Pensioner's Home Attacked With A Hammer | Women On The Force | Real Responders

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it's not the type of thing we're getting this sort of earlier at all we follow three female police officers we're after the bad guys across their week of shifts in the next 24 hours we'll have him sat in our play cells bye see you later frontline policing in britain is changing the percentage of women on the force has almost doubled in the last 20 years whoever's in that vehicle will be getting arrested in west yorkshire there are now over 1 600 female police officers on duty today getting around behind me back now from immediate response get down here to csi obviously you want to catch the people that have done this from those just starting out drink some more tea i advise it to the decision makers at the top morning folks thank you very much a single shift got him can be a matter of life we're just waiting for another ambulance to come death you can just see the mail he sat on the edge of the tracks and everything in between your body can you fit in there you can get lost and every officer has their own way of dealing with the job hi my public toilet sorry tired and coping with the pressures it can bring back at home hi love you okay would you want to be a policewoman no oh charles how many robbers do you think i caught today uh a thousand a thousand robbers yeah in keithley today sergeant helen chapman has a busy week of shifts ahead how many of you caught today daddy nil no i was out with the dog her husband mark is an officer on the force too i'll try harder tomorrow okay okay it's 6 40 a.m helen and her team have got an early start yeah they're upset unhappy for now can't come on this warrant for the past year officers in keithley have been investigating a suspected heroin supplier 10 miles away in bradford we've come in early so we couldn't get out and execute a warrant the best time to do this warrant is first thing in the morning where it's most likely that the person we're after will be at home well this guy is what we suspect to be one level up from the street dealer so he is in a position of control over our street the higher up they get in the chain the less likely they are to even get their hands on the drugs they'll be well aware of what evidence will get him convicted so he would look to destroy his phone so we need to get our hands on that and if we get any drugs and money even better let me use that petrol station if you're flooded uh on our fraud helens arranged for other units in bradford to join them for backup we're basically breaking somebody's home there's fair potential that they could use violence on us so just need to be mindful of that and make sure they know who we are when we're going in good morning all right where's the sergeant i'm here search you're right yeah yeah i don't know if you've heard of this chat before we're not really expecting that there'll be large quantities of drugs there but if there is bonus if he's trying to get rid of anything at all it's going to be his mobile phone mobile phone is the thing that we want the most come on we'll give it a go you got to be in it to win it i don't know what the light then garage is but we'll park up there i left you nothing without there's no doubt about it it is a dangerous job you don't know what you're going to i don't think there's anybody who particularly wants to get arrested you're taking somebody's liberty away from them and you've got to prepare for them to fight back fall in darkness back at the station pc laura gargat is also beginning her week of six 10 hour shifts two earlies too late and two nights alongside her role on immediate response laura mentors trainee officers like 20 year old josh pollard west yorkshire police has invested 10 years in me so i feel it's important to put some of that back in and it's lovely to see the students and they start with me knowing nothing and by the end of that ten weeks they've got enough confidence to be able to go out and do the very basics and then just watch them develop from there it's been nine weeks since josh was assigned to laura oh look at the color of the sky isn't it pretty that is pretty nice laura's obviously one of the most experienced on the team she's got over 10 years servicing the police so yeah she's uh she's a top copper oh somebody's been in here with dirty feet shocking 10 weeks in a great deal of time for this job to get your head around it no situation's the same every job that you go to just blows your mind and you just think what am i going to do here this is their final week together before josh finds out if he's done enough to be signed off as a trainee and become a full pc there we go that's who we're after their first job of the day is to arrest a man suspected of assault after allegedly making threats on social media we've checked the suspect on our system we know that he's not got any warning markers um however we're aware that he's been involved in a crime that potentially involved a knife so we need to be very wary that he's not going to tool himself up and do something silly to try and evade us i do definitely get nervous but at the end of the day the public expect us to be fearless um and we have got a job to do so i just sort of have to put that to one side and get over it you often find that if you talk to people in a respectful way they don't get the heckles up quite as high and i would rather deal with jobs smoothly and then end up fighting with them but if i end up fighting it's not a fight