Our FIRST DAY in South Korea πŸ‡°πŸ‡· Seoul is INCREDIBLE! (ν•œκ΅­μ–΄ μžλ§‰)

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Today is our first day here in Seoul South Korea and we have come to Gwangjang Market to try some local delicious Korean food so over here you can see they're making really fresh Mung Bean Pancakes just over here and all along this Market you can find really good affordable Korean cuisine so we have come to what it looks like a rice cut noodles here looks super delicious and I you can just sit down okay all right so we just sit down here and uh we get into the action you've got all of these delicious foods just over here and rice cup noodles are just there oh yeah the rice cup noodles are just over there do you want to I can show it yes so this is what we came for here it's actually became an i an iconic thing they just here there's so much food here I have no idea what to order but they've got a men men here and you can see the prices are really affordable and I think we're going to be having some kind of noodle and there's some also dumping which is called um like Mandu it's called I think this is not Mandu this not Mandu or maybe I think it is one one please one yes just one one one two uh just one one and oh share share share yes two uh you need to order one each oh you have to order one each okay so with the dump what is there something else you'd recommend other than the the noodles the noodles is really good um do you like dumplings we do like dumplings yeah so we just had the dumplings which oh so you could do that so you can have the noodles one Noodle and one Dumplings okay let's do that one oh one actually that's exact welome are you Korean no oh no from Singapore are you from Singapore oh that's awesome we love Singapore we're missing it so much whereabouts are you from I'm from England I'm from Poland but Singapore was the first place we started our YouTube uh vlogging okay and we kind of like blew up in Singapore yeah I see to yeah it means a lot to us Singapore you try all of good food in Singapore oh yes uh we can't wait to go back for the Kaya Toast yes yes yes okay nice to meet you nice to meet you come there so we have some fresh kimchi so I uh I think we can actually just eat this without meal as a starter yeah I actually read on the internet that you get sun sight when you're ordering food okay uh this is some kind of sesame sauce sauce maybe with like soy sauce yeah so we're getting lots of little kind of side dishes which I think is very uh popular here in uh in Korea and uh we'll have it with our food I think I don't know if we mix it in we're obviously beginners to Korean cuisine so let us know in the comments if we're doing things wrong and how we should do things properly okay we've got our Mandu there's different types all right I think there's some kimchi in there I can see like slightly kind of red kind of twinch to this and I think in that one it's probably some kind of meat very hot it's hot hot hot I think I think that's what she was saying wow look at that okay guys it's time to dig into the Mandu which is the uh the dumplings we've got the I think what's inside of here is kimchi I think it's kimchi yes so kimchi dumplings let's give this a go kimchi Mandu M that's really good o spicy so it's got a bit of kick to the Kimchi I went for the one with chicken noodles and I think some vegetables so this is very soft nice it's got some vegetables in there and some um kind of uh noodles as well I think it's nice with the sauce mhm this one's spicy but it's Kimchi and that's what uh is to be expected so I need some uh water cuz it's uh quite spicy just to refresh the palette okay next we're going to try the I'm going to try the one which is less spicy it's got the meat and vegetables I we try the kchi now actually I should dip it into this I think we should be dipping it should we be like dipping in like this yeah okay this is the best way to do it there you go so some kind of like sesame sauce m m oh yeah that sauce gives it so much flavor it's really tasty I like this one more M I really like K CH I like this one more wow that was good okay guys so this is our rice cut noodles here you can see really fresh noodles still piping hot and actually we've got dumplings inside them there you can see the dumplings we got both the kimchi dumplings and the meat dumplings you want to give this one a go be careful it's quite hot still very hot andof very soft noodles it seems like the broth is like U kind of like a seafood broth mhm I think maybe uh I know like P BRAC broth um and then you've got the kind of fresh vegetables on top that gives it a bit more flavor M it's a seaweed so actually it's seaweed on top so maybe that's giving the kind of uh Seafood kind of flavor to it so our friend from Singapore has this is the mum Bean mum Bean pancake and so there's too much of it yes yes so yeah enjoy enjoy so much it's hot okay thank that's super kind the Singaporean Hospitality wow all right so we've got some mung bean pancake it's super hot actually let's uh actually eat some of this okay you want to you want to try some maybe you should break hot what I love is everything's super hot and fresh here o you can see the Mung Bean oh it smells so good m m there crunch to it m mhm m m super crispy hot and mushy kind of there's some bean sprouts inside of there as well that was so kind of it we were just uh maning our own business and she's like okay do you want some of the M Bean so we've made some friends from Indonesia hi Indonesia from