know the the padding on the paws of a mountain lion are pretty soft so on hardpack like this you're probably not gonna see footprints okay now I'm starting to get a little bit nervous because we are getting up into an area where if we're gonna corner this guy this is where it's gonna be alright so the mine splits off and goes that direction and then it keeps going straight let's keep going straight we got here Funyuns yeah or our career must like Funyuns huh thanks Bo's all sorts of stuff is blown down in here over the years what do we have here those up into a raise probably another shaft on the hill okay we'll come back and revisit that oh okay okay let's work our way back to the left-hand side here there we go and we'll go left okay making lots of noise so far so good I'm not hearing or seeing anything let's peer up in there nope nothing moving around okay so I'm guessing this is probably this is a more modern mine probably dug out in the 70s or the 80s because they were using Weald they were using Weald muckers in this mine that's why it's so large okay let's look up in here we have down on the floor there's a bunch of gloves looks like some pieces and pieces of somebody's coveralls and we have here oh we've got our oh here's an orc ass that's a good sign oops wrong button that's a good sign because that means we're gonna have some workings higher up on the hill though we're gonna have to explore okay okay so let's go back to the main haulage at it and keep on working our way down we got an old kerosene can there and I'm just working my way through this mind pretty darn quick there's not too much to see theology wise as its it's just a basically an or pass or drop in the or down from higher up on the hill from the various veins and our bodies okay let's stop here a moment look and listen still still doing good okay we have another or pass here and that one's pretty much choked off but that's how they would do it guys is so they're dropping the award down these or passes and then it would end up in a pile right here over a period of time and then a wheeled mucker would come in here scoop out the muck or all of that rock and haul out of the mine okay I'm really happy that we didn't run into the critter but that doesn't say that he might not be up in one of these uh these other work passes let's go back to one of those other raises and climb up in there and see what we can see I'll see you back there okay we're headed back out in the mind you can see off in the distance there the portal and this is where I heard all of that noise and rock as whatever it was ran up in here now you can see how this is kind of conical-shaped I'm thinking what happened whatever I scared probably ran up to this point and then shot up into this or pass I'm looking real close for a footprint search any any kind of newly newly disturbed Rock and I'm not seeing anything let's get around the corner ice is really hard to let's see if I can somehow claim this let's see if it's even plausible for a big kitty to jump up into this thing oh yeah that'd be easy just second folks I gotta get my footing here oh absolutely that's what happened there's where he went that would be easy for a big cat to climb up it's at about maybe I'm gonna say 75 to 80 degrees I'll bet that's what he did he ran right up that Stoke right up this or pass and he exited the mine higher up on the hill because you know those big animals they're gonna know what their their escape routes are okay now that we've seen this let's go take a look at the other one I'll see you over there alright we've worked our way a little bit closer to the portal we're coming up on that other or pass right here now let's take a look up in this one be real careful Isis pretty darn crumbly here here we go what's left of a fence let's see how steep this one is here we go okay again it's that this but the same angle so that makes it totally plausible that that's where the critter escaped - he just bounced and ran right up the sides but in bidding bidding bidding all the way up your pass and exited out the top of the mountain okay let's work our way back to the portal see you back there alright guys so I worked my way back this was the approximate location where I heard all the noise so I think what happened was I got to this point in the last episode the animal was probably up in front of me say about I'm gonna say 40 50 feet either at that first door pass or the second one I'll bet he was at the first or pass when I spooked him then he took off running made a whole bunch of ruckus made it to that second or pass and then just shot straight up it bounced off the walls you know cuz like I said you know a mountain lion they can climb pretty good he'd just been good evening good evening and he ran up the side of the up the or pass and out the mountain I looked all over I didn't I didn't see any noticeable footprints but this is pretty hard dirt here if it even if it was a big cat he's not gonna leave a sizable footprint in in dirt like this so that pretty much concludes the mystery of the large animal we know that it wasn't the wild pig because they're gonna have a hoof and that would definitely dig dig into the dirt I didn't see anything like that so I think what we had here guys was a big cat and I spooked him up the ore pass and out the mountain that weekend okay well we've got a lot of other cool things around here so let's head on over to the next mine I'll see you over there okay guys one more thing before we get out of this area right over there was portal they had this really interesting powder Shack through here I thought I'd show it to you that's that's how they used yep that's how they used to do it so what they would you want to treat the blast that way correct both sides yep and I had all this flyaway rock on the front okay it could just go yeah so if there was an accident I'll hear towards the door is the blast direction and