you're ever going to win i will always win i'm six foot two hundred kilos i don't even know i'll tell you five three right and i'm still fairly sure that she'd have me in a fight so knowing that she's by my side is uh definitely confidence inspiring it's only because i use dirty tricks oh yeah i use dirty tricks given the risk of a difficult arrest laura will take the lead but she's hoping josh can bring the suspect in it's just after 7am and over in bradford helen and her team are outside the house of the suspected drug dealer please helen finds the suspect and a woman in one of the bedrooms right guys just to let you know we're here executing a section 23 misuse of drugs afterward the man's taken downstairs while helen questions the woman where's the drugs what are you doing what were you doing just then just so what's this it's was it it's only it's money okay and while she was in bed she was fiddling around i knew she was doing something and it transpired she was trying to tie this money up in her pajama bombs and hide it down the back of the bed i wish i had this much under my bed i guessed it about five thousand it's a lot of money you have lying around in your house so yeah that's good no drugs have been found but helen hopes that the search may uncover more potentially incriminating evidence of his keys is there anything on here yeah you're under arrest and suspicion of conspiracy that supply costs air drugs all right as the search continues helen's team discover another piece of potentially crucial evidence perfect that's the one we're after with drug dealing they will use cheap throwaway phones that they can change regularly so there's no evidence on them and it's more difficult for us to trace be interesting to see what's on there in keith lee pc laura garget and trainee josh pollard hi emma we need to come in have arrived at the house of a man wanted for a violent assault do you know what this is about and you know he's made allegations against you well what's in here an allegation of assault he's been provoking me i get that and i know there's a bigger story please i'm sorry is it bradford yes please you can get dressed my colleague's gonna follow you upstairs while you get dressed make sure that you don't have anything on you that's going to land you in any more trouble i remember once when i was a student with my um i was in my 10 weeks and i went into an address and i was a real i was a cow to somebody and he got his back up and my tutor turned around to me and said there was afterwards and we got him into cells he said you know what for the sake of 10 15 minutes and talking to him nicely we wouldn't have got an aggressive bloke in return he said you were so you need to learn to talk to people nicely and that really stayed on board with me nothing in your pockets is going to land you in any more dodie is it cool have we met before i don't know all right we'll pop you in there it's a tight fit we'll go to bradford and try and sort it out for you all right are you ready yep cracking [Music] all right if you just want to stand here please thank you laura wants josh to check the suspect into custody on suspicion of section 18 assault the allegation is that he has punch kicked and stamped on the victim there's also a cut on the victim's hand which is thought to have been by a knife as you know if the arrest is necessary the rest is necessary for a prompt and effective investigation and to prevent the harm to the victim josh is doing well possibly a little bit more confident you know he's coming out of his ten weeks now and and he just needs to hone in on that side of things but yeah he'll make a good offer so when he uh when he develops his skills a little bit more so if you wouldn't mind handing over to cid please what do they need to tell them that you've locked him up make a significant statement across in leeds inspector julie young is getting ready for her week of shifts there you go rory come on crumpet so what's everybody got on today she lives with wife amanda and their children rory and lois supposed to have died julie's got over 30 years experience having joined the police cadets at 16. after 12 years as a sergeant she's just been promoted to inspector i've recently changed from a more or less a monday to friday admin type role which was mainly organizing staffing and emails and covering gaps in in staffing um to back on the front line so i've been back a couple of weeks now and i'm absolutely loving it getting back to doing police work rather than admin being back on early late tonight seeing some of the sort of excitement and the challenge that frontline brings has been been really good julie is one of four female inspectors working out of putzy station morning fox thank you very much sit down please when she's on duty she can be responsible for up to 30 officers it's nice to see a nice full room this morning it's been massively busy over the last few days certainly last night they run about 102 logs at one point but they're down to 56 now we've got um quite a few domestic violence logs in there so one of the priorities that we'll be giving out to you guys today is just trying to get some of those resolved and get a grip before let's come on tonight so that's it give us a shout if you need anything thank you anything for before we go no thanks everyone as an inspector julie still spends time out on patrol you never really know what your day is going to be like yeah you never know what's going to happen i suppose that's the beauty of being in the police really that yes