Arrests Of Stabbing Suspects Causes Unrest | Women On The Force | Real Responders

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a young female who's 17 years old who's missing we follow three female a police officers across their week of shifts bye see you later frontline policing in britain is changing the percentage of women on the force has almost doubled in the last 20 years whoever's in that vehicle will be getting arrested in west yorkshire there are now over 1 600 female police officers on duty today get your hand behind me back now from immediate response get down here to csi obviously you want to catch the people that have done this from those just starting out drink some more tea i advise it to the decision makers at the top morning folks thank you very much a single shift got him can be a matter of life we're just waiting for another ambulance to come death you can just see the mail he sat on the edge of the tracks and everything in between there you can get lost and every officer has their own way of dealing with the job hi my public toilet sorry and coping with the pressures it can bring back at home hi lovely okay would you want to be a policewoman no in keithley's single mom pc laura gargett was this is getting ready for another busy week of shifts so every day i have to do a meal planner so the girls don't have to worry about anything put my shifts next to it put the date next to it put the meals charlotte puts definitions on there of what she likes apparently peng is the new word for fab so yeah that's tea time tonight i need to really get cracking so off we go for another shift at work see what happens see what the general public are capable of doing to each other for the last 10 years laura has worked as a response officer who were the first on the scene at emergency call-outs this week she'll be working six 10-hour shifts two earlies two lates and two nights this ladies have always got to have a few little standards bit of girliness in the job okay good afternoon everybody juicy's first mick you're dennis 3-2 ian and lee are probably already out and yankee one nine lori or tango three one zero with josh josh pollard is 20 years old and just months into the job laura will be mentoring him this week most of the day today is pretty mundane pity routine dealing with things like theft from motor vehicle or criminal damage but then you've got an element of surprise that is an absolute bonus of my job going and not knowing what's going to happen in west yorkshire violent crime has increased by 26 percent in the past year it's 11 30 a.m and laura and josh are responding to an incident in keithley we've had a call from a male who was the victim of a stabbing a couple of weeks ago who states that he's just been released from hospital and while going down the street while he was on his crutches two of the suspects who were involved in stabbing him i've started chasing him with a baseball bat he's then dived into a relative's address and managed to make himself safe he's then seen these two males enter into a nearby property and we've got another two colleagues coming over there'd be two taser officers with us myself and my colleague who's coming over is also carrying a taser and they're going to help us go and see if we can effect an arrest as backup arrives laura briefs the team so that's that's one of the guys we're looking for he's a suspect he's a suspect and then who's the other guy i think they are through terrorists so we will need front and back thank you hey all right hello who else is in the house at the moment just family i believe there was an incident not so long ago wasn't there right okay apparently you've been named as responsible so we're needing to speak to you with regard to that as his training officer laura lets josh make his first arrest what we're going to do is going to take you outside to our van he's got a cage at the back another officer arrest the second man all josh needs to do now is get his suspect into the van the moment we took the two suspects out of the address that's when the dynamic changed i've got a camera recording i have a camera recording because the victim was still in the area and he'd seen us walk them out in handcuffs and instead of holding on to his council he decided to start shouting and screaming which caused a lot of attention that changes the situation and escalates it he was so hyped up gobbing off shouting and bawling [Music] just wanted to pull him out and get him away [Music] and you know let him know yeah thank you for your call we've got these two guys let us just do what we need to do [Music] goodbye nice nice sit over in dewsbury pc louise tolson is getting ready for her shift luis has been on the force for two years and she's still adjusting to her life as a stepmom no i think the fact that my partner's got children is really important and i look after them i suppose as my own when they're there and i'd do anything for them and that's given me a lot more understanding of children and how to speak to them and probably give me a little bit more of a care inside tired okay [Music] that love that we've been given is it domestic louise is a response officer based in dewsbury this week she's working alongside pc george air it's the start of their 10 hour shift working in front line policing is great i love it so just got all the 999 calls and all the priority calls you join the job for the