The Killer Who Listed His Crimes| The New Detectives | Real Responders

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
a typewritten note lies next to a dead man a document examiner must read between the lines to lead authorities to the killer a murderer writes then destroys the story of his crime investigators will do everything to assure the tale ends with a conviction and a to-do list scrawled on an ordinary piece of cardboard includes an extraordinary task detectives look to handwriting to prove a murder was premeditated among today's new detectives are the forensic document examiner's under their keen eye a scrap of paper or a typewriter ribbon can be as incriminating as a confession signed in blood [Music] [Music] [Music] in Minneapolis Minnesota February 6th 1995 police officers responded to a 911 they arrived at the home of Ted Mills his wife Mamie Hernandez Mills and stepson Nathan lotto [Music] Mamie and Nathan had come home from a dental appointment to find Ted Mills dead and the house ransacked Mills lay with a shotgun wound in his head the back door of the house showed signs of forced entry thus truned clothing seemed to indicate a robbery had taken place supervisors for then police found a note if somebody's been through this dresser typed on a torn sheet of lined yellow note paper it read this is for our bud that you sent to jail the rest in peace it was one clue that would speak volumes not just in the words on the page but in its paper and ink sergeant David Palmer of the minneapolis homicide unit relied on the expertise of forensic document examiner Karen Runyon to help him read between the lines document examiner's match writers with their penmanship typists with their typewriters counterfeiters with their forgeries using computers microscopes and digital enhancement these new detectives delve into the minuscule world of paper fibers and carbon particles to solve crimes as the document examiner in this case it was up to Runyon to learn all she could from the slip of paper the note was collected by the crime-scene people and brought to me and I first made an examination to determine how the note had been prepared and it had been prepared with a typewriter that used a carbon film ribbon which told me that if the ribbon could be located the ribbon could be read and matched possibly to this entry Runyan told officers to look for an electric typewriter with a carbon film ribbon and if they found one like that they should collect it as evidence as well they should be aware that this document had a fractured lower edge to it where it's been torn off of the rest of the piece of paper and they should look for any pieces of paper like this with any fractured edge or any type of tablet that this might have been torn out of [Music] while Runyon focused on the note the police questioned the victim's wife and stepson according to Mamie and Nathan they were at a dental appointment when the murder occurred they phoned home from the dentist's office but no one answered Ted should have been home but they assumed he was sound asleep since he worked nights and slept days the note suggested the murder and burglary were a payback for a past burglary at their home that was foiled by the victim Mills had helped send the burglar to jail [Music] Sargent Palmer initially believed the story but the seeds of doubt were already sprouting well there was some truth to this and we couldn't discount this but at the same time our experience tells us that generally burglars are not going to return or have somebody return and kill somebody because of an identification that they have made during questioning which police videotaped Nathan la2 told police he saw a handgun next to Mills body but police couldn't find it they were skeptical certain details didn't match 'la two story they have two dogs in the house that bark whenever strangers come and got Ted Knowles is sleeping upstairs never woke up to Palmer that suggests that the culprit wasn't a stranger but Mamie and Nathan's alibis had support a caller ID unit at the house registered their call from the dentist's office around the time of the murder another detail nagged at Palmer the place seemed ransacked into orderly a manner not the way a burglar would generally tear up a room we were suspicious about this because our experience as investigators most burglars are not this neat as we found contents pulled out so they could be put readily and easily back into the drawers that they're dumped and letí's 911 raised further suspicion he just had too much knowledge that he was able to tell us immediately most people when you talk to him you know in there in a hysterical state like this they can't hardly tell you what time of the day it is all they can doing is screaming and crying and and get somebody out there helpless but this was this was a different thing we had an uneasy feeling about this [Music] something about the case didn't ring true the pieces just didn't fit the strongest indication that all was not as it seemed was a fingerprint on a broken window at the point of entry it belonged to Nathan 'la tube [Music] when Nathan litter was confronted with the fingerprint evidence he broke down and admitted his involvement in the murder [Music] days before the killing 'la - said his mother asked him to write out in longhand the phrases typed on the note found next to mills now investigators had reason to believe that Mamie Hernandez Mills typed the note herself but how she said she couldn't read or write English and there was no typewriter in the house police needed to find the typewriter used to create the note now that Nathan had implicated Mamie Runyon and investigators began to focus their search they remembered that Hernandez Mills cleaned houses for a living police decided to look for a typewriter in the last few homes she worked in [Music] in one of them police found an electric