How Much I Spend in 1 Day in Korea πŸ‡°πŸ‡· (Typical Day) | [μžλ§‰ν¬ν•¨] 4K

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I'm Emily and for the past four months I've been remote working and living here in Seoul South Korea and today I'm going to take you guys through what is more or less a typical day in my life here I'm going to show you how much everything costs along the way and we'll even get to see some of beautiful soul so right now I'm here with my boyfriend we just left the house we're about to go meet up with a friend and a nearby Metro station and grab some kbbq together we uh we're a bit late getting out of the apartment today because we had a bit of a late night last night in hongdae if you live in Seoul you know the feeling we found our friends we got Scott and Rosalind hi and we're gonna go get some kbbq now let's go here we go we've actually been to this place before it's super good yeah we've got all the side dishes this is some amazingly soft tofu some garlic some sauces some salads this is olive oil with salt and pepper and the main event the pork belly pour some kimchi some soup and some leaves oh so today they are cooking the barbecue for us for extra flavor put the pepper inside actually put these leaves but because the fire is like keep coming up and burning the meat I guess this is their method of like calming it down because this is full of so much water usually you eat those you know [Music] [Music] [Music] like a true Korean yeah so we ended up ordering another bulgogi and the total came out to be 89 000 won which is roughly what do you think like 70 bucks 70 US dollars for four people oh yeah here's the receipt thank you that's got for the assistance so now we're heading to the co-working space [Applause] so to get to the co-working space we have to take the Seoul Metro so when you come into the Seoul Metro you have to tap in and out and each trip costs about 1 2001 which is about one dollar and uh you have to stay on the right side in case there's people that you know are in a huge rush running down and want to run down the escalator you leave the left side open for them so this is where the trains come and we just have to figure out which direction we're trying to go which I believe we're trying to go to uh it's hack four so I think this is the right side but if we were trying to go the other direction towards Guang Hua Moon we would be taking this train so it's it's set up pretty intuitively you just have to kind of be aware of which direction you're trying to go and this sound that's playing right now is uh telling us that the train is about to arrive here we go we're gonna look for a seat but if we can't find one I can't we'll just stand ing all right so now we've got a transfer line two which according to the signs looks like it's this way you can see the sun and the Sun are both telling us to go in that direction actually I find the Seoul Metro to be quite easy to navigate [Music] um yeah I think they did a really good job [Music] this is a pretty staircase I've never seen this one before it's all painted we decided to take a slightly different route to the office than we normally do today oh yeah yeah you'll notice Little Numbers I don't know they're counting something but in a lot of places in Korea if you decide to take like the more active way like if you decide to walk or walk up the stairs instead of taking the escalator they'll often tell you how many calories you're burning by deciding to do that but we're not making a healthy choice today sometimes the transfers can be quite long actually it's like this one we've already gone up two flights of stairs a few hallways and we're still not there yet but as you'll notice they direct the flow of traffic put traffic to keep you on the right side by telling you not to walk on that side got a little hot bread station over here wow [Music] they look amazing that's what all the smell is Valentine really wants one okay then we go down sides on the diet Valentine's on the diet yeah and here we go this was one of those rare times we found a spot this is this is one of those rare times where like right when you get to the Train the doors open for you this guy left he's like I don't know what that's all about but I don't want anything to do with it [Music] foreign you have to tap in on the way in as well as the way out I don't know exactly why you have to do this but I've been told it's so that the Korean government can track um data I suppose and also um I personally think it's so that they know whether to charge you for a longer trip versus a shorter trip so whether to charge you any additional money if you've ridden the Metro for longer than like the average user let's say all right so now we are in hongdae which is like the place to be in Seoul for young people and it also happens to be where our co-working space is a short walk from the station here maybe five minutes and along the way we'll get to see some trendy cafes and eating places oh yes rocket chicken a Korean fried chicken place that's open until really late whenever I have late nights at the office and I walk back to that station I always see this