excitement and just being on the go but it's nice for someone to go thanks i'm really glad that you're here louise and george are on route to their first call out of the day so there's a young female who's 17 years old who's missing curfew was midnight and it's now 10 a.m she won't tell anyone where she is and she's at high risk of child sexual exploitation she's turned the phone off apparently and she drinks takes drugs and so we want to get to the family get as much information as we can and then we can pass it to the unit so they can go to all the addresses that we think she might be at it's really common for young girls to go missing and but it's dangerous you don't know where they are what they're doing who they're with they're still children at the end of the day they're 17 they're not on adult yet she can't always look after herself in the way that she probably thinks that she can so it's really important that we get to her in coughly west yorkshire pc's laura gargette and trainee josh pollard have arrested two men suspected of a stabbing but their alleged victim is in the area and very quickly the situation escalates the whole street seemed to be out within seconds and there were people very close to fighting i think there were only four of us laura told me to stay in the van to look after the person that we'd arrested and i found it really difficult to do while she were out there on her own really in this sea of people who were all really angry potentially could have hurt her things could have gone very bad but she's calm professional she managed to resolve the whole situation really it probably looked worse because there are so many men around you but at that particular time i didn't feel particularly threatened years of policing a local area and knowing the people that live in that area a lot of them are not hostile to female officers i did have the benefit of experience had it been a couple of younger officers who weren't aware of that situation things can get very quickly out of control in dewsbury pieces louise tolson and george air are looking for a missing 17 year old girl they've just been to visit her mother who made the 999 call it's always upsetting for a family member to report their loved one is missing so it's just trying to calm the mum down make sure you know she knows police are aware we've got other units out looking for this girl we're gonna go out to public places parks etc see if we can find it and no every case is different in her two years in response luis has seen a dramatic increase in emergencies involving children at risk but these cases are never straightforward if someone's going to probably turn up in a few hours time and they've told the mum you know that i'm fine they're just not going to speak to they want to go off and do their own thing we can't then spend thousands of pounds hacking into our account and tracing a mobile and you know that kind of thing because it's just the necessity isn't there at the moment it doesn't meet that criteria now louise and george have been diverted to a new job a car's been spotted being driven by a woman wanted by police they've been trying to contact the suspect for five months she's been accused of assaulting someone else's child charlie chose with this vehicle now outside the address hey we just didn't step out of the car so i can speak to you so kids are listening um at the minute you're shown as wanted for um an assault that's occurred on the 23rd of april this year against a 12 year old so you're going to be arrested on suspicion of an assault so you don't have to say anything but it may be defense if you do not mention when questioned anything which you literally rely on in the car anything you do say maybe giving evidence all right i don't want to put handcuffs on you because kids and stuff like that normally i would do but when your children are here so if you could just try and get someone who could come for you it's an absolute joke but it's not speaking for any kids about it that's why i've asked you to step out at calf because i don't want them to hear okay this needs starting now don't it well when i get older the dab then then we will do what way you're under arrest so that's what's happening my kids are here yeah so we need to deal with that don't we yeah i'm dealing with it my battery's dead louise can't take the woman back to the station until her children have been picked up what are you talking about you don't know what i've been arrested for you don't know nothing don't make your assumptions kids before you make the situation wait it's nothing to do with you they're your kids can you just come and get the kids please is there anything you need to have any medication like that you probably need in the next couple of hours i don't think you'll be in very long with us i don't really care to be honest all right where'd you work jules briar huddersfield please don't try and make conversation with me i think when you've got to separate a mother by a resting her and separate from her children that's that's the worst nightmare you just think oh god no but there was no other choice so what am i going to be putting a towel now and all that yeah but i don't think you'll be in it overnight or like that because this your dad oh hold on then it can't be nice but if they have to see that you've got to arrest their mum you need to do it in the kindest way possible come round this way