Arriving Into Seoul for the FIRST TIME πŸ‡°πŸ‡· We Can't Believe This Is Korea! (ν•œκ΅­μ–΄ μžλ§‰)

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We have just arrived here in South Korea we're at the Incheon International Airport and we're going to be making our way to the Seoul to the centre of Seoul and we're super excited to explore soul and the rest of Korea but before we head out of the airport we've got a few things on our checklist we've got a SIM card because we need access to the internet uh it's going to be very difficult to get around Seoul without a SIM card we need some Cash so we'll see what the currency looks like like here which I think it's Korean one and uh our Baggage our baggage is actually here already that's Karolina's bag this is my bag just over here and the reason why we have got our luggage here is because we were kind of delayed going through security security was fine just make sure you have your arrival card all filled out because someone got sent all the way back to the queue because they didn't have a proper Korean address um so they can be a little bit strict I think please take your cash thank all right so we have finally got some Korean one so I wonder who that is on the note let us know in the comments but we've got cash to actually spend finally now that we have some cash it's time to get a SIM card we're at KT SIM card here I think we actually have to touch here to get a waiting ticket waiting all right perfect so KT Telecom it looks like ker Telecom thank you come some there hello uh we're looking to get the uh SIM card for 20 days 20 days uh 60,500 60,500 and uh do you also get a free uh t- money card yeah okay is it possible to get two sure okay thank you do you need makeup on PO or just for dat just for data passport sure uh have I got my passport I think I have my my passport there you go sign oh you got to do signature sure sign our life away is that okay okay sorry one more oh one more time on the screen I think oh on the screen yeah all right there we go this is your c number for 20 days 20 days Li incoming of charge cannot make a phone call okay so you can't make phone call but you can receive yeah and unlimited data okay and change your sim card for and follow this man okay all right come bye okay so that was really easy not like the SIM card uh not the SIM card the cash because uh some of the cash machines was just not accepting our card so um and they're kind of weird cash machines so you're going to have to be a little bit patient but eventually you'll get some cash uh but we're going to get connected to the internet we are now connected to our unlimited data now check this out look how fast these speeds are guys I'm going to stop so you can see absolutely insane download speed over 200 mbes per second so right now we are on our way to Soul we're going to be taking the airport uh Railroad I think we can use our t- money cards we got free from the SIM card shop we need to charge these up so we can actually do a card recharge recharge the carded charge Transportation card just Transportation card please SCT charge and insert cash I think 50,000 uh for one week here in Soul I think there should be enough, okay see some cash Karolina Bank of England 50,000 I think it goes into there please place the transportation card okay let's place it again charging please wait oh you just leave it there to charge being recharged okay charging is complete there we go we got 50,000 on right now I actually love the idea of placing your card and charging it like a battery with the money you literally place it there and it charges it up uh which is really good and the fact that we have these already without having to buy them is great I think we just tap it on here let's see if it works hopefully it there we go all right so it took 900 of our 50,000 one so I think transport here in South Korea is very cheap and this t- money card you can actually use I'm pretty sure around the country so we're going to be travelling around the country so this is going to be really useful um 50,000 I think it's going to last us a decent amount of time so we are taking the train to Seoul Station and uh actually takes up until like 60 Minutes the Express Train to Seoul Station [Music] now okay so we are on the tra everyone's rushing for a seat I think we can actually sit here Karolina it's very nice and air conditioned very clean all right sit down there's a lot of people coming from the airport you can see and it goes all the way down there all right guys we have made it to sou station very busy I think we're going to go up here or should we do some exercise got these bags I guess not we've got really uh big bags on so I don't know which side we're supposed to stand on I'm guessing the right one because everyone's coming up left me scan on here there we go so I don't think that cost too much we hear the transport here in South Korea is very cheap so we are now in Soul station we need to get some food so we're going to be trying out Isaac's toast which we hear is very popular there's so many people here look look around yes so if I'm kind of being destroyed sorry literally it's so difficult to Vlog here but uh we're going to find the exit and then we're going to make our way to Isaac toast I think uh what our plan is is after Isaac toast to do a little bit of a first impressions cuz we're going to be in central soul and we can't check into our accommodation till 300 p.m. but