Why Korean Stadium Food DESTROYS American Stadium Food!! You’re Being Robbed!!

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so they were at Sanji Stadium let me show you what it's like to go to a baseball game here in Korea hunt down all the most unique delicious foods they offer here right here we have our blood sausage tell me which American stadium has blood sausage I'm gonna go with another woman now if you go to a baseball game or a football game in the USA everything is crazy expensive beer could cost eight dollars ten dollars even twelve dollars and the food is insanely overpriced but here in Korea food inside the stadium costs pretty much the same amount as it would cost outside the stadium beyond that they have an incredible huge variety of food to choose from you ready let's play ball article is already purchased online we go here to the smart ticket machine to actually retrieve the physical ticket oh I can hear the crowd right now we're late tickets here let's move what's Wild is I see tons of people here with their own drink beer boxes of pizza and chicken they're bringing all their own stuff actually into the game I can't believe that's allowed [Music] scan in and we're good to go so that is wild we just went through a gate like going into a subway station there's no security there's no metal detector there's no drug sniffing dogs in the USA there'll just be a lot more hassle to get in right here is a stadium it is quickly filling up right now and this place is brightly lit up and highly populated with people [Music] [Applause] the game just started we're gonna find our seats soon first I want to get my first meal let's go [Music] there are tons of food stalls here at different places to choose from we've come to the first one that I've seen with a bunch of kind of traditional Korean street foods right here they've got odang or fish cakes here they have the Pokey with oding inside here they have some kind of a fried squid or octopus here they have octopus and then here they have ojinga this is squid I'm ordering the fried squid she's cutting it right now and then she just asked me what kind of sauce I want I asked for the garlic powder I voted a cup of octopus oh she gives me a container to put everything inside of [Music] baseball is happening behind me and all I care about is what's in front of me right here this is my first course at the last minute I couldn't help it I had to get one of these this is a duck bulky with oding right here this was 6 000. let's start with that this is a pounded rice cake it almost looks like a marshmallow it's so big and thick nice and chewy throw back some fish insanely salty spicy and delicious I love it this I believe to be octopus little seafoody in a good way nice and chewy that's good drinking food finally right here it looks like some kind of a funnel cake covered in powdered sugar but no that is garlic powder on top of fried squid legs it looks awesome oh yeah insanely crunchy and chewy on the inside it's salty and sweet at the same time that's a really nice combination that I did not expect you go to New York you have powdered Donuts you come here to Korea you get powdered squid what I can say is all this is making me incredibly thirsty time to go grab a beer [Music] if you've ever been to a stadium and thought they didn't have enough options how about a whole freaking 7-Eleven in the stadium here in the cooler they have beer big tall boys and check out the price on the three thousand one two dollars and 25 cents for a tall boy beer that is a ridiculous price you would pay at least four to six times that in the USA here you want to get drunk you can get drunk so let's get some of these check it out we found another food right here this looks awesome this is this is basically Pig Shanks it looks delicious I want to order that and then right here they even have blood sausage this is called tsundable it's called Sunday not soon [Music] so the price of that is 23 000 won now comes the fun part where I actually try to find my seat for two [Applause] right here our second course is right here this is like a whole freaking meal right here we have our blood sausage put some spicy sauce in there too tell me which American stadium has blood sausage I'm gonna go with none of them all right here we go cheers wow it's so gummy on the inside that's so strange it has a little bit of a funky gaining taste but not too bad it's basically rice and blood on the inside with a pig intestine for the casing let's give it a little bit of a dip super Saltine really spicy that is beer food my friend luckily I've got a beer so this is pink foot or pork Trotter it gives me a lot of stuff right here some pickled radish a salad samjong sauce and then some chilies right here this is what I really care about it's already kind of cooled down heavy fatty Roy yummy it's not really flavorful it's just a nice texture and like a cold cut but if you put on a chili oh I'm not putting that up what if you put on some garlic if you dip it in this sauce that my friend is where you find the magic I never eat raw garlic except for when I'm in Korea and I love it my wife not so much what's fun about eating here and doing the show at a baseball game is I feel like everyone's cheering from me like come on Sonny drink more beer okay it's amazing being delusional I recommend it to everybody from here I'm gonna finish up this food I'm gonna go inside try to find some more I'm worried that they're gonna cut off the food halfway through the game it is kind of like half time right now and people have jutted out of the stadium to get more food and bring it back in right here another food option Loteria here you can get an astounding amount of burgers they have the bulgogi Burger they have the chicken burger shrimp burger fire wing chicken and all of them at pretty reasonable prices for the total price for that is 17 700 that is for N Wings and one Burger everything is already pre-made the food is right here if they don't have it in that case you don't get to have it yeah first of all take a look at this this is the seu Baba that means shrimp burger [Applause] take a look inside tons of sauce lettuce and a fried shrimp Patty let's go for it delicious mayonnaise fried shrimp patties you can't even really tell the shrimp it just tastes like a fried hockey puck anything is good when you're surrounded by this much enthusiasm and when you have a little bit of a buzz the song Lotte people are literally singing