typewriter with a carbon film ribbon [Music] the last few words of the note were clearly visible [Music] they also found several yellow notepads with papers similar to the note the ribbon was brought to Karyn Runyon's lab for analysis she was relieved to find the film cartridge had been left in the typewriter if the ribbon had been used up and discarded the case would have become even more complicated to confirm the ribbon contained the full text of the note she carefully pried open the cartridge I took the ribbon cartridge apart and then I transcribed the ribbon itself working from the final entry which we could see on the ribbon as we took it out of the typewriter I worked backwards from there transcribing everything that was typed on that ribbon Runyan discovered the note had been typed three times it proved that whoever typed it knew little about how to use the typewriter the first two times it was typed there were spelling errors and the typist must not have realized that there was a correcting device on the machine and so they must have started over Runyan compared fibres that had been transferred from the paper onto the ribbon when the carbon is knocked off the ribbon onto the document paper fibers adhere to that mylar strip that the carbon is on in the ribbon cartridge and the paper fibers stay on the ribbon itself by matching the fibers adhering to the ribbon with the fibers on the note Runyan concluded that the note was indeed typed using this ribbon you match the fibers almost like a fingerprint the fibers are in a random pattern and they've adhered to this ribbon in that same random pattern that they were on the paper itself with Karen Runyon's help the sordid story inside the plastic casing began to unravel within the typewriter ribbon cassette lay the true story of what happened to Ted mills the clues were microscopic but their significance was great in this case I was able to match all the fibers in each of the letters on this note Karen Runyan had linked the note to the typewriter and police linked the typewriter to mamie Hernandez Mills but the full story still needed to be told sergeant Palmer had to determine mamie's role in the crime and a motive for committing it he continued to coax more details from Nathan 'la - he said that his mother had got the shotgun that belonged to her husband up from the closet upstairs and had gone over and had shot her husband while he was laying in the bed sleeping he in fact said that he went and got the shotgun that was used in the murder took him down and concealed it in a wean downstairs in the basement that was next to where he slept Nathan eventually tells myself and my partner sergeant Krebbs what we wanted and all that he and his mother were responsible for the death of Ted Nelson Nathan 'la - swore however that he didn't pull the trigger [Music] by the same token as he implicated his mother he was also gravely concerned about her fate he's very worried about what's gonna happen to his mother more so than himself he's very worried and very protective his mother throughout this whole thing is he keeps admonishing us not to hurt his mother not to do anything to his mother mamie Hernandez Mills maintained her cool and her innocence when she's talking to us she's very cooperative with us I mean she gives you the appearance they asked me anything I'll tell you anything but obviously except for that one thing she'll never even in this interview admit that she had to do it the death of Ted Mills as the pressure of the interrogation began to build Mamie turned against her son just as Nathan had turned against her she told police Nathan had raped her at gunpoint hearing this lie nathan litter broke down again he had been withholding his greatest secret of all he and his mother had been having an incestuous relationship 41 year old Mamie Hernandez Mills had only recently reunited with 22 year-old Nathan Leto when she gave up for adoption years earlier now Mamie was exerting a profound influence on her son the police used that influence as leverage to obtain a confession from 'la - we're kind of using we're saying Mamie your mother kind of pushed you to doing this because she's the very strong controlling person in this relationship that they have mother is controlling son finally the two agreed to testify against his mother in return for a reduced charge of second-degree murder at about the same time investigators discovered that Mills had a life insurance policy through work and that Mamie had called to claim it shortly after his death with this motive now exposed the shuffled events of that bloody February day fell into place Namie Hernandez Mills had typed the note on her employer's typewriter using Nathan's handwritten note as her guide each time she made a mistake she started over leaving behind a telltale story inside the typewriter cartridge each keystroke pulled fibers from the paper transferring them to the mylar strip on the ribbon nathan 'la too faked a break-in at their home he made it look just as a burglar had months before but he left behind an incriminating fingerprint as Nathan and Mamie climbed the stairs they were careful not to wait Ted Mills upon entering the bedroom they wasted no time [Music] do it after killing Mills the two faked the burglary Mamie left a note meant to steer investigators toward an avenging intruder who never existed then mother and son went to the hospital to keep a dental appointment while there they used a phone to check in at home knowing their call would be registered by the caller ID unit this call was the basis for their alibi when they arrived back home Nathan placed the 911 police he later told investigators he'd hidden the murder weapon in a pipe and buried it beneath the tree in court he testified against his mother in exchange for a reduced sentence [Music] mamie Hernandez Mills was convicted of first-degree murder on