it's challenging it's difficult but actually you never know what your day's gonna bring i do have one moment you have to put with me today she's joining pc becky thompson on immediate response yeah sir i joined five years before you were born [Laughter] yeah so you can all right so like now what's the percentage of women on your team uh i think now we're about 50 50 if not more females and males whereas when i joined you would you would divide it up so that there was one woman on each team yeah my mum was an officer my mum and dad both of them so she joined years and years ago my mum reminds me of times that she has to wear a skirt and she had a little handbag with a junction in it walking up and down single crude pitch black the world was a bit of a different place then when i joined one of my colleagues who was retired now she's sort of a few years ahead of me she um her next-door neighbor reported to our discipline and complaints department for being a lesbian and they came around and interviewed her said you're bringing the force into disrepute and she's like how dare she say something so horrible and they're like well you know be careful because if you are doing that and you're having relationships with women you know you could get sacked so would you be able to take an emergency please just minutes after setting off an emergency call comes through you just give us a little a man has been seen attacking his girlfriend they're one of the nearest units on patrol a female victim who's been beaten up he's made off on foot so far i've got a cup mouth cut nose i don't know if you know this couple very well but there are high risk domestic couples last week he was suspect for assault and we threw bleach all over we were looking for his lad he made off after a robbery for all units on it but we're unable to find him he's got violence against police markers just be aware and what was the car that came in he's got her hanging over a balcony oh my god helen and her team are already mapping out their next operation over the last 14 years helen has held four different posts from response to neighborhood policing as well as on organized crime and drugs teams moved walls a fair few times which is great because i do get a bit bored after a few years what i like to do is go into a role learn how to do it become quite good at it i'm happy with that i can do it i then want to challenge myself with something else she only has a few shifts left this week before leaving to become a detective helen wants to leave keithley on a high and there's one long-running suspect she wants to bring in before she leaves the aim of the game is to try and get this individual she is going from a home address in keithley over the tops to radford bd9 where she's uh collecting class air drugs the aim is to get her stopped after she's been to collect she's on the ball and we've struggled to get her before 12 15 years i've never got her i've followed her before and she's been on to me straight away the information we've had is that depending on the format she's getting it in she's either hiding it in the car or plugging it straight away if it's in a kinder egg she'll just straight up so cuffs on we're not taking eyes off them if she stops she's getting arrested for conspiracy to supply class a drugs whoever's in that vehicle will be getting arrested over in leeds julie's arrived at the scene of a reported assault by a 17 year old suspect on his girlfriend the original call that we got was that it was like hanging her over that balcony there there you go becky can you fit in there you can get lost he's fled the scene and is on the run he's gonna have a word with a nervous safety virtually noise there's an inspector guy ultimately responsible for everything that everybody on your shift is doing the lady over there said he's just run through the gardens i'm responsible for the safety and well-being of my officers for their performance to the service that you're giving to the public even though they might be off doing something miles away from where i am ultimately the book stops with me if i make a mistake you know potentially you're dealing with life and death situations is his mum or he's home address anywhere near here he might be trying to make his way up there i'll see if we've got any details if we sort of explain to her that we're looking for him and he's we think he's out somewhere in woods she might be prepared to sort of ring him and persuade him to show himself to us eight three records six at mum's address hi kids hey we think he's currently sort of hiding from us like in gardens and woods will he ends up fun too the man has now been on the run for 45 minutes three we don't have any um taser crew this morning we have been monitoring all your last transmissions so we'll keep monitoring should he return that's much appreciated julia's shift ends in five hours and she wants to catch him before clocking off did you do any reading last night in keithley just read a page while i'm getting my shoes on sergeant helen chapman has the rare chance to take her seven-year-old son freddie to school before her next shift i don't often get to bring them to school so it's lovely i do savor them did right okay let's stop look at the road has it cleared of course the amount of parents evening sports events you try and take the time off for them but you can't always guarantee them but i have missed a lot he knows what i do and i don't think he fully comprehends what it entails it's police for him so that's catching robbers he sees robbers as