this is probably like the most optimal setup I've seen in one of these I mean the blast going that way flatout exactly yep and around the corner here I'll show you guys the rest of it so all the wood shelves and all that stuff is gone kind of interesting nice yeah yeah they they really put some time putting all those rocks into place like that okay well like I said we've got some more mines in this area so let's head down over there alright so I worked my way to the top of the hill because I wanted to find where those or passes came up up and out and we're quite possibly that that animal ran too and I found one of them see this here that's where they were passing the ore down into that haulage at it right there so a moment to go we were just right down in the bottom of that now there's other ones around here let's see if we can find them too all right so I didn't have to go much further and I found the or pass that remember when we were all the way to the very very end of the haulage edit okay there's the or pass topside coming out right here now off to my right we've got an area where they were stoking okay and it's pretty sketchy see this big boulder right here that fell fell off the back of the stove off that crotch right there and then they've got they've got these stalls there's a little tiny guy over there holding up by just a huge amount of rock and a couple of these this is way way way too fragmented in here for my comfort level I'm not gonna go down underneath this it's just too dangerous see the cracks in the rock above yeah but we can look off to the left here more than likely that's going to be another or pass right there around the corner this isn't the mine I wanted to show you guys I just wanted to show you how our passes work so they were working these veins up here on top of the mountain then dropping the the ore down through or passes and out that big haulage adit we're in okay now I want to work our way over to the next big mine for the day I'll see you over there alright so as we work our way down the side of this hill to the next big mine you can remember when this video started out I showed you a an inclined rail slash trestle that was working down along the side of this hill up there you can see old Bob and as we work our way down the side of the hill you can see where they've been stopping now look at how unstable this is so one time they stoped out the vein and since then all these huge blocks of rock have fallen from the back of the miner from the roof of the stove and look at this down here see that pillar that tiny little pillar that's only about maybe a foot to two feet in diameter is holding up this just giant rock right here here's another look at that skinny pillar with my walking stick next to it notice the crack that has formed up the side of the pillar right up to the left of my walking stick and working its way right up the side there that tiny little pillar is holding up just a huge amount of rock I'm not going to get anywhere near that but the nice thing about this see the miners had to leave these pillars in place to hold up these large large volumes of waste rock so that right there gives you an indication of what they were mining that's what they were pulling off the side of this hill and sending down to be processed okay right there is the inclined rail I was telling you about off to my left here is where they had the winch set up on that platform and behind me is where they were mining the vein off the side of this hill and we just came from right up there now over here we might have an adit let's go see now the first thing I'm seeing here is we've got a place where they spray-painted a strike zone through here a little bit of the vein was left to that area yeah we've got an ore pass here okay and I can see a little bit of daylight down there let's shoot the flashlight maybe we can see yeah definitely an ore pass okay we can find where that spits out closer to the bottom of the hill and then we have an adit over here and I'm gonna be real careful cuz and that's as far as it goes I don't want to be underneath this rock it's very very geologically unstable let's keep working down the side of this mountain and see if we can find where these or passes are spitting out alrighty so I've worked my way further on down the mountain and now we're pretty much level with the inclined rail now way out there in a distance and we're gonna head there in a moment you can see what looks to be possibly some what are called tram towers we'll go see what that is in a moment but for now let's turn around here like I said we're right at the level of the inclined rail as well as where the winch was set up and here's the here's the main haulage adit so I would bet that all of the or passes are going to lead right here let's find out I've got a couple of wire insulators on the back of the mine right there okay and as I work through here I am looking for rattlesnakes okay we're at our first first or pass that's where we just were a moment to go let's keep on going now there is a whole lot of wind blowing through here Wow it's just screaming through here we've got a big collapse I don't actually don't think it's a collapse I think what we have here is rock coming down from another or pass let's see if we can safely scoot past this without anything big falling on our heads yeah here we go let me show it to you guys right here see or pass number two there's going to be a bunch of them through this section alright let's keep going well I wouldn't have wouldn't wouldn't have won't have been standing here when all that rock come down now in this or past I can see indentations on the floor from the crossed eyes so they weren't using a wheeled mucker at this location and another one this Hill is just riddled with or passes and this is perfect and I mean absolute perfect mountain lion habitat right through here lots of xscape routes okay and off to