April 20th 1996 she is serving a life sentence nathan litter pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 24 years by leaving a note mamie Hernandez Mills and Nathan lotto meant to cast blame on a fictional intruder but they left too much real-world evidence to the contrary the note was left next to the body and that the note was part of a scheme to make this look like another type of crime than what it really was and in that perspective this was an interesting case and the fact that we did find the machine with the ribbon for investigators Palmer and Runyon an oak meant to throw authorities off track led them right to the killer in Virginia a murder case was even more ironic in a scrawled note to himself a man made his deadly intentions terribly clear the shooting death of an elderly woman in February 1995 brought police to a home in eastern Virginia the only thing missing from the scene was $5 taken from the woman's purse police knew the crime was committed by 18 year old Richard Webb to live in grandson of the victim according to police Richard planned to kill his grandparents steal their money and take their van the grandfather escaped when the gun malfunctioned unable to find keys to the van Richard Webb fled on foot and was apprehended a short time later Webb was guilty but his guilt was a matter of degree if police were right and Richard planned the killing with intent to rob he'd be guilty of first-degree murder but if he killed on a sudden violent impulse he'd probably receive a lesser charge it was up to the pool to determine the killer's intentions [Music] while searching Richards bedroom police found an important clue in a torn piece of cardboard on it was written a to-do list among such mundane items as play pool and watch movie was item number eight it stated simply kill after that was get money and leave the list seemed strong evidence that web had planned his crimes it was turned over to Michael more document examiner at Virginia's division of forensic science in Richmond in order to prove that Webb wrote the note he'd need to look for similarities between the handwriting on the note and samples known to have been written by Webb the handwriting identification is is based on the premise that handwriting embodies certain qualities and features which are sufficiently personal to serve as the basis for an identification of the writer Webb's murderous list now classified as evidence was securely sealed and delivered to Michael Moore our handwriting is as personal as our fingerprints as youngsters most of us were taught to write by imitating a standard system often referred to as a copybook system in spite of this standardized technique we begin to develop our own personal handwriting that stays with us for life these deviations provide the basis for analysis [Music] when examining a document Moore looks at speed skilled slant and height ratio proportion and the overall appearance of the writing similarities as well as differences are scrutinized consistent combinations of features are what Moore seeks to identify does it exhibit good line quality are there some unusual stopping and starting places does that have patching or retouching or their blunt beginning and ending strokes he set to work applying a three-step process to the handwriting examination he knew from the start this was to be a challenging assignment in the first phase he was concerned strictly with the writing surface Moore noted that something had been torn from the face of the smooth cardboard exposing rough inner layers any handwriting on these layers might be distorted by the rough surface portions of this particular piece of cardboard being so rough were difficult to write on and there was some over writing you know meaning that the person that did the writing had to actually write over several times in order to get a visible image glue adhering to the cardboard interfered with the movement of the pen Moore had to factor that into his analysis some of the unusual or blunt awkward movements for example where the where the ink or the pen came into contact with the foreign matter with the adhesive is this the habit of the writer to square off this particular portion of this letter or is this as a result of coming in contact with this amount of glue the first phase of the examination showed that the rough edges as well as the glue may have affected the shape of the letters in item number two the bottom of the W in work is squared off where the pen hit the glue if the writing sample contains letters with closed loops the document examiner must determine whether they are the habit of the person who wrote the sample or if they were created by the water-based ink bleeding and closing the loop these variations in the writing surface can cause the letters to deviate from the author's normal handwriting making it difficult to analyze [Music] in the second phase of examination more studied the known material or handwriting known to have come from the suspect again he faced a challenge in custody Webb was asked to fill out forms take dictation on a piece of cardboard and produce other writing to compare with the original list war made the comparison but he found the samples inadequate Webb penned the dictated writings in a very formal controlled environment kill the original list was undoubtedly written under very different conditions the two sets of writing only vaguely resembled each other Moore was able to say he had some reason to believe that Webb had written the list but he couldn't be absolutely certain to make a more conclusive judgment he needed to see more of Webb's writings no two writings from any one person even if they were done by the same person will ever be exactly alike meaning that they'll superimpose it can't happen people are not machines he asked the detective for additional writings from web because factors such as body