wearing black and white drive-by tops with the swag bags they have assembly this week which they didn't be easier to catch them then for helen working shifts has become a way of life seven on three off seven on four off but i can't remember the last time i didn't go into work on my days off like for at least for one of them days i've kind of done that all the time since i've become a sergeant helen has one final drugs raid planned before she leaves keithley at the end of the week we in this one for months she and her team including pc charlie smallwood have been investigating a suspected female drug dealer yeah we're led by our communities and in the vast majority of these drugs are mentioned whether it be we've got drug dealers driving around in really nice posh cars fast around our streets i want you to target them or i can see street level dealers you know around the back or i've got drug users in the flat next door to me it's everywhere so proactively targeting our drug dealers it's what our communities want us to do we're not going to win the war on it but we're certainly doing what we can to disrupt these people when you've got an operation running your weeks and weeks planning it and then the night before you don't sleep because you're thinking about all the different scenarios and you just want to remain professional get the job done right but it is exciting as well because we're after the bad guys the unit have been given a tip off that the suspected dealer is on her way to collect drugs from a supplier when people are complaining about things it's generally dog poo and drug dealing nobody wants to see it on the streets their plan is to catch the woman after she makes the pickup i've got various different officers deployed in different areas so we've hopefully covered all bases all they can do now is wait there we go that should hopefully calm her down a bit this will be sausage have you had a snack nothing be hungry back at home pc laura garget is getting ready for a night shift tea time it's the last chance to see her two girls before the night begins laura joined the police ten years ago when her daughter charlotte was just seven years old i had always wanted to be a police officer from the age of 18. i tried to apply for greater manchester police and i was stumped by the fact i was five foot three there was an inspector there so my mum kind of pushed me into nursing um several years later and a career in nursing after 20 years and i was talking to a detective who was having an operation under local anaesthetic on a certain private area of his body and was just saying that i would have loved to being a police officer and he said well we're recruiting as well unfortunately i'm too short and he laughed and said well that went out about 10 years ago give it a go cut a long story short they had me and uh i've loved it ever since yeah i like that one i've actually got my eyes open yeah laura is still working as a pc 10 years on but she's now overseen the training of around seven officers today will be one of her final shifts with her latest trainee josh over in bradford after two hours there's still no sign of helen's drug dealer because she's not she's not coming up here this year hey there it's alan chapman um i think we'll just stand this down for now then yeah this woman is fast becoming the burn of my life helen doesn't want to let this case go before she leaves but with no sign of the suspected drug dealer so far she may have little choice for newly promoted inspector julie young it's also been a frustrating day she's led the hunt for a teenager accused of attacking his girlfriend he's still at large at the end of a long shift she's having a regular visit from mum pauline great i'll just get that out of the way oh yes please tap how's work going all right it's good being back on my whole team but now we've got loads and loads of young ones i think 80 of them were born after i joined police but if they point that out they talk himself into a bad role for deaf if they glow over that too much working nights again is obviously a bit more of a trial a trial at my age well you know but you well i suppose it's all relative julie spent 12 years as a sergeant before being promoted to inspector i suppose there's a woman in the police there has been some barriers to sort of promotion over the years and i'm not saying it's all because of that but it's taken me this long to get there but um over the past i think certainly lots of women in the police have felt that they've got to be twice as good as men to kind of seek promotion but i think now certainly when i look around even going back sort of two or three years in our force out of about 25 um inspectors that were in leeds there was only three or four women but now we're at least sort of 50 so that's fantastic now i think a lot of those barriers have gone and it's great for the young women coming into the organization now to see women in different ranks because you do need those role models are you proud of her new role no not half because she's tried a few times i think she could knock socks off them why why is she not being promoted in them she has been from fantastic oh my goodness laura and josh are about to set out on one of their last patrols together after 10 weeks laura will have to tell bosses if she thinks her trainee josh has done enough to go out on jobs alone they're responding to a call out from a pensioner who's just been subject to an attack on his home laura will be observing because you're coming very close to the end of your 