I Didn't Know Korean Food Was Like This! πŸ‡°πŸ‡· (ν•œκ΅­μ–΄ μžλ§‰)

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Today we're going to be eating a ton of Korean food we have come to the Bread Basket of South Korea which is Gwangju now you might be asking why we're in Gwangju well why not we do like seeing kind of the more local less like touristy places uh to the countries we visit and granju definitely has more of a uh kind of local vibe to it there's not many tourists I haven't seen any kind of foreigners here so uh we're going to be going around around the city diding a bit of exploring and a lot of eating so we found the subway station which is just here very convenient this is the first look at guangju and uh we're going to use the t- money card so uh comfortable to use it wherever you go yes so it makes travel in Korea very easy so we're heading into what looks like a nonong station just need to tap on our card there we go green a little bit more old school compared to Soul it's not as uh kind of Hightech uh because it was just aik there was no kind of indication of how much uh we've spent it's quite nice on here this is for elderly so we're not going to sit there I think we can sit over here it's a nice one yeah it's nice I like these kind of green seats all right guys we have made it to Song Jong station we were trying to get the pronunciation from the train so they said it on the train so now I think we've got it right but uh this area is particularly known for a dish called T galby which I'm pretty sure I'm saying it wrong so do let me know in the comments but this is a very particular dish for this region and it looks absolutely delicious so we're going to be heading to what I've been researching on NAVER Maps cuz Naver Maps is my favourite tool like an app I love it too it shows you even the exits in the subway like which you need to take it's just amazing you just don't have to look yeah and also it shows you all the kind of best restaurants there on Google Maps there's a little bit more limited um so yeah Naver them out all right guys so this is the place we're heading to I think this is the Tteokgalbi place let's head on inside hello okay so the side dishes are here these are the Banchan so many yes so I I'm not sure what she said but I think she said uh maybe like enjoy your meal or maybe that we need to wait for the meat ah so we got some soup okay over there yes uh no no in the in the car a por okay so uh we're trying to kind of use body language to understand what's being said that's difficult but it looks like we've got some I think this is the beef soup this is very typical to have with uh Tteokgalbi and the beef soup and then we got the Banchan which is lots of different side dishes and actually what I really like is the lettuce cuz you can actually um wrap it up with the uh I think it's going to come with some rice uh some of these kind of sides and the meat so we're just waiting for the meat now ah okay so ah you okay so I can do like this maybe she told us to hold this like that and maybe to peel it oh to peel it off yeah okay it's good like this like this try she's super nice they're really uh they're really helpful here in Korea because they know that uh foreigners don't really know how to eat uh usually in the proper way when we enter a restaurant there's always this one person who tells us how to eat things properly because I think they feel may be sorry for us that we don't know how to do that I so the uh this looks like I think it's a beef yeah so you're just breaking off the the meat right yeah trying to all right guys so we have this beautiful soup here with lots of bone so you got like the bone here like this uh but there's also lots of meat which we kind of plucked off the uh the bone and there's some spring onions and uh yeah it's a very meaty hearty broth so let's give this a go let's get some of this meat here like this you can see it's very rich and has a meaty flavor M oh yeah that's good okay okay she's so nice look at that guys this is the Tteokgalbi this is pork she said but I think actually maybe they mix it in with some of the beef mince as well is Karolina is doing the Instagram we got our soups here our banchan wow we're ready to eat so guys we have a MASSIVE Feast here we're going to start off with some of the lettuce I'm going to grab some of this rice here just like this let get a little bit of rice I think this is how the locals do it I I think but uh you never know and then uh we can get some of this to gby it's very soft yeah looks very soft very very soft so this is like some kind of minced uh pork but I also think it's um some beef in there I don't know it might be a mixture so you want to put it in just like that and then um what I think we should do is grab the Chopsticks and add some maybe some of the ban like the sides and a little bit just to give a bit of bit more of a kick to it I guess and we put the Chopsticks I think on the sides I'm uh not too clued up with Korean eacy when it comes to eating but so let us know but so I think we just kind of wrap it up like this and it Go mhm what's that taste like very delicate like I was going to say very delicate but it's also very soft the meat very tender really good quality um meat very flavorful the sides give it a little bit of a kind of a different flavor to it like a little bit of a kind of Korean kimchi kind of flavor to it and the rice kind of I don't know this is a really good combination yeah it's a really really good combination I love it that we are actually having so many of these sides so you can compose your own dish in a way it's Carolina's go