jakata Jak yeah so just sitting here you can have Singaporean friends Indonesian friends it's amazing okay we're taking a photo right y yep okay one two three thank you okayi so what's your name again you Carolina and you uh J J yes I'm nice to meet you guys to meet you there you go all right so ohce bye bye so we uh we didn't want to take up too much time because it was getting busy there and they have limited seating so uh the woman was really nice like she didn't say to us to move or anything but we just don't want to kind of take up the seats and uh but we have a nice conversation with some singaporeans and some Indonesians which is great okay guys so we have come to the bchan hanok Village you can see everyone's in the traditional dress very beautiful I think we have to go kind of to the left here it's very nice to see everyone dressed and it's also chck so it's a very popular kind of Festival that happens here and uh I think that's also why we're seeing a lot of people dressing in the traditional dress that's okay so we're going through the hanok village here you got these beautiful buildings A lot of people including foreigners the Han very easy to get hanok and Hanbok kind of mixed up so Hanbok is the traditional dress but uh Hanok is the the Village okay we're coming around here as you can see is very touristy and beautiful beautiful of course and but everyone is taking pictures yeah so uh it's sometimes a little bit hard to walk because you're kind of stopping yeah so you don't ruin someone's pictures very nice thank you and uh I think we're going to be renting handok but in Jeonju yes Jeonju some more photos sorry so I can't wait for it because it looks very nice and this is the view going down it is really nice here it is really nice to kind of get a glimpse of Korean cult culture history architecture M um and yeah it's touristy but we're tourists so we can't be complaining so we have made it to the Insadong Cultural Street which is a very Lively kind of environment here there is a lot of people coming here just walking along this street you've got people selling kind of traditional Korean sweets just over here see it's very uh very Lively and there is just quite a few different shops come to this uh kind of Korean street food snack and it looks like what is this okay look at my hand long time ago Korean King dessert name is Dragon Beard made of this made by Honey white powder Cornflower honey cornflour honey now very hot wow like Stone but I will making 16,300 stretch stretchy stretchy little by L sling sling little by little how doing that now H right one two 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 42 M size 1,24 look at my hand wow wow om right how did it go from being so hot okay keep going 2,000 4,000 8,000 last C 16,000 300 stretch looks like looks my looks so like stringy and thin okay next here come on come on inside three Flav inside flavor and Oreo choc flavor and tropical fruit three flavor CH chocolate many many puding rolling rolling rolling yummy yummy yummy yummy for your tummy very very delicious yummy shuu yummy Shu yummy this means delicious very delicious weell like this flavor flavor the nut flavor 8,000 8,000 chocolate Okay so this one oh that's one thank you 8,000 8,000 yeah thank you for your friend for your family sa very for us to try it all all for us we want to try it here okay thank you money here pleas okay we put the money just over here oh you can it's like selfservice for the change wow right give me the oh wow we can try it this is chocolate flavor okay let's get in the sun here so we've got the chocolate flavored this is dragon dragon beard candy yeah Dragon beard candy so this was really hard and now it's very soft unbelievable M it's very chewy it's so chewy but crunchy from the inside you can taste the Oreo so the the candy you taste that first it's like kind of stringy but that was what was hard at first which is amazing and then you kind of wo it into like the string and then you have the chocolate inside so that's the last thing you taste is the chocolate inside of it very delicious my friend thank you very much oh eat better Frozen Frozen very very crispy more delicious okay thank you thank you thank you come okay so it's not just a walking Street there are cars that are allowed here but you can see there is uh lots of street food options here that is like Oh Karolina be careful H Karolina is in her own world for the past couple of days no now you could see the real me yeah clumsy but uh there's also some kind of street food here looks like some kind of fried a fried kind of like donut hello H okay hok hok hok so uh she was saying the name there hod do hod do yeah and then uh I I don't know what hodu is it look like a fried kind of doughnut and then over here you can get some traditional candy which we tried when we actually arrived you can see he's actually cracking the rice just like that very hard so it's actually made out of rice but with no sugar and it's sweet and then someone's selling some sweet corn and Lally all along this street you can just walk down and uh uh there is many kind of street food options for you to try and they're relatively reasonably relatively reasonably priced um but Guang Jang Market actually I think that's where you're going to get the kind of fresh Korean food made to kind of table so it's now time to tuck into the nut beard dragon beard candy so I'm guessing the beard comes from when they're like making it into this stringy long kind of noodle looking like candy and this is a finished