position and writing surfaces affect handwriting he requested the samples come from a variety of circumstances the type of medium that was written on you know one would expect it it was probably not done at a table or at a desk it could have been standing up it unsupported and it could have been holding a piece of cardboard in his hand just no way to know the sheriff's deputies gathered an assortment of Webb's writing including personal letters cards and some of his poetry Webb had written these samples over a period of time so they showed a wider range of his handwriting styles now came mores biggest challenge the final phase of the handwriting examination where he'd make the critical side-by-side comparison of the list and Webb's previously written material for presentation in court he used a black and white enlargement of the list the features and characteristics used to identify handwriting take many forms some are conspicuous some are subtle on the cardboard list more noted that the relative size of numerals to capital letters was consistent the number 1 was taller than the capital C in call the number 2 was also taller than the capital W in work more found this same habit reflected in the known writings of Richard Webb the significance of Webb's natural range of variation raised a problem for more he had to account for Webb's tendency to form the letter R slightly differently each time he wrote it in item number one the letter began well to the left of the spine then continued on to form a rounded upper portion in height of nine that capital are still began to the left of the spine but the top portion was flat more recognized the same variations of the letter R on Webb's known writings they matched exactly the variations found on the cardboard list the combination of these features led more to a single conclusion he could state with virtual certainty that Richard Webb was the person who wrote the list on the cardboard and had therefore premeditated his crimes ultimately it takes a human mind to recognize a human hand while computers are helping to solve more crimes every day Michael Moore feels his job is secure while computers are useful in some areas of forensic document examination they really just are not applicable to comparative handwriting by the mere fact that they have no way of first of all gauging the relative individuality of the questioned signature even if 20 variations of a signature were scanned into a computer it might still fail to identify a twenty-first signature as coming from that same writer computers do not have the ability to judge the range of variation or the circumstances under which the writing was produced computers are just not not in today's what's available in today's market are just not not capable of doing what what the human can do when confronted with Moore's findings Richard Webb pleaded guilty and received a life sentence for capital murder ultimately handwriting analysis matched the killer to his crime but when comparing handwriting the analyst must always be certain he's focusing on the right clues the most crucial writing samples may come from the least likely sources one handwriting experts small lapse in judgment fueled the flames of one of the greatest hoaxes in modern history in April 1983 the world was riveted by the news that Adolf Hitler's Diaries had been discovered in Stuttgart the sixty handwritten volumes written over 35 years were found by a German journalist to determine if the books were truly written in Hitler's hand the German government enlisted a brigade of specialists including handwriting analyst Ordway hilton hilton was given seven samples of Hitler's writing to compare to the Diaries based on these samples he declared the Diaries authentic it was an honest mistake that almost destroyed his reputation Hilton was duped he correctly determined that the author of the Diaries also wrote the samples he used to compare them with but his fatal flaw was his assumption that Hitler wrote the samples he didn't they were written by the same person who forged the Diaries that man was Konrad Cujo the diaries were sold for more than two million dollars before the fraud was exposed by an international team of document examiner's chemists and historians by studying the composition of the paper the quality of the type and other characteristics they determined the diaries were no more than four years old when the West German State Archives announced their findings they discredited the books in no uncertain terms declaring the Diaries the grotesquely superficial concoction of a copyist endowed with a limited intellectual capacity even so Kujo perpetrated the most expensive fraud in the history of publishing if it weren't for the expertise of forensic examiners he might have pulled it off but incriminating documents seemed to have a way of ending up in the right hands especially if the crime is murder in Smyrna Tennessee outside of Nashville a man made a poignant televised appeal for help in 1994 Ricky Bryan a 39 year old welder had a sporadic five year relationship with 72 year old Charlotte Scott I didn't like the woman for the lower 6 years she's missing so we get a fine Scott had been missing for two weeks we should come back home whatever season the family was hopeful she would be found I have to pray that something someone comes forward Scott's daughter Rosalie reported her missing after finding her gone and her apartment door left open we just would like to know where where she is police searched scott's home on october 19 she was last seen filling a prescription and going to a money machine her car was parked outside her apartment wanna check upstairs there were no indications of forced entry all the signs of a daily routine were still intact as if she would be returning shortly with no clues to be found in the house police turned to Rikki Bryan they hoped he could provide