10 weeks now i'm going to let you deal with this in its entirety and try my hardest not to open my mouth which as you are aware is quite difficult for me so at 72 what do you think you might need a lot of um it just needs a good level of service from us it reassures me if he's really shaken up etcetera then um we can always make him a cup of tea as well you can just keep him company for a little bit as well [Music] hello hello sir is it bernard right about there first of all right now i just jumped up and locked out and see what wall another one like that with our window you're in like that right you know fingers and then they must have thrown hammer in it the tile's there can you see the slate you know run down got his hammer come back so he's thrown something first time picked it up in front again is it yeah and then it comes straight through the top window here right okay it's a nice area around here it's not the type of thing we get in this sort of area at all can we come inside here excuse me if i'm waffling but i'm i'm still a bit shocked right okay that's where i sat and then i jumped to put wind and just had a little girl like that flying glass it just got me fingering something nick i'll clean it up for you while you're chatting to my colleague so two asian males i'd say we're over six foot right okay dark clothing we're just waving it just to let me know that you've seen me looking at him if you like find shards of glass on here as well yeah yeah yeah proper sprayed it everywhere haven't they you've not had any problems with anyone i know you said you've only been here two weeks no no no no problem is there a bin outside them big green bins down there right i shall go and find them right no worries laura leaves josh with the victim to take his statement yeah i felt absolutely petrified being on my own and i felt like i ain't got a clue to be honest but once i started sort of speaking to him going through what i'd heard laura go through a couple of times before it started to come out sort of better than i thought it would josh is doing really well he's saying all the right things asking all the right questions and the gentleman he's completely oblivious that josh is quite a young service police officer which is really reassuring because josh hasn't uh hasn't slipped at all he's doing a brilliant brilliant job and i'm very proud of him yeah what i'm going to do is i'm going to get a crime scene investigation to come out and have a look at that hammer and see if there's anything with any evidence on it we're lucky that we're not dealing with anything more serious because that could have quite easily flown through the window and hit him in his head and we would have been dealing with life-changing or life-ending injuries right then bernard yeah okay take care see you later it's 10 p.m and in leeds inspector julie young is starting her night shift they're still on the hunt for a teenager accused of assaulting his partner and now the victim has been released from hospital hello it's inspector young at porter police station my officers are going to go out again tonight um where do you think we might be able to get him yeah what will he be doing now do you reckon right what sort of time does he come in when he's coming back from his burglaring sprees but do you think he's likely to go back to flat no how come because he knows that we'll go there yeah right okay okay well soon hopefully we'll get him at some point more but if he makes contact with you then yeah all right okay see you later take care as the inspector overseeing the night shift julie is responsible for over half of the leads area what was that last one steve 1494. there are currently 15 live cases it's always kind of a bit of a juggling act as to risks and balances really and and and juggling staff to where where we need them to go so means the inspector has to take a step back from actually being sort of in the middle of dealing with an incident so i can keep an overview on everything and think well if i take some way from there i need to put them in this position you've got to have the trust in your sergeants that they know what they're doing so that i can concentrate on the ones that um really need my focus as inspect as the inspector we're unlikely to find him until he is asleep somewhere when we can catch him unawares so we've got lots of addresses to go look for him i anticipate that in the next 24 hours that we'll have him sat in our play cells no doubt [Music] ktmpt helen chapman speaking sergeant helen chapman is back on the trail of a suspected female drug dealer right do you know anything more about the jobs it's just to see if you can check whether a vehicle has triggered any cameras this afternoon it can be frustrating and it's a bit of patience you've got to learn um to accept that that you're going to have to sit and wait sometimes and things aren't going to go as you're planned without going but always get them in the end eventually all right has it come back they have a lead police cameras have picked up the suspect's car between bradford and keithley that's brilliant thanks a lot cheers thanks bye so vehicle has triggered going bingley bypass towards aircraft at 1502. they believe she's on her way home after a drugs pickup we need to be there now yeah let's do it let's get zan's dirt we get this best case scenario is we find her with a bag of drugs in her pocket and her the mobile phone that she uses to conduct all her drug dealing enterprise on in her other pocket it's not as good as catching them on the