she's got her lettuce with some rice this is the view around the restaurant very nice very clean Maybe This TV as well also was blaring out and they uh they it for us yeah so very nice okay so grab some of that meat see it just rips off so easily I think we should also add maybe some of this let me add some of this I think these are some kind of spring onions spring onions and some kind of sauce so maybe I can add some of that to to there for you do you want to add any other the bunch on there's kimchi got kimchi got some bean sprouts maybe some of these like uh mang bean I think it's be I think this is bean sprouts Kina or bean sprout actually maybe I'm wrong but I think they're bean sprouts I'm so like clumsy in terms of the times all right let's give it a try wrap that up oh my God that's a big bite I wasn't expecting that really good I wonder like we our plan today was to eat a lot of food but this is a lot of food it's already morning time so so many but to be honest the distinctive thing for me is the Sesame I really I could smell it and I can some Sesame around it yeah so I'm really interested to see what this uh is over here I think it's some kind of like tofu let's try this out so let's give this a go wow no idea what that tastes like M very very soft very soft it's almost like cheese likee but it's tofu I'm I'm pretty sure that's tofu you can actually have two different types of like Leaf there's the kind of lettuce and there's this Leaf here but uh you can have some also spring onions it looks like it's kind of sauce this I tried this was interesting this is like some kind of like tofu but it tasted like very creamy very very soft very soft we' got some uh bean sprouts it looks like some kind of that's the kimch over there mhm this looks like some kind of pickled vegetable not sure what that is we still got some soup we need to finish off but um interesting thing is the Garlic oh there some garlic there and there's some sauce some kind of sauce I don't know what that is what is that I don't know we try but um what we love about Korean food is that it's like having a banquet like a feast you order one dish and you get a bunch of sides so it makes it like a really complete meal okay what's the total do you know 31,000 31,000 super delicious meal oh all right very Lively in here are they are wow guys like people super friendly here in uh guangju all right guys we have come to 1913 it is just around the corner here now we didn't actually realize but the restaurant we're eating at is right next to here so we actually went on a bit of a walk around to uh burn some calories so I think we did like 5,000 steps just so we can get some more food in without uh feeling too full and packing on the pounds we don't want to get fat but uh this is the street it's a very old kind of feeling but also kind of new feeling as well it looks like it's been kind of like revitalized mhm that's what they wanted to do the street like it's so visible that it's getting uh popular mhm so they're kind of creating an atmosphere for tourists to to come here but also experience some of old buildings which this one definitely looks old over here yeah I love the vibe here actually we came to guu to actually feel it because I'm into art and I've heard that this city is well known for like the architecture and the art and the things that you can do here so it's really nice here and uh we're kind of I'm kind of looking I'm scanning around to see if there's any kind of street food so we spotted our first snack which we actually had yesterday while having some uh oven roasted chicken which is this this thing here which we uh we had literally a whole bag like that we ate I think we ate this one yesterday I actually loved it hello hello can you let us know please in the comments what's the name for it because I was trying to Google it but nothing really appeared on the screen uh how uh 3,000 okay literally we're snacking on this before we ate the chicken so 3 it's a huge bag actually you going to fit it in your bag yes or maybe I will just hold it's like bigger than your head I got a bag we got some other snacks over here let us know if any of these are your favorites put like the time stamp and say this is what it is and you should have it all right come that was uh 3,000 right he so uh she was really nice people here in gr you are super nice and uh it's really nice to be here because you really do get a feel for real Korean kind of life and away from like maybe Seoul or Busan we are going to Busan next all right guys it is time to have this is pork belly uh wrapped in some vegetables I think uh we have uh one uh okay maybe little spicy uh little spicy little spicy little spicy yes one uh just one please yes uh no we out out take out take out yes m as you can see there's uh the pork belly wrapped around what looks like a lot of kind of bean sprouts and vegetables this one looks kind of grilled and he's adding some of like the kind of sauce there or he's going to do a flame they love their Flames here in ker they flame everything I think it's 5,000 m chopping up make it easier for us to eat find a little bit more of a sweet sauce on there you got the kind of spicier sauce a lot of the foods here in Korea are like sweet and spicy some vegies wow come there all right guys we have got our uh pork belly vegetables I forgot the name we have Chopsticks ready we're going to be eating this uh really delicious looking kind of I don't know how it's like it's almost like oh my God it's actually quite just falling apart a little bit all right let's let's go a bit closer to this it's all about the taste right m m oh