please thank you normally i had a coffee room but obviously i wouldn't have done that in front of girls hey sad she's been arrested on suspicion on a section 39 assault by beating that's occurred on the 23rd of april 2018 in rashford huddersfield apparently where a 12 year old's been pushed and sworn out you think you need anything as a buzzer just press that and the staff will come to you all right after five months wanted by police it's an important arrest for louise and she also has an update on the missing teenager she's turned up unharmed the young girl returned which was a massive relief um but she she had been gone several hours by herself and she wouldn't tell us where she was the main thing that she was safe from dewsbury to one of the biggest stations on the force bradford pc gemma sharman is starting her shift with the city's neighborhood policing team it's always busy they're dead straightforward workloads definitely increased per officer and that's purely as a result of there's not as many of us seven years ago when i first started yeah neighbor police and teams 15 cups but now there's five pcs there's so few of you that you're checking on more and more gemma was signed off work with stress five months ago this is one of her first shifts back on the front line so how do you feel all right as horrible as it was is don't be good sergeant emma lawson has been keeping a close eye on her since her return helped by being ill it made me sit back and think about how i look after myself not just not a daily thing i look after your health but like my mental health and i didn't talk no i didn't like acknowledge anything other than like just just keep going just keep going just keep going but now i'll sit and i do keep going i still keep going i don't like crumble but i sit and i think right you need to think about why you feel like this and what you're going to do to make yourself feel better yeah it's good yeah definitely glad to be back i've not lost my mojo laura's just finished her early shift it means today she can be home in time for tea with her daughters tilly hello come here girls tea time please oh nice to sit down sadly my marriage broke down a few years ago charlotte was i think she was 13 and um she very much unfortunately had to sort of step up and be a mom to rebecca when i wasn't around do you want it slicing or do you just want a big lump how was school if she hadn't been the age she was then i would have had to have given up shift work because i wouldn't have been able to do it because of um child care now you're getting that little bit older i'll tell you more about my day because i think you've got the maturity to be able to cope with the type of things that i i have to do it does i know but i don't know about rebecca but sometimes i'll be at school and you think i just want to text my mom i just want to bring her and see if she's okay but you can't so you kind of just gotta live with that do you worry that i'm not going to be here or do you worry that charlotte's going to have to stop don't really think about it good that's good because it means that i don't have to worry about you worrying when i came home from that christmas night [ __ ] with a swollen face and black eyes and stuff did that kind of bring it home for you then because that's that's the first time i've come home with the exception of the broker dangers but that's the dog bite was that the one that really did it for you yeah there have been times where we've had to sit down and have like conversations about like what would happen if she didn't come home and what my responsibility would be what i'd have to do for rebecca and stuff like that so i know more than someone may should about the house and the money and stuff like that because the risk of mum not coming home is quite high which is worse when she's on one when she's on nights because we're meant to be asleep but you it's kind of hard and that's the reality of a woman in policing is that you do worry about leaving your children would you want to be a policewoman no [Music] gemma's only just been cleared to return to frontline duty five months ago she was called out to a case that would have a profound effect on her it'd been just a bog standard day a call came in that a male been found hanging in a building you know we got there within two or three minutes and we went inside you could see like sort of through the narrow glass window just a figure slumped behind the door and i remember busting through the doors looking at him but there was there was nothing to do and just thinking i can't i can't do anything he's gone and then that was it then i just sort of pushed it to the back of my mind i didn't talk about it i didn't cry and bottling that up is what is what made me ill all within a week everything just came crashing down i made the decision to wear my marriage couldn't do my job because i couldn't keep my head right i don't think the phrase rock bottom adequately describes it you know at one point i i was suicidal i didn't think there was another option out there [Music] it's 9 p.m gemma is partnered with her boss sergeant emma lawson they've had a report that someone may be growing cannabis in a terraced house in bradford [Music] just away there's somebody in upstairs possibly looking for any of the usual signs of cannabis growth so whether they've boarded out the windows or blacked them out see if we can see any