Tips for first time visit to KOREA πŸ‡°πŸ‡·

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and they thought they were being scammed don't feel bad even if you get declined so beware and don't follow them okay like such a big tip I usually don't tell everyone hey guys welcome back to my channel this is Dan in Korea and if you're new to my channel my name is Danny and I make content in English about my life some of you might know that I actually have a wine bar in Korea in inan and a lot of you actually visited and I'm really grateful thanks so much and a lot of them told me that when they search first time in Korea like traveling to Korea one of my videos come up I thought I would make another video related to this so today I'm going to talk about things you need to know when you visit Korea for the first time I just wrote down some tips that might be useful because as a fellow traveler who likes to travel even if you do a lot of research it's always hard to navigate in a new country anyway number one one get a t- money card at the airport you might be like what is a t- money card t- money card is basically a public transportation card where you can top up uh money so you can use it for bus train subway taxi and even at some stores like convenience stores so it's very useful you can get them at convenience stores at the airport and train stations you know when you're traveling it's not easy to carry around like a lot of cash you could be worried that you might lose them and if you use your credit card there are service charges and that's why I thought it would be the first thing you should buy when you land in Korea number two taxis there are actually different kinds of taxis in Korea and if you don't know about it you might end up paying more money than you should be so in Korea there are these black taxis um called bam taxi is basically a luxury TXI and they are much more expensive than the regular texi some of my friends and a lot of people told me they didn't know this and they got on the taxi and when they had to pay they were so shocked because it was expensive and they thought they were being scammed but actually it's just the expensive taxi before you get on the TXI please check carefully so I usually use KAC taxi app which I talked about it before you know you can do the settings in English you can just pin where you are where you want to go you can see how much it is you can select the type of taxis you want on and also really important thing to remember in Korea from 10: p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the taxis are more expensive also within that time frame depending on what time it is the price is different so if you're getting into a capab after 10 before 4 a.m. uh please bear in mind that it might be more expensive number three get a VPN so when I go on trips I like to buy late night snacks at the end of the day and have them in the hotel watch something on streaming app apps but some streaming apps don't work in other countries and certain contents you watch on those apps might not be available in those countries so for example you're watching a K drama and you go on a trip to Hong Kong that drama might not be available in that country that's why I always prepare a VPN when I go on trips and if you saw my other video I use the surf shark VPN for those who don't know what a VPN is VPN is virtual private Network which basically creates a encrypted virtual tunnel when you use the internet by doing this you can keep your IP addresses hidden prevent hackers best of all we can change the location of our server so even if I'm in Hong Kong for example I can set my location to Korea and watch all the krama series that are available only in Korea also like the other way around like if I'm in Korea and I want to watch something that's only AED in Hong Kong I can set my location to Hong Kong and watch these also I feel safer when I use the the public Wi-Fi because I'm always scared that someone might hack my phone or laptop or something anyway for those who need it there's an exclusive surf shark Black Friday deal I'm going to put it down in the description so you guys can check it out if you use the promo code this is Den you will get up to five additional months free at the link down below so you guys can check them out also they give a 30-day moneyback guarantee and with one account you can use it in different devices like your phone and iPad and laptops so it's really useful so check it out number four check in advance If You Can Eat Alone at the restaurant you want to go to I know this is so weird um but I experience this so much in Korea you guys know I am traveling around Korea if you haven't checked them out you should and a lot of time especially when I go to restaurants in the countryside like seafood restaurants barbecue or like a special set They don't serve you if you're alone they only serve from two people so so if there's a restaurant you want to go to check in advance if you can go alone or try to find someone you can go with I know it's hard when you're traveling alone but if you're staying in a guest out you can maybe check other guests who would be interested in joining you or there are other options where you can D alone please check that in advance and also don't feel bad even if you get declined uh for coming alone it happened to me so many times my guess is that in Korean restaurants they actually give you so many side dishes for free so maybe it's hard for them to serve only one person I actually tried and ordered like for two people and just ate by myself um it was possible but it was too much food and it was a waste so there are always other options number five carry a plastic bag in your bags this is so weird as a Korean I find this problem so frustrating but in Korea it's really hard to find public trash cans like it's really hard so sometimes times I carry a plastic bag I put all the trashes in especially when I'm traveling cuz I eat a lot of like snacks and street food and drinks and then when I finally find a trash can I would throw them out number six watch out of Cults on the streets yes Cults I don't know why but there are so many in Korea especially in Soul if you go to the main areas like big areas main streets there will be people coming up to you and they will start by like asking you a question or saying you have a good Aura I experienced this so many times I don't know do I have a good Aura but yeah most of the times no I would say Almost 100% of the times these people are Cults Korean people in general don't go up to strangers and start a conversation or start talking it's not in our culture I think so if you're just on the street and someone comes up to you and you know starts asking you questions and saying you have a good vibe they are definitely Cults so beware and don't follow them okay don't buy them anything don't buy them drinks don't follow them remember this just ignore it's not rude just ignore number seven use neighbor Maps neighbor is basically the Korean Google and neighbor map is like Google Maps but in Korea I Think Neighbor maps are more accurate when it comes to the exact location compared to Google Google Map you can also do the settings in English and it's really helpful to find your way to a certain place public trans Transportation I usually compare both Google Map and neighbor map because on Google Map I can check reviews of other Travelers they might be less affected to advertisement and on neighbor map I check if the place is popular or not and for like photos number eight please use translation apps not everywhere will have an English speaking staff or an English menu especially if you go to local areas you can't expect them to have an English menu um when I'm traveling I always use a translation app like papao or this Google translate instead of being frustrated that you can't communicate or you can't understand anything it's really easy to use download a translation app number nine this is such a big tip like such a big tip I usually don't tell everyone but I use this all the time and I want you guys to use it go to big supermarkets around 8 8 to 9:00 p.m. yeah weird right when I mean supermarkets I mean like lemart emot uh home plus in Korea those are like big supermarkets and if you go around this time at the deli section it's always on sale daily section with all the hot food like chicken barbecue or sushi sandwiches all these food are on sale and if you go after like 8:30 like 9:30 it's it's usually like 30 to almost 50% off so if you want a late night snack or a little party with your friends go to these big mods around 8:30 p.m. cuz if you go too early the discount is not that high if you go too late you might be unlucky and there won't be so much left but if you go around that time it should be okay I sometimes go around like 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. on a weekday and everything's on a big sale like the lady would be like take two I'll give you more discount it's a it's a party number 10 if you need anything think of Daiso and convenience stores even if you forget to bring something from home that you need for the trip you don't have to worry because there's Dao Dao is basically like a dollar shop and they sell everything for a cheap price like I love going to Dao because there are so many different things you can find everything you need if I go to a certain country and I know there's something like Daiso I would not even need to pack so much to go on a trip and also when you get sick and let's say it's late night or the weekend and you can't find any hospitals or pharmacies that are open you can go to convenience stores because they have some emergency pills for like cold or digestion or like tyrol of course if you're like really really sick you need to go to the hospital you have to go to ER in Korea it's n it's not 911 it's 119 by the way 11 n but yeah but if you need like simple pills you can always go to the nearest convenience store and find the pills there anyway I talked about things you need to know when you travel to Korea for the first time I actually enjoy talking about these things because it comes from experience and it's basically what I do when people come to my bar I recommend these things whenever something comes up I would make a new video about it thank you for watching my videos guys and if you have any questions about Korea or Life in Korea please leave it in the comments because I love reading them and getting ideas for my next video so bye good
Channel: Thiz is Dan
Views: 155,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korea, korea vlog, korea trip, Korean culture
Id: V8ejfaSf1Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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