street doing it but finding them with a load of drugs is exciting it's good [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] you got anything on you anything you shouldn't have any drugs okay all right is there any more some more downsides to the question helen finds a plastic egg containing what they believe is heroin all right this time you're under arrest on situational position i think you could probably get about 60 wraps in there easy to hide to have 60 in your possession it's hard to explain as to why you've got them if you're trying to say you've got them for your own personal use helen needs conclusive evidence the woman is dealing drugs that wasn't around so that needs season oh we've got a tick list yeah where was that found it's a list containing the names of users who owe the suspect money that's got a date on the top of it fantastic i'm really happy with that we've got the mobile phones and we've recovered a quantity of drugs on an individual so great doesn't get much better really i do the job because i love doing it you realise the buzz you get from arresting suspects chasing people hunting them down putting files in going through to court and seeing people get sentenced and knowing that you've helped some victims of crime and it really spurs you on to want to do more do it again do it better catching a criminal on the job it's just a good feeling in keithley for pc laura gargett and trainee josh pollard it's the end of their 10 weeks training together they've responded to 90 call outs made 12 arrests and in the last week josh has led on the scene of several incidents he knows enough to be able to cope with the basics and the basics are he knows how to deal with an assault he knows how to deal with a burglary he knows how to deal with them a theft from person or a theft from vehicle he knows how to deal with a hate crime the very basics of day-to-day policing that most of us see on the front line it's healthy to be nervous the good thing is that we've got radios and we are literally a phone call away so if he's struggling all he has to do is shout up and we'll be there and we'll help him through um but he is he knows what he's doing it's time for josh to find out if he's done enough laura's given her recommendation but the final decision rests with their sergeant hi sarge [Music] julie's week of shifts is almost over and she's ending it with some good news her teenager on the run has been found so yeah one of our local supermarkets called when he went in there to get some food and luckily they were so well contained by officers had to eventually give himself up he was arrested what term does refuse to come out of himself for interview it's inspection i just need to have a chat with you right just move your blanket off your head so i can touch you sorry all right how are you feeling in yourself i'm not bothered to be about dreams you're not bothered well you don't want to be making a shanky if you want to see your son and you need to get out as quick as you can don't you like i've just seen i've passed caring okay [Music] jail's where you want to be for julie there are dozens of other live cases that need her attention [Music] for helen it's been a successful end to her time at keithley a little bit sad really leaving the uniform side of policing leaving my team but also you know looking forward to what's in the future i'm unlikely to be out on the street being able to chase down your most wanted or chase up the streets after drug dealers stuff like that isn't going to happen anymore for me so it's a little bit emotional i will miss the team so i just hope whoever replaces me gives them the care that they deserve congratulations confirmation to an email ask from now you are independent good stuff thank you very much thank you cheers it was lovely having josh signed off we've done it you've mothered and nursed him through his 10 weeks and then he just sort of cut those apron strings and watch them then really really flourish i think the absolute world of laura to be honest working with her has set me up giving me the skills that i need to go out on my own right we'll get that paperwork so you can get your car laura's 100 changed what i thought a female cop would be like i'm done with you don't want to darken my doorstep again see ya when you finish your set of six shifts you're usually quite exhausted particularly after last night shift i'm gonna be 50 soon i could have retired already it's just because i still feel young enough and able enough to still do my job and i still want to do my job it's a job like no other job really you see more in probably a few months than most people see in a lifetime well it's freezing you tired busy busy enough to keep us awake that's the one we're after okay all right this time you're under arrest on suspicion of possession of procedures just want to stand here please and then it comes straight through it's my top window here and what was the car that came in he's got her hanging over a balcony oh my god
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 31,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Responders, Police, Women On The Force, Policewoman, female officer, Police chase, Cop show, police show, Yorkshire, West Yorkshire Police, Yorkshire Police, Arrests, Stabbing, Suspect, Victim, Missing Person, Detective Work, Detective, Police Stories, Traffic cops, officer of the law, patrolwoman, first responders
Id: qRD4xCS6ZNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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