tubing condensation jammer and emma asked for firearms officers to support them but there's no one available so they've been deployed at a live incident um over in kerkley's so they're not able to come and put the door in for us so jen's gonna put the door in give it go at that point i'm thinking am i gonna be able to put the door through what's behind it how many people are inside is there anybody inside what am i gonna find how quickly can i get in can i prevent anyone from escaping what are the routes out of the house are there am i going to be safe get in please how am i going to walk away [Music] police stay where you are you could just about with my torch like see a man or a figure coming down the stairs make your way down the stairs slowly pull your hands out and he had something in his hand i didn't know what it was my first instinct was it was a weapon and i was about to get stabbed put your hands out at that point i'm thinking are me and emma enough to take him on in front of you while i was thinking that he turned and ran up the stairs get down here so i thought i'd just get after him as quickly as i could really stay where you are come on here again entry to the address i've got one one one two for cultivate cannabis okay can you get like pleasing myself really okay you speak english a little bit english speak english the suspect is vietnamese officers contact a translator to help them check him into custody we'd just like to introduce yourself to him we'll just explain that we're going to go through the circumstances as to why he's here it's just after midnight gemma's shift still isn't over just booked him into custody which took a long time because he speaks vietnamese so i've still got my statement to do and then hopefully go home in the next hour [Music] maybe it's 6 a.m here ellis too early for me i like to sleep in i like the pc louise tolson is almost halfway through her week shifts be nice now that you've got your caffeine for the past four years she's been with her partner chris who's a former police officer and a dad to two children probably not the healthiest but on a morning if you go to work and you start at seven and you've got time to have breakfast it's just the worst thing because you've got no energy then i do love the job and i couldn't do a regular nine-to-five office job again it's just so nice not knowing what to expect and never gets boring because you work with something different every day this might be a bog standard job really what are you doing today are you going to see your mum no no not today stay around here and then we've got going to go to football later on tonight are you taking the mick no no there's some football tonight the evening off what did the kids say last week i've never said this to them but you tried to tell me to do something and matilda was eight she said no daddy louise isn't doing that louise is a cop so she's the boss i mean yeah we keep in touch when we can if she's not busy she'll drop us a message she'll let her know everything's all right and just to kind of catch up or bust me around as long as she comes back home after the shift it's not too too much of a concern busy at the moment though not a lot of staff [Music] the home and work-life balance is difficult but i've had that experience in the police i understand what it can be like it shifts that they have to work and the change from working on the day shift to working on a night shift we'll cross over as one gets in bed one gets out of bed and we'll have them brief half an hour hours together right enjoy we just take it in a stride in bradford gemma is back on shift the day after the raid on a cannabis farm is one arrested in there from here yeah yeah gripped him last night i'm absolutely amazed i didn't even realize there's any cannabis on this floor last night to be honest um there's another room behind us as well that's full of cannabis so dead chuffed i mean i'm more chuffed than i was last night now gemma only has 24 hours from the time of the arrest to charge her suspect to dismantle this cannabis family it will take us an hour and a half with the five that are here however whilst the five of us are here there are all the other calls that we've got to handle we've got to get ready for interview with the suspect there just aren't enough others like they used to be to do all the jobs that we need to do [Music] in keithley pc laura gargat has left her teenage daughters at home and is on a late shift with her trainee josh pollard we are being called to a person who is without clothes in a public place one of our dog section is with him at the moment obviously it's uh irrational behavior so i'm gonna uh have a chat with him see what it's all about and see if he's all right so we'll see what happens once we get there well or never this is not what we come across every day young man where's your clothes you don't well what what we're going to cover up with then if you've got some clothes we can put those on you under the influence of something possibly i don't know i'm not too sure a breath test proves negative a dog carries out a search of his car for drugs but none are found can we not at least put your underpants back on at the very least so we don't see your little your little boy bits hanging out i'm just boiling up just keep hold if he likes it he's gonna try and go under a car so keep hold you stood in the puddle there don't get out and