place open with people drinking music playing and of course eating fried chicken we've got a church beautiful Korean Christian Church and a nice red with some low-rise buildings red street is a test and notify the drivers to drive slow in this area that's true you're right one thing that surprised me a lot about Korea was that they used so much brick in their architecture like when you come here you'll just see you'll see mostly brick actually brick buildings sometimes the brick will be painted white like on this building over here sometimes it'll be left red like we saw back there but it's brick nonetheless yeah other times you'll see it kind of some different colors but um they they add some nice designs so it's not just Boring Brick but brick was not the building material that came to my mind when I imagined Korean architecture so but I think they utilize it pretty well at first I thought it was a bit of an eyesore but I've learned to really appreciate it this is our local gs25 yep good old gs25 over here beer on our way home we're not picking our way home that happened one time okay but gs25 is actually a lifestyle platform you know it's not uh it's not just any regular convenience store no it's all you need in life actually yeah you don't need to go anywhere else in fact many influencers eat cool meals there yeah most influencers eat breakfast lunch and dinner from gs25 hahaha we do not I I TR actually I was like what's all this craze about and I tried like the kimbap from there which is kind of similar to like a sushi roll but like it's Korean and oh man it was the most disgusting kimbap roll I've ever had in Korea but the triangle ones are pretty good but the triangle yeah the the rice triangles covered in seaweed those are pretty good so I'll show you guys the co-working space and I'll put the link to it down in the description below if you'd like to come yourself when you if you're gonna remote work from Seoul and I'll also tell you how much it costs per month how much we paid so this is it yep no place blue Pebbles so this is the co-working space there's lots of different rooms to work they've usually got music playing um got private conference rooms it costs about 180 000 won per month which is about 140 US Dollars and not only do you get a place to work but you also get all of this stuff Korean snacks and sweets there's a little soda machine of course a coffee maker you can even do iced coffee as the Koreans prefer and it's two floors so not only is there all of this space but there's a whole nother floor upstairs so it's a pretty good deal all right it's evening time now and you may or may not have noticed I'm carrying around this other bag besides my backpack all day and this is actually my gym bag so we're heading to our CrossFit gym back towards where we live and instead of taking the metro the quickest way to get there is by bus so we're gonna take you on a little bus Adventure so you might have seen these kinds of crosswalks on social media like on Tick Tock and stuff about Korea where they not only have you know the regular like want like crisscross crosswalk but they also have this diagonal crosswalk going both ways and it really is more efficient and quite nice actually to have the diagonal crosswalk because then you don't have to walk You Don't Have To Cross twice here we go Crossing diagonally trying not to hit any cross traffic that may be going on the other diagonal I guess that's the only thing you have to really look out for walking but it's people walking or I mean sometimes bicycles but like occasional scooter scootering person but uh but yeah I'm definitely gonna miss those when I go back to the US You're Gonna Miss walking this is quite a common sight here in Korea you'll just see like a pile of trash but it's not it's not just litter yeah it's not just litter they're organized into like Plastics this is trash like unrecyclable trash paper in Korea they leave it at the side on the side on the sidewalk or the side of the road um and then trucks will come by to collect or sometimes people maybe the Apes all right [Music] welcome to a Korean bus it's very cute there's many different colors of seeds it gets pretty rough sometimes okay but we have to make a transfer to another bus more long distance bus so it doesn't so the the distance is covers and the area that it surfaces is a little bit smaller because in Korea they have their buses um organized by colors there's like a color code for the buses so the bus we're gonna get on that'll take us farther is blue oh this is really too bad I feel like they cut these trees down along this sidewalk there used to be trees on both sides it's sad why did they do that I mean you had to head in and out of the trees a little bit but they weren't really like that annoying that's awesome and we have this beautiful sound proofing wall because on this side of me is a major major road and it produces so much noise that I guess they built this wall to help the residents who live in these apartments so we are looking for our bus number which 710 yeah eight that eight what's next to that those numbers on the right is uh which means minutes so ours