the left another or pass and more insulators okay let's keep on going this is really interesting how they decided to mine off the side of this hill and that's as far as it goes so that would have also been an ore pass but notice it's all chopped full of muck and whatever else is falling down here since since back then okay I want to work my way back out of here and let's head on down to where those tram lines were I'll see you over there okay well we've made it till what I think used to be part of the tram Tower now if you look down there or actually look in the upper right hand part of your screen you'll see where they built a road to access this location and then from this point they probably had a cable tram system going down to that road or they loaded up the trucks off somehow off of this platform now there's a lot of debris around here that at one time was probably used for that tram but since since then it's all fallen over and rotting and decayed now around the corner here we have another added and again down on the ground laying on this iron plate another separation pile of ore that never made it off the mountain now these separation piles they weren't laid here by the original miners these piles were laid here by prospectors that came along later and we're reworking this area they back up a second here and show you guys let's do a nice close look right there that is a fine example of gold ore with a little bit of silver right there you can see some silver that gray coming out of the rock there I might gather up a few nice specimens of this and offer it on my eBay site I know there's some of you that might like a piece of that for your rock collection okay we've got another adit going in this way let's see if we can work our way around the welcome sign here pretty crumbly through here what's in here it's always hard getting around okay a little bit more light on the situation there we go well this is a really small tunnel not much to it it's only about four feet tall more than any five we have up in here we have some sort of cribbing oh it's what's left of an or shoot see right here there is the or pass up there and yeah this was an or shoot what's left of it all right well that is it for all of the edits and Stopes along the side of this mountain let's see what else we can find around this location I'm gonna head back over to old Bob and mr. M and see if we can't find something else that's pretty cool for you [Music] okay guys we've worked our way oh I don't know I'd say probably 20 30 miles to the next location now I'm the map this showed some really really large edits with some just gigantic waste rock piles and I found this one here you notice the bacon strips and rock bolts going into the portal that's an indication that what we have here is a modern mine so what do you say we skinny down into this they piled a bunch of boulders here at the portal to keep people out but there is a little rabbit hole I can worm my way down into let's head on in there and see what we can find let's see if I can wiggle my way through these great big boulders oh boy now for a penny sound okay now he'll come back up here grab the camera all right I got it okay and up if we had a little bit light and there we go shed a little light on the subject here there we are okay what do we have here Wow great big area Rock bolts are popping and pulling away from the back of the mine up there well this is interesting maybe this is as far as it goes or could be these be some old workings right here well there's only one way to find out and that's to try to get over here all right I'm gonna have to set the camera down for a moment nice and before I can here we go now this might be false forehead be real careful here yeah okay looking off to my right we've got some sort of a false floor impossible or pass with the adit going off to the right we also have something going off to the left up in here we have well that's as far as it goes they were just following that vein looks like we have some oak cabinetry or something what is this here oh let's see if I can protect your children lock up these blasting caps box of blasting caps okay circling back around now now we have to see what this is all about that an orc ass well it just goes right down there and stops I think we can stay on this big plank without falling through to get to the other side okay there we go all right oh look at the beautiful vein structure right through here you can see where it starts right there and then continues on to the hang and wall off here to the right see if I can get a better better shot of that for you guys see that that is a beautiful looking quartz vein and it has all the indications of being gold rich you see the iron you see the iron oxides coming out of that we even have some Lima Knights poking their way out and off here to the left that's a beautiful vein of of silver right here right there see how it's gray and dark that's silver gorgeous alright well that's as far as that goes let's take another closer look at whatever this is I might have to move a few planks I can't move that point all right let's get down we're gonna poke the camera down here we can see Oh what guys okay right there let's see if I can find my finger here okay right there we got one two three that's just what I can see on top three sticks of dynamite laying there see that yeah we don't wanna be crawling down into that all right okay that's as far as this one goes let's work our way back to the back over to the main the big main portal I'll see you over there okay I really appreciate you--i've coming along for this explore and I'll see you all again next weekend take care bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 360,841
Rating: 4.8603983 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: 28QiyyCW8Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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