puddle out of the road calm down all okay you're not going over the road [Music] and have you had this happen before right well we've got another one after 30 minutes at the scene trying to calm the man down help arrives we need to have doctors look at you there's something not right isn't that you are going to go in the back of the ambulance we'll keep moving that's fine we will listen to me you will be going in the back of the ambulance and you will be going to a e and you'll be seen by the doctors and that's why we need to get you help we've got a blanket around your camera all right there's no guys [Music] something's very not right with him josh goes with the paramedics to bradford royal infirmary oh he's a lot calmer isn't he that's a different person it transpires that he has had some massive sort of panic attack he said that he felt a state of anxiety rise over him um he's had one before in the past and he just felt like every single poor in his body was really really hot he initially thought it was a fault with his car because the car was getting really hot and he said he just got out had a look couldn't find a fault and he said that the heat just kept coming over and over and over just goes to show you can never judge a bug by its cover being in the police is very selfless but then the people who sacrifice your family and friends it's selfish for a police officer in a lot of ways because the friend that you meant to go out for tea with that evening you probably cancelled cause you worked on are you too out tired to go out or you can't get your boyfriend's birthday off so it's your friends and family who have to just wait for you to become available wait for your rsds and even then they can be cancelled sometimes all the girls on my cohort split up with their boyfriends i think once you join the job you're in it then aren't you you don't want to leave because it took you so long to get in a lot of it is the unsociable hours we come home drained after seeing stuff and your family probably want to talk to you about stuff and you don't want to talk about what you've seen or what you've done that day so i think that's probably a massive reason hi steve it's uh pc sharman from west yorkshire police at bradford hiya right i've got a tale of woe and not a lot of time back at the station in bradford gemma only has four hours left to charge her suspect basically last night i locked up a guy a vietnamese guy for a cannabis farm and i booked an interpreter for five o'clock however it's now ten to seven and they've just decided to tell us that they've no they can't get us one and before she can charge him she needs an interpreter with her for a formal interview somebody said there was a list of like emergency interpreters we could use [Music] um we've tried absolutely everything and we're running out of time with the 24 hours of the custody clock so what do we do the only thing we can do then is google translate no google translate will work get a file written up cps refresh jesus nightmare so what we're going to do is go for the threshold test and we're going to ask the cps to charge and remand him without interviewing him because otherwise we will lose him he'll just finish off into the night we'll never see him again so it's five past eight and i've got until 10 to 11 so i've got under three hours left gemma has to prepare the entire case for presentation to the crown prosecution service in just a matter of hours time's really running out now i can't remember the last time i felt this much pressure about a job um yes i'm ready to charge him are you able to tell him that he's going to be charged and remanded to court so he'll be in court tomorrow morning despite not being able to get an interpreter to the station pc gemma shaman is finally able to charge the man with just an hour to spare she's been able to convince the crown prosecution service she has enough evidence to bring a case i'm tired i'm just very tired so hopefully hopefully i'll be off at 11 tonight get home have six showers and douse myself in as much shower gel as i possibly can because i stink of cannabis laura is coming to the end of her week of shifts today is my 48th birthday and i'm working a late shift so it can't be with my family today i'm not sad that i can't be with my children but it'll be tomorrow evening when i physically clap eyes on them again in the police when it's your birthday traditionally you're the ones that supplies the cakes i've spent a lot of birthdays at work since i've been in the police i've spent their birthdays at work in the police as well um which is the one that is the hardest to do you know when you're younger and your mum's not there to say happy birthday then that's really really tough same thing with christmas they lock that down and we struggle to get time off then so significant events in the year i struggle to get off it's part and parcel of the job and it's very difficult for people on the outside to appreciate the demands of the job from that point of view and i think that's probably one of the reasons why it does put such a strain on people's marriages the motto in the police is joined the force get a divorce yeah it worked for me [Music] it's five months since gemma was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after she was the first on the scene of a suicide it's 1pm and she's been called out to help find a missing woman hello go ahead hi it's