spicy yeah mhm maybe because of the sauce mhm wow oh it's a kick oh god wow hot I really like the cabbage Karolina can handle her spice a bit more for me it's actually not super spicy I think we asked for Less spicy medium we less spicy what do you get for medium medium okay so it's kind of covered in like a spicy sauce but then you put like a black sauce which is giving the sweetness to it but I also think the spicy sauce already has a bit of sweetness to it already I think it's quite good we had our meal this earlier today in the restaurant with some of this uh kind of I think it's like spring onion let's try it yeah I really like this snack it's quite fresh meaty flavor because of the thing around really good so you like it mhm and you I would give it like um let's say eight out of 10 yeah Secret I'm a t lover for me um I would prefer if it was less spicy because it just a massive kick to the uh back of the throat and I don't handle spice as much but still really good I like the kind of sweet and spicy combination mhm never and you got like really fresh vegetables just inside of here I think there's like a a lot of be it's actually just a lot of bean sprouts I think and cabbage and cabbage yeah bean sprouts and cabbage so the owner uh was asking if I was you and then he tried showing me inside so I think he wants me to give him a little bit of kind of free marketing why not it was really good so you can come over here you've got the pork belly the Cabbage the bean sprouts here you've got which is toi toi yes and uh this is his inside of here you can actually sit inside it's very nice you these old kind of photos along here it's cool it's really cool yeah it's like a school I didn't even realize told me oh it's cool it's cool yeah I heard that in the in the back oh it's like a it's like being in a school mhm so this is what like being in a Korean school might have been a very long time ago cuz you can see on the uh pictures I W oh yeah they got the bags over here the bags over here and you got little Co tables really small chairs wow that's I feel like we should have eatting inside now Carolina that is really cool oh come tell me that that was cool that was cool Okay bye so we are heading into soaks it looks like uh some kind of choco pie looks really good ah okay we can try we can try these okay come there it looks like this yeah so I got mine here M oh yeah it's very rich very creamy M really good cream and freeze be from the outside oh yeah of chocolate so that's a super original so they've also got guangju uh chocolate what are you thinking I think that from all of them I would go for the guju chocolate could we go for uh one of the guangju chocolate mhm they're very big guys really big yes this one yes one I put this one in here I think it's uh 3,900 oops come thank you see you so we have our soups chocolate pie let's head outside kolina at the bank of England is uh just sorting out the money you ready she's got the snacks out as well honestly guys the snack snacks here in Korea are incredible and it's funny but everywhere we go we keep seeing people having snacks in their bags snack inside their car inside the car even all the crush rolls and we've got snuck here this is the so SS chocolate pie okay guys so we're heading across the city to go to a place called day park or day no dayet D Market sorry and there you can have food there as well but there's also an art Street we haven't forgotten about the chocolate pie we're we're definitely going to be eating the chocolate pie and giving you our reaction but uh we need a little bit of time cuz our bellies are pretty full and uh oh have I got my t- money card I do have my t- money card just here scan in there we go ah it does have a a number for how much we have left but it's not as it's like very analog style not very digital so this section is for the elderly people are pregnant and people with children and it's more like a female section looks like so got that over there but uh it's okay I I lost my seat but it's okay because I need to burn some calories so I was going to stand up like this but uh it's very respectful here in Korea people definitely pay attention to being C courteous we were just talking about burning calories look at the stairs there's calories for each step two and a half we burned two calories now we can actually eat 500 that's our motto but uh oh what's that's interesting they're growing lettuce in here W it's vertical farming look can you actually you can't go inside but W they're making lettuce inside of their Liz head actually it's crazy because here in Korea we uh came across a lot of times when you need to climb the stairs and this can be quite tricky for some people so cute over here baby yeah you made her day yes bye so uh I don't know why but I always really like wow the sun's this way let's go this way I always really love helping out like the old people so when she said uh she was looking at me and uh not really saying anything and then I realized oh the chair is actually heavy so yeah that's nice people hearing gr like I just feel really good here like people are so nice oh looks like something happening around here like a little Festival let's have a little Wonder to see what's going on it is Sunday so chances are there's probably some kind of event happening but you can hear like the music in the in the background they're playing kind I don't know what that game is let know in the comments he's very excited on the mic so we're strolling right now through the day in Art Street you can tell it's Art Street because they've got uh art like this which is uh pretty cool I like it I like it