is eight minutes away foreign how long is gonna take it's not voicing out how long it's gonna take she's telling you which one's coming up now like which which bus is approaching right now bus or buses one of the things you'll really notice is how quiet it is so we finally made it to to our gym area we've only got a short walk but along the way I'm going to show you guys around this particular area because I think it's kind of interesting um it's where a lot of the embassies the foreign country embassies are are and uh yeah it's a very businessy District very um one office worker in Korean area and I don't know why but there's I mean I think it's because of all the embassies here but there's always a ton of police buses as you can see there's one over there and another one over there just around which would be terrifying in any other country but Korea honestly beautiful sunset with the mountains there this is our building Lima building which is the same building as the Irish Embassy so this thing only starts moving when you walk right up to it now we're through there's a Starbucks over here another coffee shop [Music] we are going to the basement floor this is the floor that has all the restaurants that the Hazel one office workers come to for lunch or after work for dinner and then CrossFit super bomb [Music] good job are you ready for your workout thank you it'll last longer the mirror on the wall say I'm getting stronger [Music] Nintendo so now he's calling everybody's name how many rounds they did of the exercise name or something that I notice the Koreans do they keep track of how many rounds they did they just draw lines and for every round they'll make a notch so much faster than like opening the pen writing a number it's pretty efficient around I was filming [Music] so that was our gym um it's about 200 000 won per month which is a little bit pricey it comes out to like 180 USD yeah 180 USD roughly per month which is pretty expensive even by U.S standards you know for a CrossFit gym but these guys are really great like I've heard other Koreans say that they they're probably one of the best CrossFit gyms in all of Seoul so I guess you pay for the the quality um and I guess CrossFit is pretty exotic here in Korea so um that might have something to do with it as well but we love that gym we love the instructors even though we can't understand like hardly a word they say Valentine took a shower actually you can grab a couple towels by the entrance and uh take those in with you and use those to dry off after your shower and they provide like shampoo body wash everything to take a shower it's pretty nice that was pretty nice most people shower I usually shower but I didn't today because sometimes I just don't feel like it I want to go home first I like coming in without any like change of clothes and just using the clothes they they provide oh yeah they they provide gym clothes as well 10 a month 10 US 10 000 a month yeah not like per time no for just ten thousand won yeah oh that's like eight bucks for the month that's not bad at all that's really not bad so now go get some noodles huh yeah we're gonna go get some noodles now and you guys will see what that means very soon most foreigners don't like because it's cold noodles and usually westerners are accustomed to warm noodles the Koreans are doing their thing baby you passed it it's right here the original jingpoop so we're about to get uh we're about to get these bad boys right here [Music] I don't know usually this place is full of people yeah usually this place is a bit busier take out take out okay okay name wait wait do you want to get takeout uh no no I wanted to see the whole like I want to catch the whole experience okay it's okay thank you usually it's open after we get out that's so weird um I was about to say that one of the reasons why we always come to this place is because it's really close to the gym and it's always open like super late so I don't know maybe we'll have to do uh chicken tonight oh no you guys are not prepared for this I hope so are they ready are we ready are we ready yeah we're ready let's do it should we go to this place right next door we should go to our favorite place our favorite place yeah don't you think yeah you want to go there all right you guys you heard the man I guess we're on another adventure a night adventure [Applause] [Music] Welcome to our old stomping grounds here in the Tonkin neighborhood of Jung nagu we actually used to live here in the first half of our trip in Korea and we used to come to this chicken place right here very frequently but not that frequently [Music] chicken and beer is very popular in Korea um I mean is there everywhere I think there's more chicken beer places than cafes yeah actually it's like the most common uh establishment in Korea there's more chicken places than cafes and there's more chicken places than convenience stores it's kind of mind-blowing yeah golden Olive secret sauce okay do you want bison bison oh craft beer potatoes okay I want uh this is drift this is script and this is trip oh okay oh I don't know the difference oh it's bison okay yeah yeah yeah and