gemma from bradford i'm just um looking for this lady um have you got a description please yeah it's uh she should be sat in a grey box i think there may have been some sort of messaging this morning she's then gone missing and that she did send a text to her partner which would be suggestive of sexual suicide some sort of resonate with you you know some of you think christ if i don't get here soon [Music] there she is [Music] hello you all right should i jump in and should we have a chat from gemma all right so have you had an argument with your husband today yeah i jumped in her car and she was like she just was like a little deer in headlights she looked frightened and she was quite shaken and teary have you have you sent your husband a message that might make him worry and what did your message say that you sent him and she said that she she said she wanted to go she wanted to go away and so i needed to get to the bottom of what that meant because it's quite vague that are you talking about moving on and making a fresh start are you talking about ending your life i started to get a feel for how she was um but i'm not a mental health professional we have training but i wouldn't say a mental health professional have you ever tried to harm yourself no and do you feel like you're going to do it now do you just need to breathe just sort of explain to it i do get it it's all right it's all right to feel like that but we're here now and we can work together to fix it if i do have to one 360 will you be sending one of your officers over yeah we can do we need to deal with that let me know how we get on and she just needed to sort of get out of her own head for a bit get away from the situation and calm down and so we arranged for her to go to a refuge by the time i left i was happy that she was going to be safe she wasn't going to harm herself and that she was going to get more help and support that she needed thank you so much no you're welcome i feel like i've made a difference there rather than you know issuing a ticket or chasing around after a you know tearing around after a quad bike that's not gonna stop for you just taking that half an hour to sit and talk like a person and not worry about listening to your radio going off or powers and policies and procedures just to talk and have that conversation and break down that barriers is a massive achievement but you're always conscious of how long you're taking and sort of how pushed you are and how pushed your mates are you want to find that balance of doing a job well and to the best of your ability and taking the time to do it you're always conscious there's going to be another job there's going to be another job you work long hours you are beholden to the job you know it's not just an office job where you go to work and come home you're a police officer 24 7 and people get neglected they told us that in training about 50 you get told that as well during the fourth year i said 50 percent of first marriages and 30 of second marriages fail yeah work make sure it takes its pound of flesh from you i don't have a personal life i have work and my kids and that's it got all the work and school uniforms to wash in dewsbury louise is approaching the end of her week of shifts we almost saw the sun soaking clouds for all neighbors yeah that's a nice book it's a bit easy for you though you got every single word right tonight chris's children are staying over oh we're doing spellings now as well it can be tough sometimes sometimes i think that they just think i'm at work all the time you know they've made comments before of the children about eloise is always working or oh louise louise are you actually here the surprise when i turn up and i'm like it's a saturday i've got it off and they're like oh oh come on then and they love that then but they're always surprised that i'm actually around yeah this is the nice part of life not arresting people it's been a challenging week just been so busy but i'm you know i'm pleased with what i've done i've been stressed but i haven't flapped i haven't collapsed i've i've managed so another another week ticked off seven weeks back well done i can't wait for tomorrow to sleep in and not have to worry about anything work [Music] my wide i'm tired [Music] until we've been busy because there's hardly any that's been demolished [Music] they call them rest days but in my mind they're actually recovery days when you've done a 60 to 70 hour week you are completely exhausted you look forward to the time off that you've got [Music] josh see you next week but then there's a little bit of trepidation because you know that the same old shift pattern is going to roll around again really quickly it's an absolute joke but it's not speaking for any kids about it that's why i've asked you to step out at car [Music] i've got one one one two for cultivate cannabis you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 58,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Responders, Police, Women On The Force, Policewoman, female officer, Police chase, Cop show, police show, Yorkshire, West Yorkshire Police, Yorkshire Police, Arrests, Stabbing, Suspect, Victim, Missing Person, Detective Work, Detective, Police Stories, Traffic cops, officer of the law, patrolwoman, first responders
Id: PIJBb6AbOik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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