product which it looks a bit like Mochi but then when you get closer it's uh it's very kind of stringy yeah like a cloud all right let's uh I don't know how to grab this oh maybe just uh there we go okay let's try this one so the one we had before was a chocolate M oh very chewy and sticky I like this one more there very nutty flavor to this one we love the nuts and there more of flavor cuz the chocolate you couldn't taste the chocolate super amount but this one it gets stuck to your teeth so I'm finding it hard to talk it's very fluffy as well did you see that M that's why it's called candy cuz it do stick candy does stick to your mouth like to your teeth dropped it so we have made it to iong dong which is I'm going to talk louder because of the copyright uh insadong it's only like 5 6 minutes walk from there to here and this is more like a upm market area very cute shops C cafes I love the charm of these kind of small little streets here and this place here on the right I think is like an Italian restaurant hidden away behind here and then you've got on the left here wow look at that this is very very nice and expensive so if you're not on a budget come to iond dong and you can find really even the smells here are so nice you be distracted from the smells like freshly baked produce um baked goods and then you can to find nice places you can walk in just like that wow yes this is very impressive very modern and futuristic it's also nice here's like another coffee shop again very small street so you kind of have to uh navigate through the people but uh it's something very nice here in uh Korea that you have in Seoul especially lots of these kind of small Alleyways where you can kind of encounter many different kind of uh I don't know restaurants bakeries clothing shops it's very Charming so ion dong is like a modern hanok street so when you put it into Google it will say iong dong Hanok street so we were expecting kind of a similar experience to Bukchon Hanok Village but this is a modern experience premium actually a lot of the times it's like a thank you it's like a premium kind of French Vibe with the music so if you're coming for street food then uh this is not the place to come this is more like like a kind of Premium restaurant experience cafeteria experience Bakery experience and actually we kind of prefer the this place to in on I would say so because the other one was very generic like we like the candy that we bought but this one enhances your experience as well yeah like the last place so inong was more like a walking street with kind of more generic street food um not so kind of exciting or interesting whereas what I really love here is the small kind of streets and the kind of combination of Korean culture with maybe a premium kind of modern French twist two things this is a very busy place here and because there small streets it's kind of difficult to uh to navigate just like that people are taking pictures and then over here this place is actually selling uh crossant so I think we can actually show it here you see they're making some cross ons here the smell is absolutely fantastic so if you come here you'll smell really beautiful baked goods makes me hungry should we should we eat some more food so to cross the street you can press this and it should oh there we go and then there's that noise and you can cross but we want to be on the right side so soul is very walkable we haven't yeah we haven't taken any uh public transport today cuz we just like walking and it's super easy to walk here everywhere is super wide the Pavements are super wide and uh all you have to do is press these buttons to cross and uh eventually you will be able to cross and it'll give you like the instruction but it's in Korean but I know I love the uh The Voice the accent of Koreans a first impressions of Soul wouldn't be without going to a convenience store there's a really big convenience store culture here in South Korea so we have come to CU which is I think the Rebrand of Family Mart so let's head on inside of Cu this one looks very small I love the ringtone so this is maybe can get some hot chocolate here I think this is more for war car I think you need to go into the car is looking for like an iced coffee so we got the drinks here we haven't had souu yet but it looks like this is the Soju this this one here that is Soju Carolina's never tried that before karolina is trying to find her coffee so many different ones and actually you can find for example like a balance of sweetness on them this is iced coffee right yes I have found my banana milk this is banana milk I a look on Google because I did I don't know how I would know this is banana milk but this is banana milk so Cina still looking for a coffee you there's so many coffee options right there literally everywhere coffee so I've got my banana milk but also snacks here in Korea are really good this actually is my favorite one here this one here I tried this one yesterday on our arrival and actually they're quite affordable the prices here in the convenience store right mhm are you still looking for your coffee yes I have no idea I think just go for this one Carolina I know I'm just trying to see I don't know which one is the most popular one it's medium ler okay what kind ofer larger which size do you want Carolina maybe large yes yeah large so we're going for the oops one yes just one yes so we want this coffee just it's over here yeah so we're kind of struggling with a coffee machine cuz it's all in Korean there we go come