it definitely feels like a completely new world being in Indonesia for 2 months and coming here it's such a huge such a huge contrast so we have made it outside of Seoul Station and we're actually going to be using Naver Maps so we're using a new map tool because Google Maps doesn't work very well here in South Korea I don't think South Korea wants to share their map data with Google and so you can't get the walking instructions but with navor maps uh you can do pretty much the same thing it's not as intuitive as Google but it still does the job and they also have uh it's in English as well you can actually read it in English whereas uh Naver Maps is all in Korean we have made it to what I think the pronunciation is me y dong this is I think the most popular tourist area here in Soul you can see there is tons of people just everywhere and uh I actually hear from locals from doing a bit of research that they think this is place is a bit overrated maybe a bit too expensive hello and uh we're going to kind of find that out for ourselves motorbike and uh maybe visit here another time because right now our focus is to get the Isaac toast because we haven't eaten in what feels like a lifetime so I think it's somewhere over here we're going to be going to the cathedral Branch so there is street food everywhere on this street here in Myeong-dong and we are very hungry so everything smells absolutely delicious but we're still on the hunt for this Isaac place I think it could be around here I thought I lost you for a second she was already tucking into some street food but we have done our research and locals here in Seoul believe that the street food here is overpriced so let us know in the comments like your recommendations for us to try different food Street Food Markets uh we like to do the local stuff but you know we are tourists as well so we can enjoy that but I don't know if we've gone to the right Road let's have a look on our navor map so could I go for the grilled bu Gabi and the ham special uh just two yeah that's it this 8, uh okay so 8,100 uh I don't no sorry we've come straight from the airport okay guys so we've got our Isaac toast here you want to do the honors Karolina and it's warm we have our Isaac toast and coffee let's dig into this I went for the grilled Bulgalbi which it's some kind of beef I can't remember but this seems to be very popular here one of the most popular kind of breakfasts and it's a budget breakfast so it's quite cheap and so what we have in there it looks like we got some kind of vegetables some kind of beef meat there it's full of sauce and uh egg what else is in there let's have a look oh there's cheese so there's cheese in there and the sauce does look like a sweet sauce all right I got to dig dig into this I don't know how I'm going to eat this is so [Music] big I didn't get the meat on that one but definitely sweet on a sweet lover okay next time we're going to get that meat there n n [Music] n that's good it's like comfort food it's sweet you got the kind of crunchiness of the vegetables you got the meat there gives them kind of meaty flavor omelette oh so Karolina so Karolina didn't want the bags in the shop but I'm putting the bags in the shop cuz there's music over there we don't want to copyright all right go for it Karolina went for the ham as you say Special M so what's inside of there some egg some ham vegetables some pickles some cheese but actually there's also like a sweet sauce a little bit of a sweet sauce it seems like it's all kind of like a sweet base to the sauce I like it because it's very like well balanced I would love to have it mhm every now and again for breakfast I think I guess that's why it's probably one of the most popular ones cuz it's just easy to pull up to here grab it and there you go you're eating it drink yeah it's also very presentable but I also don't think uh breakfast is super popular here in South Korea our bellies are now full I've been noticing there is a lot of convenience stores so you've got gs25 I think it's a convenience store and uh I think there's a massive convenience store culture here in South Korea so again this is our first day let us know the best convenience stores in Korea in uh Seoul um yeah just let us know in the comments but we are on our way to jungu I hope I'm pronouncing it right but uh that is where we are going to be staying and we have got lots of videos planned for soul but what we really like is there just so much life happening in this area yes it might be maybe considered a tourist trap by uh maybe the locals but but first impressions are definitely positive yeah 100% positive we are so excited yeah everything super clean uh well organized and uh yeah it's just it's just very interesting every street you turn on at least in this area so far there's just so much to see Hello uh I have no idea what is this it looks like like a dog okay I think we need to try whatever this is uh this uh three 3,000 3,000 okay let's try it honestly have no idea but it just got my attention and uh the old man seems like he's been selling this for a long time so it could be quite good uh uh is that okay yeah yeah do you know what this actually is we have no idea it's made from rice from is itet rice cake yeah rice cake old old style old style rice rice candy rice candy okay that sounds good or sugar no sugar oh so it's like a sweet but with no sugar K practicing German thank you for the recommendations okay