for Lotte imagine you're in the USA and you're singing McDonald's McDonald's it's like that speaking of fast food how about this chicken these are the fire Wings off the bat I can tell you this chicken was cooked a long time ago it's quite cold and it feels like it's too wide like the crunchy part has separated from the muscle let's try it out [Music] it's not crispy at all a little bit soggy because it's been hanging out spicy super salty overall satisfying I cannot believe I'm doing a food review about 10 000 people cheer and sing in unison what am I doing why am I here anyway let's get some more food right here we have a new type of restaurant I've not seen yet they have like a tofu wet sweet skin and they stuff rice and different stuff inside of it you can get tuna inside you can get kimchi inside you can get egg inside I'm gonna go with tuna oh and he's gonna torch it three pieces for 5 500. check it out baseball is still happening I'm still eating I've not watched any of the game if I'm honest but the score is 2-1 doosan is beating Lotte oh come on Lotte you can do it anyways right here take a look at this this beautiful sweet soft tofu skin used to encase what's inside here we've got rice and I asked for the tuna one but I'm not sure if there's tuna in there let's find out on the bottom they're definitely tuna it tastes like sweet sugary rice mixed with canned tuna because that's basically what it is although I still love it my only criticism is that this is not a drinking food when you're drinking beer you don't want to be eating pounds and pounds of rice I gotta say at this point though I have done more walking and more exercise than these baseball players because I'm zooming all over the place trying to find the best food they have here all right I'm getting full one more round and then I'm done I'm running out of space I can't eat all this food but I can show you food that exists here we have Korean famous legendary corn dogs it's like a corn dog covered in shake and bake seasoning very nice and then they have a spiral cut potato that's also fried all this costs around two three dollars each not bad at all but we're not gonna eat that so I have enough space for one more food in my stomach and I'm going with this this is a classic Korean fried chicken with a Korean sauce glaze on top it's spicy it's sweet it's delicious and then this this is the Pokey and sausages but it's been grilled and put on a skewer let's order up and eat [Music] here they have a sauce station we have like a cheese powder we have ketchup we have mustard and then we have a chili sauce so I'm gonna put the chili on one of the chickens I don't know if it's a mistake or not and then I'm gonna put some here just in case well the beer taps have little baseballs on them isn't that fun God after a long day I love apple juice so good one more This is Gonna Get Dangerous we have our final course right here I'm so excited because after this I get to actually watch the baseball game first of all here grilled sausage and Doug bulky already clad in sauce look at these little Korean winners you can feel it's been there for a while but you can also feel that you don't care because it's delicious what I like the most here is the Pokey is so versatile in Korea they can Grill it they can boil it they can sear it it's so simple but all the best things in life are simple you don't need truffle and French infusions emulsions that's all you need our last and final food is right here now this is the one I scored in extra sauce on you have fried chicken and you have fried duck bokeh in here cheers it's such a satisfying texture of guys do yourself a favor go to your local Asian grocery store buy these pounded rice cakes put them in your food in some way and you'll be very satisfied finally here we have this Sauced up glazed chicken it's fried it's glorious it's been sitting around for hours that chicken is just like Steven Seagal to miss Dale it's not crunchy anymore but the heart is still there it still knows it could still probably kick your ass in a fight I lost the analogy somewhere from here we're gonna chill out watch the rest of the game and then tell you something very cool you should stick around for at the end of the video don't click away all right guys I want to point out something insane Korea is so safe that the gentleman who's sitting next to us here in the stadium just left to go to the bathroom and he left his cell phone out on the table not an accident this happens all the time in Korea it is that safe here guys that is the end of the video I have to say it's so heartbreaking the away team the doosan they won they beat the Lotte Giants the feelings here are palpable just kidding I don't I don't think that many people would care everyone left early anyways I hope you enjoyed this video if you come to Korea this is a must-do type of activity coming to the games is so easy buying tickets is so easy it's just all about the experience even most of the Korean people here are not steadily watching the game focus on what's Happening they're in and out when they're buying food they're drinking beers they're having a great time and that's what it's all about deep breaths I am so stuffed I think I might be actually pregnant in my second trimester I have to say my favorite food from today was probably the pork Trotters yes the kind of jelly-ish slices of cold pork meat otherwise I hope you can see the unique Splendor that is going to a sports game here in South Korea turns out you can run a whole stadium like this without charging people 18 per beer guys before we go I want to say a huge thank you to Joe right here without Joe this trip would not have been possible he has facilitated this whole shoot from beginning to end in all the locations we went to as you can find more information on Joe here at wandering bicycle on YouTube and on Instagram more information about Busan travel and delicious food that you can find here thank you so much Joe peace all right it feels good to say all right satisfied Joe hates my show yeah I hate you oh cool elevate your style with our brand new clothing collection rock out in our threads feel the thrill of culinary adventures and celebrate with us in style head on over to beffers.shop today
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,047,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h2rEeZt4mEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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