some information at first it didn't seem Brian could help them he said he was out of town when Scott disappeared and claimed they hadn't spoken in three months but Brian helped police more than he imagined detectives EJ Barnard of the Metro Nashville police and Clayton Thomas of the Smyrna police found a hole in Brian's story a hole they hope to climb through to get to the truth they discovered Brian had used Scott's ATM card the day she was reported missing detective Bernard he told us he wasn't in Nashville but we had proof of this through the camera statements from his relatives as well as the transactions from the bank which was very close to her residence with that proof Bryan's alibi crumbled but just because he took Scott's money didn't mean he was involved in her disappearance even so the lie made him the only suspect in this crime of few clues after he failed a polygraph test police obtained a warrant to search his home they were looking for ATM receipts weapons tools that might be used in a kidnapping or a murder anything that could link Brian to the crime they found nothing they had no physical evidence and no more leads the investigation ground to a halt a few frustrating days passed before detectives received a break some of Brian's family members stepped forward they told police he had divulged an outrageous story according to Ricky Brian Charlotte Scott was murdered by a gang of drunken men at a rock quarry where the couple frequently met Ricky had left for a few minutes and when he returned Charlotte had been killed he knew the story sounded absurd and he had no witnesses to prove he wasn't involved so he decided to bury the body and deny he knew what happened to her in one respect police agreed with him the story was absurd but why would he concoct such a tale unless he really did bury Charlotte Scott if the strange tale was his way of deflecting guilt from himself it had the opposite effect police now had reason to suspect Charlotte Scott was murdered and that Ricky Brian killed her but they still had not a shred of evidence when police confronted him about the story he denied he ever told it even so the story was the only lead they had they began searching for the Buried body despite their long hours and the use of cadaver dogs they turned up nothing then Michael Thompson Ricky Bryan's nephew approached detective Thomas and offered his help the 19 year old would soon lead investigators to a spot in the woods and Ricky Bryan to a point of no return [Music] investigators rely on skill wit and luck to find breaks in criminal cases in the murder investigation of Charlotte Scott the break stepped forward in the form of Michael Thompson nephew of Ricky Brian Thompson volunteered to speak with Brian and hopefully learn the whereabouts of the victim's body police told Michael Thompson they'd appreciate him sharing any information he might find out on November 15th to 1994 Thompson went to visit his uncle Brian was extremely suspicious he was convinced his house was bugged and that police were watching his every move after searching his nephew for a listening device Brian and Thompson engaged in a stilted dialogue meant to mask the true thrust of the conversation Brian needed to recover a shovel and rake he buried in the woods with Scotts body here was his confession but he wasn't about to say it out loud instead he wrote it in a notebook each time he wrote a message he ripped the paper from the notebook and burned it in a wood stove he was afraid if they were found the tools would link him to the body and during the written communication Brian sketched a detailed map pinpointing where the tools and the body were buried then he burned the map just as he had burned the other notes that evidence was gone but not for long [Music] after leaving Brian's home Michael Thompson immediately called police following the directions he'd memorized from the map drawn by his uncle he led them to a pit in the woods there they found a body 3:27 TSR there was an odor of uh decomposed flesh we then started going through the items it was a lot of debris we pulled the bre out and at one point detective Thomas found in the the foot belong to the victim the remains were crushed and mutilated almost beyond recognition with the help of an identification unit detectives Thomas and Bernard recovered and identified the body of Charlotte Scott nearly a month had passed since she had last been seen the case had stalled for several weeks as investigators tried in vain to trip up Ricki Brian but now they could go forward Charlotte Scott had been found and Ricki Brian's weird story about burying her body had led to her discovery police had what they needed to arrest Ricky Bryan but not enough to convict him they needed hard evidence that proved Brian knew where the body was buried the testimony of his nephew may not have been enough to convince a jury they needed the notebook in which he drew the map the map itself was unrecoverable but if the notebook could be found perhaps the remaining pages would bear it's faint impression with proving Brian had total knowledge of the slaying once again Brian's family helped police by bringing detective Thomas the clue he sought in December and brother Ricky Bryant was cleaning up the house that Ricky brine resided in and came across a notebook the notebook wasn't immediately brought to me upon look at notebook I could see impressions of where something had been written on the vague impressions defied all efforts to read them but Thomas was convinced they could be turned into hard evidence if only they could be made legible for that he depended on the forensic laboratory of the US Postal Service in Memphis Tennessee examining more than 17,000 documents each year it's one of the busiest document evaluation centers in the United States the lab is equipped to analyze anything having to do with ink and paper