on down all right so the coffee should be coming out now any moment no there we go there's the coffee so we got a banana milk coffee and some snacks so the total is 4,400 Carolina the bank of England has all our money stored the pressure is on you come somebody there there you go so that is the restaurant ah so you actually have seating out here you have seating we've noticed uh been doing some research that convenience stores one of the great things here in Korea is that you can actually sit sometimes inside sometimes outside and just have your meal have your snacks like treat as a like the experience and you can like I've seen people just getting like a Soju and you can just sit outside like I love that kind of culture here that you can just relax in the convenience store so we have been walking around soul for a couple of hours now and we're really impressed with what we believe is a very high quality of living uh so there is lots of kind of spacious roads it's very clean there is not much traffic and uh people can cycle walk it's a very walkable City and there is no uh pollution you can't smell any of the pollution you can see like people are just enjoying a nice little stroll or cycle through the city and we're in the Heart of the City so what we can see over here is the uh skyscrapers and then you've got kind of the lush green here so there's lots of like parks and nature combined with like the city life so it's it's very comfortable feels very comfortable and transport as well so you can walk everywhere but if you want to take the Subway or the bus it's very easy because you can use your t- money card to get around um and food like you can go to really fancy food places but if you have local Korean food it's what we I think it's pretty cheap like it's not like super cheap but it's very good quality as well everything is very fresh and for Capital City satisfying yeah it's nice because like you have options it's time to have the banana milk one two three oh beautiful so con's got her coffee I've got my banana milk and actually oh yeah that's good we're going to be going down this stream here so again the nature in the heart of the city is impressive It's amazing And we here with this stream it's like Chong yon stream uh you can actually I think it's how we how we say it but this is stream can go all the way in that direction in this direction right in the Heart of the City so I think what we want to do should we cross over here you can take these uh steps here and I almost fell all right let's be careful here all right so we're crossing you never You' never think to do this in the capital city this is so cool this is really nice I think people dip their feet in the in the water as well which I think we'll try and do Let's cross over let's be careful all right so this is great because you can have your little kind of paradise of Nature and uh I can actually see some birds and it's just really nice it's amazing because there's no one single thing that I might think of that it's missing it's just that's so true this C has everything yeah yeah that's really interesting point you made there thanks so at the end of the stream you come out to the chong chong Plaza just over here where you can see lots of people taking photos got an interesting shell up here but uh kind of surrounded by these uh high-rise buildings feels very nice to be in South Korea it is I know it just feels exciting at every corner there's always things to be seeing doing eating and it's relatively affordable like it's it's pretty reasonable so we're heading back to our accommodation before we go to the end Tower later on and we've been using Nava so if you're coming to Soul uh Google Maps it doesn't work very well like it's pretty poor so you want to be getting Nava which is pretty much in English there some things which are in Korean but you have to kind of use Google Translate and Nava together and we've also got uh our t- money card which we got from the airport we got it free with a SIM card which is a KT see that first video uh you'll see everything but we're going to be using this and this is great for getting the transport and so we're just waiting for our bus it's really nice the transport like we said we got these nice bus stations which basically are dedicated for the bus so another really comfortable and really nice how to say it it's just easy all right guys we are getting on this green bus 7212 let's go on we can tap on here all right let's tap on okay there we go very busy it's nice and air I don't know what happened there but the bus driver wasn't very happy all right guys we are in South Korea for 20 days in total so we have got plenty more content coming your way we're going to be in Soul for 7 days so don't forget to subscribe if you enjoyed the video and we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Jayesh Chhaya
Views: 88,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jayesh chhaya, travel vlogger, backpacking, travel to South Korea, foreigners in South Korea, South Korea, South Korea vlog, travel South Korea, Korean food, seoul South Korea, Seoul vlog, first time in south korea, seoul city, what to do in seoul, Myeongdong, λͺ…동, μ„œμšΈ, λŒ€ν•œλ―Όκ΅­, seoul travel, seoul tour, seoul travel vlog, seoul first impressions, seoul stream, Hanok village seoul, seoul sightseeing, Seoul where to go, Gwangjang Market, visit korea, κ΄‘μž₯μ‹œμž₯, chuseok, seoul popular
Id: USRmwfhf1_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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