we got some kind of game show on TV despite being a flightless bird the amazing chicken has flown to every corner of the world got our appetizer here our free complimentary appetizer is a popcorn noodles it's like a puff I can't even describe what kind of flavor it has but it's like kind of corny a little salty it's good oh nice some Forks one of the few places that you'll see Forks as the utensils on the table we got some uh some barbecue sweet sauce ketchup coleslaw with uh lettuce with ranch and this is radish actually it's pretty good like you'd be surprised this is actually pretty good right I don't like it I don't like it secret sauce oh my God these are so big we've come here before but I do not remember the plates of chicken being this big this is ginormous yeah they must have so how's the chicken oh it's delicious yeah oh oily and like crispy oh kind of fresh salted all right let me try some of this secret sauce which tea should I go for it this one looks pretty good I'm gonna go for a thigh oh it's good chicken this was such a good meal but this is way too much chicken I I can't possibly eat anymore there's there's absolutely no way I really don't remember this place serving this much chicken like per order yeah but suddenly they like it's like it's huge yeah I think they increase the portion size or something I don't know like really weird yeah so the total price for all this that we ordered ended up being 60 000 won which is 46 US Dollars usually a chimek doesn't have to be this expensive but I think they change their menu and made the portions a little bit bigger so uh yeah we could have easily just ordered one of those and it probably would have been like 30 bucks which would sound more reasonable for two people so for a Tea Neck dinner so yeah I guess it's time to go home now bye-bye empty streets random guy running I ran out of T-money on my metro card so let's quick stop at the CU and and top it up nice to see you one of Korea's three main convenience stores you got it you got it pretty fast so this thing is a warm fridge everything is here in this warm yeah everything they keep in this is is kept warm instead of cold [Music] all right so let's see when the next train is coming good news it's on its way to our station right now it's only it's less than one stop away I always look at the screen whenever I come down to where the trains are going to come in um to see how long I have to wait because if it's a really long leg if it's a really long wait like sometimes you won't see the trains on this map at all it's probably a good idea to find a place to sit but uh since this one's about to come still it'll be here in like probably less than a minute [Music] well we put good luck with the with the subway trains today I swear the one day I film it most of the time yeah I have to wait like 10 minutes which is exaggerating I'm not exaggerating never more than three you're fine okay he could see the screen that I was holding you know like the camera and then he can see you and then that's what we were filming and so he was just laughing at that all right gotta tap out there it is let's tap out uh which way is it big exit four three three yeah exactly oh and these Metro stations are nice because every single one there are these lockers that you can um that you can use for the day and it's nice like you know if you went shopping for example and you had a bag that you needed to carry around the whole day you wouldn't have to because you could just leave it in there and they're pretty cheap they're not too bad [Music] well we weren't expecting guests but come in Welcome to our humbly small Abode this is the ah this is the garden that we have out of here we have sunflowers growing kind of beautiful is there a fan I set it up to blow on the laundry air conditioning unit I've got another video where I'm gonna do a tour okay okay all right let me just show them one thing so Emily you probably heard this being all all day today throughout the entire video this one so this was a toy that Emily won in those you know one of those claw machines and this was another toy that Emily won that's the anxious avocado that's the anxious avocado it's my favorite the most coveted we we will we will probably take him with on our our trip because we don't take a lot of things but we're gonna take that one and then this is us this is us back in uh Beirut just before I had nice fashion every country I visit I live for many months at a time get to know how things work in order to give you guys quality information about each place and so if you support that truthful quality information here on the internet please support this channel here on patreon and if you found this particular video meaningful for you please don't forget to like this video and also subscribe for more adventures in Korea because I still do have more videos about Korea coming thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: 20Camels
Views: 683,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ν•œκ΅­, South Korea, μ„œμšΈ
Id: IqLaqNiUNBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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