and uh we actually got given because of the festival you can hear the music in the background some passports so uh they were trying to convince you to like kind of go to different cultural food stores uh but today we're focusing on Korean food so and they would stamp basically your passport every time you go to a new country but uh we just need a Korean passport today but uh it's really nice this street because there's a little quirky kind of antique shops kind of art galleries and also with ptry it looks like you can also participate in different kind of workshops if you want mhm so this is definitely my type of street and to be honest I was not expecting this from Gwangju because when we arrived on the bus it looked very uh like kind of industrial like it very like there wasn't much happening so we were worried because we were coming here you know to see if there's any something to see something to do wow but this is a museum here yeah so many interesting places so the Art Street was cool than that I think Karolina is more into kind of the museum artsy fartsy kind of kind of thing but I really like this area here got these kind of international flags up in the air there's lots of kids just doing paintings on either side very nice about and uh we're going to be heading back towards where all the crowds of people were because uh there's not too much food and obviously the the theme of this video was to uh try lots of different Korean foods so if we could find something preferably sweet oh we still have the choco pie we forgot about the choco pie okay we're going to be eating the chocolate P such a cool Vibe around here you got these seats they got candles lit up over here oh they're right at the end we got to go over there but uh there's people playing board games and check out the seat we're sitting on all right I feel like I'm in a club all right ladies ladies first it's good this is the chocolate one wow so good M it's like super chocolate oh yeah super chocolatey full of cream look at that inside of there all right you have another BBE cuz I want one quickly I uh I didn't know what this game is we're playing with the very loud I don't know what that game is though Karolina's running off insead of me but they're like rting on the floor check this out guys look at that looks absolutely beautiful this side is even better look at this side look at the skin Karolina has walked off oh it looks absolutely delicious to me but for you you don't like that kind of stuff do you oh me like we have like hog roast in England the similar thing it's really kind of the skin is really kind of crispy and salty and fatty yes but uh I don't know if they were selling that we're kind of like in between whether we should have more food or not because tonight's street food Korean street food could be quite large quite rather large if that makes sense if that's good English I don't know but uh very Lively in this area like this supped be like the center of uh kind of like guu seems like everyone is having drinks in mega coffee and budget coffee the Venti the Venti wow everyone is literally walking with the iced Americano yeah actually there's a big coffee culture here in South Korea which is not a surprise cuz in Southeast Asia East Asia I think coffee is a big thing and now we've come to this street it's like every walking here there's food entertainment I thought on a Sunday it would be very quiet well we were very wrong about that oh they're hot right let's move away from the music uh we got these roasted chestnuts we'll show you exactly it looks really interesting look how crowded this place is but uh what roed over here hello all right we're going to use the uh bowling pin as a uh Food Spot oh you need to open the shell actually still piping hot it's actually looking like this m mhm it's kind of like a little bit sweet I really love chestnuts it's actually way different from the ones that I've tried before yeah so people here love these sticks these ones over here like they're having the uh the fruit I thought at first it was some kind of like fake fruit fake fruit or like candy but uh it's actually fruit which is interesting because usually in uh Europe people don't really oops I just dropped a bit of the Chestnut in Europe they don't really you just get fruit you don't put them on sticks much or you can actually fruits in chocolate like on the Christmas markets but not nothing like this nothing like this yeah all right right so we got some street food for free so I'm happy with that because I didn't I was thinking of actually getting this and getting a whole load because you got to you got to buy it but uh I'm not super hungry which is kind of a shame because there's so much street food here I think we should get one more thing next up we found our next kind of snack we got these kind of egg breads here we've uh we've never tried these but we see them everywhere it seems very iconic hello uh one that's one yes the egg breads here look at them they look so good one uh one is 1,000 1,000 yes really I think so all right so we got an egg bread here I think it cost uh we've got 7,000 left so it cost 3,000 yes uh there was a bit of a miscommunication I thought it was one but uh let's uh we're going currently this way the music that way always is trying to escape the music uh here you go I'll grab the egg bread you grab the money there we go so Bank of England helping me once again but this looks so good actually it's like a mix of egg and bread and some cheese iing on top Let's uh go maybe over here this is really good lighting here lighting is also important as well as no music I think it's