they can regain writing that's been erased and even illuminates signatures that have been scribbled out an infrared light source called a crime scope make some inks invisible and others fluoresce disclosing hidden writing the lab usually examines documents relating to white-collar crimes credit-card thefts forgeries and fraud it occasionally assists with outside criminal investigations especially in cases of murder forensic document analysts grant Sperry has been with the lab for 18 years postal service normally does not get involved local police cases our primary responsibility is to assist or support postal inspectors in the investigation of their offenses by providing them with forensic expertise in the area of fingerprints or document examination however in certain cases such as this one where heinous crime has been committed but we will offer our assistance [Music] in November of 1994 detective Thomas brought forensic document analyst grant Sperry the notebook from Ricky Bryan's house the original math was if these seemingly blank pages could be coaxed into revealing their secrets Thomas would have the evidence he needed to convict the killer we can conduct he would depend on Sperry and the postal laboratory to decipher the faint impressions of writing left on the page these telltale furrows are called indented writing they're embossed on a blank page when the page above is written on wood the ghostly impressions in the notebook tell the story of Charlotte Scott's murder would they be enough to convict Ricky Bryan okay Patricia we need to using a fiber-optic light source to illuminate the surface of the paper spare a determined that Brian's notebook did indeed contain faint impressions of the map and other indented writings after photographing it he utilized the electrostatic detection apparatus or ESDA the ESDA would make the ghost-like indentations visible the beauty of the ASDA is that it's non-destructive for the most part in other words your document is protected by the film the imaging film you can retain a permanent record of any of your indentations that are developed sperry placed the page from the notebook on a brass plate and pulled plastic film over it then a vacuum drew the film into the paper fibers and into the impressions the film was then electrically charged while toner cascaded over it the toner was attracted by the charge and filled the indentations in the film once the toner settled into place Sperry secured it with a sheet of adhesive backed plastic next step is to press take the clear plastic adhesive which now has an image on it developed with our ESDA and cut this image down to size removing the excess plastic before lifting the plastic film Sperry smoothed it to remove air bubbles a single document might go through the Asda process five to ten times to bring out every nuance say here we have entries appear to be school if necessary the lift can be scanned into a computer to enhance and separate the image in this case the lift of the map was so bold that Sperry could read the indented writings with a magnifying glass Thomas and Sperry were pleased with the quality of the lift and with the number of writing samples that emerged as disclosed every detail of the carefully drawn map leading no doubt as to where it led an arrow drawn to this little circled area does that mean anything yes this is going to be industrial Boulevard the roadway will be a pit the pit that the body was located there was okay additionally you have the wards shovel and rake on his map Brian used specific detail to describe where he buried his victim this was the evidence detectives were looking for once he had a clear image of the map sperry compared the writing to known samples of Ricky Brian's writing well in this particular case not only was important to have the details of the map as they ultimately were revealed through this examination but because we had writing available to examine obviously since the details of this map are precisely and pinpoint precisely where the body was located the author of the map one would think would have absolute knowledge of where that body was so it became important to determine exactly who did in fact write it the writing samples on the map matched known samples of Ricky Brian's handwriting Sperry had proved that Ricky Bryan was the author of the mag once all the evidence was revealed detective Bernard pieced together a likely scenario of Bryan's crime he went to her house late one night took her from the house brought her this isolated area here killed her mutilated her and then buried her in a grave what led Ricky Bryan to brutally murder the woman he claimed to love some said it was for her money Clayton Thomas feels differently I think he was really in love with her I feel that that during this time she was breaking off the relationship and I felt that if he couldn't have her no one else could have her as well Ricky Bryan never admitted killing Charlotte Scott to the end he clung to his story about the mysterious gang of men he was charged with first-degree murder and sentenced to 25 years before he'd be eligible for parole when a killer leaves behind a paper trail little does he know that he may have already signed his confession every document tells two stories one is intended by the writer and anyone can read it but the other is a secret tale that sometimes hides a terrible truth document examiner's are the tellers of these tales who seek the indelible truth behind the paper and ink [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 349,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handwriting, forensic science, crime documentary, full documentary, the new detectives, killer signature
Id: G3Kpar0pkpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 53sec (3113 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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