bye bye bye wow that was impressive kolina car is uh I wasl for a long time so it's it's really impressive no but uh you're you're polish so tell your story so you're polish but you have half of my family from my dad's side is actually German because they were living in the area that was occupied by Germans during the war so that's why she could speak uh to the Germans in German and this actual rice candy which has no sugar this is going to be interesting maybe we should uh pull up somewhere and try this all right guys let's try this out so I thought these would be like kind of solid and hard oh it's chewy and hot it is hot M but it's like um a chewy candy mhm and it has it's not super sugary but it's quite sweet as well like when when it melts it's nice it's sweet but with no sugar so it must be the natural uh rice there something nious to chew on I think it would taste good with the coffee we're going to be taking the Chungmuro Subway station to head towards uh jungu jungu oh it's very dark in here but we've got our te money cards that uh I'm sure we're going to be up to use for the subway station and this is going to be heading towards like a University Place okay I think we have to go um yeah I think we I think we obviously have to get past the the kind of turn Styles like a cafe here all right is this going to work let's have a look let's go on this side oh there we go I love how you can use this to get around you don't need cash and you can just tap and go sincey it's so frustrating when you're in cities that you have to keep getting tickets or you have to get multiple cards it's really frustrating all right where are we going to now ah Dongguk University Station we're actually heading to o o o do let me know if uh my pronunciation is good or not and you can correct me it's okay but uh yeah we're going to head to our area and show you a little bit around the area but it is interesting one thing we've noticed is that people here tend to be a bit more closed like they're holding back their emotions um not as like kind of warm and SM Smiley that's just honest uh kind of First Impressions just keep themselves to themselves yeah I don't know if it's because uh people we're going o this way yeah if it's because it's the capital city it's like in London it can be very similar kind of a bit more people are more stressed out um and not as happy let's say but uh hopefully this is our first impression it could change we uh got on the wrong line in the opposite direction so we're hopping back towards Chungmuro and uh hopefully we've got the right place all right guys we got off at the well we got on the wrong train but we are now at the Dongguk University got a a bit of a walk to our accommodation um but the transport is actually really nice here in South Korea it's very clean very bright easy to access yes um and it's just because we're you know first Tim is here we uh got on the wrong train but it's very quiet here and let's whip out the t- money card oops uh you're supposed to you got can't go through here now you went through the wrong one all right so car tapped here but we tried going through there yeah it makes sense because it's oh is it yeah no but this one's this one right it's it's here we go oh maybe it's just this one I think uh maybe maybe that was the same problem you having Karolina I don't know but I always get confused whether it's left or right but uh it probably on the video looks super easy to understand we have made it guys to our accommodation with the help of navor maps honestly it's like the Google maps of South Korea hello and uh so we are staying at the USB House just here uh which is like a budget accommodation hello and uh so what we've used to book most of our accommodation here in South Korea is Airbnb which is this one uh Booking and Agoda but Airbnb and Agoda is there's lots more options and very good let's say budget options but again navor Maps you need it guys so I think this is our place we are staying at the USB House this is an Airbnb it is a bunch of rooms so shared rooms you've got like a bathroom in there shared bathroom so it's a very basic accommodation we'll tell you the price in just a sec but pretty much a bed and that is pretty much what you're getting you're getting a bit of a window view you've got a monitor just here and then a fridge so very basic and this will set you back $47 per night which is about Β£39 so very much the accommodation is expensive but we're on a budget so we've gone for kind of budget accommodation but we are in Korea for 20 days which is why we got the SIM card for 20 days um and uh don't know else I was trying to say I've lost my train of thought oh we're going to be in so for like seven seven s days so we have lots of content coming your way so if you enjoy this video don't don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Jayesh Chhaya
Views: 214,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jayesh chhaya, travel vlogger, backpacking, travel to South Korea, foreigners in South Korea, South Korea, South Korea vlog, travel South Korea, Korean food, seoul South Korea, Seoul vlog, first time in south korea, Express Train seoul, Incheon Airport, Isaac Toast, seoul city, what to do in seoul, Myeongdong, λͺ…동, μ„œμšΈ, λŒ€ν•œλ―Όκ΅­, seoul travel, seoul tour, seoul travel vlog, seoul first impressions
Id: J-L0TDv38Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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