good yeah all right you want to try it all right I'm going to go for for this one first oh it's literally egg bread it's literally egg bread ooh the bread at the bottom is sweet mhm and it's fluffy it's it gives a very like french bread kind of flavor sweet this guy's a legend look at all these people he's got a Le [Β __Β ] sportive t-shirt on like he's working somewhere around here did you see that that's hilarious and it's night time guys we have come to get a special item here in guju we have got some Korean Fried Chicken hello all this is freshh chicken look at that I can smell the uh the fried chicken flavor all smell and it's piping hot as you can see so I think we're going to head on inside all right guys we are inside I don't know where we're going to sit I think maybe here yeah all right it's very Lively here everyone's eating chicken this is going to be our first proper Korean Fried Chicken so signature edition then we go over to this section over there yeah yeah and you can have it with the sauces could you could you could you show me over there what a we have original chicken and this one is s Sweet sauce sweet sauce that one is in the menu menu is same and is that a little bit chili like a not so little it's spicy that's little yeah you can try can and we have this one is a little spicy spicy okay spicy soy sauce so if we go for the uh original half chicken and then we can just have some of the sauces yeah maybe tast better okay come tell me that all right oh wow they're super professional here half fricken so nice right I feel like here yeah very uh Lively I think people drink uh drinking Soju with a chicken and uh it's great because he just introduced everything to us without us really asking for it so he could tell I don't even think he saw the camera I think it was just because we're foreigners so nice oh chili sauce there so that's a radish uh is that like Sal salts or Sal and with uh black and these are this one here is we we actually we made made yeah like homade sauce say spicy Wasabi Mayon wasabi wasabi mayonnaise okay wow this one is it's a little sweet sauce thank you so much for your help the gloves to eat I saw people actually using them all right so we're going to be using gloves so that we uh keep our mittens clean all right guys we have got our Fried Chicken literally all the pieces of the chicken are here there's even chicken feet here so we're going to put on these uh these gloves just over here to make sure our hands don't get too dirty actually so oh I'm trying to get my oh God all right there there we go guys we got the glove on all right guys it is time to eat we have got all of our Fried Chicken here Caroline is already digging into chicken how is it are you like the meaty Parts it's really good it's quite crispy crispy so what I like is that they have the entire chicken here they even have chicken peas so let's grab a piece I think I'm going to go for oh look at that look at that all right this is the original chicken I'm just going to try it by itself it's crunchy really fresh chicken now we've got these sauces here this looks like kind sweet chili sauce this is like a sweet sauce this one's interesting it's a the Wasabi Mayo Wasabi Mayo do you want to dip it in it's very nice spicy all right let's try dipping this in here a bit all right let's try this out o nice right it's not spicy at all it's just the the flavor of the Sai coming through in the Mayo it's really good it's not like Mayo in uh in Europe it's um not thick it's like watery it's getting L uh Rowdy in here because people are consuming uh the alcohol like souu with their chicken all right let's try out this one this is a sweet sauce M this is insane the first time we had fried chicken was in the baseball stadium in so and the chicken was probably I don't know twice more expensive twice more expensive and it was not crispy and it was just quite average but this is what we came to create for crispy fried chicken okay and what I actually what I actually also really like is how you are putting the uh remnants like the balls in here put the bones and rubbish in there yeah and you can see here there's like every single piece of chicken you can think can you find the feet oh here here the Feet's just over here there you go you going to take a bite any want chicken be we haven't got to that stage yet but this is really good all right guys we have finished our meal look absolutely polished It Off now we need to go see how much we are going to be paying it's half a chicken uh oh it's 50 I think it's m oh look at this more Fried Chicken it's PR come all right guys if you're coming to guangju definitely check out Yang dong Tong dag Fried Chicken really good fried chicken look at that beautiful Ma so we' had an absolutely fantastic day if you were looking for more career content we've got more videos coming your way we hope you enjoy the video and we'll see you guys don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Jayesh Chhaya
Views: 94,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jayesh chhaya, travel vlogger, backpacking, travel to South Korea, foreigners in South Korea, South Korea, Korean food, visit korea, κ΄‘μž₯μ‹œμž₯, Gwangju, korean food, korean street food, street food korea, tteokgalbi, choco pie, korean fried chicken, what to eat in Korea, korean food vlog, food vlog korea, Gwangju South Korea, South Korea travel vlog, street food south korea, food vlog, ν•œκ΅­ 길거리 μŒμ‹ 브이둜그, ν•œκ΅­ ν›„λΌμ΄λ“œ μΉ˜ν‚¨ vlog, local place korea, authentic korea
Id: IL83fU94QL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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